Fornication and Adultery

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley on October 30, 1974.







DR. KINLEY: Thank you ever so much. Now I know all of you really did enjoy Dr. Wakefield, he told you the truth. He told you like it is, and if he preaches down there what he preached here, he is in trouble, no question about that, no argument at all. Now you know tonight is what we have set up as a question and answer period, and we always like to answer your questions and I’m

DR. KINLEY: sure that you should have had some questions. You should ask questions and ____ ____ session. I’ve asked the questions and answered ’em myself. I didn’t give you ____ ____; in other words I picked up your vibration, and then explained that one and therefore you didn’t have much of a chance to misunderstand or misinterpret what was being said, so forth and so on.

So now I want to put it like this, that Dr. Wakefield told you about the name. Now all of you know that in this school, that the names are important, and it’s just simply down right stupidity for somebody to say that after they’ve learned the true names, they don’t make.., a name don’t make no difference. I’ve had the people to say that, ‘well what’s in a name, a name don’t make no difference.’ Yes it does. You try reading Acts of Apostles about 4:10 and 11, it says there is no other name given among men whereby man can be saved, saving the name of Yahshua the Messiah.

Now, speaking of Yahshua the Messiah, there is some places in your book that they forgot, overlooked, and I meant to tell you about that sometime. And they wrote the name Messiah out in the book, it’s in John, and they didn’t change back in the original manuscript, they just wrote it out there and said, ‘the Messiah,’ but the other places they called Him ‘Jesus Christ.’ That’s one place they overlooked.

But we won’t go into that now, I think there’s some things that need to be said, discussed and talked about, because there have been a lot of misunderstanding about it in the school, and around the world, all over the world. And it’s not going just a lit.., a last time but it was that way when Yahshua the Messiah was here. Nothing new about it at all. And it’s some things that we ought to know. To tell you the truth about it, you already know, you know better than.., but you just go head on and make on like you don’t know, and we know you do know, and a whole lot of ignorant questions and all, about things that you already know.

For example, to tell you what I’m talking about. I’m talking about a man and a woman or a wife and a husband. Now you already know about that. You already know about adultery and fornication. Now why come up and ask me a whole lot of damnable, stupid questions about that when you already know. You don’t expect me to justify you in nothing like that. If I did, then I wouldn’t be what I said I was. Now do you understand what I’m talking about? Now look, I said it wasn’t no new thing, so I’m gonna point it out in the book. Matt 12:39.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But He answered and said unto them

DR. KINLEY: Better go back and get the subject Doc.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered saying, Rabbi, we would see a sign from thee.

DR. KINLEY: Now, it said, Rabbi, we would see a sign from you. We wanna see a sign. Now, you know signs are important. And so now here they are, been following Him around. He’s been healing the sick, raising the dead, curing all kinds of diseases, leprosy, feeding the multitudes and all lika-that; He being the Messiah. Then so much so until Nicodemus said, ‘Master, we know that you’re a teacher come from Yahweh.’ ‘How do you know that?’ Said, ‘no man can do the miracles which you do except Yahweh be with him.’ Now here they are, asking Him, ‘we would see a sign.’ One of them stupid and silly things, after looking at Him perform all of these miracles, proving that He was the Messiah. Now they do the same thing to you, and still know better. ‘And now Master show us a sign.’ Now as many healings and all that has been in this school, somebody comes along and say, ‘well, show us a sign.’ And expect you to show’em some kind of a sign to prove that you are something. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But He answered and said unto them

DR. KINLEY: Now but He answered and said unto them

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: An evil and adulterous generation

DR. KINLEY: An evil… Now I told you to start off with, an evil and an adulterous generation do what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Seeketh after a sign.

DR. KINLEY: Seeketh after a sign.


DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute. Now I want you to see, and I don’t want you to drop the ball there. He said an evil and an adulterous generation. Now they knew, in Exodus, the 20th chapter of Exodus. In the law that was given to the Jews, they knew what adultery was. Said, ‘thou shalt not commit adultery.’ Is that right? And they was busily engaged in committing adultery, so much so that there was a whole generation of ’em. It was an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign. You see that now. And He said to them what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And there shall no sign be given to them

DR. KINLEY: And there shall no sign be given them

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But the sign of the prophet Jonah

DR. KINLEY: But the sign of the prophet Jonah

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For as Jonah was three days

DR. KINLEY: For as Jonah was three days

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And three nights in the fish’s belly

DR. KINLEY: and three nights in the belly

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

DR. KINLEY: Now you see there, now there won’t be no sign given except that sign. For the Son of Man would be three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, in the heart of the earth, as Jonah was in the belly of the fish. Now that’s all the sign that’s gonna be given. That is, He’s gonna resurrect from the dead, just like Jonah was belched up by the fish and all, on the shore out there, after he was in there three days and three nights. Now then, that thing too has never been understood by Christendoom, three days and three nights. They got it by you counting Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and that’s three days and three nights. It ain’t like that. It was known only to Yahweh, them three days, and them.., them three days. There has never been no days like that at all. Zechariah, I believe. Read it Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Zechariah 14:6.

DR. KINLEY: Zechariah 14:6.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: It shall come to pass in that day

DR. KINLEY: It shall come to pass in that day

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That the light shall not be clear in some places

DR. KINLEY: That the, the light shall not be clear in some places

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And dark in other places of the world

DR. KINLEY: And dark in the other places in the world

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But is shall be one day

DR. KINLEY: Now wait, but it shall be one day

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which shall be known to Yahweh.

DR. KINLEY: That it’ll be known only to Yahweh.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Not day nor night

DR. KINLEY: Not day nor night

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But it shall come to pass

DR. KINLEY: But it shall come to pass

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That at even time

DR. KINLEY: That at evening time, it shall be light. Now in the evening time it shall be light. Now read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And it shall be in that day that living waters

DR. KINLEY: And it shall be in that day

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That living waters shall go out from Jerusalem

DR. KINLEY: that living, living waters shall go out from Jerusalem. Now you see that? Now that’s a day that’s known only to Yahweh.

That’s the reason why I try my best to tell you that don’t nobody know a thing about the purpose of Yahweh but Yahweh Himself. Now it, it, it, it states it right there that it’s known only to Him, that, that day. Now look, if you go back to Genesis, if you go back to Genesis and you see there it says the darkness is upon the face of the deep. And Yahweh said, let there be light, and there was light. Now it wasn’t, it wasn’t the sun that was there. Now then, this day back here with Yah.., that was known only to Yahweh too. Now you say in six days… Oh I tell you this, this, this, this thing is such a mystery until it’s hard to explain to people cause that is within their understanding, most particular you don’t really wanna know. You have to wanna know something about that. And then not only that, you have to be willing to do the thing. And now, there isn’t no way at all… Now listen, get this straight. There’s no way for you to fool Yahweh. Now, you just might as well quit kidding yourself. And your conscience condemns you when you do something you know is wrong, like adultery. Why come to me and ask me about adultery and fornication, homosexuality, heterosexuality? Why you want to come to me and ask me about that? You know all about it. Why come to me and ask me about marriage and divorce? You’ve known it all your life. No, you expect me to justify you in some of your wrong doing. Then I wanna tell you this too. Every woman that has on a dress, every female that has on a dress is not a wife. And every man that has on a pair of pants is not a husband. There is such a thing as whoredom. How about that? Now with you, the church is the bride of Yahshua the Messiah. Is that right?


DR. KINLEY: If the church is the bride or the congregation or assembly is the bride of Yahshua the Messiah… Now listen, I didn’t say the churches, I said The Church. That’s, that’s a, that’s an adjective. The is an adjective, pointing out a definite article there. The Church. I didn’t say Roman Catholic Church either. Now then, if you come up with the churches, then what you’ve done, you’ve made Him a whore master and you’ve got Him in adultery. That’s denominationalism, when the real church or the real congregation or assembly is a chaste virgin. Now if you want that read, I’ll read. Now it would seem to me, it would seem to me… Then, and then people say, ‘well, were you talking to me?’ (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) They take ____ ____. ‘Were you talking to me?’ They know good and well they were into something they ain’t got no business.., and want me to justify ’em by telling them, ‘no, I wasn’t talking about you.’

Now Yahshua the Messiah, let me tell you about this. The Scripture says that.., but Yahshua the Messiah put it this way, He didn’t come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Pharisees and scribes, they thought to themselves, ‘well, He, He didn’t come to call me, I’m righteous.’ He didn’t know the scriptures. The scriptures said there was none righteous, no, not a one, so He was talking about the whole business. I just got through telling you about Matthew there, a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign. You see that now? Yes, He’s talking about you. Sure. But now here’s one thing, you don’t expect me to get up here in this pulpit and say, ‘Roger Jackson you’re a sinner, and you’re committing adultery and fornication.’ You don’t expect me to do that, do you? You show me some place in the Bible where Yahshua the Messiah went around and said, ‘Peter, you’re a..,’ or Matthew or Mark or somebody. He didn’t personate like that. No, that, that, that isn’t the way, that isn’t the way it was done. He preached to everybody, He preached to every creature. And look there wasn’t any righteous, no not a one.

Yahshua died to save them that believe. Yahweh gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should have everlasting life, and he that believeth not shall be destroyed or damned. Now that’s the way it is folks.

Now what we have tried to do in this school, we have tried our best to tell you the truth, just like it is, and I’ve, I have said this and even wrote it in our book. Now I’m not gonna apologize for telling you the truth. I’m just not gonna do it. I’m gonna tell you the truth just like it is, then you can do whatever you want to do about it. And if you are doing something that’s wrong, yes, the, the, the word is to you. Now if you don’t stop, then you’re just gonna be lost. You can’t be saved that way. Did I make that, Bishop, have I made myself clear and plain? You don’t expect me to get up here and personate people and say this, that, and the other one. Is that right?

Now, then I want to tell you something else about this situation too, about this adultery and fornication and what-not. A man and a woman can be living right in a house together under the same roof with a piece of paper that you got down here at the courts, and not be a man and wife. Now I didn’t say they wasn’t a man and a woman. And they can be wrong, both of them, just as wrong as two left shoes. A lotta that going on too. He’s out doing this and doing that, and doing the other. The unfaithfulness. They know it’s wrong. Now, that’s just about enough of that, ain’t it? That’s just about enough of that. Now you don’t just look out at the outer appearance of things and judge from what you see all the time about a man and

wife or so forth and so on. It, it, it, it don’t work like that. I know a fellow, I’m not gonna call no names, but I know a fellow that stayed with a woman, come and asked me about it. And I said, ‘naw,’ I said, ‘stay there.’ That’s what I tell ’em all. And there is nobody that can come to me in this school and say that I’ve justified or told them to go and do something wrong like that. Every man and every woman that ever had a piece of paper and was recognized as man and wife, I told ’em to stay together and if they had some children, I said, ‘raise the children.’ Now anybody that’s been knowing me, for lo these many years, if I have told you to leave one another, even if you were just called man and wife, stand up, I’d like to see you. I don’t do it that way. Then not only that, when it comes to this business of getting up going down here to the courts and getting a piece of paper, I advise you to go down there and get a piece of paper. All of you there that come to me and ask me anything about it, I told you to go down and get a piece of paper. I know that don’t make a man and wife, but at least somebody else that thinks so, you have the protection of the civil law. You won’t have the people accusing you of something, cause all they can do is look at you and see this, and that, and the other. And oftentimes we make a mistake about things like that. Just like Dr. Wakefield said here, now he’s talking about Yahweh, the other’s.., some one down there’s talking about the Lord, but he thinks that he’s wrong. He never looked it up. So now that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s the way things go when it comes to these marriages and what nots.

Well, that, that oughta do for that. But now I wanna tell you something. It’s your soul. You can’t be, you can’t be saved like that. Just might as well straighten up and fly right. That’s the way it is. Now, there’s justification in a divorce for one or two things. Now Dr. Harris is gonna read about it.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: 7th chapter of Romans. Matthew the 19th chapter.

SOMEONE: 7th chapter of Romans.

DR. KINLEY: He said 7th chapter of Romans.


DR. KINLEY: Matt. 19th. 19:6, I think it is. And it is in the 7th chapter of Romans too, and it’s also in the 7th chapter of 1 Corinthians.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Third verse. The Pharisees also came unto him

DR. KINLEY: Now the Pharisees also came unto him

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: tempting him

DR. KINLEY: Now, they knew better, but they came unto him, tempting

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And saying unto him

DR. KINLEY: No. Now the word tempt. It ought, it ought not to be tempt. It oughta be testing. Testing His ability or what He knew about it. That’s what’s written in the law. They knew what was in the law. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Saying unto Him

DR. KINLEY: Saying unto Him

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?

DR. KINLEY: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause. Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And He answered and said unto them

DR. KINLEY: And He answered and said unto them

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Have ye not read?

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, haven’t you read?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That He which made them

DR. KINLEY: That He which made them

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: At the beginning

DR. KINLEY: At the beginning

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Made them male and female

DR. KINLEY: Made them male and female


DR. KINLEY: And said

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For this cause shall a man leave father and mother

DR. KINLEY: And for this cause shall a man… Who said that?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The one that made them.

DR. KINLEY: Oh, I see. I thought you said Adam said that. (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) Now you see that, how you can get the reality of the thing. Adam didn’t, Adam didn’t say that, Yahweh said that. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife.

DR. KINLEY: And shall cleave to his wife.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And they twain shall be one flesh

DR. KINLEY: And they twain shall be be flesh

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Wherefore, they are no more twain but one flesh.

DR. KINLEY: Wherefore, they are no more twain

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but one flesh.

DR. KINLEY: but one flesh.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: What therefore Yahweh has joined together

DR. KINLEY: What therefore Yahweh has joined together

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Let not man put asunder

DR. KINLEY: Let not man put asunder. Don’t let him do it.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: They say unto Him, why did Moses then command

DR. KINLEY: Then, now here they come up with the question. Then why did Moses..? They’re testing Him now. Then why did Moses… That’s the way some of ’em come to me, ‘then why so and so and so and so?’ Cause they’re testing my ability. Why then did Moses give them a bill of divorcement and ____ ____ ____ ____? Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: They say unto Him why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement

DR. KINLEY: That’s right.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and put her away if she were not pleasing in his sight?

DR. KINLEY: That’s right

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: He said unto them

DR. KINLEY: He said unto him

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Moses, because of the hardness of your heart

DR. KINLEY: Moses, because of the hardness of your heart

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Permitted you to put away your wives

DR. KINLEY: Permitted you to put away your wives

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But from the beginning it was not so

DR. KINLEY: Now but from the beginning it was not so

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And I say unto you

DR. KINLEY: And I say unto you

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Whosoever shall divorce his wife

DR. KINLEY: Whosoever shall divorce his wife

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Except it be for fornication

DR. KINLEY: Except.., whoop whoop whoop whoop. That messes up the party now. Except it be for fornication. Now I wanna make this real clear right here. That’s why I said there’s a lot of ’em living together, got a piece of paper, and they done running out there and, and, and, and, and performed these things, and they think don’t nobody know nothing about it. And it’s all covered up and hid. Now what you did, you’ve severed the relationship, as far as Yahweh is concerned. That’s what you’ve done. Is that what it says? Try reading it again.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And I say unto you

DR. KINLEY: Now this is an authority that’s talking here.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Whosoever, shall divorce his wife, except it be for fornication

DR. KINLEY: Except it be for fornication, didn’t say adultery, said fornication. Then what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And shall marry another

DR. KINLEY: And shall marry another

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Committeth adultery

DR. KINLEY: Committeth adultery

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And whoso marrieth her

DR. KINLEY: And whoso marrieth her

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which is divorced

DR. KINLEY: Which is divorced

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Doth also commit adultery

DR. KINLEY: Doth also commit adultery. See that now. Now that’s the only justification. Now you just read what, what it was all about.

Now this is what some of ’em have done in the school, and out there in other places. Got what you call free love, just like animals, justified in running around with this woman and that man and so forth and so on, then want somebody to justify ’em. Not so. Now go to the seventh chapter of Matthew, I mean the seventh chapter of Romans.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Know ye not brethren

DR. KINLEY: Don’t you know brethren

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For I speak to them that know the law

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute. He’s talking to them that know the law. See that now? That know the law. I said that know the law. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: How that the law have dominion over a man

DR. KINLEY: How that the law have dominion over a man

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: As long as he liveth

DR. KINLEY: As long as he lives

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the woman which hath a husband

DR. KINLEY: For the woman which has a husband

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: is bound by the law to her husband

DR. KINLEY: is bound by the law to her husband

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: so long as he liveth

DR. KINLEY: so long as he liveth

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but if the husband be dead

DR. KINLEY: but if the husband be dead

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: She is loosed from the law of her husband.

DR. KINLEY: She is loosed from the law of her husband. Now wait just a minute now. Now this is the law we’re talking about now. Somebody said, ‘well, that was back under the dispensation of the law.’ Yes it was, but that ain’t gonna help your situation none. It ain’t gonna justify you in saying, ‘well, that’s under the dispensation of the law.’ You can come up here and put your wife down. We’ll get to that too, over here in the seventh chapter of 1 Corinthians. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: so then, if while her husband liveth

DR. KINLEY: so then, if while her husband liveth

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: she be married to another man

DR. KINLEY: she be married to another man

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: she shall be called an adulteress

DR. KINLEY: She shall be called an adulteress. Now that’s what the law said. The Mosaic law I’m talking about. Alright, somebody’ll say, ‘well now we ain’t living under the law now.’ Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but if her husband be dead

DR. KINLEY: but if her husband be dead

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: she is free from that law

DR. KINLEY: she is free from that law

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: so that she is no adulteress

DR. KINLEY: so that she is no adulteress

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: though she be married to another man

DR. KINLEY: she be married to another man. Alright.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Wherefore my brethren

DR. KINLEY: Wherefore my brethren

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: ye also are become dead to the law

DR. KINLEY: If you’ve become dead to the law

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: by the body of the Messiah

DR. KINLEY: by the body of the Messiah. You’ve become dead to the law. He’s talking to the Jews, not the Gentiles, because the Gentiles, they didn’t have the law. But he’s talking to them that know the law. Alright now read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that you should be married to another

DR. KINLEY: that you should, that you should be married to another. Repeat that Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Wherefore my brethren

DR. KINLEY: Wherefore my brethren

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: ye also are become dead to the law

DR. KINLEY: ye also have become dead to the law

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: by the body of the Messiah

DR. KINLEY: by the body of the Messiah

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that ye should be married to another

DR. KINLEY: that you should be married to another

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: even to him who is raised from the dead.

DR. KINLEY: Now you, you’re married to Him that raised from the dead. And look here, I want you to get that thing straight. There is no divorce. None of no kind. Now how about that? You are married to another, even unto the Messiah, and there ain’t gonna be no divorce. How about that? And when you are married to Him, actually, I mean sure enough married to Him, you ain’t going to be running around after no other church or no other woman. How about that? Well. Back here under the law, if you look at Jeremiah, hold what you got. If you look at this back

0here under the law, Yahweh called Israel His wife. Yahweh did. Well now, Israel was in the flesh and He was in the spirit when He called Israel His wife. And He said that He was a good husband to her. But now the New Covenant divorced you from the law. It was not Yahweh that died, He has never been dead, but it was Yahshua the Messiah that died. So when He died and resurrected from the dead, you were crucified with Him, and consequently resurrected with Him, if so be that you have accepted the truth or you’ve been grafted in by faith. Is that right? And I want you to understand there ain’t gonna be no divorce. How about that? And there ain’t gonna be no running around after another man. There ain’t gonna be no running around after another woman. How about that?

You just about got enough of this now. Is that right? Alright now, somebody wants to come up here, ‘well, all that was under the law.’ Alright now, let’s go over here, and let’s get out from under the law. I want the seventh chapter of 1 Corinthians. Try that.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me

DR. KINLEY: Now they were puzzled and they wrote to Paul about it. Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: It is good for a man not to touch a woman

DR. KINLEY: It’s good for a man not to touch a woman

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Nevertheless,

DR. KINLEY: Nevertheless,

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: to avoid fornication

DR. KINLEY: to avoid fornication

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: let every man have his own wife.

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute now, just a minute. Just a minute. Just a minute. Say folks this is in the Bible. Now you knew it was there before you come down here tonight. You follow me? You know, you know better than these things. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: nevertheless, to avoid fornication

DR. KINLEY: nevertheless to avoid fornication

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: let every man have his own wife

DR. KINLEY: let every man have his own wife

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and let every woman have her own husband

DR. KINLEY: and let every woman have her own husband

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: let the husband render unto the wife

DR. KINLEY: let the husband render unto the wife

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: due benevolence

DR. KINLEY: due benevolence

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and likewise also

DR. KINLEY: and likewise also

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: the wife unto the husband

DR. KINLEY: the wife unto the husband

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The wife hath not power over

1DR. KINLEY: Now, now, (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) somebody say, ‘well, I don’t understand where you’re talking about there.’ How about that? Just any kind of an excuse you can hatch up to justify you in doing something that you ought not to be, any kind of an excuse. Repeat that again Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: let the husband render unto the wife DR. KINLEY: let the husband render unto the wife DR. ROBERT HARRIS: due benevolence DR. KINLEY: due benevolence DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and likewise also the wife unto the husband

DR. KINLEY: likewise, also the wife unto the husband. Now here’s what… Now if you don’t understand… Do you all want me to explain what he’s talking about?


DR. KINLEY: Okay. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now Yahweh gave them, man and a woman, to multiply. Now here goes a man to his wife. She’s got an excuse to render his due benevolence. You don’t want me… You want me to (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) explain more? I’m just trying to show you she’s got an excuse. She says, ‘well I’m tired, my menstruation’s on.’ And every time he turns around, he goes to her, and that’s what she says; in other words, she don’t want to be bothered. Now what she’s really doing, she’s running him on off. How about that? Ya’ll beginning to kinda understand? (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) I’m getting around over in your neighborhood. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) And likewise, let the husband render due benevolence unto the wife. Pacify her sexual anxieties and multiply, the bed is undefiled. Now, I’m just giving it to you straight so you won’t wanna have no excuse to come back and ask me no more foolish damn questions. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The wife has not power of her own body DR. KINLEY: Now the wife doesn’t have power over her own body. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but the husband

DR. KINLEY: but the husband. The wife, she just doesn’t have the power over her own body. The man, in embracing his wife and so forth and so on… Now this, this is a built in thing. Yahweh put that within them because He intended to populate the earth. It’s right for it to be there. Now if there is some impairment or some physical disability, which there is in some cases, and if you want me to, I’ll tell you about that. About eunuchs and so forth and so on. There’s no excuse for us blundering and stumbling around, and then try to justify ourselves. We know good and well it’s wrong. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body DR. KINLEY: Now the husband, he doesn’t have power of his own body DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but the wife

DR. KINLEY: but the wife. This embracing one another brings on something. That’s the reason why I say don’t touch, it’s good for a man not to touch a woman. If you just have to touch a woman, touch your own wife. If you just have to touch a man, touch your own husband. If you just have to have some children, have them by your own wife or by your own husband. Well, Alright.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Refuse ye not one the other

DR. KINLEY: Now don’t refuse one another; in other words, don’t drive your husband off or your wife off, out yonder in some other woman’s arms or some other man’s arms. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. And if you don’t have a husband, get one, but get your own husband, don’t get somebody else’s. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) If you don’t have a wife, get yourself one, but don’t get somebody else’s wife. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now I don’t know how I could talk any plainer. If you haven’t got none, why get you one. If you ain’t got no husband, get one. You ain’t got no… Now that’s just plain talk. And make sure when you get one, you don’t get somebody else’s man or woman. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Refuse ye not one the other DR. KINLEY: Now don’t refuse one another DR. ROBERT HARRIS: except it be with consent for a time

DR. KINLEY: unless it be for a consent for a time. Now at the end of that cycle, (DR. KINLEY AND STUDENT BODY LAUGH) How about that? And say.., don’t come up with that kind of stuff. How about that? Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that ye may give yourself to fasting and prayer DR. KINLEY: that ye may give yourself to fasting and to prayer DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and come together again DR. KINLEY: and come together again DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that satan tempt you not for your incontinency, that satan tempt


you not for your incontinency. That satan, now listen, that satan tempt you not for your incontinency. You see that now, Now, now, that’s one of the things that satan has always had that problem with, started back there with Adam and Eve. And it come right straight on down through the dispensations and ages. And people just give away to those things, then they try to find some justification in the Bible, and say, ‘well, that was talking

DR. KINLEY: to them that’s under the law, and all like this, and we ain’t under the law now to justify themselves in these things. So now that’s wrong, and you can’t be saved with it. Then you don’t, as I said before, you don’t expect me to get up here and personate nobody. Yahshua the Messiah, He just preached to the multitudes. Is that right? And He said, ‘whosoever will, let him come,’ and whosoever believeth on Him. He didn’t personate nobody like that. Now we’re preaching the gospel, not creating enemies. We try to tell the thing so that a person can understand what we’re talking about. Read on Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But I speak this by permission DR. KINLEY: Now, but I speak this by permission, he’s permitted to say that. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and not of commandment DR. KINLEY: and not by commandment. Read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For I would that all men were even as I myself

DR. KINLEY: Now, now we’re getting down to something else. Now I told you we’d tell you about that. I would that all men were what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: were even as I myself

DR. KINLEY: were even as I myself. He was a eunuch. He had no sexual anxieties, no passions and nothing like that for no woman. He was born that way. And now while we’re on that, Messiah wasn’t born like that. Now if He had been born that way, then they could have said, ‘well, no wonder you’re, you’re a, you were born that way, as was Paul, so no wonder you don’t want no woman.’


I don’t know whether you know this or not, but they checked up on him. He used to always be hanging around Martha and Mary’s house down there. And so the Sanhedrin Council sent a delegation down there to check up on Him, to find out whether he had a crush on one of them, and come to find out, it just wasn’t so. But now listen, He had all those sexual anxieties and passions and all, just like you do, but he made himself a eunuch

[SIDE 2]

DR. KINLEY: for the Kingdom of Heavens sake. And if wasn’t a woman, just one woman that was his wife, the whole, all of us put together makes up His bride. I said bride too or His wife. Get that first. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But every man hath his proper gift of Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: But now I told you it was a built in thing, every man and every woman have their proper gift that Yahweh gave to them. He intended to populate the earth. He intended for you to get married and have sexual relationships, and children, I’m talking plain tonight, and populate the earth. He intended for you to do that. And there’s nothing wrong with it. Now, now that’s the way it is. Alright.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: One after this manner and another after that DR. KINLEY: Every man has their proper gift, one after this manner and another after that. Alright read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I say therefore, to the unmarried DR. KINLEY: I say therefore to the unmarried and widows DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and widows DR. KINLEY: and widows DR. ROBERT HARRIS: It is good for them if they abide even as I DR. KINLEY: I say to the unmarried and the widows, that they abide even as I am. Alright. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but if they cannot contain DR. KINLEY: Now but if they can’t contain DR. ROBERT HARRIS: let them also

DR. KINLEY: In other words, if you can’t control the thing. Now you understand that kind of talk, don’t you? If, if you just have to have a man, or a woman have to have a husband, if you can’t contain yourself, then do what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: let them marry DR. KINLEY: Then go, go out and get married. How about that? So you have a wife. Alright. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For it is better to marry than to burn DR. KINLEY: It is better to marry than to burn DR. ROBERT HARRIS: with passion DR. KINLEY: with passion. You see that now. Alright, read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and unto the married I command DR. KINLEY: unto the married. Now, now, now, he’s gonna, now he’s taking it both ways. And unto the married DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I command DR. KINLEY: I command DR. ROBERT HARRIS: yet not I, but Yahweh DR. KINLEY: yet not I DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but Yahweh DR. KINLEY: but Yahweh commanded this DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Let not the wife depart from her husband.

DR. KINLEY: Let not the wife depart from her husband. See that. Now that’s Yahweh that’s doing that talk. Let not the wife depart from her husband. Alright, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But and if she depart

DR. KINLEY: But and if she depart. Now somebody say, ‘well, your diction is not too good.’ That’s bad diction there: but and if. Two conjunctions right together. ‘That don’t make no kinda sense.’ But nevertheless, that’s there, it’s there. But is a conjunction that join together two complete thoughts, and if. Alright, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But and if she depart DR. KINLEY: But and if she depart DR. ROBERT HARRIS: let her remain unmarried DR. KINLEY: Now you can understand plain English. Then let her remain unmarried or stay single. Alright, read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: or be reconciled to her husband

DR. KINLEY: Now if she don’t wanna do that, let her go on back to her husband. That’s plain English. Now I ain’t twisting up nothing either. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and let not the husband put away his wife DR. KINLEY: Then don’t let the husband put away his wife. Alright read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but to the rest speak I DR. KINLEY: but to the rest speak I DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Not Yahweh DR. KINLEY: Not Yahweh DR. ROBERT HARRIS: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not DR. KINLEY: but any brother has a wife that don’t believe DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and she be pleased to dwell with you

DR. KINLEY: And now just a minute. Now you’ve been having problems right here in this school, in Los Angeles too, and elsewhere. Now if any brother has a wife that don’t believe… Now we’re preaching Yahweh, Elohim and Yahshua the Messiah being the Savior of the world. Now then, it has been some people right in this school say, ‘well, I ain’t going down there with, among them niggers. I’m just not going down there. And that’s their excuse for not wanting to come down here. Now since I’m on that, I wanna give you some understanding about it, so you won’t have that excuse no more. We’ll eliminate that, which we tried to do in the first place.

Dr. Gross would you mind standing up? Now this is a German Jew, that’s your President. Now look him over and see if he looks like he’s white. Would you mind standing up Dr. Harris? That’s the Vice-President and Dean. Look him over. Now these are authorities in the school. Dr. Dennis Droulard, would you mind coming down from behind the podium there, please? Dr. Gary Mathess would you mind coming up here, please? I don’t want you to have no excuse. I want you to cut this stuff out. Now that’s your Public Relations Director, International. And that’s the International Vice President, Vice President. And that’s the International Superintendent. And John Baxter, would you mind coming up here. That’s your International and State Treasurer. Maybe ya’ll wasn’t looking for this. Dr. Victor Vasquez, would you mind? Dr. Fred Allen Senior. Now that’s the State President. Look him over. This is the State Vice President. Look him over. I’m sorry, but

6there’s some of ’em I don’t know that’s on this authority staff, I don’t know who they are, I never paid that much attention to it, but they select whosoever they choose. But that’s an authority and these are the authorities in the school. You can look at him and see he’s white. You can try looking at him and see he’s white, and Dr. Harris, he’s almost black like me. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) And Gary, he is white. John Baxter and Dr. Allen. Now they’re authorities. Now there’s some others. Dr. Jackson, I think that you are too. Aren’t you an authority?

DR. JACKSON: Yes DR. KINLEY: Get up here. Do you know any others that ought to be called? DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Mary Gross

DR. KINLEY: Mary Gross, would you please? (THE BELL RINGS) This is your Secretary. That’s your Secretary, International Secretary.

SOMEONE: Marion Harris.

DR. KINLEY: Sister Marion Harris. There’s Marion Harris. Get up here. Now what we’re doing, now we’re eliminating this thing, not coming down here and being bothered with these niggers. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) We wanna let you know they ain’t all niggers. None of these are niggers. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now you need to read your dictionary and see what a nigger is. Now is there some others that I ought to call? Thank you ever so much, that ought to be enough. (STUDENT BODY APPLAUDS)

Now the reason why we set up this school and chose these different ones, black and white, to eliminate your excuse for saying that you didn’t wanna go down there, and said it was an all Negro Organization. Now we’ve got some schools, New York, most of them is white, and Jonesy down there, he’s got a bunch of white people down there; in the Southland too, standing up for this truth. Yes, sir. Now, now read on Dr. Harris.

Now the reason why I brought that up: these people are standing up for the truth, not for color. It’s not that at all, but they, they’re standing up for the truth’s sake.

Now if there’s somebody that has a wife or a husband that don’t believe that this is the truth… We just want to get that off of your chest. We want you to see the whole story tonight. I figured on doing this, so that you wouldn’t have that excuse no more, because some women have left their husbands because they belong to this school and was divorced. And some men have left their wives on account of this school. They’ve left them on the account of this school, standing up for the truth. Now, now, read brother.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: If any brother has a wife that believeth not DR. KINLEY: Now, if any brother that has a wife that believeth not DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and she be pleased to dwell with him DR. KINLEY: and she be pleased to dwell with him, or stay with him DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Let him not put her away DR. KINLEY: Now, we’re telling you, don’t, don’t put her away. Alright read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and the woman which has a husband and believeth not DR. KINLEY: and the woman which has a husband that believeth not DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and if he be pleased to dwell with her DR. KINLEY: and if he be pleased to dwell with her DR. ROBERT HARRIS: let her not leave him.

DR. KINLEY: Let her not leave him. Now, it comes to this. Now, you’ve got Methodist and Baptist and Roman Catholics and what have you, and so forth and so on. And then in Canaan’s land they had, they had the idol deities there. Molech was a Canaanite deity. And down here in Egypt you had Isis and Thebes and just a multitude of deities. And now, we’ve had right in the school, we’ve had Mohammedans, and just everything, and Methodists and Baptists and Roman Catholics and whatever and what nots in this school. Now some of ’em, they don’t want to take no part in this school, for one reason or another. Say well, ‘they teach an erroneous doctrine down there.’ They got them old funny names down there.’ And then some of them say, as I have already stated, ‘I don’t want to be mixed up with them niggers.’ Now the prophecy say that the house of Yahweh shall be established in the top of the mountain and all nations, Jews and Gentiles, shall flow into it. I just wanna let you know that. People have turned you down on the count of first one thing and then another, and don’t wanna come down here, and we’re here just telling you the truth.

Now if the wife, she don’t come, or husband, he don’t come and he be pleased to dwell with you, then don’t put them away on that account. Alright, that is if he be pleased to dwell with you. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the unbelieving husband

DR. KINLEY: Now, now he’s telling you why now. He’s telling you why. Now he said Freddie, Roger, and among men. He said that you should love your wife and over here Paul said in Timothy, husbands love your wives even as Messiah also loved the church, fifth chapter of Ephesians, and gave Himself for it that He might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of the water by the word, that He might present it unto Himself, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing. Now here he tells you, or the unbelieving wife, this is the reason for not putting her away. Now if she loves you, here’s one of the signals, if she loves you, then she’s gonna be pleased to dwell with you, then you labor with her, because the unbelieving wife is sanctified, that means to be set apart by the husband, and the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife. If you find out and you know something about the truth as it is taught here, and your wife, she doesn’t want to take part, or your husband, they don’t want to take part because they’ve been raised in these other different sects and denominations and cults and what nots, then don’t put her away if she be pleased to dwell with you. Then you work with her. Show her line

8upon line, precept upon precept. Show her the purpose of Yahweh so that you can get some reality out of it, get some sense. And if she loves you, then she’ll pay attention to you, and then that will set her apart. You’ve got enough of this? You’ve got enough of this now, haven’t you? Alright, read on Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife DR. KINLEY: For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband DR. KINLEY: and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband DR. ROBERT HARRIS: else were your children unclean DR. KINLEY: or else, or else your offspring is unclean

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but now are they holy, but now are they holy. Now we’ll settle down right here and we’ll take your questions. Any questions?


DR. KINLEY: I didn’t give you a break, but I tried to explain, go on down, but I, I meant to, I meant to say this too. Now there are eunuchs. Some men have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake. Some are born eunuchs and some were made eunuchs of men. That’s Matthew, 19th chapter of Matthew. Some have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake. Now when you do have Holy Spirit, now you control any kind of a passion, subdue it to such an extent until you don’t necessarily have to run out here and commit things… Now the reason why I brought that in there is on this account. Lotta people wanna show where those passions and lusts are uncontrollable and they have to do those things. No, that’s, that’s not true. What you did then, you give… The one that gives you the passions and the built in.., is the same one that gives you control over them and brings you under subjection or gives you power to abstain and to alternate or make yourself a eunuch for the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake. Some men were castrated, Deuteronomy the 22nd chapter. I’m gonna quit but I wanna tell you some things, were castrated because they were used in harems, and you couldn’t go back to the king and say anything about.., ‘well, so and so.’ You couldn’t say that, you couldn’t tell him that kind of a tale. And if you was born a eunuch, you couldn’t tell him that kind of tale, and then some were made eunuchs, made themselves eunuchs, brought themselves under control for the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake.

Now I hope you’ve gotten something out of what I’ve said tonight and I hope there won’t be anymore necessity. I hope it won’t be any more necessity, and I hope you understand. And now, if you don’t obey the scriptures, if you don’t obey the scriptures, why then you needn’t expect me to justify you at all cause I’m teaching and preaching the truth about it just like it is. And don’t expect me to twist up something just for your sake.

9Now I wanna make another recommendation too. You read when you get home the first chapter of Romans. And you notice the tail end of the first chapter, how men with men… I’m talking about homosexuality and all likea that. That’s wrong. Men lying with men and women with women. That’s wrong, you’ll loose (lose?) your soul if you do it. Now I’ll tell you some of the reasons why. First thing, now Yahweh give you these passions to.., and that spermatic fluid ushered in the womb, it forms a child. And now, another man… You’ve never heard tell of a man having a child, did you? You never heard.., ____ ____ ____ ____. So you don’t need to expect to come back here no more and bother me about that. That’s wrong, you’ll go to Hell for it, you’ll loose (lose?) your soul. Now that’s the way that is.

Now if you have the Holy Spirit, some of these things like dope and other things that people are wrong about and addicted to Yahweh can give you power to overcome anything, even death, even death. And it’s great and it’s wonderful, and you are more happy to do that which pleases Yahweh than you are to be trying to go around and hunt up yourself some kind of legitimate excuse for your condemned conscience, and expect somebody to go along with it. And Yahweh will take flaming vengeance on you when Yahshua the Messiah is revealed from Heaven about those things. And it tells you there in the first chapter of Romans, and that was prevalent all over the world, not just in the United States or in Los Angeles. That’s all over the world, everything I said to you.

Now if you wanna get mad at me for telling you that, go right ahead, help yourself. Somebody might say, ‘well, I ain’t going back down there no more.’ If you don’t wanna come down here, why then you stay home, cause if you come down here, as long as I have anything to do with it, well I’m gonna tell you the truth, and I think you oughta love me for telling you the truth. I think you ought to love me for that but I know that some of you will, but nevertheless that’s the way it is, and you ought to want to know and do the truth.

I thank you ever so much for your time.



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