None of the Angels in Heaven & None on Earth Knew Purpose of Yahweh

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley on December 4, 1974 in Los Angeles, California.






MODERATOR: The Founder of our school, Dr. Henry C. Kinley.

DR. KINLEY: Thank you ever so much. I really enjoyed the testimony of our brother that came down from South America and I’m sure that he has found out that everywhere you go, you’ll find there is much stupidity and colossal ignorance anywhere you go, it doesn’t make a difference, they don’t have no idea no knowledge of what it’s all about. Now as you know this Wednesday night we try to teach and we leave some room for questions to be asked. And I’d like to say this, too, that in the beginning of this school, in its infancy, you couldn’t hardly get up and preach a sermon for somebody interrupting, wanting to ask a question. And then somebody else had another question to ask off of it, the same subject that the other person asked. And when you got through with it, why you didn’t get anywhere. So for that reason, we just stopped it. And, of course, there is another reason, too, which they found out later, that if you just keep your seat, set still, set tight, pay attention, give us your undivided attention, your questions will be answered. You won’t have to seek advantage of an opportunity to ask, but they will definitely be answered. Now I won’t say that you will accept everything, and we don’t really advise you to. If you just don’t understand what we’re talking about, just say so. That’s what we’re down here for is to learn.

And I just wanna say something else, too. Everywhere this school exists, doesn’t make any difference where it is, in or out of the United States, they all teach the same thing. Now how about that? You can’t find that in none of the rest of them: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodox Judaism, or no other kind of isms or knowledge. You just can’t find it.

Now folks, the critical thing is this, we have had people in the world, such as are called atheists, agnostics, infidels, and quite a few of those haven’t been able to get their questions answered. And I do remember, a ____ in Tennessee, I believe it was, Clarence Darrow, with the evolution, theory of evolution. And they had quite a round about it; and William Jennings Bryant was the one that was on the Lord’s side at that time, and Clarence Darrow just made a fool out of him. Now he.., the way that Clarence Darrow did, now he was a lawyer, Clarence Darrow was, and William Jennings Bryant was supposed to be a, a, a well-read Bible student and theologian, but there were so many questions that he couldn’t answer. And you have the same identical problems today that it’s embarrassing for a lot of people to ask out in public, but they just don’t believe. Now I’m gonna tell you right straight and flat out, so that you can understand what I am talking about. Until you get some knowledge of the truth, there’s nothing else for you to be but an agnostic. That’s what you was when you come to school – agnostic. Somebody say, ‘Oh, no, I belonged to the…’ I said you was an agnostic. That’s just terrible. Now do you know what an agnostic is? Well, somebody that knows what an agnostic is, let him tell us what an agnostic is.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: One that so-called believes in God, but has no way of proving it.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Now that’s what an agnostic is; now that’s condensed. Now that’s really the etymology and the essence of it. He believes that there is a god or a supreme deity, but he, his contention is there’s no way to prove it. Well, that means this, there’s no way to reconcile one another, because they just don’t know.

Now Billy Graham says this. He said he believes that there, there was a God, but couldn’t nobody prove that.., anything at all about Him, but you just believe. Now that makes Billy Graham an agnostic. He calls himself a Baptist; but he’s an agnostic. And he ought not to be out there teaching, trying to teach anybody anything until he admits that he don’t know. And he’s too stupid, after admitting that he don’t know, to go somewhere and sit down. Now that sounds bad; I know it does. Such a world-famous evangelist, crusading for Christ, and he has other joint sessions all every whichaway.

And that brings me to Sun Yet (Yung?) Moon. He’s a Korean evangelist. He is come over here now; and he was in Seattle, Washington. And he had such a crowd, great big crowds like Billy Graham has, in Seattle, Washington. Well the crowds came. But he had those people to think that, or tried to persuade them to think that he was Christ. And they didn’t like that. So they went there, and you might say they run him out of town.

Then we have another one, that I understand now he is going to be here. He is supposed to be the lord of the universe. Seventeen years old. A Rajah


DR. KINLEY: Arajah Ja1, something like that. Raja jive talk and all of that.


Now folks, listen, this is a serious thing and you have come right down to the very last few prophetic seconds of this probationary period. Now you need to know something definite, something positive, something basic, something fundamental, something concrete, something irrefutable, something undeniable. You need to know how it works in the dispensations and ages. I want to say this, too: with a profound knowledge of this, Yahweh and His eternal purpose, that’s what I’m talking about, through the dispensations and ages, oftentimes you’ll find people that are self-conceited and they want to be looked up to, they want to be smart, want to be respected. And he’s all puffed up in his carnal mind and thinks, stupid enough to think that unless they endorse what you’re teaching, why, it doesn’t amount to anything. They’re just stupid like that. As though the world would pay some attention to them. They didn’t actually pay any attention to the Savior.

But now in this school, what we have done, we’ve tried to get down to brass tacks with you, teach you something for sure, no foolishness. And when you learn what we are teaching down here, there is no way out of it. And there is nothing nowhere better in the world.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now you can believe that or not. There just isn’t anything any better anywhere in the world! Now there are some here that know that, that belong to this school. They know that; they’re sure of it. Now somebody might think that I’m up here just inflating my ego. No. I’m talking about a profound knowledge of it. If ever you learn what it’s all about, learn the basics and the fundamentals of it, you’re finished. As Bishop Short says, you have come to the end of the line. This is it.

Now there’s a way to go into the Bible to understand something about it, so that you can see the reality of it. And it doesn’t mean now, I want you to pay attention

______________ 1 Guru Maraj ji

to everything I say now, because to me, I don’t feel too good in the first place, and it’s for your sakes that I labor to try to impart some understanding. And it’s not because I think I’m so smart, either. I want you, I want you to get that understood. But I do know that I’m as smart as you make ’em. I don’t want you to overlook that. Now, I didn’t mean to say that by the way of boasting in myself; I didn’t mean that that way. But this is the way I did mean; now this is the way I meant it: Yahweh himself caught me up into the third heaven just like He did Moses and the rest of the prophets, and showed me His purpose and His plan through the dispensations and ages. Now that’s why I said that. And if He had not done that, I wouldn’t have known no more about it than nobody else.

Now, what we have on these charts around here and in your Bible and what we teach around here, there’s 43 years there haven’t been nobody that’s been able to successfully dispute and refute. They just don’t live. They’re not living; and they are not dead. They can’t do that. But there is a way that you can put this thing together, I’m talking about your Bible. And this is something that’s often overlooked. I’ll bring it to your attention as of now. This book is sealed with seven seals; and the Lamb of Yahweh is the only one that was able to loose the seals and to open the book. Now that means that nobody on earth had any right to do any boasting around about that. Now heaven was searched; the earth was searched; and you wasn’t overlooked, that’s right, neither was Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, none, none, none, none of ’em was overlooked; but there was none of ’em that was able to open the book and loose the seals; in other words, there didn’t any of ’em know the purpose of Yahweh, none of the angels in heaven, and none, none of, nothing, nothing on earth didn’t know. Now how about that? Now you know good and well there must be something wrong. Something is wrong. You can’t get out in no denomination, it doesn’t make any difference what denomination it is, and find as many people as sitting in this building here agree together. You can’t do that, among the rabbis, or among the others, you can’t do that. They just don’t recognize; they just don’t realize.

Now we had the 10th chapter of Romans read, specifically for this purpose alone, that Yahweh dealt with the Jews first, in the Old Covenant, with the Hebrew people, Hebrew, Hebrew, Hebrew nation. Now there’s no need for you to argue about that, Roger. And He revealed His secrets to whomsoever He willed, not whomsoever you choose. Now He raised Israel up. He chose them, so then Israel didn’t choose Him, He chose them. Now pay attention. And then He revealed to that nation, those people, what His purpose and His plan was, in types and shadows. They didn’t possess a realistic knowledge of Him until after Pentecost, or until Pentecost. It was hid from them, too.

Now there is a way to go about this to understand something about your Bible. Now you, you either go that way or else you just can’t learn it. People have gone in the Bible, say, ‘well, I’m gonna read the Bible. I’m gonna be good. I’m gonna join the church; and I’m going to do right; and I’m gonna start on my way to heaven tonight.’

I remember a fellow one time that got tired of that old Tabernacle sitting out here

on Mount Sion, said, ‘Here I am, I live in a house of cedar, and that old weather beaten Tabernacle setting out there on Mount Sion and the Lord has to dwell in it, or Yahweh has to dwell in that; and I’m setting up here all, in finery and all like a that.’ And so he decided he’d build Him a house. So he sent for Nathan, the prophet, the prophet of Yahweh. Nathan, this is David now here, and so when Nathan gets over there, Nathan, he tells Nathan all about it, you know, on down. And Nathan said, ‘Oh, that sure is wonderful. That’s nice of you, David, to build Yahweh a house, for Him to dwell in.’ Said, ‘do all that’s in your heart; to do, do everything that’s in your heart. That sure is nice.’2 He went on back home, laid down, went to sleep and had a dream. And Yahweh said to Nathan, go right on back over there to David, and you tell David that He’s not gonna let him build no house for Him. And when the house, when the house is builded for Him, he’ll be sleeping, or he’ll be dead and buried with his fathers. Tell David… To cut a long story up short, and just to show you, just like preachers out here now building churches. Ain’t that something. Painted window glasses, building a house of God. That’s wonderful, ain’t it. There are a lot of stupid people, they been taking mortgages on their properties and get in head over heels in debt for the rest of their life to build somebody a.., to help some preacher build God a house; and then you open your Bible over there to the 17th chapter of Acts and find out that Yahweh don’t dwell in no houses made by hands.


Ain’t that something. He don’t dwell in no houses made by hands.

But now, just for.., to get down to business. What we’re, what we wanna talk about now is how you go in your Bible and show you how that it is done. Now, I’ll be eighty years old my next birthday, if I live to see it, and Yahweh lets time go on, which I’m really not interested in living that long. But now pay attention to what I’m saying. What I’m fixing to do, I’ve never seen nobody do. What I’m fixing to tell you and show you, I’ve never seen nobody do it. And if there’s anybody in this building that ever seen anybody do it, outside of those that are in this class, I want you to.., not only just stand up, I want you to come up here. We wanna look you over. But this, you have to do this, though.

Now, open your Bibles to Genesis 1:1. Read the caption at the top of the page.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The First Book of Moses, called Genesis. DR. KINLEY: Now is that so? STUDENT BODY: No. That’s not the first book of Moses. DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? Now some of them saying ‘no’ under their breath. Is that so? STUDENT BODY: (LOUDER) No!

______________ 2 2 Samuel 7:3

DR. KINLEY: It is first compiled in that Book, but it is not the first book. Now here’s another thing I want you to notice. I think it’s about 50 chapters in Genesis. Now listen now, Moses’s name is nowhere on it. I never seen nobody in my life, I don’t know what you’ve seen, that was able to actually prove that Moses wrote the Genesis. How about that? Read the caption again.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The First Book of Moses, called Genesis.

DR. KINLEY: First Book of Moses, called Genesis. Now they just said that. They didn’t, they wasn’t trying to prove it. Now, Moses’s name is not in the, the text or scripture. Now, look folks, if they are not able to prove whether Moses wrote it or not, that’s just an assumption; then how are you going to prove the existence of Yahweh? How do you go about doing that? You remember what I told you Billy Graham said. Well, I want, I’ve got some news for you. Now Yahweh just didn’t leave it up to you to be bothered with such a gigantic problem that, of proving His existence. He actually did not do that. He did it Himself. He proved His own existence. Now I could stand here tonight and tell you about some things that’s just so simple; and when you understood, you would wonder how that you could ever lived as long as you’ve lived on this earth and seen what you have seen, and yet and still never perceive. Do you want me to just go ahead and tell you about it?


DR. KINLEY: Well, I will. Now there isn’t anybody in here that has reached the age of maturity but what hasn’t seen the sun rise some day in their life. And they saw a sunset. In other words, they see it rise; and it reaches its zenith, that is, it goes on and it reaches its zenith. Rises always in the east, never in the north, never in the south. Now somebody said, ‘Prayer changes things.’ You try praying now that it rise somewhere other than the east and see whether your prayer’s answered. But it rises in the east and then it reaches its zenith, that’s straight up, and then it goes down or it sets. Now everybody in this building has seen that, at one time or another in their life. But did it ever dawn on you the reason why that it does that, why Yahweh causes it to do that. Did you ever, did you ever stop and think why it was?


DR. KINLEY: Now you have in your Bible… I want you to read this, too. I want you to read the last verse of the 3rd chapter of Luke. You can read a couple of verses there, you know, trying to get straightened out. Now be quick, time is fleeing fast, and I’m trying to cover some ground and make somebody understand some things.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which was the son of Methuselah, DR. KINLEY: Which was the son of Methuselah, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Enoch, DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Enoch, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Jared, DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Jared, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Mahalelel, DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Mahalelel, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Cainan, DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Cainan, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Enos, DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Enos, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Seth, DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Seth, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Adam, DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Adam, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Elohim.

DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Elohim, or, as people say, the son of God. Now it tells you that he was the son of Elohim. Now this is what I’m after, folks. Get Romans there 1:19 and 20. And we’ll put this together real special, real sudden like.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Because that which may be known of Yahweh, DR. KINLEY: Go up above that, Doc, about the wrath of Yahweh. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the wrath of Yahweh, DR. KINLEY: Where are you reading? DR. ROBERT HARRIS: the 18th verse DR. KINLEY: 18th verse. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the wrath of Yahweh is

DR. KINLEY: Now listen here folks. Now people haven’t paid no attention to this. The wrath of Yahweh, the wrath of Yahweh, or the anger of Yahweh, is what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: is revealed…

DR. KINLEY: Now look. His anger is revealed. His love is revealed. Do you see what I’m talking about? And His anger is just as great as His love! You find a lot of, a lot of people always wanna talk about the love of God constraineth us, but they don’t never think anything about the wrath of Yahweh. You follow what I mean? They don’t think about that. But the wrath is revealed from heaven just the same as His love. But the wrath of Yahweh is revealed from heaven…

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: against all impiety DR. KINLEY: against all impiety DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and unrighteousness of men

DR. KINLEY: And, listen, unrighteousness of men. Now the wrath is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of men. Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: who hold the truth in unrighteousness

DR. KINLEY: Now, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Now that brings up something that I should say. Now Dr. Harris and eleven of us, twelve of us altogether, Dr. Hobbs on one hand, we went to Rome. And Pontiff Grimillion (Gremillion?), Pope Paul’s right-hand man, knows that Yahweh is the true name of our heavenly father, and he is around talking about the Lord God, and listen, has murdered millions upon top of millions of people that disagreed with them about any religious concept, killed six million Jews here in Germany during the Second World War. When the Pope says, ‘You go; ‘you’re marked for death for resisting. Supposed to be the ruler, king and the ruler of the earth. But the wrath of Yahweh is revealed from heaven against them. They know that that’s the right name; and they hold it in unrighteousness. And if you go and get a Jerusalem Bible, that’s imprimatured and censored by the Roman Catholics, it’s got that name Yahweh in it. But they won’t come up to Yahshua. That’s right. Now do you see that now?

The wrath of Yahweh is revealed from heaven: tornados, cyclones, earthquakes, hailstones, just everything, revealed from heaven against the unrighteousness of men, and particularly those who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Now, it would just make sense, now listen to what I’m saying. If a Roman Catholic was right, then he should possess the ability to prove that he is right. And then all the rest of Protestantism and Orthodox Judaism should fall by that, the weight of that one person. But now the only way that they have, and would read this verse, the wrath of Yahweh is revealed from heaven against the unrighteousness of all men, and particularly those that hold the truth in unrighteousness. Said, ‘Well we’re, we’re the ones that hold the truth in righteousness, and then we execute.’ What for?

‘ln the defense of the church. We’re justified in putting you to death in order to defend the church. ‘The Bible says the wrath of God is revealed from heaven. Did you get that interpretation? That’s why they do it. How about that? Alright, read on, Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Because that which may be known of Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: Because, now it’s possible for you, for, for that, for, for you to know something about Yahweh. Now remember, don’t forget now, I was talking about why the sun rose in the east and set in the west. Don’t, don’t forget that. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Because that which may be known of Yahweh is manifest in them; DR. KINLEY: That which may be known of Yahweh is manifested right in you. Read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: for Yahweh hath shewed it unto them.

DR. KINLEY: for Yahweh has shewed it unto them. Now just a minute. Now that, it’s right in you. Now Yahweh made a man in His own likeness and in His own image. Right?


DR. KINLEY: Now the question is why did He do that. It was to abolish your excuse for not knowing Him as He, knowing Him as He is. You haven’t got no excuse for not knowing Yahweh. Now that’s what I was trying to tell you. He didn’t leave it up to you to try to defend or defend the existence or try to prove His existence. He proved His own existence. You follow what I mean? Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the invisible things of him

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, listen. Yahweh is invisible. Angels are ministering spirits; they’re invisible. Now the invisible things, the things that you cannot see with your eyes. Now we’ve got a cult now that says that they don’t believe nothing that they can’t see. Now he just said, ‘I don’t believe in Yahweh’. And now they’re around trying to teach Yahweh. People are so stupid they don’t even know when they are, that they are against their ownselves with their testimony. All right. Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the invisible things of him

DR. KINLEY: For the invisible things of Yahweh… Now I want you to get this one straight. I don’t want you to stumble, blunder over this. Don’t forget now, we went back there to Genesis, and we had the caption read: ‘The First Book of Moses, called Genesis.’ Don’t forget that. Don’t forget we have got the, we’ve got the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Don’t forget that. Now don’t forget that it’s possible for you to know something about it. And don’t forget that Yahweh’s proven His own existence. Now that’s eliminating, abolishing some of your questions. When you understand, is that right? And I’ll add this to it, too. It’s Yahweh’s responsibility to give you somebody that does know and it’s you duty to listen at them, and if you don’t, you’re lost. Now I guess I can go sit down, can’t I.


DR. KINLEY: Okay. Now, the invisible things of Him. Now pay attention now. I want you to get this straight. Now we had you to read the first, the caption over in Genesis. Genesis means origin. The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world, or the creation of the universe, now they’re clearly seen, look right at it. And we threw this in awhile ago, that man was made in the likeness and image of Elohim, in order to abolish your excuse to say, ‘I don’t know Him, cause I can’t see Him.’ He made you a physical man, so you could look at that man and see how He is. How ’bout that. I’ll tell you, it’s something else, isn’t it? You’re, you’re, you’re down home some here tonight. Now the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world, that’s what you’re reading, they are clearly seen. Just like somebody come along and say to you, ‘Was the Messiah crucified and resurrected from the dead?’ Don’t you see the sun rising out there in the east? ‘Did He ascend into heaven?’ Don’t you see, don’t you see the sun reaching its zenith?

Somebody said ‘No! It says over here in Matthew that the disciples come and stole Him away, He didn’t resurrect from the dead.’ Well, that sun in the ethereal heavens is correlated with that Son of Yahweh. Now if you can’t go out there and steal that sun that rises in the east and sets in the west, you can’t do nothing with that son that’s buried in Joseph’s new tomb. Just too hot to handle! And right there’s where Yahweh abolished your excuse for that lie that’s in the book about His disciples coming and stealing Him away. Do you follow that? How about that. So he said the son rose and it ascended, that is to say it ascended, reached its zenith, then it went down, and then it set, set down at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. How about that? Now, do you see why it does that now? I asked you a while ago if you ever seen anybody that said anything about anything like that before you come down here.

STUDENT BODY: No, sir. No, sir. DR. KINLEY: How about that? And it’s been out there through all these generations, ever since the fourth day of the creation.


Now how about that? And all the big shots with the PHD’s and the Master of Arts, and the Bachelor of Arts, and all those degrees, and belonging to the Society of Jesus, and so forth and so on, all of the big potentates and the kings, and the smart boys, the eloquent orators, the master of words, yes indeed, the etymologists and the lexicographers (that means origin of words and the meaning of ’em) he’s strutting around and yet and still they ain’t never saw that. It happened all the days of his life, all his folk, all through all generations here. Right? How about that?

Now, you have 63 spinal nerves. Now you was reading over there in Matthew about the generations. Isn’t that right? This one begat that one, and the other one begat that one, and the other one begat this one, and finally you got down to the, Adam, and he was the son of Elohim. Now, if you count them generations down, you’ll find there’s 63 of ’em. And you said, you read right there that it was right in.., you was made in the likeness and image of Yahweh, and it was in you, right in you, just had it all over you, all up in the sky, every which way. Somebody said ‘Well look, you know, I just don’t believe in the resurrection.’ Well listen here, if that farmer didn’t plant something out there,


DR. KINLEY: then you’d be justified in saying that. And it didn’t come up. The perpetuation and the continuation of seed yielding seed after its kind. Now how about that? Now this is getting down to business. She read tonight from the.., she was up here reading that book, she said faith comes by hearing. Now if faith is coming by hearing, you never heard nothing about it, so you say. Now how about that?


Now, that’s your own story.


You never heard a thing about it until you come to school down here, 1040.

And you go out and go back in this direction, I don’t know too much about the other directions around here, and you’ll find a church, almost.., sometimes two or three on them in one square. And they’re in there just a preaching, ‘Jesus, so and so and so’ and ain’t never heard nothing about why the sun rose in the east and set in the west, and didn’t know that you have 63 spinal nerves coming out of there, don’t know why that is. How about that? What do you think this is a mad house, Smart boys.


They just want to stand around and argue and chew the rag with somebody. (LAUGHS) He’s too, even too stupid to know that it is stupid. That’s right. I’m not just saying that to be funny either. That’s the way all of us would be if Yahweh didn’t reveal it.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: You don’t have nothing to do no boasting and blowing about and criticizing and laughing at somebody else. You’re just as stupid as they made ’em, me too. So then let’s give Yahweh a little credit for the thing.

For the invisible things of Him, look, from the creation of the universe, is clearly seen. You look right at one another; man is made in the likeness and image. Then you’re stupid enough to say that Williams is the father, Rodney you’re the son, and you’re the holy ghost. Three individuals, separate and distinctive individual personalities in the godhead, and they try to squeeze Mary in, too. I’ll tell you, it’s serious.

Now folks, let me tell you something. We’re right down to the close of this age, this prophetic second of this probationary period, that’s a more correct way of saying it. And now here it is, we haven’t learned why the sun rose in the east and set in the west.

Now, you get to reading over there in the Bible about Adam committing a, a sin down there in the garden. And He sent forth His angels, listen, now listen now, pay attention. Remember, I done showed you something that you been seeing all your life and you didn’t know nothing about. Yahweh waited ’til the cool of the day, He didn’t drive them out right then, He waited ’til the cool of the day, when the sun was going down. Sun is going down. I mean the ethereal sun in the heavens was going down. And no sooner than that man put his hand, touched… Somebody said ‘Well, it don’t mean just as soon as he touched it; they had to eat it first.’ Now he didn’t eat a thing off of this Ark of the Covenant up here, and if he touched that he fell dead right there.

STUDENT BODY: All right! How about that?

DR. KINLEY: He told him not to touch it. And he did touch it; man touched it, right there where you found him dead. And then when they brought the Ark of the Covenant up in the ox cart and it hit a rut and the man, he didn’t mean wrong, he was trying to protect the thing. But Yahweh said don’t put your hand on it. There’s a pope.


How about that now, Roger?


DR. KINLEY: And he’s carried around on the Sedia Gestatoria by vassals. And every diplomat that ever went to him, got hooked on him too, in years past and gone, met with a calamity, was destroyed. They don’t tell you nothing about that. Tell you who they were; you insist, we’ll go bring some books down and show you. But let’s proceed on.

Now, the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen. That means you just don’t have no excuse for not knowing in the first place. For Yahweh did what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For Yahweh hath shewed it unto them.

DR. KINLEY: Now Yahweh shewed it unto to, to, to this.., these people back here, the Hebrew nation, not, not the Gentile nation. The Gentiles, ____ ____, but they didn’t have a revelation. Now listen folks, listen, I want you to pay attention to what I’m saying. It will help, I mean do you a whole lot of good, too.

Now, look, I have, I have to have you to read a couple of verses. The 24th chapter of Exodus, and take the 1st and 2nd verses of it. Now look buster. Now, this is what I am trying to tell you, that every Tom, Dick, and Harry just can’t be no, no preacher. He just can’t be. Now I’m gonna show you the reason why. And that’s one reason why I don’t want too much sass from you. I don’t want a whole lot of sass out of you; and if you try to sass me, I’ll slap your sassy face. Yes, sir. How about that? Yeah, we’ve had many a one down, I mean we’ve had it down good. Haven’t we, Dr. Gross?

DR. GROSS: That’s right. DR. KINLEY: Haven’t we, Dr. Harris? DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Right!

DR. KINLEY: We took them just like they come, by their terms. (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) We challenged the world. All right, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And he said unto Moses, DR. KINLEY: Now he said, and he said unto Moses, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Come up unto Yahweh, DR. KINLEY: Come up unto Yahweh, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: thou, and Aaron, DR. KINLEY: thou, and Aaron, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Nadab, and Abihu, DR. KINLEY: Nadab, and Abihu, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and seventy…

DR. KINLEY: Now this is what he’s reading about. He’s reading about this right here. Now this is what he’s reading about. This is just, this actual picture to give you some kind of an idea, it’s an illustrated picture. And he said. Who said? Unto…

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Moses. DR. KINLEY: Moses. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Come up unto Yahweh, DR. KINLEY: Now he said, come up unto Yahweh, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: thou, and Aaron, DR. KINLEY: thou, and Aaron, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Nadab, and Abihu, DR. KINLEY: Nadab, and Abihu, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and seventy of the elders of Israel; DR. KINLEY: and seventy of the elders of Israel; DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and worship ye afar off. DR. KINLEY: and worship ye afar off. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And Moses…

DR. KINLEY: Now, hold it now. Now this, this, this is the cardinal point I want you to see, and the reason why I said I don’t want none of your sass! All right. And then what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And Moses alone DR. KINLEY: And listen, and Moses by himself, none of these seventy. And Moses, alone and by himself! What, Doc? DR. ROBERT HARRIS: shall come near Yahweh.

DR. KINLEY: shall come near Yahweh. How about that? And Moses alone. Now that’s the reason why I told you every Tom, Dick, and Harry can’t do nothing with it! It’s been my contention for 43 years, and I been telling you that. Yahweh caught me up there and showed me, just like He did Moses, just like He did Paul, and just like He did John on the Isle of Patmos. Now there’s nothing you can do with me, absolutely nothing! Well, you’re better off in a sense than I am. And the reason why I said that, if you received my testimony and you see through it, and you never seen the vision, and you believed on me because Yahweh sent me to you and I told you about Him; and you believed, you’re far better off. I didn’t get mine by faith; you did. I seen; you didn’t. Now how about that? I’ve less room to boast than you have. How about that? All right. Now you see that Moses alone and by himself entered into that cloud atop Mt. Sinai. Do you see that?


DR. KINLEY: Now, every Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes along, wanna tell you something about the creation, wanna tell you something about Yahweh, wanna tell you something about God, wanna tell you something about Adonai, wanna tell you something about Jehovah, and ain’t seen a thing. And then got the guts and nerve to say ‘look, I don’t believe in revelations and visions.’ Now you’ve just read that.

Now the vision, where he went in, this is in the cloud now. This is in the cloud, now we’re gonna stay in the cloud now. And now this is where we’re going this time ____ ____. And listen, the High Priest, I’m telling you, I’m telling you up front, the High Priest alone, he didn’t have nobody to go with him in there. He went in there by himself. Couldn’t nobody boast about, say ‘I saw the shechinah flashing in the, in the Most Holy Place between the wings of the cherubim, and I seen Him setting there on the seat.’. He couldn’t say that. And Moses, Aaron the High

Priest went in there, and he only went in there once every year. He didn’t run in like that. And Yahweh spoke to Moses and said, ‘you speak to your brother, and you tell your brother Moses, Aaron, not to be running in and out of here, lest he die.’ This is a serious thing, people. Yes, it is. And Yahweh’s getting sick of our foolishness and our ignorance and our stubbornness and all kind of old false prophets out there, and false teachers, and whatnot, don’t know a thing about it. And then you giving ’em your money, and losing your soul; they don’t know nothing about it. You follow now?

Read Leviticus 16:2.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And Yahweh said unto Moses, Speak unto Aaron thy brother,

DR. KINLEY: Now look, you go tell your brother, Aaron, Aaron was three years older than Moses. And listen, let me tell you something else about that. We usually say that Moses, ah that Aaron was the High Priest. He wasn’t the High Priest. That is the way we say that among men he was ordained and he was a figure of the real High Priest. It was the High Priest that told him to speak to his brother. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS)

‘And tell him not to be running in and out.’ And that was the High Priest that told him to come up here and told Moses to bring ’em up here, too. That was the High Priest. If you want that read, I can read it to you so we can get these High Priests straightened out. All right, read on Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And Yahweh said unto Moses, Speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times into the holy place within the vail before the mercy seat, which is upon the ark; that he die not

DR. KINLEY: that he die not, right here. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: for I will appear in the cloud DR. KINLEY: for I will appear, in the cloud DR. ROBERT HARRIS: upon the mercy seat

DR. KINLEY: upon the mercy seat, which is symbolical to the throne of Yahweh. Said I will appear. Now when he went in there and executed that service, and completed that service, threw that blood toward the mercy seat seven times. Are you listening? Are you sure you’re listening? Seven times. He went in there three times on that day. First he threw it for his own errors, the blood. That makes me get all warmed up again. Some idiot, standing around, calling hisself a preacher, got somebody baptized out there in water, washing away sin. Without the shedding of blood, there’s no remission of sin. Water never did wash away nobody’s sin. There’s some profuse odor to that. How about that? Okay, read on, I will what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat.

DR. KINLEY: in the cloud upon the mercy seat. That’s right here. And let me tell you, ‘Tell him to come in here by hisself.’ And he never went in there without blood. And he always carried a censor with him. And he went in on the right hand side, had the censor on his right, had, had the basin with the blood setting in his hand, and the censor on his arm, went to the right side of this veil, pushed it back, this way, toward the left. What’s that all about? You’re going on back to the beginning with that blood. And that blood was a figure of the blood of Yahshua the Messiah that atoned for the first Adam, so it’s got to reach all the way back, got to go to the left. Had the censor in his hand, hung on his arm. Now pay attention. You pay attention. Now, with that censor hung on his arm and hanging down, that was just smoke that’s coming up out of that golden censor was a figure of this cloud that He ascended on. Now, where it’s going is in the Most Holy Place. Here’s the two tables of glory; here’s the cloud. Here’s the cloud here; and here’s the two figures that stood by, here’s the cloud here when He ascended on from the Mount of Olives after He tarried on earth 40 days and resurrected from the dead and tarried on the earth 40 days. And them two men. What two men? I tell you, we, we know something down here! And I mean we follow carefully, step by step, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, to the Law, there a little, to the Testimony. That’s the way, that’s the way, that’s the way we work down here. And when you get an education down here, you got one.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Yes, sir. That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: We know every step of it. When it comes to talking about the birth of the Messiah, they say the 25th of December is His birthday. No, not so. Can’t be. Somebody say ‘Now, why do you say that?’ Now look, now just to show you, by no one having a knowledge of what you’re doing, it always helps to tell something about the thing, if you know. Now, this man Adam, was he born on the 25th?

STUDENT BODY: No! DR. KINLEY: Or was he created on the 25th? STUDENT BODY: No! DR. KINLEY: Or was it the 6th? STUDENT BODY: The 6th!

DR. KINLEY: Now listen. The 25th of December. Yahweh put that man in the Garden, after He created him, and if it had been on the 25th of December that He put him in the Garden, then there wouldn’t have been any fruition. How about that, Freddy?

DR. FRED ALLEN JR.: That’s all right, Doc. DR. KINLEY: Now, in Romans 5:14, says that this man Adam, that He created. How about that? Read it. He didn’t..,

READER: Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over then that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression,

DR. KINLEY: After the similitude of Adam’s transgression. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression.

READER: who is the figure of him that was to come

DR. KINLEY: Now Adam was a figure of Yahshua the Messiah that was to come; so if he’s a figure of Him that was to come, if Adam wasn’t on the 25th, then Yahshua the Messiah can’t be on no 25th. And in December, it’s not in fruition. Now, if you just had a, just a thimbleful of sense, or just an iota of sense, you know when a woman gives birth to a child, breasts are ____ ____ ready; in other words, when He put that man in that Garden, the earth had to be fully prepared. Right?

Can’t be on no 25th of December. Fresh. Cow have a calf. She’s fresh. Don’t nobody even have to tell that child, you ever think about that? That child, you don’t have to say, ‘go ahead and nourish.’ The birds up in the nest, his mother’s ____ is running, he’s got his mouth wide open. Mother drops something in there. Oh, boy! See how Yahweh’s done the thing? To abolish our ignorance, and then when we come up with a whole lot of so-called academic exigetical (exegetical?) opinions. Ain’t this awful? And they think we justifying; and think we got some kind of excuse or alibi, and Yahweh just got to accept it anyhow. ____ ____. Now, as far as I’ve gone down, there isn’t a thing anyone can do with it. Some of us just have to get it over any way we can. Now, let’s get, let’s get a little further into the thing. Let’s get a little further.

Now, go back to the 24th chapter of Exodus, and somebody open your Book to Genesis the 1st chapter. Now, I oughta show you why I say you cannot start with Genesis. And then, on top of all that, I think in Exodus.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: the 24th chapter.

DR. KINLEY: Now, look folks, there ain’t no need of you thinking now that you’re gonna run down to the preacher fellow to straighten it out ____. You ain’t ____, I’m tell you now you’re wasting your time. All right, read the 16th verse I believe it is.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Exodus 24:16. And the glory of Yahweh abode upon Mt. Sinai,

DR. KINLEY: Now, wait, now just a minute. Doc, you’d better, in order to have, get continuity of thought and put it back together again. You better read the 1st and 2nd verses.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And he said unto Moses, Come up unto Yahweh, thou, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel; and worship ye afar off.

DR. KINLEY: and worship ye afar off. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And Moses alone shall come near Yahweh: DR. KINLEY: And Moses alone shall come near Yahweh: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but they shall not come nigh; DR. KINLEY: but they shall not come nigh; DR. ROBERT HARRIS: neither shall the people go up with him.

DR. KINLEY: neither shall the people go up with him. Say, you know, I oughta stop right there and tell you something about that. Now, I just went on with that situation. I oughta stop and tell you something about that situation ____ ____. Yahweh is everywhere. There is nowhere where He is not. Down here we got a man come to hear Yahweh, by himself. Now your carnal mind… This time I’m gonna put it down tight so everybody can understand what I’m talking about. Yahweh is everywhere. There is nowhere where He is not. Now you’re talking about a man coming near. And then on back there in Acts of Apostles it said that it’s in Him we live, and we move, and we have our being. Now you’re talking to me about a man coming near. Now, how about that? I’m gonna get this one over to you; I’m gonna get this one over.

Now, there was a man down there on the side of that mountain, with Moses by the name of Joshua as they called him, who really was Yahshua that Yahweh was in, and He was right there with Moses and He come near Moses, or Moses comes near Yahweh manifested in that physical body. That’s what I am talking about. Now you stand around and you’re telling me about Yahweh said speak to Moses, ‘Moses, speak unto them.’ Now, who you talking to? Who was that talking to Moses? That was Yahweh. ‘Well, where is He, you say He’s everywhere.’ That thing you got up there, that carnal mind is a terrible thing. For Yahweh was manifested right there in Joshua. And Joshua was, Moses, he was the only man, Joshua was the only man. ‘No, don’t you come near me. Let the rest of ’em stay down here.’ He and Moses alone went up there in the mountain. I think about all them things, when I try and talk to you all. And that’s the reason why I say, Mickey, I don’t want no sass

DR. EDWARD MIXON: Yes, sir. DR. KINLEY: cause I understand what’s going on. DR. EDWARD MIXON: Yes, you do. Yes, sir.

DR. KINLEY: You couldn’t find nobody to say, ‘Yahweh spoke unto Moses and said to speak unto the children of Israel and tell ’em that, Moses to bring seventy elders up here, and Moses alone shall come near me.’ You just read; you don’t know a thing about it.

DR. EDWARD MIXON: That’s right! DR. KINLEY: You haven’t even had a faint glimmer. You haven’t had no idea, no concept about it ____ ____. DR. EDWARD MIXON: That’s right!

DR. KINLEY: How about that? Now listen, you want to know something? If we shut this thing down and went right out of here right now, you’ve been benefitted from what I’m talking about. I know something about it. Yahweh was right there with Moses in that body. And Moses was the only one who could come near. And say, listen here, let me tell you something else about that. Even down there in Egypt He communicated with Moses, communicated at the burning bush and told him not to.., ‘Don’t, don’t come no closer. Don’t come up here no closer! Stop! Right where you are. Take off your shoes.’ What’s that all about, taking off your shoes. Were you born with shoes on? Oh, boy. Feet, feet. Something’s happening at this burning bush. That’s right. Okay. And Moses alone shall come near. Now do you understand? Now, it was Joshua, the 16th verse. I want, I had to go back up here and get that angel in. Okay. now read the 16th verse.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the glory of Yahweh DR. KINLEY: And the glory of Yahweh DR. ROBERT HARRIS: abode upon Mount Sinai, DR. KINLEY: abode upon Mount Sinai. Say, listen, what is the glory of Yahweh? DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Yahweh Elohim.

DR. KINLEY: All right, that’s right, that’s right. That’s what the glory of Yahweh is. How about that? Oh, yes, I’m telling you. Now look, let’s, let’s get a repeat on that. Now hold it right there. I’ll be back; don’t leave the place. Now the same thing over here. When he went up into the Mount of Transfiguration, that is Yahshua transfigured in fulfillment of this back here and His raiment was white as the light and the cloud that come down on top of that mount; and His raiment was white as a light and the glory of Yahweh revealed right through that body, abode upon top of Mount Sinai. How about that? Is that what.., is the shechinah? Right there. And light flashed in there, the glory. Just reading buster, I’m telling you that ain’t going get it, it’s not gonna get it. How about that. Now, I say this. Listen now. ‘The words’ Yahshua said, ‘that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life, ‘which means, if you comprehend or you understand, then that glory is imparted to you and you get some glory out of comprehending. How you do that? Is because, listen now, listen, this cloud is symbolic of your brain, and if I, what I say you understand, then you see the shechinah flash, or in other words your understanding is illuminated. How about that? ‘Yes I understand now.’ Isn’t that wonderful? That’s really wonderful.

All right, read on Dr. Harris, in the 24th chapter, 16th verse, where you were.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the glory of Yahweh abode upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days… DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Colon. DR. KINLEY: Colon. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and the seventh day he called unto Moses

DR. KINLEY: and the seventh day, on the seventh day, he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. It doesn’t say a thing there; it doesn’t say a thing. Now look, do you recall that I said that you wouldn’t know and you couldn’t prove whether Moses wrote the Genesis or not. Do you recall that? Now, it said the cloud covered it six days, colon, and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: Right! DR. KINLEY: Now go over to Genesis 1:1. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: In the beginning Elohim created…

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute, just a minute; he don’t have no cloud there. That’s why I said you can’t start over there. Now, you got, ‘ln the beginning Yahweh Elohim created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the, the face of the water.’ And so forth and so on, ‘and the evening and the morning were the first day.’ Now, you don’t have no cloud there, so you can’t start there. A man without a head ain’t no good. That’s what you got there.

Now look, this is what I’m trying to tell you. You have to.., I’ll put it like this: if Yahweh had not given me a vision, I wouldn’t know how to do this. I wouldn’t know how to open this Book and loose these seals or impart some understanding to you. I wouldn’t know how to do it.


DR. KINLEY: I preached fifteen years in the Holiness Church. I didn’t know nothing about what I’m telling you about. Now, you got over there in Genesis 1: 1 what happened in the cloud, while it covered the top of the mountain. And then you got ‘ln the beginning…’ In the beginning of what? You can’t say it’s in the beginning of Moses’s vision; you can’t say that, for he had a vision down here at the burning bush. Now how about that. This is in the beginning of the vision of the creation of heaven and earth. You have to go to the source to make some sense out of it. You can’t say it’s in the beginning of his vision. How about that. Oh, my, my, my. And look folks, look folks, Yahweh didn’t show nobody that but Moses. That’s why you got it down there in the 1st chapter of Romans, that Yahweh revealed it unto ’em. ____ it to the Hebrews nor the Gentiles.

Now suppose I pulled one real good one on you here. Show you something. Well, we’ll take two, take three, and just take three, and choose. Now it seems we’re in trouble now. I’m fixing to tell you something else you hadn’t thought about. Now, we’re showing you now how we know that Moses wrote the book, cause he was the only man up there in the midst of the cloud and saw the vision of the creation of heaven and earth that you’re reading about in Genesis 1:1 and on down. And that’s how he knew. Now what we’re talking about here now, is this. We’re talking about the name now, Yahweh. All right, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, DR. KINLEY: Now I appeared unto Abraham, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: unto Isaac, DR. KINLEY: unto Isaac, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and unto Jacob, DR. KINLEY: and unto Jacob, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: as El Shaddai, DR. KINLEY: as El Shaddai, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but by my name Yahweh DR. KINLEY: but by my name Yahweh DR. ROBERT HARRIS: was I not known to them.

DR. KINLEY: Abraham didn’t know the name Yahweh. Isaac and Jacob did not know the name Yahweh. Now, if you go over here in the 2nd, in the 2nd chapter of Genesis. Let’s look at it. And read that and see if it don’t talk about Yahweh in the 2nd chapter of Genesis.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: These are the origins of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that Yahweh Elohim made the earth.

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? They couldn’t do a thing with that. Now, that shows you that Moses wrote, because didn’t nobody know His name. They didn’t know it; they knew Him by El Shaddai, which means Almighty Provider. And incidentally, He is yet the Almighty Provider, that just don’t happen to be His name. How about that. That just means that He is the Almighty Provider, and still is. You all got enough of this?

STUDENT BODY: No, No, sir! DR. KINLEY: All right, now that proves that…


DR. KINLEY: that puts Moses’ seal on it. He was the only one that knew anything about it, the name Yahweh. The divine ____, nobody else didn’t know nothing about it. That’s proof positive that Moses wrote it. Now how about that? Cause the rest of them didn’t know nothing about it. And yet He appears to ’em too, but He didn’t tell them what His name is. Now how about that? You see that? Ain’t it wonderful?

Now look, listen, Jude.., Jude was a.., or Enoch, now listen now, was the seventh in the line of genealogies or generations, the seventh generation from Adam. That boy prophesied too. Alright, let’s, listen, get this straight. I’ll put Peter on you, it you don’t think I’m telling you right. He prophesied, Jude did, right out of the, seventh man from Adam prophesied with the Holy Spirit. Prophesied about what? This right here.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right. DR. KINLEY: How about that? Read it, please.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The 14th verse of Jude: And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh cometh with ten thousand of his sons,

DR. KINLEY: Uh, huh DR. ROBERT HARRIS: to execute judgment upon all, DR. KINLEY: That’s right. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and to convince all that are wicked among them of all their wicked deeds…

DR. KINLEY: That’ll do; the seventh from Adam, prophesied of this right here. Now, listen folks, this is back before the flood. Here’s a man with the Holy Spirit prophesying before the flood about this. How about that? Had you thought about that?


You see that now? Read on, Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh cometh with ten thousands of his sons, To execute judgment upon all, and convince, and to convince all that are wicked among them of all their wicked deeds which they have wickedly committed, and of all their hard speeches which wicked sinners have spoken against him. These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts;

DR. KINLEY: Now this is what it amounts to, folks. I want you, I want you to understand. Now, right in that same chapter Doc, it talks about the angels that sinned. We wanna get the thing straight. Yahweh cast them down in chains, bound ’em down in chains, cast them down to hell and bound them in chains of darkness to be reserved against the day of judgment. Now look, pay attention now, pay attention. Now, all of these generations that come down from Adam, down in here to Noah come on past over here to the Ante Diluvian and the Post Diluvian, and come on down to Moses. Now, you read in Romans 5:14, death reigned from Adam to Moses. Now this is not explained. I don’t want you to think that. That means that the Mosaic Law was declared, clear down to here until Yahshua the Messiah cause it stood until Yahshua the Messiah fulfilled the Law. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses. Now what I’m saying is, the devil is cast down, and he’s cast down to the Children of Israel, and comes right on down, right on down through all these folks from Adam on down to Moses, after the similitude of Adam’s transgression even over them that had not sinned.

But now, these people that didn’t obey Him by going in the Ark, they were drowned. These that didn’t hear Moses and the prophets, they died without mercy.

Now, that’s just a lost cause. All the way down, and convincing of them of their hard sayings. Now what it is. Now this is what it is. I want you to understand what I’m talking about. It is them satanic spirits that was cast out and then incarnated in them physical bodies, and, and coming on down through here, too. Right straight on down, same ones, coming right, right straight on down, even right down ’til this time. And that is the condition of their hearts and their minds. The sign’s come forth now still. I don’t have time to get into all of that.

And I, I, what I want to do now is this: I want to give you an opportunity to ask some questions.

Now we spoke, a while ago, I think I should clear this up, about Genesis not being the first book of Moses. It is, in the way the Bible is compiled. I told you that… Now we proved that Moses wrote it, because he was the only one that could write it.


Time is gone. It sure does go fast, don’t it?


DR. KINLEY: Especially when we’re trying to get a point across. Nevertheless we tried, and I hope you got something out of it. I hope that you see or understand something that you possibly didn’t understand before, and you just continue on in what you see. But now that’s what you know. Now folks, it’s in Yahweh that we live and we move and we have our being. Now I want you to get this thing straight. It’s Yahweh that speaks through me, the Holy Spirit is the teacher. Never mind the rabbis, and all your so-called Bible teachers. You just, just forget about the Popes, and the Cardinals and all that kinda stuff. They actually don’t know, they really don’t. Now, Yahshua the Messiah said they didn’t know. They didn’t even know Him when they saw Him, just like you down here. You don’t know who’s whom unless you have a knowledge of His purpose and plan of Yahweh. You don’t know. You look at me and think he’s ignorant. Read on Dr. Harris. Well you’re right.


But that wasn’t what you meant, what you meant was.., you could try to say something, throw some kind of slur. You told the truth unconsciously and unaware of the fact that you did that. And if you just believed that I did know this thing in reality, then you could see what it is in me that does knows. Now how about that!

STUDENT BODY: All right! DR. KINLEY: I hope that you got something out of that.


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