Heaven and the Wisdom of God Hidden in a Mystery

Lecture by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley

(Date: 1967 ???)


  1. Carnal Ordinances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
  2. Day of Pentecost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,13,18,26
  3. Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
  4. Grafting in of Gentiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-40
  5. Heaven. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,20,28
  6. Mystery of Iniquity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
  7. New Testament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
  8. Prediction of World War 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
  9. Prepared a Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
  10. Reflections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
  11. Third Heaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,20,28
  12. With Them Yet Not With Them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23

DR. KINLEY: I’m glad to be here and to talk with you about the things that’s pertaining to the Kingdom of God. I could, if I would, get tired of it from the conduct and the deportment of the people, cause I would arrive at the conclusion it doesn’t do a lot of good. Jesus one time said to the Pharisees and the Sadducees, said, “You call me Lord and Master, and so I am, but why do you call me Lord and Master and do not the things that I say?” Get the point? Now Nicodemus when he went to Him and said, “Now Lord, we know, we know that you’re a teacher come from God, now we know that.” We who? The Sanhedrin Council, there was seventy of ’em there. Said, “All seventy of us know that. We know it, and everybody else does for that matter. And here’s how we know it. We know it because no man can do the miracles, which you do except God be with him. Now that’s how we know it!” Nobody has ever walked around on this earth and commanded the wind to stop blowing, stop funerals processions, and raise the dead. Now you’ve done that Master, now we know that can’t nobody do that except God be with him. Now we’re convinced on that part. And as Matthew and them say, they make clear that many of the Chief Priest and Pharisees believed on Him, but they would not confess Him for fear of the Jews. Everybody’s afraid of the Jews. Now a lot of people come to school, from time to time visitors… I don’t expect anybody to be a visitor long, I expect you to become a part of it. And those of you that have been here a few meetings, I consider you belong here. I don’t put you in the category of a visitor. Because I don’t think you could stay around here long without learning something you didn’t know; I don’t think that, that is if you come here to learn.

Now, the previous speaker was speaking about the 2nd Chapter of 1st Corinthians where Paul was talking to the Corinthians, the message that was for the Corinthians, said “Now we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery.” Now that’s the way the Apostle was talking, speaking the wisdom… Well what wisdom you talking about? You’re talking about the wisdom of God. Paul said the foolishness of God was wiser than men, now if you wanna talk about the wisdom of God you got a lot’a advantage of it there, haven’t you? Now that’s why there isn’t much understanding of it or about it, is because when you speak the wisdom of God, it’s in a mystery, it’s a mystery. It’s a mystery how somebody can stand up and tell you that all, everything that you thought from birth on down until now was wrong. Now for somebody to tell you a thing like that you’d almost be persuaded to call him a liar wouldn’t you? But you can’t see the Kingdom of God, let along talk about it. You can’t see the wisdom, so Jesus told Nicodemus, except you be born again. And the things that you think from birth on down to a transformation, it’s all out of harmony with God, and if it wasn’t it wouldn’t be no need of no conversion. There’s no putting any sense in it. And to convert means to, I don’t mean to turn part of the way around, I mean all the way. God said through Isaiah, said, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, my way, that’s not your way.” Well now don’t you think God understand your way? And He knows your way is not His, He knows that your thoughts are carnal. And when you’re carnal you can’t have spiritual thoughts. And He took special pains, we have told you about it many times, almost every speaker gets upon this floor tells you the same thing, and that is this: The invisible things, things that you can’t see with your physical eye, the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, see ’em real clear, being understood by the things that are made; even His eternal power and Godhead so that you are without excuse. Nobody has no excuse for stupidity. Nobody has no excuse for ignorance. Get up Wallace. Now this man here, he’s made in the creation. He’s the highest order of created things in the world, the man, and he’s made in the likeness and image of God. Now there’s no excuse, there just isn’t any excuse for you coming up saying, (now listen at what I’m gone say) that man evolved from a monkey, or an ape or a gorilla or something. Now He’s blotted out that excuse to begin with. Now do you want to just kinda so-call God a monkey? Cause God made the man in His own likeness and image. And if God made him in the likeness and in His own image, (the man that you could look at), if he’s just like God, then what you’re saying then… You see what you’re saying? There’s no excuse for nothing like that. I don’t care what Darwin said about it, evolution. Go on back to the spermazoa, you know what I’m talking about. The secretion that’s injected into the womb, NOW IT IS WITHOUT ANY SHAPE AND ANY FORM, and it doesn’t go through the stages of monkey and ape and gorilla and orangutan and all that kind of thing before it gets to a man (thank you Wallace) and when he’s born into the world he’s as much man – he’s a man when he die, or is a woman. There just isn’t any sense in it. Well you know why he think those things? It’s because he don’t think like God, that’s why he thinks up all them things.

Now we got space invasion now. And we with our utter stupidity and colossal ignorance while we try to play smart, on one hand we tell you, well what’s the use in the government spending all that money to shoot a rocket up in space? What’s the use in somebody going up as far as you can go up in the sky, fluttering around up there in space ships? Look at all the people down here on earth that hasn’t got bread to eat, and you spending the money shooting a rocket up in the sky, and in the meantime you claim to be scientists, you claim to be astronomers. Way back in Babylon even before Jesus was born, many hundreds of years when science and astronomy was born, and they were caring on that foolishness, calling it science, same junk you got now. Now after He’s penetrated the ionosphere… Want me to kinda lay it down and work it up a little for you? The atmosphere, the stratosphere, troposphere, go up a little higher. Ionosphere, he haven’t got through that one yet. But he’s investigating, and still standing down here trying to play smart like he knew what it was all about. Well what’s he investigating it for? If you know what it was all about why waste the money? Why don’t you feed the people? Now if you know how to bring this planet under control we live on, what’s the matter you don’t get together the Russians, and the Roman Catholics, and the Baptist, and the Protestants, and the Buddhists and Confucius, and whatnots? Why don’t you all get together? Prove down here that you can get straightened out down here before you go up there and try to run something up on the moon! You get the point? That’s not smart, do you think so? Now I said all of that to say this. Now this is the catch. Now here was a man, and some people say he was riding on a beast, (Paul I’m talking about), riding on a beast on his way to Damascus. And the book says, the book says that he fell to the ground. Now somebody said He knocked him off of a beast. It don’t make no difference whether he was knocked off a beast or just fell down, he was down on the ground! That’s what I’m talking about? Now here he is laying flat down here on the ground with more astronomical penetration of the ionosphere than anybody that’s ascended up in the sky so far, because he was on up in the third heaven, laying flat down there on the ground. He was up there where God is! So now the, the point I wanna get you to see is this tourist that you got up into outer space, that won’t get it. See it can be accomplished better right down here by the spirit of God elevating you into that. Unless you’ve got that divine push you’ll never make it. Now Isaiah, where Dr. Kinley said just now, he was reading in the 2nd chapter of Corinthians. Isaiah said that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of men, the things that God have prepared for them that love Him. And you’ve heard it, preacher standing right here in the pulpit and just repeat the same words. But now you ought to read Freddy since you got your book opened there. Look in Isaiah, I mean Corinthians, I’m after the word, but. There in Corinthians Paul says, “But God has revealed them unto us.” In other words, God has revealed unto us what He has prepared; He showed us. How did He do that? How did God do that? I just got through telling you that the man was caught up in the spirit! And Paul said that he saw Him. And when he saw Him, (yes I am, I’m coming down to ignorance and blasphemy), and I’m not gone be able to finish it tonight either, I don’t aim to. And I won’t have it finished Thursday night. And I expect to be with you on this coming Sunday and I still won’t have it finished. And Monday I expect to depart for Ohio, at 10 o’clock Monday morning; reservations can be confirmed for my departure at that time. Now listen, Isaiah said eyes have not seen and ears have not heard and neither has it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love Him. And as you hear the preachers say, “Said I don’t know what the ends gonna be but come on and go, come on.” Now he don’t know where he’s going, don’t know what God’s prepared. I’ll tell you something else He prepared too. Now there you are… there’s something else He prepared, said, “Depart from me ye workers of iniquity into everlasting fire prepared for Satan and his angels.” You don’t believe that’s in the book, I will read it. So in as much as God has prepared things for us to make us happy, to the world He’s also prepared the Lake of Fire, I don’t mean going to, I mean already prepared. Now Jesus wasn’t going away to prepare, that wasn’t it. He went away to prepare a place for you, yes sir, and the place He went away, which means… Now you see them’s the things that the people blunder over. Now look, that’s speaking the wisdom of God in a mystery. Now look, I just got through saying He went away didn’t I? And then I turned right back around and said He didn’t go nowhere. You’d say well what kind of fool talk is that? That’s the wisdom of God in a mystery. That’s why you don’t understand it! When He was walking around here in the flesh – Freddy maybe you’d better read it, Luke 24:44, since you’re sitting under that light. Now in John, the 14th chapter of St. John, He talks about going away. And He said I wouldn’t leave you comfortless, but He’ll send the comforter (are you listening) whom the Father would send in My name… Suppose you read both of ’em. I wanna show you how the wisdom of God is spoken in a mystery, and a ignoramus setting out there wouldn’t understand it. Read the 14th chapter of St. John and the 26th verse….

READER: But the comforter. . . .

DR. KINLEY: But the comforter, now wait a minute, go back a verse above cause I don’t like that conjunction there. . . .

READER: These things have I spoken unto you

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: being yet present with you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: being yet present with you. Now here He is, He’s talking to the boys. He hasn’t died, He’s walking with ’em. Now said these things have I spoken unto you, get this now, being yet present with you. All right, read.

READER: But the comforter which is the Holy Ghost

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: whom the Father will send in my name

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: He shall teach you all things

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute! Hold everything. Just wait a minute. Now the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, which the Father will send in My Name – now the Father sent the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ. I’m trying to put it in words you can understand, or Yahweh sent the Holy Ghost in the name of Yahshua! You get that? But I’m talking terms you know. God sent the Holy Ghost. Now look, in Acts of Apostles, the 2nd Chapter of Acts of Apostles, said “And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come they were all together in one place, and they heard as a sound of a mighty rushing wind.” And then listen, I’m cutting it short and trying to tell you so you can understand, they all received the Holy Ghost. Well that Holy Ghost that’s coming on that day, Pentecost, was coming in the name of Jesus Christ! NOW WHEN THEY RECEIVED THE HOLY GHOST, THEN THEY RECEIVED CHRIST! Now that’s why John said over here in the 4th Epistle of the 1st Chapter, and beginning with the first verse. Hold it there. Now Freddy I want you, don’t leave this place, let somebody else get it cause I’ll be back. . . .

READER: Beloved . . .

DR. KINLEY: Yes that’s right.

READER: Beloved, believe not every spirit. . .

DR. KINLEY: Beloved, believe not every spirit. Now this is the wisdom of God and it’s all shrouded in a mystery! Now, the Father sent the Holy Ghost in Jesus Christ name on the Day of Pentecost, June the 6th early in the morning. That’s the third hour of the day which is about 9 o’clock in the morning as you would consider time. Now then, if He did that, then Christ was with him or with them. Jimmy you awake? And now here’s John, being one of ’em that was up there at Pentecost that received the Holy Ghost, he’s saying there, “Beloved, believe not every spirit.” When the boys received the Holy Spirit on that day they stood up and preached, and this is what, some of what they said. Said, “These men are not drunken as you suppose, seeing it’s but the third hour of the day.” That’s why I said about 9 o’clock in the morning. “But this is that that was spoken of by the Prophet Joel saying in the last days saith God, I will pour out my spirit.” Now Christ after He raised from the dead is a quickening spirit! And they received the Holy Ghost, they received a quickening spirit. They received Christ; they received the Holy Ghost, one and the same! Now John is saying just like Peter is saying, “This is that that was spoken of by the Prophet Joel,” that was God speaking through the man, speaking through Peter. That’s what this is; that’s what all this noise and racket’s about around here. THIS IS THE HOLY GHOST INVADING THE WORLD! Now one time I stood and told you, go back and get your world war history and look at it, and I’m always telling you that there will be a reflection; all the time a reflection, it never misses. Them reflections is what makes up the history of the world. They haven’t never stopped! God ain’t off on no vacation! He told Noah about the Ark. When it come time for another reflection of that, there it was with Israel out of Egypt. When it come time for another reflection of that, here comes John and him baptizing, and it just continues on that way. Now that’s how I know. And you check it down chronologically and see if I ain’t telling you right about it. Now you go get your 2nd World War and see if the Allis didn’t invade Germany on the 6th day of June. And Dr. Gross didn’t I write you the letter. . . .

DR. GROSS: You sure did.

DR. KINLEY: from Cincinnati? And I forget to count, that was leap year, and I forgot to count the 29th in there in my reconciliation, and my calculations. And I put the letter in the mailbox, went on back home. When I got home, I told my son’s wife, who’s dead, I said look, says let’s check this again to see if we’re right about it. We took a pencil out and it was on the table, and something told me, well go and look! And I went and looked at the calendar, because what I’m trying to do is reconcile between the sacred and the civil year and then make corrections. Now I happen to look up at the Gregorian calendar and see the 29th on there, I knew I was one day off, one day off balance. Remember I told you I done put the letter in the mailbox! I didn’t have no way to get the letter out the mailbox. So then I thought it was another letter I wrote cause I’d done forgot! Dr. Gross said it was a postal card. And I had put a postal card right in there where that letter was with a corrected date on it. And I had told them people, now if it don’t happen like this, (it wasn’t me that said it), there will be no more war, I mean there won’t be no more school. So there’s no need to come back if it don’t happen, if anything’s, the day is June the 6th. And at that time the war was going on. And I was riding back and forth to Wrights Aeronautical, the biggest war plant in the world out there in Lockland. Dr. Harris and them in the Cincinnati area knows where it is. The boys that I rode back and forth in the car with they said, “He’s nuts.” See they thought they were talking about me. I said, “Well if it don’t happen like I told you…” And then you see this long chart here? My son and I we were painting this chart at that time, and turpentine and stuff was all stinking up through the house. And my, that son had Johnny and Christine, some of you here know Christine, the majority of you do, she’s been here. So there was Johnny, and how many others of ’em was there around there? It was about three or four of ’em at that time back in, this was in 46. [1946] And she wouldn’t tell me, because she was living in my house with me, see and I’m responsible. And I was living in the Metropolitan Apartments, and I wasn’t supposed to be there myself, because I was making to much money. And those houses were built for, suppose to be for people with small incomes, just like it is round here. You know somebody making —- —-, but I was making around $120.00 a week. But you see I had Mrs. Vera Green, she was my friend, bosom friend, and she slid me in there; that’s how I got in. So now, I’m taking care of my son until he got a job at ——-. And every night when he come home, when he’d come home, we had the dining room table, just like that table there pulled out, and we were making it. If you’ll notice this thing is put together in parts, I don’t, here’s one . . . [Interruption on the tape]… by the clock, the electric clock hanging in there on the wall, if it don’t come to pass at that time, on that day, and that morning, I’ll burn it up or put it in the incinerator out there, and both of us will get rid of it. It just isn’t any sense in us sitting up here stinking up the house and got the kids all gummed up here in this stuff daily with a whole lot of junk and foolishness and folly, see I’ll never finish it. You see how I told her. But now if it come to pass on that day and on that hour, I’ll finish it. And that was about three or four months before it happened. Now said, you watch, see make sure you got the time set right. And we set down there figured it out and that’s where Dr. Gross got the letter from. Then when I checked it out I find I was one day was out of line, and I put this postal card in the mail box on the corner of Central and John Street, no, Lincoln Park Drive, that same night. It didn’t take me an hour to find the error and the mistake, and I mail it, and you got it. Did you get it when you was in Springfield?

DR. GROSS: I sure did. Yeah. That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: You lived at 523 W. Spring St., and I lived at 503 Lincoln Park Drive…

DR. GROSS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: in Cincinnati. You got it.

DR. GROSS: I got it.

DR. KINLEY: Now I’m asking you, did it come to pass?

DR. GROSS: It sure did.

DR. KINLEY: Did it come to pass on that day?

DR. GROSS: on that day.

DR. KINLEY: About that time in the morning


STUDENT: That’s right!

DR. KINLEY: Christine said, “Well Dad,” says, “I’ll tell you one thing,” said “I haven’t liked this stuff all along,” (after it come to pass and she seen) she looked just as funny, she said, “I haven’t like this, (she told me about it) I haven’t like this stuff all along,” but she said, “You wanna know something?” I said, “What is it?” She said “You could make another if you want to.” I said, “Naw, I don’t wanna make no more!” [STUDENT BODY LAUGHS] That’s right. She said you can make another. She said, “I’m convinced that that is no foolishness, that it is true.” And those are the things that I have been telling you every since I have been teaching you, just like that. That’s how I told you about the submarine. That’s how I told you about the universal weather conditions and the change February 4, 1962. That’s how I told you about the earthquakes. NO, THAT’S NOT ME PREDICTING, THAT’S THE PATTERN MAN! Now you can come up here all stupid as you want to, but I’m speaking the wisdom of God in a mystery. And you with your carnal mind, I expect you to oppose me; there’s nothing else you can do. And then when you get up and tell me, “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” and you don’t know nothing about it, why you’re a liar, you don’t know. See you can’t lie to me like that, because it has to be revealed to you. Now that’s why I tell you as Paul said… Now listen at me folks, I’m not wasting breath folks. Now Paul said if anything be revealed to one nearby let him first hold his peace, for you may all speak two or three at a time…

AUDIENCE: No, one at a time.

DR. KINLEY: One at a time. While I’m up here speaking, you shut up. God may reveal something to you, catch you on up in the spirit and reveal something to you. And you there chewing your gum, batting your eye, and bothering everybody, why you don’t know what’s going on. Now you can’t convince me that you know what’s going on. You can sit there and look just right dead at me and miss it! That’s right. Now you see why I kept trying to set the man down? We speak the wisdom of God hidden in a mystery. “Eyes have not seen, ear have not heard, neither has it entered in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love Him.” Now you got the . . . [Tape changed few statements lost]. . . that makes up this book you call the New Testament, that the devil has told you was the New Testament. Take it down slowly and see if Paul in all his epistles, where he’s getting what he’s saying in the epistle is back in the Law and the Prophecy. That’s where he’s getting that. Then how could this be the New Testament? What make up what Jesus is doing here, how could that be the New Testament, when He’s fulfilling what’s written back there? That’s what makes up Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And He’s living under the dispensation of the Law. Then there they come getting up here saying, “Aw, I ain’t gone let you make no mistake like that! I ain’t gone let you,” said “This is New Testament teaching.” Sat down, we ain’t got no time to bothered with that junk! See we playing for keeps now, ain’t we? And it’s my business to make sure that you know! “Well, that’s what the Council said, that’s what the Ecumenical Council said, that’s what the Chief Bishop and the head of this church said.” I don’t care nothing about what he said, I’m not even interested in it. Just sat down I don’t wanna even hear nothing about it, if he said it. See I can listen to my own carnal conscience. Do you get my thought? All right, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love Him. Now get the next thought.

READER: But God. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you, now you get that one? Said, but, but God

READER: hath revealed them. . .

DR. KINLEY: hath, not going to. But at the time that Paul is talking there about it, God had already revealed it, revealed it unto us by His spirit. From Pentecost, He revealed it unto them by His spirit, not by space invasion, but he’s caught on up into the 3rd heavens by the spirit. And way before Isaiah said that, since you wanna get smart, God had called Moses on up into the mountain and showed him the vision of the creation in the realm of Eternity, and was manifesting Himself to him. So God had revealed it to Moses and them back there before ever Isaiah was born. How you like that? Do you like that all right? And Moses wasn’t writing down his imagination he was writing down what God’s revealed to him. Well Israel, all Israel didn’t see it because Moses put a veil over his face. He come down and they couldn’t see steadfast into the end of those things which were revealed. Well then, here He comes along again, God is revealing unto us by His spirit. I told you the spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost? Is that right? Revealed them unto us… Now some idiot, they’re always doing this, “Well God hath revealed them unto us,” meaning his little sect, his little cult, his little organization. “We’re the Church of Christ, we’re the Church of God, and God’s revealed ’em unto us.” So he tells you, the Roman Catholics, the Protestants. Now that ain’t what Paul was talking about. That’s not the us; the us who? We are builded upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets that prophesied from the beginning of the creation on down! We’re builded upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets and Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone, in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto a holy tabernacle in God for an habitation of God through the Spirit. The Apostles and Prophets they are the ones He caught on up there in that realm and seen God and revealed it unto us. But they’re the us to preach unto the other fellow. God has revealed them unto us. How’d He do that? I told you they received the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost. Now did you get that? Now are you all following me, following the continuity of thought? Does, it make sense what I’m saying? Do you understand what I’m talking about? And you see where I’m leading you to? And I’m showing you that it was not space invasion, he was laying flat down! Just like laying right down on the ground, laying right down there, his inner self is in the third heaven. Now you never heard nothing about no more than the first, and wherever that is that’s as far, that’s where you get off at. But that’s where he was, laying right down there flat on the ground. Said I knew a man above 14 years ago that was caught up into the third heaven and heard things unlawful for a man to utter, or impossible for him to utter in such a way that the carnal mind could understand. You just can’t come along and tell somebody something about some of them things. Say, “O yeah, I see, I…” No, oh no, ah-ah, you got’a sat tight, sat quite, and you can’t fool God. And when that psychological moment come, then God through His fixings, He’ll tell you, and it’ll dawn in your conscience, catch you up in the thought and reveal it unto you. And this is what, this is what happens to you. Then you squirm, you say “I can’t imagine being that silly. Do you mean to tell me I was all that stupid?” And a lot of times got your finger right on the verse too, and you can read, and got your finger right on the verse, and say “Well I got a new light on it.” Naw, that ain’t what’s wrong, It was just revealed to you what it’s talking about here. Yes indeed, it’s really something. But God has revealed them unto us by His Spirit. Right! I told you now that the spirit invaded the world on the 6th day of June. Now if you’re real smart, now if you’re real wise, if you catch on real quick, you know June is coming up. Then what you should be doing is being real careful as you ought. You don’t know but what Christ will be revealed from heaven.

Now I got something else I wanna talk to you about too, Christ being revealed from heaven and the coming of Christ. Now Christ is already come in the flesh, I’m not talking about after while, I’m talking about now! Come back there on the 6th day of June at Pentecost, Christ come then! Not 1914 as Jehovah’s Witnesses teach it. Christ is already come in you. Now if Christ is already come in you, and you say He’s in heaven. If Jesus said call no man upon the earth your father, for one is your Father which is in heaven. Your physical body is upon this earth, and when you have been born of God your spirit is not upon the earth. That is Christ, who is your life, which is in you in this flesh. While your physical body is upon earth, you psychological and spiritually is at this time now in heaven! Now when Christ is revealed from heaven, (now get this straight) when Christ is revealed from heaven, He’s revealed from the state in which He’s in. It don’t mean He’ll jump down out of the sky. It don’t mean He’s coming back after a group of His own, like you have been taught. Now I said He hasn’t gone off and left you in the first place to come back after you. See now all that’s silly talk to a carnal mind.

Now I want you, no I haven’t forgot the first epistle of John the 4th chapter and first verse. But now, and neither have I forgotten Luke, 24:44, I haven’t forgot. And I haven’t forgotten John 14:25-26. No, I know what I’m taking about! I’m looking dead at it, and I’m trying to lead you step by step so that you can see. Now listen folks, God is everywhere; there is no place God is not! When Jesus was sitting down there talking to Nicodemus, said, “No man has ascended up to heaven save the Son of Man which is come down from heaven.” If you don’t believe it’s in the book, read it! Read it somebody.

READER: And no man has ascended up to heaven…

DR. KINLEY: Now look here let me show you something. Let me show you something, what you oughta wonder about. Now Enoch was 7th from Adam before the flood. The book says, Moses said he walked with God and was not, he was translated without seeing death. Now that’s before the flood, that’s in the ante diluvian. Now cross over after the flood. Now here’s Elijah, the prophet, in the postdiluvian, ascended into heaven in a chariot of fire and threw his mantle back on Elisha. Now that’s one in one age and another in another age. He ascended up into a chariot of fire. Then after that comes Jesus born of the virgin Mary, and He said “No man hath ascended up into heaven.” I thought you said that Enoch was translated! I thought you said! See how stiff I try to make them things. I thought you said Elijah ascended into heaven in a chariot of fire and threw his mantle back on Elisha, and now here’s Jesus said, “No man has ascended into heaven.” Read it there. You got it?

READER: And no man hath ascended up to heaven. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: but He that came down from heaven. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: even the Son of Man which is in heaven. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Even the Son of Man… Now look at it! Look just at what you’re reading, don’t try to pass, even the Son of man which is in heaven. Now there sat Jesus before He died, sitting there talking to Nicodemus, right in heaven right then, RIGHT WHERE YOU NOW AT THIS TIME SATTIN’ ON THAT CHAIR OUGHTA BE, and if you’re not there, then you’re not in the place that He prepared for you; in other words, while He was here in the flesh that was God in a body. And God is everywhere, there’s no place that you can go. David said if I take the wings of the morning and fly to the utmost parts of the heaven, said He’s there; if I make my bed in hell, (now you think about it) Said lo He’s there; whether shall I flee from the presence of God?” Then can’t you see, are you are so stupid that you can’t see that Paul said, “Without controversy great is the mystery of God, God was manifested in the flesh, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, and received up to glory.” Do you remember that? Are you listening again now? Are you sure you’re listening? Now these are the things that the people don’t understand and they’re reading ’em too. I said God (are you listening) God, you heard me I said God, so says Apostle Paul, was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself! That was God manifested through that body. All the God that there is manifested through that body reconciling the world unto Himself. Solomon, when he built the temple out in his royal robes, the very best that he had to dedicate the temple, by Christ, spoke to the Lord. He said the, He said the heavens, (are you listening Mickey?) said the heavens of heavens cannot contain thee, to say nothing about this little shack or shanty I got down here. He knew that the heavens of heavens could not contain Him. Now are you listening again? The universe in its totality, incorporeal and physical, (now when I say that I’m talking about sun, moon, stars, atmosphere, everything, angels and all, is embodied in God, and it’s no way to get outside of Him; for in Him we live, and move, and we have our being. But your consciousness of it that’s something else; see a carnal mind don’t think like this. Then if the temple with all its beautification builded upon with the divine specifications of God’s might Himself, (You heard me). God said He would dwell between the wings of the Cherubims, which is a type of the body of Christ. “Destroy this temple and I’ll build it again in three days.” They thought He was talking about this body, I mean they thought He was talking about that temple that sat out there on the side of Mount Moriah, that’s what they thought. Now, said our fathers were forty and six years in this building, now how can you build it again in three days? Can’t you see we don’t think straight? But John said this spake He of the temple of His body, and that’s why He would resurrect from the dead on the third day. You get it? Forty six years, now you gone build it three days by yourself; it don’t make sense. We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery. Until you become a part of the mysteries of God… That’s the reason why the devil can’t bit more understand to save his soul, cause God has hid it from the wise and imprudent and revealed it unto babes. There’s always somebody that wants to show how smart he is, puffed up in his carnal mind. See he wants to be the chief bell cow. And if he can’t be the bell cow, he will not gallop in the gang! He’ll go get him a gang of his own. That’s right! Now that just means he don’t understand it. And Peter said himself talking about Paul’s epistles that you read, Peter said this, and he did have the Holy Ghost. Don’t start no stuff with me. Peter said that Paul had written many things in his epistles which is hard to be understood by them that are unlearned and unskilled, they done missed what he’s talking about. Yes indeed. Yes sir, they’re hard to be understood. Now I wanna get back. Now if I could bring this to you in such a way… Now look folks, if there’s any of you that don’t understand what I’m talking about, please hold up your hand, it won’t be no insult. I’m teaching for your benefit. And I’m teaching you things that will have to be revealed to you, I know that. Now for me to stand around here and say that Christ is already come… Now look at all the theological world out there about this. You see the point? See that man “All he wants is to be with sweet Jesus, ya ya ya ya ya bla bla hey bla bla bla bla bla,” he’s knocking ’em down, keeps knocking down. “Say did you read….” Ain’t no need of reading to me, I know what it’s all about I’ve been caught up there myself!! I know what all Peter, James, and John and the rest of ’em is, if I wasn’t, I’m not qualified to preach and teach! See I can explain anything you got in your book, so you can understand. And I’m not down here to learn cause I’ve been caught up there and God revealed the thing to me. And all the teaching I had prior to that, I never learned nothing about it. You went to Meharry College didn’t you Dr. Harris?

DR. HARRIS: Right.

DR. KINLEY: Did you get yourself some license to practice medicine?

DR. HARRIS: Yes sir.

DR. KINLEY: Dr. Robinson back in the state of Ohio did too. And so far as being in a position to learn something about the esoteric secrets, Dr. Robinson’s a thirty-third degree Mason. And he went as far in the Art club as you could go, and as far in the Elks as you could go, traveled all over the world. Went to school all over the world studying medicine and all, and he didn’t know, he said so. He said “You know Dr. Kinley,” he said “When you looked at the things that you talked about,” said “Yes, I see that, I understand now, but I didn’t.” Said, “I can’t see how… Must I go ‘head and say what he said?


DR. KINLEY: “I can’t see how, but you know I’m just so damn dumb.” Dr. Robinson said that. Is that the way he said it? Wasn’t that the way he said it? Now that man was wise enough to see that he was dumb! It wasn’t me, the thing was revealed to him, and he’s not no spring chicken either, and he studied the Bible. All right now, where were you reading at?

READER: I was reading St. John 14:25 and 26.

DR. KINLEY: Now he’s reading St. John. Now mind you now, I told you Christ already come. Now look, I’ve got to prove that! I don’t want you to go out here and say “That man said, and I don’t see that.” That’s what I’m here for. And if you don’t see it hold your hand up! And I told you it was a different between Christ coming and the revelation of Jesus Christ from heaven. I told you that didn’t I? And the revelation of Jesus Christ from heaven that’s not the second coming. Christ come back on the Day of Pentecost, June 6th, AD 33, about nine o’clock in the morning or else Peter and all the rest of the eleven of ’em lied, and so did Jesus. But where the difference is, and where the trouble is, it takes the spirit to reveal that to you, and John is writing about it. Now read John 14: 25-26 now. Y’all listen.

READER: Now these things have I spoken unto you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats).

READER: being yet present with you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: being yet present with you. Give me a chair I like to demonstrate. See I’m sitting here. Am I with you?


DR. KINLEY: I’m in a physical body just like you are. I’m with you! And I’m telling you these things while I’m sitting right here with you! “These thing have I spoken unto you while I was yet with you.” All right read.

READER: But the comforter. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: which is the Holy Ghost…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: whom the Father will send in my name. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Whom the Father will send in my name, so the name of the comforter is Christ Jesus, whom the Father will send in my name. Listen, are you reading out of the Bible or the Almanac or something?

READER: It’s the Bible…

DR. KINLEY: All right, read.

READER: He shall teach you all things…

DR. KINLEY: Now when the comforter is come, this comforter whom the Father will send in His name, He will teach you all things, not Henry C. Kinley, not the Cardinals, not the Bishops, not the Popes, not the devil! You can read can’t you? That’s why a new covenant, God said, see after those days into their hearts will I put my law and into their minds will I write. And he won’t say every man to his neighbor, know ye the Lord, for they shall all know me, (every last one of ’em that I do some writing in), they’ll all know me, see from the least… from the layman to the top dog, they’ll all know me, and you won’t need to teach them anything. Why? Because when the Holy Ghost is come, the Holy Ghost is the teacher, not Pete, not Paul. That’s what He said ain’t it? And He said the Holy Ghost will receive of mine and show it to you. Why don’t we read this book straight once in a while. All right read on.

READER: and bring all things to your remembrance. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: whatsoever I have said unto you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Everything I’ve said to you the Holy Ghost will call your attention back to it. You don’t have to worry around and make no notes; you don’t have to worry with that, write out no sermons and try to remember, all you need is the Holy Ghost. Now he’s talking about the Apostles there. “Eyes hath not seen, ears hath not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love Him, but God has revealed them unto us by His spirit, or by the Holy Ghost. Now when Jesus Himself… Now when the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, said then He’ll bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I’m telling you. All the way through His ministry and everything He said to them, said He’d bring it back to their remembrance. Now if you looked at the 11th Chapter of Acts of the Apostles then you will find this. Where Peter after he commanded Cornelius them to be baptized – when you look at the first chapter of Acts of Apostles, Christ is risen from the dead there, and He told them, “Now you go back to Jerusalem and stay right there until the comforter is come and you receive power from on high. And then shall you be witnesses unto me in Judea, Samaria, and the utmost parts of the earth.” Now then when Peter them went back, and there they were ten days after they’d seen the vision up in the mountain, ten days after, and I wanna tell you that was a vision. The ascension was a vision. And He’s coming back in like manner, or it will be revealed from heaven in like manner, in a vision. You won’t see it with these physical eyes, it’s in a vision. Christ is in you now, you’re in heaven. The only way for you to see that now is in a vision. You can’t see nothing with them things you got sitting up there in your head, nobody never has, and nobody never will. Jesus said there in the 5th Chapter of Matthew, said “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” But He didn’t say that they’d see Him with their physical eyes. Paul said in the 1st Chapter of Philippians I believe it is, he said instantaneously! 15th Chapter of 1st Corinthians too, said “Behold, look I show you a mystery,” we’ll not all be laying out there in the cemetery or in the ground or some place when the thing happens, but in a moment in the twinkling of an eye He’ll be revealed, before you can bat your eye. You talking about the reflex action. See you can get a bite down here, and you can’t even stop talking or don’t even just concentrate on it, or just go ahead and practice them reflex action. See, hit you down under the knee, try to hold it down. Doc, you know what I’m talking about, reflect action. In a twinkling of an eye you’ll be changed from a physical to an immortal or to a spiritual, because that’s where you’ll have to be in the spirit where you can see it. Then you’re in, you’re in the spirit, you’re there now. But now everybody say, “That man talking about we’re in heaven.” No, your physical body’s on earth. Now don’t make me get smart with it. But now look, I would have you to know that all of this planet and all the rest of it is in heaven, I’d have you to know that tonight, in God. Now this is the place you come to learn, and to get rid of your stupidity, and I’m sent to teach you. Now finish up what you just read Freddy. “But the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you of all things and bring to your remembrance whatsoever things I have said unto you”. . . .

READER: Peace I leave with you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: My peace I give unto you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: not as the world giveth. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: give I unto you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Give I unto you. Hold tight. Hold tight. Now do you see? Read the first part of that again Freddy.

READER: Peace I leave with you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: No, naw where you started there. . . .

READER: These things have I spoken unto you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: being yet present with you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: But the comforter. . . .

DR. KINLEY: No, now wait a minute, being yet present with you. Now I sat down and showed you that in the flesh, see that I’m with you. And just look at me as being Him, not having been crucified, not having been dead, haven’t been resurrected from the dead. Now Matthew 28:19-20. Now set right where you are and listen. Now you heard me say that He never went off no place. You heard me say that when He was sitting there talking to Nicodemus, (that was the beginning, hardly before He got into His ministry real good). You heard me tell you He was in heaven then, and you read it out of the book. And now here He is and He’s saying again, where you’re reading at there Freddy, said the comforter which the Father will send in my name, said He’ll bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said to you. See that’s before He died. Are you following me? Now here’s Dr. Harris now, read Matthew.

READER: Go ye therefore. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and teach all nations. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now He’s resurrected now, He’s resurrected now. Go ye… Look I’d like to, can I dump something else in there, the same thing. Luke 24:44.

READER: And He said unto them. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: these are the words which I spake unto you

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: while I was yet with you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now go back and read the 25th verse.

READER: These things have I spoken unto you . . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: being yet present with you

DR. KINLEY: Being yet present with you. Now there He is sitting there and yet present with them. They were looking at Him with their physical eyes. And when He spoke all through His ministerial career before He died, He was yet with them. Just like I’m with you, see just like I’m with you, and He was talking to ’em. Ain’t that what you just read? Now here you come up here, Luke 24:44. Now He’s crucified and resurrected from the dead. Now you’re reading what He said, “While I was yet with you.” All right, now go head and read Luke 24:44.

READER: And He said unto them. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: these are the words that I spake unto you

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: while I was yet with you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Well are you yet with ’em?


DR. KINLEY: No He’s not there and yet with ’em. Answer me, I’m talking to you!

AUDIENCE: Yeah! Yes!

DR. KINLEY: He’s with them and yet He’s not with them. He was, read Mark over there, He’s in another condition. Mark called it another form. It’s sown a natural, raised a spiritual. You have to see Him in a vision now. He’s not like He was, but He appears in the vision just like He was before He’d risen or before He left. Now, said these are the things that I spake unto you while I was yet with you. Meaning, I’m not with you as you are now in the flesh. I’ve been crucified, I’ve been resurrected from the dead! I’m not like I was before I died when I was yet with you. These are the things I said to you while I was yet with you

READER: that all things must be fulfilled. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: which are written in the Law of Moses…

DR. KINLEY: which are written in the Law of Moses. Now that’s what makes up your biography, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This was done that that might be fulfilled that was written in the Law. This was done that that might be fulfilled. And Paul, even down right here, see He’s telling there, that He’s there that He had to be crucified as it was written. He’s telling ’em all that in Matthew, Mark. Then here comes along some stupe, say “Yeah, I, I, I’m reading in New Testament! This is New Testament doctrine!” See he don’t know what it’s all about. The New Testament is not written with pen and ink. God said He was gone, He didn’t say Matthew was gone write it. He said after those days, into their hearts will I write it, write it in your heart and in your mind. Not with pen and ink, not in tables of stone but in the fleshly tables of the heart, 2nd Corinthians 3rd chapter. Said “Do we begin again to commend ourselves or need we as some others?” Some of the other ones need an awful lot of commendation, a great long line. But now you can tell whether you have the Holy Spirit or not. For we preach the mystery of God in a mystery, a carnal mind doesn’t perceive. We’re able to tell you the difference between matter and spirit. We’re able to tell you how Christ is with you sitting right in your seat, and yet taken off at the same time. Yes indeed, He’s in that state, sitting right down there, right down there just like He was before He died and was talking to Nicodemus, and after He’d risen from the dead. Said, “These are the things that I said unto you while I was yet with you.” See all things that’s written in the Law and in the Prophets, which makes up Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the biography in other words, not the New Testament. Read.

READER: Which are written in the Law of Moses. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and in the prophets. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and in the Psalms. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: concerning me. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Concerning me. These are the things that I said while I was yet with you. Now He’s raised from the dead. Now you heard me say He didn’t go off. Then you heard me talking about Him ascending, gone off. You heard me talking about Him being with ’em and not being with ’em. You get it now? Now here I’m asking, I’m asking…where Freddy just read at He’s risen from the dead. Now here it is Matthew’s talking about Him. Now all right, now read.

READER: Go ye therefore. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and teach all nations. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: baptizing them. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: in the name of the Father. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and of the Son. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and of the Holy Ghost . . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: teaching them to observe. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: all things. . . .

DR. KINLEY: All things! Not some but all things…

READER: whatsoever I have commanded you. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and lo. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you watch out Doc. Now you be sure, now you, you went to school. . . .

READER: I am with you alway. . . .

DR. KINLEY: And lo I am with you always

READER: even until the end of the world. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Even until the ends of the age, and lo I’m, I’m with you! Remember He said over there “I will not leave you comfortless.” After He risen from the dead, said “I’m with you alway,” Holy Ghost! Said He’s with you alway until the end of the age. Is that what He said? You sure that’s what you read?


DR. KINLEY: Now here He go. No sooner He got through saying that, there He go, He lifted up His hands and He blessed them. And there stood two men there by Him. Now look folks, you’ll never see it if you don’t look, cause you been out here nearly 2,000 years and you haven’t got it learned. There He was, standing aboard that cloud in fact they’re looking at a vision. And I’d have you to know that He was right here and in them. You don’t wanna believe me? I’ll jump off the chair and prove it to you then. The high priest went in here on the 10th day of October into the Most Holy Place, and there was Michael and Gabriel, the two Archangels that stood on the Ark. God said that He would dwell within the cloud between the wings of the cherubims. See them two angels there? And now here He is got them two men standing right there by Him. When He stepped aboard a cloud in the vision, the two men were standing right there, and they seen them looking up into heaven, and this is what they said to ’em. Said, “Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which you see (and they saw it in a vision) shall return again unto you in like manner.” Now when you say like manner, it’s a vision they were seeing. I’m telling you that the vision will be the next time in like manner. That’s what they said. Do you see it now? Now look, you can be way down in a coal mine, ten miles deep in the heart of the earth, in the bottom of the sea … Can I just go ahead on and spoil it now? You could be in hell, be anywhere, death and hell shall be delivered up, and it’s elevated to the place where they can see that vision! Way down in the bowels of Mother Earth, buried down there in a coal mind, or you could be down there in a —– and see the vision just as good there as you could see down on top of the ground because it’s a vision. Right now, see the vision. Well, did everybody understand what I’m talking about? Is there anybody in here don’t understand, hold up your hand! Cause there’ll be some of you walking around here. Paul said “Behold I show you a mystery, we shall not all sleep.” It means you all won’t be in Forest Lawn or Riverside stone yard out there, or graveyard or cemetery. Naw it ain’t gone be like that. Some of you be walking around eating, going into Bullocks, and it’ll just happen to be a change there. Somebody might be just putting a skillet on the stove, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye… Now you got that? Now He said “Lo I am with you alway.” Meaning, I am not gonna go away and leave you, in fact even until the end of the age. The end of the age hadn’t come up yet, so He’s still yet with you. And because you seen the vision, and some people thought, “Well He’s gone but He’ll be back after a while for His church. And He’s coming back after a church without spot or wrinkle.” And some sister back there, she throw her hand up and knock somebody in the mouth, “Ah ah ah ah!” Ask her, and she don’t know what it’s all about. And old Rev, he’s just sweating and mopping sweat, and he’s carnal minded, he don’t know what it’s all about. He’s talking about Christ He’s gone jump out of the sky and then turn right around… just like I called that man’s attention to it Sunday. You remember I called his attention, you said yourself that Christ in you was the only Hope of Glory. Getting all messed up in Paul’s epistles. You said that you had to have the Holy Ghost. Now you see that? You get Matthew 25:34 and back over to John 4th Chapter, and then we’ll go on home. Matthew 25:34

READER: Then shall the king say unto them. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now here it is, when it’s revealed, it could be today, it’s going on now but it ain’t revealed, that’s what the difference is. Because every time one receives the Holy Ghost he’s separated from the goats, I mean right now. That’s what I’m preaching for right now. And it’s the Holy Ghost that separates the sheep from the goats. And He is now sitting upon the throne of His Father. And if you don’t believe that, I will read it to you. Paul said God has exalted Him up far above all principality and power and made Him sit down at the right hand of God. And Steven was stoned out there, looking up seeing a vision, said “I see Jesus.” And He appeared just like He was when He was walking around on the earth in that vision, standing at the right hand of God, just like that incorporeal form. Seen Him in both forms standing at the right hand of God, and they went on and stoned him, and he was looking at a vision. Now I told you that that thing was going on now. But here is one thing that I don’t want to forget to tell you. A carnal mind… Eyes haven’t seen, ears haven’t heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of man the things that God has prepared for them that love Him, but God has revealed them unto us by His Spirit. Now I said that to get a good one in on you, to get a good one on you. See, now here you are, you got your Bible in your arm walking around stupid, just as stupid as you could be. And a little chance of —- —–. Paul said God revealed them unto us by His spirit. “I know a man above fourteen years ago that was exalted up to the third heaven and heard things unlawful for a man to utter.” It’ll have to be the Holy Ghost that gets ’em through, He’s the teacher. He’ll have to find the words to express ’em to you before you can comprehend. Now here it is, revealed them unto us by the spirit. Now I told you Paul was caught up in the spirit. Now here John is out on the Isle of Patmos. Said, “I was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day. I was in the spirit.” Now said, “I was in the spirit.” Now remember I told you about the spirit on the 6th day of June, AD 33, this is 96. I told you in God we live and move and have our beings, we never have gotten outside of Him. See he’s within the spirit all of his life and you to and everybody else and the whole universe and its totality. Remember that? Now the spirit is in him. Jesus prayed in the 17th Chapter of St. John that they may be one as we are. The spirit and the teacher is one and the same. Then what you can’t see physically is just God Himself taking, the same God taking on shape and form, same God coming down here and walked around in the flesh, same God took off that flesh and went back into this incorporeal form that He was in before. Where you headed to? Going back into the spirit, I mean where it’s not visible to us. Are you like following me in what I’m talking about?

Now here’s Jesus, and as I told you, now God had raised Him from the dead and sit Him down at His own right hand, and took Him into Heaven itself, the highest exalted state you could be in. And it don’t have to be way up there in the sky, I told you it could be right down on the ground. Now here is John down on the ground again, while on the Isle of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. And said I was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day or in the Realm of Eternity. And what he saw in the vision, write it down in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia. And then the Pope, the Papacy said, that after the decease of Peter, and Peter was suppose to have gone out in 67, him and Paul both, and then they said Linus took his place. Now this is 96. Now you know the difference between 67 and 96, don’t you? And Linus is supposed to be Pope back yonder after the decease of Peter, and Anacletus and all. Pope John, he threw out one of ’em. They said you can’t do that. Just lying like a dog cause they don’t understand spiritual things. And then look here, when Christ told them, you heard it read there, that Jesus told them there in Matthew, you read it, Matthew 28:19; “Go ye therefore in all the world and preach the Gospel.” And the Papacy said that the reason why John wasn’t made the Pope succeeding Peter was because John’s Bishopric was only local, that is he had charge of the seven churches which is in Asia. And so Linus, his bishopric was Universal and John’s with limitations. And here Jesus said go ye in all the world. When you ever gonna wake up? Now here he is he’s in the spirit. Now I want you to see what I’m talking about. Now he saw that harlot, (just to try to give you something, let me give it to you). He saw that harlot in a vision. He’s in heaven now, in the third heaven! Yes ma’am! Yes sir, yes ma’am, Yes Sir! Yes Ma’am! Talking about what’s revealed to us by the scripture, yes ma’am. And he said he saw that woman, see that scarlet colored beast with them spots on it rise up out of the sea. And why was that? See these multitudes, and see how Pharaoh was overthrown in the sea. He’s looking right back down there and he’s got to confirm it. That’s why his life was preserved on the Isle of Patmos. Now here he’s caught up in the spirit and he’s looking down, he’s seeing everything. Saw that Satanic spirit rise up out of the sea. And that Satanic spirit’s just like an animal. And you know how an animal is, he’s just eating grass, eating anything, you know. Never look up to see, still yet eating, he don’t know nothing, he’s out there just eating! So far as where it come from and what it is all about, he don’t know nothing about it. Now that’s where a man without the Holy Ghost he’s just like an animal, the beast that John’s describing. You know how he said he had seven heads and ten horns, upon his horns ten crowns, and you know that Babylon was broken down. And Babylon, Media-Persia, Greecia and Rome, he can’t dodge, he stands right in the way, and he just get knocked flat on his back every time. And every time he jump up and try to raise up, bam, down he go again. So now John is out here and he’s seeing this. And God is revealing unto him by the spirit what He has prepared for him, I mean prepared from the foundation of the earth. And he sees that scarlet colored beast, and she was high strutting. And John looked upon that woman, oh and she was all decked and she was riding on that scarlet colored beast. You know how a leopard is all spotted up there. Them spots is natural! You can’t take no detergent or spot remover and get it off, it’s just on there, it’s natural for it to be. And there was that woman… Oh boy I telling you, some of these gals do look good. You just might as well admit it, sure they do. God made her like that for the glory of a man, yes indeed, give her to him. Don’t you let ‘em fool you either girls. And so now John he sees that woman arrayed in scarlet with that Gold Cup in her hand, and she’s riding out yonder. That’s the mystery of iniquity. And John said he looked upon her with great admiration. Now watch him, here he goes in the spirit, heard a voice out of heaven saying, “Come on get up!” Elevate him on up further in the spirit. Carried him on up in the spirit and he looked down and said, “Uh-oh! That thing! Oh no! Oh no! No-no!” That’s confusion, that’s Catholicism and Protestantism and ignorance, and stupidity, In other words, it’s the Mystery of Iniquity, and she had that cup full of the abomination, the mystery of iniquity. Now do you see it now? And there he looked upon her and found out that Babylon was the Mother of Harlots, the cage of every foul and unclean bird. And the voice of God cried, “Come out of her, confusion, come out of her my people, that ye be not partaker of her sin and receive of her plague.” Now I haven’t done nothing, see now it just, just exactly right. Now remember I told you I wanted to talk to you about ignorance. Well, somebody say, “Well you gone tell me all about it in—– minutes?” —- —- here it is right now almost twenty-five minutes after —- and we’ve gone since ten o’clock. But if you give me two or three minutes I’ll tell you about it. Will you give me five? Will you suffer it that long?

AUDIENCE: Yes! Go ahead!

DR. KINLEY: You’ll suffer it that long. Now look, remember I don’t have but a few minutes, so you’ll have to give me time, I mean you gonna have to pay attention cause I’m gone try to condense it and shorten it. Now here is Jesus, He’s fulfilling water baptism, circumcision, Passovers, and everything. All carnal ordinances was nailed to the cross, every natural thing that you could do. “For the first Tabernacle stood only in meats, drinks, and carnal ordinances.” Now when He fulfilled the law, and when He died out there on the cross, He said it’s finished. One jot and one tittle of it shall in no wise pass from the law until it is all fulfilled. Now here He is nailed to the cross and carnal ordinances are nailed to the cross. Now a carnal ordinance is water baptism, it’s foot washing, it’s Passovers, (feast of the Passover), it’s just all, every natural thing. Every natural thing, all that is carnal ordinances, particularly under the law, and God said He’s gone make a new covenant with the house of Israel, not according to that one, which I told you that the invisible was understood by the visible. God’s moving out all the natural, moving it all out. You remember that the Apostle Paul said that he was a blasphemer? And he did it; he received mercy because he did it… You wanna read it? 1st Timothy 1:13 and see if it ain’t like I said. I do want you to see this. I’m fixing to go away like I told you, but I do want you to see this.

READER: Who was before a blasphemer. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and a persecutor. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and injurious. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: but I obtained mercy . . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: because I did it ignorantly. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: In unbelief. . . .

DR. KINLEY: In unbelief. Now Doc if you went to Galatians and to the 15th Chapter of Acts of Apostles, (Please listen folks! Please hear me), and the 8th Chapter of Acts of the Apostles and then you’ll get you a run down. Paul was going through… Now you can’t argue, I said water baptism is out, it is no good. It is no good. Then some idiot says “Well what about the application in the 19th Chapter of Acts?” Now what about it? And you heard me tell him. Didn’t Phillip go down into the water? Didn’t He baptize that Ethiopian eunuch in the water? See all those questions… [Side 2]…. Jesus said therefore go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature baptizing them in the Name of the Father. Say “Well, you can’t baptize him in the Holy Ghost, ain’t nothing else for you to baptize him with, but water!” Well, what do you think about this? Said, “He that believeth on me as the Scriptures has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” This spake He of the spirit, not that water out there that John’s baptizing in! Now all carnal ordinances is done away with. Now here the man get up then, that went down there and baptized, (Stephanas out here), then turned around and he himself, said it ain’t no good! You get it? And when he thought it was some good, and before he received the Holy Ghost, (I want you to hear me now), he was going around and putting to death, and stood by while Steven was murdered, and held the raiment of them that slew him. That man was a blasphemer and injurious! Because they didn’t keep the Law of Moses, he was putting ’em to death and putting ’em in jail! Blasphemer. But he was doing it through ignorance, he didn’t know, he was doing it in defense of the law. When he’s on his way down to Damascus, (listen at me folks), he’s on his way down to Damascus after He had resurrected, now they didn’t know that God had fulfilled them carnal ordinances. They were killing them people because they wouldn’t keep the ordinances. They’d go and put ’em to death. And on his way Damascus, and you’ll find out that Damascus was in Canaan’s land, not to far from Jerusalem. The Gospel had been preached there and they had been scattered to far. —-were putting ’em to death, anybody who’d received Him, and wouldn’t fool with no carnal ordinances! That why they were putting ’em to death! And when he went before King Agrippa, he said I count myself happy that I’m permitted to speak for myself, touching all things whereof the Jews accused me of. Said, look here O King you know you heard about how I put ’em to death because they wouldn’t keep the law, and because they wouldn’t serve them carnal ordinances, that the devil could profit, water baptism, yes ma’am and yes sir, or Passovers, Lord suppers. Listen, you get them crackers and take ’em out of here! Get that basin out of here washing somebody’s feet. See it wouldn’t do, all them are carnal ordinances, natural, it’s been moved out. Those are natural things that pointed to the spirit. Like washing the disciple’s feet, that was symbolical, and it was Christ, which is the Word of God washing, (the Washing of Regeneration), and that is by the Creator, Himself! And He said, if I don’t wash you, if the Word of God don’t wash you, you won’t have no part with Me. And what did He do that for? He was fulfilling the things that Moses taught. The Apostle brought, I mean brought Nadab and Abihu to the door. He took up some water out of the laver and washed them, and put on the garments. And Christ was fulfilling it. And that’s under the dispensation of the law. And you’re reading in the 13th chapter of St. John, and you stupid enough to call it the New Testament. You don’t see it’s the biography. You don’t see that He’s fulfilling it and moving it out of the way as a natural thing, or the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost. And then when they got the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost, all these natural that He finished, He bowed His head out there in the locks of His shoulders out there on Golgotha, said “It’s finished.” I’ve finished fulfilling every jot and every tittle of the law and all of the Carnal ordinances, because the first Tabernacle stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances until the time of the reformation. Somebody said “Well, didn’t his spirit still go down in the water?” I don’t care where it went to it’s still wrong. And Paul was sent to tell ’em. And it don’t make no difference about whether we’re Jews or Gentiles, it’s still yet wrong. And Paul wrote to the Hebrews and told them that in the 6th Chapter of Hebrews. “Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on into perfection.” Let’s don’t go back over in that under the law there. And Paul’s saying, therefore, leaving the doctrine of Christ, let us go into perfection, not laying again the foundation from dead works, such as water baptism. He named it out there, and told the Jews, and —- —- —- prophets. Now here comes a little old carnal mind, and they blame it on Jesus, and say this. Said Jesus come and said, said He said for ’em to baptize in the name of the Father, and I did it myself. And if you want take, as they call it the four gospels, now you find that in Matthew 28:19. Now here comes up Luke that wrote the Acts of the Apostles, and also wrote the gospel according to St. Luke, testifying the same thing, instead of saying go ye therefore and baptizing ’em in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Luke explains what the meaning of it is. He said He said unto them, said “Now you go on back unto Jerusalem, and you stay there.” Said “Remission… (hey Jimmy), remission of sins should be preached in His name beginning at Jerusalem.” And you could start at Jerusalem and then you go on down to Samaria, and you go on into Judea, go into every place and teach that remission of sins is in His Name; in other words, cast out in the Name. Why, because there’s no other name given under heaven whereby men can be saved. Every carnal ordinance it was back there, all of them pointed to Christ Jesus, and there’s no salvation in no other name. And I wanna to tell you that the blood of bulls and goats and heifers and turtle doves sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Jesus Christ purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. You’re living in a spiritual dispensation. And every man that recommend you be baptized, and you can’t find in the Bible, you can’t find where one Gentile ever has been baptized in water. Peter was the only one that recommended in the 10th chapter of Acts of Apostles. And when Cornelius and them come in, Peter commanded them to be baptized. And here it comes back with that Holy Ghost that he’s got, and Peter said then remembered he the words of the Lord, how He said that John truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. And now the Holy Ghost was poured out, so Pete told them back up in Jerusalem, “The Holy Ghost was poured out on Cornelius, as it was on us, as at the beginning.” Now they had been baptized at John’s baptism and on the Day of Pentecost they received the Holy Ghost. But now look here, these have got the Holy Ghost just like we did at the beginning. And now I —–, and so he commanded them to be baptized, and here Jesus done died and all them carnal ordinances done been nailed to the cross. And then he remembered the words that Jesus said to Him in the first chapter of Acts of Apostles, you can read about it. Yes, before He ascended and said “John truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.” Yes, here’s some more mystery of the ——-. Jesus, in the 15th Chapter of John said every tree, I am the true vine and you are the branches… Did He say it?


DR. KINLEY: Answer me!

AUDIENCE: Yes! That’s right!

DR. KINLEY: That was under the law when He said that, and that was just before He died. Said I am the true vine and my Father is the husbandman, the Spirit is the husband man. Every branch that brings forth fruit, said He purges it that it might bring forth more fruit And every one that don’t, He takes it away, His Father takes it away. Now here they come, and I’m talking about them Jews that rejected Him, and I’m talking about Christ, and I’m talking about them Gentiles, how they got in. You don’t plant ’em and you don’t drop ’em, because if you do, if you carry them out to plant ’em in water, just get any water on ’em at all, then you’re planting them. He wasn’t planted before! You can’t find no record of it in the Bible, it’s just one of them great mysteries. By and by Jesus said that they were broken off. Now you have to look in the 11th Chapter of Romans and the 16th and 17th verse. Read it for yourself! The Jews that was broken off, they’re planted! Wasn’t broken off in the roots, the tree had done grown on up into fruition, and the fruition was after they got the Holy Ghost, it’s broken off there. All them Jews that rejected Jesus, rejected, His blood atonement, they were broken off. The tree, she’s grown on up and they’re broken off out of the branches —- —- —-, or before they got the Holy Ghost. And now here comes along the Gentiles, and the Gentiles he was just grafted in right up there where the Jew was broken off at. That means that he missed baptism, missed it in its entirety and got the Holy Ghost down at Cornelius’ house. When Peter recommended him to be carried back, the Holy Ghost corrected him, and brought it back to his remembrance. And when he got back to Judea, not only did they question him about the Holy Ghost, when he got back up there, there was the other ten sitting up there all tightened up about it, because he went to Cornelius’ house in the first place. And the church said “Look here, you went unto the Gentiles.” They done forgot all about the Great Commission, where He said “Go ye in all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature,” and them Gentiles to, and Jew to, “Beginning in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the utmost parts of the earth.” They done forgot about when Jesus said that before He stepped aboard that cloud and they saw that vision. Now when Peter goes down to Cornelius’ house and the Holy Ghost fell on ’em, the Gentiles, according to the promise that God had made and grafted ’em all in the Holy Ghost without getting in water. Pete got messed up on it, and commanded ’em to be baptized, then the Lord revealed it to him by His spirit. Well then that was Pete. So now here it is, Pete goes by up to Jerusalem to the other ten, that’s John and the rest of ’em. And when he gets up there, and they began to bring an accusation against him only cause he went to the Gentiles, not because he baptized them or didn’t baptize them, because he went to the Gentiles in the first place. They done overlooked the fact that Jesus had told them to go and preach the Gospel to every creature, (the Jew and the Gentiles). Start right here at Jerusalem and then go to Samaria and the utmost parts of the earth. Don’t you see that mystery now coming in there? So now when it come time for him to go, which is seven years from that date, and how come it’s seven years? Because the temple here was seven years in the building, and the Gentiles, a court of the Gentiles was in it. See He said, “Destroy this Temple and I’ll build it again in three days.” Now here He goes down and He comes up on the third day, and in Him is the Gentile and the Jew. And Paul said He broke down the middle wall of partition, and made us, us who? (the Jew and the Gentile) to sat together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. And Paul was saying it’s broken down and we’re now in the spirit. We ain’t dib dabbling around no more in the flesh at all. That’s all over with! And it don’t make no difference whether you be Jew and Gentile, it don’t make no difference whether you be male and female but you’re all one in Christ. Made us sit together, get this one now, in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. And Paul said, looking at the thing in the 3rd Chapter of Colossians, “When Christ… You are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life shall appear, said then “We’ll appear right with Him.” That’s the reason why I told you, you sat together in heavenly places. It don’t appear that you’re there, but when Christ who is our life in which we live, does appear, then we’ll appear with Him. I mean right there with Him, and you’ll see the vision and all. I’ll be right with Him, I’m with Him in the spirit, it don’t look like it, but I am. Do you see through what I’m talking about? All the natural’s been abolished. And so another stupe standing up here, (the mystery of iniquity), said now “Look here, are you willing to come and give me your hand and start on your way to heaven tonight? I don’t know what’s there, but you come on and start out tonight.” Is there anybody in here, and with them carnal ordinances, and here he go just as stupid as he can be, don’t know about no more way to go to heaven. And you get up there and give him your hand. He say’s “Give me your hand. Is anybody, I’m going to open the doors of this church.” And Jesus when He penetrated out down on Golgotha, and David said, A fountain was opened in the house of the Lord, and all nations shall flow into it.” And then John on the Isle of Patmos caught up in the spirit, and he seen the heavens open and he said “It was a door opened in heaven.” And he said “Behold I sat before you an open door.” And here this idiot standing up here talking about he’s gone open the doors of this church. He don’t realized that the church is the spiritual body of Christ. And Christ is saying “I sat before you an open door, no man can close it,” any more so than any man could have opened that door on that Ark after God had closed it, and them people screaming out there, and the flood waters coming. And that idiot, he don’t see that the men that have the spirit of God, he does not walk, in 1st Corinthians 12th Chapter, 13th verse, you can read it if you want to, said “By one spirit are we all baptized into the one Christ and into the one hope of your calling,” that means Jews and Gentiles. How you get in Christ is not water, you can’t wet nobody into Him. Ain’t that right? In the 12th Chapter of Hebrews Paul said, “Now you’re not come to the Mount that might be touched.” You haven’t come now to the River Jordan, you haven’t come now —–, but you are come, not to the mount that can be touched, but you’ve come to the General Assembly. You’ve come to God, that’s in the Spirit. You have come to Christ in the spirit. And you’ve come to an innumerable company of Angels. That’s where you’ve come in the spirit. When you get the Holy Ghost, then you’re sitting right in the presence of God. It don’t look like you’re there, but you’re there. The Gentile’s grafted in, grafted in how, by faith, and not by the works of the law. And Paul said to the Galatians: “He that ministers the spirit to you, does he do it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith?” All you do is sit right there and listen at what God said, and you accept it by faith that God will fulfill His promise. And God has promised to bless you if you just have faith in Jesus Christ. If you just believe that God has given His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish. If you can just believe that, come on up out of the pit! Come on up out of everything natural, see it’s by faith. We walk by faith and not by sight, and not by the natural things. As many as are led by the spirit, they are the sons of God. You understand what I’m talking about? All right then. Now read the 11th Chapter when them Jews —- — — repentance from dead works, then try fifteen.

READER: Now if the first fruit be hold. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: the lump is also holy. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and if the root be holy . . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: so are the branches. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: And if some of the branches be broken off. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, he’s a partaker of the roots, and the — — — raft in the Gentile. Where you going? in among the branches not roots. But if some of the branches be broken off… Now I’m showing you the difference between planting and grafting. Water baptism, that’s planting, and grafting comes… Paul said if some of the branches be broken off, read.

READER: and thou being a wild olive tree. . . .

DR. KINLEY: And you being a wild, (the Gentile), being a wild olive tree. Now if some of the branches were broken off and you being a wild olive tree, read.

READER: were grafted in among them. . . .

DR. KINLEY: were grafted in among them, not planted but grafted in among them. All right read.

READER: and with them partakest of the root. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and fatness of the olive tree. . . .

DR. KINLEY: And fatness of the olive tree. That’s why I told you, your water baptism was in Jesus Christ, your circumcision and everything else. All right read.

READER: boast not against the branches. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Boast not against the branches, telling the Gentiles not to do that. Don’t do that. Boast not against the branches. All right, read.

READER: but if you boast . . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: thou bearest not the root . . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: but the root thee. . . .

DR. KINLEY: But the root thee. That’s reason why I say that Pope John and Pope Paul ain’t got no business sitting over there blowing and boasting about being the head of the church. You see, they’re Gentiles according to His purpose. And God gave it to… and the Gospel was meant for the Jews and the Gentiles. And he didn’t have no business boasting about or against the branches. All right, read.

READER: and thou will say then. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: the branches were broken off. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that I might be grafted in. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats). Read.

READER: Well. . . .


READER: because of unbelief. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Because, God broke ’em off because they didn’t believe. That’s why they got broke off, and that’s why they didn’t receive the Holy Ghost. That’s why they rejected John’s baptism and wasn’t baptized, cause they didn’t believe. Well, because of unbelief they were broken off. The branches now, I didn’t say roots Freddy! You heard me you ain’t blind! I know the difference between roots and branches and so don’t you, don’t you?


DR. KINLEY: All right, read on.

READER: and thou standest by faith. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: Be not high-minded but fear. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Don’t be going out here boasting and blowing about this, but fear.

READER: For if God spared not the natural branches. . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats). Read.

READER: take heed . . . .

DR. KINLEY: take heed, — — —, take heed lest He don’t spare you. Read.

READER: Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God. . . .

DR. KINLEY: Look at the goodness and severity of God. Now you know you can’t do no arguing…


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