Moses & John Confirms One Another

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley in 1967.

Transcribed by Beverly Allen

Dr. Kinley: …with you and to talk with you tonight about the Creator of this universe. And I try to be very very careful about what I say to you. And if you noticed I have already demanded your attention to some of the things that I have to say tonight because it is important. And almost every new person that comes into this audience or congregation goes away disappointed. And they say “Well, I already know about that.” I have been from coast to coast in this country, and I have as I’ve told you many times, talked to the heads of all these religious denominations. And for around 50 years of my life I have made a research, and I know what is taught out in the world. I know what you have been taught. I know what they are teaching out in the world, I’m not dreaming about it at all. And as Bishop Short said, and I never have forgotten his statement. He said he knew what was out in the world, and that he had been around, he knew what was going on before he came here. But since his arrival here he has learned that the things that we teach here are different than what they are out in the world. They’re suppose to be different, because what they’re teaching out in the world is wrong. Because this school was… I tried to tell you last week that the reason why this school was founded is because they won’t let us teach the truth out there in the world. They won’t stand for it. Now that’s just all there is to it. And you must remember I told you, and you know for yourself that we have had debates, and this pulpit has been opened to every minister of every sect and cult and creed and denominations, even to the skeptics, and atheists, and agnostics, and just anybody wants to speak, we have had this pulpit opened. And everybody is privileged; this is a school not a church, and we have searched into the very depths of things. We want you to know something for sure; we want you to realize something for sure. And I tried my best to tell you that you can learn something for sure, you can learn the truth as it is here.

Now one of the things I want to mention here is this: I told you several times that there were above 500 interpolations in that King James Version of the Bible, and also in the Vulgate, now that’s what they call the Roman Catholic Bible. Now I told you that. Now that is the results of research. Now I also wrote the book, and I told you that there were admitted mistranslations and interpolations; now that’s spurious phrases, they admit it. Now then why should you, since this is a school, why should you expect me to go along with the general routine of the world? You shouldn’t expect that in the first place. But what we are going to do in this school… Now you listen, cause every word I say I choose ‘em, this is not a routine thing. But my objective in this school is to prove to you beyond any doubt that there is a God, that He does have a purpose, that He is going to carry it out, that He does not have hindrances and obstructions, He has declared the end from the beginning, and everything is going along according to schedule; everything’s going fine. Now the devil is no hindrance to God at all, in fact he’s an asset instead of a liability, and God made him to be that way. Now you must realize too, that in as much so as there is a God and His angels, you must also realize that there is a Satan and a demonic force there. Now both are being manifested in the world, now that’s here. Now you are suppose to be the judge, suppose to be the judge. And as I said before, and I’m gonna repeat it again for your sakes. This school does not teach the same thing that they teach out in the world, cause what they teach out in the world is wrong. Now I’ve been saying that for 35 years, and nobody from nowhere have ever made me take it back. And everybody that’s ever run up against it has had to go down, now that goes for scientists, philosophers, reverends, bishops, ministers, doctors, medical doctors, and everybody else, it goes for the entire world. My job is to prove to you that there is a way that you can find out and know something about the Creator of this universe, and I’d like better than nothing else to show you how that is done.

This Bible, even though it does contain interpolations, and mistranslations, in general the Bible is right. You can’t improve upon that that is right, but you can correct that that is wrong. Now give me that Bible there. Here, we read to you out of this Bible here, and he told you, the Master of, or the person that read this from this book, told you that this was not a King James Version Bible, neither is it a Vulgate; now that means it’s not a Catholic, nor it’s not a Protestant Bible, but this is as near to the Hebrew Scriptures that can be found, and ascertained. This is a research work; they put it down just like they found it. And we sent and got this Bible because we’re a research movement too. I tried to tell you the difference between the school and the church; I tried to tell you from the meaning of words. Now I didn’t get to these charts the other night, I didn’t get to ‘em at all. But I don’t know whether you recall it or not, but I did tell you this the other night, and I had it read to you out of the Bible, so I’m gone have it read to you again. Romans 1:19&20, I’m gone have that read to you again. And I may go upon these charts tonight, but read that passage before we get started or go any further.

Reader: Because that which may be known of God…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: is manifest in them…

Dr. Kinley: Is manifested in them. Now he’s reading out of a King James Version of the Bible. Now that Bible is copywrited in 1963, this Holy Name Bible, the one that we’re reading here. And before I forget it I wanna tell you about this. I take the Christian Herald Magazine, and she mentions in that Holy Bible that they were working on, (that was 63 when this book was printed) that they were working on a Bible that could be used by Roman Catholics and Protestants too. Now they have finished it, and it’s advertised in the Christian Herald. It’s endorsed and imprimatured by Cardinal Cushing, and other of the Protestant churches. It is to be used by both, it’s accepted by both Protestants and Catholics. How’d I do that trip? So now this one here that we have goes clear on back to the Sanscripts, and to the tablets, and to where it was laid in tables of stone and what not, this Holy Name Bible, this research company in New Jersey. Now one thing I wanna mention here is this: Now the word, God, is not mentioned in it. Now before you come to this school, you did not know that God was a title, not a name, but a title. And another thing you didn’t know, you didn’t know that Jesus Christ that is not the true name; that is not it at all. Now I’d like to say this: the Roman Catholics know that, they know it; and some of the leading educators in the Protestants’ churches they also know it. And since they don’t tell you about it, and I do, then that makes you bring an accusation against me. But you see, I don’t have no reputation to protect, and I’m not seeking my own, and furthermore I am not salaried. I don’t expect to be compensated by you, so I don’t have to be careful in handling the truth to you, that is to say I’m not going to handle it deceitfully. Now if you don’t like that, then you don’t have to come back, (I wish you would), but if you don’t like the truth then this is the worse place in the world that you could go to that I know anything about. Do you know any worse place than this to go? If you don’t wanna know something about the truth, or if you wanna know something about it this is the place, because I don’t have nothing and nobody to fear. Is that clear? And so far as my life is concerned, I don’t seek to save that, so if you don’t like it to such an extent that you feel like that I ought to be annihilated, get busy with it. Just as I have said many times, if my mother was sitting out there in the audience, and I knew that the truth would kill her, I’d say “Mama, you’d better go on outside cause I’m fixing to preach.” And if she chose to set there and the truth would kill her, you’d find her dead sitting in the seat. Now that’s right. Now that’s the attitude I take about it. Now I wanna tell you why I’m that way about it because what I am trying my best to teach you here in this assembly is the results of a divine revelation, and a vision that was given to me in the year 1931. And I taught it all over the country; I’ve been in colleges and seminary too 35 years, haven’t missed any. And this work is known in Vatican, it’s known in Jerusalem, and all over the world. I want you to know that so you don’t misjudge it. And they say, they admit that it is right; they can’t do nothing with it. But you see, if you didn’t know that, why then you just become offended, but they know too, around the world. Now I told you this was the result of a vision and a revelation. Now you see I can’t tell myself nothing different. I can’t tell myself nothing different, what I saw, I saw. What was revealed to me was revealed to me. And I told you the other night that I knew it wasn’t any sense in me going out in the public and trying to teach the public, it silenced me; it shut me up just like a clam, I had no desire to go and tell nobody nothing about it. And I’ll tell you the reason why, because I knew what they would think of me; they would think that I was mentally deranged or crazy, or something like that. So I refused to go until I made these charts. This was the one that I made first [Elementary Chart] (I had one on —- that I made, but this is the second one that I had made, this one right here. And on that chart I put what I saw in the vision, and it’s limited, and I tried to teach from that. I did fairly good, but now there’s some things before you get to this, I tried to illustrate that up in the top. And incidentally part of this chart is off, right here it was cut off, and I try to go through ‘em and show you how that it is taught. Now I want to say this, now you listen carefully at me, cause you see I don’t like to get up here and teach all the time, I’d rather these others to teach. But I’m trying to convey to your mind something that’s solid. Now I’ve tried to tell you what I saw, not something somebody told me something about, not something that I was taught – I did not receive it that way. And I wanna let you know that I have been called one of the worst devils that there is living on the earth, an educated fool. Now that must be wrong, for this reason why, I’ve never been to school. And when I say that I haven’t been to school then they say that I’m a liar. And they say that I want to make it outstanding, and make this stand out, and hide my academic training. Some of the reasons why they said that was because nothing you can talk about, not a thing, no professors, remember I told I been in the college, I’ve been in the seminaries, not to go there to learn, but to teach and to convey this thought to them. And every known scientist in the world, and as far as up to date as he has ever gotten, you can talk to me any kind of way you wish, I’d suggest that you try to talk with common sense. But you know it’s the habitual practice for a lot of people to want to show their education, and they like to use those great long five and six syllable words. What he’s trying to show you is his education. And now whenever I find a fool like that, I let him know that I know as much about lexicography and etymology, and to putting together words as he does, with his prefixes and suffixes and so forth and so on, SO YOU’LL CUT THAT STUFF OUT! I don’t, I don’t like it, cause that’s not what I’m trying to show you is education. AND MY EDUCATION THAT I DO HAVE, WHICH GOD GAVE ME, I THINK EXCEEDS YOURS CAUSE I GOT MINE DIRECT. Now somebody would say, “Well look, (now you listen at me) anybody can run their mouth.” And I knew people would say that. So right along with that vision and that revelation… and God knows to what to do to prepare and to fix a person or to qualify a person to go out in the world to preach and to teach effectively. So right along with that came the gift of prophecy and healing. And I have told you for 35 years what’s gonna happen everywhere in the world, any time I chose, about anybody I choose to tell you about. I have did it for 35 years right in this pulpit. You are my witnesses. There are people sitting here looking me in the face that have been healed of all kinds of diseases that the doctors in the hospital out there… And we do have in this school, we have some of the smartest men there is on this earth; it may not look like it, but we do. And you remember I told you we were known all over the world.

No, I haven’t forgotten, and I hope you haven’t. But that what I have said to you is an assurance… Remember I told you, that instead of me going out what it did for me was to silenced me. I should tell you this: prior to that time of me having the vision and revelation, about 15 years of my life was spent in the Church of God. And them people that claimed to be holy, and sanctified, and free from sin, and living above sin each and every day of their life; they were particular about the clothes that they put on; they were particular about the diet that they ate, and very careful about what they drink, even abstain some of ‘em from drinking coffee, to say nothing about liquor. Now I said that to you so that you could see, open your eyes and let you know that the very best that man has had to offer I’ve been associated with it. So that you know that I know what you know about all of this sanctimonious living and all the other various different kind of things. And for your information I have taken some instructions in the Roman Catholic Church. And I have also, before then, went to the Methodist Church and joined, and stayed there a while. Now have I got myself clear before you?

Now I had been classified, (listen at me people), I had been classified, when I was nothing but a child, one of the member of the General Councils of the Church of God, headquarters at Nashville, Tennessee, and signed minister’s licenses to go out and preach. And at that time I had charge in that organization of the divine healing services, and many people were healed. And then Bishop Brogan lied on me, and they call themselves silencing me in the church. I didn’t realize at the time… I knew there were many things I did not know; I realized that. And I never did believe in preaching and teaching something to somebody that I wasn’t sure about myself, I never believed in doing that. I never believed in teaching somebody something because the General Council concluded that this is the way it ought to be. So I couldn’t see at that time things that they said… In other words I’ll tell you what that was, some of it. From a doctrinal point of view they said it was two works of grace. That is to say you receive Jesus now, and then you go on to get the Holy Ghost. I didn’t see it then and I don’t see it now. I just wanna let you know, I wanna make sure that you know now that I have been through the wringer, and I been on the carpet. I’ve been put on the carpet by professor, and men that did have credentials. I have myself a long string of D.D.s and Ph.D.’s and M.S.’s and a whole lot of junk and stuff hung on behind my name, but that don’t make a thing out of me at all. It don’t help me one bit, don’t do a thing. Listen, I’ll tell you like I was in Dr. Harris’ garage here some time ago, when he lived over on Hillcrest, and I found his credentials for medical doctor out there in the trash and stuff out there down in the garage in the papers. I was looking for some of the papers. I said “Man why don’t you take this on, get it up in the house.” Now mine, you’ll find mine somewhere like that; I don’t even know where they are. Look, let me tell you something, if I can’t do something from within, in other words if it ain’t the Holy Spirit that’s in me that piece of paper is not gonna do no good; that’s not gonna do no good.

Now I told you that it silenced me, and I attempted to draw it out. And this is what I have been working with lo these many years. Now I haven’t found anybody with any knowledge at all that has been able to refute it. And I wanna say the skeptic, and atheists and agnostics have been converted and made to believe in the existence of God. Now I had you to get you Romans 1:19:20, and you read there, “For that which may be known of God…” That that’s possible for you to know of God… It’s possible, but here’s what you have to do: You have to unload.

Now let me tell you about myself, see when God showed me this great stupendous vision, I said “Vision,” I didn’t understand it. And I don’t know just how long, but it was the same day, whether it was an ½ hour or a hour or 3, I went into that state of consciousness, whereas what I had seen in the vision was revealed to me the meaning of it. Now I wanna tell you what it did for me: It revolutionized, it tore up my whole religious and scientific concepts of both God and the universe, it tore it completely down. Then what I did next was went back to get the Bible, because I had been classified as a bibliomaniac, a walking Bible. Ministers could just… They’d tell me in the General Conferences, the Annual Conferences to read such and such a thing. And the Church of God or the Holiness People they believed in going by chapter and verse – very particular about that, going by chapter and verse. That’s the way you had to talk with them, and communicate with them, chapter and verse. And you could just open your Bible anywhere you wanted to and start to reading, and I’d tell you chapter and verse where you was reading, and that earned for me “A walking Bible.” That’s why they called me a walking Bible. And here when God showed me this thing it tore down everything I thought. All the concepts I had it tore it all the pieces. And I come to find out that I knew nothing about God. Now can you imagine a predicament like that? And if you had tried to tell me that I didn’t know, I wouldn’t like that so well, cause I thought I did know. But now the reason why I’m having you to read this is because now what I saw in the vision, and what was explained to me in the revelation, I had to, it silenced me doc, it silenced me until I could get something put up here so that I could tell you just exactly what I saw in the vision, impart to the very best of my ability. Now then I told you the other night that if what I say I saw, and this what I have drawn out here, now you watch this close cause it is important. Cause now you just said, because that which may be know of God, read.

Reader: is manifest in them…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: for God…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute, we wanna know who, them who? Just reading without an understanding of who you’re reading about, and what you’re reading about, don’t mean nothing, and that’s how a lot of our misunderstanding occurs. Now manifest means to reveal something. It’s because God has revealed it, or manifested it, or shown, or demonstrated it to them. To them, them who? These back here at Mt. Sinai unto them; He showed it to them …[About 4 second blank spot on tape] . . . the invisible things of Him. Now that makes me wanna bring you down to one thing to read before you go any further there, and that’s Colossian 1:15, I’m after that invisible. Now you follow me close, don’t lose the continuity of thought, let the children cry, and whoever it is next to you that wants to talk to you about something, tell him to tell you about it after he get out of here, and you keep your mouth shut and listen close and concentrate. Now I don’t mean to be mean, I just want to show you the vital importance of it. All right.

Reader: who is the image of the invisible…

Dr. Kinley: Now it’s talking about Yahshua the Messiah, if you read it close it’ll tell you that, won’t it? It says, who is the image of the (get this one word) INVISIBLE, invisible! He’s the image of the invisible God. All right read on.

Reader: the firstborn of every creature…

Dr. Kinley: Now He is the FIRSTBORN, FIRSTBORN of every creature! Now are you listening? I have tried to tell you from that, which would make me if I had the time to just go from one chapter and one verse to the other. Now the next thing I would refer to then would be this: would be John 4:24. Listen, there it is said, “That God is spirit!” Nobody at no time has ever seen spirit, cause spirit is invisible. But He is the expressed image of the invisible God! He is the firstborn of every creature. Now to explain that, I’d say this: God Himself who is spirit, is the source and the substance from which everything in existence must come. Therefore if a creature comes from spirit, then He Himself would have to take on shape and form. Or in other words, God Himself is spirit, spirit would have to take on shape and form! And that shape and that form that He taken on, Yahshua the Messiah that walked around here in the flesh, was the expressed image of that shape and form. Now listen, He’s the firstborn of every creature. Now if I could say this to you, hoping that you will understand, and if you don’t understand then there necessitates some more explaining. BUT I WILL SAY THIS: (now listen close now cause this is a hard one) GOD HIMSELF, OR SPIRIT ITSELF, TAKING ON SHAPE AND FORM, THAT’S ALL THAT GOD IN THAT CONDITION EVER DID OR EVER WILL CREATE! Are you lost now? Now after He Himself took on this shape and this form, then in that condition in shape and form, then He created after He’d taken on the shape and form, everything that was created, therefore it is said, He’s the firstborn of every creature. It’s pretty warm in here isn’t it? Would you mind there, uh, Dr. Harris or whoever it was that’s reading there, Colossians 1:15; we’ll go back pretty soon.

Reader: for by Him were all things created…

Dr. Kinley: For by Him! Him denotes what we might describe as a personality, course this is Super Incorporeal, it is not a physical thing, I told you it’s spirit in shape and form. Now that’s the firstborn. Then after He’d took on that shape and form, now this is spirit itself, which is INCONCEIVABLE, INCOMPREHENSIBLE, INSCRUTABLE… And anything that you can’t comprehend, and anything that you can’t scrutinize you don’t have no way of investigating it. You can’t prove a thing about it because you don’t know a thing about it. Any time there isn’t something there somewhere for you to investigate, nothing from nothing leaves nothing. So now when He taken on this shape and form, and not until He taken on that shape and form, and that shape and form that He took on is just like you as a man. And it is true when Messiah come here, (you call Him Jesus). Paul looks at Him, and he said, “God was manifested in the flesh, seen of angels, believed on in the world, preached unto the Gentiles, and received up into heaven.” He said that was God. That was spirit manifested in a physical body, therefore He could command the winds, “Peace be Still.” He could heal the sick, raise the dead, do anything – Not He Himself as a man, but His Father in Him did that; that’s the reason why he said, God was manifested in Him. Now if He healed the sick, and raised the dead, all the miracles He was doing, He said “I of my own self can do nothing, my Father in me He doeth the work.” So then now if that be true, then you know good and well of your limitations. And if there’s anything done at all it’s gonna have to be the Boss in there, it have to be God. Now, He said He’s the firstborn of every creature, read.

Reader: For by Him were all things created that are in heaven…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and that are in earth…

Dr. Kinley: that are in earth! Everything, after He’d taken on this shape and form, everything that there was in heaven, Michael, Gabriel, Aziel, and all the rest of ‘em, every creature that is created He’s the firstborn of all of ‘em. For by Him that was manifested and walked around here in a physical body, and wasn’t known and understood of men in that shape and that form. See taken on flesh, and come down here and demonstrated in the world, preached unto the Gentiles, and then taken off that flesh and went on back to where He was before. Brethren, let me tell you something, now that’s something for you to think about, and that is where the Jews stumbled, was because…[Side B]… which often makes me, it staggers me. He said to those Jews of the Sanhedrin Council, and the Scribes, and the Sadducees, and the Escenes and what not, He said, “You believe in God.” He gave that to ‘em. Said “You believe in God, believe also in me, for in my Father’s house, (which is this body I have on), now if that wasn’t so I would have told you…” Now if you can’t accept it by me telling you, then believe on me for my very works sakes… “PEACE BE STILL!” The winds and the waves… You know you can’t clutch them in your fist, stop them cyclones and tornadoes, and the winds of the sea; you can’t do that. And He just spoke it, “Peace be still,” then that showed that incarnated in that body was that which brought everything into existence. And it obeyed His voice. And Peter and them that was sleeping in the hinder-part of that ship raised up there and said, “What manner of man is this, even the winds and the waves obey Him.” Yea it’s wonderful, yes indeed. Why they should, that was the Creator that was embodied in there. Oh, isn’t it wonderful? Yes indeed. And everything in heaven, and everything that is in earth was created by Him. All right read on.

Reader: visible and invisible…

Dr. Kinley: Visible! Invisible! And I told you about the invisible God. He took on shape and form, that that you can’t taste, that that you can’t feel, that that you can’t smell, visible and invisible. All right read on.

Reader: whether they be thrones…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: or dominions…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: or principalities…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: or powers

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: all things were created by Him and for Him…

Dr. Kinley: all things were created by Him… And He walked along the Galilean and Judean and Palestinian hills… Isn’t that wonderful? It certainly is wonderful. All right, everything was created, don’t make no difference what it is. You see Him walk around here as He was then, over the Palestinian hills as an angel, which John on the Isle of Patmos saw an angel coming down from heaven, and even the elements and all were illuminated by His presence. He’s so great. And to think that that little boy that walked around here in that body back there, that that was in that body was a great angel like that. You see what I’m talking about? Well now you getting on down on something. Great big sun out yonder they say is 700 times bigger than the earth, He made it, yes indeed, everything He made it, and maintains perfect and absolute control over it, demonstrated it. I’m talking bout what was showed to me in the vision. And I’m telling you that Paul, Peter, Moses, and the rest of ‘em, they all agree with it. Now if I was out of harmony with them then it wouldn’t amount to anything. All right read.

Reader: all things were created by Him and for Him…

Dr. Kinley: all things were created by Him… I’m not satisfied with that. See the Father, as we speak, now His name really (I told you God is a title), His name is Yahveh, that’s His name. Now they don’t use that around here, but that is His name. God is title Yahweh is His name. Now Yahshua, put some of this on the board there somebody. Put Yahveh and Yahshua, and I wanna show you so that you can see that I’m telling you straight about it so that you can see for yourself, so that you can decide for yourself. Now as I said, if you’ll make a research, you go back in there you’ll find that this is His name. I wanna tell you then, this is two ways, they spell it two ways W e h. This is right too, they spell it this way [Doc is writing on board/ Y a h v e h] But now this is abbreviated – Y a h. Now this is who we call God here. This is a title; His name is Yahweh. Now every Jew in the world of any importance, every educator, every Jew knows this. Now they have tried, as you read in that book, many times to get this proper name back in the Bible. And this Yah-shua, let me try and put this down right there. Now this is a …

Student: You don’t have no H on there.

Dr. Kinley: Yes, put the H on it if you want to, Yahshua. Now this is suppose to be Jesus, this Yahshua. Now this is the correct name. Now this is what we have in our Bibles, Elohim. Now what I just told you, “El” means God; this is a title too. Now this is His title in shape and form, Elo-him. Now look, every Jew, and all in the foreign countries, and the Vatican, and among Protestants too, that have any education, they know that. If they have any education at all they know that. Well see I don’t know no better than to come here and tell you about it. So now this here, this is the Spirit then He takes on shape and form, and that was this here. So now this is spirit, Super Incorporeal, that’s seen in a vision; you cannot see it with your eyes, and Yahshua the Messiah is the one that comes down here in the flesh and walked around here on earth. Now listen, He said, “I am come in my Father’s name,” John, 5th chapter of John. Now if He comes in His Father’s name… Now listen folks, He said it, and His Father’s name was Yahveh. Yah this is an abbreviation. Now if He’s gonna come in His Father’s name, don’t you see His Father’s name would have to be Yah, it cannot be Jesus. My son’s name, he’ll certainly have to bear my name, so Yahweh and Yahshua. This is Him in the flesh, and this is Him after He’s taken on shape and form, and He’s only seen in visions and revelations here, and He’s incomprehensible as such, and must take on this shape and form. And after He takes on this shape and form, we’ll tell you that He created everything – that’s what you just read.

Now I haven’t forgotten, I want you to go back. Now we understand one another up this far, do we not? All right, I want you to go back where you was reading at, “Because that which may be known of God,” Romans 1:19-20. I’m trying to show you now, (listen folks, listen carefully), the universe in its totality, now that is God’s Bible; that is God’s record of Himself. Now that’s His chart, you included. Now you see here, we got (1), this makes (2), and this (3); you got 1,2,3. This makes up what is often spoken of in the Bible as the Godhead, these three are one; just like you are pneuma, psyche, and soma, or soul, body and spirit. The atom is a proton, so says science, the atom that’s the smallest microscopic particle of matter. Now God Himself is writing this story; He’s not leaving it to me, and He’s not leaving it to you. I don’t have anything to do with it. Now the atom is a proton, a neutron, and an electron, just like He’s the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, those three. Now finish reading the verse.

Reader: for the invisible things of Him…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: from the creation of the world…

Dr. Kinley: Now you remember we read about the creation, didn’t we? For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world, the invisible things of the invisible God, the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world… Now I went back as far as you can go. I find this Spirit it’s without shape and form, and then I taken on shape and form, incorporeal, and then I’ve come down and take on this one. Now listen! Ain’t nobody can do no better with it than I can! Now, for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world they are clearly seen being understood by the thing that are made! You read it out your Bible.

Reader: for the invisible things of Him from creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made…

Dr. Kinley: By the things that are made… The invisible God, Pure Spirit, without shape and form, taking on shape and form, coming on down and taking on Physical shape and form From the Creator and the creation, it’s clearly seen. Nobody’s got no legitimate excuse, NOBODY! That’s the reason why you can’t win with me. Now I told you, when I saw the vision… [Glitch in Tape] … don’t tell anybody till He showed it to ‘em in a vision. Now that’s what I’m trying to tell you about is the way that God showed me. And that’s the reason why you can’t do nothing with it. You can’t win, you can misunderstand but you can’t win. You see God showed that to him up there in the mountain, and told him to see to it that he make all things according to the pattern that was shown to him in the mount. Is that what it says? Hebrews 8:5 and Exodus 25:40. And when Moses went to make the tabernacle, for see saith He, be sure that thou make all things according to the pattern, which I showed you in the mount. Now listen, now if you don’t do it that way then this is what you have done; this is what you have done: YOU HAVE TORE UP THE GODHEAD, YOU DONE MESSED THAT ALL UP. You done messed up the atomic molecular structure of the universe; you’ve messed it all up! That’s what you’ve done! You haven’t understood it at all, because the invisible is understood by the visible. Now look, if I show you something spirit (Freddy draw, I ain’t, I ain’t got time). If I show you spirit, which is the sum total of everything, and it’s without any descriptive shape and form; it can’t be described as no particular shape and form, and then it takes on, in part, shape and form… And then Moses sees that up here in this mountain, and he sees it transfigured in the mount… Somebody say, “How you know?” Some idiot comes along and say, “Look, I don’t believe that story; that’s a fictitious thing; and I don’t believe it was any Moses, any children of Israel back there.” Then when He comes along here on earth He’s going to have to fulfill this, so somebody else beside Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and Moses, is got to see it. If nobody else beside them could see it, then it would be fictitious. So now when He comes along, and then He takes the disciples, Peter, James and John, up into the mountain He’s fulfilling this that was back here. You understand what I’m talking about? And then His raiment was white as light – same identical thing. And I’ve had ‘em to say to me, “Oh, I don’t wanna hear nothing about what’s over there in the old Bible, read to me over here in the New Testament.” I have to come over here in Matthew or something in order to read to some idiot; I have to get clear over there to read it to him. And I say, “Now does that suit you?” Now I said, “If the don’t suit you then we’ll get clear on over to Revelations and read it, same thing, cause it’s got to be confirmed.” So then Moses and all the prophets, and everybody, Messiah and everybody, has got to confirm what I saw in that vision, and what I described to you. And if I can’t prove it, and if I can’t show it to you, I’m a liar just like the rest of ‘em. How’d I do then? Did do all right then? And I mean I got to prove it from Genesis to Revelations, and I’ve got to prove it in everything that is created. And I’ve asked you, don’t believe me, if I can’t prove it don’t you believe. But if I do prove it to you, and show it to you as it really is in such a way that you can’t deny it, then whether you like it or not, see it don’t make no difference whether you want to or not, see you can be as bull headed and stubborn as you please, it’ll break you down. And finally by and by, as saith Yahweh Elohim, “As I live saith the Lord to me every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to Yahshua the Messiah to the Glory of God.” So if you decide that you don’t want to agree with it now, if that’s what you decided, just take it easy I’m not excited yet. And that ain’t gonna stop me on account of what you don’t believe, I’m going right on preaching just the same.

Now I have drawn this out, I have showed it to you. He showed Moses that tabernacle, told him to make sure…Paul in the 9th Chapter of Hebrews, (listen closely), said, “It is a figure of heavenly things.” In the 5th Chapter of Romans verse 14 Paul says of Adam, the first man, “He was a figure of Him that was to come.” Now I’ve got to get these figures straight. And then when you do that, then you’re prepared to search heaven and to search earth, then you can prove… And there isn’t anybody on earth, living or dead, or ever died and went to the cemetery, and no man can disapprove it; just can’t do it. And I knew the people wasn’t going to believe me, I knew that. And I do know that them satanic spirits (listen at me folks) that was cast out heaven is embodied and incarnated in men, and will not allow you, understand, will not allow you… Now when Messiah was here He sent His disciples out to CAST OUT those devils. Listen, they cannot be converted, they can’t be converted, they just have to be cast out. Listen, Peter and Jude both say, “That they are reserved against the day of judgment to be punished.” They have come all the way down from the Garden of Eden on down through the dispensation all the way down. See they have come all the way down. They cannot be converted. And then you yourself you know that you’re not, as did the Apostle Paul in his carnal state, he said, “When I would do good evil was present, and that that I would do, I do not.” Now if you wanna know what it is within you, don’t tell nobody about it, you don’t have to worry around about that, you know what that is in there that keeps you from acknowledging and confessing Him to your brethren.

Now here’s the devil, now this is the devil. The devil is all puffed up in his carnal mind; he wants somebody to see him; he wants to take God’s place that’s why he’s called an antichrist. He wants to be the big boss; he wants to be the big shot, he wants to say he’s got the keys to heaven and he’ll let you in, and he’s got a great stream of something another hooked on behind his name, and you must respect him. He’s in the pulpit with his regalia, phylacteries, and whatnot, and his vest so as to speak, and he is up there preaching and teaching, and inviting men to come and start on their way to heaven tonight. You see what I’m talking about? He’s sitting in these holes, and in these denominations, and in these sects, and in these cults, and all like that. And he’s doing just like he always did, robbing you of your money, and robbing you of your opportunity to be saved. He’s riding around in a great long, the finest of automobile that they’re able to produce, skinning his teeth back and shaking your hand and saying “Brother,” and then telling the sisters, “You did a wonderful job; you’re a great worker in the church,” and all like this, that, and the other, and just grabbing the people up with all that kind of stuff. You see what I’m talking about? And he won’t let you confess God to the glory… And all the time right within you, right within you, you feel and you know within yourself that you are not what you ought to be. You know that yourself. And that same old slick devil, the carnal ordinances have been abolished and nailed to the cross, and he’ll go get something natural and come along and pass it around on the plate, not realizing that we walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. And here in Matthew, and they’ll say that Jesus said for us to take and eat, and He didn’t say no such a thing. They say Jesus said for us to baptize ‘em in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son, (Matthew 28:19), and in the name of the Holy Ghost. And here you didn’t even know that the name of the Father was Yahweh, and you didn’t know that the name of the Son was Yahshua, and you didn’t know the name of the Holy Ghost was Elohim, and then how could you baptize somebody in it? Now that’s what I am doing, I’m baptizing you in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son, and in the name of the… That’s what I’m doing here preaching unto you the word, I’m immersing you in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Ghost. All of the God that there is in existence you’re immersed in Him, you’re inundated, you walk in the spirit. Listen at me now, listen close, for it’s in Him that we live, and we move, and we have our being. We have never at no time been outside of God. God is in everything whether you’re conscious of it or unconscious. If you’re unconscious it’s because the world has blinded your mind, and then there’s nobody that can do anything for you. It is by Yahshua, His Son, hanging out there on the cross and shedding His blood; it is by Him that we have received the atonement. That’s all that He, God He went completely bankrupt. That’s the only begotten of the Father, full of Grace and full of Truth that hung out there and shed His blood. He’s the only sacrifice that was prepared. He was a prepared body, and God Himself prepared that body, and then got in it and walked around down here on earth. And when it was time for Him to be on the cross, He was out there, and I mean on time. And it is by Him that all of us received the atonement. Pete can’t, and Mary and nobody else can’t do anything people, couldn’t offer nothing. That’s the only thing that would reconcile God and man. And it is by Him that we have received the atonement. That’s God’s purpose.

Listen now at me; listen at me. Now all that there is in heaven we’ve found out that He created it, and we found out that He created all that was in earth, so now then Paul puts it this way: “All that is in heaven, and all that is in earth is called by His name.” And then he had you to read Revelations over there, and then he said He’d give ‘em a tried stone, and then He would seal them in their forehead by that name, the name of the Son in the forehead and in the hand. And he said he looked and he saw out yonder, standing out yonder on Mt. Zion of them that was born in the wilderness down here, and crossed through the River Jordan under Joshua after Moses was dead, and they went on over cross the river into Canaan’s land. And Joshua, Eleazar and Caleb pitched that tent over there, uh that little tabernacle over there on Mt. Zion, after she conquered it. You understand. And these that were born in the wilderness, not them that come out of here because they all died, (God killed every last one of ‘em) but them that come out of here that crossed over the River Jordan and went on in there that was born in wilderness. And John out there on the Isle of Patmos he said he looked and he saw 144000; God had multiplied that thing 12 times down here and in the wilderness. And He also multiplied down there in Egypt, and He also multiplied ‘em 12 times in the wilderness there. And John when he looked at it out there on Mt. Zion in the spirit… He said “I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day, and he was on the Isle of Patmos for the word of God.” Isle of Patmos – what you doing out there on the Isle of Patmos? And now these endings and these beginnings, that’s one of the things I wanted to show you, if they don’t work together… Moses said when he saw the beginning of the creation (Are you listening at me?) he saw the earth surrounded by water, and he saw this great anthropomorphic being up there in the mountain. You’ll find that in the 24th chapter of Exodus and the 9th and 10th verse, it said “And they saw, the children of Israel, they saw the God of Israel.” And the 70 elders and the rest of ‘em come on back, and Moses entered on into the midst of the cloud. It’s everybody’s Bible. And he saw Him there in His magnificence and in His splendor and in His glory. And he seen Him, and heard too, Him say, “Let there be light, and there was light.” And he said the earth was surrounded by water. And John comes up out here on the Isle of Patmos, got to be on an Island, got to be surrounded by water. And if Moses seen Him in the beginning of his vision when he was out there in the mountain in Mt. Sinai, then John to verify and to confirm that he’s got to be on a island surrounded by water. And Moses said the waters moved upon the face of the earth, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And John over here confirming that, he said he heard the voice behind him as the voice of many waters. He’s proving that old Moses seen the self same thing, and he seen the self same… His life was preserved, couldn’t nobody take it, John, because that revelation had to be confirmed. And so now he’s out here on the Isle of Patmos, and he’s in the same day or in the eternity of God. Entering into the cloud was symbolical of entering into eternity with God. Isaiah 57:15 said, “God said He inhabiteth eternity.” And by him going on into the midst of that cloud, and it was a burning fire in the rest of the children of Israel. They stayed back because they were afraid because of the fire, and if you don’t believe me I will read. And there he saw that tabernacle, Moses did. And here John, I don’t have time to go into all of it. And I tried to tell you what God showed me, and what I pictured it on these charts, and there haven’t been nobody able to deny it. And it takes in the universe in it’s totality; it takes in heaven, it takes in earth, it takes in the atoms, it takes in the molecules, and it takes in everybody, you and everybody else, and everything that anybody else ever will find out, and all that it’s possible for anybody to know, it even include even God Himself. You understand what I’m talking about?

And when Moses saw that tabernacle, you see they had crossed out Egypt and crossed through the Red Sea, and then on to Mt. Sinai. And God gave ‘em three days to clean up their clothes and get up around Mt. Sinai. And then God spoke to him from Mt. Sinai and said, “I’m the Lord thy God that brought the out of the land of Egypt, and out of the house of bondage, thou shall not have no other God’s before me.” You know what He said there in the 20th Chapter of Exodus. And there Moses saw that tabernacle and he was told to make one just like it. Now look, we showed you that he come out of Egypt and crossed through the Red Sea, and went on to stay 40 years in the wilderness, and then crossed through the River Jordan and went on into Palestine or into Canaan’s land. Now the Tabernacle was erected and constructed just like that migratory pattern. Now watch this folks and see that I’m telling you right. See now that tabernacle it had a…help me somebody here, those of you that know. It had a Most Holy Place, it had a Holy Place, and it had an Outer Court. Now the Holy Place was divided through the Most Holy Place by a veil. Now watch, you can see how this creation is coming in here. And you can see why it was that God divided the light, and you can see why He said “Let there be,” and you can see why it was the earth was surrounded by water, and you can see why He divided the light from the darkness, and you can see why He divided the waters above from the waters beneath. Why, because He’s transfigured into that tabernacle, and this veil here divides. And that’s what I’m doing, I’m showing you all the way down, from an atom on down into everything, including you, everything that exist even the Godhead itself. Moses is there seeing waters divided from the, uh seeing it first surrounded by the water. What he’s doing He’s creating by Himself. And this tabernacle is threefold, and each one of these departments, so then He’s got to divide the light from the darkness because the Holy Place is divided from the Most Holy Place that day. Then the next day He’s got to divide the waters. What’s the matter, He’s creating by Himself, and He is the Archetype Pattern. He’s creating by Himself. And each one of those days you’ll find Him dividing something, and this is after they come up out of the land of Egypt. And somebody say, “Well I don’t believe that story; you got to get over here in the New Testament for me.” All right now here’s, (we’re all the way over now). We told you they ate that Passover down in Egypt, and after they ate that Passover there was three days journey to the Red Sea. And the Red Sea divided there, and they went on through on dry land, and they went on into the wilderness. And I told you John out here on the Isle of Patmos he’s got to see the self same thing that Moses did. And so John here in the 21st Chapter of Revelations he’s looking straight at that, and I mean he is looking at it too. And there he said, “I saw a new heaven and a new earth,” in the 21st Chapter. Maybe you’ll read the 21st chapter. And then he said he heard that voice from heaven saying, “Behold the Tabernacle…” John I’m talking about out there on the Isle of Patmos, and he’s seeing in the beginning of his vision the same thing that he’s seeing in the beginning of this one here. And listen folks down here in the beginning of this migration you know Egypt was in darkness three solid days; she was in stygian black darkness before they begin this migration. Well then the beginning of this and the beginning of this up here is got to be the same. These beginnings that you’re talking about they just simply got to be… You see what I’m talking about? You’ve got to put this thing together right. And when you know how to put it together, and when God reveals it to you, there isn’t no man on earth that can stand up under the pressure of it, I don’t care what college or what academy that you’ve come from. And so now here John is looking right at this seeing the blood put on each side of the lentil of the door, and she was dark down in Egypt. And he sees three days journey and that Paschal Lamb was offered up there. Well when Paschal Lamb, uh Messiah when He was offered up out here on the cross it’s turned dark over the space of the earth from the 6th to the 9th hour. What’s the matter? I’m just fulfilling this. And that Passover that night that He ate it with His disciples up there in the house – He’s fulfilling it folks! And it’s got to repeat, it’s got to be the same on both ends and in the middle too. In other words the Bible is got to be genuinely vindicated that it’s got to be a Spiritual Book, and it’s true from Genesis on to Revelations. And not only that, all of nature and all of heaven is a testimony. And because of my intellectual abilities, and my infirmities, and my stupidity and colossal ignorance, and can’t solve it, that don’t mean that it’s not solvable. You understand what I’m talking about. And then when I put it together right so that you can see, and so that you could understand, there’s nothing you can do about it. There ain’t a thing you could do about it.

You see one hand nailed, there’s one on this side and upon the lintel of the door. And you see both hands nailed and a crown of thorns on His head. And it’s dark just like it was down there, and they planted Him in Joseph’s new tomb, and He was in there three days, and it’s a three days journey from here. And then you see three days cosmic light there in the creation; she was dark in the beginning. John out here on the Isle of Patmos he’s looking at it. And now he sees here in the 21st Chapter of Revelations, (I don’t have time to go into all of it now) and John’s looking at the selfsame thing. And he’s on an Island surrounded by water! Has to be an Island surrounded by water! Why, because when Moses saw the earth she was surrounded by water there. And his life was preserved so that he could be on the Isle of Patmos and write just what we just read there in the scripture lesson, said “What you see doc write it in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia.” Now you write down what you see. And that’s what Moses was doing was writing down what he saw, and John is writing down what he saw, and they both collaborated the other, one proved the other one. And his life was preserved to be on the Isle of Patmos, and she’s surrounded by water. So he’s saying there in the 21st Chapter of Revelations proving that this is true, all right read.

Reader: and I saw a new heaven and a new earth…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) now read.

Reader: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and there was no more sea…

Dr. Kinley: no more sea. John sees them come on the other side of the sea, there’s no more sea. That is to say the 1st heaven down here… You know Paul spoke of three heavens, first, second and third. Said “I knew a man above 14 years ago that was exalted up to the third heaven, and heard things impossible for a man to utter.” And so now this Egypt was passed away, the first heaven and first earth was passed away, and Israel went on through the sea. And remember it’s a three days journey to the Red Sea. And now then Messiah had to be in Joseph’s new tomb exactly the same time, it’s got to be three days. And then when you look back up here in the vision in the creation you see on the 3rd day God moved the waters off the face of the earth and let the earth resurrect there, and the seed of vegetation come on out on the 3rd day. I’m showing you what God showed me, and that was His —–, and if you think that you’re wise enough to deny it step forward the job is all yours. And on the 3rd day the seed of veg… [About 5 second blank spot] … And now when we find here that Messiah was planted in Joseph’s new tomb just like they were planted in that sea on the 3rd day, He rose from there. And then after He rose He tarried 40 days. Why, because Israel had to be in here 40 days, and it had to rain 40 days and 40 nights. Take it on back; just take it any way you want to, cause I don’t care which way you go. You could go scientifically, philosophically, any way… I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU DO! YOU MUST GO DOWN WHEN YOU COME IN HERE! You’ve got to go on down, that’s all that you can do about it. And when I’m preaching as David said, “God is in His,” uh Isaiah said, “GOD IS IN HIS HOLY SANCTUARY, LET THE EARTH KEEP SILENCE BEFORE HIM!” And that’s what it is that causes men to have to shut their mouths. David said, “Shut their mouth against it” You can’t do what I do to save your soul. You’ve got to have a revelation, don’t you can’t put these things together.

We can see it’s three days to the Red Sea, buried there. He’s buried in Joseph’s new tomb three days… [About 4 second fade out] waters were rolled back in the Red Sea, just like it rained 40 days and 40 nights. And that ark she floated. And them that was in that ark, just like that, when she come on over and it rained 40 days, and it’s got to be 40 years in here. And when Jesus raised from the dead, can’t ascend, got to stay 40 days and 40 nights on this back here. It’s got Him held up, can’t make it. And now then, then He goes on into fruition, just like this Son here, He goes, goes on back, way back with the Father before the world begin. You see then the first heaven and the first earth was passed away and there was no more sea. And old John out here, and this is him in Revelations, all right then what?

Reader: and I John saw the Holy City…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: New Jerusalem…

Dr. Kinley: New Jerusalem. This top of this mountain as Paul says in the 4th Chapter of Galatians, the top of this mountain where God was speaking from is Jerusalem (she’s an allegory) Jerusalem above. And Paul’s here… Now down here in the spirit he’s seeing it, and now it’s called the New Jerusalem. All right, read.

Reader: coming down from God out of heaven…

Dr. Kinley: Coming down from God out of heaven. And here Moses coming down with all that in his mind, coming on down. And he erects that sanctuary, that natural sanctuary, and here Messiah’s got to follow on down in the flesh, and now He’s got to come on down. But now we’re back in the spirit, and John’s in the spirit after the thing is poured out, and John’s looking back at the natural. And he said, “And I John saw New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Don’t forget, said “The first earth and the first heaven was passed away and there was no more sea, and I John saw a new heaven and a new earth coming down, or the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven as a bride adorned for her husband.” And we just told you about Moses being up there seeing that Tabernacle, and God’s communicating with him and telling him how to build it. And not only that, in the 17th Chapter of Matthew, and that’s when Jesus fulfilled it, He took Peter, James and John up there in that mountain in order to fulfill it. And He was transfigured before them, and His raiment was white as the light, and a cloud overshadowed them, just like that cloud overshadowed… Just like that cloud overshadowed Him when John baptized Him and He had to go out there in the wilderness and tarry out there 40 days and 40 nights. Oh it’s all put together just as beautiful as it can be. And so now here’s John, and he’s there in that cloud, and he’s in the spirit there, and he sees the first heaven and the first earth was passed away, and there was no more sea, read.

Reader: and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying…

Dr. Kinley: And I heard! I heard! He told him what you see and hear you put it down. And he said “I heard!” All right read.

Reader: a great voice out of heaven saying…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) What?

Reader: behold the God of Yahweh is with men

Dr. Kinley: Here it is, it come on down from heaven, the tabernacle of God is with men. That’s what He told him to do to build that tabernacle among them people. And he’s in the spirit looking back here confirming it. You see through what I’m talking about. Oh yes. Now then they went on through the River Jordan, and went on into Palestine or Canaan’s land. All right let’s see what John can do for that in the 22nd chapter.

Reader: and He showed me…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: a pure river of water of life…

Dr. Kinley: He showed me a river, a river of life. Oh man, ain’t that John looking at that thing. Read on.

Reader: clean as crystal…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: proceeding out of the throne of God…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) and then what happened?

Reader: and then on either side of the river…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: was there the tree of life…

Dr. Kinley: Was the tree of life. I tell you the truth it is beautiful if you put it together like it ought to be then it just will become effective in you. Now just standing around and reading the Bible and talking about Jesus said, and Jesus this, and Jesus that, and Jesus the other, now that ain’t gone do it no good, it’s got to be effective within you. And you have got to see how this thing is put together, and John is seeing that new heaven, that new earth… Now if you can’t see how this one come in, the old one, then you just can’t tell a thing about this one, the new one, because the new one is drawn right out of the old. The New Testament or the New Covenant is drawn right out of the old one. Where they had natural and physical ordinances over there, the ordinances are spiritual. Now if you can’t get away from the natural things you can’t get in the spirit. If you can’t get out of the physical then you can’t get into the spirit. Now the Messiah said, “That God seeketh such to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.” Now the first tabernacle it stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances until the time of reformation. Now these preachers around here they can’t put this Bible together like this; they can’t put it together, and it’s just as easy as it can be.

Now if you could take this, and that’s the reason I had that chart made (I know it’s time to go home), see Moses is here, he’s looking from Alpha down to Omega, and John’s looking from Omega back to Alpha. And this…

[Tape Ends]

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