Prayer & Book of Life

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley in April 1970 in Los Angeles, California.


DR. KINLEY: Thank you. I’ve just enjoyed both speakers. The thing that always thrills me about this teaching, you don’t have to be a college graduate to understand what is being talked about down here. We try to make it as simple and as plain so that everybody can understand it. And then another thing too, we want to be fair about this whole thing. And when I say that, I mean this: I know everybody hasn’t reached the state of perfection in comprehension and understanding, because this is a late thing of bringing out the truth. Now I don’t mean to say it’s a new thing, this is the oldest there is; the other fellow’s got the new stuff. Yahweh always was and always will be. But now the truth about it is, we couldn’t get along so well, we just couldn’t make it unless we did have some kind of an adversary or some kind of an opponent. And he doesn’t mind challenging anybody. And it’s easy to be deceived because the devil makes the thing look like it’s right. Now you’ll have to have a knowledge of the truth in order to determine what is right and wrong. And I thought about Dr. Hobbs, what he said about his occupation. That is he’s a mortician, and embalmer, a funeral director. In dealing with the physical body all the time, a toxic, have to be careful. I got’a question I wanna ask him. Now in this dissecting or this post-mortem, did you ever find 21 ribs in one person and 24 in the other?

HOBBS: Always the same Doc.

DR. KINLEY: Always the same male and female. Now if some-body wants to come and say “Naw! It seems to me like that if Adam, Yahweh had taken one of his ribs and made a woman, he oughta have 11 on one side and 12 on the other,” but there’s 12 on each side. Now let me say this to you. Now you’d be, everybody can see, everybody can see when you wanna say something like that, that you’re wrong. And you know yourself you’re wrong! Right while you’re arguing about something another, you know you’re wrong. Your conscience is setting up there telling you, you’re a liar and you know it. Then you get out and you ask yourself, “Well what, what makes me like I am? What did I, what I wanna act like that for?” You ever ask yourself one of them things like that? You get into something, and do something you ought not, (you know good and well before you started to do it, you know good and well you ought not to have done it) and then right after you get it done, then you say “Now what did I do that for?” [DOC & STUDENT BODY LAUGHS] Just ashamed of it yourself, ain’t nobody said nothing to you about it, your conscience yelling up there, it’s just yelling. It’s just like the 7th seal of thunder in your own conscience.

Now I’d like to say, and one of my reasons for getting up here is this: Now there was a statement made, that I had made a prediction that didn’t come to pass. Now you heard it. You’ve been right here in class the most of you all the time. And you’ve heard me say it many times I do not make predictions! I don’t do that. Now this is what I do do, and this is what I try to teach you to do. Just like we just got through talking about those 24 ribs in everybody, I try to teach you how, and been trying for going on 40 years now to teach you. And if you’ll look in the book, both books that I wrote, you would find that, and look at the charts, I try to teach you how to do those things, how to calculate. Now I didn’t put those calculations there. Now here’s what I mean. Yahweh has declared the end from the very beginning. I’ve told you time and time again, He is the only Prophet! I always stand our Father out. I don’t seek to take no credit and no glory and no honor to myself at no time about nothing! And anytime I tell you, look, you ask me something, what I will do and try to teach you how to do it by my watch on my arm and by the days, and tell you this, that’s what all this work is about. It’s nothing else but a constant repetition, just over and over and over and over, and over and over and over. Now if you understood it, then you can do the same thing. And that’s what I’m trying to teach you to do. So that’s not me making the predictions. Yahweh made ’em and I’m trying to tell you about them, and trying to show you how it is done. That’s necessary so that you can have some faith and some confidence, so that you can come to a profound knowledge of it yourself. Now look at Daniel 9:24

READER: Seventy weeks DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: are determined upon thy people DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and upon the holy city. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: to restrain transgression. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: make an end of sin offering. . . DR. KINLEY: and make an end of sin READER: to make atonement for iniquity. . . DR. KINLEY: and to make an atonement for iniquity READER: to bring in everlasting righteousness. . .

DR. KINLEY: and to bring in everlasting righteousness. Now folks before you go any further, now there isn’t anybody in this building that can’t read that. There isn’t anybody that can’t read it. Then listen at what I’m gone say now. Every year, every year, and let me get that narrowed down some too, every day, every week, every month, every year, and every millennial Yahweh’s working His purpose out, without hindrance or without obstruction. Now for you to have some knowledge of it, how it works, and the time set up… For example: Yahweh made Abraham a promise. Now if He never did fulfill it, and if what the prophets says, (that is they prophesied under the influence of the Holy Spirit). Now if all those things that Yahweh had said didn’t come to pass, then you couldn’t have no faith, then He’s failed you. You have got the wrong God! Now when Yahshua the Messiah came into the world, (now listen at what I’m saying), He had to go the way that He had influence, Yahweh had influenced the prophets to prophesy, in fact it was Yahweh through them. Now He couldn’t digress, He couldn’t deviate from it at all. He had just to go that way, no other way! And He said, “The Son of man goeth the way that it is written of Him.” Now, while we got the Son of Man going that way, so also must the son of perdition go the way it’s written of him.

Now there are, there’s a lot of false teaching and false doctrines taught in the world, and I’m just gone come right out and tell you. Now Wednesday night you had yourself a break, and I sat right there on that seat. Now those of you that know for lo these 40 years, I’ll let anybody get up here and speak, say anything you wanna say, from anywhere. There’s a church down in San Francisco called the church of the devil, I’ll let him come up here and speak if he wants to. Now look, I wanna show you why I say that. I’ve told you time and time again this is a school! I want you to know the good and the bad! I want you to be able to distinguish between one thing and the other. I’VE ALWAYS TAUGHT YOU, STUDY EVERYTHING! Now if I don’t know what you think then, and we don’t have no communication, then how are we gone get together? Now it was nobody in this building Wednesday night that know, and I believe I’m justified in saying this now, and if I’m not, then whoever opposes it, let me know something about it. Now the Jehovah’s Witnesses come here in this building. They wouldn’t come into the song service, wouldn’t shake nobody’s hand, don’t show no fellowship, isolated, the holier than thou! You see what I’m talking about? Don’t wanna come in until time for them to speak! And then we sat here and listen at them speak. And when they got through speaking they went on out the door, didn’t wanna stay and hear what nobody had to say. Now all that they did while they were standing up here in this pulpit (you were here, you know whether I’m telling it straight or not) was read out of the Bible. Now anybody can read out of the Bible, you don’t have to come down …


DR. KINLEY: . . . You see what I mean? And that is the only time that I opened my mouth and said, “That’s not the question you’re answering!” The man asked why was He crucified or for what reason? And he went on to tell ’em how that He was crucified. That is not what we want to know! Now then here comes along another one with some other kind of an erroneous doctrine. Now they don’t want me to say nothing. I can’t please everybody; I’m not trying. And I’ll tell you something else. I don’t appreciate you agreeing with me unless you understand what I’m talking about! Earnestly contend for the thing that you believe until you are convinced that it is wrong or you know that it is. Stand up; be counted. That’s the way I taught this school. We don’t want no “Yes Folks.” We want you to come to a profound knowledge of it, a reality, make sure it’s right! Just like we just got through saying, 24 ribs in everybody. Now you might not have known that if you’re not that well acquainted with physiology and anatomy until somebody told you. And it’s other things like that that you might not have known. But you see you have all this evidence right within you. We’re not trying to tell you something that can’t be proved. This is not my purpose, this is not my plan, this is not your plan, this is not your purpose, this is not your heaven, this is not your earth, and finally, this is not your body that you abide in. You don’t have a heaven to go to of your own, and neither do you have a hell to go to of your own. Now somebody wants to be like somebody else because somebody else is as they are. Now that’s no good. We want you to know this for yourself! We want you to understand Yahweh’s purpose. Now here’s the, here’s one of the problems: IT IS THE SIMPLICITY OF IT THAT DECEIVES AND FOOLS THE FOLKS. IT’S THE SIMPLICITY THAT FOOLS ‘EM. Now Yahweh is a mystery. That’s right. And when this word was spoken here “Ayah Asher Ayah.” I think of it quite a lot, and “I Will Be.” You will be what? “I Will Be What I Will To Be.” Now look at the opposite side of this, this thing right here, Isaiah 14:14. I’m talking about this up here. Now this is what Yahweh said, Yahweh Elohim, this is what He said. Now I wanna show you what His opponent and adversary said.

READER: I will ascend above the heights of the cloud. . . DR. KINLEY: I, where are you reading doc? READER: Isaiah 14:14 DR. KINLEY: Isaiah 14:14, read. READER: I will be like the Most High. . . DR. KINLEY: Repeat what you said at first. READER: I will ascend above the heights of the cloud. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see, now hold that one right there. Now look at Leviticus 16:2 and then come back here and compare it. Now we wanna read ’em both over so don’t lose the place.

READER: And Yahweh said unto Moses DR. KINLEY: um hum READER: speak unto Aaron thy brother. . . DR. KINLEY: Yahweh said unto Moses, speak unto Aaron your brother READER: that he come not at all times. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: into the Holy Place. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: into the veil before the Mercy Seat. . . DR. KINLEY: that, that’s before the veils before the mercy seat READER: which is upon the Ark that he die not. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) Read! READER: for I will appear. . . DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute! For I will what? READER: appear! DR. KINLEY: I will appear where? READER: in the cloud DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: upon the mercy seat

DR. KINLEY: upon the mercy seat. Now here’s the devil, he said I will ascend above the cloud! See he don’t never, he don’t wanna stop down where God is, he’s gone, he’s gonna ascend above… Put ’em together.

READER: I will ascend above the heights of the cloud. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: I will be. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute! Now he said “I will be…” Now Yahweh said “I will be what I will to be!” Devil, he said “I will be…

READER: like the Most High. . .

DR. KINLEY: like the Most High.” And he lied right there because Yahweh said He’d dwell in the cloud, and he says he’s gonna send above it!

FREDDY: That’s not like Him at all. That’s not like it at all.

DR. KINLEY: No that ain’t like it. Now that’s why Paul told you over here in the 2nd chapter of 2nd Thessalonians… Finish that doc.

READER: Yet thou shall be brought down to hell. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: to the sides of the pit. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and they that see thee. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: shall narrowly look. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, now everybody don’t see him. Just a minute, everybody don’t see him at all. They think, they got him confused with Yahweh. You understand what I mean? But all them that do see him, then what?

READER: They that see thee shall narrowly look upon him. . .

DR. KINLEY: They that see thee shall narrowly look upon him. Now you see when you got that old boy, you feeling all exalted within yourself. And those that have Yahweh Elohim in them, they’re looking upon you narrowly. See you’re just deceived within yourself. And a lot of times you don’t wait for somebody else to deceive you, you go ‘head and fool your own self. That’s what the apostle said, deceiving and being deceived. Well, some people say, “Look, I’m entitled to my own opinion. I’m three times seven, I go where I please and come when I get ready; I’m my own boss.” So you think but really that’s not so. “I’m my own free moral agent.” Yeah, I know you’ve been taught all them things. All of us have been taught a lot of things. And I wanna say this too while we’re on that score. Every creature that’s ever been born in this world.., and there never was, and never will be one born in this world but what ain’t recorded in Yahweh’s Book of the Upright. Listen! Everybody has a role to play. Everybody! The good, the bad, the indifferent, and everybody has a part and a role to play in this purpose of Yahweh. And there’s nobody here by accident, and everybody is known to Him. Even before you came on the scene your name was written before your were born. In the beginning of His purpose your name was there. Are you listening? I’m trying to tell you something. And if you don’t like it you jump on me. I’m here you can ask me questions. Now then, since I said that, then I should have some way to prove it. You just don’t go and say something and then don’t prove it. Now get, get the thought straight first. Because you can run off on ramifications, you think I said one thing and I said something else! I said that everybody was present and accounted for with Yahweh even before you ever came on the scene, and your name was written in the Book of the Upright. Now I should finish that. I should finish that sentence. Then whomsoever it is that comes upon the scene, and sins against Yahweh, Yahweh said “I will blot him out of the Book which I have written.” Not Moses wrote, not the Prophets wrote, not the Apostles wrote, but Yahweh himself wrote this Book I’m talking about! Now that may be a little deep for you. But we’ve tried our best to teach you something when you come to school. We want you to know. We want you to understand. We want you to understand Elohim or Yahshua the Messiah or Yahweh, and the son of perdition’s in business, one’s deceiving and the other one is revealing.

Now look, for somebody to come up here, which was done the other night. It burnt me up, and I tried to tell him the truth. Now listen at what I’m gone say this time. ANYBODY FROM ANYWHERE CAN GET UP IN THIS PULPIT AND TALK ABOUT GOD! BUT THAT DON’T SPELL YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM! It don’t spell it. DID YOU EVER STOP AND THINK THAT THE DEVIL TALKS ABOUT GOD? You just read where it said “I will be like Him…” That’s something to think about. Now did you understand what I said? I have showed you that your name, everybody’s name was… See this is what happens. We got a puny little old drawn up weak-kneed God of emergency. When something happens, then you’ve got to tell Him about it’s happening over there, and then He’s got to rush around and get something fixed. It’s not like that! It’s just not like that. That’s the wrong kind of a God. Then somebody say, “WELL PRAYER CHANGES THINGS!” Naw it don’t; it don’t, it don’t change a thing. All this deception, and ignorance, and foolishness, and folly and all, we try our best to eliminate it and erase it from your mind. Now let me show you what the difference is. Now I said prayer don’t change things. I got up a whole lot of something here I can’t finish tonight, about them names and your name is recorded in that Book, and so forth and so on. Now I’m telling you that prayer don’t change things. We’ve been under the impression that prayer does change things. Now let me tell you what the difference is. Now maybe you’d better read this, Romans 8:26. Now look, it’s been in your Bible all the time. When you find it read it.

READER: Likewise the spirit. . . DR. KINLEY: Likewise! Better go up there and get that, that is a conjunction you got there. READER: But if we hope for that which we see not. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: then do we with patience wait for it. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Likewise. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: the spirit also. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now get this straight! Get this straight! Now here you with your little old carnal mind, asking God to give you this, and to give you that, and to give you the other, and to do this, and to do that, and anything you can imagine, and that’s what you call praying. That’s not what a prayer is. That’s why you fail so many times in getting any answers, any replies. Any time a man prays with the Holy Spirit, which makes the… Listen! Get me straight! Get me straight! You and your carnal mind. I’m talking about the Holy Spirit being in you making the intercession for you! It can’t fail never at no time. Now why? Read.

READER: Likewise the. . . DR. KINLEY: Likewise the spirit helpeth our infirmity READER: for we know not what to pray for as we ought. . .

DR. KINLEY: See you don’t know what to pray for in the first place. We think we need one thing and we need something else. Some of us need a good chastising and a good flogging. That’s right. He corrects and chastises every last one of us. And no flogging is of any pleasure, it hurts, but it’s good for you. And He does every, chastises every last one us He receives. Now read. Likewise the spirit helpeth our infirmities, for we know, (that’s a conjunction) for we know not!…

READER: what we should pray for. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: as we ought. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute! Now you know the reason why you don’t know what you should pray for? Is because you don’t know what the purpose is! We’re gone prove that. All right read.

READER: but the spirit. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: itself. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: maketh the intercession for us. . .

DR. KINLEY: It maketh the intercession for you. Now if the spirit is not in there making the intercession for you, it’s a failure. Now let’s see why. Read on.

READER: makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. . .

DR. KINLEY: For the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. Now catch this one, this next one. Come on doc.

READER: and He that searcheth the hearts. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: knoweth DR. KINLEY: Knows READER: what is the mind of the spirit. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) Read on! READER: because. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats!) READER: He maketh intercession. . . DR. KINLEY: Now listen! Because He makes that intercession or that prayer! READER: for the sons according to the will of Elohim. . .

DR. KINLEY: According to the will! Do you understand what I’m talking about? I said the Holy Spirit makes the intercession for you according to the will or according to the purpose of Yahweh. Yahweh is spirit. His spirit in you is making the intercession for you. Now you know what that makes me think of? That Yahshua the Messiah when He ascended, (He ascended not into the holy places made by hands, but into heaven itself), He’s on the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. Now that’s brought out so beautiful when you see how that them 12 tribes, this ain’t drawn up here so you can tell it. There’s three tribes on each side of the tabernacle. And every day, every day that high priest offered up a sacrifice; that’s called a daily sacrifice. And listen, when he went in to the holy place, (now you follow me down then you’ll see and you’ll understand what I’m talking about). I’m talking about the spirit making intercession for you. Now this tabernacle, as you can see, is a figure of your body. Now the high priest burns this incense here on the altar of incense. Now that incense it was fragrant, and it just filled the tabernacle. You know how it is when you burn incense it’s a fragrance. Now while the high priest is in there, then these around here on the outside of the tabernacle, they had an understanding about it. Now the high priest went in there at nine in the morning, and when else?

STUDENTS: 12 & 3

DR. KINLEY: That’s right, and burned that incense. Now look, that was called the hour of prayer. Now we’re timing it now. The hour of prayer when the incense, see they didn’t have the Holy Spirit. See and the incense here burned, it took the place of the Holy Spirit at that hour of prayer. And at that time they were on the outside they were praying. Said, “I thought you said they didn’t have the Holy Spirit.” That’s what I’m trying to tell you. But you see this in here was the incense that burned on the altar of incense at the hour of prayer. That’s the reason why when Daniel was down by the River Chebar, in Babylon, he raised his window and prayed toward Jerusalem. That was the hour or prayer, and they knew just when that was. Well now this incense over here, now you have the Holy Spirit, which is the same as the intercessor in you making the intercession according to the purpose and will of Yahweh. Then it can’t miss! Now if that could miss, then Yahweh missed His purpose because He’s making intercessions according to… Now James said that if you pray amiss, you just missed that’s all. But all of these intercessions is made by the Holy Spirit according to the purpose always, because it is Him in you that is making the intercession. It’s His purpose, and it’s Him in you that’s causing the purpose. So those are the things that makes the difference.

Now I think I oughta say something to show you something about your name. Do I have time? I want you to look at Exodus 30, 32, 33, 34. You getting the scriptures down now? Now anybody can read this that wants to. You don’t have to have no special gift to read this. 30, 32, 33, Joshua, I’m talking about the Book. . . [Someone is trying to ask a question]… What is it?

VISITOR: I have a question Dr. Kinley. When you were speaking about the JW, Jehovah’s Witnesses… DR. KINLEY: Speaking about what? VISITOR: You were speaking about the Jehovah’s Witnesses… DR. KINLEY: Yes VISITOR: and they, uh, when someone ignored one of their questions about the Messiah. . . DR. KINLEY: They ignored. . .

VISITOR: Nevertheless, I have a question Dr. Kinley I wanted to ask you about another thing. Now Mr. Hobbs started off from your pattern and says it fits to a physical body, now those were the words he —–. But now we here were just born a natural birth by, as Dr. Harris said, gray matter. But now hanging over there on the cross, the Messiah He was conceived by the Holy Ghost; do you all believe that? You couldn’t compare the pattern with this man on the cross. If so, how?

DR. KINLEY: Is that, is that a question? LADY VISITOR: Now that’s my question. DR. KINLEY: Well now. . . VISITOR: That, and I also. . .

DR. KINLEY: Well just, just a minute. Now if you ask me a question, I ought to answer. Now that’s what I try to do in the class is let all things be done decent and in order. And yes that is an exact duplication. We’ve told you that time and time and time, and every time we come to school. Now here’s the reason why, and even Dr. Hobbs referred to it himself. Now these things may be hard for some people to understand or comprehend, I’ll admit that. But because it’s hard for you, and you don’t understand, that don’t make it be wrong. Now look, if man is made in the likeness and image of God, I’ll talk so you’ll know what I’m talking about, Elohim. If he is made in the likeness and image, why… Don’t you see it wrote up here, “Elohim, the Archetype Pattern?” Now look, not only the man, everything in the universe, the atom and all is made up three-fold. Now we tried, with all that’s in us to do that, to teach you those things. Say, listen at this: Every animate and inanimate, or so called inanimate, object and thing in the universe is make like it is, according to the pattern, to reflect and to show Yahweh. That’s what we read out of the Book. This man hanging on the cross out here is a Tabernacle! You are a tabernacle. This is, this man…


. . . Your body is a tabernacle! We went inside and correlated all the vessels over and over and over and over again! Yes it’s a physical man. That’s why Yahweh made the man like He made him to reflect Him in the earth. I mean physically so. You always take the natural to show a spiritual. Yahshua said to Nicodemus “If I tell you earthly things and you don’t understand them, you got no basic foundation to tell you anything about any spiritual.” The heavens declare… I been teaching that every since I been… I haven’t taught you another thing else. And that’s the only way that you got that you can prove it. Do you concede that I answered the question?

VISITOR: No DR. KINLEY: Well then I, I can’t do no better than that. Do you all concede that I have? AUDIENCE: Yes! Yes!

DR. KINLEY: Now I’m not up here, I, I’m not playing; I don’t wanna have no fun. I don’t wanna have no fun, this is serious with me. Even you take the vessels in the sanctuary, we went, every last one of ’em, every cell, every corpuscles and everything. We’ve told you, we can’t make nobody accept anything. I’m not gonna try to do that! The best I can do is tell you the truth and prove it to you by the Bible. That’s the best I can do. I ask you, do you understand what I’m talking about? And it could be possible, even though you tried you didn’t understand. That the reason why we tell you to keep on coming, and after awhile it will be revealed to you. If you’re sincere, and if you’re in earnest, it certainly will be revealed to you. Yahweh will not allow you, or nobody to want to know Him as He is, and then He refuse. He will in no wise cast out them that come unto Him. That’s right. That’s the way He is. Oh, it’s wonderful. Now let me just get this; I want to touch this Exodus here real quick.

READER: and Moses returned unto Yahweh and said. . .

DR. KINLEY: And Moses returned unto Yahweh and said… Now this is what we’re talking about folks, so you’ll understand. I said that Yahweh in the beginning of His purpose, everybody’s name was present with Him before the spermatozoa come into shape and form, through all the generations of time, was present with Him. And I’m trying to show you how great, really great He is. There’s nothing, everybody’s implicated in it, ain’t nobody excused or exempt, good, bad, and indifferent, everybody’s in it. Everybody’s got their little role to play in the purpose. And that’s the reason why the Apostle says this: “We’re built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, and Yahshua the Messiah Himself being the chief corner stone in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth into a holy tabernacle in Yahweh for a habitation of Him through the spirit.” See, He’s every, see you just got the wrong idea about God. You got Him all drawn up into some kind of a little fellow like us. It ain’t like that! No indeed. And that’s the reason why it just burns me, it just burn me up, somebody talking about God this, and God that, and God the other, and he don’t know, and he’s just talking. He don’t know nothing about God, and neither does he know anything about the Devil, or himself! Those are the things that hurts so bad. You remember one time the disciples were going along, and they seen some others over there that wasn’t following along with Him, and they said, “Well look here, what about them?” They wanted fire to come down and destroy them. He said, “You don’t know what kind of a spirit you have.” You don’t, you don’t realize. Now, get on back in Exodus ——.

READER: Moses returned unto Yahweh and said, oh this people have sinned a great sin. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now here’s what he’s talking about, see I have to cut it up short. When Moses and ’em went up in the mountain, Moses told the 70 elders to tarry here on the plateau of the mountain until he and Joshua returned, and they went on, proceeded on up into the mountain. That’s the 34th chapter, uh, 24th chapter of Exodus, first, second, and third verses. Now since that be the case, then they didn’t tarry there, they went on down and they built that…. The folks down there, they persuaded Aaron to take their earring and things and build this golden calf. And then when Moses and Aaron come down, I mean when Joshua and Aaron came down, or Joshua and Moses come down, Moses told Israel that they had sinned a great sin. All right.

READER: Yet now if thou wilt. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now, now you watch! Now remember, he’s been up here in the mountain, and he sees, and as we tell you, this is the Elohim. This is the Word or the Son. “In the beginning was the Word.” In the beginning of what? IN THE BEGINNING OF HIS PURPOSE He takes on this shape and form, and all, everything is right in it. Everything that it takes to make up sun, moon, and stars, everything is right in there. In other words, Yahweh taken, and we say this so many times, Yahweh taken on this shape and form. And this shape and form is Elohim or the Word. And then He creates, creates everything. Every particle of matter is shaped and form and animated like that to reflect, see it takes the natural to reflect the spiritual. Now, the man is threefold. He’s soul, body, and spirit, or he’s pneuma, psyche, and soma. Somebody say “Well why did you say that?” All right, then the reason why we say that, see build this tabernacle. This tabernacle, it’s the tabernacle, your body is a tabernacle. The tabernacle was threefold, Most Holy Place, a Holy Place, and Outer Court. You got a cranial cavity, chest cavity, abdominal cavity. This, this is just like that! Now if you would take an atom, you have a proton, neutron, and electron. You take a cell, you have a nucleolus, nucleus, and a cell body. It’s, see Yahweh has fixed this whole universe up so that man can’t go to Him with any kind of an excuse at all. That’s the reason why you can’t have no excuse, is because He fixed it up to abolish all of you excuses and your ignorance too, if you will accept it. Now we know that some ain’t gonna do it, that’s, that’s according to the purpose too. Some are vessels fitted to destruction. And it’s Yahweh that does the preaching, (now you follow me). And when He tells you not to do a thing… That brings me right back to what I wanna say to you. He spoke these them commandments. He told them, “Thou shalt not make unto them any graven images, in the likeness of anything that is in the heavens above or the earth beneath.” Well now, that’s what they did, they made that calf, golden calf. And now here’s Moses, he’s coming down with them commandments. He saw that, he was angered, he threw ’em down, waxed hot and threw ’em down and broke the tables of stones. I didn’t say the commandments I said the tables of stones. And when he got down there to Aaron, uh to, yes to Aaron his brother. Said now, and he jumped on Aaron. Aaron said “Moses you know these people as well as he did.” And so they sent the Levites through the camp and they killed about 3,000 of ’em that day. Now Moses told Aaron, that in doing what they done you have sinned a great sin. That’s what you’re reading about. And he said “Now look, if you won’t forgive Israel…” Now here’s Moses’ concern. See Moses had brought these people up out of Egypt. And when they got out here in the dessert, they didn’t have the fool and all that they had back there. They begin to complain and to murmur, and said “Now you brought us out here to starve us, and whatnot, here in the wilderness to die.” And so now, Moses knowing Yahweh, and having communicated with Him at the burning bush and down here in Egypt, which they hadn’t, now he’s deeply concerned about it, concerned about them, knowing that they had transgressed what Yahweh had told ’em not to do. And so now he is saying, telling Israel “You’ve sinned a great sin.” And said now, if what?

READER: and now if thou wilt, forgive their sins, and if not. . . DR. KINLEY: And if you won’t forgive their sin READER: blot me I pray thee. . . DR. KINLEY: Blot me, blot me READER: I pray thee. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: out of thy Book which thou hast written. . . DR. KINLEY: out of thy Book, which who? READER: which Thou has written. . .

DR. KINLEY: Not the book that he had written, but the Book which Yahweh had written, “Blot me I pray the out of the Book…” Now did you notice that He didn’t say the book you’re gonna write? And Moses saw his name in there, in that Book, the Book of Life. A lot of times I do this, [Doc’s Writing on Board] That’s J A S H E R. Now I’ll show you why that. That’s 10th chapter, I believe, I think it’s Joshua.

READER: The sun stood still. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and the moon stayed. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies DR. KINLEY: um hum READER: is not this written in the Book of Jasher?

DR. KINLEY: Is not this written in the Book of Jasher? This is the same Book. See this, this Book, look over in the margin of the translators.

READER: Book of the Upright. . .

DR. KINLEY: The Book of the Upright, the Book of Jasher. Now look if you would take, I’ve tried my best to do everything I can to demonstrate. There’s no “J” in the Hebrew language so it can’t be… See this “J” we got, it’s no “J” there. Now if you just turn that, uh, Freddy you get up here and work with this. Rub this out so we can see what we’re talking about. And get this “J” down, get it down from up there, and turn it over, and we’ll show you what we’re talking about. Now hurry up because time’s expired, and I do wanna, I wanna finish this, since I have said it here, and I wanna show you what’s happening now. J A S H E R Now that “J,” if you turn it up the other way it becomes a rod just like Moses had at the burning bush. It becomes a staff that you retrieve a sheep, the “J” does. See the Jasher, it’s the Book of the Upright which He has written. Now look, this “J” or this Rod that Moses had, you remember He told him at the burning bush “Cast it down!” [Doc throws pointer on floor] And it became a serpent. And He told him to pick it up by the tail, and so he picked it up by the tail. See the “J,” the Rod, and the Staff. You see it now? So it’s a Book of Jasher; it’s the Rod, it’s the Serpent. Now here’s what I, Now I want you to see this one! Now this “J,” this serpent, watch it close now, cause if you don’t you’re gonna miss what I’m talking about. Now we talked about the Book of Jasher, the Book of the Upright, “Is it not written in the Book of the Upright?” Now the 20th chapter of Revelations and verse 12. Now watch now and see what’s going on, and then we will conclude this meeting.

READER: And I saw the dead. . . DR. KINLEY: And John said “I saw the dead…” READER: small and great. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: stand before Yahweh. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and the books were opened. . . DR. KINLEY: and the who? READER: the books. . .

DR. KINLEY: Plural, not one, plural. The books were opened. Now you see I should go through this “Ye are our epistles…” When you take the five books of Moses and the books of the prophets and put ’em together, you got a volume. And you got all those books combined into one. Now He comes fulfilling the Law and the Prophecy, and they were fulfilled and completed. “Now you are our epistles, written in our hearts.” You are an epistle, you an epistle, and when you put us all together, then we got a book. But these are books. Your life is an open book to everybody. “Ye are our epistles read and known of all men!” And Now John said I saw the dead small and great stand before Yahweh, and the books, (each one of you), oh you gone be there! All right read.

READER: and another Book. . .

DR. KINLEY: and another Book, that is that Book that Yahweh’s written! And I told you that you and everybody’s name was in it. “Another Book.” That’s the Word. This is it, [DOC POINTS IT OUT ON THE CHART] was opened.

READER: which is the Book of Life. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and the dead was judged out of those things. . . DR. KINLEY: And the dead was judged out of those things that was written in the Book. Read on. READER: according to their works. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and the sea gave up the dead that were in it. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and death and hell. . . DR. KINLEY: And death! And death! And death and hell! READER: delivered up the dead that were in them. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now when you go to hell that won’t save you. See death and hell, death and hell has delivered up the dead that were in them, and then what?

READER: and they were judged, every man, according to their works… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and death and hell was cast into the Lake of Fire. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) Read on. READER: this is the second death. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now watch, watch, watch. You remember doc, when you read that 32nd verse over there, it said, or did you read it?

READER: Yes. It said, He’d blot ’em out. . . DR. KINLEY: Said, I will, read it. READER: Blot ’em out of my Book. . . DR. KINLEY: Would you read it Dr. Harris? READER: Whosoever has sinned against me. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: him will I blot out of my Book

DR. KINLEY: That’s the one! Not like the Pope! Not somebody rubbing you off the church register, it’s not that at all, but Yahweh say “That whosoever!” It don’t make no difference who it is that has sinned against Him, that He would, He would blot him out. Now you’re talking about your Papal excommunication, Yahweh said He would blot him out! Ain’t that what you got there? Now read in Revelations.

READER: and whosoever was not found written. . . DR. KINLEY: And whosoever! READER: was not found written in the Book of Life. . . DR. KINLEY: Was not found written in the Book, or whosoever He done blotted out! Then what? READER: was cast into the Lake of Fire. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now do you see it? Now that ought to answer all of your questions. Now I’ve proved the thing right straight along. And since this is a great mystery it’s not easy to be understood. What you have to do, you have to, first you have to get something to go by. Just reading around as Jehovah’s Witnesses did here the other night, and as a lot of ’em do, and the Bible studies, and Scripture readings, it doesn’t mean that you always understand what you read. I told you time and time again that I was called a Bibliomaniac, a walking Bible. You could open your Bible and start reading, I’d tell you anywhere that you were reading, but I didn’t understand it. And I told you I had a vision, and when I saw it I didn’t understand it. And I told you that the meaning of the vision had to be revealed to me. And that is what I’m trying my best to impart to you. And I want you to know I’ve been just as badly messed up as anybody in the building. And what I know now, what I know now, look boy I can’t be converted! THE REASON WHY I CAN’T BE CONVERTED, IS BECAUSE I’VE ALREADY BEEN. How are you gonna convert somebody that’s already been converted? You can’t do that! Well now, somebody that’s mixed up and confused or don’t understand some thing, you can explain things to them. And you can’t even do that for them unless they wanna know. Somebody just keep asking questions for argument sake, just to get something going, and a whole lot of confusion. It don’t mean a thing you setting around arguing and raising hell about this and that and the other, and you don’t know what it’s all about. See, and you just contrary just to be, that’s the —- —-. See, and you never will know like that. Have Y’all got anything at all?

AUDIENCE: Yes, why sure.

DR. KINLEY: I want you to know that Yahweh hasn’t overlooked a one of you. And it’s got to be one thing or the other, a satanic spirit that’s incarnated in you blinding your eyes to the truth… And then somebody come along and say “Well,” as Mickey said here the other night, said “I’m gonna stand on the word of God.” Now here’s one reading the Bible, and another over here reading the same thing out of the Bible, and yet in still they read the same thing and disagree on it. Now somebody don’t understand. But the purpose, it’s just so beautiful when you understand it; it’s so beautiful.

Look doc, could I say just one more thing to you. I just wanna show you real quick. Look, there’s just one door in that Ark, and just one window in it. I could say to you, why? Well you could say, “Well I don’t know but anyhow God told Noah to put one door and one window in it.” You don’t know! Now then, there’s just one, it’s one door in this. Then it’s one door in that, it’s one door in the tabernacle. Then look, when the man was standing up here the other night talking about this, talking about how Jesus was crucified with His hands over His head and His feet nailed to the cross – now that’s not so. One hand pointed to the Law, and the other pointed to the Prophecy, one on one side of the lintel of the door, and the blood on the other side of the lintel of the door, and it was dark down in Egypt. And then stupid enough to say this, (as though the purpose of Yahweh would hinge on the Romans), “They, they hadn’t invented the cross.” Well, what do you think about Yahweh’s purpose? He’s got’a depend on something like that? Now look, you can blow a hole in that! He said, “I AM THE DOOR!” See that’s the Door up there! There’s only one door in the Ark, and there’s only one door in the tabernacle, only one door through this Red Sea. See brother, it ain’t no excuse for your ignorance! And when He took the chalice that night at the supper, He passed it to the left, and then He passed it to the right, because… What’d He do that for? I see what I’m fixing to do. . . [Dr. Kinley walks off the floor]

AUDIENCE: (Applause)

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