New Testament

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley on November 4, 1970.








DR. KINLEY: There is not a day that passes over my head, no not even an hour of my life, that I don’t think about these people that belong to this school, and those that come down here seeking some information, some knowledge, some understanding about how that they can get along in this life with one another, and what’s coming up. What’s gonna happen in the future? What has happened in the past? And just to put it in more or less academic terminology: Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going to? What shall I do while I’m here?

Then somebody said, “Well the Bible said seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.” And somebody said: “Well, Jesus is the answer to all your problems and questions.” And they also said, “Well, go out and join the church and live a decent, moral, consecrated, sanctified and holy life, and behave yourself.” And all along the road you see signs, “Jesus is coming.” Now they began to take them signs down. Now they’ve been looking for Him for a long long time.

Now then you begin to hear about air pollution, water pollution, and pollutions of all kinds, insecticide, from the parasites eating up the vegetables, and poison, insecticide poison. And they got enough gas up here, poison gas up here in Utah, to kill everybody in the world. And they’re trying to make it safe to… And they did want to put it in the ocean, and they give out of that idea and so then they stored it up up there in Utah. Now they’re afraid that might get out of control or something. And when they were carrying it from one place to the other, the farmer’s sheep, and cattle, and all, some of it escaped and it killed quite a few of them. They didn’t know what was the matter with them, they just drawed up and died, and they didn’t know what the trouble was.

The UN and everybody else is concerned in trying to find some way to stop the production of nuclear atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs and to arrive at some conclusion that is workable to keep mankind from destroying himself off the face of the earth. And every kind of way you turn people are concerned about this, and that, and the other.

When you go to school on the college campus, and the university campus, they’re having problems of all kinds and all sorts. The police are there, and not only that, the teachers and the students and all… now you talking about confusion of all types and all sorts. The world’s in an awful mess.

Now down in Vietnam, I’ll have to speak about that too. Now Robert Kennedy, and what’s the other democrat that was running?…McCarthy. They say the solution to the war down there, they thought, was a coalition government. Now there’s 20% Roman Catholics down there, and the other 80% is Buddhist and Communist. Now you can split that up into whatever percent you want to. But now that’s, that’s the situation down there. Now listen, if they had… well I’ll put it this way. They did have a Roman Catholic. Deim was there and his brother, and they were Roman Catholic.

Now I’m trying my best to talk plain. I’m trying to tell you what’s going on, and what’s happening! Now they killed him, Deim, and his brother too. Then we turn right back around and put Tsu in. By the crooked maneuvers, political maneuvers and strategy, we put Tsu in there. Now he’s another Roman Catholic. Now North Vietnam, they say that they’re not gonna negotiate. They’re just not gonna have a Roman Catholic. Now then there’s the Buddhist, what about them? Now the Communist say they don’t want the Roman Catholic, and they don’t want the Buddhist, and they want to be head.

Now my point is this: It wouldn’t make any difference which one of ’em was there, the situation and condition would be the same! Just to make a long story real short, and clear up the whole matter, if they had a Coalition Government, and a Communist President, a Buddhist Vice President, and a Roman Catholic System in the government, you’d still have the same mess that you got right now! In other words the solution is not that!

Now, we had an election in this country. I told you, stood right in the pulpit and told you long before it happened, that John F. Kennedy, a Roman Catholic, so called, would be nominated, elected and assassinated. And before him, went back to Roosevelt, during Roosevelt’s regime, and I told the people that his last term, he would be nominated, elected, and he wouldn’t be in the White House one year from that day. Check the records and find out for yourself whether he was or not.

And every major thing that has happened on this earth plane for thirty-eight years, right straight down the line, I told you about. And I’ve also told you, as Dr. Clyde just said, “Now, if I tell you about these things and they don’t happen like I tell you, then don’t come back here no more.”

Now we’re not anxious to play church, and we’re down here to learn. And by your manifestation of coming out in the rain like it is out there tonight, I feel indebted to you! I want you to go away from here benefited! I want you to learn something! That’s why I’m telling you the things that I’m telling you about! That’s why I’m trying to show you the things that I’m saying to you. So that you can see that man on this earth plane, playing church and politics and religion and financial backing, that is no solution to this problem. None at all. There is no success that you can have in this life that is lasting. None of the material things…Howard Hughs, yes, I know all the big boys, the financiers. H.L. Hunt, Paul Getty, Bob Hope, with all of their accumulated millions, they’re just as unhappy as you could ever hope to be, and is just as much of a failure as you are! The solution is not that!

Now I have stood in front of this congregation and preached many times, and I didn’t have one cent, not one penny. Now Dr. Clyde and Dr. Bud Wunch, they just returned from Little Rock Arkansas; that’s where they were talking about that they were. Now sister Mary Gross, my secretary, and I have sat on a plane right out of International Airport, and we didn’t have one cent between us, and nothing of any particular value that we could spare to pawn to even get a penny. Now I’m telling you what’s right, just like it is, so that you can see that there’s something motivating this thing, that you can get busy and get to digging, so you can find something. And we got on that plane without a penny between us, and rode from International Airport to Springfield Ohio, 2300 miles. And if somebody had not met us at the, in the Dayton Airport, we didn’t have enough money to put in the telephone to call up 25 miles from there, and tell somebody we had landed and to come get us.

Now then, on top of all of that, long years before ever I ever come to LA, I drove equally as many hundreds and thousands of miles in worst weather than what you got right out there now. It’s just raining, and sleet and snow, and then on top of all that, went on up in West Virginia mountains, and up in the Kentucky mountains on a job. And I have to come down that mountain. I have to stop on top of it, get somebody to put the chains on it, and come down off that mountain. And I’d see ’em skid. And down at the foot of the mountain I’d pass along, as you pass along by, you’ll see cars overturned, some of ’em there they hadn’t got ’em picked up yet.

Now what I’m trying my best to tell you is this: I would not even dare to go through all of that, to drive all them many hundreds of miles, take all them chances on my life to get to you in all kinds of weather, and nobody paying me a dime, and me using my own money to get to you to tell you about things. There’s got to be something to this! Where could you go? You tell me, just stand right up and tell me, if you know any church on the face of this earth at this time, that has a Pastor that never asked them for a penny or anything – up you come, and let me know about it. And all this work that you see around here represents many, many many years of hard work, thirty-eight years to be more exact.

Now listen! Listen at what I’m telling you. Now we’ve had them from all of your churches you can think of, including the Roman Catholics, and any Protestant church you want to think about. We’ve had the Scientist, we’ve had the philosophers, we’ve had the so called atheist, we’ve had the agnostic, we’ve had the infidel, we’ve had the medical doctor, we’ve had everything down here that you can think of. Is the picture coming out clear now? Yes, sir, we’ve had ’em, any religious denomination you want to think of, including any of ’em, Black Muslims, White Supremist, we’ve had everything right down here in this place. We have took their books, their literature, Roman Catholic Bible, Encyclopedia, Protestant Bible, and Encyclopedia. Roman Catholic Commentary, Protestant Commentary. Are you following me?

And our works have been gone all over the world. Haven’t missed anybody. And during all this time, I wanna tell you to your face, there hasn’t been no-bod-y that’s been able to stand up here and to refute what we teach. And listen folks, it is not just a matter of running your mouth! That’s not gonna do it any good. And I don’t care what you say that’s not the thing that’s gonna help it.

Just like one of the brothers was talking to me this afternoon. He was talking about what happened in Springfield, which he was calling my attention to it. I think Dr. Harris was there at that time. And Carter, that was pastoring your church in that area up there, he said that Jesus said: “I give you a New Commandment that you should love one another.” I said it’s not new. He looked at me just as funny, and said, “Jesus said it was.” I said all right it’s, it’s new, but I’ll explain it. Now what He come in the world to do was to fulfill.

Now to show you that it wasn’t new, you go back there and get the ten commandments, get the ten commandments, you won’t get far before you’ll read it. That’s the 20th chapter of Exodus. Now what He was doing was fulfilling that Law. And during those three and a half years that He was walking around, He never told them to love one another. The Law said that, but He never told them to love one another. Well, why didn’t He tell them to love one another? Because they didn’t have nothing in ’em! Just like you folks around in the world, they have nothing in them. It was no need in come up telling somebody to love somebody. That’s why He never told them.

But now in order to fulfill that part of it, every jot and every tittle; that was a jot and a tittle that was back there, and He had to say it! Just like those other words that He spoke when He was on the cross; “Eli Eli lama sabachthani.” Well, that was written back there and He had to say it. We’re fulfilling jots and tittles. You see what I mean? Remember one time they were going along, and because the other fellow disciples didn’t do like they did, wanted fire to come down on his own disciples, they wanted fire to come down and burn up the other fellow back there. And He said, “You don’t know what spirit, you don’t know what kind of spirit you’ve got.”

Now listen, just standing up here in this pulpit reciting words and repeating words: “Jesus said.” Now that ain’t, that ain’t, that ain’t gonna get it. Now it isn’t that He didn’t say it, but it’s not an effective thing within you! That’s what I’m talking about! And when He said it, everything that Jesus said, everything He said; He didn’t say nothing, not a thing, but what He wasn’t just walking around here, and He’s saying it. And Roman Catholic, and Protestant, neither one, none of them they haven’t caught up with what He’s talking about! Not yet! Don’t start no arguments with me! Don’t start to argue with me. For example, suppose you turn over there and get the 26 Chapter of Matthew and the 26 verse, and see if I don’t know that it’s in there and I can’t read.

READER: and as they were eating. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: Yahshua took bread. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: and blessed is. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: and break it. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: and gave it to the disciples. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and said. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: take eat, this is my body. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: and He took the cup. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: and gave thanks. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: and gave it to them saying. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: drink ye all of it. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: for this is my blood of the New Testament. . .

DR. KINLEY: for this is my blood of the New Covenant

READER: which is shed for many for the remission of sin. . .

DR. KINLEY: which is shed for many for the remission of sin. Is that right? You did manage to read it didn’t you? Now I want it read again. I want it read again! Now I’m gonna show you what the difference is. Read it again, right where you were, what you read.

READER: and as they were eating. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute! It said, and now as they were Reading!

AUDIENCE: No! Eating! Eating!

DR. KINLEY: As they were eating. Now get these words straight! As they were eating. As they were… Now I wanna know, they who? When was this? Where was it? Who’s He talking to? Now here’s Reveren, he’s up there saying: “And as they were eating, Jesus said for us… And as often as we eat this bread, we show forth His death and suffering until He come.” All you’ve done is just twisted up what He said. And there wasn’t one Gentile in the bunch. Nobody there but Jews, and just twelve men were there. That was even in another age or another world! Now here you get up here and you come quoting to me. Say, “It’s Matthew 26:26, and that’s in the New Testament! And you want to say: “Well here it is right here.” Take your book… Come on Leonard, get up and get busy, and help me out here. Show me how they show the New Testament. Get up! I want these people that’s afraid to come up to the front, there’s new people around here, I want them to see. Get up and go on back there. Now Reveren get up there and read what she just read. And he said, “I’m preaching out of the New Testament!; this is New Testament teaching. And Jesus said,” Now don’t argue with me, that’s what they do in the Mass! And these are the very words that they recite in the Mass. And they say, “Jesus said.” I know hocus pocus, something that they say in Latin. Now listen folks, He never said no such a thing! And that’s not in the New Testament. You see what I mean? Is it on the —- page. I wanna know! Answer me?


DR. KINLEY: I’ll show you why all the confusion is, and why folks can’t get no consolation out of going to church. Now hold what you got right there. I just got through saying it wasn’t in the New Testament. And I just got through saying Jesus never said that to these people in this dispensation. And I say every Priest that ever said that Jesus said for us to take it in the communion or in the mass, I say he’s a lie. And it never has done anybody any good that ever took it. That’s what’s the matter with you, is you’ve been deceived all your life, 2nd Corinthians the third chapter.

READER: Do we began again. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: to commend ourselves. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: or need we. . .

DR. KINLEY: or is it necessary? Read.

READER: as some others. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: epistles of commendation to you. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: or letters or commendation from you. . .

DR. KINLEY: Or letters of commendation from you. That’s to or from. All right. That’s what you call a Minister’s License. Read on.

READER: Ye are our epistle. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you are our epistle! You are our epistle! Now look Williams! If you don’t know what you’re talking about, and I don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re just like me, just another Jack ass, that’s all. Just make the thing clean and crystal clear so everybody’ll understand what you’re talking about. Get all the mysteries of it, and the parables out of it. Now I said that because I’m Dean around here, and you’re my, you’re my epistles. If I don’t know what I’m talking about, and you’re following me, then you don’t know what you’re talking about, because ye are our epistles. In this case the Apostle Paul was talking about they are the epistle of the Apostles. All right, read!

READER: Ye are our epistles written in our hearts. . .

DR. KINLEY: You are our epistles. Listen at this, written in my heart! SEE, I’VE GOT TO HAVE YOUR HEART!! I cannot stand up here and go through all this for no cause and no reason. I’m not gonna run around in the rain and snow; I’m not gonna carry on like I’ve carried on for thirty-eight years and nobody pay me nothing for it. I’M NOT SEEKING YOUR PRAISE, AND YOUR HONOR. I’m trying to make it clear. It’s because Yahweh has put it in, in fact, He’s just in me. I’ve just got the I can’t help it. Somebody say: “You keep your mouth off of my church!” I CAN’T HELP BUT TELL YOU THE TRUTH! There’s nothing else for me to tell you. That’s what I come for. Then now, you’re sound asleep. Here when Yahshua the Messiah come along, can’t you see the Sanhedrin Counsel jumped all over Him, tried to arrest Him, and put Him in jail. Sent the delegations after Him, and when they didn’t come back with Him, said: “Well, why didn’t you bring Him back?” Said “Well look here, Said never a man spake like that man, I never heard nobody speak like that man.” And you won’t hear none of these hypocrite preachers out here speak like me! And they don’t have to bring me, just send for me and I’ll be there. That’s right, I’ll go in anybody’s church and preach the same thing, yes indeed, even if I have gotten thrown out of church. I’M INTERESTED IN SAVING YOUR SOUL; I know what’s coming. Cause when Yahshua the Messiah is revealed from heaven, (listen at what I’m telling you!) He’s taking flaming vengeance! Crying rocks and mountains fall on me, hide me from the face of Him that sits on the throne! And Peter said it would pass out with a great noise! You talking about your wife and you are scared of thunder – WELL I’M LOOKING RIGHT AT THAT ALL THE TIME! I’m conscious of it! And that’s why I’ll go in the rain, that’s why I’ll go in the snow and in the sleet. And really, and truthfully, if it wasn’t Yahweh taking care of me I would have been dead long time ago. I would have slipped off the side of one them mountains or turned that automobile over. And I drove it at a rate of speed as high as a hundred miles an hour to be at a certain place at a certain time. Dr. Gross whenever you sent for me, I didn’t answer your letter, didn’t I come. You’ve been with me around thirty-eight years. Now that man ought to at least have some idea! Now I’m talking about what I’ve done. Now he spent better than a hundred thousand dollars. That man’s a rich man. And he’s put his money in this thing for your benefit and your good, and both of us been in all kinds of churches.

Now I don’t want to lose the continuity of thought, and neither do I want to keep you here. But I wanna scent you in to what I’m talking about. I want you to see the reality of it. I want you to see how you have been deceived, how you have been fooled, and the reason why you’re walking around trying to find some source, trying to find some consolation.

[SIDE 2]

Now the folks have gotten around to the place where they can’t have a decent thought, and they’ve resorted to drugs. Now let me tell you this now while I’m at it. Now look, Messiah said in the first chapter of St. John, (I’m telling you where you can find it at in the book, you can look at it when you go home). We don’t have time to read everything. But now He enlightens every man, every man that comes into the world, He enlightens them. In other words, GOD HAS GIVEN EVERY MAN A SUFFICIENT AMOUNT OF INTELLIGENCE TO COMPREHEND WHAT HIS PURPOSE WAS. Now He said He give ’em a sufficient amount. NOW YOU DON’T NEED NO BOOSTERS ON THAT! And you haven’t got too much sense… you’re not too intelligent even before you take the drug. You need all the sense… You needn’t be taking some drug and getting a, to get a kick out of something. But Yahweh gives you a sufficient amount of intelligence for you to comprehend his Purpose without fail. And all you can get out of that is a hallucination. Now why worry with that, when you got all these hypocrite preachers up here, well what’s the use of worrying with that? Aren’t you bringing enough straw, and drinking enough impure water? What’s the use of going out hunting up something else to give him? I’m just making it clean so you can understand what I’m talking about? What’s the use in you going down the street trying to pick a fight with a white man and a white man trying to pick a fight with a Negro? Something to think about. You can’t get along with you wife. Well why? Say, “Well, I just can’t get along with that woman, that’s that’s..!” See now that’s old too. That’s what he, that’s what he said back here in the Garden., said “That woman you gave to me.” Well now suppose she just turn the thing around and say, “Well look, that man you united me to.” THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG SOMEWHERE FOLKS! And we’ve got to find out what’s wrong.

All right, now I just got through telling you, that they said that was New Testament teaching, Matthew 26:26. Where that Jesus said for us to take and to eat, and this was His body. And I just got through showing you here, (Freddy do something here), that was under this age back here. He never said nothing like that to you in this age. It’s just not there. And look, you wasn’t even invited to the party fellow! That covenant was made with the Jews only back there. Now here you are trying to tell me that Jesus said, “As often as we eat this bread, and as often as we drink of this cup, we show forth His death and suffering until He come.” He didn’t say no such a thing. That’s not in the Bible where He told us to do it. And you just read there He was talking to His disciples. All right now, now read. Now listen, listen, I want you to follow me down so you can see what I’m talking about. Then I had Dr. Allen, or somebody, Dr. Leonard, to get up and show to you where they said, (showed you in the Bible), where they say this is the New Testament. And I said that’s not so. Now I’m proving to you that that’s not so. All right read.

READER: Forasmuch as you are manifestly declared..

DR. KINLEY: Forasmuch as you are manifestly declared to be the epistle

READER: of the Messiah. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: ministered by us. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: written not with ink. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute there buster, hold everything. See written not with ink. Would you say that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John was written with ink? If you don’t say that it was, I’ll read it to you that it was in the Bible. “Written not with ink,” all right read.

READER: but with the spirit of the living Elohim. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: of the living Elohim. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: not in tables of stones. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now it’s written back there in tables of stones. Just say, thou shalt not do this, the do’s and the don’ts. And it wasn’t forty days after Yahweh said it before they had it broke. Now what good is it gonna do me to stand up, or anybody else as for that matter, to stand up here and tell you to do something, and you don’t know the story and you’re all confused about it. And you and I are epistles written in our hearts read and known of all men. Say Williams, get up here. This man is, this man is a preacher. He’s a good one too. Now this is happened to him. Now as the other people settin’ here in these seats, on these chairs, and listen to this man open his mouth and preach to you, or me, or anybody else, (with you, it’s a profound knowledge of what the dispensation and ages), every mistake he makes when he says that Jesus said, “As often as we eat this bread and drink of this cup,” and as often as he says that this is the New Testament… Now he might cry a little bit, “Well he’s sincere,” as brother Clyde said: Said “If ever there was a good man he’s all right.” And then he might say that he’s prayed over this grape juice and this cracker and it’s consecrated or sanctified and all lika that, but these that’s sitting down here they know the truth. They know that that man… and they know that he’s not one of my epistles. Do you see that now? They know that he don’t know what he’s talking about. Cry, Yes, sir! And say, “Come give God you, uh, give me your hand, and God your heart, won’t you come now?” See, they can say that and every last one of these eagles, who are sitting down here, and every last one of my epistles knows he’s wrong. And he don’t even affect a one of them. He don’t even phase one, not even the first. Do you see what I mean? And he may be so serious about it till he wants to run on, even run over time. Now we’ve had them down here, and had them up here in this pulpit that way. And we’ve had so many of them until the audience and congregation jumped on me and said, “Say Doc, when you gone quit putting them hypocrites up down there? We come down here to learn something. We pay money for this building down there to come down there and hear, if we wanted to hear them, we’d go out there and listen to ’em.” I said well look, we’re trying to win somebody; we’re trying to open somebody’s eyes. Do you see what I mean? So then we stopped it. They said, “Well I’m sick of it. I’m sick of guest speakers. I wanna know something to save my soul now. I been eating that junk out there all my life, I ain’t got nothing out of it.” And then this is what you do: The very thing that they tell you you shouldn’t do, you just, you can’t help it. You can’t help it. You go and do their thing that you think is wrong, and you can’t help it, because they’ve taught you that it was wrong. Well for example, to give you some of what I’m saying. They say, “Well it’s wrong to eat pork meat; it’s wrong to eat meat on Friday; it’s wrong to chew tobacco; it’s wrong…” When you get through with it, see when you get through with it, it’s wrong, everything is wrong. And you done drawed up, (thank you Doc), you done drawed up and get so particular about trying to live righteous, it’s just like a man walking a tight wire. I’m trying all I can, and we do wrong trying to do right, and your conscience is condemning you all the time. Then you ain’t got but one other chance then, and that’s try to hide behind something. And you hope that brother so and so, they won’t see you. Now that’s what’s going on folks. I know what I’m talking about! It’s going on among the parishioners, and everybody else, the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. ‘Cause they don’t even know what’s right, they have no knowledge of it at all, and they say “Jesus said.” Said that you are our epistles written in our heart. Is that right? Suppose you repeat.

READER: Ye are our epistles written in our hearts, known and read of all men. . .

DR. KINLEY: Known and read! Somebody’s reading you, reading you. Now when you’re out there in babylon, or out there in any church, you wanna talk about somebody… See you’re measuring that priest, or that cardinal, or that layman, you’re measuring him by yourself, and he’s measuring you by himself, and both of you, all you can do is just try to dodge around and hide from one another ‘cause there’s nothing there. And he’ll tell you, “Now listen you come back to confession,” ‘cause he know you ain’t gone live nothing. How does he know that? ‘Cause he ain’t living nothing. In other words, he’s just measuring one another by one another. They are just what he’s preaching, and what he’s teaching. You see what I mean? Read and known of all men. Written in our hearts, not with pen and ink. Now do you see what I was trying to show you? The New Testament is not written with pen and ink! So if it’s not written with pen and ink, why are you trying to tell me that Matthew is the beginning of the New Testament? Now watch this head on. Jeremiah 31:31

READER: Behold the days come. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: saith Yahweh. . .

DR. KINLEY: Who said that?


DR. KINLEY: All right saith Yahweh.

READER: that I will make a new covenant. . .

DR. KINLEY: That I will make a, I’ll, I’m gonna make the new covenant. Read.

READER: with the house of Israel. . .

DR. KINLEY: With the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. All right

READER: not according to the covenant. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now if Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and the Acts of the Apostles and the epistles, now if that’s not the New Testament then what is? All right, read on.

READER: not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers…

DR. KINLEY: Not according to the covenant that I made with them when I took them by the hand. Now listen folk! Now listen! Right there you ought to at least try to wake up. You see what I’m talking about? Here’s the Priest and all the rest of them up here, doing the same thing that they done back there, baptizing in water, washing feet, and eating Lord suppers and everything else. Do you see what I’m talking about? Said, “I ain’t gonna make another covenant with Israel like that no more, when I took them by the hand and brought them out of the land of Egypt.” Well, then what kind, what’s gonna happen?

READER: but this shall be the covenant. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now this is what it is! Do you believe Yahweh, or do you believe God? Whose word you gone take for it? Now this is what He said it was. All right.

READER: after those days saith Yahweh. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeat)

READER: I will put my law in. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute! He said, He was gonna do it! Now here you are trying to tell me Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, don’t you see why you haven’t got no where? You see what the difference is? Now that’s how you learn when you come down to this school. And it’s no sense in you going through the rain, and through all kinds of weather to come here, and sit up and look at some monkey up here in the pulpit that don’t know straight up, AND WE REFUSE TO HAVE THEM KIND. I’M GONNA MAKE IT MY BUSINESS TO SEE TO IT THAT THEY’RE TAUGHT. I’m gonna make it my business to see to it that you know that this Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and these epistles, was written under the old covenant. And that Jesus never did say to no gentile, “Take eat this is my body, this is my blood,” and they wasn’t even at the party. Now how could He say it to ’em when they weren’t even invited? He’s eating it with His disciples up in the upper room. And I’ll have you to know if you go back to the 12th chapter of Exodus, take a lamb out of the flock, a lamb to a house. And then they were to kill that lamb on the 14th and offer it up, and eat it on the 14th. Ain’t that right? I wanna know whether that’s right – if that’s what the Bible says? I don’t care whose Bible you read it out of. But it sure wasn’t done up in no midst of no congregation. You got it in that Bible where He ever wrote, ever did anything like that up there in the Temple?

DR. WILLIAMS: It’s not in there Doc. It’s not in there, no where in the Bible.

DR. KINLEY: It’s not even in the Almanac, not to say nothing about the Bible. And that’s why I’ve acted and done as I have done. And I simply will not stand for you to come down here, and through the rain and through the snow and through the sleet, and from one time to the other, and not tell you the truth about it. And when I tell you the truth about it, see they lay in wait out yonder… And they have done it, beat me up bodily. But they ain’t gone never… I’m like the Apostle Paul said: “NO MAN IN THE REGIONS OF ACHAIA shall stop me from this boasting.” Now if you’re sitting up here with the devil in you, you’re not fooling me when you say, “Look, that man don’t know what he’s talking about.” You ain’t, you don’t disturb me. See I’ll tell you what’s the matter with you. You know what’s the matter with you? You know why you said that? You know you can’t gainsay and resist it. And you’re just a, You’re afraid, you’re a coward, you’re a hypocrite! That what it is, the devil in you. And then the best you can say is say “That man don’t know what he’s talking about. I ain’t going back down there no more.” You’re fooling yourself, not me. The words that I speak, they’re powerful, they’ll uproot anything out of anybody. Yes, sir. Yahshua the Messiah said: “The words that I speak they are spirit and they are life!” And it resounds within your conscience, and you tremble in you boots just like I do mine.


School of the Highest Learning

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