Jude: Earth Going Back to Chaos

Lecture given by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley in 1970.

Transcriber’s Notes

Transcribed by Beverly Allen

DR. KINLEY: Thank you ever so much; greetings in the bond of peace. I’m truly happy and glad to be back, and to bring you a report about the progress of the schools that are in parts of this country, and also in Hamilton Ontario Canada . Everybody back there is progressing well, and not only that they are increasing in number, and people are looking for the truth. They’re conscious and aware that they have not receive it, and have no knowledge of it. Everywhere you go you find the same thing, here and out of this country.

There was a young lady in Detroit Michigan with Dr. Mixon, a real young lady, and they chose to call her “Peewee.” Peewee came to Springfield and she preached. And I told her and the group there to send her around to all of the schools if it were possible for her to go around. Dr. Harris came through, and she came here, and you heard her preach. Now I told you about that one, because we have one now from Kingston Canada, she’s younger than Peewee, she’s a young white girl. She was with Dr. Billy Carrol in Springfield Sunday, and of course I was giving my farewell address and, and so she didn’t have the opportunity to speak. And then there were quite a few people that make no practice of coming to school and they knew I was just about to depart, why then they wanted to hear what I had to say, and so for their benefit I went ahead on and expressed the doctrine. And this Dr. Billy Carrol had two young women, two young while girls with him, one is 17 years old and the other 20, who were with him in Springfield. And they decided that they would go to Birmingham, Alabama, and they are now in Birmingham, Alabama. And I was informed that this young lady preached like Peewee, and just 17 years old, and her sister is 20. And then they are going from Little Rock, I mean from Birmingham over to Little Rock and they’re going to spend a little time there with Dr. Dewey McCoy. And when I left them Sunday they were planning on going from Little Rock back, and by the way of Chicago to Detroit and on back into Canada. This morning I received a long distance telephone call from Dr. Jones in Birmingham, and he told me that he would be here on the 8 th of October, and of course as I’ve already stated, Dr. Billy Carrol and these two young white ladies are with him. And they have changed their mind this morning because they knew that I wanted them to come this way if possible. And they told me this morning that they will be here after they get through with Little Rock. So there we are.

Now I should go back over this to this extent: It’s been about 27 people that belong to class here, that visited Ohio and these other schools. We said in 1969 at the convention that we wouldn’t have a convention this year, and then we would be given an opportunity then to go from one to the other and try to help out all over these United States of America. And we would do what we could, since we’ve published the book, to send it into foreign countries, that is the 2 nd edition. Now that’s the second time that we have sent books all over the world. And what we said in those books, and the one that you have here, nobody from nowhere can disapprove it. Now you just can’t do it. So we have sent them all over the world. Now I said that for this reason: those people that are here for the first time or new people that they might know and they might realize that there is something to this work, and you can’t refute it, you can’t dispute it. Now I know, and you do too, anything you say somebody is going to say, “Well I don’t believe it, I disagree with it.” Well that’s to be expected too.

I told you that in the year 1931 that Yahweh Elohim caught me up to heaven and revealed to me His purpose from beginning to end down through the ages and dispensations of time. And this is now my 40 th year that I have been preaching and teaching this doctrine. I did what you call “Make predictions,” been doing it for 40 years. And I have never told you anything but what didn’t come to pass. I told you about what’s happening all over the world; I told you how it was done. I told you that if it didn’t happen like I said, “Don’t come back there won’t be no school; now there just won’t be none.” People have been healed of all kinds of disease, and they sitting here looking me in my face. We have the various miscellaneous types of academically trained professional people of every vocation and walk of life. And there is somebody here, or thereupon, that is just as smart as you are. Do you understand? They are; they’re all around in the room. And they recognize, and they realize, and willing to confess and admit that they have previously been taught wrong. And incidentally some of them are teachers that come to this school from other organizations. So I want you to know now before I go any further and let you know that this is not a fly by night or some hallucination that we have come up with in these last days. It is not a new thing, it is an old thing; it reaches clear on back into the Godhead itself, and all down through the dispensations and ages. It is the same Yahweh Elohim now that it was then, and it will be the same in the future as it was in the past.

Now I have told you many times, which I’m going to bring to your attention as of now. I told you many times that I was assistant pastor in the Church of God, and to cut that up real short, I was excommunicated or put out. Now if it had been all that bad and on me, I wouldn’t have told you about it; I didn’t realize at that time that Yahweh was working with me. And I was hurt, hurt real bad, and cried many nights, my pillow was wet with tears, because I had no way at all of reconciling those brethren. I didn’t know myself what it was. And for two long years of my life, I took my little dog and went up to the springs, and upon the riverbank, the creek bank, and I sit there and I looked at nature. And I wondered, wondered to myself… Now this is what was in my mind, the 17 th Chapter of Acts was in my mind, how that the Apostle Paul said there, “That Yahweh had appointed a day wherein He would judge the world in righteousness by that man who He had ordained.” If this be true I thought surely there ought to be some way that we as a people on this earth plane, in order to be even justified or condemned, there ought to be some way that is stipulated in the Bible that we might know the difference between right and wrong that we might understand. Now it was gonna have to be that with me ! Because if He did not have no way whereby you could prove to the world that they were either right or wrong, then it would be an absolute impossibility for Him to judge the world in righteousness; just couldn’t be done . Do you understand what I’m talking about? If He didn’t have a way… Now some people are hard of understanding I’ve got that learned too. If He didn’t have a way to tell the Pharisees, and the Scribes, and the Sadducees what was right and what was wrong, then He wouldn’t be justified in sending a man away to the Lake or to Hell or to the Lake, and in that there wouldn’t be no God . There cannot be a God without a Purpose! And you cannot send somebody into oblivion or destruction without presenting him with some proof and some righteousness. And it doesn’t make any difference about how stubborn he is, and how much resistance he puts up, and his failure to acknowledge the truth, there’s a way there to lay it down and he can’t miss it.

Now let me give you some simplicity: Now here the prophet spoke about the resurrection. Yahshua the Messiah said, “I am the resurrection and the life,” in the 11 th Chapter of St. John to Martha and Mary. Now there were those in that day that didn’t believe in the resurrection, the Sadducees. Now let’s get modern right now today and just show it to you. Now if the farmers did not believe that them seeds they planted in the ground were to come up, do you think they’d be laboring out there fussing and carrying on planting seeds? Now I don’t care how big a fool you are, now that’s just the end of your story, them seeds come up. Now just like He was planted in Joseph’s new tomb He come up. ALL OF NATURE SAYS THAT HE DID! And when the spermatic fluid that’s generated in your masculine organs and injected into the female, that too is a seed. What takes place? A child is born; in other words he comes on out into this earth. See all of this is looking you right in the face and telling you you’re wrong. Now that’s what all of nature is, it is definite, it is positive, it is basic, it is concrete, and dogmatic, and irrefutable proof that Yahweh does exist! Now that is the production of an ontological argumentation. That shuts all men’s mouths. We didn’t ask you what church you belong to, doesn’t make any difference with us. Somebody says, “Well I believe this, and somebody else believe something else, and so forth and so on.” I don’t care what you believe you can’t dispute that. Can you dispute it? It doesn’t make any difference what color you are you can’t dispute that.

Now these are ways that Yahweh has chosen to present this evidence to the world, and in it He will be able to judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained. Everything, every animate and inanimate object in the universe, including you, are put together, shaped, formed, and animated, in order to prove the Divine Authenticity, the Unerring Accuracy, and the Absolute Infallibility of the Purpose of Yahweh. Now that is what we’re after in this school. WE WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH – MY JOB IS PRESENTING IT TO YOU. You can accept it if you choose to or reject it if you want to , I’ve discharged my indispensable duty.

Now if I tell you that I was caught up to heaven, and Yahweh revealed by a vision His purpose… I told you this before when I saw the vision I didn’t understand it. It makes me think, and I’ll say to you that John on the Isle of Patmos saw the vision, and there were some things about it that he didn’t understand. And right in that (you find it in Revelations I don’t have time to go into all of it), said, “Now the sea which I saw were the multitudes.” And he went on to tell you, or to listing this, that, and the other of what it is he saw. Now I’m saying this: See I saw the vision! And after I saw the vision I didn’t understand it, so then the meaning of it was revealed me. And after it was revealed to me I knew right then there wasn’t any need for me to go out and try to preach nothing to nobody; it shut my mouth as tight as a clam. I took my little dog and went by the river, and now I wondered how I’m going to get it over to the world. AND RIGHT IN THAT I WAS TOLD TO MAKE THESE CHARTS, JUST COULDN’T START WITHOUT THEM. Said, “Now I don’t understand all that stuff you got in there.” One person said it looked like scrambled eggs. Well, you may not, but after it’s explained to you, you’ll find out there isn’t anybody that’s ever been in the world can fix this. It’ll take you apart cell-by-cell, atom-by-atom, it will analyze you inside and out, the things that you think negative or positive, it’s got your number. And we have never had nobody that come to this school, and stays around here, but what didn’t have to admit that it was right. Now listen, I want you to know this. Now here’s the way the devil use to say about it: “I bet you don’t have nobody out of our church.” Yes we do, yes we do; we have somebody out of your church, we surely do. Now the reason why I said that, see there people in these various different so called churches, now they’re dogmatic, they believe they’re right (I’ll get to that in a few minutes) they believe they’re right, you can’t tell ‘em anything. They know they’re right! And when it comes to discussing or sitting down discussing something with somebody, they want you to shut up and listen at them. They think they got all the answers; now that’s just not so. Now for those types of people, we have had quite a lot of them to come and stand in the pulpit out of any of the churches you wanna talk about, including yours, stand right in this pulpit, and permitted to say anything they wanted to. But now listen, after I get through listening to your testimony, which I will do, I want you to hear mine. They kinda thought that they were so important they would run in here and speak or divine for about an hour and grab his hat and run off, he don’t wanna listen; we cut that out. I don’t want you to have nobody else in this pulpit that can’t hear our side of the story. Now if we’ve got patience enough to listen to yours, then you listen at ours. Now that’s the only way we gonna get together. Now when you get up here to tell your story, and you tell what you think, I want you to know this: that there are people in this school that really know what it is all about and they are reading you. AND FROM WHAT YOU SAY, THEY KNOW WHETHER YOU KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW.

Now we had a special scripture, if you choose to call it that, read tonight. And I know everybody didn’t hear it, so I want it read again, most particularly the first parts of it. Would you read please? Read loud, clear, and distinct; you listen.

READER: Now the spirit speaketh expressly…

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, it didn’t say Paul was talking; it didn’t say any of the apostles was talking. Now when you start to read something you pay attention to what you’re read and see who said it. Now this is Paul’s epistle or letter to Timothy. And he is telling Timothy, who was a young man and he had the gift of prophecy, he’s telling him, since he has the gift of prophecy what was in the future – what the spirit says about the future. He says, “The spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter days,” that is in the close of this age – what?

READER: some shall depart from the faith…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: giving heed to…

DR. KINLEY: Whupp! Some shall depart from the faith. Now I just could say to you, WHAT FAITH? If you don’t mind standing there a minute, I’d like to confirm that, Jude.

READER: Beloved when I gave all diligence…

DR. KINLEY: Beloved when I gave all diligence! I WAS DEEPLY CONCERNED! He’s writing this epistle, writing it to the Jews saying to them “Beloved when I gave all diligence,” I WAS EARNEST! I WAS SINCERE! All right, when I gave all diligence to write…

READER: unto you…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: of the common salvation…

DR. KINLEY: of the COMMON! Common salvation. Now you got one of those uncommon things, but this is a common thing. The word salvation means to be delivered. And everybody’s got to be delivered this way, so therefore it’s a common thing. All right, read on Dr. Harris.

READER: it was needful for me to write unto you…

DR. KINLEY: It was NECESSARY for me to write to you. Now if it hadn’t been necessary I wouldn’t have wrote the epistle. It was necessary or needful for me to write unto you. Now if he was standing right there with them at the time he would have told ‘em face to face, but he wasn’t there so he’s writing to ‘em. All right read.

READER: and exhort you…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that you should earnestly…

DR. KINLEY: That you should, whether you do or not, YOU SHOULD earnestly contend for THE FAITH ! The spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter days many, (NOT A FEW), MANY shall depart from THE FAITH . What’s happening? GIVING HEED TO SEDUCING SPIRITS! Here comes along one devil, he’s got one doctrine and he’s seducing you to come over and join his gang! And another one over there he comes along seducing or persuading you to come over and join his gang; he’s got a philosophy and a doctrine. And Jude said, “It was necessary for me to write.” Paul says, “The spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter days this will happen.” Would you like to argue? You got the Roman Catholics, you got the Protestants, you got the Bahai, you’ve got the people of Buddha, you got the Mohammedans, you got the Methodists, and you’ve got the Baptists, you’ve just got all every kind of a thing. Do you wanna say that they’re not around? SOMEBODY’S BEEN SEDUCED INTO SOMETHING, AND IT WAS NOT THE DOCTRINE OF RECONCILIATION. So you see you’ve been persuaded all along into these things by these seducing spirits that are incarnated in physical bodies posing as ministers of light or doctors of divinity, priests, cardinals, reverends and whatnot. All right read on Dr. Harris. It was needful or necessary for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith, which was once delivered unto the, no not saints… Saint is a word that’s originated in… The purest or divine etymological meaning of it is it got its derivative or roots from the Roman Catholic Church, and it has no business in that Bible you’ve got. Behold what manner of love is that which Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called saints…

STUDENTS: No sons.

DR. KINLEY: Sons of God. I’ll get you back over here about John, read on.

READER: for there are certain men…

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, now you listen at me. For there are certain men, there are certain men – read.

READER: crept in unaware…

DR. KINLEY: Now they crept in unaware posing as ministers of light, and you haven’t noticed when they crept in unaware, and then what?

READER: who were ordained of old ordained to this condemnation…

DR. KINLEY: Now look, look folks, I don’t want you to miss a beat; I don’t want you to miss a one. Just reading the Bible don’t mean nothing unless you understand it. Them satanic spirits were cast out of heaven, and they come on down through the Garden of Eden, so they were men of old, see come all the way down, no brand new thing. If it was a war in heaven that accounts for one in the earth, since he was cast out, a war there. And it’s an old one too, and it come all the way down through the dispensations and ages transforming and changing themselves into preachers and prophets, or teachers and prophets. No new thing same old soup warmed over. All right

READER: who were before of old…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: ordained to this condemnation…

DR. KINLEY: Now they were ordained to that condemnation. Now you just take a couple of looks around and see which way you’re going, and who you’re following, because they were ordained to that condemnation way back up there in that garden and on down through the dispensations, and then to the lake. Now if they were back there they got to be right up here. I’m talking about those satanic spirits incarnated in men…

READER: wicked men…

DR. KINLEY: wicked men! Wicked! wicked men, read.

READER: turning the grace…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, turning the grace… Say do you know what grace is? Define grace somebody.

STUDENTS: Unmerited; unearned

DR. KINLEY: It’s an unmerited… You did not merit it! You did not earn it! You didn’t work for it! It was a free gift! Yahweh gave His only begotten Son THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVED IN HIM should not perish but have everlasting life. It was a free gift. TURNING THE GRACE of our Yahweh Elohim into lasciviousness! What is lasciviousness?

STUDENTS: Foolishness

DR. KINLEY: Foolishness. Got you out there working for it. Saying you got to do this, and you got to do that, and you got to do the other to merit salvation. Got you working for something that is a free gift, and then turn it into a lot of foolishness, and got you working trying to merit something. Wanna know something about the works? Got you offering up sacrifices. Now you know the sacrifices you should be offering up now? What did the Apostle say about that? “Beloved, I exhort you that you should offer your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto Yahweh, (now listen buddy, we didn’t know that was even in there), and not the sacrifices of animals and like that, ” which was under the dispensation of the law. Now water baptism, now these are carnal or physical or natural or literal ordinances that were given to Israel back here, which the Roman Catholics and the Protestants do now, and are wrong! Lord suppers and Passovers, a bunch of foolishness! Anybody knows water won’t wash away sins. And the blood of bulls and goats and heifers and turtledoves, that won’t do the job. And if it could have way back there it won’t do it now, not according to the newspaper reports that we’re getting. The waters is polluted, not even fit for you to drink, and contaminated. The air you breathed, the carboniferous gases, the carbon-monoxic gases in the air. You can’t even get a decent breadth. You know Yahweh breathed into Adam’s nostrils the breadth of life and he became a living soul; now you can’t even get a decent breadth. And water is hydrogen and oxygen mixed together; it makes a drop of water. Well you can’t get it out of the air you can’t get it out of the water. And if you look at your TV tonight, insecticide poison all over the place. You can’t get nothing good to eat, decent to eat, poison. And you know what you’re doing? You’re going right on back into this amalgamation and conglomeration, back in this chaosis as it was down here in Egypt. And you’re going right back in it standing up looking right straight at it! And Yahweh had put everything in it’s respective places. You standing around saying, “I don’t believe that stuff!” And a lot of ‘em dying every which a way. And wars going on, just stand up and shooting men down. What for? See what I mean. And he done took this opportunity, he’s a evil seducing spirit, “Now brother give me your hand and we’ll pray for you,” and you join the church. Is that how you got in your family, was you born in it or did you just join it? You can’t, you can’t argue with nothing like that. Isn’t that what Messiah told Nicodemus, said, “You must be born again.” Why then the whole family of heaven and earth, you don’t join it you’re born in it. Oh I tell you when it comes to facing it all, when it comes to facing it all like it ought to be – read on Dr. Harris.

READER: and denying the only Elohim…

DR. KINLEY: and denying…Dr. Harris put that sentence together there

READER: For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, wicked men…

DR. KINLEY: Wicked men

READER: turning the grace of our Elohim into lasciviousness…

DR. KINLEY: Turning the grace of our Elohim, (that’s you trying to minister) turning the grace of our Elohim or of our God into lasciviousness, a plain bunch of confounded foolishness. Read on.

READER: and denying…

DR. KINLEY: Listen, let me tell you something: and denying, and denying…

READER: the only Elohim…

DR. KINLEY: And denying the only Elohim or as you have in your Book, the only God. Well what about it?

READER: and our Saviour Yahshua the Messiah…

DR. KINLEY: And our Saviour Yahshua the Messiah, denying Him. Read on.

READER: I will therefore put you in remembrance…

DR. KINLEY: I will therefore put you in remembrance… I’ll call it to your attention in case you’ve forgotten. All right read.

READER: though you once knew this…

DR. KINLEY: Now though you once knew it…

READER: how that Yahweh…

DR. KINLEY: how that (talking to the Jews), how that Yahweh

READER: having saved the people…

DR. KINLEY: having saved the, (wasn’t Moses) having saved the people out of the land of Egypt. Is that what you got?

READER: That’s right

DR. KINLEY: Now listen here, the most of the majority of you sitting right in these seats, you didn’t realize that Yahshua the Messiah was back there in Egypt; you didn’t even know that. And even now after I said it, some of you that don’t know no better, and never thought about it, you would even believe that unless I read it to you. They didn’t know that. Said “Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary.” He was. And that same Jesus or Yahshua the Messiah was back there and brought them children of Israel out there. And as you know Him Yahshua, He was right back there to bring them people out of Egypt. Folks listen let me tell you something, when you’re talking about the Lord God as Jehovah and all like that, when you were talking about that, please respect the fact that that He’s been in all the ages and dispensations of time; would you mind respecting that? Now somebody don’t believe that He was back there. Our folks didn’t know it until here about 4 years ago, and though they read it in the Bible they still didn’t know it. Now read and see if it’s in there.

READER: Now moreover brethren…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: I would not that you should be ignorant…

DR. KINLEY: I don’t want you to be ignorant about it, but he was. And we gone put you in remembrance now, so you can remember. All right read.

READER: how that all our fathers were under the cloud…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and all passed through the sea…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and were all baptized unto Moses…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: in the cloud and in the sea…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and did all eat the same spiritual food…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and did all drink the same spiritual drink…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: for they drank of that Spiritual Rock…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that went with them…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and that Rock was…

DR. KINLEY: and that Rock was Peter!

READER: that Rock was the Messiah…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute now; wait a minute! There ain’t no sense in this ignorance you got out there. He didn’t say anything about building no church on Peter. Now look and listen, let me tell you how you can tell. See the thing just works over, it never does nothing else but repeats; it just never does nothing else but repeats over and over and over; over and over and over. He never built no church, even on Yahshua the Messiah as a man in the flesh, He didn’t build no church on that one. Now the word church means congregation or assembly, and there is no flesh and no blood in it, no sin in that at all. Well maybe you’d like to call Paul a lie, the 15 th Chapter of 1 st Corinthians says, “Now this I say brethren that flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.” Williams you ain’t going no where, I don’t care how well you can preach. You can read your Bible (now that man is educated) and he can read your Bible, that ain’t gone get it. Now do you know where you’re going? Now if you know where you come from you ought to at least know where you’re going. If you don’t know where you come from try reading over there in the Book. The man came from the dust of the earth, and that’s right where he’s going back too. Well somebody says, “Don’t you believe in the resurrection?” Of course, it’s sown a natural and raised a spiritual. Now if you thought that that hand full of beans and all that you planted was just gonna come up that hand full of beans you wouldn’t have planted them, you would have just kept ‘em while you had ‘em. [Student Body Laughs] O h I tell you, and that Rock that followed them was who?

READER: The Messiah

DR. KINLEY: Was the Messiah. Now that’s, now in the King James Version, you got that Rock that followed ‘em was Christ. Talking about these way back here, that Rock was way back here. When you did into it a little further, Revelations 3:14, you’ll find Him way back here. You get the point? And if you look over there in Colossians 1:13 &14 and you’ll find He created the whole thing. Now you got yourself a mess. Now you’re one of them Nicodemuses, “How can these things be ?” Now this is what, this is what that means, see this is the mystery of Yahweh, and the mystery of iniquity – you can’t see through it unless you’re born again. Now you see how much trouble we’ve gotten into here. Everybody reads the Bible. See we just, you don’t have to come down here to read. And some people are to, even to stupid to look in the Bible, and say “WE DON’T HAVE NO NEED FOR THAT,” and you got some story somebody else wrote up here. And the Greek, the Roman Cyclops of Mythology, and you reading that stuff trying to reconcile the world, and you know good and well everybody ain’t gonna believe that junk, you don’t even believe it your own self. Now am I right about it?


DR. KINLEY: Now do you see what I mean? You got to do better than that Clyde. Now you see He was back there didn’t you? [Side 2] Now look how many years you overlooked that. And when we told you He just took on a physical body and walked around down there in Egypt as Yahshua the Messiah, and they looked at it, said “What?” I said, “Yes I said it.” See they didn’t know that it was in the Book that way either, and been reading it all the time. And that’s what Jude is telling you, He was the only Elohim incarnated in that body which you call Joshua, which correctly should have been spelled Yahshua, which was back there and brought them out of the land of Egypt. How ‘bout that Freddy?

FREDDY: That’s fine

DR. KINLEY: And now, the reason I come over to that is this, showing you how that them evil and wicked men that were ordained of that…crept in unaware among you. Oh listen folks, let me tell you something. Everybody wants to be a big shot, he wants to be a God, see he wants to be recognized as the Saviour of the world . Whatever you do, let me if you please be the bell-cow; Now if I can’t be the bell-cow I will just not gallop in the gang. “Let me be the Saviour! Let me be the Master!” MY NAME IS HENRY CLIFFORD KINLEY! Now you don’t see nothing about Henry Clifford Kinley saving the world in there. Do you see anything like that in your Book? Do you see anything in your Book where Peter saved the world? Are y’all listening? No, you’ll just let some of these big devils come along and tell you, “That I’m a mediator, I’m a go-between, you come by me to get to God; I’m the prophet of this age.” Don’t know straight up, all bloated in his carnal mind, and then somebody’s gone be stupid enough to follow him, and there he go. Here come another along and they find somebody to follow him. And here come another one along and they find somebody to follow them. And when you get through with it you just got groups over here, groups over there, groups over there, one divided against the other, and it’s nothing else but the gateway to iniquity. Ain’t nobody gone save the world but Yahshua the Messiah; He’s the Saviour. HENRY CLIFFORD KINLEY IS NOT THE SAVIOUR!!! And you know if I tell you the truth about it that I’m not the Saviour of the world, you know I ain’t gone let you save it! If anything you let me be the… [Student Body Laughs] If you won’t let me be the Saviour I sure won’t let you be, AND WE’LL JUST HAVE TO SETTLE THEN FOR YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH. And don’t you come telling me about nobody else, Peter or Paul or nobody else! Moses, don’t tell me about nobody else! Whoever created it that’s the Saviour! If he didn’t create it then he’s not the Saviour. Will you buy that? See wicked men crept in unawares. Now as Peter put it, in correlation to Jude, he said, “As there were false teachers and prophets among them back there, it is also feasible to realize that there are false prophets among these over here.” But now as Jude said, that it’s necessary to exhort you that you should contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints, for there are men of old crept in unaware. When you wasn’t watching, them satanic spirits that Yahshua the Messiah told you about the 24 th Chapter of Matthew, speaking in Daniel he told you about the abomination of desolation, and how that they would come in these last days of this age… Now this is what I’ve been after every since I been up here. Now in the end of each one of these ages Yahweh has sent someone. In the end of this age Noah in this case, and in the end of this age here, Yahshua the Messiah. And in the end of this age He sent somebody. Now wait a minute, don’t get me twisted, don’t get me wrong, It was Yahweh in this age in Noah , it was Yahweh in this one, and it’s gonna be Yahweh in the end. You know why, the devil is still in business. The devil can’t save nobody. And let me tell you something, James said this: When you get up and preach the real gospel, the genuine gospel with the Holy Spirit that’s sent down from heaven, the devil he’s trembling. You understand, he’s trembling, but he’s got his job to do, just like you’ve got your job to do. He’s got to be what he is, just like Yahweh will be just what He wills to be. Listen, the Devil can’t change, Yahweh can’t change. Now you don’t have but one chance, you can’t convert him. You can’t convert the Devil anymore so than you can convert God. There ain’t but one thing you can do and that’s just cast him out; just cast him out that’s all. And before the death of Yahshua the Messiah he’s cast out, and run right back and said , “Let’s get some more of the brethren with me.” But now since He’s died, well before He died they were cast out, they went and got legions. Well they come back and seen the house was swept and garnished, and it wasn’t furnished, everything’s all cleaned up inside of them, swept and garnished, ready for something to move in. So then he went and got legions – can’t go back in there like that. And you’re standing round talking bout the Doctrine of Reincarnation. Now you tell me something that Yahweh ain’t in. Could you imagine Yahweh jumping out of something in order to jump into something else. Now see that’s plain down right unadulterated stupidity, cause there’s nothing that He ain’t in; He is everything that is. And now could you imagine Him jumping out of something, then to Reincarnate means to jump back in it. That don’t even make no kind of sense. Oh I tell you, you better look at what you’re doing. Finish that, that’s Jude I’m after.

READER: Likewise also these filthy dreamers…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: defile the…

DR. KINLEY: Whoa! look doc, they come along and say, “Dr. Kinley said he had a dream or a vision, remember I had one too.” I don’t care what you, how you slice it somebody’s gone say they had one too. Well let me tell you something! If the thing that I had, or the dream or the vision that I had, if it don’t correspond and correlate with that that the rest of ‘em that he’s sent, it don’t amount to a tinkers damn! AND YOU’RE A LIAR, that’s what you are ! Now how about that? If it’s any different than Moses, any different than Yahshua the Messiah, any different than John out there on the Isle of Patmos, YOU’RE A LIE. Any different from the Apostles YOU’RE LIE! How bout that? I said I had a vision and revelation, you heard me you’re not blind. Now then here’s the evidence of it, and it ain’t nobody can dispute it, I DON’T CARE HOW MUCH EDUCATION YOU GOT! And if you belong to anything else other than the Kingdom of Yahshua the Messiah you’re wrong! And all of Yahweh’s people carry His name! The whole family in heaven and in earth is called by the same name! That’s the reason why the high priest wore that miter on his head “HOLINESS UNTO YAHWEH,” (not Moses, not John, NOT KINLEY), Holiness unto Yahweh. That name must be in your forehead, or in your mind, or in your heart, nobody else won’t do. Pete won’t do. Y’all like this kind of preaching?

STUDENT BODY: Yes, um-hum.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right, that’s why it’s necessary of getting it right, because these folks is gone bad. And this abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, begin with the persecution of the Apostle Saul. And when Titus went into Rome, uh, from Rome and went into Jerusalem, and killed those people that we told you about there, and scattered them abroad and every which way, and He’s setting there telling ‘em, His disciples, about it in the 24 th chapter of Matthew, 21 st Chapter of Luke. He said, “Many false prophets shall go out, and they would come in His name!” Now look Dr. Williams, let me tell you this: if He said they would come in His name , now look, I said the false prophets! They had sense enough to come in His Name ! Now we got some running around in their own names. Don’t you start no argument with me! We’ve had some of ‘em, we’ve been right to ‘em. We know ‘em personally, and He said they would deceive many. And He said you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. Listen, listen close now, then you can get hot if you want to, it’s all right with me, He said nation would be against nation. Now here you got Black Power and White Supremacy, right, right down here in your day! And you stupid, says “It sound good to me.” Says, “I’m gone take up for my people. I’m gone get either in the Black Panthers, Black Muslims, or something, Black Power or some kinda movement.” Well then you ought not to object to White Supremacy over there, and White Supremacy ought not to object to Black Power. Now the better thing to do, well just leave here, since flesh and blood ain’t going no where anyhow, and just come on over here. Cause according to the promise Yahweh made to Abraham, that in his seed, which is Yahshua the Messiah, He’d bless all families of the earth, the black folks, the white folks, the red folks, and the yellow folks, and that’s in His Name. And there’s no other Name given under the heavens whereby a man can be saved, saving the Name of Yahshua the Messiah! YAHWEH ORDAINED IT EVEN BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD; that’s the way they come out, that’s the way they must go back in. Believe it or not, as Bob Ripley says, “That’s the way it is.” Read a little further Dr. Harris.

READER: and the angels, which kept not their first estate…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: but left their own habitation…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: He hath reserved in everlasting chains of darkness…

DR. KINLEY: Now you see, He’s got the reservations already made. How ‘bout your reservation? Some men’s deed go before them into the judgment, and some they follow after ‘em. Now when the true gospel is preached to you, just remember it is not the man. We don’t know how to preach, we don’t know how to pray, we don’t know nothing about things like that. Now what’s happing? It is the Holy Spirit in you that’s what does the preaching, that’s what does the praying, that’s what leads you into righteousness, that’s what gives you a profound knowledge, that’s what the wisdom and intelligence or the purpose of Yahweh is concerned through the dispensation and ages. Now you and your carnal mind is no good, and you just have to be buckled up… And say here’s the bad part of it, Yahweh said, “As I live, as I live saith Yahweh, to the Pope…


DR. KINLEY: to Peter…


DR. KINLEY: Henry C.


DR. KINLEY: every knee, every knee shall bow and confess Yahshua the Messiah to the satisfaction and glory of the Father, Yahweh, and then go to hell or the grave.” Now I shouldn’t say hell cause that’s where you are now, and that translates to the grave. See the grave’s a hole in the ground, and your body is an earthly body, and if your inner man’s dead this is the grave, and you sitting right up here with a condemned conscience. You sitting right on the seat, you in heaven or hell right now. Now look, you come out of there, out of the grave, and then to the satisfaction and glory, and then here… You’re forced to do it, and ain’t nobody gonna get away with nothing, so you might as well do it now and get it over with. And I don’t care how bull headed and stubborn you are, and even the devil himself… Somebody says “Well I don’t believe in the devil.” Well look, if you don’t believe in the devil, and you wanna say there is no devil, will you be so kind as to tell me just what the hell is going on down here? See all that stupidity – this is hell right here. And if it wasn’t no devil you wouldn’t be tested with all of these things. If it wasn’t them satanic spirits that were cast out of heaven and in incarnated in men, or cast, as Peter says and Jude too, says they were cast down to hell and reserved in chains of fire , and now here you come up and saying that there isn’t anything. Well would you be so kind as to tell me what’s going on down here? Why are you provoked with pain? What are you worried about paying for the car for? What are you worrying about a home out there? Who’s keeping you from getting or having consolation and resting in a Sabbath from all your labor? How come you’re so much tormented and aggravated, even with me, if I wasn’t right ? Do you see what I mean, if there ain’t no devil? Well let me tell you, see the devil is not a liability to Yahweh, he’s an asset to Him, He needs him. And you out here bucking up against Yahweh. Now Yahweh can conquer the devil, no trouble at all. In fact, the devil is just a little bit soft, so Yahweh had to harden him up, tighten him up, he wasn’t tough enough, old Pharaoh I’m talking about. See he was to nice a feller, had to toughen him up; had to show His power to the devil!

Now the spirit speaketh expressly that in these latter days, in the closing of this dispensation, and in the closing of this age … Somebody said, “I don’t believe that.” Naw, they didn’t believe it back here with Noah’s, they didn’t believe it, if they did they would have been in the ark. If Yahweh hadn’t known that they didn’t believe it, then he would have built a greaaat Big Ark , so he could get the right dimensions there wouldn’t He? [STUDENT BODY LAUGHS] Do you see what I’m talking about? Yes indeed. See He didn’t have to build no great big something another there; didn’t have but one door in it either, and just one window. Well why not some other doors? The sanctuary or the tabernacle just had one gate, one door, and one entrance through here. Now if that’s the way that’s gone be then you don’t need but one in the Ark. And Yahshua said, “I am the door, and it wasn’t but one of Him , “and I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man goeth unto the Father but by Me.” Now when I say that I’m intending for you to look at it like this, I’m intending for you to look at without stating it all the time, NO MAN GOETH TO THE FATHER BUT BY YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH! I mean by that, nobody goes by Peter! Nobody goes by the Pope! And nobody goes by HENRY C, nobody goes by Bahaullah! That’s it Clyde, you can argue all you want to! Nobody goes by the honorable Elijah Mohammed! See it’s difficult to tell you about these things, wake you up! And instead of you getting sore and punching out your mouth, and stomping around and arguing around, “I ain’t going back down there at that place, them niggers down there don’t know what they’re talking about! And them little poor old white folks down there…I ain’t coming back down there no more! You ain’t got no business talking about me and my religion.” Well I’d have you to know that Yahshua the Messiah talked to the Scribes and the Pharisees, and Sadducees, the Zealots, and the Nazarenes and the Escenes. Paul said, “Why is it when you come together everyone of you got a doctrine?” Everybody got their own belief. And some people say this: “Well I’m entitled to my own belief!” Well you find out later on that you’re not. If you can’t find out about it now you’ll find out later on; that’s what all this preaching is about. One feller said here not long ago, asked Dr. Jackson over there, said “Why is it that God chose Dr. Kinley to show him a vision?” Now I just wanna show you how stupid that is. Now he asked Roger Jackson… [Student Body Laughs] Now why didn’t, see if he had any sense, he would have asked God why did He show it to me, then why did he ask Roger Jackson about it for? You’d be surprised to see just how stupid people are, and how silly they talk. They don’t even know that they talk silly. Somebody come along and say, “Say what church do you belong to?” Now he thinks he’s asking something intelligent. Now I told you church meant congregation or assembly, that’s the body of Yahshua the Messiah. Now since their wasn’t but one Messiah, don’t you see how stupid you are? It ain’t but one church, and one body, and that’s Yahshua the Messiah, and one family, and faith, and you thought you… Now Paul said, “Foolish and unlearned questions avoid cause they stir up strife.” And here’s how they stir up strife: See you come along, and you say, “Well I’m a Catholic.” Another says, “Well I’m not, I’m a Baptist.” Now you get us to fighting, stir up a whole lot of strife. But if you just recognize and realize there ain’t but one for anybody to belong to, and if you don’t belong to that one you belong to the other one, and it ain’t but one other one. Do you see folks? Now we are, people we’re looking for the truth, we don’t want nothing else about it. And now look, if I love you, if I knew the truth I’d tell you, that would prove that I love you. I’ve dispensed with the hidden things, come right on out and tell you when you just wrong. And the reason why you just wrong is because you’ve been raised to believe something else, and you been born with that all your life, setting around talking bout “I’m a Baptist,” and Jesus said, baptize ‘em in the name of the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost. And here you didn’t even know the name of the Father, and you didn’t know the name of the Son, and He didn’t tell you nothing about baptizing nobody in no water; now that’s not saying that you don’t need a bath once in a while. Now if He was made manifest… Now listen here folks, now this is important. If Israel down under the dispensation of the law, they had all kind of carnal, every last one of ‘em was carnal, carnal ordinances, pertaining or given to the Jews, (think about it Clyde, no Gentiles). Now look and listen. Now He’s fulfilling all these types and these shadows, and then they were nailed to the cross! This is the old covenant; this is the new, they were nailed to the cross. Now over on this side of the cross, all these was a schoolmaster to bring you up to this, to the reality of the thing, and therefore water baptism Lord suppers, and Passover suppers and all like that was applied. You say “Hey what’s the matter with you? Says you must… Now by now I know there’s something wrong with you. I’m a Baptist bred and a Baptist raised…Jesus said go out and baptize…” He said in the name of the Father, He didn’t say baptize nobody in the water. You don’t have that in your Bible. If He’s gonna, see if He’s gone fulfill and move all that away, and if He did what He said he was gonna do, and that’s what He said He was gonna do; He said “Fulfill.” Now listen Clyde, (now let me step over to this chart) now you get this straight, see He can’t fulfill nothing unless it’s instituted. So this is where it was instituted at in the type and the shadow, the Lord Supper, and it had to be kept. Now where the real institution took place was back here before the foundation of the world with the Lamb slain from the foundation, and it’s got to be manifested down here in Egypt first, and then fulfilled it over here, then moved it out of the way, the natural. The natural man ain’t going no where! The natural water don’t mean nothing! The natural blood of bulls and goats and whatnot… And even if you could change and make them into the body and blood, what you would be doing you’d be creating Christ or creating Yahshua the Messiah. And I know you wouldn’t like to take credit for that, that’s carrying it all most to far. And now listen, if the flesh profiteth nothing, if you have ate His body physically so, as John said and He said Himself, it wouldn’t profit you at all; it wouldn’t help you one bit. It ain’t no good. But now look the devil is a showoff, he say “Jesus said,” and I never got so sick and tired of that, “Jesus said.” And then some idiot comes along and this is what they think – now these are things the devil got their minds blind with, and it’s in all these Bibles, and reading over here in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John…(get up and take a walk, show ‘em what I’m talking about), the New Testament. [The fly page that says “The New Testament.” Between Malachi & Matthew] And he has you slipped up on things, and this is how you’ve been all your life, and this is how they crept in unawares and deceive men. You see what that says “New Testament,” that’s in the Holy Name Bible; the King James and Roman Catholic both is got it in there. But folks I’m here to tell you that’s not what the New Testament is. Now Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the Acts of Apostles are not the New Testament. Now they think that that is the New Testament. And everybody wants to run up in your face and tell you, “Look I’m reading out of the New Testament.” Now the New Testament is not written with pen and ink, but it’s with the spirit of Living Elohim in the heart and in the mind. That’s not it. Well if that’s not the New Testament then what is it? I just got through telling you in the heart and mind not in the book. And then you are an epistle, Paul says, “You are our epistle written in our hearts known and read of all men.” No sooner than you get up there and come to talking about Matthew writing the New Testament, and you look over there in the 31 st Chapter of Jeremiah and it says “After those days, (this is what Yahweh said) after those days into their hearts I, Yahweh said I’ll write it.” Now here you’re trying to tell me Matthew wrote it, you’re trying to tell me Mark wrote it, you’re trying to tell me Luke wrote it – now you expect me to be that stupid to believe that? See you just been stumbling over the thing all your life and going ahead on.

Now look folks, science say that the sun was on the 4 th day according to the Mosaic account. And they can’t see how vegetation could penetrate the soil and grow into fruition on the 3 rd day without the sun on the 4 th day, so therefore they disagree with the Mosaic account in the Bible. Now look folks, I said that to say this: This sun you got up here in the sky, and these stars that you’ve got out here in the sky, and every other natural thing in the heaven and in the earth, every natural thing pointed to the spirit. This sun that rises here and illuminates so that you could see around here, it’s only a type of the Son of Yahweh. So now here’s what I would say then: Yes the Son was first in the creation, but I’m talking about the S O N and you’re talking about the s u n. See the S O N created the s u n, therefore Malachi had to say, “That the sun of righteousness, the S U N of righteousness would rise with healing in His wings.”

Now look folks let me show you something else about this same thing. Now look right up here at me now. Now if it is true that Yahshua the Messiah was Yahweh incarnated in a body, if it is true, then these physical things here must prove it. If there was an Adam back here in this garden, and Luke the 3 rd Chapter and last verse says he was the son, I mean Adam was the son of Yahweh. (Just hold still now folks, hold still and I’m gone let you go). See but I just wanna show you, and you think on this thing. Now when Adam sinned in the garden Yahweh waited till the cool of the day to send that angel to drive him out. Now look here’s what I’m telling you: the sun in the sky was going down, Adam is being driven out in this outer darkness, He waited till the cool of the day. In other words that sun in the sky and this son here had to go down together. Well now if they go down together they’ve got to come up together. So here’s this Son again, hanging out there on the cross He died, they’re coming down together, see it turned dark over the face of the earth from the 6 th to the 9 th hour. And then if that’s the case, then very early in the morning as it begin to dawn toward the first day of the week they rose together. All these of natural things they pointed to the spiritual things. Now it worked that way all the way down and through the dispensations and ages. And it’s just got to be… Now whatever is up here, all the way, whatever’s here it’s got to be here, even mathematically so. If it rained 40 days and 40 nights then I’ll just count this one now, then they got to be in the wilderness 40. Now you got your blood water 40, blood water 40, blood water 40, blood water –can’t ascend, just can’t ascend into heaven, just can’t ascend until they tarry there 40 days and 40 nights. The 3 days journey from the Red Sea, uh, to reach the Red Sea, it took 3 days journey, then it’s got to be 3 days and 3 nights over here. Now you can go into the creation of the world, see back up here. See that 3 rd day resurrection. Now here’s the 3 rd day here, earth was inundated or it was covered with water. And Yahweh on the 3 rd day rolled the waters off the face of the earth, just like He rolled the stone away from the door on the 3 rd day, just like He did at the Red Sea, rolled the waters away back from there… See they got to go together just like that. There ain’t nobody can do that but Yahweh, and nobody can put it together like that. See Yahweh put it together, and Yahweh will have to explain it to you! IF YAHWEH AIN’T IN THIS BODY THEN HE CAN’T DO IT. And that’s the way it’s got to work all down through the dispensations and ages. Now we’re not worried about the folks getting together and being reconciled, see we know they’re all divided and split up. You talking about —— the universe, the power of the universe, Yahweh ain’t gone have no trouble with that. You going around asking you, “Would you come on here; would you join my church; won’t you join…” Yahweh ain’t gonna have a bit of trouble with it. Them that are with Him they’ll be there, and those others that’s not they’ll be overpowered, ain’t no trouble Williams! He ain’t got no trouble getting ‘em together! What the heck you running around here hollering about “Come on now, come on I’m sent to get everybody together on the face of the earth.” You know better than that ain’t nobody gone pay you on attention; they didn’t pay Him no attention, and how come you that stupid to think… And if Yahweh sent you to do something another like that, and you ain’t made no more progress with it now, you haven’t got the folks together. In other words you got physical corruption and pollution, and you got spiritual corruption and pollution all over the world. Listen! If he don’t hurry and clean it up, God better! That’s all.

AUDIENCE: Applause

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