Book of Jude: Slaughter of Six Million Jews

Lecture given by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley in April 1970.

Transcribers Notes:

1. Pause words have been left out, unless emphasized, by Dr. Kinley, such as: (ah, see, you see, you see what I mean, you follow, is that right, that’s right, you get it now), thereby making it more easier to read with continuity of thought.

2. … indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.

3. — indicates an inaudible words or syllable

4. [ ] Words in brackets are comments of the transcriber.

Dr. Kinley: Now I know the service thus far today, you have enjoyed. Bishop Short, there’s no question about it, and we don’t want no argument about it either, proof to proof. And then he told you some of it just like it was, and I endorse it one hundred percent. And you’re gonna have to like it whether you want to or not. I believe he said this morning, and I liked very much, “No flesh has no right to boast in the Presence of Yahweh, nobody.”

You know when Dr. Harris came on behind him, and the things he said they should have been a fire to you, both of those men. They had been relying in a God of Christendom, no question about that. And your last speaker, Dr. Leonard Snellbaker, now I know a time that he couldn’t preach like that, and a time when he didn’t know as much about this that he’s talking about as he does now. But I’ll put him against the best that there is out there in the world, that means you too. I’m just thankful to Yahweh that he has given us someone that can really see the light, and it’s actually become real. There’s no fake stuff about this, it’s real.

Now I don’t know whether you saw on channel 11 last night, I don’t know exactly what time it was, but it was showing a rerun of all them millions, six million Jews that was murdered or killed over there under the Nazi regime. There were just bodies piled up like cork wood. And they were shoving ’em down a tunnel or shoot, women and men, children and all, that had been killed. They didn’t allow people much to go in there and see nothing about it, to much investigation. But those that did, they come out holding their nose; it stinks. Now I thought, and I’ve tried my best to tell men about the reality of Yahweh, and that your head is not so hard that you can’t be soften up.

I often think about how Yahweh, now I’m kinda going back into the history of things now, so you can see what I’m talking about, so you can understand, and let me try to try the Jews with it here. Now the reason why I’m talking like this is because, first of all, some are not yet conscious of what’s going on, don’t realize, don’t understand. Now before I have you to read anything, I want you to understand this: The angels that sinned in heaven was cast down to the earth. And Bishop Short mentioned it this morning, he said “Woe unto the inhabitants of the earth, for the accuser of the brethren is cast down to you. Now there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought and they did prevail.” And then after Satan and his demons were cast out, all of that concrete has come right on down out of heaven, right straight down through the garden of Eden, and right straight on down through the dispensations and ages, and it is not a break in the world as of today. Them satanic spirits that were cast out of heaven they are present with us today incarnated in men. And I tried to tell you the other night that everything Yahweh says, the Devil tries to make Him out a lie. Now I just mentioned about those people that were back there in Germany, most of you were living at that time. Now how do they get in Germany? This is part of the story I want to talk about now. Well how they got in Germany and scattered out, (I’m talking about the Jews now), scattered out among all of the nations of the earth is because of their disobedience. Now that’s how they got there. That’s how they got every which, every which way. Now look, if you know anything about Yahweh’s promise to Abraham, He told him He would bring his seed down in strange land and they would be in bondage down there, and he would multiply them down there as He promised. Some of us don’t realize that in order to keep the Hebrew population explosion down, the midwives had a commandment from the Pope, yes, that was from the Pope, (Pharaoh, that same old satanic spirit, all the difference is, he’s just transformed, that’s what the difference is) to do away with them. He told the midwives to do away with the male children to keep down the population. And they were afraid that the Hebrews would out number them and consequently turn the tables, or put them in bondage. But now Yahweh brought help like He promised that He would do. And then after He brought ’em out through the Red Sea, (you’ve heard the story, now there’s no need for me to go into a whole lot’a detail about that because I got a lot of points I wanna make here, and I wanna show you what’s going on. I took a half way shot at that the other night and I didn’t get to first base with it, and I would like to get a little close). Now He’s bringing them on out, multiplies them first, and brings ’em on out, and brings ’em up here to the mount. Now listen, all the time they were down in Egypt, they hadn’t heard a thing of this boy. Now the first experience that Israel as a nation, (now I’m, I don’t want… I’m trying to cut it up short). Now Yahweh-Elohim, in the name of El-shaddai, did speak to Abram in the Ur of the Chaldees, and he heard that voice. And He did speak to Noah, and He did speak to Enoch, (I’m trying to cut a thing up short and get to the point), He also spoke to Isaac and to Jacob, and He confirmed and reconfirmed the promise that He had made to Abraham. And He did multiply ’em down there irrespective of Pharaoh’s aftempt to do away with ’em. Now you ain’t paying no attention to this abortion, and this pill business, contraceptive, and a whole lot of things there, I don’t have time to go into all of that. But now you’re right back down on it again. You heard about the devastation and the darkness down in Egypt, the devastation and the light, the polluted and contaminated waters of the Nile River, and the streams of water, blood. Are you hearing anything about it now? Now just like this was down here, bring it right around up here. Now the only way that we can show this is to show these angelic figures in the sanctuary, all around the veils on the wall. Now let me tell you what that is. Now if you read the 9th chapter of Hebrews, (now I’m not asking you to read all of this, most of you know this is in the Bible), and the 8th chapter of Hebrews, that is a figure of heaven! Now since that is a figure of heavenly things, and this was brought in through the chaosis, and that’s the way, this is the… Listen here, let me see if I can say it this way, maybe you can understand it better. Now they’re coming from Egypt, they’re going to Palestine. Now He brought ’em down through Joseph and Abra… through, uh, even Abraham was down there.

But I’m telling you I don’t have time to go into all the story. But anyhow He brought the 70 down in here and multiplied them. And now then they’re gonna start in here and go back to Palestine. Now then this is the beginning of the creation, in Moses’ vision, the beginning of what Yahweh did, or revealing to Moses, see it was dark. Now get these words straight. Now this is the beginning of his vision. Now what I’m after is beginnings! Now then, this down here is the beginning of this migration. This is the migration. This is an amalgamation and a conglomeration. This is in the same condition ——-. Now here you are, you’ve waxed right back up in it. Every scientist on earth that knows anything, don’t make no difference whether he’s in Russia or whatnot, even our country, and they have put together the idea of fixing up in the UN some kind of an assembly of men to try to clean up the earth, not just the United States! And one scientist said “I’m afaid you’ve passed the point of no return.” And everybody on this earth plane is affected by it, good, bad, and the indifferent. Now what am I talking about? If you noticed I brought up about those people being murdered in Germany. Now then here’s Yahweh brings a whole lot of ’em out of here. And this is the first time, and first opportunity which they had as a group of people, to hear His voice speaking from Mt. Sinai. Now there was one thing that Yahshua the Messiah told the Sanhedrin Council, and you find that there in the… I ain’t gone even tell him where to find it at, go ‘head and read it Dr. Harris. I’m showing you how familiar we folks are with the Book.

Reader: John 5th chapter…

Dr. Kinley: That’s right, read. Now you pay ‘tention, we’re not having these things read…

Reader: Starting at the 37th verse. And the Father Himself which hath sent me hath born witness of me…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: ye have neither heard His voice…

Dr. Kinley: Now said, all of that whole seventy of that Sanhedrin Council, all of the smart boys, Nicodemus, and Gamaliel, and John, and among men, they hadn’t heard His voice, them seventy of the Sanhedrin Council, and that wasn’t all, read.

Reader: They hadn’t heard His voice at any time…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: nor seen His shape…

Dr. Kinley: Now you stop and think about that. Now here’s the masters of Israel, coming on down from the time that He spoke from Mt. Sinai, and carried the people on. And when He did speak He was asked not to say nothing more to ’em. And now He’s saying, said “You haven’t heard his voice at any time.” Now the prophets had, they communicated, they talked with Him, but I’m talking about as a group of people. The smart boys, the instructors, the teachers – now that’s why Messiah never chose a one of ’em from this group to head up nothing. And now He’s telling ’em that you haven’t heard His voice at any time, every since they fixed up the Sanhedrin Council straight on down, you ain’t heard His voice at any time. And that ain’t all, read.

Reader: neither seen His shape…

Dr. Kinley: Now that’s not all. See you haven’t seen His shape. And if you haven’t seen the vision, and you haven’t heard His voice at any time, all right.

Reader: and you have not His word abiding in you…

Dr. Kinley: And you don’t.., now that’s bad, “And you do not have His word abiding in you.” Now He’s talking to the Sanhedrin Council, and to the masters, and so forth, and the leaders and instructors of Israel. Now let me kinda throw this thing backwards and forth as I go. Now here is the Papacy, now they (the curia I’m talking about in the Roman Catholic Church), they bring up their quota up to seventy. That’s the reason why Pope Paul has to appoint some every once in a while, makes some new Cardinals, promote ’em. Now just like those haven’t heard, neither have, not a one of ’em in the Roman Catholic, they ain’t heard a thing. They ain’t seen no shape nor nothing, and they’ve got the people bowing down. Now watch me bring it back now, watch it come back, same thing down there, see it didn’t come of effect. You got to have your blood, and your water, and your spirit. That’s what the pattern calls for, the blood, water, and the spirit, and applying the holy anointing oil, and any time you digress you’ll mess up through all these ages. You see what I mean? It come of effect on the day of Pentecost. Now when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation… Now we’ve got ’em going around saying “I’m preaching holiness. I’m Church of God and holiness, that’s what I’m preaching.” Said, “Where you find that at?” Said “Don’t you know God said over here in the Law be ye holy for I am holy. Here it is over here in the New Testament too, over here in Hebrews about being holy and sanctified.” It read like this in Hebrew, “Follow peace with all men…” These same folks, that’s the reason why I’m bringing it up, Jude, that we’re reading about in Jude! Said “Follow peace and holiness with all men” (is that what it’s say) “without which no man shall see the Lord.” Now that wasn’t what He told you to go out and preach. See you just run around with these references and don’t understand what its all about. Now look Doc, let me make this real clear. These same folks that Jude is writing to, these are the same folks that Paul is talking about here in this epistle to the Hebrews. See the doctrine and the covenants were given to them or to the Israelites, or to the Jews! And he’s telling the Jews “Now you follow peace and holiness with all of the Gentile. And if you don’t do it, since the revelation and the vision was given to you Jews, they won’t see the Lord!” That’s why Jude is so diligent and so concerned about it, because the Jew was to carry the doctrine to the Gentile. That’s according to the promise He made to Abraham, “In His seed He would bless all the families of the earth,” that means Jew and Gentile in Yahshua the Messiah. But now old Satan he done got up in the pulpit, collar turned backwards quoting scripture, said Yahweh sent him to preach sanctification. And he’s isolated himself from the Baptist, the holier than thou, the puritanicals, the untouchables, and he’s deceived a lot of folks with it too. Now if you preach Yahshua the Messiah that’ll take care of it. AND YOU TELLING ME TO BE HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS AND ALL THEM KIND OF THINGS, what am I, how am I gonna do that and ain’t got nothing? You go and preach Yahshua the Messiah, that it is through Him as evidenced by this Paschal lamb down here, and the offering up and the release of the Israelites… And since all these thing were given to the Jews… Now what I’m trying to tell you is this, is why they have had such a hard way to go. Stephen when he preached, he said “Ye stiffnecked, you uncircumcised in heart, why do you always resist the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit .. ?” Then he went on back where I went and started to bring it on down. Read the 7th chapter of Acts when you go home. All right, now Jude is writing to ’em. And since it was given to the Jews, not your mother church the Roman Catholics, there wasn’t none of ’em in there. Wasn’t any of ’em release out of here but the Jews. The word church means congregation or assembly. This is the first congregation! This is the first assembly, and Yahweh Himself speaking from heaven, not the Pope. And the first thing He said so ’em “Hear o Isreal!” Now if you can’t hear you can feel. Now you either hear or else! All right now, read on Dr. Harris.

Reader: it was needful for me to write…

Dr. Kinley: Now if it hadn’t of been necessary he wouldn’t have written the epistle. All right, read.

Reader: and exhort you…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that you should earnestly…

Dr. Kinley: that you should, that you just, (whether you do it or not), you just should earnestly contend…

Reader: for the faith…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: which was once delivered unto the sons

Dr. Kinley: Which was once delivered… All right, read.

Reader: For there are certain men…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: crept in…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: unawares…

Dr. Kinley: Unaware, when you wasn’t paying no attention. Yahshua Messiah said about a sower went forth to sow seed, and he sowed good seed in the field. And then while they went to sleep, said the enemy came and sowed tares. When they woke up, said where did these tares comes from?… said an enemy has done this… see went to sleep. All right, read.

Reader: who were before of old…

Dr. Kinley: Now who were afore… Now did you see how he went back there? That boy went on back “Before of old…” I keep on telling you, that’s the reason why you hear me say that any man… Now listen, now that gets me right back to some of the things I wanna say to you; that gets me back, and that puts words in my mouth. If you’d look at the 12th chapter of Hebrews, said “Yahweh chasteneth, chastise everyone that He receive, every son. Now if you be without chastisement, then are you bastards..,” You’re illegitimate children! You’re born out of wedlock! You don’t constitute the bride of Yahshua the Messiah, “Then are ye bastards and not sons.” Now he said they’re old, men of old fore ordained to bring in this condemnation. That’s the reason why I called the Papacy or the Pope an old bald headed bastard! I didn’t want you to think I was using profanity. When Yahshua the Messiah came from Nazareth to John the Baptist to be baptized, He SHAVED HIS HEAD! Pope John calling together an ecumenical council, he’s gonna clean up and straighten up the church inside, bring about a reformation, and he shaved his head. That’s the reason why I called him an old bald headed bastard. See he won’t be chastised by the scriptures. AND YAHWEH CHASTISES EVERY LAST ONE OF HIS SONS BY THE SCRIPTURES, and put the holy spirit in you, and cause you to have faith and confidence in Yahweh. And you’re conscious, I mean every day and every hour and every minute conscious of His ever presence. “As many as are led of the Holy Spirit they are the sons of Yahweh.” It don’t make no difference what your color is. Even a dog is guided by his animalistic intuition, since Yahweh put it in ——. Do you see through what I’m talking about? But these that’s crept in that was cast out of heaven of old, they were ordained unto this condemnation. Read on.

Reader: wicked men…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: turning the grace. . .

Dr. Kinlley: Turning the works around…

Students: No, no

Dr. Kinley: Said grace of our Elohim into lasciviousness, or a bunch of foolishness, and a lot of ritualistic performances, ceremonial law, read.

Reader: and denying the only Elohim…

Dr. Kinley: And listen, they’re denying all of the God that there is. Read.

Reader: and our Saviour, Yahshua the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: And our Saviour Yahshua the Messiah. Now this is the law, that’s not grace. This is grace on this side and He brought it. So then Yahshua the Messiah, says Jude, through Him comes the grace of God or of Yahweh. And listen, He was sent of His Father, meaning this, that He’s delivered both the ——– ——–. And these Satanic spirits incarnated in physical bodies they’ve brought in – they come in privately, they sneak in, golden and mighty men of valor, and devout Christians. Read on.

Reader: I will therefore put you in remembrance. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now listen! I’m gonna put you in remembrance! That’s what I’m fixing to do. Read on.

Reader: though you once knew this…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) Read.

Reader: how that Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: having saved the people. . .

Dr. Kinley: having saved the folks

Reader: out of the land of Egypt…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: afterwards…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: destroyed them that believed not…

Dr. Kinley: Listen, destroyed them that believed not! Their carcasses fell in the wilderness. And it was a stink there just like them carcasses over there. And when Titus come up from Rome in AD70 and dispersed them, their —- were drove out among all men. And Yahshua told them in the 24th chapter of Matthew, “When you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place. Now whosoever reads let him understand.” And then He went on to say “Many false..,” (the same thing Jude talked about) “Many false prophets,” (not a few, many, a whole lot of ’em would go out). “And they would say Lo Here!” Got a man, here’s a sign up here, the Church of God in Christ! Another one says the Church of Christ in God. Another one says the Holy Church of the Heavenly Jerusalem, anything they can get a charter in. Do you catch on? And they don’t like me a bit for telling on ’em, no they don’t like it. Just like Dr. Leonard he said there, “A man’s out there running up and down the street with a loud speaker telling ’em not to go to that school.” You know what that made me think about? That’s the same thing they done in Springfield, Ohio, same identical thing. Now if you was real smart, you remember that Yahweh, now He told him not to touch of the fruit of that tree. You know what happened don’t you? When you run on out there in the street and tell nobody not to come – that’s how we got better than 350 people in Springfield, Ohio just before we come here, cause they were telling their members not to come here. They told them at the YMCA.. And then they got together, and then they went to the Bishop, or the inspectors, or the head of the YMCA, said “Listen here, we brethren have got together of these churches, and since this YMCA, which means Young Men Christian Association, we think that you ought to get that junk out of the YMCA, we’re members of it.” They called together a staff, and there was some of our folks that was on the staff. They did it in Cincinnati too. Oh yeah it’s so much, don’t be discouraged about that. See because when you tell people not to do something then they become optimistic about it. They’re going down to see what’s down there. That’s the worse thing in the world you could do is to tell a man not to do something, cause he’s optimistic. He’s searching around trying to find out why you told him not to do it – just like Yahweh told them not to eat of the fruit of that tree. Do you understand what I’m talking about? All right, read.

Reader: and the angels…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that kept not their first estate…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute Doc, I wanna make a correlation here. Now Yahweh after He called ’em out, if you noticed, He destroyed them that didn’t believe, that couldn’t see from Mt. Sinai. Now look, He brought ‘em up from Egypt, (now I have to cut this up short cause I know the time has expired and I wanna get these things over). Now He destroyed them that didn’t believe. There wasn’t none of ’em that crossed over but Caleb, Eleazar, Phinehas….

Dr. Williams: And Yahshua

Dr. Kinley: Oh is that right? Yes that’s right – I mean of them that was born down in Egypt, yes, them that was born down in Egypt. And Phinehas was Eleazar’s son, and Eleazar was Aaron’s son, and when Yahweh bumped him off his son took his place. All right, go ‘head on, read. Now here’s the thought, now here’s the thought. Now this is down in Egypt, and when they got out here in the wilderness, Moses told them, “When you come into this land, if you do not keep His commandments, (which Joshua told ’em they wasn’t gonna do) “then He will punish you seven times (now you get this straight) in your own land.” Ain’t gone take ’em outside there to punish ’em, He’s gonna punish ’em seven times in their own land. And if you read the Judges, they were in servitude in their own land. Three years in the last servitude to Nebuchadnezzar, before Nebuchadnezzar got up and knocked the temple down, tore it down, knocked down the walls and took them captive. I could say a hundred years before that, the ten tribes were carried into Assyria. And the last two tribes, the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Levi, now these two, those are the leaders; those are the rulers of the ten tribes, or the seventy. Although they did have a kingdom set up in… Samaria was the headquarters. And that’s why Yahweh said “He’d make a covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.” See when they come up out of here they weren’t anything but Israel. It took all twelve tribes to make up Israel because all twelve of ’em were the sons of Jacob. Now I wasn’t talking about Joshua, He was the son of Nun – none of it, (Oh me). Now listen, they were taken captive down in Babylon after their servitude up in here, seven times, (I don’t have time to go into it, you can dig it out, I got it in the book). Now are you listening now? Now then here they come out of Babylon, after 70 years, and back into Palestine to build Jerusalem again unto the Messiah, you’ll find that in Nehemiah and Ezra. And so they built a temple, Zerubbabel. Now you got it back there on the chart, Babylon, Media, Persia, Greecia, and Rome. See that image standing back there, that man, (I can’t go into all the history of it now, the time is to short), but I wanna condense it so you can see what you’re up against. All right, now they come back and they worked with it, and finally we get down to Herod, the Herodian Temple, and they built it again unto the Messiah. Now look, 70 weeks (this 7 days, that’s 490 years) now that’s from the going forth of the commandment under Artaxerxes. Now there were two Artaxerxes.

Dr. Williams: Ahh, I didn’t know that.

Dr. Kinley: Yeah, there were two Artaxerxes, one on top of the other. Now I don’t have time to go into that either. But now my point is this: they built that, and they had 70 weeks to build it, which is 490 years to the Messiah! Now could you tell me, (Daniel 9:24), could you tell me how this 490 years, how it hasn’t run out yet? And the Jews still looking for Messiah! Now this is what I’m trying to tell you. Now Yahweh brought ’em back out of Egypt, He brought ’em back out of Assyria, brought ’em back out of Babylon, brought ’em back into Palestine. [Glitch in the Tape]… They failed to even know the time of their visitation, and they deny, (now I don’t mean all of ’em, naw, now don’t get nothing like that in your head), A REMNANT’S ALWAYS GOT TO COME OVER. And then look, oh my goodness, I wish I could show you what I’m talking about. Yes, Titus come up there and murdered them! Yahshua the Messiah said in the 24th chapter of Matthew, said “Let him that’s upon the house top don’t go down and try to save any of your furniture and your belongings! Woe unto them that are with child and give suck in those days. Pray that your flight be not in winter, or upon the Sabbath day!” He knew that they was gonna sit down there, and they wasn’t gonna do nothing that day, keeping the Sabbath, and Titus would come in and murder ’em sitting, just like sitting ducks – murder and annihilation, it’s been going on. And now the Jew is under the impression that prophecy is being fulfilled and that Yahshua or Yahweh is gathering them back into their own land, Palestine over there, and back into Jerusalem which is the capital, Televi. Now the reason why I brought that up, to show all that killing, all that murder, all that disobedience. Now here is Jerusalem, which is the mother of all… (4th chapter of Galatians), I really don’t have time to fool with that. Jerusalem above she’s the mother of all, the heavenly Jerusalem, and we’re all going into that. And they’re still looking at the flesh and going into Palestine. And the Arabs and the Israelites they can’t get together! They don’t want the UN intervention they want to do it they self, reconcile one another. Well, they’re thinking about this land up here, and how Joshua divided it up there and give it to ’em, and it was 8 nations of Ishmael that was left in there. That is their home land as much as it is the Jew! Why do it, (that’s the same —— ——). Why does it have to be that way? Because heavenly Jerusalem is just as much my home, and your home, as it is anybody elses. And every time that Yahweh bring ‘em out, and they don’t obey, He’ll destroy them that believe not. Now here’s what I wanna tell you: You and your hard head, you and your diabolical and ignominious attitude, setting up here seeing the repetition of it, knowing you’re right down in the last day, and when Yahshua the Messiah is revealed from heaven, KILL UP EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU! Take flaming vengeance on you, them that know not Yahweh. Good night folks.

School of the Highest Learning

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