Acts 17: Color, Realm of Eternity

Lecture given by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley on January 27, 1971.

DR. KINLEY: Thank you ever so much. I’m always happy and glad to be here, and to talk with you about the things pertaining to everlasting life, and the Kingdom of Yahshua the Messiah, how the purpose of Yahweh is extended through the dispensations and ages.

Now I thought that last Wednesday night I had went into the creation sufficient for everyone to understand our teaching on it. I tried to make it as clear as possible. And I also gave you an opportunity to interrogate and to catechize, or in other words ask questions about these things that we talked with you about, and no one didn’t have any questions in their mind that, as far as my knowledge extends, that went unanswered. If you asked me, I answered. But now you’ve had some time to think about it. And I could take another two hours on that same thing and extend it on. But what I was attempting to do was lay down the basics, the fundamentals, and the foundation, the generalities and principles (that is from the scriptures now, and not from no theory, nothing like that). And I tried to lay those so that you would at least get the start of it. And if you get the start of the thing, then the case won’t be so bad, and you can follow along. And one good thing about the purpose of Yahweh is it never digresses, it never deviates, and it operates the same way all the time through the ages and dispensations. Just like your blood and the heartbeats, and your blood circulate though you veins, why then that’s just the way the Purpose is, it just constantly does that thing over and over again. Now it may be an analogy or what you might describe as a simile, but nevertheless the function and the principle is the same in all ages, and that does away with excuses for stupidity and ignorance.

Now as I have told you many times, and I’m going to repeat it again and I’ll ask you to read it in the Book this time. The 17th Chapter of the Acts of Apostles and begin with about the, well primarily what I’m after is about the 28th verse, but start up there and get the subject and read a few verses down. Now this is Paul in Athens Greece in Mars Hill. Now if you know anything about Greco Rome Cyclops of Mythology you know that the Grecians were great philosophers. They grew some of the world’s greatest philosophers, AND THEY WERE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW, some fantastic tale of ideology or searching around to find something new to entertain the people. Now Mars Hill, a lot of people don’t get the idea and jest of that. That was a court just like the Sanhedrin Council, but it is Grecian, and the other is Jewish. And so I wanted you to know that, and they entertained a lot of those ideas. And if you look in your books of mythology and philosophy you would find that the majority of them are Grecian. Now Paul is talking to them. Now they knew that they had missed something, and they couldn’t arrive at no positive and no definite and no basic concrete conclusion about the thing. And so now as he passed through Mars Hill then he saw, just as you see the various different religious organizations all around you today. Some is Roman Catholics, some are Protestants, and some is Buddhists, and some is first one thing and another, but all of ‘em are right that is if you listen at them tell it. So now he’s faced with the same situation with one possible exception, and that one exception was this: They thought that there was one God somewhere that they just didn’t know nothing about, and so they just didn’t want to miss Him, so then they put up an inscription or a sign saying, “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.” And when Paul went up there he says to ‘em, he said, “As I passed by I beheld your devotion,” just like we behold one another’s things that we’re devoted to in our religious services, practices. And he said to ‘em, says, “I beheld your devotions as I passed by.” Now someone might say this: “Well I don’t understand what he’s talking about.” [Doc demonstrates bowing and stooping and making the sign of the cross, etc.] You see what I’m talking about? Then somebody says, “Well a black cat just crossed my path.” So they spit and take 9 steps backwards, or throw some salt over their left shoulder, or if you get out of an automobile, and one does what you call, split a tree, and one goes round this way, and the other goes round this way, then you come right back around and pair ‘em up. Now what he said to ‘em, “I PERCEIVE IN ALL THINGS YOU’RE TOO SUPERSTITIOUS, and I want to declare unto you that one that you don’t know nothing about.” Now read it.

Reader: Then Saul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are devoted to the worship of idols; for as I passed by and beheld your objects of worship, I found an altar with this inscription to the unknown, whom therefore ye ignorantly worship…

Dr. Kinley: Now you see they ignorantly, they ignorantly worship.

Reader: Him declare I unto you…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) All right.

Reader: Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: who made the world and all things therein…

Dr. Kinley: All right

Reader: seeing that He is ruler of heaven and earth, He dwelleth not in temples made with hands…

Dr. Kinley: Now listen, He does not dwell in temples made by hands. Now if you just kinda check around a little bit you even your own self, see you wasn’t made by no hands. And even your body, if the book is right, 1st Corinthians 6:19, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Read on.

Reader: He dwelleth not in temples made with hands, neither is worshipped with men’s hands…

Dr. Kinley: neither is He worshipped with men’s hands

Reader: as though He needed anything…

Dr. Kinley: as though He needed something

Reader: seeing He giveth to all…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: life…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and breadth…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and all things…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) Read.

Reader: and hath made of one man all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth…

Dr. Kinley: and hath made of… What did you just say?

Reader: of one man, and hath made of one man all nations of men…

Dr. Kinley: Now just a minute now, just a minute. Now you’re getting messed up there; something’s wrong somewhere. Don’t you forget that I belong to this or that or the other, and these is my folks, and those are yours. People you wouldn’t think that you had all this silly ignorant stuff down here in this modern age. I’m talking about races and nationalities, segregation, discrimination because of race and sex and creeds and color. You would think that we ought to be wise enough now to abolish all that, but we haven’t. Now hath made of one man, Yahshua the Messiah, we’re all one in Him. Now I like to talk plain too, so people can understand what I’m talking about. Now here’s the way you have to do that. Now there is no black folks going to heaven, and there is no white folks going to heaven. Now that’s plain talk! See you have to talk to us like that, and with all of our academic training and all. There are no red folks going, there’s no brown folks going. You understand that now don’t you?

Students: Yes, sir.

Dr. Kinley: Now somebody might call on me to prove that. If you understood what you just read that wouldn’t be necessary. And now in the promise of Yahweh to Abraham, see what you’re just reading about here in now, this one man. See in Abraham’s seed (not seeds but seed) He would bless all of the families of the earth. Now that means both Jew and Gentile through Abraham seed, which is Yahshua the Messiah, and make us all set together in heavenly places. Now here comes another rough one, and that’s this one. People are looking for the Kingdom to come. Now that ain’t the way it is. Well somebody said, “Now look here, over in Matthew, I believe it is 9:6 or 6:9, when the Messiah taught the disciples to pray, said “You pray after this manner, our Father, (and too they think that’s the Lord’s prayer) Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed would be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses or our debtors as we forgive those who trespass against us,” (we ain’t got that fixed yet either) for thine is the kingdom and the power…” Now they say, they said now look this is the Lord’s Prayer. That’s not the Lord’s Prayer, and that won’t do nothing. Now the Kingdom that He taught them to pray for to come it didn’t come by observation and it already arrived, and you have been translated into it, that is if… And there’s not a whole lot of kingdoms either, just the one Kingdom. Now somebody wouldn’t wanna believe that, because they’re looking for Him to jump down out of the sky at some future date, and then that’s what you call the millennium. Now you have a pre and a post millennium. Meaning that He’ll come down through the sky, and the dead in Christ shall rise first (1st Thessalonians 4:16 around about) then these which are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet Him in the air. And some don’t know where He go to from there, whether He go back to heaven, or comes back to earth, but then anyhow He’s gonna set up the Kingdom on this earth plane, and then that’s the Kingdom that He was teaching them to pray for. Now that just isn’t the way it is. Read over there Dr. Gross, uh, hold what you got there whoever is reading…

Reader: Giving thanks unto the Father, which has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the sons in light, who hath delivered us from the power of darkness…

Dr. Kinley: Now listen, who hath de… Where are you reading?

Reader: Colossians 1:13

Dr. Kinley: Now you’re reading Colossians 1:13. NOW YOU KNOW WHY I ASKED HIM THAT? THERE’S A RECORDING MADE OF ALMOST ALL OF THESE MEETINGS. And when they take ‘em and play ‘em back, (some of ‘em are hospitalized, and first one thing and another) then they’ll know where you were reading at in the Bible.

Dr. Kinley: Now where did you say you were reading?

Reader: Colossians 1:13

Dr. Kinley: That is in the Bible that you’re reading?

Reader: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: All right, read.

Reader: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son…

Dr. Kinley: Now translated – that’s already happened, into the Kingdom of His dear Son. And we can get so particular about it that we could tell you what time it was physically: 6th Day of June, AD33, about 9 o’clock in the morning, AD33, in Jerusalem in the upper chamber. You call the day of Pentecost, that’s when that happened that Kingdom that… Now get this one straight, look at Romans 14:17, and then someone pick up over here in Hebrews the 9th Chapter and about the 10th or 15th verse there. Now what we’re gonna do here so you won’t be out in the fog is this: We’re gonna show you the difference between this covenant back here, and the New Covenant, we’re gonna show you what the difference is. All right.

Reader: For the Kingdom of Yahweh is not eating and drinking…

Dr. Kinley: Where are you reading at?

Reader: Romans 14:17

Dr. Kinley: All right, read.

Reader: For the Kingdom of Yahweh is not eating and drinking…

Dr. Kinley: Now it’s not eating and drinking

Reader: but it’s righteousness…

Dr. Kinley: but it is righteous…

Reader: and peace…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute, this is what it is! It’s righteousness, and what else?

Reader: and peace…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and joy in the Holy Spirit…

Dr. Kinley: and joy in the Holy Spirit. Now that’s what it is! Now that’s what the Kingdom is on this side of the cross. Now go over to where I told you about there in Acts of Apostles, not Acts of Apostles, but don’t leave Acts of Apostles because I have to come back to that, and then we’ll take a shot at what we’re up here to do. All right, now I want you to get in the 9th Chapter, I believe it is of Hebrews. Now watch what I’m saying to you. Now the Kingdom of Yahshua the Messiah, or the Kingdom of Yahweh it is not meats and drinks, but it is righteousness, and it is peace, and it is joy, and it is in the Holy Spirit, which was poured out on the Day of Pentecost, Acts 2:4 you’ll find that. All right now, I want the Old Covenant there now, and it stood…

Reader: which was a figure for the time then present…

Dr. Kinley: Where are you reading?

Reader: Hebrews 9:9…

Dr. Kinley: All right, better take the first couple of verses of it there the first, the first chapter, I mean the first few verse so we’ll know what we’re talking about.

Reader: Hebrews 9:1.

Dr. Kinley: Yes, this first covenant.

Reader: Then verily the first covenant…

Dr. Kinley: Now the first covenant… Now you got two covenants, and you read about ‘em when he was up here on the floor. Then the Old and the New Covenant, or the Old and the New Testament or the Old and the New Agreement or Contract… Then verily the first covenant

Reader: had also orders of service…

Dr. Kinley: They had orders, had what?

Reader: had orders of service, and was set…

Dr. Kinley: You better read that right cause if you don’t I’ll…

Reader: and a worldly sanctuary

Dr. Kinley: hah?

Reader: and a worldly sanctuary…

Dr. Kinley: Repeats

Reader: for in the first compartment of the tabernacle…

Dr. Kinley: For in the first compartment, now listen, for the most part Christendom haven’t even found about that; they don’t know a thing about it. All right read on.

Reader: for in the first compartment of the tabernacle was the candlestick…

Dr. Kinley: All right

Reader: the table…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and the showbread…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: which is called the holy place…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute. Now this is what we’re talking about. Now this is the Pattern that you see, Elohim The Archetype Original Pattern Of The Universe. Now everything we do down here just has to be according to this Pattern. Now here’s what the Pattern is: The Pattern is (if you’ll just read up here) Elohim The Archetype Original Pattern of the Universe. Now if you go back to find out about that, THEN PURE SPIRIT IT’S INCOMPREHENSIBLE, INCONCEIVABLE, INVISIBLE, INSCRUTABLE. Is that enough words? Then Yahweh is not intelligent; He is Intelligence, He Himself is that. He is Wisdom! He is Knowledge! He is Power! Now let me pinpoint that; those are just Attributes. Now then those attributes being Pure Spirit, and being inconceivable, it had to take (as the moderator said) it had to take on an incorporeal, and the word incorporeal means it’s not physical. Corporeal is physical, incorporeal is not physical. It had to take on a shape and form here. IN OTHER WORDS, THOSE ATTRIBUTES HAD TO BE UNITED INTO AN EMBODIMENT. Now you couldn’t see that with your physical eye, that had to be revealed, (I think that’s a better way of saying that) that had to be revealed by a vision. Now these attributes were organized into an embodiment, which we’ll get into a little later on. And then, (now you follow now because I’m not gonna leave where we were). Now, and then Yahweh has given Israel commandments from Mt. Sinai. That constituted the law. It was the Law contained in the ordinances that you are talking about. Now that don’t mean that’s the beginning of Yahweh at all. And we’ll get down there pretty soon; you know we will don’t you? And I men we will really be down there too, and then there will be no repair work done on it. But now this is what I’m laboring the point for you to see as of now: These ordinances that were given to them they were physical and carnal ordinances. Now Listen, they were given to the Jew exclusively, and not unto the Gentile. And they were imposed on them, the Jews, until the time for the reformation. Now listen, every last one of them ordinances stood back there they were just natural, they were physical. These are physical Jews, and these are physical or carnal ordinances, but they pointed to the Spirit in this present dispensation. But now Christendom is still back there hanging around with it, and disputing the divine authenticity, the unerring accuracy and infallibility of the Scriptures. I’ll prove that too to you before I sit down. Now what he’s reading there he’s talking about that. That is in Hebrews you’re reading there? Is that right?

Reader: That’s right

Dr. Kinley: Respect that. All right, finish. Let’s get in a hurry because…

Reader: beyond the veil, the second compartment of the tabernacle…

Dr. Kinley: Now beyond the veil, that’s within the Most Holy Place now. All right.

Reader: which they call the holy of holies…

Dr. Kinley: All right, read on.

Reader: which had the golden censor and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid with…

Dr. Kinley: You see now this is it, and we’ve drawn it all up here. Now skip on down, 9th verse.

Reader: which was a figure for the time then present

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute, read that again.

Reader: which was a figure for the time then present in which

Dr. Kinley: Hold it! Um-um, I don’t want you to move. See when he pronounced that word, then, see he didn’t even pronounce that real clear and distinct. Now I’m particular about these words! It was a figure for the time THEN present! Not NOW! All right read.

Reader: in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the sacrifice perfect as pertaining to the conscience…

Dr. Kinley: that did the what?

Reader: service…

Dr. Kinley: Well then see you better read what’s there. I know what’s there too. [Doc chuckles] See you can’t fool me on no words, even the punctuation is important to me. You know why the punctuation is important to me? You want me to read why it is?

Students: Yeah.

Dr. Kinley: Want me to stop right here and read why it’s important?

Students: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: All right I’ll do that. But we’re not done there either, because I wanted you to read down there that those ordinances they were physical, they were carnal! Read it and then I’ll let you read why every word is important to me.

Reader: which stood only in meal…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait just a minute! Now you wait a minute! Now it says which stood only, o n l y. Now that ought to be an important word. It was for the time then present back there, and that one stood only in meats and drinks.

Reader: and various washings…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) Read on I’m in a hurry!

Reader: and carnal ordinances…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: imposed on them…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: until the time of reformation…

Dr. Kinley: on the Jews. Now here’s Christendom over here, they’re practicing ‘em, and you seen that it said it stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances imposed on the Jew until the time of reformation; I read that out of the Bible. Then I went over here in the 14th to Romans and the 17th verse and showed you that the Kingdom of Elohim is not meats and drinks. Now here’s Christendom out here fumbling around with all these natural things, these carnal ordinances, that nobody said nothing to ‘em about it. Some trying to keep the Sabbath Day, ain’t nobody said nothing to you about keeping no Sabbath Day. Where you find that at in the Bible? Where do you find that in the Bible that Yahshua the Messiah, after His resurrection, sent anybody out to baptize in physical water? Where do you find it at? You read it to me! Turn it around the other way. Since you have the King James Version, and you have the Holy Name Version, you show me where the Lord, God, or Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost, sent anybody at any time out to baptize in physical literal water after His resurrection. Read it to me out of the Bible! Don’t you misconstrue what I said and go to telling me about Phillip going down and baptizing the Ethiopian Eunuch. You see the point? Now I don’t wanna dispute and argue about that, I think he did. Yes in deed. But I, what I’m talking about, not what Phillip’s doing or what Peter said… I know Peter commanded the Gentiles down at Corneilus’ house to be baptized in water. But I didn’t say, Peter, and Peter withdrew that one. But no, you read down a little piece down here in the Bible, and you think that you’re reading in the New Testament, and Jesus said for us to do this, and that’s why we’re doing it. You can’t read nothing like, you can’t read nothing like that in no Bible. You got a break, read it to me if you think it’s in there. If you think the Kingdom hasn’t already come, then you read it to me where it has not. Now how about that? We just haven’t understood this thing; we just have not understood it.

We don’t know, this is what we don’t know: We don’t know nothing about these dispensations, and these ages; we don’t know what’s going on, and all confused about it. We’re around here with works. Now this confusion is supposed to be, but you that believe in Yahshua the Messiah don’t have no business getting all messed up in it. Yahweh give you someone to bring you up out of that ignorance and darkness and vomit and that foolishness. Now we found out that this one stood only in meats and drinks and carnal ordinances. Now look, suppose now that I was a Baptist minister, or I was a Roman Catholic Priest, it really wouldn’t make any difference, I have to read the same thing out of the Book that he reads. Now this is what they do in Christendom, they say this is the Lord’s Supper, and Jesus said, “As often as we eat this bread and drink of this cup we show forth His death and suffering until He comes.” Protestantism, Consubstantiation, Roman Catholicism, Transubstantiation. Now that means, con-substantiation means it is a type and a shadow. Transubstantiation means that it is through their prayer it is transformed or transubstantiated into the actual blood and body of Yahshua the Messiah. Now are you really that stupid to believe something like that? Did you ever see anybody eat a shadow? Now we’re getting right down to plain facts with you. Then he said… Now you read it to me out of your Bible. Now he’s got to use the same Bible that we have, whether it’s Vulgate or Douay, King James Version or Holy Name, or Masoretic text, you got to use one of ‘em. Now you read to me where He said for us to take this bread and drink this cup. Why I thought you people were smart. How does it happen that they can read them things out yonder and can’t read ‘em in here? See we got everything all twisted up, and blaming Him with it.

Now, go back over in Acts of Apostles 17th Chapter. Now here’s what I’m doing: You see there was a time for 15 years of my life that I did all of these things, such as baptizing, eating Lord suppers, washing feet, in the Church of God, believed in sanctification and holiness. And I thought that Jesus, when He come into the world was setting up an example that we should follow in His footsteps, who did no sin, and neither was guile found in His mouth. And whatever He did… Well one thing that He did, He got baptized, but we skipped the circumcision, that was 8 days after birth, we just skipped that and went ‘head on, and then we got baptized. I did all them things, and the folks are still doing it. And later on after that, then they’ve got something. What you have is a hallucination. And you don’t even have a real good imagination. Now we’ve come down now to a place where ignorance is got to go! It just must go!

Now while I’m on that, before I go any further, I wanna tell you about this: Dr. Mitchell in New York called me this morning on the phone, you know he have a school up there. And those are university people, people that’s been to universities. And we have some of their people in the school, and been in there for quite some time, and they have been able to entertain quit a few of those young people that are college students, and university students. And they’ve been snowed under up there; the transportation has been all tied up. And them young people called him in Syracuse and told him, said “Look, we want you to dig out from under them snowdrifts and get out of there and come on to Rochester.” Now that’s what he called me this morning about. Now here’s what I’m saying to you: See the young people all over the world, they don’t get nothing out of this tom foolery that we’ve got around here that we call religion. And now they demand to know the truth, and they’re not playing, and they’re not kidding. And that’s what you have to tell ‘em, and you have to interest them in those things. They know about the religious concepts. You follow? But now that’s what’s happening, and it’s happening all over world, every place we have this school, they’re demanding that you tell ‘em something; now the 17th Chapter of Acts.

Reader: starting at the 24th verse…

Dr. Kinley: Yeah, now I want you to see where I’m headed! Read.

Reader: Yahweh who made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Ruler of heaven and earth, He dwelleth not in temples made with hands…

Dr. Kinley: Now listen folks, now listen. I told you that 15 years of my life, before I had this vision and revelation I was Assistant Pastor in the Church of God; I told you that. I told you many times that. And I believed in the Bible chapter and verse. And now just a few minutes ago, I told you not only about chapter and verse, I told you about punctuation, and why I was so careful about it. And I promised to tell you, so you look at the 5th Chapter of Matthew, right now before we move or before you read this, and I wanna show you how important it is.

Reader: Matthew 5:17…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: Think not that I am…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: come to destroy the law…

Dr. Kinley: Come to destroy, don’t think that! He’s telling the Jews, “Now don’t you think that I come to destroy the law and the prophets,” don’t you think that!

Reader: I am not come to destroy…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: but to fulfill…

Dr. Kinley: but to fulfill. Now wait right there! Right there, see is where you are making your mistakes, your Pastor. Now He said He come to fulfill. They say He don’t know what He’s talking about. He come to institute Christian Water Baptism, He come to institute Lord Suppers, He come to institute Foot washing. Don’t you start no argument with me cause I’ll pull this coat off and sweat it down, and you know I will. That’s what they’re saying. And that is what they’re doing! He said He come to fulfill that which was already instituted back here, and we showed you and went into that. Now He says He come to fulfill. They say, “Naw He didn’t, He come to institute.” Is that what they said? I’m after the jots and tittles. Read.

Reader: for verily I say unto you…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: till heaven and earth pass…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: one yod…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute, hold it! You remember I told you about that punctuation, one jot or one tittle

Reader: or the smallest part of a letter…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: shall in no wise pass from the law…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: until it all be fulfilled…

Dr. Kinley: until it all be INSTITUTED…

Students: No! No, fulfilled.

Dr. Kinley: Now this is what we’ve done: We’ve just drug all this over here in this present dispensation and age. And that’s what Christendom is doing, fooling around with this and that and the other. Now being in a spiritual dispensation and a spiritual age, you got a carnal mind, and a carnal ordinance back there, and you’re reading in the Bible and you think that you’re reading in the New Testament, and you don’t know the difference between the biography, and you don’t know the difference between one covenant and the other. One is written with the, see the tables of stones and Moses, and then Yahweh wrote them, Elohim wrote ‘em with His finger, now the New Covenant is written in the heart or in the inward part (listen at me now) by the Spirit. That’s what the New Testament is; it was an agreement to do that. Now you say He hasn’t done it, He didn’t keep His promise. Now He come and fulfilled all them carnal ordinances, every last one of ‘em; Circumcision, Baptism, offering up, Sacrifices, Ceremonies, Passover Supper, Ten Commandments, just telling somebody to do something. And the preacher he’s stupid enough, say “Look, we gonna open the doors of this church, and we hope that someone while the organ is playing, will come and start on their way tonight to heaven.” Say, “Well Reverend what’s there?” He say, “I don’t know, but I’m going on to see what the end is gonna be.” Now people are taught that stupidity. They sick of it; they ain’t got nothing out of it no kinda way. They been baptized, Dr. Gross been baptized, how many times doc?

Dr. Gross: 4 times.

Dr. Kinley: Only 4 times. And I baptized a lot of folks, in the water I’m talking about. Now that’s the confusion that there is on the face of this earth as it is today. Now Dr. Traynham read in the 4th Chapter of Galatians, said “To stand fast in the liberty wherewith Yahshua has made you free from the law of sin and death, (Listen Williams, now you listen at me) and be not again entangled with the yoke of bondage.” And here you are all tangled up with it, with the yoke of bondage; you’re not free. Then you made Him out a liar too. He said, “Come unto me all ye that labor, (He’s talking to the Jews), and are heavy laden, (where’s the birds) and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon me, and learn of me.” The idea, let me repeat. I will give you rest. You say, “Naw He hasn’t.” And then you read over in Hebrews about 4:8, I believe it is mistranslation. Read the mistranslation. Read it out of the King James Version of the Bible.

Reader: For if Jesus had given them rest…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: then would He not afterward have spoken of another day…

Dr. Kinley: Then would He not afterward spoken of another day. Now He’s saying come unto me and I’ll give you rest. That’s supposed to be over there in Matthew, that’s in the New Testament. And what you just read they say is in the New Testament. That’s what your, uh that leaf that’s between your Bible says the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Now He’s saying “If He had given ‘em rest.” You got it all tangled up, all twisted up, all messed up, and all confused, and you’re saying now that He didn’t give you rest. And you just keep right on doing the things that were under the Law. They weren’t even given to you, nobody said nothing to you about ‘em as Gentiles; you wasn’t even involved in it. And so far as eating this supper this Passover supper, you weren’t even invited to the party. Now when I say them things to you, (listen at me) see I’m pointing out the errors and mistakes that the Papacy has made, and Protestantism is made. And they’ll say that Jesus said for us to do this. And some churches they have it once a month. Over in William’s church they had it…

Dr. Williams: every first day of the week.

Dr. Kinley: Every first day of the week, that’s every Sunday, and then your Bible, well that’s Hebrew. Ain’t nothing in your Bible about having it every Sunday. There wasn’t but one Passover and that was down in Egypt, and all of the rest of ‘em were memorials of that one. And then Yahshua the Messiah come and fulfilled that, and then He became our Passover into this present dispensation. Y’all sick of me?

Students: No! No!

Dr. Kinley: And now you see the people with all that husks, and they ain’t got nothing out of it, nothing whatsoever. And they’re just coming right down and being honest about it and say “Look, I just don’t believe it, I just don’t believe it, but it’s best to go out and get in some church, which is the church of your choice.” That’s tomfoolery. Now you see even when you make a statement like that, this is His body, spiritual body, now that is, that’s church. And you being many are one bread and one body. Now I said one bread and one body, and you say get in the church of your choice. You even talk like a fool, and haven’t even now got sense enough to even realize that. Why you don’t even have sense enough to ask an intelligent question. Now I just got through standing up here saying, “Jesus said for to do this, and you’ll find this in 26th Chapter of Matthew and so forth and so on.” Now I wanna make you read another one, now don’t forget about where you at there, I just want you to read this one. Then you done got yourself in a mess where you can’t explain it, and yet in still you’re reading all this junk that you calling it, and you’re doing out of the New Testament, Now 8th Chapter of Romans.

Reader: Now there is therefore…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: no condemnation…

Dr. Kinley: 1st Corinthians 12:13, get that verse and then come back.

Reader: 1st Corinthians 12:13. For by one spirit…

Dr. Kinley: For by one… You heard me! Williams, for by one Spirit, NOT WATER!

Dr. Williams: That’s where you beat me Doc; that’s where you beat me.

Dr. Kinley: See, you see? For by one Spirit

Reader: are we all immersed into one body…

Dr. Kinley: are we all immersed into what?

Reader: into one body…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: whether we be Jews or Greeks…

Dr. Kinley: It don’t make no difference whether you’re Jews or Gentiles

Reader: whether we be bond or free…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and hath been all made to drink into one spirit…

Dr. Kinley: one spirit

Reader: for the body is not one member, but many…

Dr. Kinley: Now you see that now? Did I read that out of the Bible?

Students: Yes

Dr. Kinley: Then how is it you trying to tell me you can wet somebody up into it! You wanna start a big argument about it. Now go back.

Reader: Romans 8:1…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: There is therefore now…

Dr. Kinley: Now you see how you got in. Now wait a minute, so your mind don’t wander. It said by one spirit, not water, were we all baptized, Jews and Gentiles, into one body. That’s how you got in. Now then here you’re reading there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in!

Reader: which are in Yahshua the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: who walk not after the flesh…

Dr. Kinley: Now you can preach all that junk to me you please, and it’s no condemnation in me, it don’t bother me a bit. I’m just looking at you walking around naked. See you don’t get me excited and disturbed about it. There is therefore NOW, in this present dispensation and age, no condemnation TO THEM THAT ARE IN! And they got in by one Spirit. All right read on.

Reader: There is therefore no condemnation to them that are in Yahshua the Messiah, who walk not after the flesh…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute! Wait a minute. Don’t you see he said, “Who walk not after the flesh.” THE FLESH BACK HERE, WHEN HE’S TALKING TO THE PHYSICAL JEWS; now you just got through reading that up here this morning for a scripture lesson, then you turn right around on top of all that and say Jesus said, “AS OFTEN AS WE WALK AFTER THE FLESH OR EAT THIS BREAD.” You see what you’re doing? You’re saying you don’t walk after it, and then you turn around and then you do. Well why then? Read on.

Reader: who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit…

Dr. Kinley: after the spirit

Reader: for the Law of the Spirit of Life…

Dr. Kinley: For the what? Hold it! Wait just a minute! Don’t you tangle the Law of the Spirit up with the Law contained in the ordinances. The Law of the Spirit is what brought everything into existence; for the Law of the Spirit… Read

Reader: of life…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: in Yahshua the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait just a minute. Yahweh, that’s the Father, was in Yahshua the Messiah walking around in the flesh (listen) reconciling the world unto Himself. Yes indeed, we gonna put it down here. All right read on.

Reader: for the Law of the Spirit of Life…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: in Yahshua the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: hath made me free…

Dr. Kinley: Oh no! Read on.

Reader: hath made me free…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: from the Law…

DR. Kinley: What do you keep on doing that for if He’s made you free from it? Listen Farley; it wasn’t given to you in the first place. See you’re a Gentile, and you stood by faith, and not by the works of the law. Now here you are down here now, and you’re saying that all this that you wasn’t involved in, in the first place, and now here you are over here all confused and messed up in it, saying you’re walking after the Spirit, for what this couldn’t do, (the law contained in ordinances) what it couldn’t do in that it was weak pertaining to the flesh, you’re saying that through the death of Yahshua the Messiah it made you free from all of that, and then you got the nerve to stand up here and say, “Are you a candidate for baptism?” See these people are sick of that foolishness; see they haven’t gotten nothing out of it. There hasn’t nobody been able to get up and explain nothing like it ought to be. And the Bible just don’t make sense to some people. The more you read it the worse confused and messed up you get. And another one goes over here and start a little church over here on the corner, and another one run down yonder and start one down there, and the first thing you know both of ‘em split up, and then the other one gone on off out there, and another one gone on off yonder, and just all them splits and splits and splits, and disagreeing with something on something that don’t even concern ‘em, and yet in still all reading out of the same Bible.

Then somebody says, “Well look,” I believe it was Brother Roger Jackson that handed me a paper there, and it said this about eternal life there. Somebody was asking Billy Graham about eternal life…

Student: Asked him the question.

Dr. Kinley: Asked the question did he know. I wouldn’t read it, it was to long, it’s just, it’s to, and then it’s just right down stupid. Now let me show you why I said that. Now somebody that believes in divine healing gonna ask you a stupid question, (supposed to be good Christians too) says, “Do you believe that God can heal your body? Come on up folks, everybody is afflicted, and let me perform some of these Jannes and Jambres tricks. You believe God can heal your body? Do you believe that? Oh, Brother don’t you believe that?” Well listen, let me ask you a question you a question: If He could make a man, now how in the world you think He couldn’t heal one? And if that’s a mortal body that He made, and if He made that one well what about immortality? And we ain’t got that settled yet, cause we say man come from a monkey through evolutionary stages of development, and all that ignorance, and all that superstition, everybody trying to get out in front with some of their concepts and ideas, and show somebody where they’re really smart, intelligent, some new something another, to get a bunch of people together. And for the most part the Pastor the way he looks at it, “Look here, it’s a pretty nice bunch of folks, pretty nice bunch of idiots, all I have to do is just get up here and pick myself a text: my text is Jesus wept, and I’ll saying something, and every once in a while then I’ll come back and I’ll repeat my text, the next thing is to pass the basket around.” Now you see why they don’t like me. Nobody ain’t never paid me nothing for no preaching. Dr. Gross you been around here about 39 years haven’t you?

Dr. Gross: That’s right.

Dr. Kinley: You ever seen anybody pay me a penny for preaching anywhere?

Dr. Gross: No way.

Dr. Kinley: They took up collections in churches for me. I just sit there and kept my mouth shut, and when it was all over with, said, “Here, you take it.” You can’t do that. I just never did do that. I’ve been in the ministry around 55 years. This is my 40th year since Yahweh showed me the vision and the revelation. And here I woke up, and the things that I’m telling you about now, see I did all them things. And here it was I was caught up into heaven and it’s a different story altogether, it’s a different story.

Now I wanna get to… Now you seen where you say you didn’t walk after the flesh but after the spirit. But now here you’re saying Jesus said for us to take this bread and eat it, you say you don’t do that, and then you turn right around and do it. You say living water, which is spiritual, and then he’s up here in the physical water. He said He fulfilled, and you say, “Naw He didn’t, and so then He’s just come to institute and to show us how to do it, do it right, and do it correctly.” Now that’s what is the matter with Christendom out here. They don’t see, they don’t understand no parts of it. And Yahweh did just exactly what He said He was gonna do. He said He was gonna hide it from the wise and prudent, and reveal it unto babes, and He was gonna bring to naught the understanding of the prudent; that’s just exactly what He did. Now then, as many as are led of the Pastor…

Students: No. No, spirit.

Dr. Kinley: We don’t read nothing right in no book. As many as are led of the spirit they are the sons of Yahweh. And I didn’t say Jehovah either, and I didn’t say God, and I didn’t say Jesus Christ; now that’s really not it. And when you tell people that’s not it, uh-oh, they’re through with you now, I’m gone now. I’m really gone now! Now I know that man don’t know what he’s talking about! Listen, you wouldn’t go home and look up nothing to save your life. And you been listening to all this balled up stuff all your life. You’ve gotten nowhere, and you know within your own self it ain’t done you a bit of good. Right?

Students: Right.

Dr. Kinley: And you’re not even honest enough to get up and say, look Reverend I’m gone, I ain’t got nothing out of it. Be honest! Be honest with him, be honest with yourself, and be honest with Yahweh. Now if you don’t wanna do that now you gonna have to do it anyhow, because He said, “As I live saith Yahweh every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess.” You ain’t getting away with nothing. You round here trying to fight me, you ain’t getting away with a thing. Now I wanna show you why, and then I must hasten on.

There in the 17th Chapter of Acts of Apostles, now this is what I’m after there in that 17th Chapter of Acts of Apostles, I’m after where Yahweh said, as Paul is telling ‘em there up there in Mars Hill, that Yahweh hath appointed a day wherein He shall judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained. Now that’s what I’m after! That’s what he told the Athenians, that’s what he told the philosophers, the smart boys, that had all these idol gods set up, and didn’t know anything about Yahweh or the God of heaven and earth. And he said, “Now I wanna tell you something bout it, He’s not worshipped with men’s hand,” (even if the Papacy does fool with it, and Christendom) and neither does He dwell in these fine edifices.” All right read on, that’s what he said.

Reader: 31st verse. Because He hath appointed a day in the which He will judge the world in righteousness…

Dr. Kinley: judge the world in righteousness

Reader: by that man…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: whom He hath ordained….

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: whereof He hath given proof…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: unto all men…

Dr. Kinley: or assurance unto all men

Reader: in the He hath raised Him from the dead…

Dr. Kinley: In that He hath raised Him from the dead. Do you understand that now? See Children we oughta be careful.

Now, as I went along them 15 years that I was Assistant Pastor in the Church of God, all them things, this is the thing that’s in my mind two long years after I got put out the church, this is what was in my mind. If God is gonna judge the world in righteousness; He’s appointed a day wherein He shall judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He has ordained, surely there must be some kind of a way to find out something definite or something positive or some reality about something! And I was called a Bibliomaniac; I know what’s in that Book! And things in there I just didn’t quite get the gift, but I tried to go along with the brethren. The question, it was in my mind, if He’s appointed a day wherein He shall judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained, surely there ought to be some way… It wouldn’t be fair for us to be all balled up in this confusion that we’re in and we don’t have no definite way, no definite program, no definite purpose, no definite plan, and I go my way you go yours, and then He sends you to a lake of fire to scorch and to burn throughout eternity. That wouldn’t be fair; that wouldn’t be just, now wouldn’t it? If He didn’t have some way that He’s gonna make us all see eye to eye and face to face, and the same thing, and then everybody have to bow down to it. You see what I’m talking about, if He didn’t have it. Do you follow now? Now when I was caught up into that spiritual realm or into heaven itself, folks I’m not lying to you, I am telling you the truth, I was there. I have seen, no, not with these. I’m not in no delusion or all fouled up about it and which way about it, I know what I’m talking about.

Now let me say this: There are people sitting under the sound of my voice, (now I’m not interested primarily in healing physical bodies), but there are people that are sitting right under the sound of my voice now listening at me, and looking me in my face, that have been healed of all kinds of diseases all over this country. They have actually been risen from the dead physically so, and spiritually. And I did not at no time put no olive oil on nobody; no sir I did not do it. Now to raise ‘em spiritually from the dead, I’m feeding you the words of eternal life in the things that I am saying. Now you can be a partaker of it or you can let it alone and go on with your own concepts of things, or you could take, be a partaker of the spirit, and therefore eternal life abideth within you. Now look, somebody just wouldn’t wanna believe that, and I knew that. So then Yahweh… I used to have charge of the divine healing service in the Church of God, I’m not talking about in the school, and just walked along, cancer, heart trouble, speak the words… Am I lying?

Students: No, sir.

Dr. Kinley: Isn’t there somebody here that knows that that, can witness?

Students: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: Do you see it? Now here’s Yahshua the Messiah, you know He raised Lazarus from the dead after he was dead 4 long days, and He walked around among His disciples and said, “Greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto the Father.” [Glitch in the tape] Well if you think that’s a great miracle, well what about this? Look at Matthew 27:52. Them people there they’d been 4000 years, not 4 days, 4000 years. And they come on up out of there after His resurrection. Folks what we’re talking about is eternal life! Living, eternal life, eternal life, means you just don’t die. Oh I’m not talking about this flesh, no. Look at Matthew 27:52.

Reader: And the graves were opened, and many bodies of the sons, which slept arose…

Dr. Kinley: many bodies of the sons which slept around.

Reader: and came out of the graves…

Dr. Kinley: and came out of the graves after His resurrection…

Reader: and went into the holy city…

Dr. Kinley: and went into the holy city. We have it pictured right up here.

Reader: and appeared unto many…

Dr. Kinley: And appeared unto many. Now He had told them that Abraham, whom they believed, whom they had claimed to be his seed, He said that Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, they would come from the East and the West and sit down in the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Yahshua the Messiah before them Scribes and Pharisees and hardheaded folks. Now then Job and all the rest of ‘em that believed on Him from here on back to righteous Abraham on down, when He resurrected from the dead there they were. They went on into Jerusalem, and appeared to many. That was greater than raising Lazarus from the dead he’d only been dead 4 long days, and these been dead 4000 years. Now it’s wonderful.

Now let me finish up my disputation by saying this: Now if we understood… Now some of the rest of ‘em, I’ve got so I can’t do this so well, because I’ll blow up, just blow straight up. And I have to take some of these boys like Dr. Gary Mathess, and Dr. Gross, and Dr. Dennis and them to do this. But now I’m just gonna try to take it easy and do this. Will y’all bear with me just for a minute or two?

Students: Yes, sir.

Dr. Kinley: Now this, your Bible, Hebrews 8:3 and Exodus 25:40, says that this is a pattern, now look, that was shown to Moses in the mount. And He told him make sure you build all things according to the pattern shown to you in the mount. Now that pattern if you read there in Hebrews it’s a figure of heavenly things. Now you should be able to look at the pattern and tell something about what’s in heaven. All you have to do is just go inside of the pattern, because it is a figure of heavenly things, and these two Archangels, Michael and Gabriel, stood on each end of the covenant, Ark of the Covenant that was in the Most Holy Place. You read about that in the 9th Chapter of Hebrews. Is that right?

Students: Right.

Dr. Kinley: which was shown to thee in the mount. Now these, these are Jews. Now look, you’re gonna have to take that pattern… Now don’t you forget now that I told you what that was; Elohim is the Archetype or Original Pattern of the Universe. Now follow: Now that tabernacle it had a Most Holy Place, that’s one, Holy Place, that’s two, and an Outer Court, that’s three. Now Moses had to make that according to the pattern that he saw up here in the mount; this is the interior, and this is the exterior. Now here’s what that is: See if He’s transformed into this threefold tabernacle or transfigured into it… Now look, let me get this over to you clear. See now this, this here body this is the Temple, this is the Tabernacle. Now this building here set on Mt. Moriah, the temple – John 2:19 look at it. Now hurry up I don’t have but…

Reader: Yahshua answered and said unto them…

Dr. Kinley: Yahshua answered and said unto the Jews

Reader: destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: then said the Jews…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: forty and six years was this temple in building…

Dr. Kinley: Now see, they said forty and six years was this temple in the building. This is after He’s baptized, He’s telling ‘em destroy this temple, and it was 46 years in the building. Now then He went on in His ministry, and it was 3 years after… 46 and 3 is 49, 3½ years. See 3 years, 46 and 3 is 49. Now He’s saying destroy, (now get these words straight. That’s the reason I tell you these word, you have to watch ‘em.) He said, “Destroy THIS Temple.” And they said, “Our father were 46 years in building THAT temple.” You see the difference between the this and the that. You got practically the same thing over here in the 16th Chapter of Matthew, where He said to His disciples, said “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am.” They said, “Some say Jeremiah or some of the rest of the prophets.” He said, “Who do you say that I am?” And Peter spoke up and he said, “That I say that thou art Yahshua the Messiah,” he didn’t say Jesus Christ. He said “Flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto you, but my Father which is in heaven.” Get it now. “And upon THIS Rock I’ll build my church.” The Roman Catholics says He built it on Peter, that rock. Just like when He said about THIS Temple, they said that. See they don’t know the difference between this and that. And then you read down in there in the 10th Chapter of 1st Corinthians it said, “That Rock that went with them was Yahshua the Messiah.” Then you read on and it says, “Another foundation can no man lay than that which is already laid.” And that foundation was Yahshua the Messiah that laid in Joseph’s new tomb hewn out in a Rock in the heart of the earth. Now we just got all these satanic spirits that were cast out of heaven is incarnated in these physical bodies that’s teaching every kind of an old erroneous idea and concept of it, and with a carnal mind, they don’t understand spiritual things. Now look, I just got through telling you that this was the Temple, destroy this body and then, this temple, and I’ll raise it up in three days.

Reader: Forty and six years was this temple in the building, and wilt thou raise it up in three days?

Dr. Kinley: Now let’s get on with it, let’s get on with the story. Now you see I told you He was transfigured into this one. This is the temple. This is the figure of the temple. Now look, look up here now! Now if you don’t hold right on, hold to me, I’m teaching, I’m not trying to preach. And am I giving you chapter and verse for what I’m talking about …

Student Body: Yes!

Dr. Kinley: Now Yahweh Elohim placed His (1st Chronicles 28:19, I wanna show you what I’m talking about) place His body… Now remember we’re up here in the realm of eternity now, see we’re looking at an incorporeal Temple… Now I said this come out of here. Now here’s why I said that, and this is what I’m gonna try to show you. Then the tabernacle coming out of the temple, it’s got to go back into the temple from whence it came. So now after the this temple was built, then the tabernacle was dismantled and moved into the temple, and that temple was a figure of His body. Paul looking at it again, said “If after the earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved, we have another building not made with hands eternal in the heavens.” We have borne the image of the earthly we must also bear the image of the heavenly; we’re all going that way.

Now then if we get on away from this color thing… Now when we get into color, if that’s what you want to get into, then don’t you see the blue, purple and scarlet veil, and all these colors that’s blended here in this tabernacle, and then here the temple is overlaid with gold. And for that temple to be setting upon a hill overlaid with gold is just like a man setting there on a throne. And because it was placed over David, this Holy Spirit just overshadowed David’s body. Then afterwards (now keep me straight now) that same Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary’s body and she became pregnant, and He was born of His loins or of the Spirit. See and in other words, that transmutation or coming down out of that invisible state. Now Chronicles 28:19 show… David didn’t know how to build no tabernacle, and yet in still he wanted to build one, a temple. He said, “I’m living in the house of cedar, said I’m gone make, uh, I called Nathan up and told him, said I’ve got a notion here to build Yahweh a house, but I live in a house of cedar, and I’m King of Israel…” Now he didn’t know nothing about building no house. He would’ve had the thing all botched up just like they got the Vatican over there, see all botched up, and adding some more to it, and fixing around. So now here He’s telling him. Now what I’m showing you here, this fits the pattern! Now that’s what I’m talking about. Read.

Reader: All this said David…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: Elohim made me understand in writing…

Dr. Kinley: in writing

Reader: by His hand upon me…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: even all the works of this pattern…

Dr. Kinley: All the works of this pattern, which he gave Solomon his son to build the temple. And Yahweh Elohim come on down, coming from Pure Spirit into incorporealization, and from there on down into the earth; this invisible is one; this incorporeal is two, and this physical is three. Now we got to go back the way we come. You go out of this physical and we bear the image of the heavenly… That’s the reason why I say you running around talking about your color, WHAT COLOR IS THIS? [Elohistic form] YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THAT COLOR?

Students: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: Now in the 17th Chapter of Matthew, THE SAME THING, the same identical thing, when Peter, James, and John was up there in the mountain, and they looked at Him, they saw Him in a vision: His raiment was WHITER THAN THE LIGHT, IT WAS JUST BLINDING. The Philippians says, “When He shall appear He’ll change our vile bodies into a glorious…in a moment, (Paul said in the 19th Chapter) and in a twinkling of an eye.” It is that spirit that is within you that will change you from a mortal to an immortal. Now that’s what we’re striving for. And we’re not into these natural things. And we don’t expect to be beneficial of the natural things. What we’re trying to tell you about is the spiritual things.

And then here’s another thing: Now you take this earth, ecologists they are saying that the air is polluted, the water you drink, chloride, and other different bacteriological contaminations in the water. Now there’s the air you breathed, there’s the water you drink, and they even had on TV where they took airplanes and sprayed grape fields to kill the parasites and the bugs with DDT, and a lot of people have been poisoned with those insecticides. And so now they’re trying to generate an insect to eat an insect to do away with or to counteract it. Now here’s what I’m saying folks, by you being a partaker of the spirit, you are partakers of something eternal. And what we’re striving for to do is to show you those things, and show ‘em to you by the pattern.

Now let me say this too, I wanna put this one in. See over there in Genesis where we read, and I’m also finishing up this thing, but over in the first Chapter of Genesis where we read, you read down there, you’re reading about a vision, the vision that Moses had when he was in Mt. Sinai. And he took the vision and put it in the first part of the book. And every day as the sun rose and set that man was up there in that mountain within that cloud. And evening that cloud turned into a burning inferno, and Yahshua, the real Yahshua the Messiah, whom you call Joshua was up there in that cloud with him. Somebody said, “You know I don’t believe that.” Well more than likely you don’t because nobody never told you before, but that is what happened. And if that’s not so that He wasn’t up there with Moses, then how you gone get up here with Moses now? In the transfiguration I’m talking about, and said, “And there appeared unto him Moses…” Now Moses he was buried over against Bethpeor, and no man knew where he was buried, because Elohim buried him. But somehow another He found him! He didn’t quite get lost did he? So He found him and he appeared there. And look, Peter, James, and John, though they were not back here, they looked right at Moses and heard the conversation with him talking about building this tabernacle over here in what you call your New Testament in the 17th Chapter of Matthew, transfiguration. You see that now?

Now here’s what I’m saying folks in conclusion. Now in the first chapter of Genesis, Moses said the evening (now watch now, I’m fixing to take you into the realm of eternity) the evening and the morning that was the first day. The evening and the morning… From evening around to the morning that would ordinarily be a night, wouldn’t it?

Students: That’s right.

Dr. Kinley: But it’s not true that it is a night, he said that was a day, the first day. And the evening around to the morning that was a day, and the evening and morning and around that was day, and the day took care of itself. Now here’s John out on the Isle of Patmos he’s looking back at that. He’s in the realm of eternity just like Moses is in the realm of eternity. John said, “I didn’t see no night there.” Moses didn’t either. He said he was in the spirit, and Moses was in the spirit. THE CLOUD WAS SYMBOLICAL OF THE SPIRIT, and Moses was up in the midst of it. So now what I’m trying to get you to see is this, is your inner soul or your inner self up in here, and this physical body, all, everybody, has to be changed. If you live right down to that day and that hour and that second and that minute, everybody has to be changed. Now it don’t make any difference how much money you got, or how poverty stricken you are (you can be as poor as me it doesn’t make any difference). It doesn’t make any difference about your official standing, that doesn’t make a difference. You could be a king on the throne, you could be a pauper, or you could be a millionaire. You could be white, you could be black, you could be red, you can just be anything, but we all are going to have to bear this image of this heavenly, and then that is in the realm of eternity.

Now let me tell you about the realm of eternity. You are in there as of now. Now how did you get like that? In the 17th Chapter of Acts this is what Paul told them, this is what he told them, oh my goodness, “For in Him we live…” There’s no way on earth, nor in the heavens for you to get outside of Him and to look back at Him. Why? Because He is the sum total of everything, and it is in Him that we live, we move, and we have our being. Even as one of the Grecian philosophers up there said, “We are the offspring of Yahweh.” So now when you are born, born again from heaven above, or born of the spirit, then you are conscious. One man is conscious, the other is unconscious, that’s what the difference is. SEE I’M CONSCIOUS THAT I’M IN HIM, AND THAT I LIVE IN THE REALM OF ETERNITY WITH HIM. I’m fully aware, I’m conscious, the other feller he isn’t. One says he’s gonna go to heaven, and another says, “Naw, it ain’t gonna be but 144000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the earth class gonna go to heaven.” They just down right stupid. If you look in the 12th Chapter of Hebrews you’ll see that them folks that he’s talking about they already done arrived there. They were the first to arrive there, and on Mt. Zion too, I’m talking about. And when that happen? It was back here under Joshua. And then Paul said there in the 12th Chapter of Hebrews and the 18th verse, “And ye are come to the holy city, the New Jerusalem, the Heavenly Jerusalem, the City of the Living Elohim, to the general assembly, and to the Church of the Firstborn, and to an innumerable company of angels… And therefore seeing we’re surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily beset us, and run with the patience the race that is set before us, ever looking to Yahshua, who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. [Doc walks off the floor]

Audience: Applause.

School of the Highest Learning

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