Yahweh Took on Shape and Form

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley possibly in 1974.


JERRY KINLEY: Hello, my name is Jerry Kinley. You’re about to hear a lecture of Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley. This is a tape that belonged to Dr. Frank Gross Vice President of the Springfield, Ohio Branch, and after Dr. Gross’ passing, his wife gave the reels to reels to Dr. Oliver and LaJune Gill. This tape was partially taped over by Dr. Gross of another lecture given by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley, and at the end of that lecture it picked right up talking about Yahweh taking on shape and form. Since Dr. Kinley is the only man at the end of this age to receive the Divine Vision and Revelation, then we must adhere to and follow his instructions, without improvement, corrections, we just cannot improve upon the thing that Dr. Kinley explained. It’s been said many times in Los Angeles, and Springfield, if anyone can improve upon… No one took the time; no one took the time to say they can do a better job. So if you don’t get it this way through his teaching and how he explained, then you never will get it. So sit back and enjoy this tape, it’s an hour long, and listen how the Founder explained how Yahweh took on shape and form.

Thank you. __________________________

[This is where lecture begins on this tape; don’t know how much is missing]

DR. KINLEY: Now then this being pure spirit, see you can’t visualize it, you can’t taste it, you can’t smell it, you can’t, uh, it just won’t cooperate with the five senses. Now, listen closely, I used these words a little bit different than what you have in the Book there; it means the same thing. Now here’s the difference the way I used them: In this cloud, in this vision to Moses, see pure spirit without any shape or without any form at all, nothing distinguishes it. It says no similar, they saw no similitude. Now listen close! Now Yahweh Himself took on, (now listen), these words TOOK ON THE SHAPE AND A FORM, now that’s the difference. And by Him taking on that shape and form then Moses saw, and the Elders saw this incorporeal man up there in a vision; they saw Him in a vision. Now this here is the beginning of the creation. Now that’s what John is saying: “This is the faithful and true witness; He is the beginning of the creation of Yahweh, of Yahweh.” Now are you listening? When Yahweh taken on this shape and form that’s all He wrote, that’s all, that’s the beginning, that’s the end of it. That’s the beginning of the creation. Now then that makes me have to explain this. I want Colossians 1:15 down to 18.

READER: Who is the image of the invisible El…

DR. KINLEY: Now look, I just got through telling you, don’t, don’t miss, don’t, don’t pass on. See this was an invisible cloud; it was in the eyes of the children of Israel. In other words the cloud was revealed to the children of Israel, but the other fellow didn’t see it. Now that “Who is the beginning of the creation of God;” all right repeat.

READER: Who is the image of the invisible El… DR. KINLEY: Now He is the image of the invisible God or El. READER: the first cause of all creation…

DR. KINLEY: Now He’s the first cause! He’s the first cause of all creation. You see, you see that now? He’s the first cause. Just to turn it around and say it another way, the same thing, He had to take on a shape and form, and had to appear to Moses before they could go, before they could get Him to creating. You see what I mean? Now somebody ought to say, “Well where do you find that at in the Book?” You remember we told you this: what we wanna do is to take it from Genesis to Revelations, and you remember I told you the Exodus was before the Genesis. Now listen, here in the first chapter of Genesis you read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.” I told you that was not the beginning of the creation, and I had to go to Revelations to prove that that was not the beginning of the creation. Well if it’s not the beginning… It’s the beginning of Moses’ vision, in the beginning of his… Where’d he have the vision at? How do you know? How do you know that just what I just got through telling you is right? Where is your Bible for it, and who said so? Get the point? Now that bring me down to this: uh, the, well I’ll put it up here. See I’m playing like I forgot it now, so I can go back and show you when you forget where you come right up here and find it, that’s Exodus 24:9 & 10. Now there’s one thing… Now we had put this on this other chart, it isn’t up here; it is not up here, I mean the verse isn’t. The 24th Chapter and the 1st verse, we put it up in here.

READER: And He said unto Moses… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: come up unto Yahweh… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: thou… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Aaron… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Nadab and Abihu… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and 70 of the elders of Israel… DR. KINLEY: All right read on. READER: and worship ye afar off DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and Moses alone shall come near Yahweh…

DR. KINLEY: And Moses ALONE! Say folks, Moses ALONE! MOSES BY HIMSELF! DON’T BRING NOBODY WITH YOU! Now what He’s setting up there, I’ll tell you, course now I’ll have to go in Hebrews there. Listen closely! This is in the cloud, and Moses alone! Nope, don’t, the 70 elders, no don’t, no, naw, naw, uh-uh, you stay off back here, and Moses alone and by himself. Now here’s what that did, see it’s set up… Let me see if I can, I better show you on this chart. See this here, this here is the same; this is the cloud here. Listen, read Leviticus 16:2 right while you’re on it.

READER: And Yahweh said unto Moses… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: speak unto Aaron thy brother…

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, you tell Aaron your brother… Now you see Aaron his brother, and 70 of the elders, and Nadab and Abihu was right along with him when he went up in the mount, but Moses by himself, and alone shall come into the midst of that cloud. Now then Aaron you speak, uh, Moses you speak to your brother!

READER: that he come not at all times within the veil…

DR. KINLEY: Don’t come in within this Most Holy Place within that veil. DON’T COME IN! And when he does come in, he comes in alone and by himself! You see he’d better not be running in and out of here. If he does then what happens?

READER: within the veil before the Mercy Seat upon the Ark that he die not… DR. KINLEY: Do you see that now? See what’s gone happen? Don’t be running in and out of here! All right now what? READER: for I will appear within the cloud… DR. KINLEY: Now get this one; now get this one; for I will dwell within the cloud! READER: upon the Mercy Seat…

DR. KINLEY: upon the Mercy Seat. Now here He is He’s in the cloud outside, and telling Moses to come in along. Don’t bring nobody in with you. Don’t bring your brother and none of your folks or nobody, by himself. You see that now? And that was setting up this type here in the Most Holy Place, Aaron by himself and alone, because He will dwell between the wings of the cherubims within the cloud. He’s dwelling within the cloud by Himself! So come in by yourself. Are you listening now?


DR. KINLEY: See now what Moses seen within that cloud that’s what he wrote down in the Book! Now that means this: then it was revealed to Moses. Now you got it over here in Revelations, “Revealed.” Now what Moses saw in the cloud is got to tie in with John; that’s why his life was saved. See couldn’t nobody put him to death nor nothing, cause you see this vision and this revelation had to be confirmed. Now are you listening? Now make sure you listen and hear right. And if you just think you didn’t hear right you hold up your hand cause I want you to get this right.

When Moses went within this cloud alone and by himself, this is what he saw; he saw the man. Well where did it say that? It says that right down here in Exodus. But now then look, these 70 elders they saw the man, but they were afar off. They were not in the midst of the cloud, that’s the reason why we put Moses up here; they saw the vision. Now this image and this form was revealed to them, I mean Moses and the 70 elders in that cloud, but they stood afar off and they could see, and it was revealed to them, that shape and that form. Now look, John is telling you this: “This is the beginning of the creation; He’s the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.” I put it in this term, THAT HE TOOK ON SHAPE AND FORM WITHIN THAT CLOUD. But they did not see any similitude at all when they came out of Egypt within the cloud. Now then you have here that Aaron come in here by himself within the… And He would dwell within the cloud between the wings of the cherubims in the Most Holy Place. And when he would go in the cloud, that’s once every year, not every day, but once every year. Every day he went in the lower part of the sanctuary, every day. And once every year around the 10th of October he went within the veil, the second veil, and entered on into the Most Holy Place, and that not without blood. Listen folks, and he sprinkled that blood toward the Mercy Seat seven times. Now if I’d take you, you… Just like this tabernacle, that’s the reason why I told you before I went out, we want some knowledge of the Godhead! We don’t want no mistakes! We don’t want no superstition! We don’t want no errs! We don’t want no Tomfoolery! Now I have to say this: Now He transfigured into this tabernacle, and Moses saw that tabernacle up there in the mountain. Now the tabernacle was a Most Holy Place, Holy Place, and an Outer Court; that’s one, two, three! Any idiot from anywhere can say that. You see, get the point. But this is only one tabernacle, but it’s threefold. See He’s in, He’s in the shape and form of a man. Then Moses looked at this man and said, “In the image, man was created and made in the likeness and image of God.” Now then if the tabernacle is one, Most Holy Place, Holy Place, and Outer Court, and He’s transformed or transfigured into that, then you could look at yourself! You are Soul, Body and Spirit! You have to be in order to be made in His likeness and image. You see what I mean. You see how you prove a thing. Now when you go into the ultra microscopic particles of matter, you take the natural to see the spirit. Any scientist from Russia, England, or anywhere, it don’t make no difference, he’ll tell you here the basic elements of matter, and he’ll tell you all of ‘em are threefold – proton, neutron, electron. Great $64000 dollar question, why? Now that’s the —- —-. You are pneuma, psyche, and soma – soul, body, and spirit – The Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; these three are one. The majority of the people they don’t see how you get three in one. Yeah, they’ll tell you in a minute, “I can see how you can get one into three, but I can’t see how you can get three into one.” See it don’t work out according to mathematical equation. Now you put my hand on your head, I can feel that hair, but I surely didn’t put my hand on your spirit or mind. All right, now did you know where we are? See don’t come in… Moses you come in here and in the middle, by yourself. Aaron you come within this, in the midst here, cause I’ll dwell in the cloud, just like He dwelled in the cloud here. Moses, come in alone; Aaron you come in alone, for I will dwell within the cloud in the Most Holy Place. You see that now? You see it? Now what happens within the cloud “For I will dwell within the cloud.” Now then go back to Exodus where you was. Read.

READER: And Moses alone shall come near Yahweh… DR. KINLEY: And Moses alone, by himself, shall come near READER: but they shall not come nigh… DR. KINLEY: but don’t, leave ‘em back there. READER: and neither shall the people go up with him…

DR. KINLEY: Nope, and neither shall the people go up with Him. Now look here folks, everybody walking around saying “Listen, I’m serve God according to the way I see fit to. And if God wants me to know anything about it He’s got to show me.” You understand? You see what I’m talking about? “Why can’t He reveal it to me? I’ll do it my way and you do it yours. Everybody’s entitled to their own belief!” Do you understand what I’m talking about? See He didn’t reveal it to everybody, and never showed it to everybody, didn’t intend to in the first place. He just appeared here to 70 elders, and Moses by Himself went within the midst of that cloud. Do you see? Now when the high priest sprinkled that blood 7 times toward that Mercy Seat, then He appeared in the cloud, that’s called a Shekinah. Wasn’t nobody in there but Aaron by himself. Don’t bring none of your folks nor nobody else in here. See it, see how God works it. Then the Devil says, “Look here, why is it He can’t show me; why can’t I come in?” Well try going in, and see what happens. He told you what would happen didn’t He? Try reading it again.

READER: And Yahweh said unto Moses, speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times into the Holy Place within the veil…

DR. KINLEY: All right READER: before the Mercy Seat… DR. KINLEY: uh-huh READER: which is upon the Ark… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that he die not…

DR. KINLEY: You see what I’m talking about? You’re gonna hear God or else! Don’t make no difference what you think, and what you believe, and how you feel about it; God don’t have no respect at all for it! It’s His purpose, His plan, and He works all things after the counsel of His own will. You can’t put yourself into it. Do you get it?

STUDENTS: Yeah DR. KINLEY: See how important it is. Now I told you… Do you understand now the beginning of the creation? STUDENT: um-hum

DR. KINLEY: And do you understand that Moses when he’s talking here in Genesis, Chapter 1, verse 1, 7:1, “In the beginning Elohim (or God) created the heavens and the earth.” That’s in the beginning of Moses’ vision, not the creation! I read to you what the beginning of the creation was; I did read it out the Bible. Do you wanna argue about that? You wanna chew the rag about it do you, let’s get started. Now, now then… You got a question to ask?

MAN: Yes DR. KINLEY: Well ask it – I give you that privilege. MAN: In the beginning Elohim or… DR. KINLEY: E-lo-him MAN: It says God here in the King James DR. KINLEY: Yeah MAN: then why did you say Yahweh? DR. KINLEY: How’s that? MAN: Why did you say Yahweh instead of Elohim? DR. KINLEY: Why didn’t we say Yahweh instead of Elohim? Why did who say that? MAN: Well… DR. KINLEY: You mean why didn’t I, or why didn’t that? MAN: Well, that’s what it says…

DR. KINLEY: Well now what I’m trying to find out now is this: Now we, well now go on back over there, and take the King James, uh, the other version and read Revelations 3:14. He’s asked a question.

DR. Gill: He wanna know why you didn’t, you didn’t say Elohim… DR. KINLEY: Why I didn’t say Elohim… DR. Gill: No, why you didn’t say Yahweh, he doesn’t understand that Yahweh is Elohim in shape and form…

DR. KINLEY: Well now then let’s straighten him up. Elohim is a title; God is a title, not a name. Now when this Book, this King James Version was made, they should have said… Read it out of the, uh, read it out of the other Book, the Holy Name Bible.

READER: Where you want it, in Genesis? DR. KINLEY: No, get over there in Revelations. READER: Revelations 3:14. And unto the messenger of the… Dr. Gill: He wants, he wants the first chapter of Genesis… DR. KINLEY: Genesis, the first chapter of Genesis. READER: In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth… DR. KINLEY: Now fellow lis…look up, see Elohim created the heavens and earth. Now it was Elohim, not God! God is a title! READER: I understand, and Yahweh is what I meant. Why did you say Yahweh?

DR. KINLEY: Well that’s what he’s talking about. Listen here, let me explain to you again; let me give it to you again. You see all, all, all of this, (now you pay ‘tention, try to pay ‘tention this time), see it’s nothing exist, not a thing, but Yahweh. I’d have you know Yahweh is the Father. Now I explained that Yahweh took on a shape and a form. Now that’s the Elohim you’re talking about that they could see in this vision up here. You got me now. Now that’s 1, [cloud] this is 2. [shape & form] Now then He come on down and He took on a physical body, now that’s what you call Jesus; that’s wrong, it ought to have been Yahshua. But in the translation of the King James Version they changed all of this that it should have been and put it the way that you have it yours, and when the Holy Name Bible was written, that’s what they’re working with the true names of the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. So now you ask the question, “Why didn’t I say Yahweh?” I, now I’m gonna repeat myself, I said Yahweh took on a shape and a form – NOT IN TOTALITY, (I should have said that, I didn’t) and that shape and the form is Elohim. And Elohim and God is interchanged. God is a title. I told you this was Yahweh here without shape and form. This is Yahweh here with shape and form, and with shape and form He’s called Elohim. Now this is seen only in a vision. Nobody saw Him but the 70 elders and Moses that went up into the mountain. Clean and clear now? Then He comes into the world, He comes into the flesh! Everybody saw Him, but they didn’t recognize that this was Yahweh in shape and form, and that’s where we got the 1, 2, 3 from in the tabernacle; the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, all one. Now do you understand now? You sure?

MAN: Well I’m gone have to think about it.

DR. KINLEY: Yeah you gone have to do some thinking about it, of course, but that’s it. Does everybody else understand, any questions about it?

DR. Frank Gross: Dr. Kinley, does he mean about the…

DR. Gill: I, I tell you, I think I threw him off because I was reading out the King James Bible, and I was looking, and I used the word Yahweh. And in here it’s God created the heavens and earth, but I substituted the word God and I put in Yahweh, but I really should have been saying Elohim…

READER: That’s right

DR. KINLEY: See because the creation is… No one could see God create or Yahweh create, and so when He took on shape and form he saw Elohim, and that’s what they saw create the heavens and earth.

DR. KINLEY: Yeah that’s right. Now here’s the, now let’s get ourselves together so we can make sense. Now you see, this is Moses seeing a vision. Now I want you to know that Moses saw that vision by himself. Now this is what we’re coming down to, we’re coming down to it. In the 24th Chapter of Exodus you remember the first verse it said “Moses should come in alone and by himself.” Then I stopped and correlated the high priest alone and by himself come into the Most Holy Place within the cloud. All right read on.

READER: You want 9 and 10? DR. KINLEY: Yes, 9 and 10… READER: Then went up Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and 70 of the elders of Israel, and they saw the Elohim of Israel…

DR. KINLEY: And they saw! Now here we come up here in the first chapter of St. John, it says, “No man has seen God at any time.” Then somebody says “Well they saw,” and then over here says, “They didn’t see, no man is ever seen Him.” Now you’re between the hawk and the buzzard, the Devil and the deep blue sea. Why, because of your incomprehension. You understand what I’m talking about? Listen folks, nobody is ever seen, and never will see Yahweh in His totality while you’re in this physical body, why, because you can’t stand here and look over in Germany and all around over there. Nobody is ever went up above the sun, moon, and stars, or ever went up to one of ‘em, not yet. And if they haven’t understood the things around them yet, and He’s ever present at all times, but nobody has seen Him – I’m talking about the Father! So then what He did was taken on a shape and a form – not in totality. Because you see if He’d taken on a shape and form in totality then that would have meant that all the cloud was condensed and compressed into this, and it wouldn’t have been any way for him to come in the midst of it. You see the point? So that’s in part. But listen folks, there’s nothing in the cloud that isn’t in this not a thing, one is expanded and the other’s condensed. This is the be… As you read in your Book, “In the beginning God created…” Now listen this is in the beginning, the beginning of Moses’ vision, not the beginning of creation. This is the beginning of Creation. Then we read over there in Colossians – you read it. Read it again.

READER: Who is the image of the invisible El… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: the first cause of all creation…

DR. KINLEY: Now He’s the, look, the first cause of all creation. Now listen, here’s where we make one of the most colossal blunders that there ever was, this is how we make it. Are you listening?

STUDENT: um hum

DR. KINLEY: You’re sure? Now when this taken on, see this and this taken on a physical shape and form… Maybe you’d better read. See it’s, it’s just gonna be to bad for me to stand here and tell it, cause somebody gone say “Well I didn’t see through that,” 1st Timothy 3:16.

READER: And beyond controversy deep is the mystery… DR. KINLEY: Read it out the King James Version. A lot of things that man says you see it’s not clear, I believe in talking clear. READER: And without controversy… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: great is the mystery…

DR. KINLEY: Wait a minute what is a controversy? IT’S WITHOUT AN ARGUMENT! IT’S WITHOUT ANY DEBATE AT ALL! It’s without any imagination; it’s just the truth alone, and stands along by itself, without any discussion. This is the way it is. All right, without controversy – what?

READER: And without controversy great is the mystery of Godliness…

DR. KINLEY: Now it’s a great big mystery! Now you expect all these idiots around here calling themselves preachers to understand the great mystery? See it don’t even make sense. But there ain’t no, there’s no need of no argument about it. Now somebody, as I would say, I said God sent me in the last days; I said that. Well now you prove it H.C.! Now me getting up here yak-yak-yak, that won’t get it; cause all the Devil’s got to do is just say “It ain’t so.” When God told Adam and them not to eat of the fruit of that tree, did they would surely die; all the Devil had to say, “You won’t surely die.” Somebody say, “Well who do he think he is,” (talking about me). Messiah was talking about —– now. Messiah said this: He walked around (listen to me folks I don’t have time to read everything), He walked around, and He was just always talking about, my Father, and my Father, my Father, our Father, my Father. “Say,” one of the boys called Him up on the carpet one day, Philip, said “Say look, you show us the Father; show us 12 boys here, you show us the Father so we can get some satisfaction out of it.” You know what He said to ‘em, said “When you see me…Philip have I been so long a time with you, and you don’t know me, when you see me, (when you see me, I said when you see me) you see the Father; my Father in me He doeth the works.” I’ve told you I don’t know how many times, you and your hard head, I can’t do nothing, just like the Messiah said, and if it’s anything done… Look at all these people been healed…me standing around yak-yaking, and running my mouth. You get up from there and tell me somebody you know or ever read after, now you either do it now or shut your mouth forever. I’ve told you many things, yes even out there in Los Angeles they’ve witnessed them. Haven’t I Sister Mary? Didn’t I tell ‘em day and hour when the earthquake would be in Alaska? Didn’t I tell ‘em day and hour when the Thresher would be in the bottom of the sea? Listen let me tell you something! There’s never gonna be a year, there just not gone be one that this thing is not gonna repeat. There’s gonna be a reflection every time it comes up there; there’s gonna be a reflection. And you could learn something about it if you just set still and let God tell you through somebody; you could learn it too. Ain’t that right Brother Mitchell?


DR. KINLEY: And that’s what Brother Dennis was trying to tell you too. But no, you won’t let nobody tell you! And you know all about it, you can go home, go to bed, and go to sleep and forget all about it. You don’t care nothing about it. Get the point? You’re just not interested; you just imagine you are. Now He said, “When you see me you see the Father.” Messiah said, “I can of my own self can do nothing He doeth the work… Wherefore He says when He ascended, He led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men” You got nine different gifts there that’s listed in the Book that the Apostle Paul said. Is that right? One is the spirit of discernment. And you don’t know the difference between your left hand and your right hand. You don’t know the difference between a false and a true. You think you can just press on, go ‘head along and get by with that. “Listen, I do it my way, and you do it your way.” Yes, that’s what’s gone happen, and you’re gonna go to hell doing like that too! And as much so as God has prepared something nice for them that believe on Him, He’s also prepared something worse than that, I mean fire for the rest of ‘em. Somebody say “Well look, let me see here, you think God’s gone burn this thing up? Well then how then, if He’s gone burn it all up, how am I gonna meet Him there, how’s He gone fix something for me over there?” That’s what you read over there in Jude this morning about Sodom and Gomorrah, they were enticed by the devil, He burned it up. Sodom and Gomorrah they were both in the Red Sea. He told Abraham and Lot, “Listen, get his stuff together and get out!” They said, “No we got so many Christians down here.” I’m trying to tell you where you can understand. He says, “Well if we can find 50 out of all these folks around in here.” They tried it, and they never done no good. I have to cut the story up and make it short. So finally they just went on, and God burnt the city down. Sodom and Gomorrah she’s in the bottom of the dead or Salt Sea. Lot’s wife she looked back and she turned to a pillar of salt. Now listen here’s what I’m telling you. God is burning this thing up, just like God is drowning the world out. He knew how to save Noah and them. And Peter put it this way: “God knows how to deliver the righteous and to reserve the wicked against the day of judgment to be punished.” Now whatever you yield your members that’s whose servant you are. And I’d have you to know nobody can serve no two masters, he must either hate the one and love the other. Yahshua the Messiah said, “Say look, you call me Lord and Master, and so I am! But say, why don’t you do what I say? Explain that!” You see the point?

Now we understand we’re talking about Genesis and Revelations. Now we’re coming on down, we showed you what the creation was. We took Colossians and showed you the same thing we showed you in Revelations. Now read Colossians and then we’ll go back and put it together.

READER: for by Him were all things created, no, uh, who is the Image of the Invisible El…

DR. KINLEY: Now He’s the Image. See I told you that He took on a shape and a form or took on an Image. This is invisible here. All right read.

READER: the first cause of all creation…

DR. KINLEY: Now He’s the first cause, first cause… While ago I said this: that Yahweh took on a shape and a form – this is Elohim. Say He’s the first cause; this is the true and faithful witness. Do you see? Do you understand? First cause of all creation… I told you while ago in this way: That’s all that He did, was the Father just took on this shape and form – right there is where He quit. And this shape and Him, uh, and this shape and form is the first cause of all creation (that’s what you just read) and by Him all things were created. [Thundering outside/very loud] Look, when He got in a body and walked around they didn’t know nothing about Him! He was always talking about His Father; I just got through explaining that to you. All right.

READER: And without controversy… DR. KINLEY: Now it’s without any, it’s without any debate, folks, ain’t no need of arguing about it. READER: great is the mystery of Yahweh… DR. KINLEY: Greaat! It’s a great big mystery! Everybody don’t understand it! READER: God was manifested in the flesh… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: justified in the spirit… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: seen of angels… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: preached unto the Gentiles… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: believed on in the world… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: received up into glory…

DR. KINLEY: And ascended on back to where He was with the Father before. Now you wanna argue? Well look, He went around… This is what the Book says; this is what the Law and the Prophet said He would do! [Loud clap of Thunder] They said He would bind up the broken hearted; He would heal the sick! Work’s cut out for Him before He come. Now when He come along raising the dead, and healing the sick of all the… And they talk about, “Show us the Father!” [Side 2] Get the point? The Father’s in me… Listen, I couldn’t do that, I can’t do nothing. Say Gill, it was Him that afflicted them with all these diseases, see all, just all kinds, and it was Him in that body that come along and healed all of ‘em out there. It’s just that simple, but the Devil always wants some kind of substitute. If yours, uh, mine is just as good as yours. Mine and yours, neither one, ain’t no good. NOW IT’S EITHER OBEY AND BE SAVED, DISOBEY AND BE LOST! Now I’m just giving it to you straight from the shoulder. All right, without controversy – ain’t no need in arguing about it, it’s a great big mystery. Yes, that’s a great big mystery. EVERYBODY IN TOWN DON’T UNDERSTAND IT HOW THAT HE TOOK ON A SHAPE AND A FORM. Everybody don’t understand that! Great big mystery up there in that vision… He took on a shape and form and come through the loins of the Virgin Mary. Say listen, you know Gill, I don’t know whether you know it or not, when He was here wasn’t no woman, and no man at all His father and mother, walking around in the flesh too. Yes, sir, —- —-. You see there. Now if you can’t see Him coming through the loins of this Virgin Mary, that ought not to be near as hard as you can see Him just, just taking on a physical body, and just walk on out. Now here you are all puzzled up about Him being born of the Virgin Mary. How you explain this one? Somebody says, “Well I don’t believe that!” Well all right then, I tell you what, you tell me, you tell me how He’s gone make a man! If He can’t do that, tell me how He’s gone make one, and you got it made. Do you see what I mean? Now then folks you just might as well break on down and get it over with, the sooner the better, ain’t that right Gill? [Dr. Gill chuckles]

Now Paul is talking about without controversy great is the mystery of God, and God was manifested in the flesh, seen of angels, believed on in the world preached or taught unto the Gentiles, and received back up into… Now that’s without any debates and any arguments. Course he did have plenty debates, and plenty arguments from some of them. Here He comes now, walking along. Here’s the smart boys, just like you got out here now – Pharisees, and the Scribes, Sadducees, the Escenes, the Zealots, and the Nazarenes, said “Now look here, by what authority do you do so and so and so? You didn’t come up here to the Sanhedrin Counsel and ask us to give you some endorsements, and announce your public ministry. And since you didn’t by what authority do you do this, that, and the other? You didn’t see us about it.” That’s what they wanna know about me. “What school did you go to? Where did you get your authority? You little black, round shouldered, nappy headed…” Oh the devil just takes his story. Anything he can go on up with, he’ll give you a good story. Says, “Who told you, you were a preacher?” I’m telling you… Do you see it now?

Now let’s get on because we wanna get all the way through this. Now look folks we’ll move so quickly you won’t realize that it’s being done. Now you see what we just got through saying there? Without any controversy, without any debates, without any argumentation, without anything at all, great is the mystery of God, God was manifested in the earth, seen of angels, believed on in the world, and God was manifested in a body here in the image and likeness of Yahweh. Listen, I want you to read something else for me, 1st Corinthians 15:28, see I want you to see what the climax of the thing is.

READER: And when all things shall be subdued unto Him…

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, listen, listen folks. When Messiah resurrected from the dead, said “I have the keys; I have the keys.” Listen, listen at me, says, “All power that there is in heaven, and all that there is in earth is given into my hand; all of it. There’s no power in heaven there is not on earth but what isn’t given into my hand. ” Now, we’ll take this, we could take this: I saw an angel come down from heaven having the keys to the bottomless pit. Right down here at the tomb, right here, you could see it on this chart, had a chain in his hand, those are the ages and the dispensations; one is linked right into another one, and the keys, keys of death, keys of hell, keys to the grave. And when He resurrected from the dead, all the power that there was in heaven, and all that there is in earth is given in my hand. Now then read on.

READER: And when all things shall be subdued unto Him…

DR. KINLEY: When everything shall be subdued! Listen folks, when all the Baptists, the Methodists, the Presbyterians, the Roman Catholics, and everything is brought down to where they have to bow down to Him, all of these. He’s gone rule to them too. Somebody say, “Listen, well I’m too, I, I…” Listen, I don’t care how bull headed you are, how stubborn you are He’s gone rule all nations with a rod of iron. Now we talking about Yahweh now, we’re talking the Son, Yahshua. We’re talking about Yahweh, Elohim, and Yahshua – the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. We’re talking about without shape, and with the shape and form, and we’re talking about Him down in the flesh. We’re talking about Him now after He’s fulfilled and resurrected from the dead – gone on back to where He was! And there He set, and all the power there is, and He’s gone rule and reign until the last enemy is destroyed. And then He’ll put down all rule, and all authority, and all power (talking about Yahshua now) and give it back to Yahweh. What for? THAT YAHWEH MAY BE ALL IN ALL AS HE WAS BEFORE TAKING ON THIS SHAPE AND FORM AND CARRYING OUT HIS PURPOSE. Now do you understand that? Read that out of the Book.

READER: And when all things shall be subdued unto Him… DR. KINLEY: That’s right READER: then shall the Son also Himself… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: be subject unto Him… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that put all things under Him… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that Yahweh may be all in all… DR. KINLEY: See that Yahweh may be all, or the Father be all in all. Folks, that’s all; that’s what it is.

Now let’s get back. Now we got the Genesis, and we showed you in Revelations that, who that was. We showed you that Moses went in the midst of the cloud. And now we got him up here in the midst of the cloud. All right read.

READER: The 12th verse. And Yahweh said unto Moses… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: come up to me in the mount… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and be there… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and I will give thee tables of stone… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and a law… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and commandments, which I have written… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that thou may teach them… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and Moses rose up… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and his minister Joshua

DR. KINLEY: Now you see right there is where we missed the boat. Now where is, who is his minister, and where’s he going? Right there is where we missed the boat. Now He told him not to come in here… Now you remember… Read the first verse. Now you still in the 24th Chapter, read the first verse. He told him to come in here ALONE! And Moses and his minister what? I wanna know who his minister was!

READER: and Moses rose up and his minister Joshua…

DR. KINLEY: That’s what I wanna know, I wanna hear that called, Joshua. Now He told him to come in there alone, but I wanna know where Joshua going. Said Moses rose up, and if you read a little further down there He said, uh, told the rest of ‘em, “You stay back here.” He told him to come in there alone, now where is Joshua going? Who is Joshua? Joshua is his minister. Now here comes the same fellow walking right along, and Christendom don’t know nothing about, not a thing, never even had a good imagination about it. Now here He comes along, same fellow, said “I didn’t come to be ministered unto, but I come to minister.” Pharisees and Scribes said “Now by what authority do you speak, you didn’t come to see us about it?” Do you see, do you get the gist? Moses’ minister, Joshua… Now look I told you this, see I told you this: Joshua, who’s He? 13th Chapter of Numbers, (I don’t want you to read all of it, we don’t have time) 13th Chapter of Numbers says Moses called Oshea, the Son of Nun, you got Joshua it properly should have been said, Yahshua. “Oh no, no, no, you got that wrong!” Now if you look at the 10th Chapter of 1st Corinthians, it’ll tell you there that that was who He was, Moses’ minister. See cause Oshea was Yahshua – Yahshua what? That walked around here in the flesh seen of angels. Oh the mystery is so great; it’s so great until a tongue just can’t hardly tell it. You see what I’m talking about? And a carnal mind can’t perceive it; it’s just got to be revealed.

Now there He is up in the mountain, we don’t wanna lose track, cause we told you we wanna get this right straight on through to Revelations. Now where are you reading at?

READER: Exodus 24…

DR. KINLEY: Now you’re reading in Exodus. You remember I told you that the Exodus was before the Genesis? Now listen at me close now; listen closely while I tie this together. Now I told you this was the beginning of the migration. And how was it down in there on the 14th? It was dark! Dark in Egypt three days when that lamb was slain. Look now, then when Messiah’s slain if He’s gonna fulfill it (not institute it for God’s sake!) like you read in your Book, see if He’s gone fulfill it then it’s got to be dark out yonder, and it turned dark over the face of the earth from the 6th to the 9th hour. Now you see that now? It’s nothing else but a repetition of this. There’s no excuse for you and your foolishness! Now you in Exodus, now I got to go right back to the Genesis, right back into it. And I’m showing you how… I’m taking the whole Bible now; I’m taking the whole Bible. All right, now when we went back into this vision here, the beginning of the vision, and the beginning of the migration, if it’s black dark down here in Egypt, and the cloud setting here on the top of the water moving there, and Moses’ vision of the creation, in the beginning of his vision it’s got to be that same way down in Egypt!

READER: the earth was without form and void… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and darkness was upon the face of the deep… DR. KINLEY: Darkness was upon the face of the deep! What? READER: and Yahweh, and the spirit of God…


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