Babylon is Fallen: Revelations 18

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley on May 26, 1974 in Springfield, Ohio.





DR. KINLEY: . . . and I have given you the truth, and I have given it to you just like He gave it to me. And thus far we haven’t found anybody in the world that was able to successfully refute it, or to deny it. And I want you to know that this doctrine and this school is known throughout all the world. Don’t you get it in your mind this is just a little middling of it here, because that’s not so. Then there’s some that belong to the same body of Yahshua the Messiah that you do that you haven’t seen with your physical eyes. And I’m talking about the angels in heaven they also belong. They are Yahweh’s people; I want you to know that, I want you to understand that. Now a number of people look on it as the multitudes, and how many have you got in your outfit. Well to begin with it’s not my outfit. That’s the way it is.

Now there’s some things I wanna talk with you about, we have been talking about ’em in Los Angeles. And that’s why I had you to read, uh, had the reader to read the 18th chapter of Revelations. Primarily, Babylon is fallen; it’s just fallen. And the angel is crying with a loud voice, “Come out of her my people that you be not partaker of her sins, and receive of her plagues.” Now it’s almost an insult, and will cause great persecution for you to just tell the people the truth about the thing, and you should be prepared to undergo persecution. The world is lost folks. And then another thing too, about this situation is you are down to the end of this age. Most people, no where on the face of the earth realize that anymore so now than they did in the days of Noah, when the Ark was being prepared.

Now Babylon means confusion. Now wouldn’t you say that if one so-called religion that claims to be worshipping our heavenly Father (I didn’t call His name yet) disagreed with another, (all over the world there’s so many sects, and so many cults, and so many denominations), now wouldn’t you say that that was confusion? Do you have any argument about that? Now the angel is saying, “Come out of her my people that you be not partaker of her sins and receive of her plagues.” Then somebody would go around and say, “Look, we’re not that type of people, we’re Christians, and we believe in living a holy consecrated sanctified life under Jesus Christ.” Now that might be what you believe in, but that’s wrong. Now listen carefully to what I’m going to say. I want you to pay ‘tention to everything I say this morning cause I’m stirred up, I’m all worked up, I’m serious about it. And since this was the birthplace of the school, it was born right here in Springfield, Ohio, why I’m always careful about trying to get over some reality to Springfield. I’m that way about all of you too, but I just have a, you know I’m just kinda half way jealous of Springfield, because this is the birth place of the school 43 years ago.

Now listen, you wouldn’t go down the street or around in the town or the city, and go in bar rooms, assignation houses, gambling dens, dope joints and nothing like that, you wouldn’t go, you wouldn’t look for the righteous people there. They’ll tell you right off, says, “No, I’m not what I oughta be.” So why would you go in any place like that looking for ’em? So you know that couldn’t fit the Babylon; those people just simply need to repent. But now where all the deception comes in at, it is in religion! That means this: You have the Roman Catholics who claim to be the right church. You have the Protestants. See you just have to go on and name these things. Now here’s the reason I have to name ’em, and here’s the reason why it’s so hard to preach to people, so hard to get them to understand. Roman Catholics, I said the angel flew through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to every creature, and not only that, another angel flew through heaven crying, “Babylon is fallen come out of her my people!” The Roman Catholics are saying that, and the Protestants are saying the same thing, and all the rest of these are saying the same thing. They’re all reading out of the same Bible, that’s how you get deceived. Now did you understand that? Now they’re saying, the Roman Catholics is saying “Come out of Protestantism, and come on back to the mother church!” Now that makes it urgently necessary that I just come right out plain and tell you, Roman Catholicism is wrong, and all of Protestantism is wrong! See there’s no other way to tell you other than that. And that’s what that angel is crying, “COME ON OUT OF HER!” Come on out of Methodists, and the Baptists, and the Presbyterians, and the Roman Catholics, and the so forth and so on; they’re all confusion. See this is all confusion. Now how bout that? Then somebody say “Well what’s wrong with ’em?” Now that’s the second part of the problem. “What’s wrong with it?” Said, “We’re all striving for the same place, we’re all gonna meet up yonder. All of my people died in this, and they went to heaven.” So you think. Well I’ll tell you this, including Adam, from him on down, everybody that ever died went to the cemetery or the grave. Do you have any argument about that? Ecclesiastes 6:20, and I want it read.

READER: For there is no, for there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good. . . DR. KINLEY: Now make sure now you got Ecclesiastes the 3rd chapter and the 20th verse. READER: All go into one place. . . DR. KINLEY: That’s, now that’s it. All go into one place! READER: all are of the dust. . .

DR. KINLEY: Hold it! All goes unto one place. Somebody say “Well that must be heaven.” I beg your pardon, everybody goes, I just got through telling you to the cemetery or to the grave; all of ’em goes there. It don’t make no difference how righteous or unrighteous you are, how good or how bad, everybody, both man and beast go to the grave. Ain’t no flesh and blood, 15th chapter of Corinthians says “Flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of heaven.” What’d you bring that up for? Now you got the black folks and the white folks, and the so forth and so on, discriminating against one another. Well listen folks, it’s no black folks and no white folks going to heaven, they’re all going to the cemetery. Is that clear? See I’m trying to make the thing clean and clear. As a rule we get up and say, “Babylon is fallen.” They don’t know what you’re talking about, but now you know, don’t you? Finish reading that verse.

READER: all are of the dust. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and all turn to dust again. . .

DR. KINLEY: all turn to dust again. Now hold it right there; now hold it right there. Now in the first chapter of Genesis, there are trained theologians that say that the first chapter of Genesis is the Mosaic account of the creation, but from the 2nd chapter on that is the Babylonian concept. Now if you didn’t know that before I’m telling you now, and if you don’t wanna take my word for it, go get you some books on theology. Now then you might wonder now, what connection did this have with what we just read. Now I want you to look at the 1st Chapter of Genesis and the 26th and 27th verses, and the 2nd Chapter of Genesis where Yahweh-Elohim took Adam out of the dust of the earth. All right, read, 1st chapter and the 26th and 27th verses.

READER: and Elohim said. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: let us DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: make man. . .

DR. KINLEY: Whupp! Right there, now you got a plurality, you got a plural there. Now that brings up the trinitarian concept, thee distinctive individual personalities in the so-called Godhead or the Paternal Nature of Yahweh, that’s not so. And that’s what some of the churches are preaching and teaching out there. They say the Father is 1, they say the Son is 2, and the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost, that’s 3. Three distinctive individual personalities, just like Dr. Gross, and these three brethren are setting here on this seat together, one is the Father, and the other is the Son, and the other is the Holy Ghost. Now that’s what they’re teaching. Now I wanna show you why Yahweh is saying, “COME OUT OF HER!” I’m trying to show you where the confusion is. Read that verse again; repeat it so we can get the continuity of thought.

READER: and Elohim said. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: let us make man in our image. . .

DR. KINLEY: Let us make man. Now that brings me up to Deuteronomy 6:4. Now that was a trinitarian concept that we’re talking about, three distinctive individuals that’s coming, deriving from the “us.” Now don’t leave that word cause I’m not through with it.

READER: Deuteronomy 6:4. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Hear O Israel. . .

DR. KINLEY: Hear O Israel! Wait a minute! Hear O Israel! Pay ‘tention to what’s being said Israel! Listen Israel! All right, what?

READER: Hear O Israel, Yahweh our Elohim is a unity. . . DR. KINLEY: Yahweh our Elohim READER: is Yahweh a unity. . . DR. KINLEY: Is Yahweh a TRINITY!. . . Students: No! A unity! DR. KINLEY: Now who said that? Students: Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: See, I got to have some understanding about that. Now that what He said He was. Now somebody say “Well the Father He’s setting up there in heaven, the Son He’s running around down here on the earth, and the Holy Spirit he don’t know where it is.” And Jehovah Witnesses have went so far as to say “That the Holy Spirit is not in any man, but it is a vital force upon him,” and just then he called Yahweh a liar. Of course if you want me to read it, I’ll read it, but I don’t wanna get off on no whole lot of ramifications. That’s the New Covenant where Yahweh said He was going to write it within you. He said He’s going to put it, not on you but in you. That’s what it’s all about. Ain’t nobody ever live nothing without the Holy Spirit in ’em at no time! That’s a matter of absolute impossibility for you to do anything without the Holy Spirit in you, you or anybody else. Them people is talking about just reading the Bible… Look how many people are reading the Bible, and they’re all saying the same thing primarily. They don’t know what it’s all about. Now wouldn’t it… just think of the stupidity involved in it. What would Yahshua the Messiah look like coming from heaven to build a Roman Catholic Church on Peter? You would think that’s just damn stupid for anybody to see through. You wouldn’t think it’s anybody in the world that dumb to believe some of this folly.

STUDENT: They are.

DR. KINLEY: Yes, they are. The Black Muslims said… You know what they’re saying? This is what they’re saying. They’re saying that Fahred Mohammed, (next time they sell a paper buy one and look at the back of it), they’re saying that he’s the true god. Now the Bahai movement, they’re saying that Bahahulla is the god of this age. I’m telling you the stupidity and colossal ignorance in this world, you would be surprised to learn what it is really all about. And in the 18th chapter of Revelations it told you the actual facts in the case. Now listen at what I’m gonna say. You read it when you go home too, again. Those were demons that were incarnated in that body, and in them bodies, and saying all them things. The demons is in the pulpit, collars turned backwards on their necks posing as men of righteousness, Satan’s ministers, got ’em all divided up in Babylon or in these sects, and cults, and creeds or in this confusion. Read on Doc, Genesis 1:26&27. Now you read Ecclesiastes 3:20 where all go unto one place, all are of the dust of the earth, and all return to the dust of the earth. Is that what you read in Ecclesiastes 3:20?

Students: Yes DR. KINLEY: Don’t forget that. Read Genesis 1:26. READER: And Elohim said. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: let us make man in our image. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: after our likeness. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and let them rule over the fish of the sea. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and over the birds of the heaven. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and over the cattle. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and over all the earth. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and over every creeping thing that creepeth on the earth…. DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: so Elohim created man in His image. . .

DR. KINLEY: And so Elohim created man, hold it. Now it’s just that one man, not men. Now here you had a plural, “Let us!” Now you got a single, “Let us make man in our (come right back to the plural there), in our on image, and in our likeness.” Read.

READER: in the image of Elohim created He him. . . DR. KINLEY: In the image of Elohim READER: created He him. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) Read, read on. READER: male and female. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: created He him. . . DR. KINLEY: Created He him… Is that all of that verse? READER: Yes, that’s all that verse.

DR. KINLEY: You don’t need no more, I just, I just wanted to let you know. Now you read what I wanted you to read. Now here’s what you didn’t read in what you just read. Now I’m showing you they’re saying that this is the Mosaic account, and over here in the 2nd Chapter that’s a Babylonian account. Notice now that Moses did not say in Genesis 1:26&7 what Yahweh Elohim made Adam out of. That’s why I brought that up. So now in the 2nd chapter, I forget just what verse it is.

READER: It’s the 7th, King James version. . . DR. KINLEY: 7th verse READER: and 2:4 Holy Name. . . DR. KINLEY: 2:4. . . READER: And Yahweh Elohim formed the man. . .

DR. KINLEY: And Yahweh Elohim… See now, this is a recapitulation. Moses you left out what I made him out of! You just said I made him, but you didn’t say what I made him out of! Now I got to find out what I made him out of so I’ll know where he’s going to, the man that I made. And so put it in Moses in the 2nd chapter, in the recapitulation. Read now.

READER: And Yahweh Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground…

DR. KINLEY: Now you see where He, you where He formed him of. He formed man from the dust of the ground; that’s his physical body. Read on.

READER: and breathed into his nostrils. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: the breath of life. . .

DR. KINLEY: The breath – of life. You know that’s something else, people haven’t understood that. You might say to yourself, “Well now what’s he talking about?” He breathed into the nostrils of the man the breath of life, and he became animated or a living soul. Is that what you got there?

READER: the man became a living soul…

DR. KINLEY: You see we had to find out where he come from so we’ll know where he’s going to. Now when that transgression or sin, was committed out there in the garden of Eden, He told him that he would return to the ground, dust of the earth, from whence he came. NOW I WANTED YOU TO SEE THERE THAT FLESH AND BLOOD JUST DOES NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM. So there’s no need in you folks being all worked up, ain’t nobody going no further than the other, preachers, teachers, deacons, and all. Somebody says, “Well I’m sanctified and holy.” You ain’t going either. I’m trying to give it to you straight. Everybody has to be changed. There’s something wrong with everybody! What’s the matter with ’em doc? All of ‘em got a physical body and you have to undergo a change. How ’bout that? In the Philippians Paul said, “Behold I show you a mystery, in 1st Corinthians, we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, for the trumpet shall sound…” Now I’m talking about coming out of Babylon, and the confusion that people know nothing about.

Now see Moses had to put that in. Now this is all he had to do to get it in… That’s the thing the people don’t see at all. This man you call Joshua was right there with him, who was Yah-ho-shua. You heard me, I said Yah-ho-shua, which means Yah is salvation, He was right there with Moses. And anything that Moses left out, (see he run in and out the tent), He said “Put it in there!” You wouldn’t do so well if you was in a trance or medium state, or under the influence of the Holy Spirit… One fellow said to me, said “There’s book in the library that somebody else beside you all have found out something about this truth long before ever you did, and they wrote about it, and we’ve got books to prove it.” I said you didn’t find this out in the libraries, and you don’t! They said, “Moses wrote the Genesis up in Mt. Sinai.” I beg your pardon he didn’t do that. Now you could tell somebody that that’s never had a vision and revelation, but I had one and you can’t tell me that. Now here’s the reason why you can’t tell me that: In a state like that where his conscience is in another realm, the man isn’t even alive unto himself it’s Yahweh, and you don’t write nothing on no paper in a state like that. See I been there, I know. Now you see all this confusion, the devil just saying anything. Now you see why all of ’em have to go back to the same place from whence they came. Now Yahshua the Messiah He came from heaven. Now He have to go back to where He come from. That’s why Paul said in the 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians, “The first man, Adam, was of the earth, earthy, but the second man, Adam, was the Elohim from heaven, and He was made a quickening spirit.” And I wanna tell you this, and then I’ll move. I’m trying to tell you what the matter is. Now Yahshua, maybe you better read that, maybe you just better read it, 1st Timothy I think it is, 3:16. See everybody is reading the Bible, but they don’t believe what in it. All right.

READER: and without controversy. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, ain’t no need in you starting to debate about it, and raise no argument. Now without contest, without any arguments, or any debates, or any disputes, or any spats of any kind, see just keep your mouth shut. Without any controversy great . . .

READER: great is the mystery of righteousness. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Yahweh was manifested in the flesh. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now just hold that tight right there; hold that tight. Now didn’t we just tell you while ago about Jesus was God chief representative on the earth, and His father was up yonder in the sky somewhere. Well now, without arguing with any of ’em, without trying to debate anything with Jehovah’s Witnesses, or anybody else, just forget about it. “For without controversy great is the mystery of righteousness, King James Version says Godliness, Yahweh was manifested in a physical body. . .

READER: justified in the spirit. . .

DR. KINLEY: Wait a minute Gill! The Father Himself, didn’t send somebody in the true sense of the word, but was right in there walking around Himself. I mean all the Yahweh that there was, (there’s no other besides Him), and walking right around down here among men. In the first chapter of John he said he looked at Him; he beheld His glory as the only begotten of the Father full of Grace and Truth. No wonder, He could walk up to the tomb and say “Lazarus come forth!” He better had said Lazarus too, if He didn’t then it would have been a whole lot of ’em come out of there; everything it would come up from there. He had to personate it, “Lazarus come forth.” I remember one time, and you got it in your Bible (Matthew 27:52), He didn’t say Lazarus come forth that time. But after His resurrection, many of ’em that slept in the dust of the earth rose and went on into Jerusalem, proving that He was the resurrection and the life. And in the 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians, Paul said many of ’em was out there on the Mt. of Olives when He ascended into heaven. They saw it.

Now listen folks, now let’s get after some more about what’s wrong, and why it’s necessary for you to come down here and find out something about it, you know they can’t explain it. You understood me up to date didn’t you, or thus far. Did you understand me thus far?


DR. KINLEY: Now if I’ve said something you didn’t understand thus far hold up your hand I want you to know! Because I’m trying my best to talk plain so you can understand it. And I know Dr. Gill and the rest of these, all the rest of the ministers around here, I know they’ve tried their best. Now we up to date thus far.

Now the next thing I wanna tell you about is this, Isaiah 46:9&10. Now this is gonna wrap right up into Revelations here too. Now Yahweh is talking to Isaiah, this is not Isaiah talking. All right read.

READER: Remember the former things of old. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for I am Yahweh. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and there is none else. . . DR. KINLEY: Now you see there is none else. Read on. READER: I am Yahweh. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and there’s none like me. . . DR. KINLEY: That’s what He told Moses at the burning bush that His name was Yahweh. And He said there’s none – what? READER: none like. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, now there’s Fhared Mohammed, and Bahaullah, and this man up here in Chicago, the Pope over yonder in Rome, and listen, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and none of ’em was like Him. None of the Apostles was like Him, NOW THAT GOES FOR PETER AND PAUL, AND ALL THE REST OF ‘EM. I just don’t want you to get confused about it. All right, read on.

READER: declaring the end from the beginning. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute. Jehovah’s Witnesses say that God didn’t know what Adam was gonna do, say He didn’t know. Now then, would you please be so kind as to tell me how He could declare the end from the beginning? Would you be that kind? Now look, if He declared the end from the beginning, now I want you to catch this word, or if He instituted what was gonna to be done all the way through before any of it was executed way back here in the realm of eternity, if He instituted it, and said just exactly, had to name just exactly what I was gonna do all down, all down through these seven ages and dispensations of time. In other words just in short, He declared the end from the beginning, (are you listening now?) then nothing could be instituted! All He could do then is to proceed and to fulfill everything that He’d instituted. Now what I’m after, I’m after what’s wrong with Babylon? That’s what I’m after. That’s why He’s telling you to come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins and receive of her plagues, for in one hour He brought it down; He brought it to nought, one hour. Now in prophetic time with Yahweh, do you know how long one hour is?

STUDENTS: 41 years

DR. KINLEY: And Yahshua the Messiah walked around 3 1/2 years. And I’d like for you to know too that His birth was a fulfillment, and that’s all that’s going on, no institution. Now the churches is saying out here, Jesus, when He come through the loins of a woman or born of the Virgin Mary, He instituted Christian water baptism, He instituted Lord’s supper.” And the hard shell primitive Baptists will say He instituted foot washing. And then they’ll go around laying wafers on the tongue, and blaming it on Jesus. Jesus said “As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you show forth my death and suffering till He come.” And they still yet doing it, which means, He’s still yet laying out there in the cemetery. 26th chapter of Matthew, I’ll have you to know, that when He ate that last Passover He didn’t have no Gentiles in it, not the first one. He wasn’t invited even to the party! He wasn’t invited to the first one that was eaten down in Egypt, and he wasn’t invited to the last one. And if they had invited to the first one then Jesus would have to invite ’em to the last one in order to fulfill it. Up there in the upper room, He ate it with the 12. Oh, I tell you, you better begin trying to see something’s wrong? Now He said, “Think not that I’ve come to destroy the law or the prophets, but He’s come to fulfill.” Now do you understand that? Fulfill. Then He couldn’t fulfill something that hadn’t already been instituted. Are you beginning to see anything wrong out here in the Methodist, and the Baptist, and the Roman Catholic Church… Are you beginning to see anything at all? That’s why that angel is saying, “Come out of her that you be not partakers of her sins and receive of her plagues.” Now she’s waxed, she’s reached abundance of riches and glory and honor, by this deception that she has been carrying on. Gathering up gold and silver, and what not, charging people a whole lot of money to pray ’em out of purgatory. Lying to you telling you to come on and give us your hand, we’re conducting a great revival; let us start on our way for heaven. We don’t know what’s going on, or what’s there, but come on and give your hand and lets go on and see what’s gonna be the end. Well I’ll tell you what the ends gonna be, the Lake! You don’t have to worry with that no more. You have to get up and get out of there. Now Gill when you go to talking like that, telling ’em about come out of the Baptist, and the Methodist, the Presbyterians, the Roman Catholics, and the what have you, and the Black Muslims, and the Klu Klux Klan, and every other kind of thing, and get on over here into Yahshua the Messiah. When you commence to telling ’em that then you got a fight on your hand. If you just do like Yahshua the Messiah does it, see just get you somebody to walk out, in out with. Now that’s, now that’s what —- —- —. Now don’t think they won’t kill you cause they will. The Roman Catholic Church is murdered millions upon top of millions. ” What’d you do that for?” Say “We killed them in defense of the church! What’s the matter with you?” Now the church is, or the assembly is the body of Yahshua the Messiah. Now if He couldn’t defend His own self how do you expect Him to defend you? See you just stupid buying all that junk. Gill I got you reading, finish reading Isaiah 46:9.

READER: Remember the former things of old. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for I am El. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and there is none else. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: I am Elohim. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and there is none like me. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now see there’s none like Him. Hold that right there, Isaiah 14:14, don’t leave what you got here, hold your finger on that. He said it’s none like Him, and right there is where Yahweh’s just made a mistake. [Doc & Student Body Laughs] See He just made a mistake that’s all, He didn’t know that some like Him was gonna come up. All right, read it.

READER: I’ll start with 12. DR. KINLEY: He’ll start with the 12th verse. We want to know who he is. READER: How are thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: son of the morning. . . DR. KINLEY: Son of the morning, that’s the devil, the 12th chapter of Revelations. Read on. READER: how art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nations. . . DR. KINLEY: How are thou cut down to the ground READER: for thou has said in thy heart. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: I will ascend into heaven. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now see he’s gonna ascend into (now he’s cast out of heaven), now see he’s gonna ascend back. He’s gonna ascend back into heaven. And the Jehovah’s Witnesses is stupid enough to say that he’s running in and out of heaven. Say “Where you find that out in the Bible?” Said “Didn’t the devil say when Yahweh ask him where he come from, said he was walking to and fro and up and down in the earth!” See but that’s, that’s taking it and twisting it all up just like they do all the rest of it. All right. But he said in his heart that he would ascend into heaven. Wonder why he said that. In the cloud there, see. Is that right?

STUDENTS: Yeah DR. KINLEY: Are you up on that one? STUDENTS: Yeah DR. KINLEY: Gill are they up on that one? If they ain’t I’ll bring ’em up. Dr. Gill: Bring ’em up; bring ’em up.

DR. KINLEY: Leviticus 16:2. Now I want you to see what happening! And in this school folks we know what we’re talking about! And ain’t nobody gonna ever come in this school and make no clown out of nobody in here, you can’t do that. Somebody looked around at this audience, and said “Them people, oh you can look at them and tell they ain’t educated, and they ain’t bright, real bright.” I’ll have you to know that we have university people. We got doctors, we got lawyers, and we got scientist, (I mean got the degrees too, Ph.D.’s, and so forth and so on). We got nurses, trained. Yes indeedy, we got ’em. I mean went to school and got a formal education, got both. One of ’em they got out there in the colleges and seminaries . . .

[Side 2]

. . . and the other education they got from Yahweh through me. And I only went to the 6th grade in elementary school right here in Springfield, Ohio. How ’bout that? In this school we got linguist and all in here, speak any kind of language you wanna think about right in this school. Now how ’bout that? I want you to know that this is not a stupid outfit. And then on top of all that we got millionaires and paupers. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it. I’m the pauper! And Nelly B. West is the multi-millionaire, and some others. We can name them for you. Ain’t nobody got nothing on us. Folks say, “That little black, nappy headed, round shouldered Dean ya’ll got down there he thinks he’s smart.” No I don’t, I know I’m smart! I’m not a skeptic! NOW YOU KNOW WHERE THE DUMB FOLKS ARE? You want me to tell where they are?

STUDENTS: Yeah, Yeah!

DR. KINLEY: Now I can prove this too. Now you know you just can’t get no smarter than Yahweh, Elohim and Yahshua, you just can’t do that. Now listen at what I’m gonna say now, if that’s the case, if that’s the case… Now if you went over there, I don’t have time now, I don’t wanna take up a whole lot of time with this. But if you just, and won’t nothing else do, I’ll have it read. Now the Devil, Yahweh made him wiser than the DUMB FOLKS. Yahweh said that He had made him wiser than Daniel, and He’s a king. The Dumb Folks is the folks that’s in the MIDDLE. The Devil is smart and he’s sharp as a whip tack. You can’t do a thing with him. YOU BETTER MAKE SURE YOU GOT YAHWEH ON YOUR SIDE CAUSE YOU CAN’T LICK THE DEVIL. See that’s why all these people went down out there in all these cults and creeds, they wasn’t able to catch up with the Devil. If you demand that I read it I certainly will read it.

LADY: Well I’d like for you. . . DR. KINLEY: huh? LADY: I’d like for you to. DR. KINLEY: Get over there in Ezekiel READER: 28th chapter. . . DR. KINLEY: 28th chapter of Ezekiel, cut it up short and read it. And don’t forget Gill to bring me back. READER: 28&3 DR. KINLEY: All right he’s gonna start at 28:3. READER: Behold thou art wiser than Daniel. . . DR. KINLEY: Behold, who’s he talking about? READER: Satan. . . DR. KINLEY: Well then get up there and read it then, see just talking about it there without some identification. . .

READER: The word of Yahweh came again unto me saying, Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, thus saith Yahweh thy Elohim, because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said I am, I am Elohim. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now see that, now it’s hooked right into what Gill is told you here in Ezekiel. He said, “I am Elohim.” All right, read on.

READER: I sit in the seat of Elohim. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) All right, read on. READER: in the midst of the seas. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: yet thou art a man. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and not Elohim. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: though thou set thine heart as the heart of Elohim. . . DR. KINLEY: um hum READER: behold thou art wiser than Daniel. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: there is no secret that they can hide from thee. . . DR. KINLEY: no secret that they can hide from thee READER: with thy wisdom and thy understanding thou has gotten thee riches…

DR. KINLEY: You see that now? You see how the Catholics got rich? Yahweh made this buster, this boy like this, and you can’t do nothing with him. And he’s waxed rich in abundance, and then you down in here in a little place like this one, and call your self… And they say, “Well look, St. Peter’s Basilica is the greatest and the biggest church there is in the world, the most beautiful there is in the world, lofty building too.” I thank Yahweh that I walked right through it. Pure gold, when you see it it’s beautiful and magnificent, no argument, it’s beautiful. But Yahweh said it’s through robbing you folks, and lying to you folks, stealing off you folks…

Now just to get after this thing so you can just get the story. Hold the thought now. He said he’s wiser than Daniel. Now look, Babylon was the first nation on earth having it’s source of derivative, or the etymological meaning of Babel and Babylon, (you heard about the tower of Babel), then it just comes out from that. And Babylon, listen, was the first universal dynasty to rule the world. She ruled the world, Babylon did, she’s the first! Then it went on down, she was overthrown by the Medes and Persians. I’m talking about the great city Babylon the physical city; she was overthrown by the Medes and the Persians. And —– —– and Euphrates River run right on in under the wall. And the soldiers they went right on in under that, under the wall through that channel where the ——- River, and there was Nebuchadnezzar running around that night with those vessels and all, the golden vessels. They were drinking wine, and old Baal and old Ramah, I mean an Idol setting up yonder on the wall, and Nebo over here setting upon the wall there. Idol, I mean a dumb idol made out of wood or some of them physical things. And when Cyrus busted and went in on in there. Now do you, could you, uh, can you follow this one? Bell the idol, bowed down. Nebo stooped! An idol going on down! Now that’s a physical idol bowing down in the presence of Yahweh. Yes he said, “That your kingdom, read the hand writing on the wall up there, —- — — your kingdom is divided,” you understand, your kingdom is divided,” and Babylon was overthrown that night and given to the Medes and the Persians. And as it went on down to the next kingdom that ruled the world, that was the Medes and the Persians, and then that was overthrown. And then it went on down into Greecia, and that was the kingdom that ruled the world. Then she went on down to Ptolomy, and then to Garcia a joint kingdom. Just like Media and Persia, joint kingdoms ruling the world. And then when you get down here, then you got to have a joint kingdom like you got to have one up here, and then you get on down to Ptolomy and Garcia. You see what I’m talking about? And then broke on down here into the two legs, and one is papal, one represents pagan, pagan first, and then papal, and this ruled the world, Rome ruled the world. He transferred the greatest part of his power to the papacy! And now then here, these priests and cardinals, they going around telling you that Yahweh built the church, or Jesus Christ built His church upon Peter, and she’s the mother church! She’s the mother church! So Babylon is become the mother of harlots, lying, saying Yahshua the Messiah come in the world through the loins of a woman and instituted this that you got here. And Yahweh said there’s none like me, I’ve declared the end from the beginning! Now that’s what happened. I got a purpose and a plan, and I’m carrying it out, and no one is able to hinder me at all. All the nations before me are as a drop in a bucket. You see what I’m talking about? And don’t be afraid now to tell ’em to come on out of Babylon! Come on out of the Roman Catholics, come on out of the protestant churches, that you be not partaker of her sins and receive of her plagues. And now —- —- —- —- and telling you he’s creating the Lord’s supper, and it never was eaten up in no congregation in the history of the world. When a person’s out there, see it was done there in their own houses. In the first chapter of 1Corinthians Paul said, “Don’t you have a house to eat in, or do you despise the assembly? When you come together into one place this is not to eat the Lords supper!” Confusion, now the reason why I’m telling you these things like I’m telling you, Yahweh sent me in the world at the close of this age to tell you about ’em. And I don’t care nothing about it, I’ll tell you right in your chin. Said, “Ain’t you scared?” No, I’m already —- —-, no I ain’t scared. Get what we were talking about over there in Ezekiel, quick.

READER: I think it’s the 4th verse. With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou has gotten thee riches, and has gotten gold and silver into thy treasury. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now look here, if you would just take what you just said, gold and silver and treasurer, now if you go back over there in the 25th Chapter of Exodus, (I haven’t got time to do it), I’m just calling your attention to it so read it when you get home. Yahweh told Moses to tell them, to tell the children of Israel to take the gold and silver that they brought up out of Egypt and build me a tabernacle out of it. And so they didn’t know what to do with that stuff, out there that they brought up out of Egypt until Yahweh showed Moses, tell everyone that’s 20 years old and older to bring an offering, the gold and the silver, and the so forth, and so on. Now after we get through with that, now here comes Yahshua the Messiah, said “The foxes have holes, and the birds have nests, but the Son of Man don’t have no where to lay His head.” That is to say He was poverty stricken; He had to borrow a tomb, Joseph’s new tomb to bury Him in. And you are strutting around here in your monies, getting your few pennies together, and all tightened up, and you think you something with your gold and your silver, and your whatnot, all decked out, and all stuck up, and all tightened up in your two cents, not realizing that the whole thing belongs to Yahweh. And even if the foxes does have holes, and the birds have nests, but my Old Man’s rich. Now how ’bout that? See if I was hungry I wouldn’t tell you. Said “Why not?” Because I have meat to eat where of you know nothing about. Now do you see some of, do you see some of what I’m talking about?

STUDENTS: Yeah! DR. KINLEY: Do you understand? STUDENTS: Yeah, um hum

DR. KINLEY: Now that oughta do there. Now it did say there in 28th chapter of Ezekiel, about the pipes and the glory, and all those kind of things, they was put into the devil. Now I mean he was really prepared for the battle. And then it says right there, say “That Eden, the Garden of Eden…” And I try my best to tell you about the devil all down through here. And the devil was right here in the garden with Adam. Now then just turn it right over, and I never heard a preacher in my life say it, Adam was here, and this is Yahshua up here in the Garden of Gethsemane. Now Christendom doesn’t even about Him being out in the garden. And then him being out in the garden, I just got through telling you the devil was in the garden, and ain’t that what Ezekiel said there? Read it Gill.

READER: 13th verse. Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of Elohim… DR. KINLEY: That’s right READER: every precious stone was thy covering. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) Hurry up now I’m in a hurry! READER: The sardius. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: the topaz. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold, the workmanship of they tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou was created. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now see, Yahweh put all that in that old boy from the day he was created. Now buster, I wanna tell you he is beautiful. Satan, don’t you misconstrue that, no indeed. See now he’s just carried away with that beauty, and now he’s want to get glory. Oh boy, I’m telling you, Yahweh put it in there, and made that boy wiser than Daniel. Now you can see how people get all confused in something like that. . .

READER: back in Isaiah 14:12. DR. KINLEY: That’s right

READER: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer son of the morning? How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of El.

DR. KINLEY: Oh, hold it right there Gill. Now it said he’s gonna ascend into heaven… Read it again Gill. READER: I will ascend into heaven. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: I will exalt my throne above the stars of El. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you get this one straight. You get this one straight, you hear? Make sure you got this one straight! Now if he said he would ascend into heaven, and he would exalt his throne. . .

READER: above the stars of El . . . DR. KINLEY: above, not beneath, but above the stars of El. Is that right? Finish that statement right there Gill.

READER: I will, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of El, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north. . .

DR. KINLEY: I will sit also upon the sides of the congregation in the sides of the north. And what else Gill? READER: I will ascend above the heights of the cloud. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now I will ascend above the heights of the cloud. You see I had to bring you down to there so you could recognize. Remember I called for this in Leviticus 16:2, he say he’s gonna ascend above the heights of the cloud. And what else there Gill, right quick.

READER: I will be like the Most High. . .

DR. KINLEY: I will… now you see what I’m talking about. Now over here in Isaiah 46, He says, “There’s none like me!” The Devil says, “I will be like Him.” Yahweh said this “Ayah Asher Ayah.” Have she got it?

STUDENTS: Yeah, on the Moses chart at the burning bush. . . DR. KINLEY: Huh? On the Moses chart? STUDENT: at the burning bush.

DR. KINLEY: The burning bush, Ayah Asher Ayah, that is where it was said, which by interpretation means I will be, Yahweh said I will be what I will to be! What’s that? 15 Chapter of first Corinthians and verse 28, He’s all in all! How bout that? Yahweh said I’ll be what I will to be; I’ll be anything I wanna be. I’ll be a black man, I’ll be a white man, I’ll be a bullock, I’ll be a turtle, I’ll just be everything that there is. Moses, throw the rod down on the ground, it turned to a serpent. He told him pick it up by the TAIL. DON’T GET ON THE HEAD OF THAT THING, pick that up by the T – A – L – E! [Doc laughs] See that now; pick that tail up. Pick him up by the tail, MEANING THAT HE WOULD BE THAT TOO. He’s everything that there is. AND YOU SEE WHY THE DEVIL IS SO SMART DON’T YOU? So it ain’t but one thing you want, and you ain’t got but one chance, get on over here in Yahshua the Messiah. That’s the only hope YOU got, cause YOU ain’t no match for the devil. All right, I just wanted to make sure that you understood it. And I want you to know what’s going on, I want you to know some of the tricks the Devil is pulling on you. Okay.

Now he said he would exalt himself above the cloud. Now you have read Leviticus 16:2. I see it’s about 20 minutes to one.

READER: And Yahweh said unto Moses DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: speak unto Aaron thy brother. . . DR. KINLEY: Now listen you speak to Aaron your bother READER: that he come not at all times into the holy place. . . DR. KINLEY: And you remember what the devil said he’d exalt himself above the cloud? All right. READER: that he come not at all times into the holy place before the. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: before the veil. . . DR. KINLEY: Between the veil, that’s in here. READER: before the mercy seat which is upon the ark. . . DR. KINLEY: Now this is above this ark READER: that he die not. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for I will appear. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait now! Wait, hold it! Now you see we can read on sound asleep, and never understand it. This is a seat. I will appear… When the high priest went in there and threw that blood toward the mercy seat, He appeared (I ain’t got time to go into all those details of it), off the mercy seat. Aaron saw the vision of Him sitting upon that mercy seat. And when he took this censor off of the altar with the incense in it, and put coals in the in censor. Then that cloud that swirled around his garments, just like the cloud that led them up out of Egypt, then that cloud that swirled around his garments, and he went straight on into the tabernacle. Which means this, coming right back to the same thing, then the cloud’s got to lead them on across here. [From Egypt to Wilderness] And then when we come on back to this again, [High Priest in Tabernacle] then He too has got to ascend in this Most Holy Place in the cloud. So He said I will dwell…. [Glitch in the Tape] And your brother, see to it that he don’t come at all times, only on the day of atonement, (I’ll just tell you real quick) unless he die.

Now Satan, now this is where Satan was. And this is why he said what he did, that he would ascend above the heights of the cloud, is because he was that anointed cherub that covereth. In other words, these two cherubims of glory overshadowed the mercy seat, and Satan he overshadowed them. So now, Yahshua the Messiah said that He beheld Satan when he fell from heaven as lightening. See he had to come right pass Him, right on down passed Him, come right down. And now look He’s sitting right there looking right him. See what I mean? Yahweh is looking right at him. And he appeared down in the Garden of Eden, and he’s been coming on down through the ages and dispensations. Now what we were trying to do is to locate him for you so you would know. Now he said there that he would dwell in the cloud. Now you see he’s trying to take Yahweh’s place.

Now it wouldn’t be fair Gill, to bring ’em up to this place without telling ’em this. See they had to run one of the staves through that Ark of the Covenant, and the high priest and them… See here it is in here; they’re going through the River Jordan, carrying that Ark of the Covenant on their shoulders. Don’t, don’t touch it; don’t touch this; don’t, don’t touch it, now if you do you’ll die. Now here it is the Pope, here he comes riding on the shoulders, Sedia Gestatoria, riding on the shoulders of the priests, and they’re carrying him around, and he’s stooping and bowing and carrying on. He’s sitting on the ——, he’s exalted above everything, and lying to you like a dog, and he’s exalted himself above everything. Now that’s his throne.

Now look, I have just one more. Just read it down real quick, I see the time is expired, but I’d like for you to see why Paul is said what said in the 2nd Chapter of 2nd Thessalonians, read it down please. “I beseech you by the mercies…” I could quote it but I don’t want to, I want you to know it’s in the Book.

READER: Now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Saviour, Yahshua the Messiah. . . DR. KINLEY: and by the coming our Saviour, Yahshua the Messiah READER: and by our gathering together unto Him. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that ye be not soon shaken in mind. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: or be troubled. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as the day of the Messiah is at hand. . . DR. KINLEY: That’s right, when he wrote the letter. Read. READER: Let no man deceive you by any means. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen here, don’t let nobody fool you. Now that’s the first thing Yahshua the Messiah said to the disciples, when they asked Him, “What shall be the sign of thy coming.” He said, “Don’t let nobody fool you.” All right, read on.

READER: let no man deceive you by any means. . .

DR. KINLEY: By means of passing the communion around, saying “Jesus said for us to take this,” and by means of getting baptized in water, by means of observing carnal ordinances, which was given to the Jews only, and the Gentiles never have had ’em. And they know down in California, I’ve said before around 400 people now, anybody in the building… And there’s suppose to be some smart folks down there too, out of different churches coming down to tell us what it is all about. I said anybody in the building, I don’t care where you read at in the Bible, show me where Yahweh, Yahweh, Elohim or Yahshua, Lord, God or Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Adonai, or Allah, ever said in the history of the world for a Gentile to observe any carnal ordinances and water baptism was given to them. I want you to read it to me anywhere in the Bible, from back to back. I want it read right now right in the congregation. Somebody said, “Well I don’t wanna make a fool out of him.” I want you to make a fool out of me! I want you to try that once. You get enough knots in your head you’ll sit down. See they’re lying like a dog, they know they can’t read it! Somebody said, “Well now look, (just to show you how stupid some people are) “Well what about Peter went down there and commanded Cornelius…” You didn’t understand, people come up here and show plain they don’t understand. I said show me where Yahweh, Elohim or Yahshua, the Lord, God and Jesus… and then you come telling me about what Peter said, and then Peter had to take it back. You see what I’m talking about. People just ain’t got good sense. Now in the 2nd chapter of Thessalonians, Paul is talking there, read there real quick.

READER: Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute now, that man of sin, (that man, not men), that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who exalteth opposeth himself above all that is, and worship all that is called Yahweh.

DR. Gill: Doc you got 25 minutes.

DR. KINLEY: We got 25 minutes. Well Gill you wanna finish this one? (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now, now wait, now the reason why I said that to you, the reason why I’m saying this to you: Now this is where, where he read there in Isaiah and Ezekiel, is where Paul is getting what he said here. You remember he said he exalts himself above all… Now read right on down in Thessalonians.

READER: who opposes and exalteth himself above all that is called Elohim…

DR. KINLEY: Now you see there? Now he said over there in Isaiah, I will exalt myself above… Isn’t that what he got through saying? Now then Paul’s telling you there, “That that day wouldn’t come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalts himself above all that is worshipped, or all that is called God, so that he as God sitteth in God’s seat, saying he’s is God.” Riding around on his holy Sedia Gestatoria, saying that the Protestants came out of the Roman Catholic Church, and we gonna clean up inside here first and then we gonna, (Pope John 23rd), and then we gonna invite ’em back in. They went out on their on accord, and so we’re gonna, just gonna give ’em an opportunity to come back. How’s that? So you can go the hell out of the Roman Catholic Church. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) It’s the same with the Baptist, it ain’t no difference in it, cause all of it’s confusion. They don’t know what the story is. I’M GIVING IT TO YOU STRAIGHT FOLKS. I know, Yahweh revealed it to me. See just don’t let no man deceive you by any means. Sometimes they around there crying, tears, saying “Brothers and sisters come on, let’s go on our way…” And he don’t know straight up! And it’s no carnal ordinances in this dispensation. We’re in the dispensation of Grace. What’s going on over here in this dispensation of Grace? Don’t you recall when Yahshua the Messiah, when He called His disciples up, He said go, begin at Jerusalem first, and then go in all the world and observe carnal ordinances…


DR. KINLEY: He said Preach the gospel to every creature! PREACH IT IN THE NAME! And the Book says that the remission of sins should be preached in His name, beginning at Jerusalem. It didn’t say nothing about washing nobody in no water. You see what I’m talking about? Go ‘head on, don’t let nobody deceive you by any means.

READER: who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called Elohim… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: or that is worshipped. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: so that he as Elohim sitteth in the temple of Elohim. . .

DR. KINLEY: Sitteth in the temple… Wait just a minute. Now you see your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Now you got to build a temple back here. Sitting in the temple of Elohim, and in your body, the devil setting up in you. That’s got to be cast out, them demonic spirits setting up in here preaching. And they’re holding YOU captive in Babylon and in confusion, and ignorance and superstition. You see what I mean?

NOW WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSE TO BELIEVE? You’re suppose to believe that Yahshua, that Yahweh raised Yahshua the Messiah from the dead, and He was the only sacrificial offering that could be offered up for YOUR SIN. Now listen folks, water never did wash away nobody’s sins, before nor since. And the Book says that the precious blood of Yahshua the Messiah (not Jesus Christ either) washes us and cleanse us from our sins and makes us kings and priests. All right, now it said don’t let nobody fool you by any means. All right, read on. And now be quick about it.

READER: so that he as Elohim sitteth in the temple of Elohim, and showing himself that he is Elohim. . . DR. KINLEY: showing himself that he is Elohim, the devil is showing you where he’s Elohim. All right, read on. READER: Remember ye not. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now Paul said, Now don’t you remember? Don’t you remember when I was up there at Thessalonica I told you these things? Don’t you remember before I went to California I told you these things? All right, read on.

READER: Remember ye not that when I was yet with you I told you these things. . . DR. KINLEY: That’s right READER: and now ye know what withholdeth. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that he might be revealed in his time. . .

DR. KINLEY: That he might be revealed in his time. Now just a minute, John, out here on the Isle of Patmos in AD96 (now listen at what I’m gonna say). Now Titus went up and destroyed the temple in AD70, and all of ’em, got all of ’em were killed off, and John was the last of the living of the Apostles. Now listen close. Now then the Papacy couldn’t rise up. And Paul said the mystery of iniquity doth already work, back then. It was already… only he who now will let, or will see that the gospel is preached on. Only he who now will let until he be taken out of the way, or until John’s deceased. John died, the last of the Apostles then here comes the Papacy rising up. Now look, they say that Peter was the first Pope. You remember when Yahshua was walking around, and He sent ’em out before He died, He sent Peter and John together? They were together. And when they went down to Samaria, Peter and John went down there together, uh, to Samaria. Now look, John, the Roman Catholics said, “That he couldn’t be Pope, (just to show you how slick lies are), see he couldn’t be Pope himself, and Peter was the first Pope.” Although Peter did say that he was a Servant of Yahweh, not a Pope but a Servant. So now they couldn’t let John take Peter’s place, in the first century after Peter’s decease, but they put Linus in. And the reason why they said that John couldn’t be the Pope to follow Peter, was because his bishopric was only local to the seven churches, which was in Asia and he couldn’t go into all the world to preach the gospel. Roman Catholicism, see how slick the lie is, but read on there.

READER: for the mystery of iniquity doth already work. . .

DR. KINLEY: It was working back there in those days. And let me tell you this: that mystery of iniquity has been working all down, just right straight on down. Now you read where he was in Eden, and come all the way down through the dispensations and ages. And listen folks, them demonic spirits that were cast out of heaven, they’re cast out of heaven, and right on down through the ages. They’re incarnated in physical bodies, I’m talking about the Methodists, the Baptists, the Roman Catholics, the Presbyterians, and Unitarians, and so forth and so on Now I’m giving it to you straight so that you don’t have no problems with it no more, cause we’re talking about Babylon is Fallen. The whole thing is broken on down like it ought to, it’s gone on down. That’s what Yahweh sent me in the world to preach to you. And as far as you know (get your books out and get to reading), and as far as you know I’m the only man in the world that is called a Christian leader as they call it, that is preaching and teaching to you that Yahshua the Messiah, when He come into the world through the loins of the virgin Mary was fulfilling, and not instituting. I’M THE ONLY MAN IN THE WORLD! Read on.

READER: the mystery of iniquity doth already work, only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way. . . DR. KINLEY: Until John’s decease, I told you that. Read on. READER: and then shall that wicked be revealed. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: whom the Saviour shall consume with the spirit of His mouth… DR. KINLEY: Whom the Saviour will consume with the spirit of His mouth, consummate it. All right, read on. READER: and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming. . .

DR. KINLEY: And shall destroy with the brightness of His coming. Now look folks, a lot of people don’t understand that, not even after they read it. Let me give a little piece of advice. See that sun hanging out there in the sky is a type of the Son of Yahweh. I don’t advise you to go out here and look at the sun when it’s reached it’s zenith up in the sky that is if you think anything of your eyes. Now if you can’t look at that one what do you think about the one He made? How bout that? All right read on.

READER: and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming… DR. KINLEY: brightness of His coming READER: even him whose coming is after the working of Satan. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: with all power and signs and lying wonders. . .

DR. KINLEY: With all power and signs and lying wonders. He is a wonderful liar. Now how ’bout that? Now Yahshua said, John 8:44, Yahshua said “Satan is a liar, and the father of it.” He is a wonderful liar! He’s a magnificent liar! He’s a eloquent liar! He’s an academically trained liar! He’s advanced in the science of lying. All right, read on.

READER: and with all deceivableness. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: of unrighteousness. . .

DR. KINLEY: Of unrighteousness… See what I’m talking about there is, these carnal ordinances, which was under the other dispensation that was given to the Jews, he’s coming around here reestablishing carnal ordinances, him and the Protestants. Now I was trying to tell you something what was gonna happen when Babylon is fallen, and look, you better get up from there and come on out it. Revern say “Uh, uh, where, where you going? Said “Don’t you know that all your folks…” Rev, I won’t be back no more. “Well what’s the matter with me?” You ain’t preaching nothing but a lie. “What you mean I ain’t preaching nothing but a lie? I’m preaching that Jesus Christ is the Lord God, and Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world.” That’s wrong. Say “Well that’s what I got in my Bible.” I know that! Them interpolations, and spurious phrases that’s put in there, and them erroneous names in there, but originally it was Yahweh, Elohim, and Yahshua, and they admit that they taken ’em out. And I wanna leave this one with you too, see they’re putting ’em back in, the name back in ’em. They know, and they don’t, they don’t say that they didn’t take ’em out; they know they did! When this chart was rolled down in the Vatican Cardinal Gramillion got up and said, “I see you use the true names of the Heavenly Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Well why don’t you use ’em? “The church is ruled by tradition and the scriptures.” You see that junk? Now who’s got any power to rule something other than Yahweh? Now finish that, and I’ll be down.

READER: with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. . .

DR. KINLEY: Deceiving you with it see. And Jesus institutes the Lord’s supper, and Jesus said for as often as we do this… He never said it to you. That under the dispensation of the law, in another world, and He only had His own Jewish disciples. But then they use that to deceive you with it, they use that… “I know there’s no baptism over here, cause it was done away with, but it’s Christian water baptism now.” You don’t baptize Christians! When a man becomes a Christian or a woman becomes a Christian he’s alive, and you don’t bury live folks. You take your own bath. Read on a little bit more.

READER: because they receive not the love of the truth. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that they might be saved. . .

DR. KINLEY: That they might be saved. Now you see you have to, you’ll have to come on out of there, you have to cut this stuff out, if you wanna be saved. Well now if you don’t wanna be saved that’s a different story. All right read on.

READER: and for this cause Elohim shall send them strong delusions…

DR. KINLEY: Just a minute. Now here’s where you get in this jam folks, this is it, this is where you get in a jam. See people’s hearts are getting hard, and conscience just as hard as they can be. Smart folks they’ll run around in that Book and say that’s the way he meant it, and for this cause… And look, he believes that stuff too, and don’t you think he don’t believe it, he does! And if you let him he’ll wear you out! Now here’s what happens, Yahweh sent him a strong delusion. That’s what all of ’em out there have, a strong delusion. All right, read.

READER: send them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie…

DR. KINLEY: Now send them a strong delusion and make you believe that Roman Catholicism is right, make you believe Baptists is right, make you believe all this junk is right, send you a strong delusion. Talk about the black folks, talk about the Klu Klux Klan, white supremacy, and then black supremacy, and then yellow supremacy, (you do see through what I’m talking about, don’t you?), and one is better… Flesh, no flesh boast in His sight, none. All right, read on.

READER: that they all might be damned. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now Yahweh will send you a strong delusion. People you should know that that’s true. I said Yahweh! If you don’t wanna accept the truth, WE DONE PREACHED IT TO YOU, now if you don’t wanna accept it, YAHWEH WILL SEND YOU A STRONG DELUSION AND CAUSE YOU TO BELIEVE A LIE THAT YOU MIGHT BE DAMNED OR DESTROYED. IT’S A DANGEROUS THING, when you set up and hear the gospel preached in it’s simplicity, and in it’s purity, and then you set there stubborn, and then Yahweh will send you a strong delusion instead of giving you the Holy Spirit. All right, read on.

READER: that they might be damned who believed not the truth. . . DR. KINLEY: Who told you a lie that you might be destroyed, and who had pleasure, in what? READER: that they might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. . . DR. KINLEY: had pleasure in unrighteousness. . . READER: but we are bound to give thanks always to Yahweh for you. . .

DR. KINLEY: I’m just as grateful as I can be. Whenever I look and see those that Yahweh has raised up through me, a little ignorant… See I don’t know no better than to believe Yahweh. He know I didn’t know no better to go out here and preach and tell you the truth about the thing; He know I didn’t. I hadn’t got down there in the colleges and the seminaries and whatnot, and got so far and all stuck up in myself, until I was thinking, and I was all puffed up in my carnal mind, and come down here and tell you what I thought. I was just telling you what Yahweh said. You have it, buy it, or let it alone if you want to. All right now, you see what’s happening. That’s enough. Thank you ever so much.

School of the Highest Learning

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