Ever Presence of Yahweh & IDMR Conduct


[Opening Statement Missing on this Tape]

Dr. Kinley: . . . and it doesn’t make any difference whether we live or die, just since we’re conscious of the realization of the ever presence of Yahweh at all times.

Now when you get right down to the basic fundamental principles of the definition of death, I don’t expect to die and I hope you won’t either. We’re not preaching and teaching death, but eternal Life. Now somebody may misconstrue that just like they do everything else! And the possibilities are that somebody that had the misunderstanding of it would say “That man said so and so and so and so, now there he goes to the or there they go to the cemetery.” Well I’m not talking about that. Everybody’s gonna have to take off this body, good, bad, and indifferent. This is not the body that shall be! Everybody, now I don’t care how righteous you are or how unrighteous you are, you are going to have to depart from this physical body that you now are in. I remember a statement of the Apostle, he said this; “That after the earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved we have another building not made with hands eternal in the heavens.” Of course a lot of these spiritual utterances is not understood by a carnal mind, very rarely.

Now we had the first epistle of John, the 4th chapter, read to you this evening. And I wanna tell you one of the paramount objectives and aims of this school, is to help you find and know Yahweh. Now, we wanna know Him just like He is. And oftentimes it’s been misconstrued, didn’t know who we were talking to, didn’t understand what you were talking about, and Yahweh was afar off, way up above the sun, moon, and the stars, or somewhere in the ethereal space of the universe. That’s not so. Now you can understand that kind of talk when you just come right out flatly and deny a thing – that’s no so. It’s in Him that we live and we move and we have our being. He is always been ever present and never absent at no time. We’ve been taught many erroneous things about it, but as I stated when I first got up here, now there’s many false doctrines in the world, many erroneous concepts. But the thought that I wanna bring to you tonight is this: THE EVER PRESENCE OF YAHWEH. People have said when they come into a conclave like you are gathered here, they have said this, “That they wanted God to come in and take charge of the meeting and make it what it oughta be.” See that’s just plain down right carnality, ignorance and superstition, which we wanna dispense with, we’re through with that. He was here before you got here, come along with you, and shall depart from this building with you, and for the rest of your life, and has been with you ever since you got here whether you are conscious of His ever presence or not!

Now the attitude and disposition of some of the people that profess to belong to this school, and how they treat one another, IT’S DISGRACEFUL AND SHAMEFUL. Now you see I’m just gonna tell you like it is! Now you can get hot about it if you want to, it’s all right with me, get as hot as you please. But remember this one thing, you won’t be the first one that ever got hot at me, and more than likely you won’t be the last. And they have got hot enough at me to do something about it. They have given me a good whipping. And I don’t think that any of you can boast about you shedding blood or being beat up for the sake of this Gospel any more so than I. I’ve been beat up, I mean bodily beat up. But I feel as the Apostle said, “No man in the regions of Achia shall stop me from boasting and preaching of the Gospel,” which I received not from no institution, and I didn’t receive it from no man. I wanna talk about that some tonight too, that’s not where I got it at. And I wanna say this too: Now this is 1973, you’re going to be, uh, have some beginnings and some endings in 1973. One of the things that is to come, it’s already been published in the Herald Examiner, (I don’t know if any of you noticed it or not), and that was the new Bible that was endorsed by the Protestants, Michael Ramsey of England, and also the Vatican, and the rest of the Religious people. They have all endorsed it, and said that it could be used by all of ’em. There won’t be any conflicts between the religious denominations about that Bible, and it will be released in the United States in April of this year.

Now you have read and heard about the death of our President, Lyndon B. Johnson, and you’ve also heard about the cessation of hostilities in North, South, between North and South Viet Nam and the United States. And the word peace is on everybody’s mind now. And Yahshua the Messiah said, “When they say Peace and Safety then comes sudden destruction.” And we don’t want to be caught in the middle.

Now the thing that we’re after tonight, for the most part, is this: Is your attitude and you disposition toward one another, and the Ever Presence of Yahweh. And we want you to know when you manifest that ignominious, satanic, whether it’s between a husband and a wife, or the mother and the children or whatnot, I would advise you to start immediately to get rid of such an idea. And John, in this Epistle in the 4th chapter has stated, “Yahweh is Love.” NOW IT’S A MATTER OF ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBILITY FOR YOU TO LOVE YAHWEH AND HATE YOUR BROTHER. NOW YOU OUGHT NOT TO BE OFFENSIVE YOUR OWN SELF, you can’t help nobody that way, in fact the matter you need some help. Now let’s face it now and get right down to rock bottom with it, let’s face it.

Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the Roman Catholics, and the Church of God’s people, and quite a few people all over the world, (now listen at what I’m saying now), they think that the end, when Jesus shall come down through the sky and the judgment be set up, they think that, in other words, that the whole thing will come to a decided conclusion in nineteen hundred and seventy five! Now when you take the Roman Catholics, as many of them as they are, and the majority of the Protestants, everybody’s expecting something to happen in nineteen hundred and seventy five! Now I told you this, it will not be nineteen hundred and seventy five; it will either be sooner or afterwards. Then I want you to be conscious of this one thing in particular as of right now! You are now in the judgment. Now a lot of people they don’t realize that, they don’t recognize it, they don’t know it, they don’t understand it, they don’t believe it, they don’t think about it, the carnal mind lead you on off somewhere. And a lot of people have talked about the difference between what you might call PHYSICAL FIRE and CONSUMING FIRE of Yahweh. And they think that, “Well I’ll just go ahead on and do wrong, and when it comes time for me to be punished for my wrong doing it won’t be but just a moment or two, and then it’ll just be all over with.” I beg your pardon it’s not like that. And the fire we’re talking about, Yahweh being a consuming fire, it’s not like that. It’s not like the fire you kindle out here and burn up something here on earth; it is not like that. That fire that you kindle it’s a lot of things it will not consume but Yahweh is consuming fire, consuming everything.

Now if you knew anything about the cremation of a physical body, you could consume or you could burn the flesh, but the bones, you then, uh, they will become to a place where they become fragile, but you have to take a roller or something and crush ’em up. Did you know that? And when you put a physical body, I’m talking about cremation now, on fire, the person that’s suppose to be dead, and when that fire begins to consume or to burn that body, You know what happens? It’ll scream! Am I wrong about that Dr. Hobbs?

Dr. Hobbs: It will move also Doc.

Dr. Kinley: Yes sir, scream and move. I’ll tell you something else about that physical body too that most of you are not conscious of. You can take it out there and lay it out there, dead now mind you, lay it out here in the field some place and let it decompose, and the atomic particles of matter that makes up your physical body will fertilize the grass, and the seed, and the vegetation around you, and it’ll grow up higher there than it will anywhere else. You can take a physical body and put it in a casket with a plate, a glass plate over it, and put it in a vault, seal it up air tight and let it stay there for years and years, and you can walk in and look at it. Many wealthy people have done their relatives that way, and they’ve remained there for many many years, but the minute you open it, or some air get to it, it’s gone, decomposed that quick, just vanish, just disappear. Did you know that? That’s right.

Now there’s a lot of things that you need to know about the physical body and about your Creator, or spiritual body. And when you get into a better knowledge of it, then you will become to know one another better, and understand one another better. Now this is the way that we have thought it was through the years. We have thought that God was way up yonder somewhere in the sky, and we had to holler and scream and carry on in order to invoke His attention. And we had to even afflict ourselves with instruments and all, call it suffering and first one thing and another. You would be surprised at the superstition and the ignorance of the people. And to go into the Greek and Roman Cyclops of Mythology and Superstition, you would be surprised. To go into even the Hebrew, and the Babylonian Talmud and Mishnah or Midrash, you could find a whole lot of superstition there. I’ll give you some idea, like Buddhism, and making marks in your body, and making signs and crosses and all kinds of superstitious theories. Black cat cross your path, you take and walk so many steps backwards, throw some salt over your left shoulder, just anything you can think of. See, we’ve tried everything, and you’d be surprise how ignorant people are when it comes to the Ever Presence of Yahweh, and how little they know about Him.

Now, for the rest of the time that I have to be up here, I wanna see if I can get Him a little bit closer to you than He has been in the past, so we want be talking bout some mythological deity, so we’ll be able to discern Him in one another, and in the meantime try to find out something about who you are. It would be nice if we could just find out who we are and then we wouldn’t have such a great big problem trying to find out something about Yahweh. This body that you have here, that is not your body! Maybe you’d better read that.

Reader: What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…

Dr. Kinley: Now look, don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Now that’s what your body is, it’s the temple of the Holy Spirit. Now how do you think intelligent people, like the so-called Jehovah’s Witnesses, could go around and say that He doesn’t abide in His own house or in His temple, He’s a vital force upon you. See, how easy it is for you to slide off into something another unconsciously, and not pay no attention to it. Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the, is, uh,

Reader: the temple of the Holy Spirit. . .

Dr. Kinley: temple of the Holy Spirit. Now I wanna tell you where your body comes from. Hold what you got there. See we have to, we have to find out something about this. In the 17th chapter of Acts, (we’ll be, we’re coming back here where we were), in the 17th chapter of Acts of the Apostles, we talk about the Fatherhood of Yahweh. And you will find there that Paul is in Athens Greece in Mars Hill. And the Grecians were the greatest philosophers the world has ever known anything about. And they spent their time, and would listen to anything anybody had to say. They were always on the look out for something strange to tickle their ears with, and for them to look into. And so therefore, when the Apostle come along, Apostle Saul or Paul), and he was up in Mars Hill, they said “Well, let’s see what this babbler is gonna have to say.” And so then they gave him audience and he begin to speak. And he told them, said “You ought not to think that the paternal nature, which you say Godhead, is like wood and hay and stubble and so forth and so on.” Now listen now, we’re talking about a body, and what about it? We are the, what?

Audience: Offspring

Dr. Kinley: offspring of Yahweh. We sprung off, not from an ape, (so you quit aping Yahweh), and not from a monkey! But we are the offspring of Yahweh. Now the offspring ought to look something like the place of his original source, or he ought to like his father. Wouldn’t you think so? Now this is what I’m after now, this is what I’m after. I’m trying to get you out of the idea of talking about God being spirit and you can’t point out nothing, and you can’t find nothing no where, you don’t have no body – you don’t have no body no where! Now that’s what we’re trying to talk, that’s what we’re trying to talk about. And then it just becomes a subject that you started out on, which you don’t have no foundation for, you don’t have no roots, you don’t have no proof, you don’t have nothing! Well, then somebody say, “Well, God is spirit.” Well what is spirit? Say, “Well, that’s God.” Then here you go rocking backwards and forwards, you can’t get nowhere. You don’t have no idea of what you’re talking about and neither does the other fellow, and the consequences are, neither one of you can convince anyone either one way or the other. Why not? because you don’t know and neither do they.

Now what we’re talking about is, God is spirit or Yahweh is spirit taking on shape and form. That’s a body. He has a body, and then we are the offspring from that. Now that’s what I’m, that’s what we’re talking about! Now listen close at what I’m saying. We have to find and we have to have a body somewhere! Now, let me give you some idea about what I’m talking about so you can understand me. Now we say Israel come up out Egypt, and Moses leading, ’em and so forth and so on. Right?

Audience: Right

Dr. Kinley: And when they went through the Red Sea they saw no similitude; they didn’t. Well, why didn’t they see no similitude? Well, it’s because everybody looked alike! Every man look like a man, and every woman look like a woman. So they didn’t, they hadn’t seen anything to compare it with. In other words, they hadn’t visualized anything, so therefore they saw no similitude, and Joshua was right there along with them, but they didn’t see Him. Just like Yahweh is right along with you all the time. And that’s what we’re trying to wake you up to now. And we want you to see that, and we want you to understand that.

Now listen, I have to cut some of these things up short and take some short cuts. Now then, you know He told, called Moses up in the mount, this is the first trip at Mt. Sinai. And He told them (remember they didn’t get wet when they went through the Red Sea), and they had left Egypt. He called them up around, called Moses up in the mountain and gave him the words to take back to the children of Israel, and tell them that He’d give ’em three days to clean up and to wash their clothes and all, and to gather up around the mountain. But don’t touch the mountain, but gather up around it. And He spoke those commandments from the mountain, and Moses wrote down the words that He spoke from the mountain. Now if you’ll notice, I’m using, He spoke from the mountain. Now that, He, suggest that there’s a man there. Now, what we’re trying to do is trying to get you off this foolishness. You can’t find nothing, and reading over everything all the time! And you can’t discern ignorance, and superstition and folly and foolishness in some of the folks around, you can’t find it. Then after Moses had taken the blood of bulls and goats and consecrated the words that Yahweh had said, he wrote it down in a book. And he took the blood and he sprinkled the book and the people, and said to them, this is the, what?

Students: Covenant

Dr. Kinley: covenant which Yahweh thy Elohim has enjoined unto you. Now that’s what he said. Now look folks, there has to be somebody up there in that, listen, there had to be SOME BODY! (that’s what I’m talking about) up there in that mountain. You follow what I’m saying? See talking about God spoke from the mountain, so and so and so and so, and going right on, and the next thing you know, you can’t find no trace of Him at all, nowhere. Then, after He spoke from the mountain, and Moses wrote it down what He, the commandments. Now remember now, they had the commandments that was written by Moses and consecrated, and dedicated it, before Moses went up in the mountain. But he done wrote ’em down now, and said, “This is the Covenant.” Then He told him, (listen now, follow, follow what I’m saying). Then He told Moses to come up in the mountain! I said then He told Moses to come up into the mountain, and He would give him tables of stone! Now what would Moses look like running around up in the top mountain and can’t find no body, and there wasn’t nobody up there to give him no tables of stone? Said “No man has seen God at anytime!” And here you’re talking about God calling him up into the mountain and telling him that He’s gonna give him the tables of stone. And then now here you got Moses up there running around, and he can’t find God or nothing up there in the mountain, and by some hook or crook he got some stones, tables of stone and he was coming back down the side of the mountain. Now you see how stupid, and how ignorant it is for people to say that He wasn’t up there in the mountain! You follow me Bishop?

Bishop Short: Yes sir

Dr. Kinley: Now we’re tying, we’re trying to locate something and we’re trying to get something over to . . . [Glitch in Tape]. . . This is His body, He operates and functions through it, and He’s ever present at all times, under all conditions and circumstances. Now when you began to come into the conscious realization of that, then you can kind of see something about what John is talking about. SEE IT’S IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO SAY THAT YOU LOVE YAHWEH AND THEN HATE YOUR BROTHER. And some of us are, you know, UNTOUCHABLES, and we’re so righteous, and we’re so sanctified, and we’re so holy, and we’re so pure, and all that kind of thing, and then act like the Devil. Never smile! A smile would tear your face all up just like stepping on a soda cracker! Just even look hateful, act hateful, snapping at everybody, then got the nerve to want somebody to think that you are right. You see, wrong attitude. Yes, we know the majority of the people are wrong, we understand that, but that ain’t the way for you to act. The way for you to act, that’s if you understand anything what we’re talking about… And I’ll tell you another thing too, it’s a disgrace for you to act like that, and say you belong down here at this school. As much truth as been taught down here at this school, and then you go out here and act like that, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Somebody say, “Well maybe he oughta stayed at home tonight, he ain’t doing to well here.” Naw folks, what I’m trying to get you to see here, this is not a plaything this is real. And Yahweh’s manifested, and we have told you that in a book. We say that every animate and so-called inanimate object and thing in the universe in it’s totality…. We told you that matter come from spirit. And we told you the mediation in coming from Pure Spirit, (try to get here on one of these charts), coming from Pure Spirit, and this is the intermediate state here, the Holy Place. What do you mean by that? It’s the place between the Most Holy Place and the Outer Court, so it’s intermediate, so it passes on down. Now you see it in that chart there when we talked about the creation. See how we brought it on down, and showed it to you in everything, in the creation. Now listen folks, now you can believe me or not believe me, but you’re not gonna find anything any better anywhere else than you’re gonna find right down here in this school. If you go to heaven you won’t find anything any better, and I will assure you if you go to hell you won’t find anything any better, and if you go to the intermediate state which they call purgatory, you won’t find anything any better. Now what do you mean when you say that? This is what I mean: I mean that Yahweh is everywhere. And when you are conscious of that, then even if you were in hell, and you were conscious of it, you wouldn’t find anything any better. And if you were in heaven you wouldn’t find anything any better, it’s nothing there any better than Yahweh. Now do you see through what I’m talking about?

Now, let’s get back after this body so we can realize what we’ve come down here for. So we can see how much better it would be to prevail with somebody that didn’t understand, rather than for you to get up and show hostility or some ignominious and diabolical hatred or something like that, which means that you don’t understand either. And then it’s bad to see somebody come down here and say “Well this and that and the other is wrong.” Look folks, almost everybody ever seen these charts has said they’re wrong, now just one more won’t make it any worse, or any better. And everybody that knows anything about me, worldwide, they say I’m wrong. Now what difference is it gonna make, just one more, just one little pitiful you saying I’m wrong. That won’t make it no worse, will it? And don’t nobody have to wait on your decision. Now what makes that? What’s the cause of it? Say you know what? “To be carnal minded is death.” And it’s our carnal mind that causes us to think the things that we think and to act like we act. And then after we get through acting real nasty and bad then we’ll turn around and try to justify ourselves in it, ain’t doing nothing but just making it that much worse. Say, “Well, I believe I was right, and so and so and so and so.” No you wasn’t you were wrong.

Now we want you to be helped in 1973. We want you to get rid of this foolishness, get on out, down out of this cloud. And we want you, when we talk about Yahweh, Elohim, and Yahshua, we want you, we wanna have a body, something that can be identified, identified in you. You follow what I mean?

Now, this is where we were. We were talking about Him calling Moses up in the mountain and giving him commandments, tables of stones. Now He had to be up there in order to give Moses the tables of stones. Now there isn’t a whole lot’a gods there, just one, Yahweh-Elohim and Yahshua, it’s been that way all the time. Now if we would take this chart, I’ll show it to you. We would say this is Yahweh, the head region; chest cavity Elohim, and here, Yahshua, but it’s all in one embodiment. Yahweh’s the head of the body; the chest cavity is coming down in here, then into the abdominal cavity. Then somebody say, “You didn’t say nothing bout the legs and the arms.” But you see, you run these, uh, uh, what you call ’em?

Students: Staves

Dr. Kinley: staves through here and carry it. That’s what this is, and then you have locomotion, you move. Three on each side, three tribes here, three tribes here in the back, three tribes here on this side, and three here, and 4 x 3 is 12. Now then when you come over on the other side, then you bring this 12 here and that 12 there, then you have 24. 24 what?

Students: Elders

Dr. Kinley: Elders, gathered around what?

Students: the throne

Dr. Kinley: Now you ought to be getting some idea of a body now. Now what this is that you see setting round here, this is the body of Yahshua the Messiah; finish reading.

Reader: What, know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…

Dr. Kinley: um hum

Reader: which is in you. . .

Dr. Kinley: um hum

Reader: which ye have of Yahweh. . .

Dr. Kinley: um hum

Reader: and ye are not your own. . .

Dr. Kinley: um hum

Reader: for ye are bought with a price. . .

Dr. Kinley: um hum, now just a minute! Now you see the Devil fooled Eve back here and caused —- —– —–, which pointed up to that was Yahshua the Messiah and He had to go and shed His blood. So then Him shedding His blood, He redeemed or restored you back to Yahweh, so then you were bought with a price! You know how much Judas wanted for Him? thirty pieces of silver, thirty pieces. All right, read on.

Reader: therefore. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: glorify Yahweh in your body. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now, therefore glorify Yahweh in your body!

Reader: and in your spirit. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)!

Reader: which are His. . .

Dr. Kinley: which are His! That’s His body, not yours! And we are the offspring, that’s where we come from. Listen folks, if that’s where we come from that is where we are headed too! Now, first before you go any further I want you to read next… Dr. Harris you finished that didn’t you, Acts of the Apostles, the 17th chapter?

Reader: for in Him we live and move and have our being. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now see there.

Reader: as some of your own poets have said. . .

Dr. Kinley: As some of your own philosophers or poets have said. . .

Reader: for we are also His offspring. . .

Dr. Kinley: For we are also His offspring. Now listen, down here in John you read, “Yahweh loved us so much until He gave His only begotten Son.” Now we use to use a whole lot of big long words, and we found out that that’s the way they wanted us to teach. And then when we did that, they said “They don’t know what you’re talking about,” and then they called me an educated fool. Now we would say there, in expressing that in highly academic terminology, that we were the offspring. And then why He died, John 3:16, for the son, I mean the Son died to restore us back. That was the manifestation of the philoprogenitiveness of Yahweh. Now that word, Philo, as in philosophy, pro, (break it down, your suffixes and your prefixes) gener that means origin, that’s the origin. Now John 3:16 says this, Now we’re, see we’re the offspring. And He loved His offspring so much so that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting or eternal life. See how easy that was to break down. Now that’s where we come from, spirit, then into, let’s call it spirit embodiment. Now if you notice I did not say SPIRITUAL embodiment. Now the reason why I didn’t say SPIRITUAL embodiment, is because that would suggest that there was something outside of that that had to come into and make it spiritual. He is a SPIRIT embodiment within Himself, not spiritual but SPIRIT within Himself. There was no outside source to come in and to make Him spiritual because He was the spirit embodiment Himself! That’s right. Then what we try to do, we try to put these things together in such a way that you can understand. Now is y’all sick of me?

Audience: No!

Dr. Kinley: Now right here, we tried to show you here about intelligence, knowledge and wisdom. Now in medical terms those three would be called the cephalic decade. And from that cephalic decade emanates three more, now you got six, and from that emanates three more, now you got nine. Now this is what I’m talking about, I’m talking about intelligence, intelligence the crown. And you see it over here, there’s a picture over here so you can see it. [Elohim on 40 plate chart] See that plate right there? See now that’s the crown. Now somebody would wanna question that, say “How do you get like that? I’ve never seen nothing like that in no Bible!” Did you ever see the high priest that wore that bonnet on his head, and had them strings that tied around it, and right across, right up here around it there was something wrote on it. What was the writing on it?

Students: Holiness unto Yahweh

Dr. Kinley: “Holiness unto Yahweh.” That was up here; that was the head! And then you have the other two strings that come from there, so then you got the crown, Intelligence. Then you got the one side of the head, wisdom! You got the other side, knowledge. Now that’s three that correlates and corresponds to these three figures here, the two Cherubims of Glory and the Ark of the Covenant. And from that emanates these three down here. Now he’s pointing it out over there so you can see. Now any child, this is childbirth, (since they talked so much about abortion and all), the head is formed first, and from that head emanates the rest of the body. And now then when they see any kind of a shape and form at all there, what do they call that?

Dr. Harris: Embryo

Dr. Kinley: “Embryo, that’s the embryonic state. And then it goes on into further develop, and then what have you got?

Reader: fetus

Dr. Kinley: The fetus. Now that show you how unaware, and how unconscious we are. Now here’s the cloud that brought that ’em up out of there, just like the, uh, what’s that word that you used there, that umbrella?

Dr. Harris: Placenta

Dr. Kinley: Placenta. See they was under that cloud, the placenta, that led them up out of Egypt. And when they got into the wilderness… Now we’re talking about coming down forming that child, then the embryonic, and then the further development into the fetus. Don’t that word suggest something to you? When they got out into the wilderness they begin to gripe and complain with Moses. What’s wrong? FEED US! Well see we just pass right on over these things, and we just don’t have no idea what we’re talking about one way or the other. And then arguing and disputing around about it, like we knew something about it, and don’t know straight up. And they think we don’t have no proof for nothing. We have proof down here for what we’re saying. You can’t deny that can you? See that umbrella and that cloud? And then it comes on down, and it’s attached where? You follow what I mean? And then there’s a substance that comes down through that and feeds that child. Feed him where? Down here in the belly – you wanna argue about that?

Now listen closely now, remember I told you that He is wisdom, knowledge, uh, intelligence, wisdom, and knowledge, that’s them three. Then from that three emanates three more, cephalic decade, and from that three emanates three more. Now you got nine, but there’s ten altogether. Now what is the 10th?

Students: the body

Dr. Kinley: See over there in the red. Back up one. Take it all the way around – the kingdom. THAT’S THE AUGHT, AND THAT’S HIS KINGDOM. He’s the king in it, and that’s what we’re talking to you about. Now that’s ten – ten is concrete, five is abstract; ten is all of it. And if we say ten is all of it… Now listen folks, listen, we’re trying to give you some idea of what this thing is all about. And then when you draw this court around about, now everything is within that. Well now then everything is within Him, embodied within Him. So it’s within Him we live, and we move, and we have our tabernacle, or we have our being. And He told Moses to build one that He might dwell among them. But now seriously, there’s something else there that folks usually miss. I thought you said that He come up out of Egypt with them here, right along with them. Yeah He was, but when they got… See He brought the tent along with Him. I see Dr. Gross is been doctoring this thing here since we brought these things out. Well I’m just gone let it stay like that. But I’ll just tell you the facts in the case, that’s what this is. This is the tent here, but he made it more pronounced so you could see and understand. But that tent that they brought out and brought through the wilderness, and they brought other tents too. That tent, listen, the tent of the tabernacle of the congregation was brought out, (now listen closely to what I’m saying), now it was pitched on the backside of Mt. Sinai, (now listen carefully), but now it was a far off from the camp. So when He told Moses, of the stuff that they brought up out of Egypt, told Moses to build Him a tabernacle that He might dwell among them, then Moses built the tabernacle that he saw in the cloud, and then, (now get this one straight, now here’s where we lose it again; now this where we lose out again). It isn’t just a physical man sitting in another physical man, it’s this incorporeal that entered into here in that cloud. That’s Him here in the cloud, and here He is here in the cloud. Now the body, the physical body, they couldn’t tell nothing about that. Joshua just walked along there with them; they didn’t know that He was the Yahweh-Elohim of Israel.

Now I’m gone have to hurry and close this one out, but before I close this out you watch what I’m gonna say now. Now see I showed you that the tent was pitched on the backside, and they were away from the camp. And He told them to take of the substance that they had brought up out of Egypt and make Him a tabernacle that He might dwell among them. So then they made the tabernacle, and then He dwelt among them. Now this is what I mean when I say that: I mean it was three tribes on this side, three tribes on this side, three tribes this side, and three tribes on that side; that is to say He’s among them. Now you remember what I said a while ago about the emanation and the kingdom, and how they were in there. And now look, you being many, an innumerable company, you being many are one body, and one bread. You remember that over there in 11th chapter of 1st Corinthians? See now none of these things are spiritual, people with carnal minds they don’t understand nothing about it, and they’re looking for Jesus to come back and jump down out of the cloud.

Now let me go on and prove that. Now remember, I’m talking about a body! I’ll say it this way; I’m talking about your body, which is His. Now we have to have a body in this! Now if you don’t have that, if you don’t have a body in it somewhere, then you are steeped in the Cyclops of Mythology and Superstition. You’ve got to have a body! Ain’t no use in talking about Yahweh if He don’t exist! Ain’t no use in talking about a God, and there is none. We got to have some identification! Now this is what it’s gone do, it’s gone bring me back now to where He told Moses to come up into the mountain; that’s the 24th chapter of Exodus. Now hurry up right quick cause I realize my time is ‘bout expired…

Reader: And He said unto Moses…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: come up unto Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: Now listen here, Bishop wouldn’t it seem to you like it would be fool talk to ask him to come up there in the mountain unto Him and He wasn’t up there? Now there ain’t no, you stop reading that ignorance like that. He said “Come up to me in the mountain,” all right and then what?

Reader: thou, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu and…

Dr. Kinley: Bring some witnesses along with you. All right read.

Reader: and 70 of the elders of Israel…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and worship ye afar off…

Dr. Kinley: And you worship afar off! Now that’s the reason why we put these folks down here, afar off. They were not up in the top of the mountain, and here He told ‘em to come up in the mountain, and there’s the 70 elders, see right here. All right read. Reader: and Moses alone shall come near Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: Now I just, I just want you to see. Folks, let me tell you something. I told you that Yahweh caught me up into the 3rd heaven and showed me! Bill I didn’t see a thing of you! You see what I mean? And there’s some others going around talking about Him not being up there to say nothing about Me! You see what I’m talking about? You see how damn stupid it is? They even said He wasn’t up there. All right read on.

Reader: now Moses alone…

Dr. Kinley: Now Moses by himself! Now these come up this far and saw Him in the vision that they might witness His presence up there. But Moses alone and by himself! That’s the reason why Roger, I don’t want no argument out of you! Don’t you be talking back to me! Don’t you be trying to tell me what I didn’t see! You sit still and let me tell you my story! And after you’ve heard my story be like the Areopagites up there in Mars Hill. They sit down and listen to everybody’s story that came along. They didn’t condemn ‘em before they heard the story. But now you’ve heard my story for 41 years, and there ain’t never been nobody here able to refute it! It’s been a lot of folks here that don’t know what I’m talking about, and just ignorant enough to say that Yahweh wasn’t up there. You follow? Said, “It don’t say here!” Well it does say here Yahweh said come up there. And for your information He wasn’t just only up in this mountain, Yahweh was everywhere! See I found that out too. All right, and Moses alone… Now look here, let me tell you something else now. Here goes the high priest alone, and by himself into that Most Holy Place. Now here’s some folks Williams, when Moses went up here in the mountain, and Yahweh showed him how to build that tabernacle, now there were some folks down here that wasn’t up there, Abarim, Dathan, and Korah. They were master builders down here in Pharaoh’s treasure houses. They didn’t see it, and when Moses begin to tell them how to build the tabernacle, they said “That won’t hold up; that ain’t no good; that ain’t the way to do it.” Well they wasn’t up there in the cloud; they didn’t know nothing about it! But they know more about how to build it than Moses knew, and yet Yahweh just showed it to him alone. Well he just drew a line and said, “Whoever’s on this side stand over here, whoever’s on the other side get over there.” And He just opened up the earth, swallowed ‘em up, and went on and built the tabernacle. And when Moses was about to build the tabernacle, He said “See (in the 40th verse of the 25th chapter) see that thou make all things (Hebrews 8:5 too) according to the pattern showed thee in the mount. Now here’s the endorsement: When Moses had dedicated, built this tabernacle and dedicated it, the same tabernacle, that same thing that he saw and the way it was suppose to be done that’s in the cloud, that same cloud floated right over this tabernacle and covered it. That meant that Moses had built that tabernacle like the one he seen up there. But Abarim, Dathan, and Korah, they wanted to jump on him; they perished. And the priest they couldn’t minister in there because of the smoke, and that was also true with the temple too, and it’s dedication. Now there’s people all around trying to tell you about something about something that they don’t know anything about. Now I’m not through, but I’ve got a lot of ground yet I wanna cover to bring you into a realization of some things so that you can see what I’m talking about. Now we have to work fast. And I’m trying to keep from getting all wringing wet with sweat.

Look now, now what we’re talking about, we’re talking about a body. Now when Moses, when the children of Israel saw it, said “The body of heaven in it’s clearness, and under His feet, and He laid not His hand.” There you got a body! Now listen, over here in the 3rd chapter of Galatians, we can find it, and in the 2nd chapter of Genesis… Now you pay ‘tention! You pay ‘tention to what we’re talking about. Remember He called Moses up here, and told him to come up here, and He would give him the tables of stone. Is that right? Is that almost right?

Student: That is right.

Dr. Kinley: All right now He’s gonna have to be up there. See if you knew how to go through this Book and find out something about the truth that’s different… Now, what you got there in the 3rd chapter about that angel, uh, that was ordained in the hands of the angel, the Old Covenant, in the 3rd chapter there of Galatians?

Reader: Galatians 3:19

Dr. Kinley: That’s right

Reader: Wherefore then serveth the law…

Dr. Kinley: Now listen, now this is the law now. Get me straight now, let’s get straighten up. Wherefore then serveth the law? In other words, if Yahweh had made a promise to Abraham back here, and then after He made to promise to Abraham, and then He goes and give ‘em a law, then what good is the law? Does it disannul, abolish, or eradicate or invalidate (them’s enough words isn’t it?) the law? Not by any means! See the law was added because of the ADAMIC transgression – how long? – till the seed should come to whom the promise was made. Now you read on doc – wherefore serveth the law then?

Reader: Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgression until the seed should come to whom the promise was made…

Dr. Kinley: that’s right

Reader: and it was ordained by angels…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait just a minute! Everybody look up here! We’re not, and we just refuse to be stupid and ignorant after tonight. We’re not gonna be no more ignorant after tonight. Repeat what you just said Roger.

Reader: It was added because of the transgression, until the seed should come to whom the promise was made… Dr. Kinley: that’s right

Reader: and it was ordained by angels…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: in the hand of a mediator…

Dr. Kinley: Now you listen here feller! Don’t you be trying to stand around and tell me that He wasn’t up there in that mountain! He’s got some hands up there too! They saw Him with hands up there; went up there with Moses! And for your information I’d like to just spin this one while we got it. He told Moses at the burning bush if he go down there, He said “Certainly I will be with you.” I would like for you to know that He was with Moses even before ever Moses found out anything about it. Moses ain’t never been no where without Him! See now we’re done with this folly and this ignorance! All right, said “Now it was ordained by angels in the hands of a mediator.” Is that what you read? Is that what’s in your Book? Now then it’s got to be a man up there if it’s gone be some hands! Now I told you we were talking about a body. This thing of running round and saying God is spirit, and you ain’t got nothing, you can’t tell nobody nothing. See we know it! Evidently you know He must had to have been up there somewhere. Now it say it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. Now what we got to do is find out who the mediator was. Now read that; I think you’ll find that in 2nd Timothy 2:5.

Reader: 1st Timothy 2:5

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: For one is Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: Now listen, for one is Yahweh!

Reader: and one Mediator between Him and men…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait! Now listen, listen, one mediator between Yahweh and man. Now listen, you Roman Catholics you get this straight, and you Protestants, and all the rest of you folks that would like to be stupid for no good reason, they’re just pointing out Yahweh is One! That’s the reason why I showed you Yahweh head, chest cavity, and the abdominal cavity, and it makes up just one embodiment. Yahweh is One! There’s one – Yahweh is One! Listen, and there’s one Mediator! What do you mean, Mediator? What is a mediator anyhow? A mediator is a go-between. Now I told you, I told you that the Holy Place was between the Most Holy Place and Outer Court, that’s the mediator, and that’s what it shows in your pattern. And when you take it here, [Illustration: Israel at the foot of the mount, Aaron, Nadab & Abihu on plateau of mount; Moses in top of mount] you’ve got the outer court, you’ve got the holy place, and you’ve got the most holy place. And here’s where we’re talking about right up here in this mountain. Now we wanna find out who the Mediator was, and then you can stop that stupidity and ignorance, and then you’ll know who Joshua was. All right read.

Reader: the man, Yahshua the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: Naw, you’ll have to read the whole thing.

Reader: For one is Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and one mediator between Him and men…

Dr. Kinley: And one, just one mediator between He and men, The Pope!

Students: No!

Dr. Kinley: The man, Pope Paul…

Students: No.

Dr. Kinley: Well what about old Henry C? Remember that’s me!

Students: No, no sir.

Dr. Kinley: Well what about Dr. Gross, and Dr. Harris?

Students: No!

Dr. Kinley: See Isaiah, I mean Brother Williams is over here, and here’s Bishop Short, they know all about it, won’t they do?

Students: No

Dr. Kinley: Just one Mediator between Him and man, who is that you say?

Reader: the man, Yahshua the Messiah.

Dr. Kinley: The man, Yahshua the Messiah. Now here’s what I just got through telling you, that Yahshua the Messiah was up there in that mountain with hands! See He gave Moses them tables of stones, and not only that Roger, He went up with him and He come down with Him out of the mountain. And Moses ain’t left Him no where, and neither have you. Now that’s what we’re trying to wake you up to. We wanna show you what it really is in you to cause you to have what we call life, physical life, and then spiritual life, that’s what we’re trying to show you. That proves the reality and the existence of Him. Now you just said, one is the Mediator, the Man Yahshua the Messiah. Now somebody said, “Well that’s Jesus.” All right let’s take it on further. Now get in the 5th chapter of the 1st epistle of John. Now try to be still a minute or two longer, and I’ll get this out for you; the 5th chapter.

Reader: And we know that…

Dr. Kinley: Now where are you reading?

Reader: 5:19

Dr. Kinley: First epistle of John the 5th chapter and the 19th & 20th verse. Now you’re reading that.

Reader: And we know that we are of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and the whole world lieth in wickedness…

Dr. Kinley: John said, “Now we know this,” and the whole world lieth in wickedness

Reader: and we know that the Son…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats!)

Reader: of Yahweh is come…

Dr. Kinley: The Son of Yahweh is come

Reader: and hath given us an understanding…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats!)

Reader: that we may know Him…

Dr. Kinley: Now see, that’s what we been telling you all the time. That’s what you come down here for is to know something about Yahweh our Father, not old Henry C. That’s what we’re trying to tell you about. We’re not trying to tell you something about the Pope, the hell with him. You see what I’m talking about? Yes I get mean at times, and just as nasty as I can get cause I don’t like it a bit. Somebody says, “Well, now I thought you was just talking about back there, a while ago, about being nice.” Yes, but let me tell you something, Jesus was nice too up there in that temple. That’s right, He was treating ‘em nice! But then He took them cords and beat ‘em out of there! “It’s written that My Father’s house shall be called the house of prayer, but you’ve made it a den of thieves!” Now He said, “My Father’s house!” Then after the 3rd year He come on back to that, said “Now your house is left, behold your house is left unto you desolate, and you will not see anything of Me anymore until you say, blessed is He that cometh in the Name of Yahweh!” And He rode on into Jerusalem, went right on back up there to the Sanhedrin Council AND CUSSED ‘EM OUT! Said “You generation of vipers, you hypocrites, how can you escape the damnation of hell?” Said “You devour widows houses.” You got it right there in the 25th chapter of Matthew, 23rd chapter. And He, I mean He, I mean He… They said, “Look here…” They got all warm, you know, they saw who He was talking about. See it’s time for Him to be crucified, He knew what… See He got that thing all stirred up in ‘em, and the next thing you know He has to be on the cross on time, and that’s how He made it. See He was on time. See the Devil always wanna knock you out whenever he cuts… See when he finds out you’ve got his number then he’s through with you. Now what did you just read?

Reader: Now we know that the Son of Yahweh is come…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and hath given us an understanding…

Dr. Kinley: Now Dr. Harris where is that at where He give ‘em an understanding? Where He give ‘em an understanding after His resurrection…

Reader: Luke 24:44

Dr. Kinley: Luke 24:44, and He opened up their understanding in the scriptures, give ‘em some understanding about it; and showed ‘em how it must behoove Him to suffer because the scripture had said that, and He opened up their understanding. And now they’re saying, “And we know that the Son has come, and hath given us some understanding.” The other feller out there he don’t know nothing about it; he don’t understand a thing about it. “Given us some understanding.” You follow what I mean? And then not only that, on the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit comes into him and broadens his understanding. NOW THAT WAS HIM COMING IN THEM, which I could have read in John 14:26 about another comforter coming, “And when He come He will receive of mine and show it unto you.” Now listen folks, I’m talking about a body all the time. Now you just read what?

Reader: and hath given us an understanding that we may know Him that is true…

Dr. Kinley: Now you see, that we may know Him that is True! See folks, if you were what you oughta be, you oughta know everybody else that gets up in this pulpit and don’t say the right thing! You oughta know the difference between a carnal mind and spiritual mind. And you oughta know that a natural minded man don’t understand spiritual things. All right read.

Reader: and we are in Him that is True…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) All right, read.

Reader: even in His Son…

Dr. Kinley: Even in His Son, even in the Son of Yahweh – now that’s that Jesus the folks is talking about. Read on.

Reader: even in His Son Yahshua the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: Yahshua the Messiah

Reader: this is true Elohim…

Dr. Kinley: Now hold it! Hold it. See you wanna find Him, now we’re identifying Him. That man that walked around down there on the ground as Yahshua the Messiah, and the folks called Jesus, in a body… John 12, uh, 1st Timothy 3:16 I believe it is. Now let me finish there, before you go over there, read there what you just read.

Reader: this is the true Elohim…

Dr. Kinley: Now that is the true Elohim!

Reader: and eternal life…

Dr. Kinley: And eternal life! That was Him walking around! That was the true Elohim or the true God, and eternal life. That is the Mediator, that is the intercessor, that is the Saviour, that is Yahweh manifested in a physical body. Do you understand me? All right read. Now that’s the true; that’s the true Elohim, not that old bastard sitting over there in the Vatican, see I wanna make a distinction here, and not your pastor. They tell me they heard about me every which where. You tell ‘em I said, that old bastard over there, and your pastor, and everybody’s pastor. We’re talking about the true Elohim now! I’m not afraid of anybody. I’m not afraid to die, that’s right, I’m not afraid of nobody. You’d be doing me a favor, but I tell you… [Student Body Laughs] All right, now you got that… Now we’ve found out, now that’s what we been, that’s what we come down here for is to find out the true Elohim or the true God, the true Mediator, the true Intercessor, the true Eternal Life. You follow? Now 1 Timothy 3:16, get this one here and then I’ll close out.

Reader: and without controversy…

Dr. Kinley: Now listen, there ain’t no need of you arguing! Ain’t no need in you trying to bring up no debate, talking about them three distinctive individual personalities, ain’t no need for that Bud…


School of the Highest Learning

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