

The charts are pictorial illustrations of the result of the Divine Vision & Revelation given to Dr. Henry C. Kinley direct from Yahweh


The lectures are transcribed lectures of Dr. Henry C. Kinley


These are pamphlets that were created and provided by different authors and schools who are referenced in each pamphlet.

Elohim Books

This is a digital copy of “Elohim the Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe written by Dr. Henry C. Kinley.

Audio Lectures

These are audio lectures of Dr. Henry C. Kinley that have been shared by students that are referenced.

Video Lectures

These are video lectures of Dr. Kinley and other teachers who preach the unadulterated gospel of Yahshua the Messiah. We have also, provided different YouTube channels for different schools who teach the true gospel of Yahshua the Messiah.

Study Materials

In order to study this teaching, you must first have a ready mind and heart. Other items that may be useful are here:


We have taken the glossary from “Elohim the Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe” and added more definitions that are useful. There are color distinctions to tell the difference.

Conference Calls

Meridian SOHL, formerly known as The Meridian Class or IDMR Meridian, has hosted several conference calls with students and Deans of different schools from all over during several years. The links to listen to the conference calls are here.