490 Year Cycle & the Ten Lost Tribes

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley in 1965 in Los Angeles, California.


DR. KINLEY: That was a wonderful message. And I wanna let you know that Dr. Allen was telling you the truth, telling you just like it happened, and just like God had planned it. He was telling you who God was. His habitation is eternity where all things both invisible and visible come from. He was going back to the origin, and to the source from whence everything emanated. And he also told you that every cosmic phase of nature embodied in the whole universe, was a testimony of God. Now that abolishes all excuses and alibis for ignorance. It does away with everybody’s excuse. Now that’s what God is. God is spirit, and I would have you to know that He seeks such to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Now there’s no other way you can do it. So that’s the way He is seeking for you to worship Him that way. And also in the 17th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, Paul in Athens Greece, in Mars Hill, said to the Athenians, said “God who made the world…” Now that’s the one who made it! Well first before he said that he said, as he passed through he saw the images and inscriptions up in Mars Hills, and you know that was the leading philosophers. Almost anything you could pick up was steeped in the Greek Cyclops of mythology. And they spent their time daily trying to imagine up and conjure up something, something new. And they kept an open ear out all the time listening for something new. You heard about the Epicureans, and the Stoics, and the so forth and so on. Now Paul as he passed through Mars Hill, now this is Greek… What you talking ’bout Greek for? What’d you say that for? Well I don’t have the big charts here, and you know that… I’ll use this one here. Babylon was the head, and then it’s Media & Persia, the universal dynasties that ruled the world. And then come on down from Babylon to Media and Persia, and from Media and Persia to Greecia, then from Greecia on down to Rome, pagan Rome. Now I told you the other night that Peter, his epistle… I want you to read it and see that it is in there, don’t take nobody’s word for nothing! We don’t want no bunch of ignorance and junk. Read the last, uh, Dr. Harris read. . .

READER: The church that is at Babylon

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats). . .

READER: So that you might be together with me, this is the first epistle of Peter. . .

DR. KINLEY: This is the first epistle of Peter

READER: and the 5th chapter. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and the 13th verse. . .

DR. KINLEY: and the 13th verse. Now I wanna find out who that epistle is written to so then you’ll have to get the start of it.

READER: Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: to the strangers. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: scattered throughout Pontus. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: Galatia. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now who are the strangers that’s scattered throughout Pontus? Now this here thing of running chapters and verses and first one thing and another, and arguing around with no knowledge of what you’re talking about, it don’t work down here. It just does not work! Now you know as well as I do that Nebuchadnezzar went up and overthrew Babylon, I mean from Babylon and over threw them, tore down the wall of Jerusalem, tore down the temple, and took the tribe of Judah. And in that tribe of Judah was the Levitical priesthood, and he took them down to Babylon. Now around a hundred and eleven years, a hundred and seventeen years before this, the other ten tribes (see at this time the tribes had been split up), and the other ten tribes which was ruled with Samaria, Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, took them, the ten tribes that was ruled from Samaria after the young man and the old man’s counsel was split. In other words Israel was split, and the tribe of Judah was ruling at Jerusalem, and of course the temple was there, and the tribe of Levi the priesthood was there. Now when they were taken captive to Babylon these other ten tribes that ruled from Samaria, they were carried to Assyria by Shalmaneser, ten tribes I said. Now Assyria, where else? Mesopotamia and Media. Don’t you forget, I told you that Media and Persia would ruled after the overthrow of Babylon, then it was passed on down to Greecia.

What I have to say to you now it’s just gonna take some thinking, and you have to be here! And when I say be here, I don’t mean just sitting up out there sound asleep, that’s not what I’m talking about being here, occupying a seat; I mean you have to be here up here [Mind]. So then Mesopotamia, Assyria, Mesopotamia and Media, now that’s the ten tribes, and the other tribes after that is the tribe of Judah… Now you have in 17th chapter of Kings, (2nd Kings I believe it is), and it says there “The tribe of Judah only was taken to Babylon.” Well that means this: that the Levitical tribe of Levi was included in with the tribe of Judah that went to Babylon. Then when Babylon was overthrown by the Medes and Persians, I’m getting back now to pick up the continuity of thought and put it together so you can see, and then I can tell you what I’m talking about. Now then we see Babylon’s been overthrown by the Medes and the Persians, then the Medes and the Persians was overthrown by the Grecians, then the Grecians was overthrown by Rome. Yes I know Thrace belongs in there, but it’s a public, it’s not a universal dynasty. I’ll get into that too someday, not now. But now Nebuchadnezzar that ruled Babylon, that ruled the world from Babylon, he had an image set up there in the plains of Dura, a man, a shape and form of a man. See God has always worked with that man. Now that’s all there is to work with, shape and form. Now all of this, everything you can see here, it isn’t nothing but a man. That’s what it is, an incorporeal, and a physical man. So now when He works in the heathen empire, heathen domination of the world, He works with a man, both Nebuchadnezzar, and Nebuchadnezzar’s concept, which was that image. And while they were down in Babylon, after setting that idol up in the plains of Dura, he issued an ultimatum or a decree that when so ever you hear the sound of the sackbut, the flute, and what-not, the musicians, everything was suppose to bow down to this great image, that man. Now there were some Hebrew boys down there (you remember I just got through telling you that they were taken captive down there) a little bit stubborn, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. There’s always got to be a representative because of the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. When they heard the sound of the Sackbut and flute they stood straight up, for which they were put in the fiery furnace. I don’t have time to go into a whole lot of it. And so the furnace was heated up and those boys were put in there. And just as he had put ’em in, fell back from the great heat of that furnace. Finally they got a peep in there, now they had put three in there, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, said “Look, I see four,” and one made like unto, who?

STUDENTS: The Son of Man. . .

DR. KINLEY: the Son of Man. Now what did they know about it, what the Son of Man look like? Now I don’t have time to go into all that now because I’m after something else. Then it was passed on down as I told you to Rome. Now that formed that statute, or it formed that man. Now I tried my best to tell you like this, which is a hard thing to do. We have a medical doctor here, and he goes through the different portions of the physical body and shows you the correlations of the natural with the spiritual in order to show you that man is made in the likeness and image of God. Now young Dr. Allen said this when he was on the floor, he said this about David, quoted to you many things about David in the Psalms, and he told you about the temple there that was built. David took an oath just like some of us do. He lived in the house of cedar, and that old weather beaten tabernacle that stood out there on Mt. Zion there in the valley back between Mt. Zion and Mt. Moriah, he said “Now I live in the house of cedar, I’m gonna make God a house.” And he sent for Nathan the prophet, and he told Nathan the prophet, he said “Look here Nathan, I’ve decided, I live in a house of cedar and all like a that, and me being king of Israel I’ve decided that I’m gonna make God a house. He ought to be entitled to as nice a place as me.” And he told Nathan all about it. And Nathan, being the prophet, he said “Now that’s a wonderful idea you got there David, do all that’s in your heart. Yes, sir, that’s a very nice thing, you sure have got a good idea.” Now he’s a prophet of the Lord now. So that night Nathan goes home, and he lays down and he goes to sleep. And God appears to Nathan in that dream and said, “Now you get right up, and you go back over yonder and you tell David that he’s not gonna build me no house. I took David from the sheepcote, out there herding sheep, and made him king over all Israel. And when the house of the Lord is built, he, David, will be sleeping with his fathers, dead and buried.” And Nathan had to go back and tell him that. So but God did give him the pattern to how that temple was to be constructed. Now if David would have done one of them botched up jobs like they did over here in the Vatican… You see what I mean, it if had just been left to David. Now this is what I’m talking about, I’m talking about that man! And when I’m talking about that man, I’m talking about this man in shape and form. And I just got through telling you all that is here is that man, that’s all. Now what I wanna do, I wanna reach down and get you, now that’s what I’m after, that’s where I’m headed for, to introduce you to yourself. You spent a long time looking around trying to find yourself. So then God gave David, now I have to cut this thing up short because time has limitations to it. So then God showed David the pattern. Now you always talking about Matthew 28:19, suppose you read in Chronicles… Don’t leave… Now I haven’t, for now I haven’t forgot a thing about being scattered abroad, and — ——, and Peter’s writing the epistle, I’m after that! 2nd Chronicles 28:19.

READER: All of this said David. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now when God showed him, listen, when God show him… Get up Roger, you’ll do. When God showed him in that dream… Remember this is Nebuchadnezzar’s dream too, and Daniel interpreted it. Now when God showed David how to build, give him the pattern by which to build this temple that sat down there in Mt. Moriah, and He also showed him the place too, the threshold of Aranuah. Now here’s how God did it. You see how He takes on shape and form here and let them see. Now David he’s king in Israel, the Judean King. He’s king in Jerusalem beneath, which I often try to find words to show you, which is allegorical to Jerusalem above or in the spirit. So now when God gives him the pattern by which this temple is builded, read.

READER: All this said David. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: the Lord made me understand. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now the Lord made him understand, giving him the pattern for which that temple was to be built at Mt. Moriah by his son Solomon. God would not let David build the temple because he was a man of war. He wouldn’t let him build it. And then his son, David’s son Solomon built the temple. Isn’t it a wonder why that Christ said in Matthew 16:18 “Upon this rock I’ll build my church. I will build (catch it) my church, or my congregation or assembly.” Now when God showed him how to build… Read it so we can get it straighten up here.

READER: all this said David. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: the Lord made me understand. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: in writing by his hand upon me. . .

DR. KINLEY: in writing by his hand

READER: upon me. . .

DR. KINLEY: upon me. That’s upon him, upon David. All right, read.

READER: even all the works of this pattern. . .

DR. KINLEY: Even all the works of this pattern. Now man is made in the likeness and image of God, and he’s a pattern. Here’s this image of God taken from pure spirit, which is that incorporeal form. And now I told you David was king in Jerusalem, ruled 7 years in Hebron, and then 33 years in Jerusalem, that makes his 40 years. And there’s a reason for that, but I don’t have time to go into all of it, ruling 7 years in Hebron, and 33 years. You ought to be smart enough to catch that, that 7 and that 33. You oughta have a real good guess at that one, and your guess, if it’s by revelation, oughta be just as good as anybody else’s. But now God showed him how to make that temple by writing with the finger of God on his body. On the earthly king, ruling in earthly Jerusalem, 33 years there, 7 years in Hebron, God made him understand how to build that magnificent structure which we call the temple that sat in the threshold of Aranauh in Mt. Moriah. All this said David – Read.

READER: All this said David the Lord made me understand in writing by His…

DR. KINLEY: In writing on His body. He showed him how to fix up everything about the temple, the most holy place, the holy place, the outer court, the porch, everything! Read.

READER: in writing by His hand upon me, even all the works of this pattern…

DR. KINLEY: Even all the works of this pattern. Now folks, let me tell you something: You just might as well make up your mind, and the sooner you make it up the better off you’ll be. Make up your mind that God is the archetype pattern from whence everything in the universe, every animate and inanimate object in the universe comes from, incorporeal and corporeal, that’s physical and not physical. So we always look at a natural to understand the spiritual. There’s a lot about it I don’t have time to tell you, it’s a whole lot. Cause somebody say “Don’t you know that speaker’s taking an awful…” Well what you gonna do when you go to hell? They asked one of the masters of language that was suppose to have a profound knowledge of the meaning of words the definition, the lexicological meaning, and the etymological meaning of it; they said, “What’s the meaning of hell that they talk about here in the Bible?” He said “Hell is a place of eternal confinement where the doomed of all ages are, where they blend and co-mingle their voices in hell’s unutterable lament of the most diabolical hatred inconceivable to mortal consciousness.” Now he was the master of language. What are you gonna do if you get in shape like that that boy was writing? He wasn’t quite right though. Over here in the 20th chapter of Revelations about verse 12, you’ll find out that God said death and hell (He didn’t say nothing about purgatory) death and hell was delivered up before Him. And then all nations (somebody talking about segregation, and discrimination, voting rights, and civil rights, all that old crap and ignorance)… What you better be thinking about so far as righteousness is concerned, you better do the will of God that you might have a right to enter in through the gate into the city. Somebody say “How do y’all stand on politics, are you democrats or republicans? How do y’all stand on that?” Then somebody accused us of being communist. I don’t wanna get off on no tangent. I don’t care nothing about how you vote, I’m not interested in that. You can vote for Santa Claus if you want to. [Doc Laughs] Yes indeed. But now so we don’t lose the continuity of thought, and I can bring this to a conclusion.

See this stone that was cut loose in the mountain, we have it on the other chart… Next Sunday we wanna have that chart brought up here, and wanna take 4 or 5 of you and get on that, and we wanna explain it. We’ll wanna call that a special meeting. So if you wanna know something about the teaching of this school you come down. We gonna try to make some arrangements, I’m gonna make the announcement now, we’re gonna try to make some arrangements so that we can give you some of the inside story of this school, and so you can see what it’s all about, and how that we explain. But now look, just getting down at the thought, God showed David by writing on his body this temple, that set there on Mt. Moriah, should be constructed and built. And then David took that, that pattern, and he passed it along to his son Solomon. And Solomon built the temple at Mt. Moriah. And that’s how she’s built while David was sleeping with his father. Now there’s been a lot of misunderstanding about it, John 2:19, there’s been a lot of misunderstanding about it. And to get back and to show you that it is the same thing, and the temple was before the tabernacle. Because when God took on this shape and form Himself, shape and form there, that was before His transformation into the tabernacle. So this is the temple, this is the tabernacle. All right read.

READER: Jesus answered and said unto them. . .

DR. KINLEY: Jesus answered… Well now let me see if I can say this to you too. Jesus answered and said unto them… Go head and read.

READER: destroy this temple. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and in three days I will raise it up. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: then said the Jews. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: forty and six years. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: was this temple in building. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and wilt thou rear it up in 3 days?

DR. KINLEY: And wilt you rear it up in 6 days?

READER: 3 days

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) read.

READER: but He spake of the temple of His body. . .

DR. KINLEY: but He spake of the temple of His body. You understand, but He spake of the temple of His body. Just like God showed David, who was king in earthly Jerusalem, how that that heavenly body was constructed, and David being a figure of God he passed it on to Solomon, and Solomon built it out there on Mt. Moriah, and that was a figure of His body. And now look here, here’s the thing I want you to see, I wrote these things up in your book. [Textbook] Then said the Jews, what?

READER: forty and six years. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: was this temple in building. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) read.

READER: and wilt thou rear it up in 3 days?

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: 3 days

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) read.

READER: but He spake of the temple of His body. . .

DR. KINLEY: but He spake of the temple of His body. Now look, Herod, this is the Herodian Temple. Now there’s 3 temples, what they call Solomon’s, Zerrubabble, and the Herodian, one, two, three. Now they began to build this one, the Herodian Temple, which is the last temple 16 years before He was born, Messiah, in Bethlehem of Judea, 16 years. Forty and six years at the time He was baptized of John… You can see the picture right here. At the time He was baptized of John in the River Jordan, they had been 46 years in the erection and building of that temple. And it was not complete at that time, but it was sufficient for them to hold services in during those 3 years. Forty-six years they had built… It started 16 years before Messiah was born. Now He went into His, was baptized of John… Point it out up there somebody. At the time that He went into His ministry, and was baptized of John, was 46 years, then His ministry was 3 years long, so that’s 49 years. And where you go into the half year makes it into the 50th. Now here’s what I wanna tell you: That 15th & 16th year that was the last year of Jubilee, the 15th year. And every 50th year, and every 50th day after that Passover, and going through the Red Sea, every 50th day, now that was called Pentecost. Pentecost means 50. And there was suppose to be a feast there just like it was a feast of the Passover. Boy you’re a long way (I know it) you’re a long way from the subject there. Now these weeks, 7×7 = 49. Now there’s 7 days in a week, and 7 weeks in the cycle. We tried our best to show you how to figure prophetic time. So now this year, 49th year, and we’ll call it 3 1/2 years… And incidentally while I’m on that 3 1/2 years, in prophetic time 3 1/2 years equals 1260 years prophetic. And that’s the reason why you read over there in Revelations about the 1260 years. Then when you get the 30 years in there, that’s coming from birth down, then you got 1290. You remember Daniel’s prophecy, 1290 and the 1365 days? You remember that? I don’t have time to go into that, I’m after something else. But now what I’m trying to say to you by showing you this much so you’ll see that, showing you this much, and coming into that half year, that makes this 50, that was the year of Jubilee where everything was set free, the slaves and all. (Thank you Dr. Allen). So since those slaves were set free on that day of Pentecost, which they celebrated every year, and when they got to the 50th year it was the year of Jubilee instead of Pentecost. Now that mean the land rest, and they didn’t do anything for a solid year, nothing but celebrate, the slaves, everything. Oh, don’t you see, if I could get you into that now like I’d like to: Those boys coming out of Babylon, so forth and so on, and setting ’em free to come back up there to rebuild Jerusalem again to the Messiah, coming out of Babylon and Assyria. And I took a couple of three or four shots at it, but I haven’t been able to put it together in a way whereby that you could just follow the continuity of thought to see what I’m talking about in a way that you can understand it. But I wanted to show you that, because here at the day of Pentecost, which almost everybody is talking about the Pentecostal faith, and the Pentecost this, and the Pentecost that, and Pentecost the other, and the 2nd chapter of Acts of Apostles, and the Holy Spirit being poured out down on Azusa street, and all that kinda thing. You see what I’m talking about? Now I just wanna let you know what it’s all about.

Now when them tribes come back from up there… Now they got, all of ’em talking about the ten lost tribes. Ain’t no ten lost tribes! God hasn’t lost a thing. This theological mess and junk is terrible. Now there at Pentecost when they had come back, this migration from Babylon begin. And you’ll find it in Ezra and Daniel where they come back after the going forth of the commandment of Artexerxes. Now it was three kings there, Cyrus, Darius, and Artexerxes, we find them in the Persian kings. Now then, 457 years from the going forth of the commandment to let Israel come back up from Judah, come back up and restore Jerusalem, now that mean city and all, unto the Messiah, 457 years. This is B.C., this is before Jesus was born. Now He was born in Bethlehem of Judea this year at the end of this 457 year, from the time of Artexerxes, born in Bethlehem of Judea. He was 30 years old when He went into His ministry, so then that makes 4 8 7. [457 + 30 = 487] Now Solomon… That’s the reason why I say anytime you make any kind of a mistake… Don’t you, don’t you run around here quoting chapters and verses to us cause we’ll stick the thing on you. You see it’s right on you right now. Just reading round in chapters and verses, that won’t get it, not down here at this Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research. Showing somebody how smart you are, and then turn to such and such a chapter, and turn to such and such a verse, and then read that, and misunderstand it. Now that’s 487 years from… Now this is where He went into His ministry. Now that’s John the Baptist where he baptized Him when He was about 30 years old, and He went in the wilderness of Judea as Dr. Allen was telling you. Now that’s 487 years. Now then 30, and then He was 3 here in His ministry, so then that makes 490 years. That makes up a prophecy of Daniel, how many weeks, and all that was involved in the ——, and so forth and so on in the rest of the ——. Now this reaches Pentecost. Seal up the vision and the prophecy.

Now the gentile, God had promise to bless them too. They couldn’t be left out, because they were the seed of Abraham just as much as uh, as uh, as who?


DR. KINLEY: As Isaac. Yes, sir, Abraham was Ishmael’s father just like he was… Ishmael was by Haggai, and Isaac was by Sarah. He only had one son by his wife Sarah, the other was by the bond woman. I don’t have time to go into all that, which it’s vitally important to what we’re talking about there. All right, now have you got this straight, all of this back in here? Now at Pentecost you’ll find that when they come back from Babylon, you have there in Nehemiah and Ezra, you have a record of a mass migration. You don’t have anything there about ’em coming out of Assyria, and Asia, and Mesopotamia, so therefore they call them the ten lost tribes. But now Luke talks about it over here. And he shows in the 2nd chapter of Acts of Apostles, when the day of Pentecost was fully come… And that day of Pentecost is the 50th, also the 50th year, the year of Jubilee. Now it tells you that they come out of Mesopotamia – read that, read Dr. Harris.

READER: And there were dwelling at Jerusalem. . .

DR. KINLEY: And there were dwelling at Jerusalem… But you don’t have no, you don’t have nothing, Luke is the one that’s telling you about it; it’s his story. And that’s the reason why I say it’s always somebody’s got Luke’s letter wide open and don’t no nothing about it. Read.

READER: Jews. . .


READER: devout men. . .

DR. KINLEY: Jews, devout men!

READER: out of every. . .

DR. KINLEY: I said Jews! You heard me you’re not blind! Devout men. Now I tried to tell you this to begin with. When they were taken captive to Assyria, and when they were taken captive to Babylon, they didn’t just run in there and grab up everything and carry it off down there. The pagans, and so forth and all that kind of thing, they left them! They took the ruling authority, and the intellectual, the smart men. And you remember there in Daniel 1:4 when Nebuchadnezzar got together his boys, he called for the astrologers, and the astronomers, and the smart boys to call for Israel’s smart boys that were taken captive down there. They didn’t need nobody up there hoeing corn, we want somebody else that know, that can compete with ours. That’s the reason why they said “There’s a fellow out there, Daniel, that can interpret that dream; he’s one of the gifted boys.” So now when they come back out of Assyria, and out of Mesopotamia, and every nation under the heavens, (that’s what you said), and it was Jews, devout men out of every nation. There wasn’t any nation at all but what they were right in there. Out of every nation, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Medonians, and the Persians, Rome, everywhere they had been dispersed and scattered around, every nation under the hill. Read on.

READER: Now when this was noised abroad. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats), and I have to hurry now.

READER: the multitude came together. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and were confounded. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: because that every man heard them speak in his own language. . .

DR. KINLEY: For every man heard them speak in their own language. Now look folks, when you’re down in Babylon and you’re raised up down there, and when you’re off over yonder in Greecia, and you’re over there (Jews, I’m talking about) then they learned to speak that language, Hebrews. You were born in America; some of you can’t speak Italian, and Hebrew. Why? Cause I’m born in America! And then for the most part, we can’t speak plain English, like they do over there in England ours is broken up. And somebody’s always trying to show how smart, and how eloquent an orator, and how profound they are in these academic expressions. They don’t know they’re speaking broken English. They don’t talk like we do. Trying to show off how smart he is. See this showing off is done with, that’s over with now. All right, read on.

READER: and they were all amazed. . .

DR. KINLEY: And they were all amazed! Everybody up there where they had that feast of the Passover where they run together when the day of Pentecost had fully come. All right.

READER: saying one to another. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: behold, are not all these which speak Galileans?

DR. KINLEY: Are not all these Galileans? Read.

READER: and how hear we every man. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: in our own tongue. . .

DR. KINLEY: Speak in our own tongue

READER: wherein we were born. . .

DR. KINLEY: wherein we, the Hebrew nation was born. Even though they were Jews out of every nation, speaking Greek!

STUDENT: No, no, Hebrew. . .

DR. KINLEY: Everything out there on the day of Pentecost spoke Hebrew. It didn’t make no difference where he come from, Assyria, Babylon, don’t make no difference where he was born and raised at, he spoke Hebrew. No yak-yaking like these folks around here with this delusion running around talking about. Everybody spoke Hebrew. Well now look, let me take a dead aim at the bulls eye now and get it, Dr. Allen told you about it. Here’s a dead aim, it’s just like hitting a bull’s eye. Pentecost, this is the 50th day after they had come through here, and was gathered up around Mt. Sinai. The Jews God was talking to, and I do mean Jews only! Now that’s the first church, that’s the first congregation, that’s the first assembly. God’s speaking! Speaking what? Hebrew! To who? The Hebrews! If He had been speaking Italian or something else to ’em, they wouldn’t know nothing about what He was talking about. Can you see that? And then this day of Pentecost that’s in a cycle of years, is nothing else but a repetition of this through the years. God was speaking Hebrew! Now we tell you, because we’re not confused, that God then called Aaron, Nadab, and 70 of the elders up in the mountain, and the cloud covered the top of the mountain… Now I have to cut this up short. And then after He done spoke the commandments to ’em, then He called Moses up into the midst of the cloud. Are you listening? And Moses, Dr. Allen told you Moses, the Hebrew boy, heard God say, “Let there be light!” And He said that in Hebrew for your information. What’d He say it in Hebrew for? Cause He was talking to the Hebrew people! He created the heavens and earth in Hebrew. When He said, “Let there be light,” in Hebrew! He said, “Let the waters above divide from the waters beneath,” Hebrew. Now you got the creation coming in. Now here’s the universe and it’s creation… Now listen, now listen to me now; back here, that’s the reason why it’s important… I done did everything I know how to do to try to show you. Before this, and after the flood, about a hundred and one years after the flood, which took place in 1656, a hundred and one years from that, (Are you listening now?) God had said that He wouldn’t destroy the world anymore by water. He was speaking Hebrew then. You don’t have nothing where Noah wrote anything, Moses wrote it. You get it now? Didn’t nobody write the history of the creation of the world, and on back into the antediluvian, and post diluvian, didn’t nobody write but Moses! So what God said to Noah, and what God said to Adam and all, God was talking in Hebrew. So all the nation, the whole earth was speaking one language up until the Tower of Babel. The whole earth was just one language. Is that what you got in your Book?

STUDENTS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Oh this is good, ain’t it? Ain’t this good stuff that we got here? And if you make just any kind of a little mistake we got you, that’s all. It ain’t no wonder no preachers don’t hang around here. You can’t blame ’em for that. He don’t wanna learn nothing no how; he wants to show somebody where he knows everything. He wants somebody to recognize him as being smart. Oh, I’m not talking about a real man of God. A man that God sent in the world, he’s glad of the opportunity to come here and sit down and listen, and he takes advantage of it too, and he’s the only one that’s gonna stick. Now they were speaking Hebrew. And when that Tower of Babel was built, and Nimrod’s kingdom, (I want you to see this now), they were all there speaking the one language. And God said, “Let us go down,” us who, as Dr. Allen said. You have to tell me about this us business, you just don’t read to me. Everybody saying God said this, Noah said that, and Paul said this, and Peter said that, you got to tell me something I’m awful dumb. So then, you know what I’m after now? I’m after showing you how Satan lied, and like a dog, to try to get his point over, and why it was that Peter is writing, and to whom he’s writing to, and where he’s writing from, and why. Now that’s what I’m after. See it’s not enough to just say the first epistle…

School of the Highest Learning

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