Woman at the Well

Lecture given by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley on a Sunday Night in June 1971.

Transcriber’s Notes

Los Angeles, California

audio cassette recording received from Lamar Greer (53 A)

1 90 Minute audio cassette

Catalog#: 71.06 WW

transcribed by Richard Share II

first proofreading: Michael Rothstein

second proofreading: Gerry Rothstein

third proofreading: International Public Relations Committee

approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1997


1. … indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.

2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly to a specific person.

3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease

in readability and comprehension (ah, see, you see, you see what I mean, you follow, is that right.)

4. ____ indicates an inaudible word or syllable

5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber

PREVIOUS SPEAKER: Patricia Mathess

MODERATOR: Receiving his divine vision and revelation, asked one thing of those who would hear him, and that was to make him prove that he did indeed have a divine vision and revelation. I am most happy to be one of those who he has proven it to. Our founder, Dr. Henry C. Kinley.

DR. KINLEY: Thank you. I’m always happy and glad to be here. And I always anticipate revealing something to someone that has a desire to know. I appeal to the strangers, it is an emergency here. Now, Sister Pat, Doctor Pat. Now I think she done a good job.


DR. KINLEY: Now there’s a Speakers’ committee setting up here. They wanted to ask me, said, ‘what do you think about putting her up this morning?’ I said, ‘No, I don’t think you oughta do that.’ So the person that asked me that ____ ____. And I said to him, ‘well now look, it’s awful warm. It’s hot.’ And I thought like this, now let’s, let’s not burn that woman up to first time. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) That’s the reason why I opposed it. And so I told him then, I said, ‘well look, what about trying it tonight.’ He said okay. So then that meant that her husband. He’s on this staff too. Puts up Pat up this morning. And then Gary Mathess I’m talking about. Then he looked over and showed me, I said, ‘well what about you?’ (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) ‘Yeah, I’m a little hot.’ And what happens is this. You get up here and you speak. And you are wringing wet with sweat you ____. And this is a hard job. And I don’t want you to think that it isn’t because it is. And this is no place for inflation of ego.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. And about the time you think you got a whole lotta something learned, you got it all down pat, then you’re just getting ready… (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) That’s right.

Now I thought about when she was up here, and also this morning when we was here, about Moses slaying this Egyptian and running off out here in the land of Midian. And there he set on a well. And Jethro’s.., had seven daughters. And they were tending the sheep before Moses got there. So Moses, he went out there, and he set down on that well. And those seven daughters, those that tended the sheep out there, he drew water for ‘em. Well now, you may go in church a long time. Now I wanna find out now whether you read this. Now since you say that Messiah is gonna fulfill every jot and every tittle of it. Now could you tell me anything about where it says over there in your New Testament, as you call it. You been going to church a long time. You know where it is?


DR. KINLEY: Have you got it there?

DR. HARRIS: The fourth chapter of John.

DR. KINLEY: The fourth chapter of John. Okay, read.

DR. HARRIS: When therefore Yahshua learned that the Pharisees had heard that he made and immersed more disciples than John, though Yahshua himself immersed not, but his disciples, he left Judea, and departed again in to Galilee. And he must needs go through Samaria. Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Shechem, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now Jacob’s well was there.

DR. KINLEY: Read on.

DR. HARRIS: Yahshua therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour, while his disciples had gone away into the city, unto the city to buy food. There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water.

DR. KINLEY: (LAUGHS) Now you see? Now you been reading this New Testament all your life. Now unless somebody come along and shows you that, when you read over there in Exodus, (LAUGHS) you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t even know that. I never heard a preacher say anything about it. Not in my life. Did any of you?


DR. KINLEY: Now what else did he say to that woman?

DR. HARRIS: Yahshua saith unto her, give me a drink. Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, how is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria?

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? Now here’s what you got here. Now Moses, he’s out here with these so-called Egyptians…

STUDENT BODY: Midianites.

DR. KINLEY: Midianites. And now, what business does he have fooling with them?

STUDENT BODY: Yeah. That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Remember Miriam and Aaron. They didn’t like that so well. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: The Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

DR. KINLEY: Now the Jews, they don’t have no dealings with the Samaritans.

DR. HARRIS: Yahshua answered and said unto her

DR. KINLEY: Yahshua answered and said unto her

DR. HARRIS: If thou knewest the gift of Elohim

DR. KINLEY: If you knew. It you just only knew the gift of Elohim.

DR. HARRIS: And who it is that saith to thee

DR. KINLEY: And who it is that they were talking about. Lots a folks or a lotta times, the folks, they don’t know who’s talking ____ ____ (LAUGHS) But you don’t know who’s talking. Alright, read.

DR. HARRIS: If thou knewest the gift of Elohim and who it is that saith to thee, give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of him

DR. KINLEY: Thou wouldest asked of him

DR. HARRIS: And he would have given thee living water

DR. KINLEY: And He… Oooh-oooh. He would have given you living water. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: The woman saith unto him

DR. KINLEY: The woman saith

DR. HARRIS: Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with

DR. KINLEY: Sir, you ain’t got… You see that now? You been out there fooling around all of your life and you didn’t have nothing to draw with, cause you didn’t know nothing about what it was all about. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: And the well is deep.

DR. KINLEY: That well is deep. Yeah it’s deep esoteric secrets. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now that makes me gonna have.., hold that second chapter of I Corinthians, and down there about the spirit searcheth all things, yes the deep things of Yahweh. Oh I’ll tell you. Are you following what I’m talking about. Alright, better read that.

DR. HARRIS: But as it is written

DR. KINLEY: But as.., now wait just a minute. Now you’re gonna.., set to show you some of the things and how you can ____ and stumble around, reading around in the Bible. Now you don’t know what you’re reading. The reason why I’m saying this, that’s what she said she had done. And you’re not gonna come down here and set back and know, for one ____ know ____ ____ and you go off. You got it all solved after. You got it all, you got it made. You’re just not gonna do that. One of the reasons why you’re not gonna do it is because you’re dealing with a, an infinite and an unlimited and eternal Yahweh with an eternal purpose that reaches through ages. Now none of you are gonna set here and know.., you won’t hardly set here two hours. Alright. But as it is written. Now when you read that. Now somebody said, ‘well now look, I’m reading right in the New Testament and this is what it says, so and so and so and so.’ No, that’s not what it is was reading. Now that’ll take it right on back over yonder. Isaiah 62.




DR. KINLEY: 4. Now the prophet is commenting on what is written back over there in Isaiah. Now you are setting up here telling me that you’re reading it out of the New Testament. And you say that Paul said it. He didn’t. Then you might wanna jump it over in Isaiah and let Isaiah… Isaiah didn’t write it. You got something to learn. Alright. As it is written.

DR. HARRIS: Eye has not seen

DR. KINLEY: Eye has not seen

DR. HARRIS: Nor ear heard

DR. KINLEY: Nor ear heard

DR. HARRIS: Neither has entered into the heart of man

DR. KINLEY: Neither has it entered into the heart of man

DR. HARRIS: The things which Elohim has prepared for them that love him

DR. KINLEY: Which Elohim has prepared for them that love him. Now what Paul is doing here, he’s quoting what Yahweh’s revealed to Isaiah. And at that time back there, the mystery and the revelation was not known.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: How about that. It’s written on back there about that woman and the well back over there. And you been reading down here in the fourth chapter of John. But you never even thought about associating them. Now how about that? Alright Isaiah, eye hasn’t seen, ears haven’t heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things that Yahweh has prepared for them that love him.


DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute. Now you got a ‘but’ here. A ‘but’ is a conjunction, and it joins together. And, but, if, and for. You got a conjunction here that joins, not exactly, but reach way back yonder about 700 and 12 or 14 years. But what?

DR. HARRIS: Yahweh has revealed them unto us.

DR. KINLEY: Now what when they was working with it back there, it was.., the purpose was yet not revealed. But Yahweh has revealed them unto us.

DR. HARRIS: By his spirit

DR. KINLEY: Now he wasn’t talking about us, us here Christians. That ain’t what he was talking about. He has revealed ’em to His apostles. And here’s what he said about that. He said, now it’s given for you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but it is not given to the Gentiles.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Oh I tell you. There’s more to this thing than, than what it looks to be. Alright. But Yahweh has revealed them unto us. How did He do that? Read.

DR. HARRIS: By his spirit.

DR. KINLEY: Now look. Here you come. Williams.


DR. KINLEY: Your church. Now said. ‘Why, why you always on them churches?’ Cause.., don’t you want the gospel preached to you? Don’t you wanna know if you’re wrong about something and when you backed it up. But Yahweh’s revealed ’em unto us by His spirit. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now here you are up here, Jehovah’s Witnesses and all of ’em, the Church of Christ, up here preaching, and they said you wasn’t baptized then, You don’t have the Holy Spirit up here now.

LASALLE WILLIAMS: That’s what we taught.

DR. KINLEY: Now if that’s so, you haven’t got no business up here preaching. Don’t even try. Because it’s only revealed by the spirit. No business up here running your mouth. I talking about from an ecclesiastical point of view. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: For the spirit searcheth all things.

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute. Hold it now. For the spirit searcheth all things. What? Read.

DR. HARRIS: Yea the deep things

DR. KINLEY: Yea the deep things of Him. Now let me switch back. Now when Moses broke that, those first tables of stone. And he had to go back and hew out some more of his own. And then take them up there in the mountain. It’s just like you taking your old stony heart up. And then.., I’ll have to cut this up short, but I’m trying to make a lot of.., I’m trying to make a point and hook these two things together. Now when he got that second tables of stone, he had to come down and lay them in the ark of the covenant. Now that ark of the covenant is symbolical to your brain up in here, your mind or the cloud that is up there. Now if the Jehovah’s Witnesses or anybody else come along and say that the Holy Spirit or the Law of the Spirit… They don’t know, they don’t know nothing, they don’t know what they’re reading about or the New Covenant written in the heart and in the mind. They haven’t even got a remote idea about it. See how quickly you can connect the thing there? Now that’ll almost take you over here in the New Testament in the second chapter of second Corinthians, or the third chapter of second Corinthians, I should say. And there you will find that the apostle said, do we begin again to commend ourselves or is it necessary, as some others… Now we’re after, right on, now we’re after this writing in the hearts and in the minds. We’re really after the New Testament now or the New Covenant. Read on.

DR. HARRIS: Ye are our epistles

DR. KINLEY: Ye are our epistles.

DR. HARRIS: Written in our hearts

DR. KINLEY: Written in our hearts

DR. HARRIS: Known and read of all men

DR. KINLEY: Known and read of all men

DR. HARRIS: For as much as ye are manifestly declared

DR. KINLEY: For as much then as you are manifestedly declared to be epistles of Yahshua. Read and known of all folks. ____ ____ acting a jackass in a ____. These folks are reading you. You are our epistles. Them to whom Yahweh has revealed His secrets. And just.., let me put something on that. And every last one of ’em that’s born after the flesh persecutes you that are born after the spirit.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right,

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Now you try to get up and get out some of that stuff, and see if you don’t have some persecution.


DR. KINLEY: And they don’t have even a remote idea about what it’s all about. You just have to have the Holy Spirit to reveal it. You just reading around and.., that ain’t gonna get it. If I would say something like this to you, and unless you knew just exactly what I’ve already went over, it would sound like I was unreasonable. Suppose I would say to you then, ‘why did Yahweh tell Moses to lay them ten commandments in the ark of the covenant?’ Now if you didn’t know, then what you’d have to say to me, ‘well it’s alright, it’s the Word of God, He did tell ’em to put ’em in there, didn’t He?’ (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) And said that.., ‘if.., even if I don’t know, I do know that He told him to put it in there.’ He can’t answer nothing. He don’t know why he put them in there. He don’t know. Now if he knew, then he would know that the spirit was gonna write the law, not contained in the.., not contained in the ordinances. But the Law of the Spirit of Life which is in Yahshua the Messiah has made me free from the law of sin and death. It’s delivered me from LSD,


DR. KINLEY: That’s the law of sin and death. Now after you read that. That’s the eighth chapter of Romans, then you with they stupidity and ignorance, you turn right back around and make them ownself out a liar. And you didn’t know that that was what you done. Haven’t even found that out yet. Now here’s why I said that: this law was given to the Jews only, back here. Now look, you ain’t gonna do, you ain’t gonna do no fixing around, not with me. I’ll beat you to death, beat your brains out. Somebody said, ‘Who me? You don’t know how smart I am. I got my diploma.’ We been laying that rod on you, that rod of iron on you. Somebody said, ‘You’ll soften up.’ (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now here’s what you said, you’ve said, we just got through saying it, there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Yahshua the Messiah, as you said, ‘it’s Christ Jesus in your Book.’ You’re reading now. There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. Now listen now to what I’m gonna say. Maybe you better catch that and read it. And hold your Corinthians there.

LUTHER DANIELS: There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Yahshua the Messiah, who walk not after the flesh

DR. KINLEY: Now, now he said, who walk not after the flesh. Now you read that, then you turned right around and knocked it all down, then you’re a candidate for baptism.


DR. KINLEY: And you just got through saying, ‘we don’t do that.’ You just got through saying you didn’t walk after the flesh. And here you are talking about eating the Lord’s Supper. And some of ’em are stupid enough to say, ‘well, we oughta wash feet too.’ Now you just got through saying and reading the Book that you don’t do it. And you say the Law of the Spirit of Life which is in Yahshua the Messiah hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, just couldn’t make you perfect. Finish reading Doc.

LUTHER DANIELS: In that it was weak through the flesh,

DR. KINLEY: In that it was weak through the flesh. Alright read it if you’re going to.

LUTHER DANIELS: Yahweh sent his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh.

DR. KINLEY: Yahweh sent his own son

LUTHER DANIELS: In the likeness of sinful flesh

DR. KINLEY: Now in the likeness. He didn’t say He came in sinful flesh.

STUDENT BODY: No. No. Right. Right.

DR. KINLEY: But in the likeness

LUTHER DANIELS: Of sinful flesh

DR. KINLEY: Of sinful flesh

LUTHER DANIELS: Because of sin

DR. KINLEY: And because of sin

LUTHER DANIELS: To condemn sin in the flesh

DR. KINLEY: To condemn sin in the flesh

LUTHER DANIELS: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled

DR. KINLEY: That the righteousness of the law

LUTHER DANIELS: Might be fulfilled in us.

DR. KINLEY: Might be fulfilled in you. Not instituted with him, I said fulfilled. Ain’t this is something. Now go on back over to the epistles. We’ll try and put it back in the woman at the well.

DR. HARRIS: For as much as ye are manifestly declared

DR. KINLEY: For as much as ye are manifestedly declared

DR. HARRIS: To be the epistle of the Messiah ministered by us

DR. KINLEY: Ministered by us.

DR. HARRIS: Written.

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute. Yes Dr. Harris and Dr. Gross and the rest of these men. You are ministered by us. And since you are ministered by us, then you are our epistles and them people look at you and they read you. They don’t understand what’s in the Book. Maybe some of ’em think they do. I’m talking about the ministry too, preachers. Alright.

DR. HARRIS: Written not with ink.

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute. It’s not written with ink. Now you listen to what I’m gonna say now, Freddy. Now you listen to what I’m gonna say. We’re going right back to the same thing. Now Yahweh wrote these tables of stone with His finger up there in that mountain, in, both instances. Now I want you to listen. Now without any ____ ____ with it, that would indicate then that He would write His New Covenant in your hearts and in your mind. Therefore Paul says it’s not written with pen and ink.

STUDENT BODY: Right. Right.

DR. KINLEY: Now you’ve been taught all your life Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Acts of Apostles, and the epistles were the New Testament. Now you’re telling me that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and the apostles wrote the New Testament. But I beg your pardon. Repeat what you just read.

DR. HARRIS: Written not with ink, but with the spirit of the living Elohim.

DR. KINLEY: But with the spirit of the living Elohim. Read just a little further.

DR. HARRIS: Not in tables of stone.

DR. KINLEY: Not, he had to say that, not in tables of stone.

DR. HARRIS: But in fleshly tables of the heart

DR. KINLEY: But in fleshly tables of your heart. Just to think that our people have set down and read a Bible and didn’t learn a thing out of it. Some of ’em 15, 20, 25, 30, or 40 years. They ain’t learned nothing. That’s right. Oh me, oh my. Let’s, let’s take.., when it backfires, check this one cause I wanna pick up something here. Now, Leviticus 16:2 says this, that, oh boy, telling Moses, said, you speak to your brother that he come not always within, within the Holy Place up here, lest he die. For I will dwell above on the mercy seat, in the cloud. I’m still talking about that thing, same thing. Alright, read Doc.

DR. HARRIS: And Yahweh said unto Moses, speak unto Aaron thy brother that he come not at all times into the holy place within the veil

DR. KINLEY: The Holy Place within the veil, that’s the Most Holy Place.

DR. HARRIS: Before the mercy seat

DR. KINLEY: Before the mercy seat

DR. HARRIS: Which is upon the ark

DR. KINLEY: Okay, which is upon the ark

DR. HARRIS: That he die not

DR. KINLEY: That he die not

DR. HARRIS: For I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat

DR. KINLEY: Now I will appear in a cloud upon the mercy seat. Now here’s what I’m after now. So you can see what I’m talking about. Now we just got through writing, said it was written not in tables of stone but in fleshly tables of the heart. And you are our epistle. And here’s, here’s your cloud. And here’s where the law is written, that is within your heart. And so then Moses had to lay that in the ark of the covenant because He dwelleth in the cloud, and here’s your cloud up here. And He has to write it within their hearts and in their minds. If He put that one in there, the tables of stone, then the next one goes in, it’s written by the spirit in your heart and in your mind. Now when he went into the Most Holy Place and appeared before that mercy seat and threw that blood seven times, I’m fixing to get around now, kinda fix that around from that ____. Threw that blood toward the mercy seat seven times. First for their own errors, and they had to do it for the people, and then for the cleansing of the sanctuary. Now you listen at what I’m gonna say. For I will dwell within the cloud above upon the mercy seat. Now over there in the eighth chapter of Romans, you said that the Law of the Spirit of Life… Third chapter of first, second Corinthians you said that that’s written in our hearts by the spirit. Is that right? And it’s in the cloud. Look here. Cause He will dwell up there in that cloud. Well what I’m saying is when he threw that blood and finished up that service in that sanctuary, in the Most Holy Place, if it’s executed correctly and properly, like he was told to do, then.., He said… Well you better read it. You better read it.

DR. HARRIS: For I will appear in the cloud

DR. KINLEY: Now I will appear in the cloud. Alright read.

DR. HARRIS: Upon the mercy seat

DR. KINLEY: Upon the mercy seat.., that I will appear. You heard me, I said I will appear. When he threw that blood toward the mercy seat, then Yahweh Elohim, just like you see here, He appeared in the spirit form, appeared upon, upon that mercy seat. Now, what I’m trying to get through to the people is if you have the right thing in you and it’s written in your heart and in your mind, then He will appear up here, above upon the mercy seat. Now let’s fix that. Now this mercy seat here abode in the cloud and the commandments in the ark of the covenant. Now this down in here is the pituitary gland. Now this appeared in this cloud above on the mercy seat, that’s the pineal gland in the body. Now when you are up here talking and shooting off, if you are really Yahweh’s people, it will appear to you and you’ll have at least enough knowledge to discern whether or not we’re telling you the truth down here. There’s just got to be something written in there. Alright. Now, when you go back to the woman at the well.

DR. HARRIS: The woman saith unto him

DR. KINLEY: And the women saith unto him



DR. HARRIS: Thou hast nothing to draw with

DR. KINLEY: You don’t have nothing to draw with

DR. HARRIS: And the well is deep

DR. KINLEY: And the well is deep

DR. HARRIS: From whence then hast thou that living water?

DR. KINLEY: From whence then hast thou that living water?

DR. HARRIS: Art thou greater than our father Jacob?

DR. KINLEY: Art… Now you’re right back again to Jacob’s well. We’re in the third chapter of Exodus and you ain’t never, and you ain’t never heard nobody say nothing about that. Have you? If you have hold up your hand. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: Art thou greater than our father Jacob which gave us the well and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? Yahshua answered and said unto her

DR. KINLEY: Yahshua answered and said unto her

DR. HARRIS: Whosoever drinketh of this water

DR. KINLEY: Whosoever drinketh of this water

DR. HARRIS: Shall thirst again

DR. KINLEY: Shall thirst again. That’s what you getting down there, and that’s what you was baptized in and that you’re drinking in ____ when its going on down through the system. Why then you’ll thirst again. Alright, read.

DR. HARRIS: For whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him

DR. KINLEY: But whosoever shall drink of His living water

DR. HARRIS: Shall never thirst

DR. KINLEY: Shall never thirst

DR. HARRIS: But the water that I shall give him shall be in him

DR. KINLEY: But the water that I shall give him shall be in him

DR. HARRIS: A well of water

DR. KINLEY: A well of water

DR. HARRIS: Springing up into everlasting life

DR. KINLEY: Springing up into everlasting life. Read on.

DR. HARRIS: The woman saith unto him

DR. KINLEY: The woman saith unto him

DR. HARRIS: Sir give me this water

DR. KINLEY: Sir give me this water. ‘I’m tired, I’m tired of coming down here.’ (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS)’ every ____ ____, I’m sick and tired of it.’ sick and tired. Just like Moses is back here. They’re tired pumping water out there, drawing water for the sheep and all of that. They’re tired of that. Ain’t that right? Alright read on.

DR. HARRIS: That I thirst not


DR. HARRIS: Neither come hither to draw

DR. KINLEY: Neither come hither to draw

DR. HARRIS: Yahshua saith unto her

DR. KINLEY: Yahshua said unto her

DR. HARRIS: Go call thy husband

DR. KINLEY: Now, go… now you’re getting messed up now. Now you’re getting messed up. Yahshua said unto her, go call your husband.

DR. HARRIS: The woman saith unto him, said, answered and said, I have no husband.

DR. KINLEY: I have no husband. Whoa. No, no, nope, no, no. Now, these that come out there to the well, Jethro’s seven daughters, there wasn’t any of them married. They didn’t have no husbands. (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) ‘You been married, now this is why I’m fulfilling that.’ To show, He said, now you go call your husband. And she said, I don’t have none. Well what did He tell her?

DR. HARRIS: Yahshua said unto her

DR. KINLEY: Yahshua said unto her

DR. HARRIS: Thou hast well said

DR. KINLEY: You’ve said well.

DR. HARRIS: I have no husband

DR. KINLEY: You’ve said well. Yes indeed. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: For thou hast had five husbands

DR. KINLEY: For you have already had

DR. HARRIS: Five husbands

DR. KINLEY: Five husbands

DR. HARRIS: And he whom thou now hast

DR. KINLEY: And he whom you now have

DR. HARRIS: Is not thy husband

DR. KINLEY: Is not your husband

DR. HARRIS: In that saith thou truly

DR. KINLEY: In that you saith right. (DR. KINLEY AND STUDENT BODY LAUGH) Oh, I tell you, it’s a wonderful thing to be married. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Married to, and then… Now he’s the husband man. Now unless you’re married to Him, you just ain’t got it. Now this is Yahweh, and unless you’re really married to Him, you ain’t got Him licked. This thing you call married in the flesh, that ain’t no good. That’s all out, fulfilled. And that’s the way it is. You’re married to something in the flesh, you don’t have no husband. I’m real sorry about that, but that’s the way it is. Now she had how many?


DR. KINLEY: Five before then, and then she got another one. That makes six. Is that right?


DR. KINLEY: Now he’s gonna be the seventh one. (DR. KINLEY AND STUDENT BODY LAUGH) That’s right. See how the thing fulfills? Oh. You wouldn’t notice, if I tell you, if somebody didn’t told you.


DR. KINLEY: I tell you, it’s wonderful, isn’t it, to have some knowledge, and to have some understanding. It’s well worth while, it surely is. Yeah, Pat…

STUDENT: Mathess

DR. KINLEY: Mathess. You’re right. When you said those people there, up here, there ain’t no where else to go. They don’t talk like this no where else. No where else in Los Angeles. And I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t say they talk like this anywhere else in California but 1040. 14

I wanna point out one other thing. Probably read over that too. Eleventh chapter of Matthew, begin at the twenty-fifth verse.

MARY GROSS: And at that time

DR. KINLEY: And at that time

MARY GROSS: Yahshua answered and said

DR. KINLEY: Yahshua answered and said

MARY GROSS: I thank thee

DR. KINLEY: I thank thee O Father

MARY GROSS: Sustainer of heaven and earth

DR. KINLEY: Sustainer of heaven and earth

MARY GROSS: Because thou hast hid these things

DR. KINLEY: That thou hast hid.., that’s the first thing that we’re talking to you about, He’s hid ’em from the wise and the prudent.


DR. KINLEY: and revealed ’em unto babes. That’s what you got. Alright, read on.

MARY GROSS: Even so Father

DR. KINLEY: Even so Father

MARY GROSS: For so it seemed good in thy sight

DR. KINLEY: So it seemed good in thy sight

MARY GROSS: And turning to his disciples

DR. KINLEY: And in turning to his disciples

MARY GROSS: He said all things are delivered unto me

DR. KINLEY: He said all things are delivered unto me

MARY GROSS: Of my Father

DR. KINLEY: Of my Father

MARY GROSS: And no man knoweth the Son, but the Father

DR. KINLEY: Oh, oh. Now wait a just minute. Now you got to correct Him on that. (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) You all got to correct Him on that. Said no man knoweth the Father. Now they come down there and they say, ‘yeah, we knew your Father,’ ____ mother Mary and them. Now He said no man knoweth the Father. Alright, read it.


14 1040 South Grand was the street address where class was held in Los Angeles.

MARY GROSS: And no man knoweth the Son

DR. KINLEY: And no man knoweth the Son

MARY GROSS: But the Father

DR. KINLEY: But the Father. Alright, read.

MARY GROSS: Neither knoweth any man the Father

DR. KINLEY: Neither knoweth any man the Father

MARY GROSS: Save the Son

DR. KINLEY: Save the Son

MARY GROSS: And he to whomsoever

DR. KINLEY: And he to whom the Son will reveal Him. Now here’s what I wanna get after that. He didn’t say the saints.


DR. KINLEY: Didn’t say Christians. Didn’t say Allah. Didn’t say Jehovah’s Witnesses. And you catch this one, this is a deep one. No man knows the Father but the Son. And no man knows the Son, but the Father, and whomsoever the Son will reveal. Can’t nobody reveal the Father to you but the Son.


[SIDE 2]

DR. KINLEY: And if it’s not in there, there will be nothing doing. And no man don’t know the Son, but the Father. Rev don’t know nothing about Him. How about that? Now you’re gonna have to have the Son before you can see the Father. And the Father.., if you find the Son, it’ll be the Father that’ll have to be reveal it to you. You got it? Now all them are deep things, and all of ’em are deep things, the deep esoteric secrets. And just as Dr. Pat told you, they’re just set there. You just have to come to 1040. Now it’s been pretty warm down here, but if you don’t come to 1040, it’s gonna be warmer.




School of the Highest Learning

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