Contend for the Faith

Dated June 23, 1974 recorded in Springfield, Ohio. This lecture confirms that the transcript “Must Have a Profound Knowledge” has been mislabeled as taking place in Los Angeles, Calif. Dr. Kinley was in Springfield during this time and it was a couple of weeks after the healing of Dr. Richard Davis.

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley on June 23, 1974 in Springfield, Ohio.


DR. KINLEY: I’m always glad and happy to speak in defense of the true Gospel of Yahshua the Messiah. Yahweh seen fit to give me a vision, and revealed to me the meaning of it in the year nineteen hundred and thirty-one (1931), now that was 43 years ago June the 6 past. And I have earnestly contended for it in trying to tell you just how it was, and to prove the divine authenticity of it, the unerring accuracy, and the absolute infallibility of Yahweh and His eternal purpose through the dispensations and ages. Now if you thought and weigh out some of them words, and line ’em up and find out what the meaning of them is, you’d find it an altogether different story than what the people are telling you in this world. This world is in darkness, it is in ignorance, it is in superstition and tradition. And the rulers of darkness in the ecclesiastical, and also in the political world, are just as ignorant as they can be of Yahweh and His eternal purpose.

I often think of how Yahweh created man in His likeness and in His image. Now the preacher he’s suppose to know all about Him. In the pulpit, now he’s the man that is suppose to know all about Yahweh and His purpose, but he doesn’t know a thing about himself. He wouldn’t know hardly what side his appendix was on, and yet man is made in the likeness and image of Him. That’s why Yahweh made the man like he is so that he could be in the likeness and image of Yahweh-Elohim. Now that’s the preacher, that’s the man that’s suppose to know. Now here comes the doctor – one studied theology, and the other he studied anatomy and physiology along with a little psychology and ——-. I hope you don’t stumble over them words. But anyhow, he is suppose to know all about the physical body. Now I told you about the preacher, he’s suppose to know all about the Creator, but he don’t know nothing about himself, and yet he’s made in the likeness and image of Him. Now here comes the doctor, he knows all about the physical body and he don’t know a thing about the Creator. Now how ’bout that? Now that’s bad folks. And Yahweh made everything as it is in order to point Himself out and to glorify Himself. You don’t have to try to prove the existence of Yahweh He proved it His own self. He can do a much better job at it than you can, and all the evidence is right there. Then another thing about that same thing is: Now you have a circulatory system in your physical body, and your blood circulates through your arteries and veins. Now it just repeats over and over and over and over, that’s the way it does. Now if some obstruction or blood clot, or something another gets into one of them veins then you’ve got a problem, and if you’re not real careful then you’re gonna have a death. Now the reason why I said that was Yahweh operates through all them dispensations and ages the same thing – nothing but a repeating, over and over and over, from His structure and into the creation, and through all the dispensations and ages. Now you oughta be able to catch it somewhere along the line. But you do have some hindrances, you have some obstructions, you have some blood clots. And that’s that old boy standing in the pulpit lying like a dog. Isaiah did call him a dog. Suppose you try reading that once, and then I’ll get down to business, Isaiah 56:9&10. Now look, Isaiah didn’t say this, now Yahweh said it. He almost ought to know, read.

READER: All ye beast of the field. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: come to devour. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: yea all ye beast in the forest. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: his watchmen are blind. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute. His watchmen are blind. Now Yahshua the Messiah said, “If the bind lead the blind all of ’em would fall in the ditch together.” Now there’s somebody, somebody’s blind somewhere. Look at all the sects and cults and denominations that we have in the world today, somebody, the blind is leading the blind, and they all gonna fall in the ditch together. Now that’s plain, simple, easy to understand talk, read on.

READER: they are all ignorant. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now see, I didn’t say that. There’s always somebody wants to jump on me about something, something that Yahweh said. They wanna jump down my throat and say, I said it. Now don’t go putting this on me! Yahweh said that his watchmen are blind, all of ’em was ignorant! What, what else is. . .

READER: they are all dumb dogs. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now he’s a damn, uh, a dumb dog! (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) See there he’s a dumb dog, a dumb one. Now a dumb dog he can’t bark, he can’t preach. He can’t talk about nothing; he don’t know nothing. All right, read on.

READER: they cannot bark. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: sleeping. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now he’s sound asleep, haven’t never woke… As Paul said “Wake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead, and Yahshua will give you some eyes.” He loves to sleep, sound asleep. You come along and try to tell him something about spiritual things, he don’t know nothing about ’em, and all you gonna get out of him is a fight. He’s carnal minded, and to be carnal minded is death. All right, read on.

DR. Gill: Just a minute, the margin of the translators says “Dreaming or talking in their sleep.”

DR. KINLEY: That’s right, just dreaming and talking in their sleep. That’s right. All he’s doing he’s sound asleep, talking in his sleep, a filthy dreamer, ignorant, superstitious… Now we gonna get into something here pretty soon.

I’m sure all of you enjoyed Dr. Billy Carrol. Now he really preached, he did. Now I’m not, I’m not playing. And you know, I wanna tell you something about that and then we’ll go on. I remember when I first met Dr. Billy Carrol back in Los Angeles, he had come out of the Roman Catholic Church if I got it right. . .

DR. CARROL: That’s right

DR. KINLEY: And if I don’t have it right you straighten me out.

DR. CARROL: All right

DR. KINLEY: And he had gotten around to the place, where many folks have gotten, to where he just didn’t believe in nothing, and was just about to be one of them so-called atheist – just didn’t believe in nothing. Why? Because in the Roman Catholic Church there isn’t anything in it but a whole lot of pomp and splendor, and prize, including traditions, and superstition, and lying dogs, trying to show off themselves, want somebody to call them father, and stoop and bow and bend and carry on, and lie prostrate at their feet, and all like that. So now then he just simply got tired of it. They wasn’t telling you nothing about how to find out nothing about your heavenly Father, or the Creator or nothing. And almost anywhere you went, it didn’t make no difference… Go over to the Roman Catholic Church it’s the same thing; go over here to the Methodists and Baptist it’s the same thing, and it is the same thing today! One saying “I believe this,” and another one says “Well I don’t I believe that,” and another one says “Well I believe this,” another one saying “Naw, I believe that.” Nobody knows nothing about nothing. Then you’ve got science, so-called science’s evolutionary theories about the creation, saying how that man he begun from just a cell, first in the water and then on the land, and so forth and so on. And then the “Bang” theory… Don’t know a thing about the Creator nor the creation. Nobody can tell you nothing for sure about it. Now that’s bad folks, that’s awful bad. But it is Yahweh’s responsibility and duty to give you somebody that knows, somebody that understands. And when He does give you somebody, now listen, you either hear them or else go to the Lake! Now is that clear to you? Now it took some power to do something with this man. It took some definite, some positive, some basic, some concrete proof to do something with him, and with the rest of the world. That’s what it takes. You just have to have it. This thing of going around here, “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost,” and all that kind of carrying on, and you stooping and bowing, and running over here sitting down, prancing around – all of that ain’t, that’s all over with.

Now listen, it said there that His watchmen were blind, they are dumb dogs, they cannot bark, they sleep lying down loving to slumber… I know what’s in that Book. I didn’t have him to read over there cause I didn’t know what was there. I know what’s in the Book all the way through, from start to finish, and I don’t have to see nobody to ask nobody no information about it either. Now how ’bout that? All right read on.

READER: yea they are greedy dogs . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now look, they’re greedy dogs. There isn’t any of ’em in here which haven’t had no experience with this. You had some experience with it, don’t come and tell me no lies about it, “Pass the Plate! Pass the plate.” Ain’t told you a thing! And just might as well drawed a gun on you cause they said “Put something in here!” A robber, robbing you of your money and your SOUL, and ain’t told you a thing. Greedy Dogs! Ask you for a hundred dollars, and you get a hundred dollars and fifty cents, then he wants a hundred and ten dollars, give him the hundred and ten, and he wants a hundred and twenty-five, give him a hundred and twenty-five, and he wants two hundred – just can’t never be satisfied! He wants your money and your SOUL, he just can’t never be satisfied, dumb greedy dogs, called ministers of the gospel, and greedy. All right read on.

READER: which can never have enough. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and they are shepherds. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that cannot understand. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now they don’t know nothing about no revelation and no vision. Consequently they don’t know nothing about the scripture, they don’t understand a thing about it. They think, a lot of ’em think that, “Well some man wrote this Bible,” and so forth and so on, and we’ll get into that too. “Well I, you know I just don’t believe in the Bible, I just don’t believe in this, and don’t believe in that, and I don’t believe in the other,” people say that. Then the preacher he come along, and he say he’s gonna preach about your mother. “She’s dead, and she belonged to this church, the husbands folds his hands over there and he’s all… and how good a woman she was, and she paid her dues when she was alive, and she tried to raise her children nice, and they came to Sunday School here,” and all like that to get somebody stirred up, and to get somebody to do what they call “shouting,” say “Oh he sure did preach a good sermon.” And he ain’t told you nothing. Your mother’s dead and so is he. All right read on.

READER: they all look to their own way. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see they don’t ever think about the ways of Yahweh, they look to their own way. They look to their own traditions and customs, and ideologies and opinions. Now you’re reading in Isaiah aren’t you?

READER: Yes, sir

DR. KINLEY: Now I don’t have time to go into it, but I could get over there in Isaiah and show you how they look to their own way – their new moons, and their fornication, and they’re interested in that. Now his watchmen… Now these are suppose to be watchmen. Now David said this: he said “The watchmen they were out there on the wall around Jerusalem, and he was walking the post, but unless Yahweh kept the city the watchman would wake in vain there.” You see what I mean? But his watchmen are blind, they’re greedy, they’re dumb, they’re ignorant and all – look like somebody ought to learn that every once in a while. Why don’t you try putting some of ’em on the carpet? All right read, finish there.

READER: they all look to their own way. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: everyone for his gain. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: from all quarters. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute. You better have somebody over here that’s gonna pay him something, cause if you don’t he’s gone as soon as somebody else offers him something else down the road a little further, cause he —- —- —- when he preach. In other words, they divine for money and that’s all they’re interested in. It don’t look like the world would be that bad off but it is.

Now let’s get back to it, we wanna talk about and wanna teach you something. You know we’ve got down to the place where we just have to do some teaching, have to do some showing somebody what it’s all about. Now we tried Thursday night to show you something about how the Bible was comprised so that you would have some understanding of it. Now listen, You’re gonna have to have some knowledge of it, and then you have to —— with it. The BIBLE IS THE REVELATION OF YAHWEH, THAT’S WHAT IT IS. And listen let me tell you this: No man was the author of it. You know who the author is? Who do you think is the author?

STUDENTS: Yahweh-Elohim

DR. KINLEY: Suppose you read the 12th chapter of Hebrews. And look before you start to read that I want you to realize something because I, I don’t know, I have to be here a little while to say what I’m fixing to tell you about it. Now He’s the author and the finisher of our faith. I’m talking about Yahshua the Messiah, in whom Yahweh-Elohim was incarnated in that physical body and walked around on the earth plane. . .[INTERRUPTION ON TAPE/Something missing/ don’t know how much]. . . founded something. All right then start with Jude.

READER: The first verse. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now Jude is an Apostle or a servant of Yahweh. Now I wanna show you what you have to do! Somebody said, “Well listen Dr. Billy Carrol, you ought not to be talking about me and my church! I’m a Baptist born, and I’m a Baptist bred, and when I died I’ll just be a Baptist gone. You ain’t got no right to be talking about my faith!” Well why didn’t they say something like that to Yahshua the Messiah? He was talking about the Pharisees, and the Scribes, and the Sadducees in His day, and it is He that’s incarnated in me and has the right to talk about anybody! All right read.


DR. KINLEY: Yes Jude.

READER: Jude, the servant of Yahshua the Messiah. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now here Jude he’s the servant of Yahshua the Messiah. Listen, he’s servant of Yahshua who’s the author and the finisher of our faith! You got that understood now?


DR. KINLEY: Well let me move on.

READER: and brother of James. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: to them that are sanctified by Yahweh the Father. . .

DR. KINLEY: To them that are set apart from idolatry and superstition and ignorance, that’s what sanctification means. All right what else?

READER: and preserved in Yahshua the Messiah. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute, when you women put up these preserves with some fruit in ’em they don’t spoil. They don’t sour and spew all out every which a way. You’re preserved! And Jude on further down said “They’re kept by the power of Yahweh ready to be revealed in the last time.” So says Peter. All right read on.

READER: and preserved in Yahshua the Messiah and called. . .

DR. KINLEY: and called

READER: Mercy unto you

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and peace. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and love be multiplied. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: Beloved. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, Beloved!

READER: when I gave all diligence. . .

DR. KINLEY: Hold it! Everybody reads this Bible. The Roman Catholics Church reads it, they say “Belove,” talking about the Roman Catholics! The Baptist read and say, “Belove.” The Methodist read and say, “Belove!” You see how they mess up there. Now Jude is writing to those Jews back up in Jerusalem that were actually preached to from the day of Pentecost and saved, and they were preserved, and they were kept, they were sanctified, they were separated from the opposers. All right read on.

READER: Belove, when I gave all diligence to write unto you. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute! He wasn’t kind of some how about it. He gave all diligence, he was real careful of every word that he said! When I gave all diligence to write. . .

READER: unto you of the common salvation. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: it was needful for me to write. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now it was necessary! If it had not been necessary he wouldn’t never wrote the epistle. All right read.

READER: It was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you’re right back where you started, the author and finisher of our faith. Now that’s the one we wanna contend for. It’s necessary that you should EARNESTLY CONTEND! CONTEND WITH THE ROMAN CATHOLICS! CONTEND WITH BAPTIST! CONTEND WITH EVERYBODY! You understand what I’m talking about now? Yes, sir I’ll fight in a minute ANYBODY who is not preaching Yahshua the Messiah, not Jesus Christ, not the Lord. And Lord is not a name; God is not a name – AND I WILL FIGHT! And say listen, don’t you run in here. Now if you think, “Now I’ll tip my little head, and I’ll go up here and I’ll show him something.” We’ll beat the hell out of you. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Dr. Billy Carrol had in his briefcase a book, this one right here, “The Faith of Leaders.” It’s imprimatured, is that right?

DR. CARROL: Yes, sir

DR. KINLEY: It’s imprimatured by the Roman Catholics, and it is written by the Revern John A. O’Brien, Ph.D., Professor of Religious Dogma and Logic, or he was a philosopher in the Roman Catholic Church of Notre Dame. I wanna let you know I beat that man into humble submission in Santa Monica. And he went on back to the back end of the place, went in the lavatory. I preached right on down the isle, and when he opened the lavatory door, said, “You get up and get out of here! Come on back in here! Come on back up here and stand your ground.” Now Sister Mary was right there; am I lying Sister Mary?



DR. MARY GROSS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: You was there. Now he wouldn’t come back up in the front no more. Now he had told Jim Parker, and Evelyn Yates that he used to be associated with the Roman Catholic Church, but he wasn’t anymore. Then we saw him on the TV, a round table conference, and they introduced him, with his titles that you got here, as belonging to the Roman Catholic Church. And they had the Methodist, and the Baptist, and Jews to at the table, in a round table conference, and they were talking. Now what’s the use of a man standing up calling himself a priest, and first telling a lie that he didn’t belong to the church no more. And then, second, here he is down here on TV and up in front of the public, and everybody could see that he’s a liar, after standing up and saying that he didn’t belong to it anymore. You follow?

Well listen, this thing that I belong to I’m not ashamed of it. And I’m not gonna get out, AND WILL FIGHT! I’m not ashamed. AND IF YOU BE ASHAMED OF WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT THEN YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH WILL BE ASHAMED OF YOU. Now read on, that it’s necessary that he should write and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith, which was once delivered. Now I wanna show you that. When Moses took, was took up here in the mountain he saw the creation, and he saw the Creator. And this man you call Joshua was Yahshua incarnated, or Yahweh incarnated in a physical body went right along with Moses. And He showed him the creation of everything, angels and all, which would be —–, see inside this sanctuary he saw the angels and everything. Now that faith that was delivered to the sons back here. And now you have in Hebrews, I want you to realize that now, cause people just read around in the Bible and they don’t realize you was reading in Hebrews! That’s an epistle that was to the Jews! To them the faith was delivered! They’re the ones, and Moses was a Hebrew. And now Jude is saying it’s necessary for him to write and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith, which was once delivered to the sons. You should! Somebody say, “Well now I don’t know about that?” But now, yes you should. Somebody say “Well I don’t believe in talking about other churches.” Well you should! Somebody say, “Well what faith are you?” Now how many faiths are there?

Students: One, one.

DR. KINLEY: He said “The Faith,” not the faiths. It’s necessary, since it was delivered to the Jew, it’s necessary for me to write, Jude, write this epistle to the Hebrew and earnestly to tell them that they should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto them. Something is happened – read on.

READER: for there are certain men. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: crept in unawares. . .

DR. KINLEY: Hold it, hold it. Now you wanna know where all these churches come from? They are those satanic spirits that you read about in the 12th chapter of Revelations, in your scripture lesson, cast out of heaven incarnated in physical bodies. And if you notice, Satan was back here in the Garden of Eden. Said they were men of old crept in WHILE YOU WASN’T WATCHING. And then the next thing you know, come up through the deacon board, they come up through the laity, come up to a priest, the next thing you know he’s a pope, or some other potentate, CREPT IN WHILE YOU WASN’T WATCHING, UNAWARE. Then what did he do?

READER: who were before of old ordained. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now he was before of old ordained. See this mess you’re talking about out there was ordained. It would pay you to go look around a little bit. Way back yonder, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation. All right read on.

READER: who were before of old ordained to this condemnation. . .

DR. KINLEY: that’s right

READER: ungodly men. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: turning the grace of our Elohim. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute! TURNING THE GRACE! I want you to understand now what we’re talking about! We’re not just reading to be reading. Turning the Grace! What is Grace?

STUDENTS: Unmerited favor

DR. KINLEY: It’s an unmerited, or an unearned gift, a free gift. That’s not by works of righteousness that the Jews had back there, and that the Roman Catholics are carrying out, baptism, and all those carnal ordinances that were given to the Jew. And now we’re in the Dispensation of Grace where Yahweh just simply gave you His spirit. You didn’t merit it, you didn’t earn it, it’s Grace! And now what they’re doing is turning the Grace into a bunch of ignorance and foolishness, dragging these carnal ordinances on back in here, and Yahshua fulfilled them and moved out the way. They’re saying that He instituted Christian water baptism. They’re saying that He instituted… that’s babbling can’t you see… Turning the Grace of our Elohim! Now that catches Roman Catholics, and Judaism, and Protestants. They’re turning the Grace, not two works of it either or three works, into lasciviousness or foolishness. Now did you know that the Book said they were gone do that? Yahweh said they were gone do that. You wanna read it? And then we’ll come back to where we were, Habakkuk the first chapter. Now this is what’s happened, and this is where we’re having all our battles, and all of our fights, and Yahweh forewarned you and told you about it to begin with, the first chapter of Habakkuk.

READER: The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. O Yahweh how long shall I cry?

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, Habakkuk’s saying “O Yahweh how long shall I cry?” I been crying 43 years. Habakkuk’s saying how long shall I cry? Read on.

READER: and thou wilt not hear. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: even cry out unto thee. . .

DR. KINLEY: See the prophecy, what Yahweh had purposed, had to be fulfilled. You can’t stop it! You’re just gonna have Roman Catholicism anyhow. They’re gonna be around when He’s revealed from heaven. And listen, you talking about them arguing with you, they’re gone start an argument with Him. If you want that read I’ll have it read for you. They gonna start an argument with Him about it. That’s Matthew 7:22. All right, “How long shall I cry?”

READER: even cry unto Thee of violence, and Thou wilt not save. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: Why dost Thou show me iniquity,

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: and cause me to behold grievance?

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: for spoiling and violence are before me. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: an d there are that raise up strife and contention. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) All right read.

READER: therefore the law is slacked. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and judgment doth not go forth. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous. . .

DR. KINLEY: That’s right

READER: therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: Behold ye among the heathens, and regard. . .

DR. KINLEY: Listen, now you look. Behold means to look, look among the heathens. Now they’d been dispersed among the heathens, and Yahweh gonna gather them back into their own land. And he’s saying now behold ye, look among the heathens. . .

READER: and regard. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and wondrously marvel . . .

DR. KINLEY: and wonder marvelously

READER: for I will work a work. . .

DR. KINLEY: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it, hold it. Now you behold, you look, and then you wonder marvelously – marvel at the many different religions calling themselves worshipping Yahweh, worshipping Him through their idolatry. You look, and you wonder marvelously. All right this is the prophet prophesying before the Messiah come through the loins of a woman. All right read

READER: for I will work a work in your day. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen here, listen here, you listen now. He said He was gonna do the work, not you. Said I’ll work a work in your day, talking to the Jew. What about it?

READER: which ye will not believe. . .

DR. KINLEY: See he told them to begin with that when Yahshua the Messiah come along preaching the gospel they wasn’t gonna believe it. He told ’em up front that they wasn’t gonna believe it. Finish that.

READER: you will not believe though it be told to you. . .

DR. KINLEY: Though it be told to you. See you won’t believe it though it be told to you – all right.

READER: For lo I raise up the Chaldeans. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that bitter. . .

DR. KINLEY: That’s enough, that’s enough right there. Now go to the 2nd chapter of Habakkuk.

READER: I will stand upon my watch. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now Habakkuk says I will stand upon my watch. Do you remember his watchmen they were blind? And now he’s gone stand upon his watch to see what Yahweh’s gone say to him, and what he would tell the people. All right read.

READER: and set me upon the tower. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and will watch to see what He will say. . .

DR. KINLEY: And I’m gone watch to see what He’s gone say to me, and you see that’s what I been doing. I was watching to see what He’s gone say to me – I didn’t say see what the folks was gonna say or see what my pastor was gonna say, all right.

READER: and what I shall answer. . .

DR. KINLEY: And what must I say? When He starts to talking to me, what must I say? Listen, I’ve had some experiences with that, and I’d hate to get a loose here this morning with that, if I did, then you wouldn’t get out of here until this afternoon. All right read.

READER: when I am reproved. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: And Yahweh answered me and said. . .

DR. KINLEY: And now Yahweh answered him, and this is what He said. . .

READER: write the vision. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute; wait just a minute. Yahweh said, “Write the vision,” and then what else?

READER: and make it plain. . .

DR. KINLEY: And make it clear and plain so that any idiot can understand it. And then when he does that, then what? Read.

READER: upon tables that he may. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that he may run that read it. . .

DR. KINLEY: So that he can cut out! Don’t stay around there no more, cut on out! Cut out of where? Out of Babylon, out of Catholicism, and Judaism, and all them kind of things… so he can be able to read it and run.

Now folks, that brings me around to say this to you: I’m trying my best to teach! I’m not trying to do what you call preach, of course true teaching is preaching. Now look, that is what we have done. We have wrote the vision down and we have made it clear, crystal clear, so that you read and cut out. So you can read and get going. You follow what I mean? That’s not my work, and ain’t nobody able to fix it! We been preaching this teaching 43 years. And listen, we’ve had the very smartest of men, out of the universities, and out of the colleges, the scientists, the professors, the doctors, and everybody else, we’ve had ’em, that is we’ve challenged the whole entire world, and ain’t nobody been able to put this one down. How ’bout that? We got some ’em out of every church you can think of, Roman Catholics, the Baptists, the Methodists, Jehovah Witness, Buddhism, Judaism, the Muslims, we’ve got ’em! I mean preachers, preaching the gospel. And they’re preaching it by this vision, and it is defended by the Bible. It’s line upon line, it’s precept upon precept. This is that which was once delivered unto the sons, and that you should earnestly contend for out here among all these different sects and creeds, and denominations and so forth and so on.

Now listen, there isn’t a one of ’em, listen to what I’m gonna say, there isn’t a one of ’em that’s able to prove to you how the Godhead is put together – he don’t know one earthly thing about it. And the Roman Catholics have continued their Trinitarian concept. Deuteronomy 6:4. Now I didn’t say this; I did not say this.

READER: Hear O Israel, Yahweh our Elohim is Yahweh a unity. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, I wanna repeat it again, repeat it.

READER: Hear O Israel . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute. Now this is Yahweh talking to Israel, and this is what He is saying. He is saying, Hear O Israel Yahweh our Elohim is Yahweh a TRINITY. . .


DR. KINLEY: Oh is that, uh, is that it, a unity? See He’s a unity! Now listen, you’ve got sense enough to know, you don’t even need no brains, you know good and well that all your body is united by joints, and all like a that, and it’s built up into a body. It’s a unity, and works in harmony and unity, not three distinctive individual personalities Now how would you prove that? All right, this is Him (I wanna get the big one). I’ll get this one, this end off here, it’s the same as here. [Using Tabernacle off of the Physical Body Chart] This is the most holy place, that’s 1; this is the holy place that’s 2, this is the court around about, that’s 3, and it’s all united into one tabernacle, and one temple. Now listen, this is Yahweh-Elohim transformed or changed into the tabernacle that Moses saw back here in the mountain in the wilderness, and it is a unity. That’s 1, most holy place, holy place 2, outer court 3, that’s a unity. That’s only one tabernacle, and this is only one body. And your body is the temple or the tabernacle. You see what I’m talking about? . . .

[SIDE 2]. . .

Now here’s what some people think. They think the Father is setting up there in the sky – the son, Jesus, was just His chief representative walking around here on the earth, and then the Holy Spirit, they didn’t know, they didn’t know about that; didn’t have no idea of that, so then they just said He was God’s chief representative, talking about Jesus. I beg your pardon your Book says this: “Without controversy. . . “

READER: write the vision. . .

DR. KINLEY: Without controversy! The Book say, “Without controversy!” Now that means without any discussion, without any debate, or without any argument, great is the mystery of Yahweh. Listen, Yahweh was manifested in, better read it, 1Timothy I think it is, verse 16, so you can’t go away and say, “I hope Gill.” Now hurry up the time is about expired.

READER: And beyond controversy. . .

DR. KINLEY: And be… how’s that? Repeat quick!

READER: And beyond controversy, deep is the mystery of holiness. He who was manifested in human form, had His claim attested by the spirit, was seen of angels. . .

DR. KINLEY: What Bible is he reading out of?

DR. Gill: Read it out of the King James Bible.

READER: And without controversy Great is the mystery of Godliness, Yahweh was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels. . .

DR. KINLEY: See the way that read you could get confused in it.

READER: preached unto the Gentiles. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now without controversy Great is the mystery of Godliness, or it should be Great is the mystery of Yahweh.

READER: Yahweh was manifested in the flesh. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: justified in the spirit. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: seen of angels. . .

DR. KINLEY: Seen, listen now, seen of angels

READER: preached unto the Gentiles

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: believed on in the world. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: received up into glory. . .

DR. KINLEY: And received back up into glory where He came from. Now that’s about in Yahweh. Now I want you to see what I’m talking about. See while they saying it’s a trinity, meaning just like these three setting here. You’re the father, you the son, and you the Holy Spirit, 3 distinctive individual personalities – it’s not that way it’s a unity. Even the Father is in this body – Yahweh was manifested in Yahshua in that one body. He said “Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me, else believe on me for my very work sake.” Somebody said, “Well I don’t believe it.” Come on let’s go to the cemetery. Where’d you lay him at, Lazarus I’m talking about? See and He had to be careful too about that. He said “LAZARUS COME FORTH?” Somebody said “Well that sure was a great mystery, that sure was a great one, that man’s been dead 4 days.” Well what about them been dead four thousand years that he told you about over here in Matthew 27:52? He said He was the resurrection and the life, he that believeth on me though he were dead yet shall he live, and he that liveth and believeth on me shall never die, do you believe this? Naw, how can I believe this. You follow? See it take, it takes something, but these preachers out here they’re bad.

Now Jude said it’s necessary that he should write to the Jews back up there because the gospel was given to them first, and then ten years later to the Gentiles. And it’s necessary for me to write to you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith, which was once delivered unto the sons of Yahweh. Now listen, for there are certain men who are ordained of old that crept in unaware and turned the Grace of our Elohim into lasciviousness.

Now folks I should say this to you. And now anybody in this building, anybody in this building, I want you to read to me now, or if you think it’s in there somewhere and you can’t find it we’ll find it for you, whatever you think wherever it’s in. Now this is what I want you to read: I want you to read to me out of your Bible, I don’t care which one you got, King James or whatever it is, I want you to read to me where Yahweh, Elohim, Yahshua – now you pay tention to what I’m saying because this is what I’m talking about. Yahweh, Elohim, Yahshua, the Lord, God, Jesus Christ, Adonai, Jehovah, or Baal, or Allah, (ha! ha! now how ’bout that one?) ever said, anywhere in the Bible, I don’t care where you read it, where He ever said anything in the history of the world about a Gentile being baptized in physical water. I want that read; I never did read it. Now that scope is broad enough for you to read it somewhere where one of them said for you to get baptized in physical water. I want it read where He said as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you show forth His death and suffering until He comes. In other words I want you to show me, and read to me where the Gentiles ever ate the Lord’s supper. I want you to read to me where He ever said anything to the Gentiles about keeping the Sabbath Day. I want you to read to me where He ever said anything in the history of the world, in your Bible, about the Gentiles getting their feet washed. I want it read out of the Bible. Now if you can’t read it now then forget it! Now I wouldn’t have never said that if I hadn’t known it wasn’t in there. Then how is that you can go over there to these other churches and read out of the Bible, and then when you get over here you can’t read nothing? How did that happen? See it’s not in, that’s not even in the Almanac to say nothing about the Bible. I’ll tell you what the difference is. I know my time is expired. The Gentiles they stood by faith, that truce which was made to Abraham. And Abraham’s faith in what Yahweh had said to him was accounted unto him for righteousness. Now we are earnestly contending for that same faith, and that faith is accounted unto us for righteousness. And listen, it is the faith without works! Now you got yourself something to think about, for the rest of the day, at least, if not the rest of your life. And just remember, everyone of these hypocrites that stands around talking about this… Yahweh, I read to you where Yahweh said they wasn’t gonna believe the truth no how. The Pharisees, and Scribes they challenged Him, and He already done said they wasn’t gonna believe it, and which they didn’t. And they wanted to know by what authority He did this, that, and the other, and we didn’t give you no authority to go out and do something about it. He didn’t need none. They just didn’t know who He was. And they don’t really know the real preacher in the world today, the one that’s sent from Yahweh. They telling you out there, and water baptism and all like that. Well you can’t read where He ever said anything to you about getting baptized. And listen here, there ain’t nobody in the building, and nobody on earth that hasn’t been baptized in water. There isn’t anybody here on earth… Now let me show you that. I know the time is gone. Right here, see you were surrounded in a bag of water in your mother’s womb, inundated, just like the earth was inundated back here in the creation. And when Yahshua the Messiah, who is the Saviour of the world, when He was baptized of John out here, that’s His whole entire body that was baptized; well that’s what the assembly is, the body of Yahshua the Messiah. So when He was baptized in the River Jordan that got the Gentiles. When He was circumcised 8 days after He was born, see that got you. Now the world don’t understand these things, and these hypocrite preachers out here just lying. You see what I’m talking about? And here’s another thing, I ought to say this by all means. That’s the reason there’s so much running backwards and forwards, and you trying to live what they say “Don’t chew no tobacco, don’t smoke no cigarettes, don’t take no drink.” They say they got a dietary regime set up for you, and don’t do this, and don’t do that, and don’t do the other. And when you get through with it there’s nobody else can do, can’t teach nothing else to you. And here you come with the condemned conscience, said “Well I tried.” You can’t do what they say do, and they ain’t doing it their own selves, lying just like a dog. He’s sneaking around some place and saying, “Give me a little nip.” And his conscience is seared with a hot iron, and standing up there lying to you like a dog, and telling you “Jesus said as often as we eat this bread and drink…” And you wasn’t even invited to the party. That’s right, there wasn’t no Gentiles at that party, He ate it with His disciples in the Upper Room. That happened in another world, another age. That —- done sneaked off, fell asleep, and way back yonder in the antediluvian, and he don’t know what he’s taking about. Now that’s what you got here in the world today, and that’s what you’ve got to overcome. Hope you’ve gotten something out of what I had to say.

School of the Highest Learning

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