Yahweh’s New Year with the Passover

Lecture by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley given on January 1, 1975.

Transcriber’s Notes

Los Angeles, CA

recorded by Edna Law and Dr. Carl F, Gross

one 90 minute audio cassette

CATALOG #: 75.0101

transcribed by Sandra Giragosian

first proofreading: Debbie MaNeeley

second proofreading: Michael Rothstein

third proofreading: Gerry Rothstein

fourth proofreading the International Public Relations Committee

approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1997

  1. … indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
  2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly to a specific person.
  3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley, pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in readability and comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you understand, do you understand).
  4. ____ indicates an inaudible word or syllable.
  5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.


DR. KINLEY: … testify to the things that Yahweh has shown to me, and revealed to me.

Once, I must say that I was in the Church of God, and I thought just like other folks did. Preached there for fifteen years. Laid my hands on many people, and they were healed of all kinds of diseases. I just quoted the Bible, and I knew it almost verbatim, and yet Yahweh showed me that I really didn’t understand. I really didn’t know. I done the best I knew, but I really simply didn’t know.

Now, we have come down to the place where we wanna learn and know something about the reality and the existence of Yahweh. First, it’s, it’s just wonderful to even know the name.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right. Right.

DR. KINLEY: Now, if I were saying Baal or Dagon, or Moloch, or something like that, and you didn’t know no better, of course, you would buy it, as the heathen did, have already done, just like you have bought Lord, God, and Jesus Christ. Now folks, there ain’t no need of arguing about it; it’s just wrong. Ain’t no need in trying to defend it. It’s wrong.

Now, this is a school of learning, and we come here to learn and to find out and to know something about the reality of things.

Now, this is said to be New Year’s Day. That’s wrong. Now, that’s by the Gregorian calendar. That’s wrong. Now, there’s no need to try to defend it; it’s definitely wrong. Somebody said, ‘Well, who said it was wrong?’ Yahweh did. Read what is the beginning, about that. It oughta be in the Bible.

DR. HARRIS: Twelfth chapter of Exodus,

DR. KINLEY: Now, this is the 12th chapter of Exodus.

DR. HARRIS: And Yahweh spake unto Moses

DR. KINLEY: And Yahweh. Who did you say spake unto him?

DR. HARRIS: Yahweh.

DR. KINLEY: It didn’t say Pope Gregory. And Yahweh spake unto Moses

DR. HARRIS: and Aaron in the land of Egypt,

DR. KINLEY: and Aaron in the land of Egypt,

DR. HARRIS: saying

DR. KINLEY: Now this is what He said.

DR. HARRIS: This month shall be unto you the beginning of months:

DR. KINLEY: Now, this month shall be unto you the beginning of months. Is that right?

DR. HARRIS: It shall be the first month of the year to you.

DR. KINLEY: Now, it shall be the first month of the year to you: to the children of Israel. Right?


DR. KINLEY: Alright, read on just a little bit further.

DR. HARRIS: Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying,

DR. KINLEY: Speak ye to all the congregation of Israel. Now, this is what He said to ’em.

DR. HARRIS: In the tenth day of this month

DR. KINLEY: In the tenth day of this month

DR. HARRIS: they shall…

DR. KINLEY: Now, not, not this month, but that month that He’s talking about there in the Bible. Folks, you know, it’s, it’s something to think about how badly we’ve been deceived, and had the thing right up under our nose all of our lives. Now that hurts. You know that? You ain’t got nothing straight. Now, you know what that really means? It means that the Devil has been doing a good job. Now, that’s what it means. And you just have to give him credit for it, too. Now, that… What is the first month of the year on the, in the Jewish calendar?


DR. KINLEY: Abib, or Nisan. Not January.

DR. KINLEY: That’s the first month of the year. Now, I brought that up for this reason. In the Vatican, Pope Paul took a silver hammer and opened, beat on the door, which they pulled down, opening a door. And this is the 25th year to them, Jubilee; in other words, it’s the 25th Jubilee. This whole year is sacred with the Roman Catholic Church. Now, he took that hammer and beat on that door. And, of course, it hadn’t been opened for 25 years past. Now, that’s wrong. Now, what I mean by that being wrong. Now, they called that the year of, they’re calling that the year of Jubilee. Twenty-five years is not a year of Jubilee. Fifty years is a Jubilee.


DR. KINLEY: Now, how about that? And as he beat on that door, and they pulled it down on the other side, the bricks fell down, hit him all over the head and over the shoulders. Now, that was a ____, but most people never paid no attention to it. And of course it was so sacred to them, you gotta have the ____ there and let it fall. There’s a scripture in the Bible that talks about that. Rocks and mountains…

STUDENT BODY: Fall on us.

DR. KINLEY: Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him that sets on the throne. 4 Well, that was him that was setting on the throne in the Vatican, but not in the heavens. Now, look folks, now you just might as well quit fooling yourself and kidding yourself. Get on down to business. Now, here’s a “TIME” magazine for December this year. And all of these books on the market now are talking about how the church and all have.., and the Christian people, the “righteous people,” young, and they’re falling away.

Now, in 1961, when we wrote our first edition of the book and sent it out, there was five hundred and fifty million Roman Catholics. Last year, or I should say year before that now, there was forty million decrease. And now in this year there’s five hundred and fifty-one million. Now, you have another terrible decrease in the Roman Catholic Church for this past year, an awful decrease. Now, I wanna go ahead on and show you some things about it. Now, first to start out with, this where Dr. Harris was reading here, is the Passover. That was down in Egypt. It telling you what month the Passover should be held. And it was direct from Yahweh.

Now, listen. Now listen at what I’m saying now. If you want to find out the truth, and where some of the errors are, then you have to pay attention. Now, it’s incumbent upon us, the responsibility of telling you the truth. Now, you can believe what you wanna believe, that’s up to you, but it’s our job telling you the truth. Now, this being the Passover here… Dr. Mitchell mentioned it when he was here, before we went up to Pismo Beach for a rest. Now, that being the Passover… Would you finish where you was at there Doc, go ahead on and say something.

DR. HARRIS: Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, in the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers,

DR. KINLEY: Now, go right back and read the same thing you just read, and I wanna point out something,

DR. HARRIS: Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel,

DR. KINLEY: He never said nothing about no Gentiles. Did you see, do you see, you see now what I’m talking about? It said, speak ye to the congregation of Israel. The Jews, not the Gentiles. Nobody had no business at no time fooling with the Passover, but the Jews. Now, if you wanted fool with it, and get mixed up with the Passover, then you have to be circumcised and keep the law of Moses; that means that you are adopted in the family. Now, what does that do? Now, that just knocks out all the Roman Catholics and all the Protestants. And you can’t fix it, not in your Bibles. Now, the reason why He gave it to the Jews, the Jews were a typical people, and He gave them the Law. He didn’t give the law of carnal ordinances to the Gentiles. Not at all. Let me make myself clear. I don’t think I’m, I don’t think I’m clear on that. Now, if there’s anybody in this building, as of now, that can stand up and show me, or read to me… I don’t want but one verse.

 (Footnotes 1-3 are missing.)
 4 Revelation 6:16

Now, this is the King James Version of the Bible: where the Lord, God, or Jesus Christ. Now, that’s the King James Version. Here’s the Holy Name: Yahweh, Elohim, or Yahshua. Then we’ll take it down here: the Father, who’s Yahweh; the Word or Son, Elohim or God; the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost, that’s Yahshua. Listen, now. Jehovah. Now, we leave them all in there. Jehovah, Baal, Moloch, or any idol deity, ever said anything in the history of the world, from Genesis to Revelations, about a Gentile getting baptized in physical water, or eating any Lord’s Suppers.

Now, I’m giving it to you straight. Now, you can go on to Hell if you want to, but I’m telling you like the Bible teaches. Or ever said anything at all about you keeping these carnal ordinances. Now, if you’re gonna do one, if you’re gonna keep the Passover, then you oughta keep the rest of ’em, cause if you don’t do ’em all, then you’re wrong. Now, look, folks. It’s kind of bad, like this. Dr. Harris, will you go back there and repeat one, one more time, who He was speaking to.

DR. HARRIS: Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel.

DR. KINLEY: Now, is that clear to you? That’s all that you can read out of a Roman Catholic Bible. That’s all you can read out of a Protestant Bible. That’s all you can read out of ’em. Now, there’s a reason for that. It does not mean that He is a deity of the Jews only. It does not mean that. He’s a deity of the Gentiles too. Now I’ll give you an easy one. Now we’ve been down in Egypt, in Jordan, and in Israel. Now, listen. And you might have to go to the first chapter of first Corinthians, Dr. Harris, where Paul, crucified for you. But now look. Look folks; look up here. Now, I’m trying to tell you straight. I am telling you straight, I should say. Now, the people go over there right now, the Jews and the Arabs are contemplating war about the land over there, and who should rule. Now listen, the Arabs call themselves Mohammedans or Ishmaelites. I said, they call themselves Mohammedans. Now, here’s what I wanna know. Was Mohammed crucified for anybody?


DR. KINLEY: See how simple it is? Read Dr. Harris.

DR. HARRIS: First Corinthians, first chapter, twelfth and thirteenth verses. Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Saul;

DR. KINLEY: Now, one says he’s of Saul.

DR. HARRIS: and I of Apollos;

DR. KINLEY: And another one says, well, I am of Apollos, up in Corinth. This is Greece. Alright.

DR. HARRIS: and I of Cephas,

DR. KINLEY: And another one says, ‘I am of Cepha, or of Peter.’ Now, that’s what Pope Paul says, we are Peter’s. At the International Council of Churches, headquarters in, in Geneva, Switzerland. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: and I of the Messiah.

DR. KINLEY: And another one says, ‘well, I’m of the Messiah.’

DR. HARRIS: Is the Messiah divided?

DR. KINLEY: Now, is the Messiah divided?

DR. HARRIS: Was Saul crucified for you?

DR. KINLEY: Well, was Saul crucified for you?

DR. HARRIS: or were you

DR. KINLEY: Now, now, was Saul, was the Apostle Paul crucified for you?


DR. KINLEY: Was Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Mohammed, or anybody crucified for you? I wanna know.


DR. KINLEY: Was any of the Popes ever crucified for anybody?


DR. KINLEY: Was any the cardinals ever crucified for anybody?


DR. KINLEY: Was John the Baptist crucified for you?


DR. KINLEY: Was Elijah crucified for you? I’m getting, I’m getting down at it. Elijah Mohammed. Was Elijah the Prophet crucified for you?


DR. KINLEY: Was Jeremiah crucified for you? Was Moses crucified for you?


DR. KINLEY: Now, I’m putting it down just straight like it oughta be; and it’s gonna to be this way and no other way. Alright. Read.

DR. HARRIS: Is the Messiah divided? Was Saul crucified for you? Or were ye baptized in the name of Saul?

DR. KINLEY: Were you baptized in the name of Saul? I, I could ask you this. You good so-called Christians, was you baptized in the name of Yahweh, Elohim, or Yahshua, the Messiah?


DR. KINLEY: You good Baptists?


DR. KINLEY: You good Methodists? You good Roman Catholics?

Now, when the Jerusalem Bible came out, millions of Roman Catholics were astounded to know that the name of our heavenly father was Yahweh was written up in a Roman Catholic Bible. And when we were over there talking about Yahweh, I mean in the Vatican, Vatican City, Pontiff Grimillion (Gremillion?) said, he said, when this chart was rolled down in the, in the building, said, ‘I see you use the true names.’ Now, that was an acknowledgement that they was wrong. And that was a victory in our, on our behalf.

Now, a lotta people think, ‘Well, they don’t know what they’re talking about. They, they, they’re, they’re not big shots. They’re not way up in the world. You can’t expect nothing from them idiots.’ Well, let me tell you something. Now, you hear this one. I bought this one up at Pismo Beach, and I tried to bring it up here before. And so, I’m gonna repeat it now, again. And this time I want you to hear me and take it home with you.

Yahweh, at the burning bush, sent Moses down into Egypt to tell the Pharaoh what His name was. Is that almost right?


DR. KINLEY: And to bring the children of Israel out. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right. Right.

DR. KINLEY: He told Moses, before he went down there what was gonna happen. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: That’s been quite some time ago, too. Somewhere around 350 years, more or less.

STUDENT: Three thousand, five hundred years.

DR. KINLEY: Three thousand, five hundred years is what you say. Now pay attention now, pay attention. I want you to see and understand what I’m talking about. Now Yahweh sent me down into Egypt,


DR. KINLEY: to tell Pharaoh what His name was. And if he went to war with Israel… ____ won’t win.


DR. KINLEY: Also He sent me out to Jordan to tell King Hussein that. And He also sent me on over there in Israel to tell Israel the same thing, that if they went to war, they wouldn’t win. Wasn’t gonna be no winning. Now did you hear what I said? I said He sent me.

Now, they were planning on going to war when we went over there. And we went over there in October, 1971. And they were planning on going to war the first of the year, 1972 they didn’t go the war at that time. They waited til 1973. And there was a, ‘let’s go.’ ‘No, we ain’t ready.’ ‘Let’s go.’ ‘Nope, we ain’t ready folks.’ What I’m talking about is how Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. And every time he goes to do something, Yahweh pulls out one of them plagues on him. And every time he starts, this last time when we was over there, to do something, it’ll all come right back on him what we had told him. So he says, ‘Well we’d better not go right now.’ ‘Our equipment is not right.’ Now, look folks. You have, most of you, you’ve been living. You were living at that time. Now, what we told ’em, now we can prove it by you, whether it’s so or not, we can prove that by you. I don’t care if you, if you don’t like me, we can still prove it for you. If you hate my guts… Well, anyhow… You’re just hating me. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) You have to admit that they didn’t win, neither one. And just like we told you. Is that right? Now look here. This school is 43 years old. And that’s been… This looks… This, this has been a long time. There was 1490 years before the birth of the Messiah, and still going strong. And Yahweh had said, in Jeremiah, that He wasn’t gonna suffer them to do what they said they were gonna do: destroy Israel. Yahweh said that, and it’s not… an impossibility for them to do it. They cannot do it. Well, listen here, folks. Now, I’m telling you this about your bondage in your religious organization. This is what I’m trying to tell you. After three hundred, after all of this three thousand five hundred years, they haven’t got the lesson learned yet. Now, you’ve been going to the church out there, you haven’t been there that long. And you haven’t learned nothing. You haven’t learned a thing out there in Babylon.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: You didn’t know which way to go. Then, as I said before, listen again. This is “TIME” magazine. How true is your Bible? Now, our job is proving the divine authenticity. Are you listening? You take these words home with you. Our job is proving the divine authenticity, the unerring accuracy, listen, the absolute infallibility of the Bible coming direct from Yahweh.

Now, let me say this while I’m on it. Now, these, they go in through here and they point out, just like this. Now, here you have it here in the Bible. You have a child laying here and a madonna here with a halo about her head. And then you’ve got Joseph standing over here with a halo over his head. And here you got Jesus. I’m giving it to you so you all can understand what I’m talking about. You go buy… This is a December copy right from “TIME” magazine. Now look here. It hasn’t been long since they learned that this Jesus, that they’re talking about here, was back down there with Moses. They didn’t even know that. They thought this was the first of Jesus, whose right name is Yahshua. Now, this is, this is, that’s what they’re celebrating, this is His birth. Now look, I had Dr. Harris to read the 12th chapter of Exodus. Now, that is a Passover. Now, I’m trying to tell you just how stupid you carry on like them in church. And it’s not Biblical at all, no parts of it. Now, this is showing His birth, showing His birth. That’s what that’s all about. Now, here is the Roman Catholic Church celebrating Mass at His birth. Now that is just as backwards as it can be. Mass, that’s His death. I tell you, it’s terrible.

Now this year we want to wake up, start to learning something for sure. Now, these magazines they write all these things that are shared by the various different churches, and so forth and so on. And the very smartest of people, college people, and here they got a bunch of Bibles in here, different editions of the Bible. And they mention the Jerusalem Bible . They don’t say a thing about the Holy Name Bible . They tell you about different Bibles that’s recently written. Now folks, listen. Go back Dr. Harris to your mass, in Exodus. Now, we found out that that was given to the Israelites. And that was down in the land of Egypt. Now, the Egyptians… Now listen to what I’m saying now. Please try to pay attention. The Egyptians, they didn’t know anything about the Passover there. They didn’t know a thing about it. And today the world doesn’t know anything about it. Just don’t realize. Now, that sounds like a lie but it’s the truth. Alright.

Now, what I wanna get at is this. Now, why would a person be celebrating a Mass at His birth, or celebrating a Passover at His birth? Now I wanna tell you something else, too. Now listen, this refers to everybody in this place. Eight days after He was born, He was circumcised. Now He was baptized before He was circumcised. (STUDENT BODY REACTS) Now, the reason why I brought that up, is this idiot standing over there in the Vatican sprinkling Holy Water, supposed to be, on infants. I’ll have you to know that Jesus was 30 years old when He was baptized in water by John the Baptist. And that was not His first baptism, either. How about that? That’s brand new news, ain’t it? (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) (DR. KINLEY CHUCKLES) Now, listen here, listen. Just to show you how stupid it is; this is just to show you how stupid it is, as an ____. Now, you can’t get away from this. Now a child, right here, a child in its mother’s womb is inundated in water, that bag of water, in its mother’s womb; in other words, I’m telling that that child is baptized in its mother’s womb in water. Now, that’ll go for you. Somebody said, ‘No not me. I was caesarean born.’ Yes, it goes for you, too. Is that right, Dr. Harris?

DR. HARRIS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now, that’s a infant baptizing. Then when the child is born, then you have to take some water and oil and wash that child and swaddle it. Now there he’s got another washing. And some oil on you. Now, here stands that idiot standing up here… Yahweh just making a fool out of him every kinda way. Just making a downright fool out of him. Then you call yourself walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Said He come to show you how to live a righteous life who did no sin and neither was guile found in His mouth. 5 Now He come to show you how to do that and live right. And we should follow in His footsteps who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth. Now, that wasn’t what He said He come for. He didn’t come to show you how to live right. And listen here folks. I want you to know there wasn’t a righteous man on earth. 6 And He didn’t come accusing either. That’s right. There wasn’t one righteous man on earth. There was John, the Baptist, he was there, and he was filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother’s womb. He carried out his commission that He was supposed to do. Right?


DR. KINLEY: And then something happened. The Holy Spirit’s gone. And then John the Baptist said, he said to his disciples said, ‘go up yonder and ____, art thou the one, or should we look for another.’ 7 That’s the same self thing pointing Him out: ‘Behold the Lamb of Yahweh that taketh away the sin of the world.’ 8 And that’s the way it with, with all the rest of ’em.

Now folks, this is a new year, they call it, by the Gregorian calendar. Now a lotta people have made resolutions for this year. And some of ’em you made, you’ve already done broke ’em. (DR. KINLEY AND STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) You haven’t got started. You ain’t gonna do nothing. (DR. KINLEY AND STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) There ain’t no sense in you talking about what all you gonna do. You ain’t gonna do nothing. No need to lying around like that, kidding yourself. It’s just like David said. He said about the watchman walking around the walls of Zion. He said the watchman wakes. He’s walking the beat alright, but unless Yahweh keeps the city, he waketh in vain. 9

 5 Isaiah 53:9
 6 Romans 3:10; Psalms 14:1-3
 7 Matthew 11:1-3
 8 John 1:29

STUDENT BODY: Right. That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now let’s go back to this Passover business. Now it was on the 10th day of Abib or Nisan, which is April, corresponding to the Gregorian calendar. And it was given to the Gentiles.


DR. KINLEY: Huh? You mean to tell me it wasn’t given to the Gentiles?

STUDENT BODY: No. Not one.

DR. KINLEY: Now, how am I gonna find out about that? Read in the book? That’s right. It was given to the Jews. Now I want you to pay attention all the way. I wanna tell you something about this. Now, since it was given to the Jews… Now then, are you listening?


DR. KINLEY: Now, they’re not supposed to do it that way. The Jews. Well, they’re not doing it that way either. They’re as wrong as anybody else. Well, you know how they’re doing… (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) They know that the name is Yahweh, of our Heavenly Father. And they’re saying Yahvah, just saying anything. They know that the name is Yahshua; and they’ll say Yeshua. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) They know that the Father’s name is Yahweh; and they’ll say Adonai. The world’s in a terrible state. Said, ‘Well, why don’t say then?’ Aren’t you forbidden to worship idols? Yes. Forbidden to do that. And Yahweh said what His name was. You won’t call Him that. Somebody asked you what your name is, and tell ’em, ‘my name is John;’ and he calls you Frank. Well, now folks…


DR. KINLEY: I said… I want you to follow me, now. I said that the Jews were not, that the Israelites to whom the Passover was given to, they’re not supposed to be doing that as of now. Gentiles, never, at no time. And the Jews up until Yahshua the Messiah, they were supposed to do it, keep that Passover here.

And I want you to know this. Now, pay attention. You don’t just run up here and do this just any and every time, any and every Sunday have to do with Christendoom and the Roman Catholic Church. You don’t do it that way. You don’t hold no Mass every once a week, every Sunday, and all that kinda stuff, or Passover. That’s all wrong. How often did they do it?

STUDENT BODY: Once a year.

 9 Psalm 127:1

DR. KINLEY: Once a year. Not every first Sunday of every month. How’s that? Once a year, the Jews… Now, that’s all over with. He don’t do that no more.

Now, what we’re trying to find out… We’re planning to teach now. We said the Jews, they don’t do it no more. People are saying that Jesus come to show us how to live, how to live a righteous life. Now look, folks, that’s wrong. You can’t live no righteous life. It just ain’t in you to live a righteous life. No Popes or potentates of any kind, no preachers or teachers can teach you how to live a righteous life. And if he tries to teach you how to live a righteous life, then he’s wrong. That sounds bad, don’t it? Sure it does. You know it does. Why don’t you just go ahead and say yes.

Holy Spirit must teach you. And there ain’t nobody gonna live nothing without the Holy Spirit. And that’s why all them folks back there in the Dispensation of the Law was wrong. They didn’t have the Holy Spirit. But now, the Holy Spirit, Yahshua the Messiah been crucified. And listen, get this straight. Once for all. 10 Or last. There ain’t gonna be no more offerings for unrighteousness or sin. So if that’s gonna be the case, then you don’t need no more masses. Is that right?


DR. KINLEY: Has anybody gotten anything out, is anybody getting anything out of what I’m saying?


DR. KINLEY: If you’re getting something out of it, I wanna know.


DR. KINLEY: Now, if I ain’t getting, if you ain’t getting nothing out of it, I’ll change the story.


DR. KINLEY: You’re getting something out of it. Now Dr. Harris, you read where the Jew. Is that right?

DR. HARRIS: Right.

DR. KINLEY: Now I wanna show you something else about that. Get the 26th chapter of Matthew. I just wanna show you that what they say that He said, He did not say what they said He said.

STUDENT BODY: Right. Okay.

 10 Hebrews 7:27; 9:28

DR. KINLEY: Now, it comes up to a question of this and that, here and yonder. Alright, now the 26th chapter of Matthew.

DR. HARRIS: And as they were eating, 11

DR. KINLEY: And as they were eating… Listen here. Now him just reading that, that don’t mean nothing. As they were eating what? What were they eating?


DR. KINLEY: No. No. No. No, no, no, no, no, no… No, let’s get this thing straight. Oh, my goodness. As they were eating lamb! Where do you find out what they was eating? Apparently Christendoom doesn’t know. How about that? Now, listen here folks, when you get the simplicity of it, it just seems like you oughta have sense enough to know that in the first place. And you wonder why in the world that you could be a fool all this long time. Well, as they were eating lamb… They took that lamb out of the flock. Is that the 12th chapter of Hebrews?

STUDENT: Exodus.

DR. KINLEY: Exodus, the 12th chapter of Exodus. Now listen, took that lamb out on the 10th. They had a certain day to take him out on. That’s the Paschal Lamb. On the 10th, then offer him up on the 14th. Question: why? Well, do you wanna know why?


DR. KINLEY: Well then turn over to the ninth chapter of Hebrews, the 26th verse.

DR. HARRIS: For then must He often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the age, hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement:

DR. KINLEY: Now, you see that? Now, let me, let me get this straight. He was as a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 12 Now, when He came over here, and ____ taken on, passed over from the incorporealization to physical, now that was a Passover. That was a Passover. Now back here, when they slain this lamb down in Egypt on the 14th. Now look, now listen. Now this is seven years through here. Now seven more would be 14. This is the second. So take him out on the 10th, 10 is concrete, and offer him up on the 14th. If He was slain back here, that seven days in that, He’s slain back here before He came down in the flesh. When He was slain here only manifested what would happen down here. Then that’s why He told ’em to take him out on the 10th, and offer him up on the 14th, ____ talking before. Now let’s prove that. Revelations 11:8.

 11 Matthew 26:26
 12 Revelations 13:8

DR. HARRIS: And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city,

DR. KINLEY: And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city. Read on.

DR. HARRIS: which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt,

DR. KINLEY: Now look, this, this Passover here spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt. Listen.

DR. HARRIS: where also our Savior was crucified.

DR. KINLEY: You see what that indicated right there? Spiritually which indicated that our Savior was crucified back here and there. Spiritually it pointed to the Savior, who was crucified in Sodom and in Egypt, the offering up of that Paschal Lamb. Now look folks, it was, pay attention to this one. Because every little thing, every little minute thing, every detail, you have to grasp it in order to comprehend it. And unless it’s in the Book, they don’t never do that. Catechism won’t work. Just setting down and reading the Bible around, it won’t work. Reciting scriptures, that won’t work. The more you study the Bible… Now, don’t ____ too bad ____ studying, but the more you study the Bible in its chronological order, the more confused you get. Solomon put it this way. Much study is a weariness of the flesh. 13 That’s right. That don’t help me a thing.

Now, He took the lamb out on the 10th, and offered him up on the 14th, and, spiritually that was where our Savior was crucified, Yahshua the Messiah right there in Egypt, in Sodom and in Egypt. Is that right? Now, that was in Hebrews. Now, don’t forget now, say Mixon, what I’m trying to show you is that the Roman Catholics and the Protestants is wrong. They don’t have no business fooling with it at all. They didn’t even before the Messiah come, and they don’t have after He come. Now, how about that? I’m talking about the mass or the mess. To say nothing about the Gentiles, it just don’t work. Now I’m try.., I’m after it like the Bible teaches. Now I asked you to read Matthew 26:26.

DR. HARRIS: And as they were eating,

DR. KINLEY: And as they were eating. They don’t never say. They just get up there, ‘As they were eating.’ They don’t even know what they was eating.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

 13 Ecclesiastes 12:12

DR. KINLEY: They was eating lamb. How do you find that out? Go back to the 12th chapter of Exodus. The thing was served in courses. As they were eating lamb. There on the menu, listen, on the menu they had lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs. That’s what was on the menu. That’s all was on. And say listen, I want you to know this. There wasn’t no wine; there wasn’t no grape juice.

STUDENT BODY: Alright. That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now look, listen folks, at the first Passover there wasn’t nobody but the Jews there, especially when he’s reading about the last one. There wasn’t nobody but the Jews, and that was the last one.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: And there was nobody but the Jews there. And all these popes and cardinals, Methodists and Baptists, and Presbyterians and Unitarians, all of them are liars, and don’t know a thing about what it’s all about. Now you can call that hateful and mean if you want to, but I demand that you tell the truth up here in this pulpit. He just don’t know. They’re standing around telling a barefaced lie, get a piece of flesh hung up in his tooth. Then he even go down, and he’s talking down, they stand there and reverend says, ‘Oh, it sure do feel good since he took the communion.’ You’re a liar. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) That’s what it says. Alright, read on, Dr. Harris. And as they were eating…

DR. HARRIS: Yahshua took bread,

DR. KINLEY: Yahshua took bread.

DR. HARRIS: and blessed it,

DR. KINLEY: and blessed it,

DR. HARRIS: and broke it,

DR. KINLEY: and broke it,

DR. HARRIS: and gave it to the disciples, and said,

DR. KINLEY: And He gave it to His disciples. Now, I want you to understand this now boy. There wasn’t nobody but the Jews there, no Gentiles at all. And for heaven’s, for the sake of righteousness, there was no Roman Catholics in existence then.


DR. KINLEY: No such thing as a Roman Catholic at that time. Wasn’t no such thing as a Baptist. No such thing as a Presbyterian. No such thing as a Unitarian. Now how about that? No such thing as a Christian.


DR. KINLEY: How about that? Somebody said, ‘Oh, yes, there was.’ Alright you can have the pulpit. Come up here and prove it. I’ll give you the floor. Every last one of them disciples was Jews. Now did you get what I just said? I’m showing you, there wasn’t none at the first party, and there wasn’t none at the last party, Now that’s what I’m showing you. Well somebody says, ‘Well, there was, they was Christians though.’ No, they wasn’t. Wasn’t a one of ’em a Christian. Wasn’t no Christians at this one down here. There wasn’t no Christians at the last one. Somebody said, ‘You mean to tell me that the disciples wasn’t Christians?’ Sure I mean to tell you that. You heard what I said, didn’t you? That’s what I mean to tell you. How in the world is gonna, how in the world is there gonna be a Christian, when you don’t have a Christ? (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) That’s right. Can’t do it.

Here they are now at the Christ’s Mass, Christ’s Mass. Now I want you to see how stupid it is. I have to bring this up. Then you get Christ’s Mass in almost anytime you get together, you got a Christ’s Mass. Now, you know that ain’t gonna work. You hadn’t thought about that, had you. How about that? Had you thought about that ____? Alright, read on Dr. Harris. And as they were eating, Yahshua took bread.

DR. HARRIS: and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples, and said,

DR. KINLEY: and gave it to His disciples,

DR. HARRIS: and said,

DR. KINLEY: and said,



DR. HARRIS: eat;

DR. KINLEY: eat;

DR. HARRIS: this is my body.

DR. KINLEY: Now, wait a minute. Wait, wait just a minute. He didn’t say, ‘now that’s My body, Take this and eat. That’s My body.’ He didn’t say that. Did He?


DR. KINLEY: If He did, you all, you can’t read. He said, ‘take, eat, this is My body.’ This one. Not that one, this one. This is My body. I tell you they don’t say what He said. How about that? They just about tell you that bread was His body. He didn’t say that. Then on top of all of that, on top of all of that, this is what they say. They say when a Pope or a priest prays over unleavened bread and wine or grape juice… Now listen, they say that it is transubstantiated into the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. That is a degradational liar. Why would you say that? Now this is simple. Let me show you how simple it is. If what He said was so, if He changed that bread, unleavened bread, and that grape juice into the actual body and blood of Yahshua the Messiah, or Jesus Christ as He is called, then what he has done, he has created Jesus Christ; in other words, he’s created the Creator. Read on, Dr. Harris.

DR. HARRIS: And He took the cup,

DR. KINLEY: And He took the cup,

DR. HARRIS: and gave thanks,

DR. KINLEY: and gave thanks,

DR. HARRIS: and gave it to them,

DR. KINLEY: and gave it to them,

DR. HARRIS: saying,

DR. KINLEY: saying,

DR. HARRIS: Drink ye all of it;

DR. KINLEY: Drink ye all of it;

DR. HARRIS: For this is my blood

DR. KINLEY: For this is my blood, not that is my blood. You can read. How about that? John 2:19. Now we’re talking about this and that, and we’re showing you how, how they mess it all up. Now, you see what they done there, don’t you? Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: Yahshua answered and said unto them,

DR. KINLEY: Uh huh,

DR. HARRIS: Destroy this temple,

DR. KINLEY: Destroy… Now, wait a minute. Now we’re talking about this and that. He said, Destroy this temple, just like He said, Take and eat, this is My body. Give ’em the cup, said, drink all of it, this is my blood. Not that is My blood. Not that is My body. Now, I ain’t changing up no Bible. They been sitting up there with a Roman Catholic Bible. Don’t you have a Roman Catholic Bible there?

STUDENT: Yes. The Jerusalem Bible.

DR. KINLEY: Is it imprimatured? If it ain’t, it ain’t no Roman Catholic. You say it’s imprimatured?


DR. KINLEY: Okay. Does it read like what we just read over here, reading over here.


DR. KINLEY: Okay. I just wanna know. Now you just hang on to all that stuff. And people just tell you all kinds of lies. And you run your hand in your pocket, you’re helping the Lord. All a man needs.., what he really oughta have on is a mask (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) and a gun and tell you, ‘Come up in here.’ (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) ‘Put your pocket book in here. Hold the door back there.’ (STUDENT BODY CONTINUES TO LAUGH) Robbing you of your money and the most precious of all is your soul. Alright, repeat Dr. Harris, for the sake of explanation.

DR. HARRIS: Yahshua answered and said unto them, 14

DR. KINLEY: Yahshua answered and said unto them,

DR. HARRIS: Destroy this temple,

DR. KINLEY: Destroy… Now, He’s talking about this temple. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: and in three days I will raise it up.

DR. KINLEY: and in three days I will raise it up. Talking about the same temple. Same body. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: Then said the Jews,

DR. KINLEY: Then said the Jews,

DR. HARRIS: Forty and six years

 14 John 2:19

DR. KINLEY: This is what you oughta see. Then said the Jews. They had the wrong understanding of it. Then said the Jews.

DR. HARRIS: Forty and six years

DR. KINLEY: Now our fathers, forty and six years

DR. HARRIS: was this temple in building,

DR. KINLEY: was this temple in building. Talking about the Herod.., the Herodian temple, was this temple in building, which really was that temple, that building that set there on Mount Moriah. Read.

DR. HARRIS: and wilt thou rear it up in three days?

DR. KINLEY: Now it, look, it took our fathers forty-six years to build this one, this temple up here. They misunderstood, they didn’t realize He was talking about the temple of His body in the resurrection.

Now look, I, I, I wanna give an opportunity for somebody to, if they don’t have an understanding of what we’re trying to tell you, why we wanna give you an opportunity to ask questions. Now look, I want you to make a fool out of me. You’re so smart; you, you try that. Go right on, help yourself. You got a break.

Now somebody says this is the way we used to do it. Get on the stairs out there, said, ‘well, I could have told you something.’ They said, ‘I could, I could have told them something, but I just didn’t wanna make him feel bad in front of a crowd.’ You’re a coward, (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) and a hypocrite, and a liar on top of it. We don’t want no hypocrites around here. No liars. Now the thing of it is, be honest, there’s a lot of things evidently you didn’t know when you come down here.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right. Right.

DR. KINLEY: So don’t feel bad about it. We was all in the same boat (Dr. KINLEY LAUGHS) until Yahsh, until Yahweh showed it. Isn’t that right?


DR. KINLEY: Everybody in the building was in the same boat.


DR. KINLEY: So don’t feel bad about it. Don’t feel like you are a lone ranger. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Yes, indeed. But this year we want you to understand. We want you to know something about the truth. Can I get any questions? Any questions. Alright, ask it.

STUDENT: Yeah, my question is, is when the sun sets, why do you have the blue, purple, and scarlet when you’re looking at the sun setting?

DR. KINLEY: Alright, you’ve asked a question. The 19th division of Psalms. And while he’s on, while we’re on that, we saw some beautiful sunsets up there where we were at, and I think they’ve taken some pictures of it. And since you mentioned that, George, I want you to follow me down out there.

STUDENT: Yes, sir.

DR. KINLEY: I want everybody in the place to understand what I’m talking about. And I’ll give you a break on thus far to ask me questions about what I have talked about. And if you noticed, I condemned all of the Roman Catholicism and Christendoom, every bit of it. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: The heavens declare the glory of El;

DR. KINLEY: The heavens declare the glory of El;

DR. HARRIS: and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.

DR. KINLEY: Now the firmament sheweth His handiwork.

DR. HARRIS: Day unto day uttereth speech,

DR. KINLEY: Day unto day uttereth speech,

DR. HARRIS: and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

DR. KINLEY: and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

DR. HARRIS: There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

DR. KINLEY: There is no speech nor language.

DR. HARRIS: where their voice is not heard.

DR. KINLEY: There is no speech nor language… Now listen folks, that means this. Everybody can look in the heavens, you can do it. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: Yet their message is gone, gone out through all the earth,

DR. KINLEY: Their message is gone out into all the earth,

DR. HARRIS: and their story to the end of the world.

DR. KINLEY: and their story… The planets… We wrote about it in the book. And it’s wonderful, folks. And I intend to prove that, and I think I possess the ability to do it, too. Alright. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: In them hath He set a tabernacle for the sun,

DR. KINLEY: In them… In them hath He set a.., you know what I’m talking about, tabernacle for the sun. Alright.

DR. HARRIS: Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,

DR. KINLEY: Which is as a bridegroom coming out of the chamber,

DR. HARRIS: and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.

DR. KINLEY: and rejoiceth as a young dude to run a race.

DR. HARRIS: His going forth is from the end of the heavens,

DR. KINLEY: Now, his going forth is from the end of the heavens,

DR. HARRIS: and his circuit unto the ends of it:

DR. KINLEY: He’s making a complete round trip. That’s a round trip.

DR. HARRIS: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

DR. KINLEY: and there is nothing hid, not a thing hid from the heat thereof, not a thing. Alright.

DR. HARRIS: The law of Yahweh is perfect,

DR. KINLEY: Now the law of Yahweh is infallible. Do you recall a while ago when I stopped and took special pains and told you about the divine authenticity and the unerring accuracy, the accuracy and the absolute infallibility. Alright, read on.

DR. HARRIS: converting the soul

DR. KINLEY: Now, it will convert the soul. The law of Yahweh will convert the soul; in other words, Yahweh’s Spirit, the Law of the Spirit will convert the soul. Alright, read.

DR. HARRIS: The testimony of Yahweh is sure,

DR. KINLEY: Now, wait a minute. The testimony of Yahweh is sure. Alright.

DR. HARRIS: making wise the simple.

DR. KINLEY: Now, if you haven’t got, I better back off of that. If you’re stupid, and you’re thick, and you been letting folks fool you all along, the testimony of Yahweh is what?

DR. HARRIS: is sure,

DR. KINLEY: is sure,

DR. HARRIS: making wise the simple.

DR. KINLEY: making wise the simple. Now Dr. Harris get Romans 1:19 and 20. And somebody get Matthew, the crucifixion, and we’re after the resurrection. Now, I’m answering your question. I’m answering your question. Now, I don’t have time to go into all the details of it, so I’m gonna have to cut it up short. I’m gonna have to do that. Now, try to follow. Try to follow. And if you’re able to follow this time, you’ll, you’ll learn yourself something. Now where He was crucified and buried in Joseph’s new tomb.

DR. HARRIS: Matthew 27:61.

DR. KINLEY: Matthew 27. You’d better go up a little further.

DR. HARRIS: Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over the land unto the ninth hour.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Now look here. Now if you had asked me about the darkness, or why was it dark down in Egypt and why was it dark when He was crucified, the reason why it’s dark down here in Egypt, Yahweh told ’em that night. Now listen. Now, here you are this morning celebrating mass, the Lord’s Supper, this morning. Where do you find that at in the Book? You hadn’t thought about that. Huh? Answer me.


DR. KINLEY: You ain’t got no business celebrating no mass, or eating no Lord’s Suppers at night or in the morning. Now when He’s crucified out here, it’s dark down in Egypt, when they’re told to offer up the Paschal Lamb, when they eat the Paschal Lamb, in order to prove that He’s the Savior of the world, then it had to be dark over here.

Now listen, folks. That darkness… He’s the Son of Yahweh. That darkness had to cover the face of the earth that day, just like it did back here, just like it did in the chaosis. Now look. This body that He has is a tabernacle. This is a tabernacle. Now listen, the greater and more perfect tabernacle… I’m talking about the creation of the heavens and the earth. It is a tabernacle listen George, it’s got to be repeated in this.


DR. KINLEY: So then the blue, purple, and scarlet, cause this is a figure of that out there. So then, if it’s out there in the greater and more perfect tabernacle, it’s got to be in the miniature tabernacle. Blue, purple, and scarlet.

Now listen, son.., this Yah.., this is a Son of Yahweh that was crucified out here. First, the easiest way to see it is go back in Genesis, and… Now listen, try to pay attention, folks, I’m… Now, this is simple. And then you’ll, you’ll actually wonder why in the world it wasn’t, you wasn’t able to see that before now. Well, the reason why you wasn’t able to see it before now is you didn’t have nobody to tell you nothing about it, even if you did belong to that church over there all the time.

Now, the third chapter of Luke says that Adam was a son of, of Yahweh, just like He is the Son. Well, now, Yahweh waited ’til the cool of the day to drive him out. See this sun setting up here? Now, that’s sunset. The sun is going down, and he’s going down. He’s dead. Now, what I’m talking about is the sun in the ethereal heavens and Adam, the son. And I’m also talking about Yahshua the Messiah, being the son. Now, that’s what I’m talking about.

And I’m showing you that in the.., the High Priest, he had to offer up that sacrifice and go in this Tabernacle. And here in this Tabernacle, Yahweh abode in this Tabernacle, and the greater and more perfect Tabernacle. It all has to work and correlate together, in order to prove the divine authenticity, the unerring accuracy, and the absolute infallibility of the scriptures and the Bible and the existence of Yahweh. Now, He’s proving His own existence. Now you pay attention. I, ring the bell on me when time is up. I’m gonna give them a break to ask questions.

Now, the sun is going down in the ethereal heavens, now He waited until the cool of the day to drive him out, cause that man, he was dead in his conscience. ____ ____ ____, and we say ____ ____ ____, but in his conscience he was condemned, or ____. And the sun was going down, and Yahweh waited til the cool of the day to drive him out.

Look at this. Michael there with the flaming sword. Look over here in the sanctuary and see the flame on the lamp. Go in the sanctuary or in the Garden, the blood, the water, the sweat of his face, and here coming into the sanctuary or into the physical. The blood, the water, coming into the door, into the sanctuary, the angel with the flaming sword. Why the flaming sword? It’s dark; it’s night. Darkness over the face of the deep. Adam is coming on down. He’s going on down to death. And death will manifest itself in that physical body 930 years, at 930. Now, that’s 70 years short of a day with Yahweh, cause 1000 years is as a day.

Now follow it now, try to follow, cause this is simple, as plain as the nose on your face. Now, listen, here’s the sun coming down here in the sky, and here he’s driven out of the Garden. Now, Yahshua the Messiah, He’s got to go in the Garden of Gethsemane, and here’s the offering, Jesus, offers up the prayer. He, He is our Intercessor. He’s in you. If that be the case, what do you want with a prayer book? Somebody hands you a prayer book and tell you how to pray. Paul said we know not how to pray as we ought. 15 Well all you have to do is ask the priest. Prayer book. You don’t need no prayer book; you need the Holy Spirit. That’ll take care of that situation. Now then, now here’s Yahshua the Messiah. He ate that last Passover. He went on out. Well I’ll, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you the whole thing because if you, if you read Matthew 27:52 down there, you would see it, but I have to say this in order to get it together, so you can see.

Now, what I’m talking about is the sun going down and I’m talking about the sunset, I’m talking about the blue, purple, and scarlet. I’m talking about the earthquake. I’m talking about the resurrection. I’m talking about the ascension. And I’m talking about Him ascended into heaven to sit down at the right hand of the Father. Listen folks, repeated every day. Now Yahshua went on His ____. Well, I’ll put it this way. That last supper, the last Lord’s Supper… They, they’re still yet eating it, but that was the last one right back there. Now then, He rose up, gird Himself about with a towel.

Now, you pay attention, because we have got to go according to the dictates of this pattern we got to have blood, water, and the spirit’s got to be there. We can’t never digress from that and we’re going by a pattern. This is line, this is your blood line, this is your water line, and this is the spirit line. You cannot digress. If this is the Garden of Eden back here… Now listen, if He comes in the earth plane, and you say He come to fulfill. I didn’t say that a while ago, when I was telling you about He showing you how to live a Christian life. You can’t do like ____ could do it. But He came and died that the Holy Spirit might be poured out on you, that the Intercessor might be in you. Now, my point is this: Adam is out here in the Garden. The angel is here with the flaming sword. Here in the Garden is where the Devil messed Eve up, deceived her. He didn’t deceive Adam, he deceived the woman. And, and look here folks, the same devil is deceiving the folks today in the church. That’s in Cain, same devil, same old pope in and out here. Now we got Him out there in the Garden. And He rose up from eating that Passover Supper. Now pay attention. And He gird Himself about with a towel 16 and He begin to wash the disciples’ feet. He had to do that because Moses brought Aaron to the door of the Tabernacle and washed him in water 17 and anointed him with anointing oil before he could officiate in the sanctuary. So then He’s fulfilling the law and the prophecy. 18 Now that’s what He said He come to…


 15 Romans 8:26
 16 John 13:4
 17 Exodus 30:20,21; Leviticus 8:6
 18 Leviticus 8:12

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