Carnal Ordinances II

(Also called: Carnal Ordinances & the Church)

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley in 1974 or 1975.





DR. KINLEY: I’m always happy and glad to testify of the things which Yahweh has revealed to me. —– It is possible to . . . Your Bible does not teach that the church was built on Peter. Now look, if you would look in Revelations you would find (now I’m talking about the church being built on Peter, Peter being the rock, and the church being built upon him), well then what do you think about them twelve foundation stones, and in them the names of the twelve Apostles? What do you think that Paul meant when he said “Another foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, and that foundation was Yahshua The Messiah.” Matthew 16:18.

READER: And I say unto thee. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: also unto thee. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) Read on. READER: that thou art Peter. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and upon this rock. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: I will build my assembly. . . DR. KINLEY: I will build my church. . . READER: And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: And I will give unto thee the keys… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: of the Kingdom of Heaven. . . DR. KINLEY: the kingdom of Heaven. READER: And whosoever thou shall bind on earth. . . DR. KINLEY: Who? READER: and whatsoever. . .

DR. KINLEY: It don’t say whosoever, that ain’t in the book. See that’s what they think about it, whosoever that He bind on earth. Now look read the same thing you’ve just read over.

READER: And I will give. . .


DR. KINLEY: . . . because He said He was the Son of man. But look! Here’s the man, He’s the son of this man right here, that’s that incorporeal man. Yahweh is Pure Spirit, that’s the Father. And He takes on a shape and a form, incorporeal or spirit embodiment. That’s Yahweh in shape and form, and it’s Elohim, the title, the Word or Son, that’s Elohim. You understand that’s Elohim. Now look! I ain’t gonna point down, way down here at it, I’m pointing right here. That’s the reason why we put this name up here, Joshua, Yahshua back here, because He was back there with Moses. That’s why we put it there. We don’t wanna point way down there point up here, that’s where it belongs, cause He was with Moses, the Book says so.

Now here He comes to the coast of Caesarea, and He said to His disciples, “Who do men say that I the Son of man am?” The Jews says He’s talking about that Joseph was His father; here’s His Father right here. He said to His disciples many times, (if you want it read, I’ll read), “I and my Father are one,” not three! “My Father is in me, and I am in the Father! Now if you believe on me then for my very work sake.” All right read.

READER: And they said. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: some say that thou art John the Baptist. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now some say.. Now this what, this is what His folks said. “Some say thou art John the Baptist.” Now look here, the average person they wouldn’t know, they just don’t understand why He waited till He went into the coast of Caesarea to say anything to them, asked them question “Who do men say that I..” They don’t know why He waited till He got there to say that. It’s something happen there to cause Him to say that, not just right then, way back yonder, Jonah overthrown. And He had to go right straight up through there. And that fish spit him out there see, on to Nineveh. And He waited till He got right there, He said who do men say that I the Son of man am? They said some say that you are John the Baptist. All right read on.

READER: and some Elijah. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and others, Jeremiah. . . DR. KINLEY: And others who? READER: Jeremiah. . . DR. KINLEY: And others, Jeremiah READER: or one of the other prophets. . . DR. KINLEY: Or one of the other prophets. Now He’s telling you what the folks said about Him. All right read. READER: He saith unto them. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: but whom say ye that I am?. . . DR. KINLEY: Who do you say that I am? READER: And . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, He ain’t asking the folks now, He’s asking them apostles that He’s got, uh, those disciples that He’s got with Him, He’s asking them,”Who do you say that I am?” All right.

READER: And Simon Peter answered and said. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Thou art the Messiah. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: the Son of the living Elohim. . .

DR. KINLEY: The Son of the living Elohim. Now He didn’t say that He was the Son of Joseph, the Son of the living Elohim. I just wanted to show you. All right, read on.

READER: And Yahshua answered and said unto him. . . DR. KINLEY: And Yahshua answered and said READER: Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Jonah DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for flesh and blood. . . DR. KINLEY: Flesh and blood has not revealed that to you. READER: but my Father. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: which is in heaven. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: And I say also unto thee. . . DR. KINLEY: And I say also unto you READER: thou art Peter. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and upon this Rock. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: I will build my church. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now look here folks, now look up here at me. He didn’t say upon that rock, He said upon this Rock. If He was talking about Simon Peter, building it on Simon Peter, He’d said upon that rock, but He said upon this Rock. Now I gave you proof for that in the 10th Chapter of Corinthians, in 1Corinthians that He is the Rock! Now listen folks, Roman Catholic say that they’re the first church, wrong again! Here’s the first church and the first congregation and the assembly. That’s what the word church mean, congregation or assembly. Here’s the first congregation, 603,550, gathered up around Mt. Sinai. And they were all.., every last one of ’em was Jews, there wasn’t any of ’em Gentiles. And Yahweh was the spokesman. And that Rock was right with them – the book said so! Now look, here’s what I’m pointing out to you. See if this… He can’t do anything, He can’t build no church on Peter because you see He’s got one back here! So He’ll have to be the Rock that went with them that He built it… “For I say unto thee thou art Peter and upon this Rock, not that rock!”

Now let’s look at it again, the same thing, in different words saying the same thing. Look here folks, that would be just stupid as it could be or even just stupid as all out doors for Yahweh Elohim to create a man, Adam, and I’ll have you know that Adam was a Son of Yahweh. You don’t believe it look at the 3rd Chapter of Luke and the last verse, Adam was the Son of Yahweh. Adam fell! And from Adam on down, “Death reigned from Adam to Moses after the similitude of Adam’s Transgression, even over them that had not sinned.” Now pay ‘tention to what I’m saying. Now look Freddy! If that man was a sinner, and Peter was a sinner, and everybody was a sinner, now for Him to come along and build a church on a sinner, it don’t make no sense and you know it don’t. Just might as well build it on just anybody, well why, why don’t you just build it on Adam? … can’t build no church on Peter, you can’t build it on Michael or Gabriel or the Angels. All right.

READER: and I say also unto thee. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: thou art Peter and upon this rock. . . DR. KINLEY: upon this rock READER: I will build my church. . .

DR. KINLEY: I will build my church, and the very gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Well listen, let me tell you something: the very gates of hell has prevailed against the Roman Catholic Church, and also against Judaism, and also against Protestantism, and you know it. If you don’t believe me, write Pope Paul and ask him. Just in one years time, 40 million of ’em have walked out of the Roman Catholic Church, high authorities and all. They know it’s wrong. Satan is a liar, and the father of it. Yahweh don’t do things like that. Said “Upon this Rock…” And he showed you that He was the Rock. And another foundation can no man lay than that which is already laid. He is the stone that the builders rejected, and He becomes the head of the corner. And look, when you read over there… I want you to pay ‘tention now. You ain’t sleep are you?

MAN: No, sir

DR. KINLEY: All right. I want you to know that He doesn’t have any successor! Peter didn’t …. was no successor. And Yahweh…. Yahshua is the only mediator and intercessor between Yahweh and man! No Pope, no Preachers, no cardinals, no Reverns, no Rabbis. Why not? Why not? Now this is why: because He’s resurrected from the dead! Can’t nobody succeed Him, because He forever lives! Matthew 28:19, I wanna get after this.

READER: Go ye therefore. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and teach all nations. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: baptizing them. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: in the name of the Father. . . DR. KINLEY: Didn’t say in the water either. Baptizing them in the name of the Father READER: and of the Son. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and of the Holy Spirit. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: teaching them. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: to observe all things. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: whatsoever I have commanded you. .. DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and lo. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: I am with you alway. . .

DR. KINLEY: I am with you. Now you watch what you read. We don’t want no more stumbling around over that. And lo I am with you

READER: alway. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: even unto the end of the age. . .

DR. KINLEY: Even unto the end of the age. Now if He’s gone be with them even till the end of this present age, He don’t need no successor, can’t have one. And listen, now He’s talking to 11 men. And lo I am with you 11 men, always, even until the end of the age, that means this right on down through here. But He was with them. He was with Peter, He was with Paul, He was with all the rest of ’em, and still yet with ’em all way down to the end of this age. And listen here folks, He is the only preacher, He’s the only intercessor, He’s the only Mediator, and He is all and all and that’s all. Now you’ve got to get rid of some of these devils, these lying bastards. “Uh-o, said that man done cussed.” No that’s what a person is when He won’t take heed to the Scriptures, and that’s what they are, they’re bastards and not sons. And listen here, we’re not Christians! Saint! No! What is a saint? A saint is one that’s cannonized in the Roman Catholic Church! We’re sons. Read what’s over there in John. What manner of love is this that the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called what, Saints? Hell no. It’s not that, but sons. No, I don’t like it a bit for your sakes. See you’ve been deceived by the Roman Catholics, and Protestants, and Judaism, and all that kind of thing. Ain’t nothing else but them satanic spirits incarnated in physical bodies, and lying to you telling you this, and promoting himself on up trying to pose as some great somebody. Don’t nobody amount to nothing but the Holy Spirit in a man. That’s who does the preaching, that’s who does the teaching, and that’s how He is with every, all of ’em all the way through, way on down through the end. Now do you understand what I’m talking about? Any questions?

I told you I wanted tell you where they makin’ mistakes at, and I told you to read Matthew 3:13, and you pay attention. All right, read Matthew 3:13. As you read you pay attention cause I’m telling you what the Roman Catholics, the Protestants, and the Jews do that’s wrong! That’s what I’m telling you about. Read.

READER: Then cometh Yahshua. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: from Galilee to Jordan. . . DR. KINLEY: From Galilee to John the Baptist READER: to be baptized of him. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: but John forbade Him saying. . . DR. KINLEY: But John forbade Him READER: I have need to be baptized of thee. . . DR. KINLEY: Read READER: and comest thou to me. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and Yahshua answering said unto him. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: permit it to be so now. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for thus it becometh us. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: to fulfill all righteousness. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute Roger! Just a minute now! If He’s gonna fulfill water baptism, after that there will be no more physical water baptism! Now He can’t fulfill it, and move it out of the way, and then institute it, and that’s what these lying dogs is telling you out there. Suffer it to be so now because it behooves us to fulfill, not institute. Is that what it says?

MAN: Yes, sir. DR. KINLEY: John is one man, and that’s what He said to him. Matthew 5 and get the first, uh 7th, uh get the first verse. READER: And seeing the mul. . . DR. KINLEY: Now listen, pay ‘tention folks it will help you now! All right, read on. READER: And seeing the multitudes. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: He went up into a mountain. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and when He was set. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: His disciples came unto Him. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and He opened His mouth and taught them saying. .. DR. KINLEY: And He opened His mouth and said to them, what? READER: blessed are the poor in spirit. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute doc, I wanna go back to this. Now look at what I’m telling you now, and listen! We are reading out of a Bible! And He did say to John that He come to fulfill! Is that what you read out of your Bible? Now look, here’s why He has to fulfill it. I’ll take it clear on back. This man was Adam was inundated in the, every fiber, and every tissue, and every sinew, was inundated in the creation of the world, in the water. Noah, the ark, see it floated on the water. And it rained, and this ark was between the waters above and the waters beneath, and they were in there, in that ark. In other words, they were baptized in the ark. Now then here comes Israel, you read that they were baptized in the cloud and in the sea. And look now, there wasn’t anybody but Jews that come up out of there. Now then, here He comes to fulfill all of this back here, so then He’s got to go to John. In order to fulfill it then He’s got to be baptized in order to fulfill this, in order to fulfill this, in order to fulfill this one back here in the creation of the world. Do you understand now? Do you understand? He said “Suffer it to be so now cause it behooves us to fulfill,” not to institute. Don’t forget now, there wasn’t anybody but Jews, cause all these that come out of Egypt was all Jews. And nobody went to John the Baptist, only Jews. Now the Gentiles they were overthrown, Pharaoh and his host, was overthrown in Red Sea. Now a lot of people don’t think that Pharaoh and host was overthrown in the Red Sea. I told you about Cecil B. Demille. Now let’s see whether they were or not, Psalms. . .

READER: 136:15. . . DR. KINLEY: 136&15, let’s find out if Pharaoh was drown in the Red Sea or not. READER: And made Israel to pass through the midst of it. . . DR. KINLEY: And made Israel to pass through the midst of the sea READER: but overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea. . .

DR. KINLEY: Overthrew… He admits it! That’s plain enough, wouldn’t you think that’s plain enough? Read the verse above it Doc.

READER: To Him which divideth the Red Sea in parts. . . DR. KINLEY: um hum READER: for His mercy endureth forever. . . DR. KINLEY: That’s right READER: and made Israel to pass through the midst of it. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for His mercy endureth forever, but overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that now? Look at all them smart boys that help Cecil B. Demille make that thing. That thing’s been shown all over the world, and all over the world they think it’s a wonderful thing. And they got Pharaoh going back down to Egypt and taking up his little son and laying him up in the arms of Moloch, an idol. And Moloch was a Canaanite deity, he was not an Egyptian idol at all. See how much they know about it. Solomon built Moloch a temple in Canaan’s land. They don’t know nothing about what it’s all about. Them people they just don’t know. And then here’s the thing about it, Roman Catholics they don’t know that that priest, and whatnot, don’t know the scriptures, they don’t know that, and the Rabbis either! They don’t know anything about it. They don’t know what Jesus was doing, or what Yahshua was doing. Don’t know yet, and that’s how you got deceived. He fulfilled it, and that’s a carnal ordinance. Is that right? All right, read.

READER: And seeing the multitude. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now seeing… Now look here, look here, look up here, everybody look up here! It was a great multitude, 603,550, a great multitude come up out of Egypt and gathered up around this mountain. And Yahweh told Moses to tell ’em to wash their clothes, and wash themselves up, and gather up around here, and He would speak to them from that mountain. Now what’s happening here is He’s just repeating it, just repeating it. So then He’s got to be baptized in the sea. He ate that Passover in Nazareth of Galilee, and then come to John the Baptist to be baptized – what He’s doing is fulfilling. And then now, somebody went on to say that He instituted the Lord’s supper, or Mass, and it’s eaten in the Roman Cath… That’s a lie, it’s not so. He instituted it all right, but it was back here, and that Passover was ate all the time. Now look folk, all, — — I’m showing you now, pay ‘tention, see He’s not saying that He’s instituting anything. And if I had the time I’d go back in the scriptures and show you that Yahweh declared the end from the beginning. And from that very beginning all He is doing through all of these ages, and dispensations of time, is doing nothing else but carrying out what He instituted back here. And Yahshua the Messiah when He came in, and John — — —, what He was doing, was just doing anything else but fulfilling what was instituted by Yahweh, that’s all He was doing was fulfilling. He could not institute nothing! Now wait a minute, now the reason why I said that, because now that’s according to the scriptures. That’s what He said He was doing; He said He was fulfilling. That’s why I told you they are calling Him a liar. He says He was fulfilling, they say He’s instituting. All right read Matthew there. . .

READER: 17th verse DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Think not that I am come to destroy the law. . . DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, said don’t think that I come to destroy the law or the prophets. Read. READER: I’m not come to destroy. . . DR. KINLEY: I have not come to destroy READER: but to fulfill. . . DR. KINLEY: Now do you see that He didn’t say that He come to institute different things? Read Dr. Harris. READER: for verily I say unto you. . . DR. KINLEY: For verily I say (now pay ‘tention to this one), for verily I say unto you READER: till heaven and earth pass. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: one yod. . . DR. KINLEY: One yod, that’s just one little dot. READER: or the smallest part of a letter. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: shall in no wise pass from the law. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: till all be fulfilled. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now it all has to be fulfilled. That’s all that He could do; He couldn’t institute anything. And He couldn’t leave none of the yods, or any tittles, and it had to all be fulfilled. And then wouldn’t none of it pass away, or pass out, until it was all fulfilled. Do you see that now? Now I didn’t say that, that’s in everybody’s Bible, green and blue. Now you see what He was doing? You see what He was saying, you see that don’t you David?

DAVID: Yes DR. KINLEY: All right.. READER: Luke 24:44. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: And He said unto them. . . DR. KINLEY: No, you better take John 19:30 first; take John 19. . . READER: When Yahshua therefore had received the vinegar. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: He said. . . DR. KINLEY: back here on the cross READER: it is finished. . .

DR. KINLEY: It is finished. What is finished? He’s finished fulfilling the law and the prophecy. That that Moses wrote, and that that’s in the prophecy, He finished it. He said that none of it would pass until it’s all fulfilled. Now He bowed His head out there in Gethsemane. Is that right?

Now look, now here we have it drawn on the chart, Moses and the 70 elders going up in the mountain, and they seen God. He gathered them up around the mountain, and He spoke to them from the mountain. So Yahshua the Messiah in order to fulfill that, He’s got to go up in a mountain. That’s where he was reading at, the 5th chapter of Matthew, and He sat there. And He spoke to them from the mountain in fulfillment of this back here. Then when Moses went up here, and He was transfigured up there, then He’s got to go up in a mountain and transfigure before them in order to fulfill this back here. Do you see now? That’s what He’s doing is fulfilling that. Now He couldn’t do anything, couldn’t institute anything only that, jot and tittle, of what was written. And He couldn’t institute nothing because He’s fulfilling everything 31/2 years. Then when He gets on the cross out here, He says it’s finished. What’s finished? I’ve finished fulfilling the law and the prophets. Now listen Freddy, all these things back here, all these is carnal ordinances back here that was given to the Jews, not to the Gentiles. No Passover supper, you wasn’t even invited to the party. It’s not in the Book where either one of you was present. And it’s called mass in the Roman Catholic Church. And they say “Jesus said as often as you eat, (in Matthew 26:26), “As often as you eat of this bread and drink of this cup you show forth His death and suffering until He come.” And according to that —- —- —-, He still should be laying out there in the grave, but He did resurrect from the dead, and He went straight on back up there …

[Glitch in the Tape]

… — —- — —- you know you can’t argue with that. That’s the truth about it. If He hadn’t risen from the dead, then your faith would have been vain, and you would have yet been in your sins. All right Doc, Hebrews, I want you to see this.

READER: The 9th verse. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Then verily the first covenant. . . DR. KINLEY: I want you to see this buster, so your pastor can quit lying to you. All right read. READER: Then verily the first covenant. . . DR. KINLEY: the first covenant READER: had also orders of service. . . DR. KINLEY: um hum READER: and a worldly sanctuary. . . DR. KINLEY: Talking about the law back here. All right now, read on. READER: which was a figure for the time then present. . .

DR. KINLEY: Which was a figure for the time then present. Then when He comes along and fulfills it, then He moves it out the way cause it was a figure for the time then present, not now. Read on.

READER: in which was offered both gifts and sacrifices. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience. . . DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Now read about to the Jews there. READER: which stood only. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, now listen, now you listen at me. See I’m reading out the Bible, and I’m showing you how you’ve been messed up all your life! See they take these things that was imposed, water baptism, and Passover suppers, and Lord suppers, and all these things, ceremonies, and all that kind of stuff. If you gonna do one, you gone baptize, you oughta offer up sacrifices. If you gone circumcise then you oughta do the whole thing – that’s what the Book says. But you see it wasn’t given to the Gentiles in the first place! And there wasn’t one Gentile at this Passover supper down here, that’s the first one. And if it wasn’t one there at the first one, there wasn’t one at the last. See you don’t start no arguments with me. Yahweh showed me, I know what I’m talking about. And I don’t have to ask nobody, and ain’t nobody can lick me. Just try me. Priest have tried it, Roman Catholic Priest. Am I lying, y’all stood and looked at it. Rabbis, they’ve tried it. The Protestants they’ve been trying it for 43 years. You can’t do nothing with me. I know what He’s doing! I know why He’s doing it. And when He ate that supper in Matthew 26:26, where they get the mass and the communion, and all like that, there wasn’t any Gentiles there, they wasn’t even invited to the party. And now they haven’t got no business, nobody, the Jews or the Gentiles doing nothing like that. Now look at the carnal ordinances there doc, 17th verse.

READER: which stood only in meats and drinks. . . DR. KINLEY: Now listen, it stood only in meat and drinks READER: and divers washings. . . DR. KINLEY: And many washings READER: and carnal ordinances. . .

DR. KINLEY: Water baptism is a carnal ordinance, circumcision is a carnal ordinance, offering up sacrifices is a carnal ordinance, Passovers is a carnal ordinance, —- —- —-. Listen folks, everything natural, or physical, it is out, you don’t do none of that. And it wasn’t any of it given to the Gentiles, not a thing. No water baptism… You don’t have it in your Bible where God, the Holy Ghost, or Jesus Christ, or the Lord, Yahweh, or Elohim, or Jehovah, or Baal, Balim, Moloch, or Dinah, anybody, ever said anything in the history of the world about a Gentile even getting his little toe wet in the water. It’s not in the Bible. I been preaching this for 43 years. And Yahweh showed me, and then backed me up with it too by raising the dead. In your hospital too, ——— —- —, many of ’em, never had no cast on. Tell ’em… Am I lying Dr. Harris?


DR. KINLEY: You’re a medical doctor. People’s been healed of all kinds of disease. Ain’t nobody on earth done any wonderful, more wonderful miracles than I’ve done. And I’ve told you what was gonna happen, and when it was gonna happen, and why it was gonna happen, and told you if it don’t happen like I say, don’t come back here no more! Now you can’t beat that! And you know I can’t raise nobody from the dead; Dr. Harris gives me pills, I can’t even help myself. I’m talking about the power of our heavenly Father manifested in a, through a physical body. And listen, the devil himself, he don’t have no power. His power that he’s got is to deceive you, and Yahweh made him like that, and for that very purpose, and that’s what he’s doing, and he’s doing a good job of it. There is no power but of Yahweh. And all things is working out according to His purpose and His plan. Now, anybody got any questions? You oughta have some now. Dr. Harris read that last verse that you just stopped at, the 17th verse, I wanna mention something.

READER: Romans 14. . . DR. KINLEY: No, I’m not talking about that. . .

READER: which stood only in meats, and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation. . .

DR. KINLEY: What you hollering about them for? You see how loud he screamed that. He’s reading there about the Jews, not the Gentiles, it was imposed on them. Now when Jesus was here and walking around, He taketh, He takes the suppers, and all like that, and He —— with the Jews, and after He washed —- and then He moved them out of the way, and it was fulfilled. Now I have to read, I have to prove to you that He did do that so that you yourself can have some confidence —-. Hebrews, since you’re there, all right read.

READER: Wherefore when He cometh into the world. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen here, look here Freddy, and you pay ‘tention to it, even if you like it or not. All right, wherefore He saith when He come into the world

READER: sacrifice and burnt offering. . . DR. KINLEY: Sacrifices, sacrifices and burnt offering READER: thou wouldest not. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: but a body hast thou prepared for me. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: then said I. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: lo I come. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: in the volume of the book it is written of me. . .

DR. KINLEY: As Moses and prophets said He was gonna come, and that’s just what He did, and at the time of —- —- —- time table. Lo I come in the volume of the Book, according the Mosaic law, and what the scriptures says, according to the scriptures. Lo I come in the volume of the book, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, and the rest of the books of the prophets. —- —- —-, and He’s coming in the volume of it to fulfill everything that they said He was gonna do. I come in the volume of the Book, to do what Doc?

READER: to do thy will O Yahweh. . . DR. KINLEY: I want you to notice that this is the will of Yahweh. To do thy will O Yahweh. All right.. READER: He taketh away the first. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now don’t come trying to tell me that — — —, don’t be lying to me like that, or trying to lie to me. See it wasn’t given to you in the first place. Ain’t nobody said nothing to you about no Passover, nothing like that, and no baptizing and nothing like that – it ain’t in the Book. That’s not in the Bible. And you wasn’t there. If you think so I’ll read it, and show you that you wasn’t there, go right back there in Matthew and read it and show you that you wasn’t anyone there but His disciples. And He ate it with His disciples, and they were 11, 12 Jews. Now Doc, now over in the… See now it was imposed on the Jews, and not on the Gentiles. Now Freddy listen, that’s why I said the Roman Catholics is wrong! That why I said the Protestants is wrong! That why I said Judaism is wrong! They don’t know what He’s doing! Let me make this real clear to you too. That was back down here, that was in here that these ordinances, this Mosaic law, and all. Since He died, since His death and suffering, and now this is the age where we’re living now, we’re not gonna do none of these things, we’re not suppose to do none of this, or none of them natural things. What have you got here now? What you got? I wanna make it clean. You have the Holy Spirit in you taking the place of all that junk you’re talking about. The offering up of all them sacrifices, He was the sacrifice. Water baptism, when He got baptized of John out there that took care of you. When He was circumcised 8 days after He was born that took care of you, as a Gentile. And as a Gentile you just stood by faith, and — —, and you believed that He died for you according to the scriptures. How ’bout that? Now the Devil’s got you out there clowning around. Look at this: he’s standing up here praying over some grape juice, and telling you he’s transubstantiated into the actual blood, and body… bread of Jesus Christ. Now that’s a lie! [Bell Rings] The bell’s done rung on me. Now that’s a lie, that’s wrong. Dr. Harris just read one – I have to show you one more thing. Now we just talked about Him fulfilling, and He said He moved it out of the way. I read that out of the Book. Now here He is after He resurrected from the dead now He goes right there to them, and this is what He says to ’em, Luke 24. Now look folks it’s getting late. . .

READER: and He said unto them. . .

DR. KINLEY: And what I mean by getting late, you don’t have but a very precious little time to get straightened up and fly right. All right, and He said unto them

READER: these are the words which I spake unto you. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: while I was yet with you. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that all things must be fulfilled. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen buster, uh, David, now if He was instituting the Lord supper, why on earth (He was on earth settin’ up the kingdom) if He was instituting the Lord’s supper why didn’t He tell em? See He died, and went to the grave, (graves translated hell) and preached deliverance to the captives in distress. We showed you here that many of the Saints, which are the captives, that slept in the dust, or sons that slept in the dust of the earth rose and went on into Jerusalem after His resurrection. Now that’s in the grave. He’s on earth talking to them, (up there in the upper chambers), died and went to hell, or the grave, now here He done resurrected from the dead. Now why on earth now, or why in the hell didn’t He tell ’em that He was instituting something, anything? You can’t argue, and no… Read what He just said.

READER: These are the words that I spake unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled. . . DR. KINLEY: He didn’t say a thing about institution – read on. READER: which was written in the law of Moses. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and in the prophets. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and in the Psalms. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: concerning me. . .

DR. KINLEY: Concerning me. Do you see that now? Do you see anything about Him instituting anything? See they’re saying that He’s instituting the Lord’s supper, and He’s saying that, even after He come out the grave, that He was fulfilling. I hope you’ve gotten something out of it. Now look folks, I’ve read out of the Book; I read out of the book.

And listen here, it’s just one more thing I wanna say to you. Now the devil, he’s been controlling you all your life. See they’re lying to you about the ——. He’s been telling you that you have to come to him, and he have to talk to God for you, and he’s your go-between you and God, and he has power to put you in heaven, indulgences and all. See that’s all a lie. He never did —- —-, —- —- —- —-. And that’s simply not true, and there’s nothing in the Bible either. And where He said over here about “I give unto thee the keys of the kingdom, and whatsoever (didn’t say whosoever) shall be bound on earth shall be bound in heaven.” Ain’t nobody got no power to keep you out of heaven, or put you in. And it’s by your own, and through Yahshua the Messiah that you have access in the kingdom heaven. And listen here folks, you don’t really die to go to heaven. You’re in that heavenly state right now sitting right there where you are, or you’re in a hell of a state sitting right where you are. Now I didn’t say that just to be smart. I’m talking about condemnation, and erroneous teachings that the devil and his imps that was cast out of heaven is showing, uh causing these people to be divided up in all these sects and denominations, and cults and creeds, and more of ’em coming all the time. —- —- —- —-, getting your money, and all like that and it’s bad. Now I hope you’ve gotten something out of it, and take heed to what I’ve said to you because it’s getting late. And you’re down to the close of this age, and if you don’t pay it no ‘tention then you’ll lose your soul. Now that’s all there is to it. And it doesn’t make any difference how long you’ve been in the thing… See I’ve been in the Roman Catholic Church too, and I’ve been to the Jews, and I’ve been a Methodist, and I’ve been to the Baptist Church, I’ve been all out there. I’m 79 years old, going on 80, and studied all my life, and know the majority of the religious ministry throughout the entire world, the —– —- in the world, and I do know what I’m talking about. Am I lying Doc?

DR. GROSS: No DR. KINLEY: Let’s go home.

School of the Highest Learning

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