Carnal Ordinances (197409)






Transcriber’s Notes:

1.Pause words have been left out, unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley, such as: (ah, uh, see, you see, listen, listen close, you see what I mean, you follow, is that right, that’s right, you get it now, you get it, you get the point, do you see what I’m talking about, do you see that, do you

see that now), hereby making it easier to read with continuity of thought.

2…. indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.

3 —– —- indicates an inaudible word, or words, or syllable.

4. [ ] Words in brackets are comments of the transcriber.


Proofread by Binghamton, NY class and Syracuse, NY class

Transcribed by Beverly Allen

[Beginning of opening statement lost]

Dr. Kinley: . . . Birmingham, Alabama, Meridian, Mississippi, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also the probabilities of setting up schools in Atlanta, Georgia. We went down to Birmingham because we had a burning desire to talk with the people there in the South. Now Birmingham is one of the schools, or the only one of the schools in the South-land that have some white people in it. That is the South where as you also know that there is quite a lot of discrimination, and segregation, and a lot of religious dissent among the people. Now I told them (which I’d like to impress upon you too, and you’ll find what I’m talking about in the 24th chapter of Matthew, the 21st chapter of Luke, and also the 13th chapter of Mark) that Yahshua the Messiah said this: He talked about the false prophets, and the false teachers that would come in these last days, and there would be many that would be deceived by ’em, and we are living in that time. He talked about the persecutions and the afflictions that would come upon the people that would serve Yahweh. And He also said, which I do hope you’ll pay particular attention to these words, and you don’t let ’em escape, meditate upon them,


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concentrate. Said, “And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the all the world to all the nations for a witness.” Now when He said “This Gospel,” that is the gospel that we are talking about, and that we are preaching in this school, and it is separate from all of the rest of the gospels that are preached. And therefore it was this that He was talking about when He said “This Gospel,” this is the one He was talking about that was to be preached to all the nations, the Hebrews or the Jews, also the Gentiles throughout the entire world.

And now when you get down to some of the critical things in reference to this teaching, I’d like to say this: I came into school tonight and I was handed some literature here by Sister Allen from the Herald Publishers Review. This is one of the little books, published in 1973, I think I read, by Ellen G. White. Now Ellen G. White is the one that has established the Seventh Day Adventist, and it’s widely known all over the world. And they have connected with the hospitals, and other facilities, for the treatment of patients, as well as the doctrine that is taught. So also does the Roman Catholics have the same thing, and other Protestants have the same thing, (hospitals I’m talking about). And it would seem almost a disgrace, if you didn’t know something about the truth), to say that this little so-called insignificant few people are the only ones that was speaking and preaching the true gospel of the kingdom. And I do wanna say this, they have spread throughout the entire world. What has happened in these last few years has gone all over the world, one way or the other, it has reached the heads of all the political and religious leaders in the world. And we are living down in a time now where procrastination, and limited justice, it cannot be what it ought to be. You should be by this time, prevalent in spirit, have some real understanding about the purpose of Yahweh.

Now few people in the so-called religious world know anything at all about the name, the true name of our father, heavenly father. Now then He’s called Lord out there in the world, and God, and Jesus Christ. All of us have been raised up with that; we’ve all had to use that name. And we haven’t always known the true name of our heavenly father. Now that wouldn’t be any different than saying something about an idol, and it’s associated with an idol. To call our heavenly father Lord, or God, or Jesus Christ, that’s bad, that is not what it ought to be. That definitely is not the true gospel of the kingdom that Yahshua the Messiah was talking about.


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Here not long ago, really, when we were in Springfield, Ohio, Ted Garner Armstrong said on the TV program, “That the Christian world did not realize, or did not know, that Jesus was back there with Moses.” He said “His father didn’t know it, and he didn’t know it, and the majority of the Christian world did not know it.” He didn’t say where he got the information, but he did say, and called some of the scriptures that referred, and made references to it. One of ’em was the 10th chapter of 1Corinthians, been right there in the Bible all the time. Now that is a 53 million dollar organization operating on a million a week, plus one million. There’s 52 weeks in year, and he was getting 53 million, and they didn’t know anything at all about it. With the reputation that most of ’em have gotten in the world, you’d be surprised, so far as the name is concerned. It’s just, it’s really what you might call sophisticated idolatry. Now that’s what it is, a system of sophisticated idolatry and deception so far as that part of it is concerned. What else could it be? That’s not the true name of the Father. You just might as well have said, Moloch, that’s the Canaanite’s deity, and you might as well have said something else, but this is the truth. Moses talked about Yahweh sent… [3 second bad spot on Tape] so that they might be reconciled. But as you know good and well that it’s gonna be a problem for you to learn within your little short life time, your little short life time.

Now, I mentioned about this Church of Christ in God, and your 7th Day Adventist for one reason, and that is the great mistake that pretty much all Christendom is making. Now what they really do, is this: So far as the dispensations and ages (you have the charts on the other side there and I can’t get to ’em), they don’t know anything about the dispensations and ages, and they just run everything together in the Bible; you can’t do that. And they said that God said for us to do this, and to do that, and to do the other, and so forth and so on — that’s not so. I’m talking about the carnal ordinances. And when I say carnal ordinances, I’m talking about the water baptism, so-called feast of the passover, or the Lord’s supper, foot washings, and just.., we’re call it water baptism in all of it’s miscellaneous forms, none of that was imposed upon the Gentiles, none of it. And I wanna say this to you too. All of those carnal ordinances was imposed… Now you be careful, I’m showing you now what’s wrong with the 7th Day Adventist, what’s wrong with the Roman Catholics, and what’s wrong with Protestantism in general. Now if we’re going to stand up and say that


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this school is the only one that is teaching the true doctrine of Yahshua the Messiah, and preaching the genuine gospel of the kingdom of heaven, as we were told that it had to be preached in all the world for a witness, then you must point out and show what’s wrong with the rest of ’em. And if you’re not able to point and show out what’s wrong with the rest of ’em, that just means you don’t know either. How ’bout that? Would that be all right now if I just tell you that way?

Now this is a school, not a church. When you go to school you expect to learn something that you did not know, not guess about it, but learn something about the truth. Now I’ve heard quite a lot of things that there had been some disputes about. And before I left to go to Ohio, I asked that we conduct the Wednesday night meeting for question and answers. And if you had some question in your mind that was not answered according to the scriptures, we asked you to present it. Now if you didn’t present it, you’re not justified in going out here and saying that we’re not telling the thing straight. And then it’s bad too (I want you know this), it’s bad for you to go out here and say something is wrong down here, and then you don’t know what’s right about it. Don’t say anything about anything being wrong unless you’re able to present what is right. Now I suppose I should sit down.

Now I wanna tell you what I’m talking about so you won’t do this anymore. Now this physical body is a tabernacle, you’ll find that in the 6th chapter of 1Corinthians the 19th & 20th verse. And the tabernacle that Moses built in the wilderness was typical of your earthly body. And that tabernacle had furnishings within, and you know what they were, those vessels. You have them here on the chart. Well I don’t think everybody in the back can see this. But somebody get up over there, right by that one over there, the lower half, somebody that know what it’s all about. Now that tabernacle, now move over to the next plate, there’s your physical body there, and then over on the end it’s correlated with those vessels of the sanctuary.

Now what I wanna talk about, now this is not the, this is not my subject, but this is something to call your attention to that has been done frequently in this class, and it is, it’s not the thing we seek to avoid. Now you have there a brazen altar (point to it please) that’s out in the outer court. Now if you look below your rib cage here and you will find that that’s over there. And then you have, next to that, you


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have the brazen laver, and that’s required to wash the sacrifices, and the priest and all were washed in. Then you have the door that enters into the tabernacle, that’s correlated too. Then you have inside of the tabernacle, you have the golden candlestick with seven branches, and that’s correlated with the aorta. And then you have the table of shewbread, and that’s correlated with the heart there on this chart. Then you have the golden altar of incense, and that’s correlated with your lungs. And on up into the… Then you have the second veil, and on into the most holy place where you have the Ark of the Covenant; it’s in three parts, the two cherubims of glory overshadowing the Mercy Seat, the tables of stones laid in the Ark of the Covenant.

Now I wanna go back to this golden candlestick. Now I want you to know that Yahweh is an authority. He is an authority, and I don’t want you to forget that. And there is not but seven branches on the aorta taken from the golden candlestick. Now I don’t wanna hear no more arguments about it either. There’s seven branches on there that carries oxygenated blood, now that’s all there is on it! Now where you get that from is there’s only seven branches to this aorta, I mean there’s only seven branches to this golden candlestick. Now you can’t fix that! Now I didn’t say that was all the branches, but I said that was all that carried the oxygenated blood. [Glitch in the tape]. . . All of these vessels in this sanctuary is connected to your physical body, the interior, the exterior is all connected. It’s all one unit, or one body. The reason why I’m bringing this up, you get into all these debates about it, and then you’ll argue around. And many people come down here and they expect to hear something definite! They haven’t heard it elsewhere… I’ll put it like this, now you listen to what I’m gonna say. There’s millions, yea billions of people that have lived in this world, died and went to the grave, that didn’t even know anything at all about the word aorta, to say nothing about it. They didn’t even know they had one, and they were saved too. I don’t mean all of ’em, but I’m saying it was just a lot of people. And I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a whole lot of you that are in here, you didn’t know nothing about it till you got in this school. So then things you don’t know nothing about don’t let ’em trip you up. And if you don’t know all of the particulars and the parts of the physical body, or the anatomy and the physiology of the human body, don’t be, don’t become discouraged about it, because that Is not essential, in a sense, to your salvation. You know you got a body, and you’ve had it all your life, and very little is known


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about it. And let me tell you this: the pineal gland, that comes on up in here, the pineal gland, the doctors themselves, they don’t know a whole lot about it right now. Those are mysterious things. David said the man is wonderfully made and put together. He is! Now listen, he is, the man, (now pay tention to what I’m saying) the man is made in the likeness and image of Yahweh. Now we just got through telling you that the people in general knew nothing whatsoever about Yahweh! Now that’s far more important than the pineal gland, or the aorta, or the heart, or you, or anything else! For the most part, many people don’t even know which side their appendix is on, and they’re living and eating and dying just like anybody else. And it isn’t what you know about the physical body that causes you to be saved. It’s not what you know about the physical body, it’s what you know about the spiritual one. Now those are important things. We wanna remove them obstacles and to keep people from blundering. Now I guess I can get on down to my subject. We ain’t gonna do that no more. Sorry, but I had to tell you.

I don’t know, I meant to tell you that Birmingham sent greetings, and the rest of the schools in the south, New Orleans, and Meridian, Mississippi. And others sent greetings that we heard from while we were there, and we told ’em we’d give you their regards.

Now for a while let’s look at two passages of scripture in particular, I think the 3rd chapter of the first epistle of Paul to Timothy, or it’s the 2nd Timothy, (I’m not sure), and the 4th chapter of 2nd Corinthians, the 4th chapter, and beginning with the first verse. But before you read Corinthians read Timothy here.

Reader: —- —-

Dr. Kinley: Yes, that’s right

Reader: 3rd chapter of 2nd Timothy. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: This know also. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now, there was something else that he was talking about up above there in the previous chapter. And he’s saying, “This too, know this too…” [Glitch in Tape]. . . talking about the last days. Now you didn’t have but two days from Pentecost. Two days is two thousand years. So now you’ve got down past one thousand, so then


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that put you in the last day, not days, but day. And then it brings you on down to the one hour, which you don’t have no 40 years to live, or in other words, you don’t have one hour to live. Now you see why I brought up about the aorta and other different things there? You ain’t got no time to be fooling with nothing like that. All right read on.

Reader: for men shall be lovers of their own selves. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now, for men shall be lovers of their own selves. Now a whole lot of this debate and argumentation about the scriptures, and Yahweh’s eternal purpose, is because somebody is in love with his self. He wants to be a big shot; wants to be important, wants the chief seats in the synagogue, wants to be respected as something. Lovers of their own selves, admirers of their own selves. And not only that, having men’s personalities in admiration. And that’s what, that’s the start and the finish of it, but so far as Yahweh’s concerned, they ain’t even concerned about it. That’s why we just told you, they don’t even know His Name. There’s millions of ’em, they don’t even know yet the name of the Father, our Heavenly Father.

But I wanna say this to you, in the King James version, and also in the Vulgate, or the Douay Version, that’s the Roman Catholic and the Protestant’s Bible, the names, Lord, God, and Jesus Christ was used. But in the Masoretic Text, the name was there, it’s been there all the time. There is not a Jew, that is a Rabbi, on the face of the earth, that’s this earth, and has been all the way through that knew. He always knew that the name was Yahweh. Do I have that straight? It’s been right in their textbook all the time. And I think in the Mishnaw; it’s in the Mishnaw. And in the, uh, the other book there. . .

Student: Talmud

Dr. Kinley: Talmud, that’s correct. Now you see folks, when we brought these names to you, there was a whole lot of contention. People say “You’re teaching and preaching an erroneous doctrine.” They say “Give me that old time religion.” Well now that is what this is, the old. They’ve got the new. But they don’t know it, they’re ignorant of that. And I doubt seriously whether they know anything about the aorta or anything else. All right, read on.


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Reader: covetous. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now that’s covetous. Now you know what covetousness is don’t you? You just want everything. Now Paul said “Covet, covet the best gifts, but rather that you prophesy.” Is that right?…covetous, all right read on.

Reader: boasters. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now they’re blowhards, boasters. That’s what they are, boasting about something they don’t know anything about. All right.

Reader: proud. . .

Dr. Kinley: They’re proud, full of pride. It’s just as I just got through saying, now this’ll cover the story. Exalt, exalteth himself with all of these attitudes and dispositions, covetous, boasters, and proud, and all puffed up in his carnal mind, and all those kind of things, desiring the chief seats, and wanna be promoted on up, and wanna be a big shot, and ready to get on up and even occupy the place of Yahweh, and dictate to Him and tell Him where to go. Yahshua the Messiah said “I’m the way the truth and the life, no man goeth unto the Father but by me.” The Pope say “That ain’t right. Say I have plentitude of power to put you in heaven,” indulgences. We know all about these things, but these erroneous doctrines they just must be. And don’t think for one minute that Roman Catholicism is the only erroneous doctrine, don’t think that, because Protestantism is just as bad and it’s a part of Roman Catholicism. All right, read on.

Reader: blasphemers

Dr. Kinley: Now, you see, they’re blasphemers. See when you try to tell them the truth about something… Just like somebody come in here and you tell him the truth about the name up there, out of some of these churches.., “Where’d you get all them old funny names?” See stupid and ignorant. That name doesn’t mean anything to them. “I been knowing the Lord God child long before ever I met you,” and all that kind of stupidity and ignorance. “My father said the Lord God.” I don’t dispute that he didn’t know, but the original Bible don’t, and that’s erroneous in your Bible. All right, what else?


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Reader: disobedient to parents. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now disobedient to parents… Now a lot of people think this, that that means that children must obey their parents – well they must, but that ain’t what this is talking about. Your parents is the law and the prophets. That’s your parents, they’re disobedient to that. See we give it to you out of the scriptures. The scriptures is your parents. The Law and the Prophets, one confirm the other. Now when it comes to our physical parents a lot of them are worse than the kids. And some of the kids know that their old man and old woman ain’t no good, and the old folks know it too. Now you can’t argue about such thing as that. Can you?

Students: right.

Dr. Kinley: But Paul is talking about the thing in it’s reality. All right, disobedience to parents, what else?

Reader: unthankful. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now ungrateful and unthankful… You ought to be grateful, you oughta be thankful to Yahweh. Somebody said “Well I just stumbled into it.” No, I beg your pardon, no man cometh unto the Father except He draw him, and I’m not talking about the Pope or the Devil, I’m talking about Yahweh. No man cometh to Yahweh except He draw Him. And listen, the scripture say “It’s Him that worketh within you both to will and to do.” If you want that read I’ll have it read, so it’s not you. But now we’re down in this last hour, and this school here is progressing enough to be scattered now throughout the whole entire world. Now listen at this, now as many young people, young men, that have come in this school, since it’s inception, and sat down and listened to this, they have no intentions whatsoever, none whatsoever of ever being a preacher. If somebody said to him, “You’re going to be a preacher,” he wouldn’t think it was so, and some of the women too. They said “That was the furthest thing removed from their mind,” and yet and still Yahweh picked ’em up after they’d learned something about the truth. It was fervent enough within them, and those of you that even remain, to want and have the desire to go and tell somebody else


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the truth, and how the devil has deceived you all your life. All right read.

Reader: unholy. . .

Dr. Kinley: Unholy, they’re just as unholy as they can be, unrighteous in other words. All right, read.

Reader: without natural affection. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now you see, them chessie-cats, you know. [Dr. Kinley Demonstrates hypocrisy] “Hi Dr. Gross, I sure am glad you feel better.” Said, “How are you Dr. Gross, I sure am glad to see you.” Unnatural affection, strain upon a smile. And a real genuine heart-felt smile would tear you up worse than breaking up a soda cracker. That’s right. All right, without natural affection.

Reader: truce breakers. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now listen, say “Look here, I’m gonna pay you back; all that I got from you I’m gonna give it back to you Saturday night.” Then Saturday night never comes. They didn’t say which Saturday night. But I’m just saying to you how they make an agreement to do one thing… And a lot of people do this way, “Yeah, I’m coming down to that school. I’m gonna come down there tonight or Wednesday night or Thursday or Friday night, or Sunday night, I’ll sure be there, you come by after me..” Truce breakers, and it’s just a habitual practice. The next time you see ’em, they say, “Well I’m sorry I couldn’t make it then, but I certainly will be there the next time.” They just keep on breaking truces like that, no dependence to be put in ’em at all. You understand that, don’t you? All right, read on.

Reader: false accusers. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now false accusers, now that’s bad too. There’s always somebody accusing somebody of something. You’ve seen that right here in the pulpit, accusing, false accusing somebody. I’ll tell you one of the things that I was accused of. They said that I went down to the welfare and told those people down there that I wanted some money to pay my rent. The school was paying my rent and I wanted money to


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pay my rent. Well, I did go down there to the welfare and tell ’em that I was Dean of the school, (I was at that time), and I’m Dean Emeritus now, and not only that, I was the Founder. And what did I say that for? Right away they asked me “How many members do you have?” They started figuring on just about how much I got out of it. And I told them we didn’t have anybody on no payroll, and I didn’t draw any salary at all. So then they just couldn’t see how that that could be that way. So then they said “Well, I tell you, I don’t know about that, but we’ll send a worker out there at your house and look and see, and then we’ll let you know definitely.” They sent the worker out to my house, and she come in and she sat down on the sofa there, didn’t look no further than to just sit down on the corner of the sofa, and she looked around like this. And she said “Mr. Kinley, I don’t think you’re eligible, but I am not the supervisor, I’ll make the report back to him.” She went on back and made the report to the supervisor, and they cut me out about nine years of money that I was entitled to. I mean I was entitled to that money. So then Dr. Dennis, and Dr. Gross, (he’s sitting here, your president, and a few others, and Dr. Baxter, he’s sitting here somewhere), we went down there on his case, Dr. Baxter’s case. And so then we brought it up and we told them about it. And they said, (this is in another department), said “Well we don’t handle that in this department, but you do have a case.” So we went over and made the appeal. And Dr. Dennis he wrote a letter now. Just to show you, he wrote a letter and kept a carbon copy of it, and we have it in our files. And he said that that money was to be added to our expenses. So they granted me Old Age Pension, which I had paid for and was entitled to! They wasn’t giving me nothing! And Social Security, I paid that. So they wasn’t giving me nothing that I wasn’t actually entitled to, and was beat out about nine years of it, because they thought that I was probably lying about my income and all lika that. Am I lying about that?

Students: No.

Dr. Kinley: Then it was jumped up and said that I went down there and lied like that, and that was one of the things that they had against me as being so-called Founder of this school and all, see one thing I lied about. I say that’s a lie! And we got the evidence. And you can go down to Social Security, and we got a copy of the letter right in our files. And we can give you a copy of it and you can go down and ask


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the worker about it. I think things like that ought to be cleared up, all those kind of things. Read on Dr. Harris.

Reader: incontinent. . .

Dr. Kinley: That means that you can’t depend on nothing you say. All right read on.

Reader: fierce. . .

Dr. Kinley: Fierce, yeah they’re furocious, almost —–, fierce. All right, read on.

Reader: despisers of those that are good. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now they hate them, these people that are good. Now they’ll just say anything about you if you’re good. You see, despisers of those that are good. Those decent and the respectable, not Christians – no, it’s too late for those, no indeed. But those people that are Yahweh’s, and who worship Yahshua and Yahweh according to the scriptures, now they despise them people. That’s the reason why the world out here just, I’m telling you now, they hate you. If you wanna get in a position where everybody will actually hate you, you just get tangled up with this school then you’re in trouble then. If you’re in the Roman Catholic Church you have a good time, or in any of the rest of the churches you’ll have a good time. But if you get mixed up with this… Paul said “Yea, and all that will live righteously in Yahshua the Messiah “shall, (not maybe), shall suffer persecution.” There’s no way out of it. All right, read on. . .

Reader: traitors. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now you know what a traitor is, don’t you? That boy is really into the whole thing, ain’t he? You know what a traitor is. Read on.

Reader: heady. . .

Dr. Kinley: Heady, carnal minded, and you can’t tell him nothing! Don’t pay no ‘tention to nothing nobody say. Hard headed, hard


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hearted, smart, impudent! And as I said a while ago “I just don’t believe that; I don’t believe that’s right,” and he can’t tell you what’s, he can’t tell you what’s right. But he don’t believe what you’re saying is right, but he can’t tell you where it’s wrong at. Now that’s bad. If you haven’t got anything any better than what we teach down here, for goodness sake don’t say it’s wrong until you can get something better. You see what I mean? All right read on Dr. Harris.

Reader: high minded. . .

Dr. Kinley: High minded, they ain’t satisfied with just some common ordinary thing. You don’t want no Ford, you want the Rolls Royce, a Mercedes Benz. You want the penthouse on the hill, sat upon the mountain overlooking the sea and all that stuff. You want the million in the bank. High minded, all right read on.

Reader: lovers of pleasures more than lovers of Yahweh. . .

Dr. Kinley: uh oh, whupp! whupp! whupp! Now don’t start that, don’t start that. See the Dodgers they gonna play tonight. [Student Body Laughs] Why wasn’t you at school Friday night?…. the Dodgers is playing. He don’t tell you that, said “Well I had some other things I had to take care of.” But the Dodgers was playing. Now if some of you had laid off and went out there and looked around, more than likely, you would of seen somebody sitting up in there that you know that come to school. Lovers of pleasure: prize fights, roller games, baseball games, football games, just lovers of pleasures. … [SIDE 2 Of TAPE]… than lovers of Yahweh. It’s all right to go to a ball game, I don’t see anything wrong with it, or any other game for that matter. Them crap games where you lose all your money at, I wouldn’t justify that. I don’t think that’s real smart. —- —- — or lost wages, and then try to get some assistance from somebody else, now that don’t make sense. But now when it comes right down to using your head and having some sense about what you’re doing, and all these kind of things, I know you don’t have, I wouldn’t think that’s, I don’t think that’s a sin or a crime. Read on.

Reader: having a form of the worship of Yahweh. . .


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Dr. Kinley: Now that’s what you do. Now you go in any church, they have a form. They have a set, we have one here too. We have a form, or a set routine of operation, and we go through it all the time. But they having a form of what?

Reader: of the worship of Yahweh. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: but denying the power thereof. . .

Dr. Kinley: You see, you’re denying the power. Now Paul said in Romans 1:16, ” I am not ashamed of the Gospel, or the evangel, of Yahshua the Messiah.” Well, why aren’t you ashamed? “Because it is the power of Yahweh unto salvation to everyone that believeth, (now get this one straight because this is important) to the Jew first and then also to the Gentile.” Now that’s the reason why he’s not ashamed. Now look folk, I’ve had the experience for many many years, and if you tried to tell me that when we come down preaching the real genuine truth, speaking by the Holy Spirit, you don’t get shook up, there’s something wrong with you. There’s something wrong with you. Now that’s all there is to it. A lot of times people are zealous of the places wherein that they have formally worshipped, and they think they’re right, and things like that, they’ll get offended with you telling ’em anything different than that. But nevertheless, they get all shook up about it. There’s nothing new about that either, cause the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, and the Scribes, in the day that Yahshua the Messiah walked, they encountered Him. And if they encountered Him you know good and well they’re going to encounter you. All right, read on.

Reader: from such turn away. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now from such, from that type of people, turn away. Not just them that we just spoke of, but the whole thing that you read there. That’s that’s enough of that.

Now that’s not Timothy was failing to take care of his family, and feed them, the flock that was among them, or in other words, preach to them the truth, and so that was his responsibility and duty. And that’s what Paul was doing is telling him, and Timothy was a young man, and so Paul is telling him, or exhorting him to do these things. And if you do ’em then you will be blessed. Now go there and get Corinthians.


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Reader: Therefore seeing we have this ministry. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now then therefore… Now we tried to tell you, (I wanna bring you back on it, right back and right quick). This is an apostle he’s talking about. Therefore seeing we, the apostles, have this ministry. Now seeing that they had it, and they knew that Yahshua the Messiah, (now pay attention to what I’m saying, and let it soak in). They knew what they were talking about. They had seen Him after His resurrection. Now I’m talking about all twelve of them, not counting Judas, cause Judas he didn’t resurrect from the dead. But Paul seen Him on His way going to Damascus, and the rest of ’em they seen Him eleven times after He’d risen from the dead. And now they are saying this: Therefore seeing we have this ministry…”

Reader: as we have received mercy. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: we faint not. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now we’re not fainting. Now folks listen, that brings me up, (now you’ll have to hold that one and take the 8th chapter of Romans) and I want you to pay ‘tention to this. All these ignomenious, these diabolical accusations that are brought against me through these many years, I haven’t fainted. There is no shadow of prejudice within me. Because, now listen folks I’m not lying, I’m telling you the truth, and I’m telling it to you just like it is. Now I have looked, (Bishop Short I’m looking at you), now I’ve seen angels just like that, apparitions, like I’m looking at you. And I mean just as realistically as I’m looking at him, I’ve seen that. Yahweh showed me His purpose, from start to finish, just like I’m looking at you. Now you can’t tell me no difference I don’t care where you come from. And there is no shadow of prejudice in me. And as I feel in my physical body, (I’ll be 79 years old the 30th day of this month if I live to see it). A 79 year old man, he doesn’t feel like he did when he was 25 or 30. But I’m saying that to say this: I’m weak when it comes to the physical body. But when it comes to a knowledge of Yahweh, POWERFUL, just as powerful as you make ’em. There’s nobody on this earth plane any more powerful in their beliefs, any more stronger in their beliefs than I am. Because I have seen, I don’t mean by faith, I’m talking about by sight! I’ve looked right at it, and I’ve seen it unfold, the revelation. I’ve seen the judgment!


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I’ve seen the weeping and the wailing of gnashing of teeth! I’ve seen it folks. And therefore knowing the fear of the wrath of Yahweh, I plead and beg you to turn away from these things that are wrong and out of harmony with the purpose and the plan of Yahweh. It is Yahweh’s indispensable duty to give you somebody that knows something about the truth! And it’s your indispensable duty to accept it, because it is Yahweh that speaks through that individual. Now listen folks, this is what I’m saying. When Yahweh showed me the vision and revelation, I knew within myself that I would not be able to take it and express it so that men and women could see through it, and hold the continuity of thought all the way through. I knew they would not be able to do that. And Yahweh instructed me to draw these charts so that you could see, so that you could understand what was being said and what was being taught in the vision and the revelation that I saw. Now I agree with you that this is limited, of course, but nevertheless, it is at least a half way decent picture of the thing so that you can kinda understand something. And anybody that teaches anything contrary to it is just lost! That’s right. Yahweh simply did not —- —. Now you can… Folks say “Well I don’t believe that.” Well I told you it’s up to you to accept it or let it alone. All right read.

Reader: 8th chapter of Romans. . .

Dr. Kinley: Yes, 8th chapter of Romans. Now I’m trying to tell you as the Apostle told the Roman Catholics, I mean the Romans, uh, Hebrews. I’m trying to tell you as he told them in his epistle. And what he’s saying here the same applies to me, and so that’s the reason why I want you to read it.

Reader: There is therefore now. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: no condemnation. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now I want you to get this thing straight! I want you to understand! I want you to know this! There is therefore now no condemnation! All right read.

Reader: to them which are in Yahshua the Messiah. . .


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Dr. Kinley: Now listen, there is no condemnation to them which are in Yahshua the Messiah. There is no condemnation! Now the reason why I said that, and the reason why I wanted to bring you up to that, we’ve had ’em to come in here and preach about water baptism, and water this, and do this, and do that, and do the other, and so forth and so on, and say “You people are being led wrong, you’re being taught wrong,” and all them different kinds of things. “Your Founder and your so-called Dean, he’s this, and he’s that, and he’s the other.” They just say all kinds of hateful and nasty things. But listen, let me tell you something! There’s no condemnation in me whatsoever. I want you to know that! I’M IN YAHSHUA, you can’t even shake my confidence! I don’t care nothing about your degrees, and I don’t care nothing about your standing in political or ecclesiastical service. I’m just telling you straight like it is. Say anything you wanna say about me, it doesn’t make me no difference! There’s no condemnation in me and to nobody else that really is in Yahshua the Messiah. Now then, hold the place where you have it there, 1Corinthian 12:13, I wanna show you how you got in Him. I should go to the first chapter of Romans and the 16th and 17th verses where it says “To the Jew first. I’m not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of Yahweh unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first and then also to the Gentile.” See I could have done that, but let’s go on and get this.

Reader: 1Corinthians 12:13. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now here’s 1Corinthians 12:13

Reader: For by one spirit . . .

Dr. Kinley: Now here’s what we’re trying to do, we’re trying to find out how you get in. Paul said unto the Romans “There’s no condemnation to them that are in Yahshua the Messiah…” Is that what you just read? Now I wanna find out how you get in! All right read.

Reader: for by one spirit. . .

Dr. Kinley: No, not water. For by one spirit, you heard me, you good Baptist and Methodists and what have you. I’m just showing you how you get in. For by one spirit, read.

Reader: are we all baptized. . .


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Dr. Kinley: Are we all baptized. Now that’s how you get in. Water baptism won’t do it! For by one spirit are we all baptized. All right, read.

Reader: into one body. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) All right, read on.

Reader: whether we be Jew. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now it don’t make no difference whether you’re Jew or Gentile, that’s how you get in. Now you know that ain’t the way that Christendom is doing it out there. You got Roman Catholics, they’ll sprinkle a little water on infants now. You got the Methodists out there practicing carnal ordinances. That’s the reason why I brought them things up. Now carnal ordinances, such as water baptism, was imposed on the Jews, the Jews only. And that’s how this Devil has deceived these people, and got ’em all divided up into sects, and cults, and creeds. This is really the egg here that’s keeping the Sabbath day. That’s the seal for this whole entire nucleus upon which they’re predicated, keeping the Seventh day, Saturday. Now the Roman Catholic contention is this, that the… Them people they say “Well we’re not in obedient to the edicts of the Popes, and so forth and so on.” And now they say that the Pope changed from Saturday to Sunday, and you people you worship on Sunday” I beg your pardon, we do worship on a Sunday, and every day, it’s a daily administration. And so far as him changing anything, he ain’t changed nothing! Sun rise and setting with Yahweh —- —- —- —- —-. You see what I’m talking about? Ain’t a thing happening he has power to change. Now then Mrs. White of the 7th Day Adventist, that’s all she’s predicated upon. And when you get right down to the roots of it, you’ll find that all these secular denominations are predicated upon something carnal, something natural, and they don’t know anything about these spiritual things. All right, now repeat Doc.

Reader: for by one spirit . . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: are we all baptized into one body. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now you see how you got into Yahshua the Messiah? Now listen here, it doesn’t necessarily need to be said that you can’t


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get in by water. That’s the Bible now. And then Dr. uh, (I don’t know the young lady’s name, I don’t remember it),

Student: Kim Clark

Dr. Kinley: Dr. Kim Clark, she read here in Galatians, the 2nd chapter, about by one spirit are we all baptized into one body, and she read here about the apostle’s stand, that Paul said that he was, (I’ll just put it like in words, these necessary things,) that he was a minister of the Gentiles, the 2nd chapter said that he was made a minister of the Gentiles. All right, read on.

Reader: whether we be bond or free. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now it doesn’t make any difference whether you be bond or free, whether you’re Jew or a Gentile. That’s how everybody gets in Yahshua the Messiah, into that one body. Now there ain’t but one body for you to get in to. It ain’t all these different bodies, and different denominations, and sects and cults, it’s not that at all, just one body for you to get into. All right now, read on.

Reader: and have been all made to drink into one spirit. . .

Dr. Kinley: And have been all made to drink into just that one spirit. Now that’s the way it is Williams. Now go back to “Therefore seeing we have this ministry…”

Reader: Therefore seeing we have this ministry. . .

Dr. Kinley: um hum

Reader: as we have received mercy. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now as we have received mercy. . .

Reader: we faint not. . .

Dr. Kinley: I’m not gonna faint when some… You know we went to town today, Dr. Jackson, and there was some fellow, colored fellow down there, man he was raising sand. “Whooo the di di di, whoo blib blaa blaa!” [Tape was cut off abruptly and then back on]

Reader: but have renounced. . .


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Dr. Kinley: Now this is what we have done, now we have renounced, or denounced, what?

Reader: the hidden things of dishonesty. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now the hidden things of dishonesty. Now I’ll have to get into that. Now, now I’m down to where I wanna get into. Now we have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. Now Doc turn to the, hold what you got, (follow me close now, pay strict attention). Turn to the 26th chapter of Matthew and the 26th verse. Now we have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. Now we’re honest about it. And then somebody get the 9th chapter of Hebrews, and I forget just which verse it is, where it’s saying the ordinance, carnal ordinances imposed on the Jews. And then somebody get the 2nd chapter of Ephesians and show there where, if you be why though living in the world… I just want you, I just want to show you, we have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. Now we’re coming on out and telling you the truth, the truth just like it is, Freddy. There is nobody in this building that can get up here and show, or read out of the Bible, and show where the Lord, God, or Jesus Christ, Yahweh, Elohim, or Yahshua, Jehovah, Allah, or Baal, from Genesis to Revelations, ever said anything in the history of the world about a Gentile getting baptized in water! Ever said anything in the history of the world about a Gentile eating the Lord’s supper or the Passover. Ever said anything in the history of the world, now I’m talking about from Genesis to Revelations, about a Gentile getting his feet washed in water. I say it’s not in the Bible. Now if there’s anybody in this room that thinks that it’s in the Bible, I want it read, and read right now! If you don’t know where it is, say you believe it’s in there, and we’ll find where it is and read it. Now if that ain’t a break I don’t know what is. And don’t you dare go out of this building and say “Well I could have read it to him, but I didn’t wanna humiliate or embarrass him.” Don’t do that. And you know good and well where you come from, all of us come from as for that matter, me included too, and I’ve baptized a lot of folks! Yes, I mean in water. Yes sir, I have did it. Now I want it read, and I’m not particular about where you read in the Bible. Read anywhere you want to. I say it’s not in the Bible! Bishop Short, you know anything about it being in there?


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Bishop Short: um um

Dr. Kinley: Dr. Williams, you know anything about it being in there?

Dr. Williams: No, it’s not in there

Dr. Kinley: It wasn’t what he thought it was. [Student Body Laughs] And we had an awful fight, didn’t we Doc?

Dr. Williams: Yes sir

Dr. Kinley: A long time… Bishop Short, he had enough sense to sit down and keep his mouth shut. And what he said when he come here, he said “I’m from Missouri.” That means you have to show him. And he did keep his mouth shut. I have to give him credit for that, he kept his mouth shut, and he set right there and he learned. I said “Bishop Short” You heard me you ain’t blind! Now look folks, there’s some good Biblical scholars in this room, chapter and verse. Is that right? There’s people that know what’s in this Book. They know what I just said is not in it. And these things have been imposed on you. That’s one of the things, plus not knowing the true names, now that makes it awful bad. You don’t know the true names, and then you don’t know that carnal ordinances was imposed on the Jews. Have you found that, Freddy, the 9th chapter of Hebrews?

Freddy: The 9th chapter of Hebrews and the 12th verse. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now I want that read right there.

Reader: which stood only in meats and drinks. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now get the first verse there Freddy, so we can get some understanding about what we’re talking about. Now look folks, what we’ve tried to do, and that is to teach, and to bring things down where that you could even ask question. But now there won’t be no questions about this. You’re reading out of the, what?

Freddy: King James Version of the Bible. . .

Dr. Kinley: Read it

Reader: Hebrews. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now this is Hebrews. Hebrews are Jews or Israelites. Now these are Is-real-lights, IS-REAL-LIGHTS. Now the Is-real-lights,


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it’s real too. Is-real-lights. Those are the Gentiles, but these are the real lights, Is-real-light. Now what is The Light? He brew His lights. [Doc & Student Body Laughs] Boy that’s something else, ain’t it? He brew His lights. All right, now read.

Reader: Then verily the first covenant had. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now see there’s a first covenant, that’s this one here. Now he’s talking about the first covenant with the Jews, or the Israelites. Now listen, while we’re on that, let’s get this straight. Now these really are Israelites. We say “Jews” but they’re Israelites. All right read on.

Reader: Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now the first covenant had ordinances of divine service

Reader: and an earthly sanctuary. . .

Dr. Kinley: And a worldly sanctuary

Reader: for there was a tabernacle made. . .

Dr. Kinley: Therefore, there was a tabernacle made. Now you see he’s talking about that. This is an epistle to the Hebrews. But as a rule, how you got deceived, is they’ve read this to you as though it applies to you. All right, now skip on down, we’ve found out now, and we’ve got the subject. Now read what we’re talking about.

Reader: which stood only in meats and drinks. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now listen folks, look up here! Everybody look up here! Is everybody looking? [Student Body Laughs] All right. Now this first tabernacle, with the Israelites, stood only in what you have been doing, or trying to do all your life. It stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings. . .

Reader: and carnal ordinances. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: imposed on them. . .

Dr. Kinley: Imposed on the Jew! Did you. . .

Reader: until. . .


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Dr. Kinley: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Now it’s imposed on the Jews, not the, not the Gentiles, imposed on Israel. Now you had a stopping place for them! Read on.

Reader: until the time of reformation. . .

Dr. Kinley: Until the time of the reformation. Now they haven’t got no business eating physical Lord’s supper, or a Passover supper. They ain’t got no business doing that. They ain’t got no business in no water! They ain’t got no business washing feet. Now what I’m showing you is this: And this, this will help. And this is much better than arguing about something you don’t know nothing about; something you don’t understand nothing about. It’s imposed on the Jews, or the Israelites, only. Listen Dr. Gross, until the time of the reformation, or until Pentecost. That’s when they were reformed. So from that time on down, they themselves don’t have no business doing it to say nothing about the Gentiles doing it. Now what did I bring that up for? Go back to the 4th chapter of 2nd Corinthians. Now we have dispensed with the hidden things of dishonesty! Well I haven’t forgot that I call for the 26th chapter of Matthew and the 26th verse, I haven’t forgot that. See now, but the carnal ordinances were imposed on the Jews until the time of the reformation. Now we’ve dispensed with, or we’ve denounced, or we have departed from, or we have ceased, or we’ve stopped, (I’ll get a word in there, somehow or another, that folks will understand) with the hidden thing of dishonesty. It’s dishonest!. . . Now take the 26th chapter of Matthew.

Reader: And as they were eating. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: Jesus took bread. . .

Dr. Kinley: Jesus took bread… Now wait a minute, “As they were eating! As they were eating,” not you. And it was under the dispensation of the law! And there was nobody at the party but the Israels, or the Jews, 12 of His disciples. But as they, 12 of them Jews or Hebrews, as they were eating… As they were eating what? As they were eating lamb, Yahshua took bread. . . Now they say, (here comes your dishonesty), “I’m reading out of the New Testament.” That is not in the New Testament! A testament is of force after men are dead, and He


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hadn’t died yet. See we’ve dispensed with the hidden things of dishonesty! We quit lying to you. See I can go on back to Alabama or somewhere, right? See you’re not reading out of the New Testament, new covenant, that’s before He died. Suppose you read that Freddy, “A testament is of force…”

Reader: Hebrews 9:17

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: I’m gonna pick it up at the 16th verse. . .

Dr. Kinley: Start with the 16th verse

Reader: For where a testament is

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: there must also of a, a nes. . .

Dr. Kinley: There must also of a necessity

Reader: be the death of the testator. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: for a testament is of force. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: after men are dead . . .

Dr. Kinley: Now don’t you see that? It couldn’t come of force until after He was dead. So while He was living, under the dispensation of the law, He took bread and gave it to His 12 disciples. And while He and His twelve disciples were eating it there, the Jews all over Palestine was eating it at the same time, same day. And look I wanna let you know this too: it was on the 14th day of the month, April, or Abib or Nisan. Not every once in a while, or not every month, or not every week, or lika that. Not that at all, as it’s done in the Roman Catholic Church, and in the Protestant Churches. Now we’ve dispensed with all that hidden stuff of dishonesty, of practicing carnal ordinances, and telling you we’re reading out of the New Testament. ‘Cause a testament is of force after men are dead, otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. And it took His death out there on the cross in order to bring about this reconciliation. Now is there anybody in the building that don’t know what I’m talking about hold up your hand. Stand up. [Somebody must have raised their hand] Stand up. . . . [Tape is cut off and then back on]. . . everybody’s got that? Because this —- here, this is in the days of His flesh. What’s He doing?… fulfilling the law and the prophets. He had to do that, eat that passover supper, in order to fulfill that. —– He had to get up from that and wash


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the disciples’ feet, because Moses brought ’em to the door of the tabernacle and washed ’em to the laver before he entered into the holy place in Hebrews. So then He had to die, and they had to be washed there in the laver, 13th chapter of John, and then the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost. It’s down there on the chart, we drawed it out. And we drawed it out here on this chart too. We drawed all these things out here. Now here a picture here, and here a . . . [Doc is looking for something on 40 plate chart] . . .

Student: 32, next one over.

Dr. Kinley: Well now, you see, I was trying to get Him here over on this side. Because now what this is showing, so you’ll understand, this is the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension here in this plate. But now here you got the Lord’s supper over here, the passover supper, after His death. Now you know it was before! It was before His death. It was the night before He died, that’s over there in the book. Now the —– got it over here… This looks like it’s wrong. But a testament is of force after men are dead. So them eating that passover supper that night, then raising up at the water — there’s your blood, and here’s your water, then here is the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. For a testament is of force after men are dead. And from here on down you don’t have none of them carnal ordinances at all. He said here to the Jew, He told ’em when He was washing their feet “You know not what I do now but you shall know hereafter,” and then He died. It didn’t come of effect on them until the day of Pentecost. It had to be this way. Now listen close to what I’m saying. See the chart, it dictates blood, water, and the spirit, and then you come into the sanctuary. Blood, water, spirit. Now we even went so far as to put blood, water and spirit. We did everything we could do, blood, water, spirit. So now here it comes up, and we have to paint this as it is. This blood, and this water, and this spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost. Now He ascended on into heaven, and He sit down on the right hand of the Father. And He is the King of the kings, and the Elohim of the elohims. He is the First and the Last. He’s the Mediator or go-between the new covenant, or the go-between Yahweh and man, and He’s ascended on into the most holy place. Now then by Him pouring out His spirit, see He as a physical man is not in anybody. That’s a matter of absolute impossibility. But the pouring out of the Holy Spirit that was . . . [Glitch in the Tape]. . . or the holy spirit, He’s made a quickening spirit, sown


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a natural and raised a spiritual, and then it’s poured out in you. And this is after that what you just read. Read it again Doc.

Now folks, while he’s gonna read that I wanna say this to you. When I made these charts I got up to this plate here, this — — — —, and now I got stuck. Now how am I gonna fix this. Well I had to go by the pattern, and I didn’t know just but one way to do it. And I was two or three days before I could get together on it. I knew what the law was but it just don’t look like it’s right, because it is out of order according to what we teach, because this has to be before He died. But it didn’t come of effect until after His death, burial, and resurrection, other wise as we said, “It is of no force at all while He yet live.” Now do you understand? So then that was put over here on the day of Pentecost. Now do you see that now? A testament is of force after men are dead, otherwise it of no strength at all. Now I don’t know what time it is. . .

Student:  Ten minutes to ten. 

Dr. Kinley: Ten minutes to ten. Now go back, Dr. Harris, to Corinthians.

Reader: but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now you see, we’re down here to renounce the hidden things of dishonesty. Now folks listen, I wanna tell you this one real easy. Now the first covenant with the Hebrews was given to them. And it was composed of carnal ordinances only. It did not have any spiritual ordinances under that. Listen now, it was given to them (I believe you’ll find that in 3rd chapter of Galatians) as a school master to bring them up to the Messiah. And all those natural things pointed to spiritual things. See all of ’em pointed to spiritual things. Read on.

Reader: have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness . . .

Dr. Kinley: Now you see we’re not trying to be crafty! Now where you just was reading that over there in Matthew 26:26, they say this: “Jesus said as often as we eat this bread and drink this cup we do show forth His death and suffering until He come, and he ain’t come back yet. Jesus said for us to do it! I don’t care nothing about what Henry Clifford Kinley say!


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That little black, round-shouldered, nappy headed ignoramus…” Say anything, speak evil of dignitaries. But now I put that in it’s proper setting. He did say to them 12 men that were there; Judas was there, too, at that time. That was under the dispensation of the law. That was before He died. And that was not the new testament, that was under the old covenant. And what He was doing was fulfilling that which was under the old covenant, and He had to do that! Now the devil’s got it out here, mass, and eating the Lord’s supper; got you as a Gentile doing it. Now look folks, you really oughta be happy, sure enough be happy that Yahweh did send somebody along that possessed a knowledge to show you the difference between the hidden things of dishonesty, and to bring to you the truth in it’s reality, and like it really is. You really ought to be happy. You ought to appreciate that. And another thing you should do is speak that which you do know. And if you don’t know, try to learn. Ask somebody if you don’t know, and not be going around with a whole lot of contentions about this, and that, and the other, most particular in this school. ‘Cause now listen here, I know, I know there’s a whole lot of things you don’t know. And I know this too, that some of you have your own doctrine. I mean sitting right up in this school, I know that. And what they do is this: they walk around and say “Look, we’re not walking after the flesh anymore.” And doing a whole lot… They say they’re not walking after the flesh, but that is what they’re doing. And it has been reported, and it’s gotten back to me, not only here but elsewhere… In Ohio, before we come here, swapping wives, and all that different kind of thing, and say that we advocate such a thing. Now that’s a lie! I never advocated nothing like that in my life. I never will. It’s wrong. Then you’ll run around with some woman here, and all that kind of stuff, and . . . [TAPE ENDS]


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