Matthew 24: Deals with Time & Yahweh’s House Shall Be Established in the Top of the Mountain


(Micah 4:1 & Isaiah 2:1)



Transcribed by Beverly Allen

Albuquerque NM Branch

DR. KINLEY: I wanted to get up and to clear up something that I said this morning. Now here what the problem is, you are right down to the end of or to the close out of this age. Now that’s what the problem is. Do you understand what I’m talking about?


Dr. Kinley: to the consummation of all things. Now I stood here and told you that the Roman Catholics believe, and there’s supposed to be about 577 million of ‘em or something like that, Roman Catholics, they’re supposed to believe and they’re taught that 1975 will be the end. Jehovah Witnesses think that 1975 will be the end and it’s a few thousand of them. The Church of God and it’s a few thousand of them, they believe that 1975 next year will be the end, and that Jesus will come next year. Well now that’s not my story that’s theirs. Dr. David Rosen and I we were into that before we came here; there’s 243 years difference. Freddy will you go over there on the board and put down what the Hebrew year, this year A.M. is.


Dr. Kinley: 5735. Now that’s the A.M. or the year of the world. In other words they think that it has been, the world is been standing since 5735. That’s wrong. Now put down 4004. Look at this bible, I want you to see what I’m talking about, I want you to understand. Look at your bible those of you that have a good King James version, it’s not in the Holy Name Bible, and look up at Genesis over the caption or over the top of the page and you’ll see 4004; that’s what you got B.C. Now put down, this is 19 what? Anybody answer.

Response: 74

Dr. Kinley: Alright put it down. Add it up.

(Dr. Allen’s writing figures on board: 4004 – 1974 = 5978)

Dr. Kinley: What have you got?

Dr. Allen: 5978

Dr. Kinley: 5978. Now that’s the way we have it in our in our calculation and in our figuring. Now put down 6000 and deduct.

(Dr. Allen’s writing figures on board: 6000 – 5978 = 22)

Dr. Kinley: Now you have 22 years there. That’s wrong. Okay, now if you could see how important it is for you to come to school and how hard it is for us to try to bring something to you so that you could see. Now then take the 5735 and take the 6000 and take it away from there.

(Dr. Allen’s writing figures on board: 6000 – 5735 = 265)

Dr. Kinley: Now it’s 265 years difference in their calculation. Now take this 5735 from 5978.

(Dr. Allen’s writing figures on board: 5978 – 5735 = 243)

Dr. Kinley: See now you have 243 years difference between the Jew calculation and the Gregorian calculation to the year, 243 years difference. Now that’s the chronology of Hastings and Asher and Usher and Exiguus. They don’t agree, but that’s the best that they could do. Now somebody get in the 24th chapter of Matthew and find where Yahshua talked about the signs of the end of the age and find this particular passage, “When you shall see Jerusalem compassed about with armies then know that the end is nigh.” Now you’ll have to read that 1st verse up there, about the 1st and 2nd verse of the 24th chapter so that we can get the subject and get it before us right. Thanks Freddy, I’m not gonna keep you standing there. You can sit right down there in the chair cause we’ll possibly need you some more. But I wanna make it, I wanna make it out clear, while they’re reading that, uh if you would read the 1st and 2nd verses of the 24th chapter.

Reader: And Yahshua went out and departed from the temple…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and His disciples came unto Him for to show Him…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: the buildings of the temple…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and Yahshua said unto them…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: see ye not all these things…

Dr. Kinley: Don’t you see all these things, or see ye not all these things, or don’t you see all these things? Read.

Reader: verily I say unto you…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: there shall not be left here one stone upon another…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that shall not be thrown down…

Dr. Kinley: that shall not be thrown down. That meant that the temple would be torn down. Alright read on doc.

Reader: And as He sat upon the Mt. of Olives…

Dr. Kinley: And as He sat (now you see where He is) upon the Mt. of Olives

Reader: the disciples came unto Him privately…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait just a second there. Now it said He sat upon the Mt. of Olives there didn’t it? Now He’s looking over from the Mt. of Olives; see you could look over on Mt. Moriah and see the place where the temple was built on Mt. Moriah. The Mt. of Olives is higher than Mt. Moriah. Now we were there and stood right on Mt. of Olives. Is that right Dr. Harris?

Dr. Harris: That’s right

Dr. Kinley: Is that right Dr. Dennis, and others?

Dr. Droulard: Yes

Dr. Kinley: And then we have the bird’s eye view of the picture of that, on the Mt. of Olives. We stood right there and looked over Jerusalem. Now He’s setting up there on the Mt. of Olives. Now if you look at the 1st chapter of Acts (I don’t have time to go into all these things, but I just wanna make you aware of a few things as we go along) you will find that after His crucifixion and tarrying on the earth 40 days He led them out as far as the Mt. of Olives. And then He ascended from the Mt. of Olives (we’re showing the picture right here) and those two cherubims or those two men stood by. This is where He was setting, the Mt. of Olives. Now He’s setting up there, He setting right there on the Mt. of Olives telling them about there wouldn’t be one stone left upon top of another, and at that time the temple was setting there. Now what’s setting there now? Do you know?

Response: Dome of the Rock.

Dr. Kinley: Dome of the Rock. It’s a Muslim temple that’s setting there on top of the Mt. of Olives. We have the picture at home and we can bring it to and show you that’s what’s there on the Mt. of Olives. Now Husein who is the king of Jordan he ruled Jerusalem and its environment for many years. And now the Jews hasn’t been long been back in there and got back to the Wailing Wall where the temple, uh, that was the foundation upon which the temple was setting, see the temple. Now He’s telling them about this (I mean about this temple that Herod built, Herodian temple). Now let me tell you about that. The first temple that was built there was Solomon’s temple, it was 7½ years in the building of it, you’ll find that in the 6th chapter of Kings. The next time that temple was, uh, that temple was torn down. Nebuchadnezzar come up from Babylon and tore that temple down, mean tore it right down to the ground and took them away captive, captive to Babylon, and they were down there 7 years. Tore down the walls in the temple and everything – that couldn’t be what He’s talking about here now, because that’s not the same temple. This is Solomon’s, we’ll say that this is Solomon’s temple, and that was torn down by Nebuchadnezzar and his army. Now then when they come back from Babylon then 490 years was accounted to them to finish the transgression and to make an end of sin. 490 years from the going forth of the commandment unto Artaxerxes they came back from Babylon to build a wall around Jerusalem and to rebuild the temple; that’s Zerubbabel’s temple, it was 21 years in the building. Now that temple was built right back up there in Mt. Moriah; now that’s the 2nd temple. Now then that temple, this is 3, and right on the foundation there Herod he built the Herodian temple, and that was the last temple that was built. That temple here was the Herodian temple, how long was that in the building?

Response: 40 and 6 years

Dr. Kinley: 46 years at the time (it was not complete) but it was 46 years in the building at the time that Yahshua the Messiah was baptized, in other words it was around AD30 and it had been in there 46 years. They laid the foundation and begin to build it 16 years before the birth of Yahshua the Messiah through the loins of the woman, and then He was baptized around 30, so that made the16 and the 30 that makes how long?

Response: 46

Dr. Kinley: 46. Now He was 3½ years in His ministry. Well now if He was 3½ years in His ministry then that carries you into what? 49, 49½ which carries it up to Pentecost, the feast, in that year I’m talking about. Now I want you to see what I’m talking about. Now He’s setting there upon the Mt. of Olives and He’s telling them about this temple, there wouldn’t be one stone left upon top of another that wouldn’t be thrown down.

Now then it almost makes me have to do this in order to get the point over. Now it makes me have to tell you something about the interior of the temple, Solomon’s temple, uh not Solomon’s temple but the Herodian temple and Solomon’s temple and Zerubbabel’s temple. Now here’s what it amounts to on the inside. Now these are some of things that we just don’t get into often; we just don’t do it for many different reasons. Now around the inside of the temple (I’m using the tabernacle now) around the insides of the temple were those carvings, and inside of ‘em were cedar brought down from Lebanon, and by the sea, Mediterranean Sea and in Solomon’s temple. And then they’re built of cedar here. Now this is what I’m gonna say. Now then all around the walls of the Holy Place they had carvings of angels and pomegranates and trees in the Holy Place and in the Most Holy Place carved into that wood. And then they took, after they carved it into the wood, they took sheets of gold and pressed into the pomegranates and into the figures that they had carved on the wall. So now the interior of the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place was lined with gold. Now if you would go on the inside of your body, just cut you open, and just take your entrails and look on the inside, wash it, draw all the blood out and look at the lining in your stomach, you would find that it’s gold. Is that right Dr. Hobbs?

Dr. Hobbs: That’s right

Dr. Kinley: That’s the undertaker back there; he oftentimes pointed to the thing. Now that temple is a figure of the body. Now that gold in that temple, in the Herodian temple, Solomon’s temple, and the Zerubbabel temple, (now listen to what I’m gonna say) that was a figure of the new earth state. The pomegranates and those fruits in there, and those cherubims carved in the wall that was a figure in the temple of the new earth state. Now I had to go into that, I had to tell you that in order so that you could see why the apostle in this scene here is setting there and they’re talking to Him about the temple. And I wanna say this too before I go any further. The outside of the temple was overlaid with what?

Dr. Kinley: and what else?

Response: precious stones

Dr. Kinley: and precious stones, diamonds and rubies and very precious stones. Now listen, that temple set upon the mount and when the sun would come up and reflect itself against all them beautiful stones and all, the sun shined on those diamonds, they just sparkle and they were brilliant, and they could see it from afar off as it set there on that mountain. And to them that was the most costly structure, and it was the most magnificent thing that they had any where on earth at that time, and the instruction on how to build and how to fix it and so forth and so on with the vessels and all that were in it was dictated by Yahweh. Now then they had a respect for it. And that temple was symbolical to His heavenly body. The old tabernacle, “If after the earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved or disintegrated, then we have another building not made with hands eternal in the heavens.” See that’s the spiritual body, the new heaven and the new earth. Now a lot’a people wanna tell you that this heaven and this earth is not gonna pass away, because they say Solomon said (see it’s always somebody wanna tell you about what somebody else said and try to get you to fold) said Solomon said “One generation goes and another cometh but the earth abideth forever.” As long as one generation is coming and the other one going the earth will be right there. But Yahshua the Messiah right here in this 24th chapter of Matthew said… Read it. Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall stand. Now they’re sitting there and now you can just see how the minds of those people were. Those apostles setting out there with Him and they’re talking to Him, and He’s telling them there shall not be one stone left on top of another that shall not be thrown down. And you know that was something. And they were trying to show Him how beautiful it was adorned and so forth and so on, and now here He comes up talking about it’s gonna be torn down. Now Titus the Roman Emperor come up from Rome and tore the Herodian temple down and dispersed the Jews. And now that is what He is telling them about that there wouldn’t be one stone left on top of another that shouldn’t be thrown down. And then they asked Him privately, said “Master when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming?” See that now. They asked Him sitting up on the Mount apart. See how particular we are about the thing. And then what did He say?

Reader: And Yahshua answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you…

Dr. Kinley: Now that’s the number one thing. Take heed that no man deceive you, no man. Some man has deceived millions, upon top of millions, upon top of millions, upon top of millions. Now that was the first thing He said, take heed, watch out, be careful that don’t know man deceive you. Why did He say that? Read.

Reader: For many shall come in my name…

Dr. Kinley: Now for many shall come in my name. That’s just about over with. We don’t have ‘em coming in His name now. Jesus Christ is not His name, somebody’s got fooled. Now you’re right back, right smack dab back in idolatry, and just what he just said, somebody’s been deceived, somebody’s been fooled. I’m reading out the bible. Now Fred skip on down and find what I just mentioned there about.

Reader: Luke 21:20

Dr. Kinley: Now if you look at the 21st chapter is the same thing and also the 13th chapter of Mark. Now in Luke it’s 21 what?

Reader: 20

Dr. Kinley: Read

Reader: And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies then know that the desolation thereof is nigh…

Dr. Kinley: Now when ye shall Jerusalem surrounded or compassed about with armies then you know that desolation is nigh, see desolation is nigh. Now if you’ll go back into Matthew…Now listen, now pay attention to what I’m saying. Now then it come on down, that was the beginning of sorrows. See that was the beginning of sorrow, the desolation, and then they were dispersed among the nations, the Jews were. And He told them (now listen at what I’m gonna say now) He said now you pray that your flight be not in the winter or upon the Sabbath day. He knew that somebody was gonna be sitting around there calling them self keeping the Sabbath, and here these coming up from Rome, and they’d be killed setting just like setting ducks. And their flight would be in the winter time and it gets cold, said now you pray that it don’t happen like this. Then there would be women that were with child, they wouldn’t have no mercy on them whatsoever. See they put ‘em all to death and killed them by the millions and dispersed them among all the nations. Now since that time they have gotten back into Jerusalem and in 1948 they declared the State of Israel with Ben Gurion. And that was the first time that they had clearance to go back to that Wailing Wall and pray at that Wailing Wall. And the Wailing Wall there’s stone down through here and on the top of it, that’s the top of Mt. Moriah, and they would go to that Wailing Wall and wail and pray the Jews would. Now Husein before then he was ruling and they didn’t have an opportunity to go back to that Wailing Wall. But now after that 7 day war or 6 day war, they were let back in there and that was the first time they had been since Titus had come up from Rome and destroyed the temple and dispersed them out there.

Now then that was the beginning of sorrows. Now they couldn’t rebuild the temple there on that mountain. They couldn’t dig down in the earth, so they set that little dome of Rock and the Muslim temple is setting up there now. And if you dig down in there what will you run into?”

Response: fire

Dr. Kinley: Fire! They run into fire so they gave up building the temple, so the Muslims they put a marker and call it Dome of the Rock. We have the pictures, we’ll bring ‘em sometime and show them to you. But now I’m deeply concerned about this and I’m trying to show you. And then He told them that when you see Jerusalem surrounded with those armies… Read on Dr. Harris.

Reader: And many shall come in my name saying I am the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: for many shall come in my name saying

Reader: I am the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: I am the Messiah. He’s reading out the Holy Name Bible.

Reader: and shall deceive many…

Dr. Kinley: and shall deceive a few folks…

Response: many

Dr. Kinley: Now folks why is it that you just can’t take heed? I know why it is. Now you got me in trouble. I been troubled all day; I really been troubled all day. And I wanna get down from up here and let Dr. Dennis give a report. But I do want you to know some things because you are living right down… I wanna discharge my duty, I wanna warn you, I wanna tell you what it’s all about. You don’t have no promise… [interruption on tape] whether there be tongues they shall cease. Go anywhere in the world you wanna go, don’t make no difference: Spain, Germany, Egypt, Jerusalem, France, anywhere you wanna go and you’ll find people over there in Greece and everywhere else that can speak English just as fluently as you could speak it to save your soul; I don’t mean the whole nation I mean it’s somebody there… Tongues are no barrier now; they cease to be a barrier. Now here sets Dr. David Rosen he can speak Hebrew and you wouldn’t know what he was talking about, but English is no barrier to him.

Now the Apostle Saul (I’ll have to tell you this) he was made a minister of the uncircumcised, and he didn’t realize he didn’t know that when he was being tutored and speaking all them different languages (and I mean Yahweh tutored him now in all them different languages) and the reason for it is because he’s going mainly to the gentiles who speak all these various different tongues. You see Yahweh’s educating that boy. And he said he spoke with more tongues than all of ’em, and he went further around the world than any of them, he could communicate with the Greeks and the Jews and Gentiles and all kinds of languages, now it says that many shall come in His name and deceive many. Now then that makes me have to tell you this: See a lot of this stuff you got out here now, them people back in there they didn’t know a thing about the Lord, God, and Jesus Christ. The Apostles they never knew nothing about this name, and if you noticed He said… Read it Dr. Harris.

Reader: many shall come in my name.

Dr. Kinley: Now this is His name, Yahshua, that’s His name; they ain’t coming in that now they coming in Jesus Christ. See where the deception really takes place at is them that come in His name. So you oughta know what this is because they ain’t coming in that now, so your deception should be over. And there was a whole lot of ‘em that went out and preached Yahshua the Messiah. Paul them they didn’t say nothing about no Jesus Christ and nothing like that; they didn’t say nothing about the Lord God. Now if you could just take that one on home with you, and if you never got another thing out of this whole entire meeting you oughta have yourself something, don’t you think? You see you have been blessed. They didn’t know a thing about it, never heard nothing about it, it wasn’t even used. It wasn’t no “J,” and the moderator tells you that all the time, it wasn’t no “J” in no language until around the 13th or 14th century A.D. too, not B.C. they didn’t know anything about it. All right now I’ll have to move and move pretty fast. Alright read on just a little bit further Dr. Harris.

Reader: and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars…

Dr. Kinley: Now you shall hear…He’s telling them what will be the sign of His coming and the end of the age. Now this is the beginning of sorrows, not the end, the beginning of sorrow. First thing, did you notice the first thing that He told them was “Now you take heed that man deceive you (why you saying that to me) for many of ‘em shall come in my name saying that I am Messiah and they’ll fool a whole lot of folks.” All right read on.

Reader: see that ye be not troubled…

Dr. Kinley: See don’t get all worked up about it, see it’s got to be. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. Is that what you got there?

Reader: yes

Dr. Kinley: All right read on.

Reader: for all these things must come to pass…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: but the end is not yet…

Dr. Kinley: but the end is not yet. See that now. I told you that wasn’t the end that was the beginning of sorrows in this dispensation. The end is not yet. Read on.

Reader: for nation shall rise against nation…

Dr. Kinley: Now look folks, nation shall rise against nation, has that happened?

Response: Yes

Dr. Kinley: You ever hear tell of the first and second world war? You ever hear tell of anything like that? You ever hear tell of the Jews and Arabs getting into jams and battles and fighting and carrying on, you ever hear tell of it? Now what we’re doing we’re trying to show you right where you are. Alright read on Dr. Harris.

Reader: and kingdom against kingdom…

Dr. Kinley: Kingdom against kingdom, kingdom against kingdom. Now Israel she had a divided kingdom there, Israel and Judah, and then there’s other kingdoms, many kingdoms. Now when you think about kingdoms you ought to think something about the Kingdom of Heaven too and not just all the other kingdoms. Kingdom against Kingdom… Now look, hold that right there and go to Micah 4:1. Now what we’re talking about is war, and we’re talking about seeing Jerusalem surrounded with war. We wanna bring it up to date, that’s what we’re after now. All right read.

Reader: But in the last days…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: it shall come to pass…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that the mountain of the house of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: shall be established in the top of the mountain…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and it shall be exalted above the hills…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and people shall flow into it…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: And many nations shall come and say…

Dr. Kinley: And many…now wait a minute now, and you just gonna have to stop and look now cause if you don’t you’re just gonna get messed up. And many nations shall come, that means the Gentiles shall come, and what?

Reader: and say…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: come and let us go up to the mountain…

Dr. Kinley: come and let us go up

Reader: to the mountain of Yahweh

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and to the house of the Elohim of Jacob…

Dr. Kinley: and to the house of the Elohim of Jacob. See that, the Gentiles are saying that. Read on doc.

Reader: and He shall teach us or He will teach us of His ways…

Dr. Kinley: And He, Yahweh, will teach us of His way. Alright read on.

Reader: and we will walk in His path…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) read.

Reader: for the law shall go forth from Zion…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and the word of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: from Jerusalem…

Dr. Kinley: from Jerusalem. Now how ‘bout that. Now he’s talking about what’s gonna happen. Now take (and this is almost the same thing) Isaiah 4, I mean 2:2. Now here’s what I want you to watch now; I want you to watch these nations. Now the reason I want you to watch these nations is because you see these nations, the Arabs and them they’re in all kinds of conflict and they’re talking about now about battling and going to war over there and strife and whatnot. And Arafat just spoke up at the United Nations, the assembly. Now listen, and they voted I think it’s 87 to 37 or something another like that (now listen to what I’m saying) to internationalize Palestine, meaning this: that when Joshua went over the River Jordan there were 8 nations left in there (we wrote about it in our book we suggest that you read it sometime), and He made a league with the Gibbeonites and with 8 of those nations. And 4 of them were driven out and the Jews they went in and REOCCUPIED, I said reoccupied because they came down into Egypt and then they made a round trip on back. Now what we read tonight that Jerusalem above, see and that’s the reason why we made this chart this way, Jerusalem is the mother of us all, that’s to say the Jews and the Gentiles. Now you watch, now he said wars, ye shall hear of wars… Is that what you said?

Reader: Right

Dr. Kinley: Now Amos, I mean Isaiah.

Reader: And it shall come to pass…

Dr. Kinley: And it shall…It’s almost the same thing. It is the same thing; both of them are talking about the same thing. Read.

Reader: in the last days…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that the mountain of Yahweh’s house shall be established in the top of the mountain…

Dr. Kinley: That’s right

Reader: and shall be exalted above the hills…

Dr. Kinley: and it shall be exalted, (word for word) read.

Reader: and all nations shall flow into it…

Dr. Kinley: What, hold it! And all nations shall flow into it. Read on.

Reader: and many people shall go and say…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: come ye and let us go up to the mountain of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: up to the mountain of Yahweh

Reader: to the house of the Elohim of Jacob

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) read.

Reader: and He will teach us of His way…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) read on

Reader: and we will walk in His path…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: For out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem…

Dr. Kinley: That’s right, read on.

Reader: And He shall judge among the nations…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and shall rebuke many people…

Dr. Kinley: and rebuke many people or chastise many folks. Read.

Reader: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares…

Dr. Kinley: Now this is the part I’m trying to get to talk about. Now this is the part I’m trying to get to talk about. Now you ain’t gonna have what they’re calling peace over there with them Arabs and the Israelites. The 8 nations that were left in there by Joshua they were born in that land and they are the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise. If you want that read in Galatians it’s right there; we can read it can’t we doc? You want it read? And they’re heirs and joint heirs with Yahshua the Messiah. But now let’s watch this war business. Read on there doc about that, uh repeat there what you just said about that…

Reader: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and their spears into pruning hooks…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and nation shall not lift up sword against nation…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: neither shall they learn war any more…

Dr. Kinley: and they won’t learn no more war. You see that now. Alright read on.

Reader: O house of Jacob…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: come ye and let us walk in the light of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: O house of Jacob, come ye and let us walk in the light. Now the reason why I brought that up, I’m trying to cut it up short and I’m trying to get you to see this: See there is not going to be any peace over there until they internationalize it. See the Arabs (Palestinians are Arabs) they are going to continue to kill one another and fight with their guns and whatnot until that is internationalized.

Now that brings me up to the UN. Now them nations up here in New York they voted to internationalize it, the Jews and the Gentiles with both of us there. And it’s gonna continue to be conflict until such time… Now right here recently, just this past week I believe it was or last Saturday or some where in there, it hasn’t been two weeks yet, they voted to internationalize it. Now here’s what I’m saying: Now by them being up there, all the nations, the United Nations, the Jews inclusive, and all the rest of ‘em up there (many nations up there) they voted to internationalize and then let’s have peace. Now then this is what would happen then when they say peace and safety (everything’s just fine) and then comes sudden destruction with the revelation of Yahshua the Messiah from heaven. See and they think everything is all right and we ain’t gonna have no more wars and everything is peaceful, and now we’re all in this thing together.

Now I tried to tell you this morning and I’m gonna repeat it again. And get the 2nd chapter of Romans and the last two verses. This right here was the end of the flesh. When Yahshua the Messiah was nailed to the cross back here that was the 63rd generation. Freddy show ‘em them cranial nerves that comes down from the spine there, 63… [Side 2]… that’s in your King James Version, but in your Holy Name Version he put it in there, and count right down from Adam right straight on down and you have 63 cranial nerves that’s coming out from here down to your spine. Is that right doc?

Dr. Harris: Well they call ‘em spinal nerves.

Dr. Kinley: spinal nerves are coming down, 63. Is that almost…

Dr. Harris: That’s it, 63.

Dr. Kinley: Now 63 of those spinal nerves that’s coming down there represents those 63 that you can count, put ‘em right down on a piece of paper and count in Matthew those generations. But if you have a King James Version you only got 62, see they left out one. And their excuse for leaving him out was this one that belongs in there was so wicked until they just left him out, but that’s 63. Now here’s what you got: you’re carrying it around all the time on you, all the time you’re carrying it around.

Now listen, I told you it was 8 nations left in there, and showed you now about the war and rumor of wars, I show you about the deception. Now in the 12th chapter of Revelation, see now I have to do this, there’s no way out of it, so we just might as well learn it and get it over with. Alright just read right fast. Now you just set there and listen and I’ll plug you in, 12th chapter.

Reader: And the temple of Yahweh was opened in heaven

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and there was seen in His temple…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: the Ark of His Covenant

Dr. Kinley: The Ark of the Covenant, looking in, John is looking right in, right into the Ark of the Covenant. Alright read on.

Reader: and there were lightnings…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and voices…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and thunderings…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and an earthquake…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and great hail…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the son…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: a woman clothed with the son…

Dr. Kinley: a woman clothed with the son… Did you ever stop and think… You can see it on that chart down there; see we’ve drawn all these things out here. Freddy you can go down there if you want to. Now really we labor hard with you down here in this school. A woman clothed with the son, the first Adam Eve was in him, that woman was clothed with the son; she was in him. He taken Eve out of Adam and then you got a problem. See that old boy got busy right there in the garden. Now that’s why I tell you that the devil is come down through all these dispensations and ages, and you’ll read down here that he was cast our of heaven. Read on.

Reader: a woman clothed with the son and the moon under her feet…

Dr. Kinley: and the moon under her feet (the law)the sun to rule by day and the moon by night. Last night the woman was in the man, and Yahweh took her out and then you had a problem. So now we got’a get that woman back in that son, clothed with him and the moon or the law… is that right?

Response: That’s right.

Dr. Kinley: Alright read.

Reader: and upon her head a crown of 12 stars…

Dr. Kinley: Now just a minute, he’s not talking about the son of perdition, which we gonna talk about here in a minute. Read right on.

Reader: and she being with child cried…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: travailing in birth…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and pained to be delivered…

Dr. Kinley: Now you know about birth. Alright read on.

Reader: And there appeared another wonder in heaven…

Dr. Kinley: Now here’s another one. You talking about wonders, there’s a many a wonder here. Now do you know something? These smart boys think John on the Isle of Patmos is nuts writing something that don’t nobody no nothing about. They think he’s having an awful hallucination there and writing up a whole bunch of junk that don’t nobody know nothing about. No, Revelation means the thing is revealed, which I agree with them that they don’t know anything about, and it’s the easiest book in the bible to understand when you understand it. Repeat what you just said doc.

Reader: and there appeared another wonder in heaven

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and behold a great red dragon…

Dr. Kinley: and a great red dragon

Reader: having 7 heads…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and 10 horns…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and 7 crowns upon his head…

Dr. Kinley: and 7 crowns upon his head. There appeared a great red dragon. Now listen folks, you see unless somebody put you wise you wouldn’t see it at all. Did you notice that he said there appeared a red dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns? A drag-on [Doc laughs] been dragging right on, from the Garden of Eden he’s dragging right on. Drag-on, DRAG-ON, right on down from the Garden of Eden right on down through here just dragging on. The old serpent he’s crawling on the ground eating of the dust of the earth, Satan, and he’s dragging on, dragging on. Did you follow; do you follow what I’m talking about now?

Response: Yes

Dr. Kinley: Alright, read on.

Reader: and his tail drew the 3rd part of the stars of heaven…

Dr. Kinley: Now look here folks, look up here. I wanna make this bible make some sense to you. See his tail drew the 3rd part of the stars of heaven. Abraham was told to count the stars, and Yahweh said He would multiply his seed as the sands of the sea and as the stars of heaven. Now that’s an innumerable number, nobody’s ever has been able to number the stars. But ever how many there was the 3rd part of them were gone from heaven. Now that’s from heaven a 3rd part of the angels with those demonic spirit, the devil and his demonic spirit, a 3rd part of them was gone, 3rd part. Now that’s from heaven. Now why I brought that up, 3rd part, twice 12 is 24 and 3 x 8 is almost 24. Now I just got through telling you, and see you wouldn’t realize nothing about it and wouldn’t know a thing about it if I didn’t come back and tell you about it. I told you there was 8 nations of the Arabs left in there when Joshua went in there, and 4 nations were drove out. And these that were left in there they couldn’t be driven out (oh no I haven’t forgot the 2nd chapter of Romans and the last two verses; I know I spoke of them). Oh boy I tell you this is something ain’t it?

Now this woman, this bond woman, the Ishmaelites there’s 12 sons of them, 12 sons of the Ishmael just like it was 12 sons of Jacob and 12 and 12 is 24. Now then this woman that’s appeared in the sun she travailing with pain to be delivered, she’s with child. And a dragon stood before the woman to devour her child as soon as it was born. You ever hear tell of Mary and what all happened to her? You ever hear tell of that? And how that Herod tried to kill Him? I ain’t got time to go into that. And then they took the young child and had to go down into Egypt? Alright now pay attention. Now 3 x 8 is 24 and so now there had to be those 8 nations left in there. And then there is 12 tribes of Israel in there. Now there are 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 sons of Jacob, [Ishmael] and 8 of ‘em left in there. So now 3 x 8 is 24. Now the 12… and there was a whole host of an innumerable company of angels, satanic spirits that were cast down from heaven, and it said woe unto them that are upon the earth because the accuser of the brethren is cast down unto you. That’s what’s causing all your war, that’s what’s causing all the descension, that’s what’s causing all the problems that you are having. You ain’t having no problems other than that. It ain’t no problems other than that.

Alright, now see he accused them before the throne of Yahweh day and night, just been all times bringing accusations to Him. We can come up and say, well I don’t care how you did it, you can say I baptize you in the name of the Lord God and Jesus Christ and in the name of the Father, God, just say anything you want to, the devil say you wasn’t baptized right. He’ll take you over there and baptize you in some water, now that’s suppose to be right, and the other feller over yonder says well he baptized you wrong too. I don’t care it just accuse you all the time, just all the time. It’s nothing else but accusations, and you’re not right and then trying to condemn somebody. These satanic spirits that were cast out of heaven are just raising hell all over the place. These too are what’s incarnated in these hell-fire preachers standing in the pulpits. When Yahshua passed alone they were up in the cemetery cutting themselves with stones and they run out before Him, said, “Thou Yahshua of Nazareth we know who you are, have you come to torment us before time?” They were expecting to catch hell. Said, “Have you come accusing us before time?” Don’t you see he know what’s…he’s reserved in chains of darkness (reserved, he ain’t never gonna be converted) to be punished at the due time; Peter and Jude both tells you that. Is that right theologians?

Response: Right

Dr. Kinley: See you can’t convert the devil. Now the best thing for you to do is get up and walk out of these denominations and these sects and these cults that ye be not partakers of her sins and receive of her plagues. Get on out, cause that’s what it is. Now the flesh is nailed to the cross, and they have admiration for personalities, and they’re coming along speaking evil of dignitaries, that’s what Jude said, in things that they don’t know nothing about, spiritual things, they don’t know nothing about it, having men’s person in admiration, the Pope, and all that kind of Tom foolery.

Now Yahshua is come right down to it. Now let me hurry up and get on off the floor, let me hurry up and get on off the floor and give Dr. Dennis a break here, half a break. Now you see those nations, 8 nations were left in there, they were expulsated, they were there and that meant that that was their home. But now look here, they went, they all were supposed to go up to the house of David. Now I told you this this morning, so don’t take this lightly. In this temple there was a court of the gentiles there, then the court of the men and a court of the women, so now that’s what would be in that temple. But the temple that he’s talking about here in the top of the mountain, he ain’t talking about that thing setting on that hill out there, that is not what he’s talking about, BUT IT’S JUST A REFLECTION OF JERUSALEM ABOVE, so that’s the mountain where the house of Yahweh is built in the top of the mountain, and we’re all gonna go up to that. Or in other words, in this age come on up there (now listen to what I’m gonna say now) where there is no such thing as a Jew, there is no such thing as a gentile. Read Romans.

Reader: 2:28-29. For he is not a Jew…

Dr. Kinley: He is not a Jew

Reader: which is one outwardly…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: neither is that circumcision…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: which is outward in the flesh…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: but he is a Jew…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: which is one inwardly…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and circumcision is that of the heart…

Dr. Kinley: is that of the heart, circumcision

Reader: in the spirit…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and not of the letter…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: whose praise is not of men…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: but of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: but of Yahweh. Now do you see that? Now we are no more walking after the flesh. Now here you have a problem. Now here’s the problem folks, the Jews, physical Jews over there in Palestine and the physical Arabs over there in Palestine they can’t get together. They’re not looking at the real house unto Yahweh. Now then that brings me up to have to say this, see there’s no way out of it I can’t help but say it, I have to. I told you they were not talking about this joint setting out here on the hill, but this is the house, the greater and more perfect tabernacle, or the heavens and the earth is the greater and more perfect tabernacle. Do you understand me?

Response: Yes

Dr. Kinley: and the realm of eternity which the Son (S O N and S U N too) sits there on the throne in the Most Holy Place. I’m talking about He’s entered on through the veil; He’s the forerunner He’s entered on through the veil. And He only hath immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach, and He will show who is the what?

Response: the only true potentate

Dr. Kinley: the only potentate. He’s the only potentate, (and that’s not the pope) King of king, the Elohim of Elohim, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Now we showed it up here on this charts. We try our best to show these things, see here it is: The beginning, the King of kings (we got Lord or Lords up here, that ought not to be) the Elohim of Elohim, the first and the last the beginning and the end. This is the tabernacle, the greater and more perfect tabernacle, and we’re in Him, which this universe is a picture of it. Now the stars out there in the sky are figures of the angels around the veils. The sun that shines there in the sky is a figure of Yahshua or it’s showing Him sitting here on the throne in this tabernacle. Your body is the tabernacle and it’s the temple of Yahweh. You follow what I’m talking about.

Now these few words and then I’m done. Now when they took that vote over there in New York, Jerusalem was surrounded by that League of Nations, old League of Nations. Now you got a new United Nations and they have voted, the United States didn’t go along with them, and some there were some others that didn’t believe it oughta be internationalized. Now look, that’s the only way. You’ll have to get out of the flesh, you have to get into the spirit. And as long as you’re in the flesh you’ll have wars after the flesh. But when you get into the spirit then you lay down the physical arms. Then the weapons, now you’ll have to have some weapons, don’t you think you’re going out here without ‘em, no it’s not like that, but the weapons of our warfare so says the Apostle, they’re not carnal, but they’re mighty through Yahweh to the pulling down of strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of Yahweh, and bringing every thought unto the obedience of Yahweh. Now you go on out here having your feet shod with the preparation of the truth and the gospel, having the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith and the breastplate of righteousness and go on out there and fight. FIGHT WHO? Fight the Roman Catholics and the Protestants and the ignorant folks all way around and these satanic spirits that’s incarnated in physical bodies. Somebody say, “You don’t have no right to talk about my religion.” Well what would you say about the Messiah? He come along and He talked about everybody’s religion, and if He’s in me I’m gonna talk about your religion. You know what He said to them boys, same ones we’re talking about, said “Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, YOU HYPOCRITES! You generation of serpents! How are you gonna escape the damnation of hell?” Look ‘em straight in the eye if they try to get back at you about that. See He was trying to get on to the cross. Now first when He come along He said now I didn’t come to call the righteous (using divine psychology) I didn’t come to call the righteous but sinners unto repentance. They said, “Let Him alone, go out there and bring up somebody sick or lame and let Him heal ‘em, see that’s nice what He’s doing, let Him alone.” And by and by when it come time for Him to be out there on that cross… When He left Jerusalem and went on outside, He said your house… He said first about the temple there, He said my Father’s house, “It’s written that my Father’s house shall be called the house of prayer but you’ve made it a den of thieves.” What are you doing? They got bullocks and turtledoves and heifers and everything else up there. See and in that court it’s moneychangers, the sacrifices were there already and you could buy ‘em for a fee, and He turned over the tables of the money changers and took a cord and whipped them out of the temple. And finally by and by He said your house is left unto you desolate, and you won’t see me… Now it was my Father’s house, and it’s written My Father’s house shall not be made a den of thieves, but you’ve made it a den of thieves, see it shall be called a house of prayer but you’ve made it a den of thieves. Now He’s about ready to go out there and He said you won’t see me no more until you say blessed is He that cometh in the name. And look Freddy that thing is true today, you ain’t gonna see a thing of Him until you see some of these that’s coming IN HIS NAME; you ain’t gonna see nothing at all. See you can’t see nothing out there with Jesus Christ and Lord and God, you have to see ‘em coming in His name.

Now in conclusion, now — —, well it’s written that my Father’s house shall be called a house of prayer, but He went back in there, well when He left out He said your house is left unto you desolate, and you won’t see me no more until you say blessed is he that cometh in the name. Now when He went to come on back into Jerusalem He’s riding on a colt, said “Behold the Lamb,” they spread down their palms and said “Blessed is He that cometh in the name.” You see what I’m talking about. You better get in the name folks, yes indeed. He said they wasn’t gonna see Him until they said that. And He went right on back up there and jumped on ‘em and cussed them out. Now they really got a cussing. And if you don’t understand what I’m talking about try reading the 23rd chapter of Matthew, oh He cussed ‘em out, yes indeed. See He had to be on that cross. See we know what’s in these people, and just as soon as you raise up in the Roman Catholic they wanna put you in that —–, they wanna make you —–, and just as soon as you’re raised up from Christ they wanna do the same thing, ambush you, BOOM! See he’s a murderer right from the very beginning.

Now I hope and trust that you can see that the U.N. with all those nations, representing all those nations surrounding Israel that are in Palestine, Egyptians and all or the Arabs and the other gentiles too, all them nations surrounded Israel. Now look, I think I should say this: with them 12 tribes, the Jews around… Remember I told you how the angels were around the walls in this tabernacle. Now there’s cherubims and seraphim angels, see the different orders of angels. Now look, you don’t see the angels out around here, see they weren’t gathered around out here, they were on the inside. But you have to have something to be circled around the temple in the earth plane, so then the Jew he’s around it representing it in the earth plane. Now then surrounding the Jews or the court ‘round about outside are the gentiles. Now look here. Now we are the offspring. We all emanated, (emanate means to spring off from)… With this representing the body of Yahshua the Messiah and the temple, see we all are gathered around Him. Now that plate down there that’s red, the second plate, (take notice of it) you’ll see nine attributes in there, that’s not all of ‘em just nine. Now that red down at the bottom what does it say in there Freddy?

Freddy: Kingdom

Dr. Kinley: That’s the Kingdom. Now see we have been translated into the Kingdom both Jew and Gentile and Yahshua the Messiah is the King in the Kingdom, I mean as of now. So I thought that it would be better to show you why that the Jews had to be around here like this, and the gentiles surrounded them and all the nations gathered up around them. Now the U.N. it represents all these nations every where or the Jews and the gentiles, and they have voted unanimously to internationalize Jerusalem beneath which is (now get this one straight) it’s an analogy of Jerusalem above which is the mother of all.

[Doc walks off the floor]

Audience: Applause

School of the Highest Learning

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