Gospel of the Kingdom (Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit) in You Now

A lecture given by Dr. Kinley on June 15, 1975 in Los Angeles, California.







DR. KINLEY: … what I mean like that, that was a statement that I shouldn’t make, that isn’t true. I don’t have to take that back. And I think I’m capable and able to prove what I say. The fact of the matter is 44 years has past and gone now that I have been able to prove just that. Nobody from nowhere has been able to stand up against the truth that is taught in the school. Now I mean by that that pope or nobody else, cardinals or nobody, bishops nothing, nobody in the world. And I wanna say that my life has been threatened because of the way I speak and talk. And we have no better than I’ve tried. Roman Catholicism has threatened my life. I am not afraid, never have been afraid of anybody. And we’ve had `em to come in our classroom and trying to spy out and find out about the different things and of course that doesn’t make any difference to me I just go ahead and tell you what I got to say anyhow. Then they went on outside and after they got outside they wrote a letter, we have `em, don’t we have `em Dr. Gross?

DR. GROSS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: We have `em inside ___ too. But they went outside and said this: they wrote a card there, a letter and they said that God just tolerated me but He endorsed Pope John the 23rd. That’s what he said, that’s what the letter said. Well alright, if that’s going to be the case then let them know something about it, the very ones that wrote the letter, I haven’t seen anything of `em since that night that was in class in Hollywood. We wrote a book in 1961, that was before the book went out. So then I just took a couple of pages in our book, since God just tolerates me and endorses Pope John the 23rd and you’ll find it on 32 and 133 in the 1st volume of our book. I don’t know what page it’s on in the other 2 volumes. And this is what I said, that I said, now that was 1961 we put the book out, I said in that, in that book and then sent it to Pope John the 23rd, since God just endorsed me and tolerated.., tolerated me and endorsed him. I put in there that he would not live to see June the 6th, 1963. I said that in 1961, wrote it in book and then sent the book to him. Now I wanna ask you, I don’t care what church you belong to and nothing about what it’s all about it, I ain’t even concerned about it. Did he live to see June the 6th?

STUDENT BODY: No. DR. KINLEY: When did he die? STUDENT BODY: June the 3rd.

DR. KINLEY: He died June the 3rd, 1963; in other words, I just moved him on out of the world. And I want you to know now that’s not me speaking, that’s the thing that’s in the past. That’s a thing that’s in the past. And I want you to realize that that’s what’s in this ministry speaking to you, just like.., it’s not Dr. Harris, Dr., Dr. Kinley, and Dr. this, that and the other, none, none of that. The Holy Spirit is the

teacher in this school, and I want you to realize that, I want you to know it. Now that’s not the only thing that went on in this school. We told you every important event in the history of the world since 1931, we have told you from this pulpit and some other pulpits where we have been. Don’t you got earthquakes. Don’t you know Pope Pius the 12th would say before he said it. Is.., am I lying?


DR. KINLEY: The folks that been with me for these many years I have told you that he would say that he had a vision of Christ and he talked with Him, Pope Pius the 12th and I said he was a liar. And I told you he was gonna say that before he said it. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: Right. DR. KINLEY: I was standing there in the pulpit when Cardinal Strich died. I had no chance to get out that door and didn’t I tell you from the pulpit that Cardinal Strich just died. Did I say that?


DR. KINLEY: And then Leroy Lott and others that was setting around, they went out and turned the radios on in their car.., automobiles and they found out, it was just on the air just then. I told you the Thresher would be in the bottom, Atlantic Ocean. Didn’t I tell you?

STUDENT BODY: Yes. DR. KINLEY: I told you when Germany would go to war. And I told you every step of it. Did I tell you that in 1935 Dr. Gross. DR. GROSS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now the reason why I brought this up, we don’t want you to think that this is just another church and another ignorant, stupid preacher standing up here. We don’t want you to think that. Now you either hear or else bide by the consequences, we do know what we’re talking about. We have been caught up into heaven and Yahweh Himself showed us what it’s all about. And that’s what these charts is all about. Now you either gonna have to hear or else you’re lost. Now that goes for whole nations and what not. This is the gospel of the kingdom that we are preaching and teaching in this school. I could say this.., and it reminds me of what Dr…, said last Sunday morning, Victor Vasquez. At that time back there, he belonged to the Roman Catholic Church, and they had asked all 550 million Roman Catholics all over the world to pray that Pope John the 23rd would live to see another Pentecost, that’s the 6th of June. 550 million, you heard me. Here I am, you talk about he died out there ___. There wasn’t that many of them out there, there wasn’t no 550 million out there then. But I have 550 million Roman Catholics including everybody, Protestants and all praying that he would live to see June the 6th, 1963. And I by myself said, wrote it down in the book in 1961, not 1963, it was 1961 and sent it to the Vatican and said he wouldn’t live to see June the 6th. And that man died June the 3rd, 1963. Now how about that?


DR. KINLEY: Now just like that is true, all the rest of the things that we have told you since 1931 have come true. And we tell `em to all comers, missing nobody. And we took 550 million, we took the 4 billion on the face of the earth we ___. And you can’t withstand it either. Now I want to tell you why I got up here this morning. David, Dr. David Rosen, I wish he would stand up please and quote for us the first aim of this school.

DR. DAVID ROSEN: To help you find and know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s what we’ve, that’s what we’ve come down here for: to help you find and know Yahweh as He really is and as He actually exists. We have no other purpose and no other reason, that’s our major reason for coming to, for coming out here. We want you to know Yahweh as He really is and as He actually exists. Now this is what we know, we know that you have been deceived just like the rest of us. We’re sure of it. Nobody has nothing to boast about, and we’re as smart as you make `em down here in this school. Now I don’t mean that I’m smart, I’m the champion of the idiots, now you can’t go out and boast and say, `that man said he’s this, that, and the other.’ And you, you quote after me. I’m the champion, I’m the champion of all the idiots, see I don’t know no better than to believe Yahweh. I don’t know no better. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) that’s up to you folks that know better, that’s alright with me. Now listen, I want you to read the 14th chapter, or rather the 24th chapter of Matthew and the 14th and 15th verse. I want to, I wanna show you what’s incumbent upon this school, a lotta people just simply don’t know. They just think it’s another organization, but that’s not so to me.

READER: And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world

DR. KINLEY: And this gospel, what we teach in this school, not in Roman Catholicism, not in Protestantism, not in Judaism, but this gospel which we preach in this school is the true gospel of the kingdom. Now we’ve got plenty of the supposed ___ but nevertheless it shall be, not maybe but it shall be preached in all the world for a witness. The end will not come until it’s preached because you just might as well set tight, come on back, learn yourself some sense, cause this is what’s gonna preached. Somebody said, `well, I don’t wanna hear it.’ Well hear it anyhow. You either hear it now or later. Somebody said, `well, what about my church?’ I already done told you about that. Now there’s no need, I wanna get this over to you too, I know there’s a whole lotta stubborn people, I know that, they go on off and, `well, I’m going down ___ ___ , I ain’t going down there, I don’t need it, I ain’t gonna ___ nothing you say, nothing ___ ___.’ They’re gonna go on and do like they want to, we know all of that too. And I don’t want you to think

that we’re deceived about it. We know you, that’s the reason why we gonna tell you, and let you go on and do like you wanna and running into it down yonder. Alright, so you’ll have something to be sorry about it. And I do mean sorry too. That’s right. Now this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached. Now listen, how in the world could you go out and preach a gospel of the kingdom, if the kingdom wasn’t already set up. You follow? Now look folks, a lotta people don’t know when the kingdom was set up.


DR. KINLEY: Jehovah Witness don’t know nothing about that. Now you want me to show you when the kingdom was set up, I mean right by your Book, that’s what I’m talking about. Long before Pastor Russell, or so called Pastor Russell… And incidentally while I’m on that, he wasn’t no pastor, he never did pastor nothing. Matthew 25.


DR. KINLEY: 34. Now this is when the kingdom ___, this is when. Now, now who said it? Now listen folks in this 14th chapter of John that we just read, Yahshua said this: `For I’m going to prepare a place for you and if I go, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am, there will you be also.’ Is that what’s in that Book?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now you know what the folks thinks or are in their thoughts, they thought that when He went out on the Mount of Olives, stepped aboard the clouds, about 500 witnesses, 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians. Set out there and looked at the cloud, and the 2 men that stood thereby and they don’t know, even know nothing about who they are or what not. They’re just reading, now it just a wonderful preacher, Rex Humbard and Kathryn Kulhman and first one and the other, they just.,, hold, hold this that and the other. That’s not what they talked about. Don’t have no idea, they don’t know why the 2 men was with `em, they don’t know who they was or nothing. Didn’t you ever look up here on the ark of the covenant and see them 2 cheribims of glory and the cloud there between the wings of the cheribims. ___ ___ there at I seen in the heaven, the high priest that’s in here. It’s gonna have to be 2 men down here in the cloud there. And He’s gonna have to be in the cloud. Do you follow? And they said, `ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven, this same Yahshua the Messiah which you see going into heaven,’ didn’t say Jesus Christ, `shall come again unto you, in like manner.’ Well, what’s the manner. The manner is this: that was a vision, that wasn’t no meat man. There was none, neither one of them meat men. Would you say Michael and Gabriel were meat men?


DR. KINLEY: And they, these 2 here represent Moses and John the Baptist, and Michael and Gabriel, they represent both of `em, the law and the prophets. Oh my goodness. And them 2 cheribims stood on the ends of the ark of the covenant. Now they’re just out there preaching, `Oh God this and oh God that and oh God the other, won’t you come and be saved this morning,’ straight out, Billy Graham and all the rest of `em. And wouldn’t pay attention to nothing you say. Now, this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world unto all nations. Now that’s what we’re concerned for, about. Now look, I’d like to say this while I’m on that score. That’s what Yahweh sent me in the world for. That’s why I am here. Can I go ahead on and get smart.


DR. KINLEY: Now if you wanna get hot, you get hot, burn up if you want to. I’m the only man in the world today. Now I don’t mean to say there ain’t some of the rest of you teaching it in here but I mean I’m the forerunner ___. I don’t have to go ___ ___ from me, sent direct from Yahweh. Now I ain’t kidding about it either. And I’m not afraid of somebody ___ up and just shooting me and no fool out of me either. Not afraid of that. And if you think you know anybody, or you just imagine that you know somebody, forget it, that knows anything more about the miracles and all and have done any greater thing than I have done since I have, since 1931, if you think you are.., I wanna know something about it. It’s my claim they’re not living and neither are they dead.


DR. KINLEY: No, I haven’t done anything, it’s the Father in me that has done the works. That’s what Yahshua the Messiah was talking about in the 14th chapter of John, that’s why I had it read. I don’t want you to think that I can do this and that and the other, I can’t do nothing. Yahshua the Messiah said, or I said before… (LAUGHS)


DR. KINLEY: Now you believe on me. How about that? You can’t find nobody else that has done anything that I’ve done, then you’ll have to believe on me. Now what we’re after, what we’re trying to locate, we’re trying to locate the Father, that’s what ___ ___ ___. ___ ___ ___. I do mean we’re gonna find Him.

STUDENT BODY: Alright. DR. KINLEY: We ain’t gonna be beating around no bush or hunting around, we’re gonna find Him. STUDENT BODY: Alright.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Gonna know right where He is. Ain’t gonna make no mistake about it either. And it’s not gonna be over there in the Vatican.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now we’re trying to find out now when the kingdom is at. And I just got through telling you, and I’ll say this, they think that when He went away to prepare a place for them. Now you better read that in the 14th chapter of John there. If I go, then, then come back over to Matthew.

READER: Let not your heart be troubled; DR. KINLEY: Um hum. READER: ye believe in Yahweh, DR. KINLEY: Um hum. READER: believe also in me.

DR. KINLEY: Believe also in me. Said, `don’t believe,’ told to the jews, yes, they believed in Yahweh, said, `believe also in me.’ `What’d you want me to believe in you for?’ Alright, read on.

READER: In my Father’s house

DR. KINLEY: That body that He had on was His Father’s house, so that wasn’t a ___ his Father’s house sitting out there on a hill. But in my Father’s house are many mansions. Then He went on to say, `now if that wasn’t so, I would have told you.’ Is that what it says there? Alright. See now, I know what’s in the Book. I’m just having you to read for your sake. You follow it now? Oh, me. Alright. Now, what we’re trying to find out now is when this kingdom was at. Now, it’s first got to be set up somewhere else besides here on the earth.


DR. KINLEY: And there can’t be no kingdom set up on earth that hasn’t been previously set up. Would you find that? Alright, read.

READER: I go away to prepare a place for you.

DR. KINLEY: Now I’m going away and prepare a place for you. That’s what He said. I’m going away to prepare a place for you. Now somebody thought this, that He’s going away to prepare the kingdom. And then after He’s going away and prepared the kingdom, He was gonna come back and get us, and escort us ___ ___ back to the kingdom. How about that? Now I’ll tell you the devil ___ __ ___. That’s what they thought from what He said. Said, `that’s what Jesus said, that’s why I know.’ I’ll come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there will ye also will be. Is that right? Now look it, here’s one of the things I wanna wake you up to right now before we go any further. See, when He said that, He was under the dispensation of the law, that was before He died, that was

in another world, that was in another age, folks. He didn’t say that in this world or in this age. How about that? Did you know that? No. When they start to reading they just reading right on in the Bible and they don’t have no idea of ages and dispensations, don’t know a thing about it. And the things that we’ve imposed on the jews, the gentiles that’s out there in the world, Billy Graham and Rex Humbard and the rest of `em, and all those smart preachers. I said baptize `em in water, there ain’t a thing in there about no gentiles, there ain’t nothing in the, in the Bible from back to back about a gentile, where Yahweh has said anything about a gentile getting baptized in physical water or getting his feet washed or ___ ___. There ain’t nothing in no, there ain’t nothing in no almanac about.., to say nothing about the Bible. And you can’t reason it out, I ___ you, anybody in the building. Say I been doing that for many years, you can’t read it, and the reason why you can’t read it because it’s not in the Book. Somebody jumps up and says, `well here’s the 10th chapter of Acts of Apostles, didn’t Peter command Cornelius to be baptized.’ I said Yahweh or Elohim or God, Jesus Christ. Now here you’re trying to tell me about what Jesus said. And what you oughta do is look over there in the 11th chapter and Peter withdrew that statement. ___ ___ they’re talking about. Now I’m telling you Satan’s always some smart alec. They don’t know what it’s all about. And what I just said, that the Pope didn’t know that He was in another world or another age and dispensation walking these steps there. Said He was going to prepare place for him `and if I go, I’ll come again and receive you unto myself that where I am, there shall ye be also.’ That’s the reason why there’s so many things in the Bible that Protestantism and Catholicism cannot explain, they can’t explain. That’s.., I could stop here and just tie it up and mess it up good, show you something ain’t there, I don’t have time, when they say Jesus is coming again and receive you unto myself, then you can’t, you can’t do a thing with what I, what I was reading. You want me to read it.

STUDENT BODY: Yes. DR. KINLEY: You all want me to read it? STUDENT BODY: Yes.

DR. KINLEY: Well, hold your finger on it and read the 4th chapter of the 1st epistle of John. John writing about it over there in Saint John. Now what you been thinking all of your life is false, then we get .., and what they been telling you, they can’t explain that. Don’t, don’t go away and say I said it, cause John said there was false teachers and false prophets. So you just tell `em what John said. Alright, read.

READER: Beloved,

DR. KINLEY: Beloved. Now wait a minute. Hold it, hold it right there. Every pastor, every hypocrite preacher, they says to his audience, his congregation. Now that was what they.., that’s what we, we’re talking about. The beloved was them that believed in the apostles’ doctrine and had received the Holy Spirit, they were the beloved as John writing the epistle to `em, not the Roman Catholicism, not the Protestantism, not the Judaism, but he’s in ___ verse, said beloved. Now listen, are you, are you listening. Then this young man he said he’s listening. Bishop Short, are you listening?

BISHOP SHORT: I’m listening. DR. KINLEY: Bishop Williams, are you listening? DR. LASALLE WILLIAMS: Yes, sir. DR. KINLEY: Bishop Allen, are you listening? FREDDIE ALLEN: Yes, sir. DR. KINLEY: Alright, beloved believe what? READER: believe not every spirit,

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute, I want you to get this straight. He didn’t say don’t believe everybody, he said every spirit. We don’t know how to read no Bibles, don’t know no more about a Bible than a hog does .. gold teeth or dentistry or something or a monkey does flying a jet. Don’t know nothing about it and we do. Said, believe not every spirit. Now there must be a satanic spirit in there somewhere. And informing the beloved and telling them not to believe every spirit. Is that right? Read.

READER: but try the spirits DR. KINLEY: But, now listen, if you don’t have the spirit now how are you gonna try it. But try the spirits. READER: whether they are of Yahweh: DR. KINLEY: Whether they are of Yahweh. Read on. READER: because many false

DR. KINLEY: Now here’s the reason why you should do that. Because or on the account of or for this reason. What’s happened?

READER: because many false prophets are gone out DR. KINLEY: No, just a few. STUDENT BODY: No. Many. DR. KINLEY: Many false prophets have gone out. READER: are gone out

DR. KINLEY: They’re already gone. Now Yahshua the Messiah said over there in the 24th chapter of Matthew. Read it Dr. Harris and then come back. I just wanna show you you don’t know how to divide these dispensations and ages. And over there he said they would go out. John says they’re already gone, AD 90. See?

READER: And many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Messiah; and shall deceive many. DR. KINLEY: That’s right. MAN: Matthew 24:5 DR. KINLEY: Matthew what? READER: 24:5

DR. KINLEY: 24:5. Now He said that before He died. He was under the dispensation of the law. John is not under the dispensation of the law at AD 90, after 90, 90 years after He’s dead. And he said now that they have already gone. Do you see now what the difference is? Now, now, now here’s how you tell whether they’re false or not, remember, now we’re talking about this, the kingdom ___ and we’re talking about Him coming back and receiving you unto Himself. And now here they are, Jehovah’s Witnesses included, that He’s gonna jump down through the sky in 1975. And then pick you up and take you on back there and escort you on back to your mansion in the sky. Yes, ___ ___ that’s what the ___. Alright, read on.

READER: Hereby know ye

DR. KINLEY: Now wait, just a minute. Now here, this is it. Now right by this know, know it by this. Now you’ll know a false prophet preaching in the pulpit right by this. Now here’s how you gonna know it. Read.

READER: Hereby know ye the Spirit of Yahweh: DR. KINLEY: Hereby know ye the spirit of Yahweh. READER: Every spirit

DR. KINLEY: Now you can say every man, everybody, but said every spirit, please bear that in mind, every spirit, every spirit what?

READER: that confesseth DR. KINLEY: That confesseth. READER: that Yahshua the Messiah is come DR. KINLEY: That Yahshua the Messiah is coming. STUDENT BODY: No.

DR. KINLEY: That’s what them preachers say. That ___ He gone off and He hasn’t escorted you to a mansion in the sky yet. Said He is come, said He is come, not gonna come but is come. Present tense. And then what?

READER: that, every spirit that confesseth that Yahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh DR. KINLEY: Now I’m here this morning to tell you that He is come in the flesh and that He is right here this morning.

STUDENT BODY: Right. DR. KINLEY: Ain’t nobody fly off no where to no mansion in no sky. I’m reading out of the Bible. Alright, read on. READER: every spirit that confesses that Yahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh is of Yahweh:

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s of Yahweh. Now that was of Yahweh. Every spirit that testifies that Yahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh, then, in other words, Williams, I mean you have a physical body and Yahshua the Messiah has come in your physical body. I don’t mean gonna come, I do mean now. Now that’s what’s in this present age. He’s in you. And in a physical body too, walking around, you’re walking around. That’s the reason why I ___ saying already this morning, because that’s what’s in here for, Yahshua the Messiah is, if you wanna see what He looked like, if you wanna understand something about, that’s what we’re talking about, we’re trying to find Yahshua the Messiah, we’re trying to find Yahweh. That’s what we’re trying to do. You look me over real good.


DR. KINLEY: Everybody said you little black, napped haired, round shouldered, ___ back, first one thing and another. That’s alright about that too. I’ve got some news for you. Yahshua the Messiah didn’t look no better than me.

STUDENT BODY: (LAUGHS) DR. KINLEY: And if you think He did, I’ll read you He didn’t. STUDENT BODY: (LAUGHS) DR. KINLEY: You want me to read it to you that He didn’t look no better than me. Alright, read it Dr. Harris. READER: 53rd chapter of Isaiah. DR. KINLEY: Alright, read it. And we’re coming back, we’ll get all these in together pretty soon. READER: Who hath believed our report?

DR. KINLEY: Who hath believed our report, that’s what Isaiah’s saying, Yahweh’s talking through him. Said now who’s believed our report and to whom has the arm of Yahweh been revealed. We preach our heads off and I mean we’re preaching, and don’t we have, wringing like we’re ___ and who’s believed our report and somebody’s got ___ and offended said, `well the pope did, the cardinals that, Peter so and so and this and that and the other, Billy Graham and Rex Humbard and… Alright, read on.

READER: For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, DR. KINLEY: He shall grow up before him as a tender plant. READER: and as a root out of dry ground: DR. KINLEY: And as a root out of dry ground. READER: he hath no form nor comeliness;

DR. KINLEY: Now you see, in your.., I ain’t no good ___. He wasn’t no good looking man. Said He didn’t have any… I told you He didn’t look no better. You get your ___ all mixed up.


DR. KINLEY: Somebody standing around the corner ___ ___, he said somebody oughta believe on him cause he’s nice looking, and got a few dolls in the back and got a cadillac setting out there somewhere. Let me tell you something, he didn’t have no gas in it.

STUDENT BODY: (LAUGHS) DR. KINLEY: And then he had as money as I got. STUDENT BODY: (LAUGHS)

DR. KINLEY: You said, `well foxes have holes and the birds have nests and the Son of Man don’t have no,’ didn’t have no real estate, cause He wasn’t no nice looking man. That’s how you miss the boat, having men’s personalities ___. Ain’t that right? And you don’t know what, you don’t know what you’re looking at. Ain’t that right? Got somebody all sharp and all that kinda stuff and all, nice looking and then lead you right on to the lake. Go back on over there doc.

READER: and every spirit DR. KINLEY: Just read it right down and I’ll catch you there. READER: Beloved, believe not every spirit, DR. KINLEY: Beloved, don’t believe every spirit READER: but try the spirits DR. KINLEY: But try the spirits READER: whether they are of Yahweh:

DR. KINLEY: Now there’s always been somebody around trying to try us. Don’t have no spirit. He said, beloved don’t believe; didn’t say, believe eve.., now beloved believe everybody; believe not every spirit. Said, `every spirit that testifies that Yahshua the Messiah is come,’ not gonna come but is come, already is. Now He said over there in the 14th chapter, I’m tieing it in together now so I can move. He said, `I’m going away.’ `What are you going away for?’ `To prepare a place for you.’ They know that’s got to be the kingdom. Said, `if I go, I’ll come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there will you be also.’ Now if you knew where He was, you’d be here this morning.

STUDENT BODY: Right. That’s right. (LAUGHS) DR. KINLEY: How’s that? You see I can go on home tonight. STUDENT BODY: (LAUGHS) DR. KINLEY: Alright, read on. READER: Hereby know ye the spirit of Yahweh: DR. KINLEY: Now, now hereby you know it. Hereby or right by this you know He’s a spirit. Read. READER: every spirit that confesseth DR. KINLEY: Every spirit READER: that confesses DR. KINLEY: that confesses READER: that Yahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh DR. KINLEY: That Yahshua the Messiah is coming. STUDENT BODY: No. DR. KINLEY: No, is, is come? STUDENT BODY: Yes. DR. KINLEY: That’s present tense? STUDENT BODY: Yes. DR. KINLEY: That means He’s here now. STUDENT BODY: Right, alright. DR. KINLEY: Alright. READER: is of Yahweh: DR. KINLEY: Is of Yahweh. Well what about the other one? READER: And every spirit that confesseth not DR. KINLEY: And every spirit that testifies that it is not, that He’s coming. What about that? READER: Every spirit that confesseth that Yahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh is not of Yahweh:

DR. KINLEY: Now, how about that? Now that knocks Rex Humbard, Kathryn Kuhlman and almost everything you know anything about. I mean clean the slate that He’s come. Everyone is complacent, you see why I said this, the gospel is the kingdom. Okay.

READER: and this is that spirit of antimessiah,

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that now? This is that spirit of antimessiah or what they call the antichrist. Billy Graham, Rex Humbard and Kathryn Kuhlman and the rest of `em around is anti messiah or anti christ. Now you can go right over in your.., Pope John and all the rest of `em, or Pope Paul and all the rest of `em, they’re anti messiah. Look, I’m reading out of the Bible. You can draw a line around it and read it when you get home, it won’t change. Now you know what the difference is, now did you notice what you read, said every spirit that testifies, didn’t say everybody. Now when the Holy Spirit is come in you, in your physical body, look Mick, I have to tell you something here. Now that’s what is in this present age.

Is the Holy Spirit in you, that’s the one that does the praying for you, a prayer book ain’t worth a tinker’s damn. You heard me, you’re not blind. It ain’t no good. Why not? Because somebody wrote it. Is that right? But the Holy Spirit in you that’s what makes the intercession for you as of now. Then what’s gonna happen in the ages to come? That’s the next age, we’re right down to it. Now, we should go into this, look folks, we have the Holy Spirit in a mortal or a physical body or a natural body as of now. That’s what’s in this one present age, but when He is revealed from heaven… That makes me feel like telling you something else too about that. When He’s revealed from heaven, now listen, He’ll change your mortal or your physical body… That oughta bring up this, where is heaven then? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ God. Um hum, He’s revealed right in ___. Could be now. You have, I have ___, you can see that. Now I don’t believe in setting ___ ___, I don’t believe in that. I don’t believe that. That’s right. That’s not what I’m talking about. Is that right? I’m talking about you having the Holy Spirit, you can see what it was in there doing the preaching. And you would know right where it ___ within. But if you look right there. And I’ve got some news for you too. He ain’t gonna never show up without me.


DR. KINLEY: Now somebody don’t believe that. Now you ___(STUDENT BODY IS LAUGHING) I’m gonna read it. 3rd chapter of Colossians and the first verse.

READER: 3rd chapter of Colossians. If you then be risen with the Messiah, DR. KINLEY: Now if ye, that’s Him now, that’s that institution and fulfillment. If ye be risen with Messiah. Read on. READER: seek those things which are above, DR. KINLEY: Now whatever you do, look after the Vatican. STUDENT BODY: No. DR. KINLEY: Once in your lifetime you oughta go and see it. STUDENT BODY: No. DR. KINLEY: You oughta see what a beautiful ___. STUDENT BODY: No. DR. KINLEY: Repeat what you just said. READER: seek those things which are above,

DR. KINLEY: Now there’s something above, we’re gonna tell you about that pretty soon. Seek those things which are above, that (TAPE 1 SIDE 2)

DR. KINLEY: That He fulfilled all of this physical and natural. ___ the carnal ordinance and all that’s on the left. He fulfilled all of that. He’s ascended on into heaven, after He’s fulfilled it and set down at the right hand. Now we’re trying to find out where heaven is too. Alright read on.

READER: Set your affections on things above,

DR. KINLEY: Set your affections, you remember this is a modern age. Make sure you have a penthouse and it’s nicely furnished, money in the bank and a couple of cadillacs, first one, one for each of you. ___ ___. ___ tell you. Pocket full of money. Make something out of yourself. You wanna know where to go make something out of yourself, go over there to science of mind, they’ll teach you how to get ahead in this world. Go to the Roman Catholic Church, they got the money, all of it, ___ some of you folks got some, a few pennies. Is that right? But the biggest in the, the biggest bank and institution in the world is the Roman Catholic Church. The Bank of America, that’s the Pope’s bank. Don’t start no argument with me. It used to be called the Bank of England. You won’t go very far on, cause they begin to change the account and so they called it the Bank of America. They’ll just make any kinda a fool out of you. Yes, indeed. Okay. And you know what they doing with all the money, they’re standing around crying broke. Say, `we don’t have enough money to ___ our parochial schools and we want you to pay for that too, we put it on the ballot so you can vote for it and we get those sons and daughters in there and teach them anything.’ And then here again they put this up too. Now this is just.., and they’ve got a lotta of dissention about this. Abortion. And the celibacy of the priesthood. Right?


DR. KINLEY: Abortion. They said it’s wrong to have an abortion. Say, `you’re killing the fetus.’ or in other words you’re killing a child. That is murder, therefore they’re diametrically opposed to it. Is that right? Say I got some news for you folks. Now here’s the news I got for you. Now that’s a child, hasn’t done no good or no bad or nothing at all. Hasn’t done no evil at all. Safe. Yes indeed, now if there’s anybody gonna be saved, it’s gonna be that. And I’ll have you to know his name is in the book too, I ain’t got time to tell you about that. Yahweh knows everything that’s gonna be born in this world. Now look, that child is saved, even if it is aborted. But now since, that’s the case, you explain to me, sanctified hypocrites, why’d you raise all that hell about them babies and killed up all them millions of people? ___ ___ against the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore a woman and accountable. How do you explain that? Well, what they say is, we did it in defense of the church. Well, if John saying since ___ ___ there ain’t nothing what you can do about it, because He said upon this rock, spoke about Himself, I will build my Church, and will, not on the Roman Catholic Church or the selfish, agnostic, infidels, hypocrites ___ ___ none of `em told you ___ ___ talking about you ___ me into the church. `What are you talking about?’ Do you see that? People are just stupid, ___ anything. Say, no, I haven’t forgotten the text. Well,

I’m just, I’m just showing you how people are.

Now what they’re trying to find out. He said now, `I go to prepare a place for you. If I go I’ll come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye’ll be also.’ And John is saying over here, that the Holy Spirit, `beloved, believe not every spirit, every spirit that testifies that Yahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh is of Yahshua. And every spirit that testifies not that is the spirit of antimessiah.’ I do know what’s in the Book. It’s all there, the Messiah tell you, so don’t you go any further. And now here’s the reason ___. Now I’ve tried to tell you this. I can, just so we don’t loose conscious that, back to the source. Now then, He said, He’d come and receive you unto Hisself that where I am there will you be also. Now this is what we found out. We found out that He has fulfilled the law and the prophets and then He ascended into heaven. And now we’re trying to find out where heaven is. And when He ascended into heaven, He set down at the right hand of God. And I just got through telling you that He’ll never show up without me being with Him. That’s what I’m trying to prove. I’m trying to show you… Somebody says, `well if.., then if He’s gonna go to heaven.’ No, you’ve got it all twisted. You oughta be there now, all of you, that’s where I am, that’s where He is. That doesn’t mean up above the sun, moon, and stars. Read on, we’ll find out about it.

READER: For ye are dead,

DR. KINLEY: For ye are dead. Wait a minute. Well, where is this, are you gonna baptize? Where is this, are you gonna wash feet, where is this, ___ ___ ___ ___. Where is He? For ye are dead. That’s what Paul is telling these people ___ ___. If it’s a lie, now he’s telling them that? For ye are dead. ___ ___. And then what?

READER: and your life is hid in DR. KINLEY: And your life, your life is hid with what? READER: with the Messiah DR. KINLEY: With the Messiah, READER: in Yahweh. DR. KINLEY: In Yahweh. Now that’s where your life is. Your life is hid with the Messiah in Yahweh. Read on. READER: When the Messiah, DR. KINLEY: Now when the Messiah READER: who is our life, DR. KINLEY: Now, who is our life. READER: shall appear DR. KINLEY: Shall appear. READER: then shall ye also DR. KINLEY: I told you I would be right there. Didn’t I tell you that? He’s not gonna show up without me. READER: then shall ye also appear with him in glory. DR. KINLEY: Then shall ye also appear with Him. I hope I ___ ___ ___.


DR. KINLEY: You got that now. Oh me. How about that? Oh me. Now you, you didn’t think it was possible for you to go to heaven ___. Somebody said, `well, you have to die to go to heaven and I don’t know if I wanna die.’ In this age you’re dead and your life is hid in Yahshua the Messiah in Yahweh. Now when you get to raising up, raising .. know we’re not dead. ___ ___ ___ ___ I’m gonna ___ ___.


DR. KINLEY: (STUDENT BODY IS LAUGHING).. talking about me and my church. ___ ___ on you in a minute. Ain’t that right? And as long as you can move up, ___ ___


DR. KINLEY: (STUDENT BODY IS LAUGHING) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. Now how about that? You all got enough?


DR. KINLEY: Now I haven’t forgot, and I hope you haven’t forgot that Yahshua the Messiah and what we’re trying to do… Now you just read, you’re hid and your life is hid in Yahshua the Messiah and He is in Yahweh. Is that what you just read? Now that’s the, theme of what we’re trying to tell you about. That’s why we had it read. You follow me? We’re trying our best to wake you up. We want you to see how stupid, how ignorant the carnal minded folks are out there preaching. And He said there in the 14th chapter I’m gonna repeat it again for the sake of understanding. Said, `beloved, I’m going to prepare a place for you and if I go, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am, there will you be also.’ Now you just read that you are dead, and your life is hid with Yahshua the Messiah in Yahweh. Is that right? And you have read there that when He appears or when He’s revealed from heaven, if I’m dead and my life is hid in Him, He is my life. You follow? You follow? I’m right up there now. I don’t need to sprout no

wings and fly off nowhere, I’m ___ just oughta be. Yes, indeed. Alright, now let’s get down to, to business now. And see if we can.., the spots over here. We wanna find out now, if He’s gone off to prepare a kingdom for you. Now this is Him talking, that’s what people say that He’s gone yonder to prepare a kingdom. Is that right? Jehovah’s Witness is saying, `look that He’ll come back and set up a kingdom on earth. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: Right. DR. KINLEY: Set it up. Is that right? STUDENT BODY: Right.

DR. KINLEY: And they say that the Holy Spirit is not in any man but it’s a vital force upon you. How in the world can a person be that stupid. You have, you have to go a long way to get that stupid, when it’s the Holy Spirit in you that will change your vile body. How could they preach anything, how can they teach because the Holy Spirit is the teacher that’s within the vessel, it’s revealed here. Now how in the world are they gonna teach anything. Do you all want to go?

STUDENT BODY: Yes. DR. KINLEY: Okay. Now, I haven’t forgotten now. Matthew READER: 25 DR. KINLEY: 25 READER: 33 and 34

DR. KINLEY: 34. Now this is what we’re after folks. Look up here, look up here. Now we’re trying to find where He ascended into heaven. And He went there to prepare a place for us, prepare the kingdom for us. That’s, this is what we’re trying to find. AD 33. And then He’s coming back for us and escort us to mansions in the sky. That’s what we’re trying to find out. Now He said, He was the one that said this over here in the 14th chapter of John and this is still ___ over here.

STUDENT BODY: Right. DR. KINLEY: Now what do you, what do you have there in Matthew’s account there. READER: then shall the King say unto them on his right hand,

DR. KINLEY: Then shall the.., now I told you where He was. It’s the right hand on this side kingdom, on this.., we’re gonna read about that kingdom too, on the right. Then shall the King say unto them on the right hand. Read on.

READER: Come, ye blessed of my Father, DR. KINLEY: Come ye blessed of my Father READER: inherit the kingdom

DR. KINLEY: Wait now, hold it now. Inherit the kingdom, inherit the kingdom. Now we’re trying to find out whether He’s prepared it when He went, ascended out there in the Mount of Olives. That’s what we’re trying to find out. Read on, we’ll see if, be back there.

READER: inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

DR. KINLEY: Now do you see that? Now that’s when the kingdom was prepared. That’s what we been trying to find out. It was prepared for you back here (HITS THE CHART) from the foundation of the world. He wasn’t going to prepare a kingdom for you, when He ascended. He ain’t gonna jump down through no sky and escort you back to the kingdom that He’s prepared. Those are His own words there in John and His own words there in Matthew, He’s the one to talk to, it ain’t me. Right?


DR. KINLEY: Now let’s see if we can find out about that. I, I, I haven’t gotten near where I wanted to get. And I told you, I said, I hope I don’t have to be up here too long. And I got started up here one Wednesday night, I never got to where I wanted to get at. They got it right on the board up here, but anyhow, Dr. Harris Colossians there. Now we’re gonna find out about this kingdom. Now they say, they say He’s coming and He’s gonna set up the kingdom on earth ___ ___ back for you. Colossians 1:13.

READER: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, DR. KINLEY: He has delivered us from Roman Catholicism, Judaism, and Protestantism STUDENT BODY: Right. DR. KINLEY: ___ ___ from the power of darkness. And then what? READER: and hath translated us DR. KINLEY: Oh, no. Now wait a minute Doc. Read what’s in the Book, and hath already translated us. READER: into the kingdom of his dear Son: DR. KINLEY: Now Doc, why don’t you try to read what’s in the Book. READER: That’s in there. DR. KINLEY: Don’t you all look way back here. Don’t you? STUDENT BODY: Yes. DR. KINLEY: You got one at home ___ Bible STUDENT BODY: (LAUGHS)

DR. KINLEY: And He’s already translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son. Now you see how stupid it is for somebody to come around and tell you about that He’s coming back and set up a kingdom. And He already done translated us. Now listen here, Enoch was.., the 7th from Adam was translated in the Antediluvian world without seeing death, Elijah was translated in the post diluvian without seeing death, and now here you are over here in this present age and you have been translated into the kingdom without seeing death. I mean down here ___ ___ ___. See what I mean? And He’s already done translated us into the kingdom which the Jehovah’s Witnesses say He’s come to set up. 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians and the 50th verse. Now we told you that that don’t work. And the 17th chapter of Romans.

READER: Now this I say, brethren, DR. KINLEY: Now Paul is saying, `now this I say brethren,’ What about it? READER: that flesh and blood

DR. KINLEY: Now don’t you see them hypocrites. There ain’t gonna be no flesh and blood in the kingdom. It is a heavenly kingdom, it’s a spiritual kingdom. There’s no flesh, there ain’t no physical man in no kingdom. You see that? `Now this I say brethren, flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom.’ Now He’s gonna come back and set a kingdom of flesh and blood ___ ___. Now it’s stupid, see how stupid it is? Alright now let’s put, now the next thing we gotta find out what the kingdom is. Romans 14:17.

READER: For the kingdom of Yahweh DR. KINLEY: For the kingdom of Yahweh READER: is not meats and drink;

DR. KINLEY: Now hold it doc, hold it doc, hold it. Now your ___ preached 40 some years, wringing wet with sweat, had to help me out of my clothes almost everytime I get up. And Dr. Harris is dean now and he’s sweating it out and you oughta help him, just sweating it out and do everything we can possibly do to get you away from that carnality, get you away from thinking that the kingdom of heaven is a natural thing. Now listen, go over to Hebrews. Huh? 9, 9th chapter of Hebrews, now, now what we’re doing now, we’re showing you where, what the Roman Catholics and the Protestants is doing there, back there was given to the jews, we want you to know that that’s not in no kingdom. That’s the powers of darkness. Please read that.

READER: 9th chapter of Hebrews DR. KINLEY: 9th chapter of Hebrews READER: Then verily

DR. KINLEY: Wait a minute. That’s the 9th chapter of Hebrews. Hebrews, a jew folks. Ain’t never said nothing to no gentiles about eating no Lord’s Suppers and no Passover Suppers or nothing like that. And somebody get all hot when you tell `em about, well get hot and go to hell if you want to, that’s up to you. I’m preaching the gospel, if you don’t like it go on home and stay there. Somebody said, `well I’m getting rid of you.’ No, you ain’t. No, you got to face me again. Somebody said, `well that’s what you say.’ No it ain’t, that ain’t what I say. I know that. Alright, read.

READER: Then verily the first covenant DR. KINLEY: Now the first covenant, what about it? READER: had also ordinances of divine service, DR. KINLEY: had ordinances of divine service READER: and a worldly sanctuary. DR. KINLEY: And a natural, physical sanctuary that the Roman Catholics and the Protestants have got. Read on. READER: 9th verse. DR. KINLEY: 9th verse. READER: Which was a figure for the time then present,

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, that was a figure for this age back here, for the time then present, not now. Time then present. What about it?

READER: in which were offered DR. KINLEY: In which was offered. READER: both gifts and sacrifices, DR. KINLEY: Both gifts and sacrifices READER: that could not make him that did the service perfect,

DR. KINLEY: That could not make the pope nor the cardinal or nobody else or the jews or nobody, can’t make him perfect as pertaining to the conscience. You can’t see is, don’t want to tell you a thing about the kingdom of heaven. How about that? Somebody say, `you sure are nasty and everything.’ That’s what they accuse Dr. Harris of being. `He’s got too mean.’

STUDENT BODY: Yes. (LAUGHS) DR. KINLEY: ___ ___ ___ ___, —___ on Dr. Harris. Okay, read on. READER: Which stood only

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, just a minute. Back there it stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances. They killed a physical lamb and ate a lamb, natural lamb. Is that right? They drank bitter herbs and they ate unleavened bread, these folks back here. That’s all they had. And this is where you are back here when you do that. Roman Catholics and Protestants is back here and nobody Yahweh ain’t said a thing to them about nothing like that. Stood only in meats and drinks and diverse washings and carnal ordinances. Read.

READER: imposed on them DR. KINLEY: You get this one. Imposed on the jews, not you, on them. And now they ain’t got no business doing that. Read. READER: until the time of reformation.

DR. KINLEY: Until the time of reform, when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost, or this day of June AD 9, AD 33, about 9 o’clock in the morning. Then all that natural was over with for the jews. Now here you are. Somebody, one of them lying bastards standing up, telling you about you, and Jesus said, `for as often as we eat this bread and drink this cup,’ never said nothing like that. That ain’t in the almanac, He’s talking to His disciples under the dispensation of the law. You know what I’m talking about? Wasn’t no gentiles in that one? The last, there wasn’t none down here in Egypt, none at all, never has been one. Now what are you talking about? You see that? Alright, now. The 17th of Romans

READER: For the kingdom of Yahweh is not meat

DR. KINLEY: Now I just, just got through talking about this one. It stood only in that. Now then the kingdom over here. So what about that?

READER: is not meats and drinks.

DR. KINLEY: See that? It’s not that. Don’t you see them people getting up there giving you that junk and it’s not that. Well if it’s not that, then what is it.

READER: but righteousness DR. KINLEY: But it is righteousness. READER: and peace DR. KINLEY: And peace. READER: and joy DR. KINLEY: And joy. READER: in the Holy Spirit.

DR. KINLEY: In the Holy Spirit, that’s what the kingdom of heaven is. And we told you that you translated into it, and there ain’t no meats and drinks in it. How about that? Listen folks, I know what I’m talking about, I don’t have to ask nobody else about it. I don’t have to make a inquiry. Now, I don’t know how many minutes we got.

READER: There are 25 more minutes. DR. KINLEY: 25 minutes? READER: Yes.

DR. KINLEY: Well we’re gonna spend the next 25 minutes locating Yahweh. Go on back to the 14th chapter of John. Everybody is talking about calling Yahweh Lord. Everybody’s talking about it. Look folks, have you had anybody to point out the Lord of the universe, Yahweh of the universe.

STUDENT BODY: No. DR. KINLEY: Anybody’s ever did that? STUDENT BODY: No.

DR. KINLEY: They pick up a Bible and just start to reading. `God said this and the Lord said that.’ And if a Holy, to be Holy Name Bible, Yahweh said this and Elohim said that and Yahshua said that. See the point? But ain’t nobody come up and said, `well this here’s Yahweh right here.’ Now I had David to stand up and quote to you our first aim. Our aim is to help you to find and to know Yahweh as He actually is and as He really exists. Is that right? Alright. Now the 10th chapter, the 14th chapter the 10th verse.

READER: Believest thou DR. KINLEY: Go up, go up, the 6th verse, we don’t have time. If you want to you start. READER: Yahshua saith unto him, DR. KINLEY: Yahshua saith unto him READER: I am the way, the truth, and the life:

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute folks. Now just wait a minute. Did He say anything about Peter being the way and the truth? Did He say that?


DR. KINLEY: He said, `I am the Way, I am The Truth, I am the life.’ Don’t forget that the pope has penatudal power and by the way of indulgences which he has control of the treasury of indulgences. And he can put you in heaven. Now you wanna make sure you don’t get excommunicated from the church. And he can put you out of the church too. Yes, he really can. No fooling, his church. I don’t see no reason why he can’t put you out of it.


DR. KINLEY: Can you see any reason why they can’t put you out of their church? And the protestants can put you out of their church too. And I can’t see any reason why they can’t, do you?

STUDENT BODY: No. DR. KINLEY: Okay. Alright, read on. READER: no man cometh unto the Father, DR. KINLEY: Now listen, now this is what they’re telling you. Now Yahshua the Messiah said, `no man cometh unto the Father READER: but by me.

DR. KINLEY: You got to come by Him. Now there’s a reason for that. Now here’s why you’d have to come by Him, because He’s in the Father and the Father’s in Him. And for that reason no man can go ___ ___ ___. Is that right? And now He said, He got to ___ ___. Alright read on, Dr. Harris.

READER: If ye had known me, DR. KINLEY: Now if you’d known me, if you just had known me. Then what? READER: ye should have known my Father also;

DR. KINLEY: Then you would have known my Father also. Now remember we’re after locating the Father. Don’t forget that. Alright, read.

READER: and from hence forth we know him, DR. KINLEY: And from hence forth READER: ye know him, DR. KINLEY: We know Him. READER: ye, ye know him, and have seen him. DR. KINLEY: And you have seen Him. READER: Philip saith unto him,

DR. KINLEY: Wait just a minute, you said you’ve seen Him. How about that? Oh my goodness. And Philip, he got all somehow about that and then this is what he said.

READER: Rabbi, DR. KINLEY: Rabbi. READER: show us the Father,

DR. KINLEY: Now you, now that’s what we come here, that’s, that’s what we come here for to show you the Father. Every time we come here, we come here to show you the Father. We don’t come here unless we come to show you the Father. Alright.

READER: Rabbi, show us the Father, DR. KINLEY: Rabbi, show us the Father. READER: and it sufficeth us.

DR. KINLEY: And then we’ll get satisfied. You been talking about Your Father, Your Father, Your Father, Your Father, Your Father. Now look here, we’re sick and tired of that, show us the Father. Everybody’s been talking about the father, the Father, the Lord and the God and the this and that and the other, now we wanna find Him. How about that? Okay, read on.

READER: Yahshua saith unto him, DR. KINLEY: Now this, now He said it. Yahshua said it unto him. Read on. READER: Have I been so long time with you, DR. KINLEY: Have I been out here with you boys ___ ___ STUDENT BODY: (LAUGHS) DR. KINLEY: Now can, how can you say that I been, you don’t know me. Is that, is that what He said? STUDENT BODY: Yes. DR. KINLEY: Did you know I can’t nothing of my own self, now who do you think that is that’s doing all this. Alright read on. READER: have I been so long time with you, DR. KINLEY: Have I been so READER: and yet hast thou not known me? DR. KINLEY: Hast thou not known me? Read. READER: he that hath seen me hath seen the Father;

DR. KINLEY: See he that hath seen me hath seen the Father. So probably you haven’t seen me. How about that? You been looking at something else. You been looking at the flesh. And the Father’s veiled in, within the flesh. He that hath seen Me, hath seen the Father. And you ain’t gonna see that with no physical eyes. That’s no lie. So you just might as well cut that out. Is that right? Read on Dr. Harris.

READER: and how sayest thou then, DR. KINLEY: And how sayest thou then. READER: show us the Father? DR. KINLEY: Show us, now how are you saying show us the Father? Alright, read on. READER: Believest thou not that I am in the Father, DR. KINLEY: Now here’s, here’s the problem. Believest thou not that I am in the Father READER: and the Father in me?

DR. KINLEY: And the Father in me. Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, I am in the Father. Now that’s why we tried to show you, I did try, it don’t take all that the Father is spirit and He’s taking on a shape and a form. And then this shape and form, this is Elohim. Yahweh is spirit and no man has seen Him with his physical eyes at any time, so then He takes on a shape and form, only seen in visions and revelations. Then He comes on down to that physical form, down into a physi.., or down from that spirit form, down into a physical form, then Yahshua. Is that right?


DR. KINLEY: Now folks, this is what I want you to see, you will not be able to talk anything at all about it because they don’t know nothing about it. Now the reason why I came down in this, this way, `when you see me, you see the Father.’ Now who said that?


DR. KINLEY: Yahshua said that, said, `I am in the Father and the Father’s in me,’ and right in that same chapter He said, `the Father’s greater than than I am,’ it didn’t take all of Him to make up that little form back there. You follow what I’m talking about? Didn’t take all of that to make up that little form. Is that right? Now listen folks, here’s the thing I wanna show. This is Yahshua talking here. Is that right? He says the Father’s in Him. Is that right? Now I said John.., read on just a little further there.

READER: Believest thou not that I am in the Father, DR. KINLEY: Don’t you believe that I’m in the Father and the Father’s in me. Don’t you believe that? Alright, read on. READER: the words that I speak unto you

DR. KINLEY: The words, now wait just a minute, wait just a minute. Now you watch out and now He said, `except you eat this, this is my blood of the new covenant. This is my body;’ He didn’t say that that stuff they have in that cup and that grape juice, He didn’t say that. That one, He didn’t say that. Said, `this is my body.’ He didn’t say that’s my body, said, `this is my body.’ Alright, see. That His Father’s in that body, not in that grape juice, not in that unleavened bread that ___ back ___ but `this is my body, which is broken for you.’ Is that right? Alright. The Father’s in you. Read on doc.

READER: the words that I speak unto you,

DR. KINLEY: Now look, in the 13th chapter of John, He said, `except you eat of my flesh and drink of my blood,’ that’s at the Passover, the Passover here, said, `you won’t have no life in me.’ Roman Catholic Church they can make a great big to do over it, ___ ___ natural things and said, `Jesus said, except ye eat of my flesh and drink of my blood you shall have no life in me,’ that’s what they say. And He did say that. Is that right? And then many of his disciples went away from Him that day, and followed Him no more. But now He also said this, right in the same chapter, the 13th chapter, read Dr. Harris.

READER: 6th chapter of John DR. KINLEY: 6:63. Now listen, pay attention now so you can see. READER: It is the spirit that quickeneth DR. KINLEY: It is the spirit that quickeneth READER: the flesh profiteth nothing

DR. KINLEY: Not, there’s no natural thing, no grape juice, no crackers or nothing like that. That don’t quicken nothing. It’s the spirit that quickeneth. What else?

READER: the flesh profiteth

DR. KINLEY: The flesh, my physi.., my physical body, even if you was eating me, it wouldn’t help. The flesh profiteth nothing. In what?

READER: the words that I speak unto you DR. KINLEY: The words, the word that He spoke there, said, `this is my body, this is my blood,’ the words that He said, they were spirit and they were life. The words that He spoke, it wasn’t that flesh. How about that? You see that now? Are you aware, I just wanted to take you right where they left, and don’t dodge nothing, and show you ___ ___. Now what I wanna do, this is what I wanna do. I wanna go to the 13th, to the 24th chapter of Joshua. Now here’s what I’m after now. I wanna show you that He was back there with Moses and He’s come all the way down through the dispensations and ages. Now look folks, I had him to read, pay attention now, I told you we was trying to locate the unity of Yahweh back there ___ to Moses, Yahweh said this unto Moses. Ain’t that right? Now I just got through telling these preachers they can’t find Yahweh, they can’t Elohim, they can’t point Him out. Now I told you what we wanna do, we gonna point Him out. We’re gonna point Him out this morning, we ain’t going home till we point Him out. Are you with me? Okay. Alright. Now here He is, better take this, the 14th chapter of Numbers, about the ___ verse, I think it is. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: 13 READER: 13:8 and 16 DR. KINLEY: 13:8 and 16 READER: Of the tribe of Ephraim DR. KINLEY: And of the tribe of Ephraim READER: Oshea the son of Nun DR. KINLEY: Oshea the son of Nun. Right? Alright. READER: 14th verse, these are the names of the men which Moses sent to survey out the land DR. KINLEY: That’s right.

READER: And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun

DR. KINLEY: Moses called Oshea READER: the son of Nun DR. KINLEY: Look here, Moses called Oshea, or Oshua, the son of Nun READER: Yahoshua

DR. KINLEY: Hold, hold it, No. He was none of the 12 sons of Jacob. Not a one. And for your information. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. Yeah he was a ___ but He was not one of the 12 sons is that right? And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun, called Him what?

READER: Yahoshua

DR. KINLEY: Yahoshua, Yahoshua. Y A H O shua. Ya ho is salvation. Yah is salvation. Moses called Him that. Now what he’s done here now is located Him back there. Now he said Moses wrote of Him (John 5:43) said, Moses wrote of Him. You can’t find Jesus Christ back there no where, where Moses ___ ___. Now here’s the crux of the whole thing. If this was Yahoshua, the son of Nun of the 12 tribes and he is a son of Yahweh, now listen folks, if Yahweh was in his son, up here that you just read about in the 14th chapter of John, `I’m in the Father, the Father’s in me,’ then He’ll have to be in Him back there. ___ ___


DR. KINLEY: Now how about that. Now ___ tells me I don’t know what I’m talking about. See we’ve located Him now. Now, go in the 24th chapter.

READER: and Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel

DR. KINLEY: And Joshua gathered all the tribes, this is Yahshua. It’s Yahweh in him. Gathered all of the tribes of Israel, all of `em. And this is what He said.

READER: to Shechem, DR. KINLEY: And to Sheckem. READER: And called for the elders of Israel DR. KINLEY: And he called for the elders of Israel READER: for their heads, and for their judges, and for their officers DR. KINLEY: for their heads and for their judges and officers. READER: And they presented themselves before Elohim. DR. KINLEY: Oh oh. Now how about that. And they presented themselves before Elohim, the ___ God. Read on. READER: And Yahshua said unto all the people

DR. KINLEY: Now who’s talking, just like Yahshua’s saying over here, believe you and Yahshua said. We’re gonna locate him there, locating Yahweh talking to Moses right in a body all the time and He come walking right straight on down through the ages and you can’t find Him. How about that? Right down here in old Henry C.


DR. KINLEY: Do you see what I’m talking about, do you understand what I mean? In you too ___ ___ He’s in everybody, anybody that’s Yahweh’s. See located in you whole business the animals and vegetable and otherwise. All things ___ come forth from the Father. And Yahweh is spirit, now we’re in physical, for spirit in this one to manifest yourself in Him, Yahweh. Now how about that? Did I help any folks?

STUDENT BODY: Yes. DR. KINLEY: Read on just a second Dr. Harris. READER: Yahshua said unto all the people DR. KINLEY: That’s right. READER: Thus saith Yahweh Elohim

DR. KINLEY: Now see there, he’s telling you now he’s telling what’s in him. Thus saith Yahweh, he ain’t talking about Himself, it’s Yahweh in him speaking, said, `thus saith Yahweh.’ You ___ ___ even one you can find Ephraim. How about that? You didn’t know a thing about that, that’s one of them long ___ went right on. Thus saith Yahweh, what about it?

READER: Your fathers dwelt on the other side DR. KINLEY: Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood. Read. READER: in old times, DR. KINLEY: In old times. READER: even Terah, the father of the DR. KINLEY: even Terah, the father of Abraham READER: and the father of Nachor: DR. KINLEY: and the father of Nachor READER: and they served idols DR. KINLEY: And they served idols. Alright, read on Dr. Harris. READER: And I took your father Abraham DR. KINLEY: Now,…


DR. KINLEY: Alright read on doc. READER: that I gave unto Isaac and Jacob

DR. KINLEY: And I’ll give it. Yahshua said, `the Father’s in me, He’s doing the work.’ I, Yahweh in a physical body back there. And there He said I’ll kill under Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I brought you up out of the land of Egypt under the hands of Joshua and Moses. Do you see what that’s talking about. He’s locating the heavenly Father that’s in the body back there. How about that? I said we got to ___ ___.



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