Mystery of Iniquity: Lecture Before Denver Convention


Transcribed by Beverly Allen

Dr. Kinley: Thank you ever so much. Now I know all of you have, that wants to know something about the truth about Yahweh and His righteousness, and what says the Book here about it…

Students: A little bit louder; a little bit louder Doc.

Dr. Kinley: Well I’m saying all of you that wants to know about Yahweh… [Having Mike problems] I’ll repeat it what I have said. I said that all of you that desired to see Yahweh you’re enjoying what Dr. Billy Carrol has said, AND HE READ IT OUT THE BIBLE. Now as he stated so loud, and it’s the truth, “All of us are brought up in some denomination, some religious organization.” And he had the 12th Chapter of Revelations read, and he had it read for a purpose. And here is the purpose for which he had it read that people fail to look in to. They fail to see that the Devil and his angels were once in heaven, and they were cast out down to the earth. Are you listening? Now where are you going to prove it? Where are you going to look for it, and how do you know? They haven’t showed up around here, and if they have we don’t know nothing about it. The Roman Catholics they say they’re right; the Protestants say they’re right, and Judaism says they’re right, now where are these angels that were cast out of heaven? You know what I mean? It’s something wrong somewhere! Now that’s where the problem first took place at was in heaven, and they were cast out, cast down to the earth. Now listen, they were the accusers of the brethren. And it just is not their idea and contention to worship Yahweh. But it’s them satanic spirits incarnated in physical bodies posing as popes and cardinals, bishops, deacons, heads of state, and so forth and so on, in Orthodox Judaism, Roman Catholicism and Protestantism; that’s where they are they’re incarnated in physical bodies. Now unless you know something about Yahweh and His purpose you have no other alternative other than being deceived, and then brainwashed, and circumscribed. You know what I mean by that? I mean all that you can see, if you just happen to be a Jew, is Orthodox Judaism, you can’t see nothing else. And if you just so happen to be a Roman Catholic you can’t see nothing else. You’re taught not to pay no attention to nobody else. Now that’s what I mean by brainwashed or then surrounded or circumscribed, or you’re in ecclesiastical bondage! I’m talking plain so you’ll understand. And the laws that uphold, they’re terrible, they’re not in the Book.

Now they said that Peter was the first pope, (Impossible! Why would you say that it was impossible?) and he’s the successor of Christ. All that’s wrong. And you say that he’s the mediator or the go-between man and Yahweh. That’s wrong the Bible don’t say that, and it don’t teach that your pastor and your priest, nor none of that, the Bible just don’t say such a thing. And so far as him being a successor, now Dr. Carrol made that clear and plain. Yahshua the Messiah, whom you call Jesus Christ, has no successor. Try reading that; tell ‘em where you’re reading.

Reader: Daniel 9:26…

Dr. Kinley: Daniel 9:26, well read over here in Timothy 2:5 first, and then we’ll go back to that.

Reader: For one is Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: Hold it! For ONE is Yahweh, all right.

Reader: and one mediator between Him and men…

Dr. Kinley: And just one mediator between Him and man! Who is that?

Reader: the man Yahshua the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: the Pope!

Students: No!

Dr. Kinley: See; see how they lie now. Now He is the only mediator or go between, I said “He” not “She.” No prayers to sell, no prayers to —– saint, so called. In the first place saint is wrong, ain’t no such thing only in the Roman Catholic Church. Yahshua the Messiah didn’t die to make nobody a saint. Saint is a word that is coined, that is born in the Roman Catholic Church. Now listen here folks, you know I don’t kid with nobody about nothing! And the things that Dr. Billy Carrol said, now we’re going to tell you these things!

I’ll tell you what I got up here for: We’re fixing to have a convention in Denver, and since I’m the Founder of this school, 42 years ago I don’t have to see nobody on this earth plane, I don’t have to! I don’t need none of your information! And I say that I had a vision, and I had a revelation, JUST LIKE John on the Isle of Patmos, and JUST LIKE MOSES, and I was caught up into heaven, I communicated with Yahweh Elohim and Yahshua. That’s why these charts are drawn around here to show you! And they are in harmony with what is in the Bible! And nobody has ever been able to refute and dispute these things. Yes there’s been a lot of people around here that didn’t understand and know what they were all about. But you can’t fix this. And I wanna let you know something else there too, we’ve got some educated people; all kinds of people with Ph.D.’s and every other kind of degree that belong to this school; I mean real Jews too, you name it we got it. They come out of the Roman Catholic Church and out of Protestantism and out of Judaism, and out of Buddhism, or any other ism and ologies you wanna talk about. You hear what I say? I don’t have to seek no information from nobody, and I’m not afraid of anybody. I don’t have no fear of nobody. And I wanna let you know I have been beat up. They call me, “Hardheaded, dogmatic.” No, I’m not a pragmatologist. Now you talk about a Roman Catholic dogma – now I have just as much right to be dogmatic as anybody else. AND YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO DEMAND OF ME PROOF FOR ANYTHING. And I wanna let you know, I CHALLENGED THE WORLD! And these charts you see have been down in the Vatican, in Rome I’m talking about, Rome Italy. Been down in Egypt, been in Jordan. And we have some of the smartest men, I’m talking about real divine revelation, that there is in the world, nobody on this earth plane can refute. Now look, Dr. Harris, Dr. Gross, and Sister Mary Gross, and Dr. Hobbs, Dr. Gary Mathess, and Dr. Dennis Droulard, and some others, when this chart here was rolled down in the Vatican, now those of you that were present in Rome, when this chart was rolled down, Cardinal Gramillion said “I see that you use the true Hebrew names of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Now if there ever was any such thing as an indictment, now that got it. Now if they were right, they would have been using ‘em instead these here, Lord, God, Jesus Christ; that by themselves makes ‘em wrong, and openly confessed and admitted that they were wrong [About 45 seconds not transcribed/Mike problem] Hear O Israel…

Reader: Yahweh our Elohim…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: is Yahweh a unity…

Dr. Kinley: Is Yahweh a unity. Now isn’t your feet and all your body joined together, it all works together. Yahweh is one, not three, distinctive individual personalities [Mike Problem: Tape goes bad again for about for about 1½ minutes]… Now He’s pneuma, psyche and soma, it’s soul body and spirit that just makes up that one man, just like that one tabernacle, and your body is the tabernacle. And you don’t have no excuse; you don’t have no excuse for being deceived, and led astray, and all that kind of thing. Yahweh done already took care of that situation. Why did you say that? Well I’ll tell you, if you’ll read down here in Genesis 1:26, try that.

Reader: and Elohim said…

Dr. Kinley: And Elohim or God as you have it there in the King James Bible said…

Reader: let us make man…

Dr. Kinley: Wait a minute! Now it said “Let us!” Now us is plural! Let us make man in our likeness…

Reader: in our image…

Dr. Kinley: And our…Now look, when you talk about a image that has a, uh that, uh this is discernible. You know what I mean? All right, let us make, let us, (plural), make man in our likeness

Reader: let us make man in our image…

Dr. Kinley: and in our image

Reader: after our likeness…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and let them rule over the fish of the sea…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and over the birds of the heavens…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and over the cattle…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and over all the earth…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth…

Dr. Kinley: Now here’s what we’re saying now. Why did Yahweh make man like this? Why did He do that? Romans 1:19:20.

Reader: Because that which may be known of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: Now here’s the reason, is because that which may be known of Yahweh…

Reader: is manifest in them…

Dr. Kinley: Is manifest. Everything you wanna know about Yahweh… See He made man in His likeness and in His image, and if you noticed it said “Let Us,” plural. That’s where they get the idea that He’s three individuals and different personalities. But now look here, this part, the Most Holy Place and Holy Place and the Outer Court, that’s just one tabernacle just like this is one man here, and he’s made in His likeness and in His image. For what reason?

Reader: Because that which may be known of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: Now you can find out, that which may be known of Yahweh. Now listen, it did not say nothing about the Pope. And I’ll have you to know that it’s not talking about Elijah the prophet, and it’s not talking about Mohammed, and it’s not talking about, it’s not talking about Jeremiah, it’s not talking about Isaiah or Ezekiel. How ‘bout that? All right read on.

Reader: Because that which may be known of Yahweh is manifest in them…

Dr. Kinley: Because that which may be known is manifested in and to them. All right read on.

Reader: for Yahweh has showed it unto them…

Dr. Kinley: Now look, that’s the reason I don’t like this smart talk. Don’t be talking back to me. See Yahweh showed me. None of your smart talk, and I don’t care who you are – you can be an angel just dropped down from heaven or right straight out of hell, it don’t make me no difference. That’s why everything is made like it is, not only the man, but everything is made like it is. Now Yahweh is abolished all your excuses for your ignorance. He did that in the creation…read on.

Reader: for the invisible things of Him…

Dr. Kinley: Now look, that that you cannot see with your physical eyes! You can look at a man with your physical eyes, but you cannot see Yahweh with your physical eyes. Read on.

Reader: for the invisible things of Him…

Dr. Kinley: Now that that you cannot see…

Reader: from the creation…

Dr. Kinley: Hold it. Now this incorporeal or spirit embodiment, you can’t see that. Now here’s two parts that you couldn’t see. You can’t see pure spirit with your physical eye, and you can’t see Him in incorporeal for or a spiritual body. You couldn’t see a thing of it until He made the physical man. Now He made the physical man that way, just like this one here in shape and form. And Moses looked at the incorporeal or spirit embodiment, and He said “Let us make man in our likeness,” in our likeness, plural. One two three, one two three, pneuma, psyche, and soma, Most Holy Place, Holy Place and Outer Court, and an atom: proton, neutron, and electron. Cell, is what?

Students: Nucleus, nucleolus, and cell body.

Dr. Kinley: You see what I’m talking about? What are you doing that for? So you don’t have no excuse, and no alibi. And listen you’re not going up to Him with some kind of legitimate excuse; He won’t buy that. Ain’t no need of you going up there, say “Well I’m a Jew!” Ain’t no need in you going up there, say “I’m a Roman Catholic.” Ain’t no need in you going up there, say “Well I’m a Protestant, I’m a Buddhist.” That ain’t gonna get it. Yahweh took care of the situation right from the very beginning, that is to say He declared the end from the beginning. He knew what was going on right from the word go. And then not only that, He’s running the show, He’s the producer, He’s the whole show. And it’s in Him that you live and you move and you have your being. Now listen close to what I’m saying, see you have never been outside of Yahweh. You never will come down here without us telling you, that He is the source, He is the substance, He is the essence, listen, He is the limits, and He is the bounds, He’s the origin, He’s the starter and the finisher. Now that’s the way it is folks. Your pastor, nor Pope… Wait, let me say this thing for your benefit that you just simply don’t be deceived. Now listen here folks, what you see of religions, Roman Catholics, Judaism, Protestantism, and other isms and ologies, these things have to be! There’s no way out of it! Now if they were not just like I told you a while ago, then where would you go to find satanic spirits incarnated in physical bodies. Every preacher you ever seen in your life says he sent of God. Is that right?

Students: Yes

Dr. Kinley: It’s bad, bad stuff. Now look, now if man come from a monkey, now what you’re doing you’re… [Mike Problem: Tape goes off for about 2 seconds]… Now I wanna repeat what I just said – just a minute finish what you started reading there Bill.

Reader: Because that which may be known of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: Now listen here, I’m trying to show you where it won’t help you none whatsoever to face Yahweh with some of this stupidity and ignorance that the pastors, and so forth and so on, around in the world are teaching you; see it will not do. I’m telling you now it won’t work. Ain’t no need in you going up there saying “I’m a Roman Catholic.” And listen here, Peter had nothing to do with it; he ain’t putting nobody in heaven. And you know when you just stop and think over that, now if you will allow me just a second to digress here for a second. Now Dr. Carrol told you that Pope Pius the 12th Said, “That he put Mary in heaven, whole soul, body and spirit, in May 1950.” Now I said who said that, and I wrote that in the book, the textbook. Now he said that. Now this is what Paul said, 1st Corinthians 15:50.

Reader: Now this I say…

Dr. Kinley: Now listen, that was what Pope Pius the 12th said, and this is what Paul or Saul, the Apostle Saul said, said “Now this I say brethren,”

Reader: that flesh and blood…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: cannot inherit…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: the Kingdom of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: Cannot inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh. Now I’ve given you what Pope Pius the 12th said, and I’ve given you what the Apostle Saul said. Now you wanna hear what I say? I say that Pope Pius the 12th is a damn liar, he never put nobody nowhere! Now that’s what I say. My name is Henry Clifford Kinley! Somebody say, “You mean to tell me you call the Holy Father a liar like that?” Not only that, the Old Bastard; he’s a lying old bastard. Now get the word, old. Now here’s what I’m talking about folks. I’m talking about, see I had the 12th chapter of Revelations read to you, and showed you how that he was cast out of heaven – he was there first, and he’s cast down to the earth. And then he entered right into the Garden of Eden and deceived Eve, and has come all the way down through these dispensations and ages down to the present time. And them satanic spirits is incarnated in physical bodies posing as good folks deceiving people just like they deceived Eve. And Billy, uh, read it again, said, “Speaking lies in hypocrisy.” He knows better than to stand up and tell a damn lie like that! Now I’m trying to put some emphasis on it, I wanna let you know that a destructible lie is a damn lie! And he knows that it is. And then not only that, you know something, you wanna know something? The Devil know better than all that stuff. And you know what he’s looking forward too? Catching hell. You want me to read that out the Bible? I’ll read it out the Bible. Them men that were up there in the tomb cutting themselves with stones, When Yahshua went to pass by, Him and His disciples, they run out and said, “We know who you are thou Yahshua of Nazareth, have you come” Read it there. All right whoever got it read it.

Reader: And when He was come to the other side of the country of the Gergesenes, there met Him two possessed with demons coming out of the tombs…

Dr. Kinley: See them demonic spirits coming out of the tomb

Reader: exceeding fierce…

Dr. Kinley: what’s that?

Reader: exceeding fierce…

Dr. Kinley: Exceedingly fierce or ferocious!

Reader: so that no man might pass by that way…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) all right read.

Reader: and behold they cried out saying…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: what have we to do with thee Yahshua…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: Son of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: have thou come to torment us before the set time…

Dr. Kinley: See he’s expecting something. I told you he is expecting to catch hell, and he wants to know, “Now have you come to torment us before time?” What do he know about the time and the season which the Father has kept in His own power?

Now I’ll say this to you, I already done said it. Now we got permission to go down into the Vatican, and when we rolled that chart down with that on there, he just cried out. Didn’t nobody, we didn’t tell him, we didn’t anything about anything, did we? Just rolled it down, and did he hollered, “I see you use the Holy Name!” Yes sir, yes sir. And now a lot of ‘em think that I’m afraid to go down in the Vatican and preach. Well them people we just scared the living daylights out of ‘em. They’re just as scared of me as they can be, like you trembling around in your boots. You see what I’m talking about? They know something; they know who to fool with and who not to fool with. How bout that? Now I didn’t ask him nothing about no, I hadn’t said nothing to him, did I? And as we were coming out, now we done caught in one trap, in Egypt I believe it was, and we were there, and we had a, uh they didn’t give us but, how long did they… no it was in England, I beg your pardon, The Archbishop of Canterbury, his assistant. [Moore] He was back there, and we had a meeting with him, and Dr. Harris was explaining these charts, see and he done all right, and oh he just loved it too, until Dr. Harris got on in there, and told ‘em Yahshua said “That He didn’t come to Institute He come to fulfill.” He got busy, got busy right away; he got in a hurry. Now we ain’t gone get caught in that trap down in the Vatican. So I asked Cardinal Gramillion to begin with, “How long do we have?” He said, “53 minutes.” Is that right Dr. Hobbs, Dr. Harris, Dr. Gross, Sister Marry?

Response: That’s right

Dr. Kinley: Fifty-three minutes. And when this, whoever it was, was it Dr. Mathess rolled this chart down or who was it?

Response: Burbank Mitchell…

Dr. Kinley: who?

Response: Mitch

Dr. Kinley: Mitchell, Dr. Mitchell in New York, he started rolling ‘em down. Now we got 53 minutes. We ain’t gone have one of these rush acts, so don’t start that stuff now. See we know up in front now, so he had to set there and take it for 53 minutes [Doc chuckles] So whatever you do take it back into His birth. Then not only that, and we’re going to take this stuff to the Convention too. They have the Jerusalem Bible written and imprimatured and censored by the Roman Catholics, and copywrited in 1966 with this name and this one in there, [Yahweh & Elohim] and in the New Testament of it they got this. [Jesus] See the devil can’t do nothing right to save his life. Now in here, what they call the New Testament, they got Jesus Christ. Now can Jesus Christ be the Son of Yahweh, and then come in His Father’s Name? Now they are conscious of the fact, and they’re looking forward to having their conscience seared, and speaking lies in hypocrisy, as Dr. Billy Carrol read to you over there in Timothy. They’re speaking lies. Now everybody knows… Now listen at what I’m going to say now, now listen to what I’m going to say. Now you’ll find over there in Revelations where the name of the Father and of the Son, the true Father and Son, is written, where?

Students: In the forehead…

Dr. Kinley: and where else?

Students: in the hands

Dr. Kinley: and in the hands, the true name of the Father. And you won’t find that that is none of the so-called Father. [Lord, God, Jesus Christ] That’s not Abraham either, and that’s not Isaac, that’s not Jacob, and that’s not Isaiah (I’m getting after it right folks), and none of the popes, but it’s the Name Yahweh and Yahshua, it’s written in the forehead, and also in the hand. And listen here now, and the whole family (that’s Ephesians) the whole family, (get it straight now) in heaven and on earth is called by the same name. Read that please.

Reader: of whole family…

Dr. Kinley: Where are you reading at? SOMEBODY MIGHT BE RECORDING IT and they wouldn’t know where to find it at.

Reader: Ephesians 3:15…

Dr. Kinley: huh?

Reader: Ephesians…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: 3:15

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) read.

Reader: of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.

Dr. Kinley: um hum, go up there and make some sense out of it.

Reader: Okay 11. According to the eternal purpose…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: which He purposed in Yahshua the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: our Saviour…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: in whom we have boldness and…

Dr. Kinley: Now just a minute, I wanna stop right there for just one second. Now listen, No Isaiah, and Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and none of the popes they weren’t crucified for you! Read that too. See you can’t, the thing of it is the devil has told so many lies, and unless you really have, uh, do know something about the truth and the purpose of Yahweh, he’ll get you every time. You can’t get around… Now listen Yahweh made him smart like that, he’s not like that on his own! All right. Now Paul said there, I believe it’s in the 1st Chapter of 1st Corinthians…

Reader: 1:12

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: Now this I say…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that every one of you says…

Dr. Kinley: Now see they had sects and cults back there.

Dr. Williams: All right Doc, come on with it.

Dr. Kinley: Now this I say wherefore every one of you, all right read.

Reader: that every one of you saith…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: I am of Saul…

Dr. Kinley: I am of Saul, that’s Paul

Reader: and I am of Apollos…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and I of Cephas…

Dr. Kinley: Now here you come back, you’re talking about Peter, that’s what they’re saying, Roman Catholics, is that right? That’s just, ain’t nothing you can do about it! Listen folks, same damn devil, all of ‘em was cast out of heaven, come right straight on down here to the altar or to the earth plane, and he is fitted for the lake. Now you talking about a great extemporaneous orator, his genuflectuations, [genuflect] pomp, the magnificence, the splendor, and the deceptions are the ways he fools you, and got them bowing down, and have murdered millions just on top of millions of people. And then turn around and try to justify themselves in it by saying “That they did it to protect and to defend the church.” They don’t deny that they done it. And yet in still the Book say that he was a murderer right from the beginning, and then you’re stupid enough to follow somebody around like that. But as I told you now, and I want you to understand these things, “These things must be; it’s no way out of it.” And they’re going to remain too; they’re not going to be abolished. You ain’t gonna start up nothing! Billy Graham talking about a crusade all over the earth. Billy Graham ain’t gonna start a thing. Billy Graham don’t know no more about God than a hog does about the Sabbath day or a monkey does flying a jet. And I’m not just saying these things just to be smart or have something cute to say, I’m just telling you the truth. Billy Graham don’t know nothing about it, and these radio and T.V. preachers they don’t know nothing about it. And the Book says, “The spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times many shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits, [Bell rings] (now you see that bell), and doctrines of devils.” Now was Paul crucified for you? …

Reader: Now this I say that every one of you saith I’m of Saul…

Dr. Kinley: I’m of Saul

Reader: I of Apollos…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: I of Cephas…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and I of the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: Now another one saying he’s of the Messiah.

Reader: now is the Messiah divided?

Dr. Kinley: Now is He divided?

Reader: was Saul crucified for you?

Dr. Kinley: Now was Saul crucified for you? You could have said Peter! You follow what I mean? You see well Peter wasn’t crucified for nobody. Yahweh is preparing this thing from the beginning. Dr. Carrol spoke about successors; I want to read this about this His successor too; I want it read. Now you’ve seen that Peter wasn’t crucified for you. And you’ve seen that Saul wasn’t crucified, and none of the Apostles, none of the prophets, Moses, none of the rest of ‘em was not crucified for you. How ‘bout that? Do you understand what I’m talking about? See if they wasn’t crucified for you they can’t save you! You ain’t got but one Saviour and that’s Yahshua the Messiah. He foreordained and predestined, and He is Yahweh incarnated in a physical body. You ain’t gonna never get Yahweh up here. This is Yahshua nailed up here on this tree, and His blood is to redeem or He’s the redeemer. And nobody, I don’t care how many billions or millions you kill, see it isn’t gonna help it none. Isaiah, Jeremiah, none of the Apostles or the prophets, that ain’t gonna help it none – it’s just that one, and that’s the Saviour of the world. ——–, he wasn’t crucified for you; ain’t a thing he can do for you. And then listen, you got the same preacher all the way through the ages and dispensations of time. Now I want Daniel.

Reader: Daniel 9:26…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: And after three score and two weeks…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: shall Messiah be cut off…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: without a successor to follow Him…

Dr. Kinley: Now you just wait a minute. Now are you reading out of the Bible? Now Dr. Carrol said, Billy Carrol said, “After three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off without a successor to follow Him.” He didn’t have no successor! Peter ain’t gonna succeed Him! And that man explained what he was talking about. And he told you that He had risen from the dead, ascended into heaven, AND IS ALIVE NOW! Can’t have no successor to follow Him. And I want to get this one over to you while we’re at that. He said that the Father would send the comforter, another comforter, and He would send it in His Name, YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH, no popes! John 14:25&26, and let’s go.

Reader: these things have I spoken unto you…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: being yet present with you…

Dr. Kinley: being yet…I’m telling you while I’m with you, or before I go anywhere! All right read on.

Reader: but the comforter, which is the Holy Spirit…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: whom the Father will send in my name…

Dr. Kinley: whom Yahweh will send…

Reader: in my name…

Dr. Kinley: in the Name of Yahshua the Messiah, not Paul, not Peter, none of no pope, but whom the Father, Yahweh, will send in His Name, Yahshua the Messiah. How ‘bout that Bill?

Bill: That’s okay

Dr. Kinley: Then what about that?

Reader: shall teach you all things…

Dr. Kinley: and bring everything that He said to ‘em during those 3 ½ years back to their remembrance. Ain’t it wonderful? Do you see what I’m talking about? Now you’ll just simply have to have these things for this Bible to be true. And He sent them into… Now I wanna tell you this: Now He come, Yahshua the Messiah, He come, (that’s John, since you’ve got it) He come in His Father’s Name. Get it and read it, (I’m gonna have some respect for this bell) read that John 5:43.

Reader: I am come in my Father’s name…

Dr. Kinley: Now I have, Yahshua the Messiah said, “Now I have come in my Father’s name.” Read on now.

Reader: and you receive me not

Dr. Kinley: And you wouldn’t receive me!

Reader: let another man…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: come in his own name…

Dr. Kinley: Come in his own name, and that’s what they have done, and they have received them. Well I reject every one of them bastards. Now I’m using these words for a purpose. I want them to sink well in your heart, soul, and mind. I want you to be conscious of the fact that Yahweh will, and listen, and have raised them up specifically for that purpose, and I’ll read that out the Bible if you want it read. They’re vessels fitted to destruction! Said that was what He raised Pharaoh up for. AND YOU SITTING AROUND HERE LISTENING AT THE TRUTH AND YOU WON’T ACCEPT IT THEN YOU’RE BEING A VESSEL THAT’S FITTED FOR DESTRUCTION. AND YAHWEH DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU GOING TO THE LAKE, AND IT AIN’T GONNA BE NO BEDS THERE EITHER. Said He would laugh when your fear come and mock at your calamity! Get the hell scared out of you so as to speak. You’re all shook up, you’re frightened and you’re scared, and He’s sitting up there laughing at you when your fears come. People say, “Well if God wants me to know, He’ll have to show me something.” He don’t have to show you nothing! He’s already showed you. I’m telling you about it, and you don’t wanna listen. You just don’t know who it is talking, that’s where your problem is, you can’t see. You may think it’s Peter, you may think it’s Paul, you may think it’s Moses, we’re talking about Yahweh. And then with these seducing spirits they have to be in these last days, and if it didn’t that Book would be one of the, that would about the top liar of the world, this Book you call the Bible. And listen, you with a carnal mind are not gonna go anywhere you can understand it either. Cause you did everything just as backwards… No sooner than somebody say to you, something about somebody eating something, then you begin to think about some food that you can masticate and chew up and swallow down through the esophagus and down through the belly, just like they do out here in Rome, and out here in these Protestant Churches.

And there’s one other thing I would want, I would like awfully well to mention to you, if you’ll just allow me. Now you get it straight now folks, I wanna mention about you going to Denver. It’s necessary for you to go and find out how badly deceived you’ve been all your life! Now I told you before I got down I was going to ask you some things to read to me out of the Bible. And I’m telling you they’re not in the Bible! You can’t read to me out of your Bible… Look at the 10th Chapter of Romans, pay ‘tention now, read this one. This may be my last time that I would have an opportunity to bring this out.

Reader: Brethren, my hearts desire…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and prayer to Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: for Israel is…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that they might be saved…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: for I bear them record…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that they have a zeal of Yahweh…


Reader: but not according to knowledge…

Dr. Kinley: but not according to knowledge, they don’t know what it’s all about. Read on.

Reader: for they being ignorant of the of Yahweh’s righteousness…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and going about to establish their own righteousness…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: have not submitted themselves…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: unto the righteousness of Yahweh…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: for the Messiah is the end of the sacrificial law…

Dr. Kinley: Now listen here, for Messiah is the end of the sacrificial law, all right read on.

Reader: for the obtaining of righteousness…

Dr. Kinley: all right, read on.

Reader: for the obtaining of righteousness…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: to everyone that believeth

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: For Moses describeth the righteousness, which is of the law…

Dr. Kinley: Read on fast I’m in a hurry.

Reader: that the man which doeth those things shall live by them…

Dr. Kinley: that’s right.

Reader: but the righteousness, which is of faith speaketh on this wise…

Dr. Kinley: Now for the righteousness, which is by faith talks like this, all right read.

Reader: say not in thine heart…

Dr. Kinley: Don’t say in your heart

Reader: who shall ascend into heaven…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that is to bring the Messiah down from above…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: or who shall descend…

Dr. Kinley: Or who’s gonna go to hell or descend into the deep?

Reader: that is to bring up the Messiah again from the dead…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: but what saith it?


Reader: the word is nigh thee…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: even in thy mouth…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and in thy heart…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that is the word of truth, which we speak…

Dr. Kinley: Now how ‘bout that? The Word of Faith not works! Lord supper, foot washing, and the natural things that were given to the Jews. Go ‘head doc, just a little further there doc.

Reader: that if thou shall confess with thy mouth…

Dr. Kinley: Now see if you’ll do this, if you come clean with Him, He’ll come clean with you. See we’re not talking about running off over here in some little old corner, and some priest over here, he’s setting over here in the dark, confessing, call your self confessing. Now if you will confess

Reader: with thy mouth…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that Yahshua is the Messiah

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and shall believe in thine heart…

Dr. Kinley: And now wait a minute! Now this ain’t just something you just say outward with your mouth, “Yahshua the Messiah.” See you confess it with your mouth, but you see you have to believe it in your heart. All right what?

Reader: that Yahweh hath raised Him from the dead…

Dr. Kinley: That Yahweh hath raised Peter from the, uh…

Students: Nope, nope, Yahshua.

Dr. Kinley: That Yahshua, raised Him from the dead

Reader: thou shalt be saved…

Dr. Kinley: Now you see it ain’t enough Popes, there ain’t enough Baptists and Methodists and what have you in heaven or on earth, or in purgatory, or wherever it is to keep you from being saved. Read on.

Reader: for with the heart man believeth…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: unto righteousness…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation…

Dr. Kinley: It’s your mouth, it’s with the mouth that confession is made unto salvation. See that now. What else?

Reader: for the scripture saith…

Dr. Kinley: Now for the scripture says, now that’s the Law and the Prophets.

Reader: whosoever believeth on Him…

Dr. Kinley: Whosoever believeth on who? Peter!

Reader: Him, Yahshua the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: Paul, the Apostles

Students: No…

Reader: Yahshua the Messiah…

Dr. Kinley: the prophets

Reader: No.

Dr. Kinley: Yahshua the Messiah

Reader: shall not be ashamed…

Dr. Kinley: Now you see I’m not ashamed. See I don’t believe in them hypocrites over there, and these that surround all over the earth. I told you and I’ll tell you again, them satanic spirits are incarnated in these Popes and Cardinals, the Methodists, the Baptists, the Orthodox Judaism, these sects and these cults, and got you all circumscribed, worshipping angels, worshipping men and falling down at their feet. All of it’s against the law, you’ll be lost on the count of it. Mohammed never did nothing for nobody…

(Tape Ends)

School of the Highest Learning

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