Creation by Yahshua

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley in late 1971 or early 1972.














MODERATOR: Our founder and dean, Dr. Henry C. Kinley.

DR. KINLEY: Thank you ever so much. I’m always happy and glad to be here and to impart to you from some of the knowledge which I received from Yahweh Elohim. I believe it was last Sunday night that I said to you that I was not satisfied with this creation.., that is the knowledge, the knowledge that has been imparted to you and in this audience. And I wanted to get into it and explain it, explain it so that everybody could understand it.

Now there’s much theory and speculation about the Creator in all the world and there is not a religious organization in the world today that is able to explain it. There’s a lot of theory about it. Now ordinarily I would have drug a lot of books down here and read out of those books the hypothesis to the, theory of our master theologians and their concepts. Now in the Bible as they going in there and read the Bible and you find what I’m saying in the commentaries.

They believe that there is 2 distinctive accounts of the creation of heaven and earth. 1 – in the first chapter of Genesis and they think that Moses wrote that.

And in the second chapter of Genesis down through there you’ll find that they believe that that is another account and that was not written by Moses. And they speculate. They think that it was copied from the Assyrians. And they think that it was added to the Bible after the Israelites were carried captive to Babylon and, you know Babylon is in Assyria. And they were carried captive, the first crew was 721 (I’ll talk to you so you can understand what I’m talking about) 721 BC. And then in 606. Now let me.., now I better fix that. Now the 10 tribes were carried captive to Assyria and they were dispersed among the Assyrians from Jerusalem and from Israel or the land of Israel. 10 tribes, not 12, I said 10. And so then later in 606, as you have the chronology in your Books, the other 2 tribes, Levi and Judah, was carried captive to Babylon. And they were down there for 70 years. And then you.., you have a picture down there on the chart, the man standing up, you theologians that are back there where you got down in Media, Persia, Greece and Rome, on that, on the chart. Now what we have endeavored to do at all times is to explain these things to you. Now when they were carried captive down there, then that’s where they think that the second account of the creation was written. And the Israelites got it from them and put it in your Book.

Now if you notice, and if you haven’t noticed it’s time for me to call your attention to it, did you notice in reading the first chapter of Genesis, there wasn’t a thing said in that about Yahweh. Did you notice that? Now if you didn’t, then you noticed it. And nothing is said about Yahweh until you get into the second chapter of Genesis. Now in endeavoring to explain these things to you and expound so that you can comprehend, we said this.., the moderator.., every time you come to school, they tell you that Yahweh is pure spirit without any descriptive shape or form. He’s invisible, inscrutable, incomprehensible and could not be seen by anybody in that state or condition. Now you follow me close, and you’ll kinda understand something about what I’m talking about because this is new. I want you to understand. Then that means that this cloud, now just don’t pay any attention to Moses and Israelite and all, you just take the, the clouds. The moderator tells you the cloud symbolizes pure spirit and in that condition or state or in that state, nobody could perceive it, Moses and then nobody else. And we went on to tell you about the attributes of wisdom and you see it on the chart up there. Wisdom, knowledge and so forth and so on. And when he is putting his hand up there, it’s correlative with those vessels of the sanctuary.

And then it takes on in that 3rd plate from the end there you see the embodiment of the thing. You see Him in shape and form. Now that is seen in a vision and that is called Elohim but in its pure state form, that’s Yahweh. No man at no time has ever seen Yahweh. Now here’s some of the reasons why, because you can not get out of Him, separating Him from yourself and then look back. That’s a matter of impossibility. Now then next to that, what is Yahweh? Yahweh is spirit. Then somebody said, `well, God is spirit.’ That’s John 4:24, that God is spirit. Then when you say, `what is spirit?’ Then they say that is God. Then when you say, `who or what is God?’ Then you run back to spirit. And so goes this theological world. That means this, they do not possess the ability to explain or to expound anything. And they get up in the pulpit and they say this, `in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ Well now, that don’t tell you nothing, doesn’t tell you a thing. And then they think that that is the beginning of the creation, that’s not so. That is not so. Then someone will say to you, `well, if that’s not so, do you mean that you are disputing the Bible?’ No, I’m not disputing the Bible. You got in trouble, here’s where you got in trouble at. Right here. G O D, that’s what you have in your King James Version: in the beginning God created the heaven and earth. Is that right?


DR. KINLEY: Now in the Holy Name Bible, it does not read like that. It says in the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth. Is that right?


DR. KINLEY: Now what would be the difference? Well the difference would be this, if you read John 4:24. Now – God is spirit. Now Moses couldn’t see spirit, he couldn’t see pure spirit. So when you put that word God in there then you, what you did, you are saying that Moses was looking at God or he was looking at pure spirit which is not true, that is if you take John 4:24. Now Yahshua said in John 4:24, suppose you read it.

READER: For Yahweh is spirit

DR. KINLEY: Now it didn’t say God is spirit. It does not say that. See how you get all confused and then there’s no possibility of getting straightened out. You’ll never get straightened out as long as you live out of the King James Version of the Bible. And there is no potential possibility of the world becoming reconciled and fully comprehend, listen now, to the extent that they can come together in 1 united body with the, all having the same concept or understanding. Are you following now? Now I’m gonna have to be careful with this thing. Real careful. And I’m gonna have to place this creation where it belongs. Now what you just said, Yahweh is spirit, is that right? Alright, finish reading.

READER: and they that worship Him

DR. KINLEY: and they that worship Him

READER: must worship Him

DR. KINLEY: must worship Him

READER: in spirit and in truth

DR. KINLEY: in, in spirit and in truth. Right? Now, who said that? Yahshua the Messiah. Now here’s where you get in some more trouble with that. Now they don’t realize, they do not understand that Yahshua the Messiah (now you pay attention to everything I’m saying) that Yahshua the Messiah was back there with Moses walking around just like you see me, as a man on earth. Now they don’t know that, they don’t understand that. Now the reason why I’m making that.., He would said what you just read was back there with Moses. And that is what He said that He was, that is Yahweh. Now Yahweh (listen close now) is the Father, that is to say He is the parent of everything, nothing could ever be before Him. Now every time the moderator gets on the floor he’s tells you this: that He is the source, just like you might say, `well where did God come from? Now he tells you that Yahweh is the source. He tells you that He is the substance. He tells you that He is the essence. He tells you that He is the embodiment of everything, every.., we don’t have a meeting telling you that and getting up here and going over these charts. And that is indicated by this cloud. Now we just said, where you started reading at that was not the beginning of the creation. And we read over there to show you what Yahweh was, that He’s pure spirit, that is to say He’s without any shape and any form with.., it’s just ___, all of it was embodied within Him. Now here’s, watch what we’re talking about now. I want you to go into the 3rd chapter of Revelation and I believe it’s about the 14th verse.

READER: And to the messenger of the assembly of Laodocia

DR. KINLEY: Now this Yahshua the Messiah. Now pay attention now, cause if, if you don’t pay attention I can’t help you. And I’m striving now to reconcile everybody in the school to one specific concept, the ministers and all and they don’t all understand it. Now read.

READER: And unto the messenger of the assembly of Laodocia

DR. KINLEY: And unto the messenger of the assembly of the Laodocians


DR. KINLEY: write

READER: these things saith the I am

DR. KINLEY: These things saith the I am

READER: the faithful and true witness

DR. KINLEY: the faithful and true witness

READER: the beginning of the creation of Yahweh.

DR. KINLEY: Now this the beginning of the creation of Yahweh. Now let me go up to the chart and show you what I’m talking about. There we tell you that Yahweh taking on shape and form. This is the beginning of the creation of Yahweh. And right there Yahweh went out of business. Now, this is Elohim, that you read about in the first chapter of Genesis, that Moses said Elohim, he did not say that Yahweh created the heavens and the earth. Now that was the reason why he didn’t say that was, Yahweh is the sum total of everything, He was invisible and he couldn’t comprehend Yahweh in his fullness and he couldn’t get outside of substance and spirit and he couldn’t discern it in that way. So then He had to take on a shape and form and then Moses.., and Him taking on that shape and form, then this means that Elohim, this is Yahweh Elohim. Now then we tell you this all the time: there is nothing in Yahweh but what isn’t encouched in this so far as substance and so forth and so on, this is incorporeal, this is not physical. Now then listen, never wander, pure spirit is 1, shape and form is 2 (that’s incorporeal,) and physical shape and form is 3 (physical shape and form, that’s 3,) but all of it is embodied in, in this. Now listen at what I’m saying. Now, then what He does.., what He did and what He does, He takes on this, this incorporeal form. Now this incorporeal form would be 1. `Well, I thought you might, well I thought you said He was 1.’ He is, but this a one here manifestation of Him, that’s one manifestation that’s seen in a vision. 2 – is the second down in, in the man, Yahshua that was walking around there with Moses. Now then you got 1, 2, 3. Now that’s brought out by the tabernacle pattern. 1, 2, 3. Now everything (now you follow now) everything in the universe, doesn’t make any difference what it is. From the cell or from the atom, has to be made up that way. Now you can delve deep into practical scientific ___ and that, no scientist in the world can come and up, and there ___ never will come with anything contrary with what I just told you. Now you can argue about evolution and say that so forth and so on, you can say that the earth was already eternal, it’s without any beginning or without any end. ___ ___ ___. And go into all kind of hypothesis and theories but you just said something that you can’t prove.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: For example. A cell, the first form of living matter. Now listen at what I’m gonna say now or if you don’t pay attention then you won’t catch on. Now a cell can not come from anything that doesn’t previously have shape and form. It must be fully developed before it can secrete a cell. It does not come from the cell itself, the cell has to come from someplace. Now that goes for all forms of matter. Now if there’s anybody that don’t understand what I’m talking about (I’m trying to teach) you hold up your hand. Now here’s why I said that so you can see what I’m talking about. Then this is the substance that makes up everything and it has to take on shape and form before anything can come forth. It’s got to be fully developed before it, just in short and back around the other way, the cell is generated in, in your physical body and without you there will be no cell. Now it doesn’t make a difference whether it’s vegetation or what not, it has to have a seed. Now did you follow? And a human cell will never generate anything other than another human being. Man did not come from a monkey but a monkey did come from a monkey and a man come from another man. Each one of those are independent cells, just like peach trees and apple trees. You’ll never plant a peach seed and get a apple tree. Are you following? Everything after it’s kind, everything after it’s kind. Are you following now? Now we just read, what did you just read.

READER: And unto the messenger of the assembly of the Laodoceans

DR. KINLEY: And unto the messenger of the assembly of the Laodoceans

READER: write

DR. KINLEY: Write.

READER: these things saith the I am

DR. KINLEY: These things saith the I am

READER: the faithful and true witness

DR. KINLEY: The faithful and true witness

READER: the beginning of the creation

DR. KINLEY: Hold, wait a minute. Now this faithful and true witness. He’s one with the Father. And He bears witness for the Father, the Father is in Him, Yahweh is in Him. Yahweh is greater than Yahshua. Yahweh is greater than this form here. That’s the reason why He said I am in the Father or in the cloud or in the spirit and the spirit is in Me. And I just got through telling you there were nothing symbolized by the cloud but everything was embodied within Him. And He is the all in all, reverend, that’s all. He’s the, the sum total. Now are you all following me down? Now all I have said to you thus far, I have to prove it. And just reading around in the Bible, that ain’t gonna get it because you can’t begin over there where you, where he begin to read, and, and get it. That’s what everybody’s trying to do and that’s where the master theologians are trying to do, is begin over here in the first chapter of Genesis, the commentary. That’s why the preachers and all, they try to begin over there, they call themselves beginning at the beginning, but that is not the beginning. Now I.., reason why I brought this in this way is to show you how bad every mistake can be caught and why the masses of people can not be reconciled. They don’t all have concept, no religious body on earth. Roman Catholics or Protestants or even the Jews. They do not have it. And if anyone of `em had it, the rest of `em would fall by the way of that one. And that’s why they’re all coming down ___. I started to cut it out of the paper and bring it down here to you, out of today’s paper. I did show it to Dr. Gross and Dr. Traynam, they just happened to be up at the house and Dr. Griggs, I showed it to them. That’s the International Council, or the National Council of Churches because of ___ there was able to hold that, those religious bodies together and they just disintegrated. And they know nothing to do, and to think its’ education ___ ___. Now if I had been thinking about it, I usually do sometimes, I would cut it out of the paper and brought it down and read it, but the reason why I didn’t bring a lot of commentaries and those manuscripts tonight is I wanna first tell you about the thing itself from a Biblical point of view so that you can see and call your attention to it. Now did any of you ever notice before when you read the Bible, did you ever notice that Yahweh was not mentioned in the first chapter of Genesis. Have you noticed that?


DR. KINLEY: You didn’t know why that it wasn’t there. Get the point? Didn’t say a thing about that. Now the reason was it doesn’t say a thing about Yahweh creating the heavens and the earth is because Moses is looking at Him in a vision here as he’s taking on shape and form. So then instead of it being God created, then it’s Elohim created which means that He’s in shape and form and creating. Now we say this, in this shape and form, Elohim is the archetype or He is the original pattern of the universe, that’s why the cell, atom, everything is that way, even, even you. You’re pneuma, psyche, and soma – soul, body and spirit. Now then, we’ve got 3 fold. 1, 2, 3. It’s this manifestation of pure spirit in this shape and form, incorporeal; then comes on down here into the physical shape and form. Then, listen, animal, vegetable matter, don’t make no difference how minute and remote it is it must have that 3 fold configuration. Now are following me? So that’s why we say that He is the original archetype pattern of the universe. Now listen, I want you to go now into the 1st chapter of Romans and the 19 and 20th verse.

READER: Because that which may be known of Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: Now the apostle Saul or Paul, I wanna tell you about that too. Saul is the true Hebrew name. Paul is the Greek rendition of it.


DR. KINLEY: Now here is Paul speaking of these people back here at Mt Sinai. Now you, you listen at what he’s saying and he’s gonna come right back into the first chapter of Genesis in what we’re saying here. Alright read.

READER: Because that which may be known of Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: Because that which may be known of Yahweh


DR. KINLEY: Hold it. You remember I told you that you couldn’t see Him in His fullness, no eye could see, but you can know something about it. And here’s how you know something about Him because you took on a shape and form. Now everything He made right from the creation clearly reveals Him so that you will not make any blunders; in other words He took strict and particular things to see to it that everything in the creation pointed out His invisible presence. Alright read.

READER: because that which may be known of Yahweh is manifested in them.

DR. KINLEY: Now it’s manifested in them. Everything is manifested right in you. Now you running around looking and looking for something and there it is, it’s right in you. It’s in everybody. You didn’t pay attention, it’s in all types of matter but you can’t find it because your part and it and it’s right under your nose all the time. Do you understand what I mean? Just couldn’t find it to save your life. And that’s the thing, it is the simplicity and the reality of it that causes many staggering blunders. Now if you read what we tell you in the school, our first primary objective in this school is to find and know Yahweh (listen at me), not like somebody might imagine Him to be but as He really is and as He actually exists. You see? That’s what we come here for. And we don’t care and we’re not interested in what the master theologians say. You get my point? What Matthew Henry commentator’s ___, they don’t.., I, we just got loads of books around the house like it. We’re not interested in what Plato, Aristotle, Hypocrites, Spencer, Huxley and so forth and so on. You, you pick it up? Are you following what I’m talking about? We’re not interested in what the Bahas say. You follow what I’m talking about? And everybody’s trying to boast itself up to be so much greater than anybody else. Yahweh Elohim is manifested in this one man, just as quick as He is in anybody on earth or any one woman, that as much in any single human being on earth. That doesn’t make anybody above, any better. And you do not have any preeminence over the beast. One dies just like the other. And all physical matter come.., can I put this in the first perspective?


DR. KINLEY: It first come from Yahweh through Elohim and then into a coring mass of matter and then from that conglomeration He took the physical man. Now He did it that way, if you are following now and if you understood, He did it that way for this reason. Matter was first. You follow, you follow. Now when I say matter I’m talking about uranium, salt, and metals and just plain dirt and talking about vegetation, all of that. 90.., approximately 92 basic elements of matter. And 91 of `em, 91, 91 of `em is 3 fold. `I thought you said there was 92?’ There is. Is that right, Dr. Harris?


DR. KINLEY: Well then, that these 92 was 3 fold, what’s the matter with this 92nd one. It’s just 2 fold. It’s 3 fold but this 3, this part of it, this part of it’s indiscernible and incomprehensible. That, that’s why we said there’s pure spirit there. Now then this one here is just, this 92nd one, with it’s, now all proton, neutron, electron. Now there’s something else in here that man can’t discern. What is it?

MAN 1: neutron.

DR. KINLEY: Neutron. That’s the intermediate that joins the two together. So then now, here’s what it is. the ___, that’s like you can’t see that over there but it’s there. Do you follow? Now what would that be called?

MAN 1: Hydrogen atom.


MAN 1: Hydrogen atom.

DR. KINLEY: Hydrogen. H Y G R O N. Hydrogen atom. It only has 2 parts that is that man has discerned. And the other part of it is not discernible because you can’t, I just told you that you can’t discern Yahweh in His fullness and in His ___. Now there’s no wonder man can’t do anything with these things and we’ll get into that too and break some of it and show you why that is. Now finish reading where you were reading.

READER: because that which may be know of Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: Now because that which may be known of Yahweh

READER: is manifest in them

DR. KINLEY: is manifested in them

READER: for Yahweh hath showed it unto them

DR. KINLEY: for Yahweh has showed it to them. Read.

READER: for the invisible things of him.

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, now I told you Yahweh was invisible, but the ___ for the invisible things.

READER: of Him

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute. I told you Yahweh was invisible and I also told you that Elohim was invisible and only seen in, in visions and revelations. And then, until it comes down in this gross and more dense form or into matter, why then you couldn’t, you couldn’t think about it, whether it’s a human being or just plain dirt. You couldn’t see it. You can’t see a atom. See the point? But if you get enough of `em together, then it come into visibility, that’s the r.., that’s what I meant why I said an amalgamation and a conglomeration. Now if you notice now, when you just read, and you go right back to the first chapter of Genesis in that first state, which we’re gonna have to get in there and straighten that out too. If you read there, in the beginning Elohim created the heaven and earth and told you the state or the condition that it was in. Is that right? Well now then, here’s what that makes me have to do. I have to tell you the state and the condition that Yahweh is in. And then He produced this shape and form that was seen in visions and revelations, then, now follow, follow, now this is pure spirit and everything is coming from pure spirit. Now Moses is seeing this in a vision and it’s got to be repeated out here so then if that, is this is true that this shape and form come, if it is true that shape and form did come from pure spirit as it’s seen in a vision, now listen, then Moses will have to see the heavens and the earth in its inorganic state and inanimate, inorganic and inanimate. Then it’s got to be organized because this has to be organized, it has to do, it has to be organized in you. Now that is what you’re reading about there in the first chapter of, of Genesis, how it come in and the shape and the condition it was in. You understand? Now listen, I didn’t say in the beginning of the creation, in the beginning of Moses’ vision. It has to appear that way to him first and then it has… Alright.

MAN 2: I’d like to have a further explanation on the second verse.

DR. KINLEY: On the second verse?

MAN 2: That reads and the earth became without form.

DR. KINLEY: They’re, they’re about to say anything in them books.

MAN 2: That’s the reason I wanted to explain about..

DR. KINLEY: But, now here’s the explanation that. Here’s the explanation to that. You’ll find mistranslations everywhere. Now it says there and the earth became. No, that’s not so. Take it up out of the King James Version.

READER: and the earth was

DR. KINLEY: The earth was. It’s not a became. It just was. See the difference between the became and was? No, it didn’t became, it just was. Now that’s the reason why I say, when you have a knowledge and what it is all about, then you don’t blunder over these things that are said in the Book and you are able to pick them all out. Alright. Does that satisfy?

MAN 2: Yes, that is a mistranslation.

DR. KINLEY: Yes, sir. And ___ like that. Now, let me finish, and let me do something with that. I told you I wasn’t satisfied. Now just like that, a error in that Bible, then to say in the beginning God, that’s a error anything, anyway. And that’s why I tell you, you just simply must have a profound knowledge of these things, otherwise just can’t be done. It just didn’t became nothing. Now let me show you. If we would use the became, if we would do that, then this is what it would be. With.., now this is gonna throw it back into time, which I haven’t got into yet. Throw it right back into time, which I haven’t gotten into yet, but I will get into it, believe you me. This mountain was already there. The earth was already populated and vegetated when Moses saw the vision. Now if you use the word became, then that blocks it all out.


DR. KINLEY: He’s even unconscious of the fact that he is up there in the mountain. He is really not in a mountain, the real Moses is not. Moses was, the real inner self of Moses is in the realm of eternity.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right. Alright. That’s why he blacked out.

DR. KINLEY: You follow?

MAN 2: I follow what you’re saying.

DR. KINLEY: Well now, is there any, anything else.

MAN 2: Yes, it read this. I don’t wanna hold you up too long. And the earth became to me as an implication that there was an earth.


MAN 2: That’s the way this reads.


MAN 2: If it became without form, it must have been something there, you know

DR. KINLEY: That’s, that’s, that’s, that’s what I was trying to explain.

MAN 2: So instead of it appearing that it wasn’t anything there, the way the 2nd verse reads is, is that there was an earth.

DR. KINLEY: Um hum.

MAN 2: And this earth there already

DR. KINLEY: Now where does it say that.

MAN 2: But I’m.., the second one is where became is in there. And the way it’s reading is that what was took on another form

DR. KINLEY: Um hum

MAN 2: in fact it came without form.

DR. KINLEY: Um hum. You have anything.., anybody else have anything to say. How’s that.

MAN 2: — —-

DR. KINLEY: Alright. What is it?

MAN 3: Did you say that anyone that would want to have comment or question?

DR. KINLEY: I said did you.., any one have a comment.

MAN 3: Oh. I would like to ask a question.

DR. KINLEY: Well, it’s, it’s alright. Ask it.

MAN 3: Was (let me get it straight), when Yahshua the Messiah came in, let me put it like this, Mary and Joseph was married or wasn’t because of Mary and Joseph becoming together, together to begin with what was the cause of them coming together to start with, Mary and Joseph, since we gonna ask it.

DR. KINLEY: Because Jimmy is that.., I, I prefer it this way. Yahweh, the first cause of everything. Now that would call for a lot of break down. Now what I’m telling you is what I just got through telling you that every bit of the matter that is in, in existence was embodied in this, everything. If it was the source and it was the substance from which everything come, Joseph and Mary and Adam and Eve and you and everybody else. That’s not what I’m telling you. That’s what I’m trying to explain. I’m kinda warm so don’t mind me, just taking off my coat. Now, let’s go on, let’s, let’s, are you, are you satisfied?

MAN: Yes, I’m satisfied.

DR. KINLEY: Anybody else got a comment to make. Now from what she just read there.., repeat what you just read.

READER: Because that which may be known of Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: Because that which may be known of Yahweh

READER: is manifest in them

DR. KINLEY: is manifested in them

READER: for Yahweh hath showed it unto you

DR. KINLEY: for Yahweh has showed it unto them

READER: for the invisible things of Him

DR. KINLEY: Now, for the invisible. Now, let me just stop you right there. Let’s, let’s just stop. What we might call half cocked. Now there is not a man or a woman in the world fully developed but what doesn’t have a heart and a aorta and lungs which indicates these vessels in here. And these are encouched in or enclosed in your body, everything, every, they are there, that. Now we said he was three fold. 1, 2, 3. Now when you break it down, even the atom, when its broken down, it has these parts and all that. The tabernacle’s got these parts. You got these same, the light of the world here was referred to your aorta, it has 7 branches here and your aorta around it has 7 branches to it. Everybody’s got it. They’re in you. Everybody’s got a heart. Everybody’s got lungs. Yahshua said I am the light of the world. What ___ blood in that? Here’s the blood and the life of the flesh is in the blood. You heard me, you’re not blind.


DR. KINLEY: Now what she just said, said for the invisible things. You can’t see your heart, any more so than you can see inside of the tabernacle.


DR. KINLEY: You can see your brain anymore so that you could look into the Most Holy Place and see the, the 2 cherimbs of glory. You can’t, but they’re there. And they been there all of the time. Alright, for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, we have.., Williams, ain’t no need of you and and Bishop Short running and stumbling around no more. That, that running and stumbling is over with. Somebody said, `you don’t know you just might be.’ No, I ain’t wrong about it at all. No, I’m not wrong. It’s a matter of absolute impossibility for me to be wrong.


DR. KINLEY: And it’s not speculated and it’s not pragmatic, if you know the meaning of words but it is dogmatic, it is positive, it is definite, it is concrete, it is basic. You oughta be able to get one word out of it.


DR. KINLEY: Because that is fundamental. How’m I doing?


DR. KINLEY: Now what Paul is saying that the invisible things of him from the creation of the world, it is clearly seen. ___ ___ the invisible thing. Now how are you gonna understand an invisible thing, something you can’t see. Read.

READER: being understood

DR. KINLEY: Now being understood

READER: by the things that are made

DR. KINLEY: by the things that are made

READER: even

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute. By the things that are made. You follow. Well what’s made? Oh, I want to get into that so bad here tonight. I’m gonna have to move a little faster, but I want you all to keep up with me. I won’t get into that. By the things that are made. Now the man made things is this, that points Him out. Is first, the ark, Noah’s ark. Now that ark is 3 fold. And this tabernacle. Outer Court. Upper deck and middle deck and a lower deck. An atom is a proton, neutron, and electron. Yahweh is taking special pains to draw out, anybody’s head. Now wait a minute, hold it just a minute right there. He’s right there. You can be as zealous as you please, but now Yahweh has got to send somebody that He has His endorsement on to point these things out, just like he told Moses to write. Are you following? Just like He told Aaron to be high priest. Yahweh chooses whomsoever He will. Now Williams, if He didn’t reveal it to you, you just keep, just set, just set tight, Yahweh still is responsible for you and He’s gonna send somebody somewhere at some time and He’s never gonna pull the curtain down or pull an age out without sending somebody. Now listen, and you’re gonna have to hear that somebody that Yahweh sent or else remain stupid because nobody else can’t touch it. They don’t know, they’ll stay and study, Solomon said, `much study is a weariness to the flesh.’ You can’t read up on this as Jehovah Witnesses claim you can. And anybody can read a Bible because.., I told you the man made things. Man, Yahweh told him make an ark, Noah. There’s something else about that. Can I just talk to you and, and pass on. He told Moses to make the tabernacle before Moses had any knowledge about the ark.


DR. KINLEY: And Moses was down here making it and he didn’t know a thing about the dimensions of the tabernacle or that ark. Yahweh could give a man enough ___ ___ and when He imparts that to somebody else, then He gives Him some more and He imparts that to somebody else. Meaning this: when he was up in the mountain He showed him this tabernacle. And then when he came down out of the mountain with the dimensions and all of the tabernacle, he got them busy on that. And then when he went back in the mountain the last time, then he brought him on down and showed him the, Noah’s ark and the dimensions of that.


DR. KINLEY: (LAUGHS) That’s right. And since the Israelites was not gonna build no ark like that, then get `em started on this first.


DR. KINLEY: This one is already, this one’s already over with. Now let’s get the one that is at hand. Then the next thing is, is the temple. You follow? Now it said the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even. Read.

READER: his eternal power

DR. KINLEY: even His eternal power

READER: and supernal nature

DR. KINLEY: and supernal nature. You got Godhead in there, the King James Version. Godhead. Now here’s where the Catholics say. ___ he’s, this is not 3 tabernacles, it is just 1. This is spirit here. And then takes on a shape and a form and then comes down here. And those are 2 manifestations of the 1 Yahweh. Now Yahweh is one with 2 manifestations. This tabernacle and your body is a tabernacle. You see that now? That man has made. David measured, he saw the pattern of the temple. How did Yahweh do that? You got a correlation here that Yahweh made the man in His own likeness and image. Right? Then that’s Yahweh Elohim, just right up here, places his body right over, David’s body and told him how to build this temple, just like He showed this body transfigured into that and showed Moses how to build the tabernacle. One is an earthly and the other in the heaven. Oh, it’s wonderful. Now then, invisible things of Him from the creation, well what did He do it that way for? Read on.

READER: so that they are without excuse.

DR. KINLEY: You ain’t got no excuse for your stupidity. Ain’t nobody got no excuse for it. Yahweh is taking special pains, now that’s one of the reasons why the same apostle told you over here in the Book, in the 2nd chapter of 2 Thessalonians. Now let me get this straight. He told them to, not to be troubled by an epistle from him. Don’t get worked up about an epistle, if you don’t understand it. If you don’t understand the epistle don’t get worked up about it, cause Yahweh is taking special pains by the things that are made. ___ ___ ___. Now that has to be like that, now let me get this one straight. Get this one straight. In the 17th chapter of Acts said that it would have to be, about 17:28. Now listen to what I’m saying. For it is in Him we live and we move and we have our being, being made up in His likeness and His image so that you just don’t have no excuse. But, this is what He did, He hide that from the wise and the prudent and revealed it unto babes. You see that now? That’s what He said He was going to do. Now evidence is so great, you can’t see for looking and you just hunting around all the time, looking

for God and looking for Jesus and, and all that kind of thing. And all the time, you got all the evidence, enough to convict you in the judgment. Now what this will do, is point out every preacher ___ been ___. Every preacher who hasn’t comprehended. Now listen, I’m here.., I said I had a vision and a revelation (now follow me down on it, then you’ll understand it). These are things that I’m pointing out to you that will determine whether or not that I did.


DR. KINLEY: I have said to you many times, nobody can explain the purpose of Yahweh but Yahweh Himself. Now then that means that Yahweh will have to be in me, if He is not, I can’t do it. It’s just a matter of absolute impossibility. You follow? Alright. So that we are without excuse. There’s just no excuse for it. But you didn’t comprehend that until Yahweh sent somebody along here. Sent me along here. Now, are you up with me now? Everybody up with me thus far. Now this is what I want to show, show more about this creation. Now remember I told you that the word Yahweh was not in the 1st chapter of Genesis. I told you that that was not the beginning of the creation. And I took you over to the 3rd chapter of Revelation, the 14th verse and showed you that He, Elohim was the beginning of the creation of Yahweh and right there is He went out of business, Yahweh. And then it’s Elohim created, that you have in the 1st chapter of Genesis. Did you follow that?


DR. KINLEY: Now is that clear? Now, got another beginning. Now you read in the first verse, the 1st chapter of Genesis that Moses described the state and the condition in which the earth was in, that is that he saw it in the vision. It was in a chaotic state, that means it’s jumbled up. Now you have to look up here, and pay attention to what I’m saying, every word I say has got some weight behind it. Now then, since this is the beginning of the creation of, of, I mean the beginning of his vision of the creation, Yahweh’s just running the thing back over again. Now follow, now in the beginning of this migration, or coming up out here, it’s got to be in the devastated condition (you see that now?) by pouring out of them 10 plagues. It’s got to be darkness down there because this is the beginning of the migration and He’s just brought it right around up here. Now what Moses is seeing in the vision was experienced down here.


DR. KINLEY: Before he left. I am saying that there, here He is saying it here. When He moved out of this state and into this state. Right there, that fixed it. When He’s passed over from this invisibility to visibility in the vision, Satan come up out of here and passed over. Now, man is passed from death to life. He’s passed, that’s a parable over there, when he has understood and fully comprehended and you’re going to have to do that before you’re can appreciate it. You must have a profound knowledge of it.

Now, this is what I’m after now. I just told you there about this pattern. Now since we have worked with that so often, I’m gonna skip it. Like that, like here he is at the burning bush, a routine, at the burning bush. Now if the burning bush, if you went back there and read the 3rd chapter of Exodus, then you’d find there was an angel, you’d find it’s Yahweh, and you’d find it’s Elohim. Now what? It turns out to be that because He is, He will be whatever He wills to be. He’s the angel, He’s Elohim, He’s Yahweh, be the serpent, anything because He is everything there is. Now then, He comes down into Egypt.

Now this is what we have tried to tell you. We told you that the exodus was before the genesis. Now exodus (follow close now) exodus… Now what we’re trying to do now is time it. Now we’re trying to time it and trying to get the exact spot, and we could go on down and get the day, but I just don’t have time to go down there. But now we’re gonna time this thing. Alright. Now I told you that exodus, exodus means a departure. Now if you’d catch a plane here, you could fly from Los Angeles and you arrive somewhere else, at a destination. So now this a exodus or coming out of, or a departure from Egypt in darkness. Then he come through the water here and it’s on the 3rd day. Now then this vision here has got to repeat. You got to have your dark up here and you got to have a 3rd day and you got to have waters moved up off the face of the earth. That’s where the devastation and all there. Now then, it comes on through here and comes up to Mount Sinai. I don’t have time to go up through ___ and ___ and all that. I just don’t have time, but that’s not what I’m after. I’m after getting this vision. Now you called, Moses told Him, called him up in the mountain. Now Moses was up in the mountain this, this first time. This is the mouth of Elohim. And he is called up here in this mountain. And He has passed over the mountain. And he was told to tell the children of Israel to wash up, wash up and clean themselves up, give `em 3 days to do that. Now watch, I see here’s another ___. ___ ___. Now when this tabernacle is builded, they have to have, they got to be washed. Now they didn’t get wet going through the Red Sea, but they did up here. They didn’t get wet going through the door here, but they did have to wash in the laver before he could go into the Holy Place. You see that now? Now here’s what we’re doing, we’re not doing anything else other than that and that alone and we’re going right by Yahweh Elohim in shape and form which you see up here. And I just, used this here and this is the pattern. And every time I make a move I’ve got to make it and correlate it with this pattern all the way through, every bit of it. Outer ___, inner and everything. I have to do it that way in order to prove. Now that’s really not me doing it, that’s Yahweh proving His own existence and just making me to know and understand through the vision. Now if I go up, my inner self, though I never said this this way before, if my inner self wasn’t that real genuine thing that was up here in the mountain, you see it out there on this Isle of Patmos ___, I couldn’t tell you.


DR. KINLEY: Do you understand that? Now you can put it in any credentials, and draw `em on in and put N M D, you can put C H D, you can just put L L, double DD and just anything you want to, cardinal, pope, potentate, just any kind, ___ still can’t make the mark. Those credentials and all will not make it, that’s the reason I tell you that piece of paper that we’re giving you is because of the civil law, but now the truth about it is your license is up here.


DR. KINLEY: That’s right. ___ Now the Holy Spirit in there will speak. Now we’re at the top. Now after that they washed up and Yahweh spoke to `em from the mount. Now I have to hurry now, so if I get a little rambunctious here is because I wanna put this in here and show you. Yahweh spoke to `em from the mount, spoke to the Children of Israel. You know how He spoke and give them the commandments. I don’t have to go into that, do I?


DR. KINLEY: Alright. Then He told Moses to come up in the mountain and He would give him tables of stone. Isn’t that right?


DR. KINLEY: And then Moses told… Now the 24th chapter, now here, and look at it and watch and see what I’m telling you cause that’s what I’m after I’m tying it now. I’m showing you where it has to, and this is where the, theologians don’t catch it and this is why can’t nobody say it but Yahweh Elohim. Exodus the 24th chapter and the 1st verse.

READER: And he said unto Moses

DR. KINLEY: And he said unto Moses

READER: come up unto Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: And he said unto Moses come up unto Yahweh

READER: thou and Aaron

DR. KINLEY: Now that, that’s what this is showing and that, this is what you’re reading about. You got 24: 9 and 10. It oughta be 24: 1 and 2 and 9 and 10. Alright, read on.

READER: thou and Aaron and Nadab and Abihu.

DR. KINLEY: Alright

READER: and 70 of the elders of Israel

DR. KINLEY: That’s right.

READER: and worship ye afar off

DR. KINLEY: and worship ye afar… Now look here. Now we’re showing you, even have to draw this chart so there’d be a plateau on that mountain. They can not go all the way up in there. Alright, read.

READER: And Moses alone shall come up and see Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: Now do you hear that. Now you see what I’m talking about. Moses alone and by himself. That’s what Yahweh Elohim said. Now you can just try to put yourself in something of it and try to make yourself as big as you please and you’re just stupid. The first thing you know that somebody that does know sees that, and all these people that, that understand and see what I’m talking about, and the ___ is try to make yourself ___ a jackass for you to be. You can’t put nothing over on nobody here. These folks down here know ___, so you just might as well at anytime ___ cause I’m the biggest idiot in the world, now I don’t mean just like you. You get it now? Don’t nobody know no more about it than me.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now let me put that down in a vision. Now what I just said to you there, I didn’t mean a vision, I meant by that that I am Yahweh Elohim in a body, not talking about seeing no vision, I’m talking about what I am. And in that state and in that condition I’m giving the vision.


DR. KINLEY: I’m the one that Moses went up into the mountain to see.


DR. KINLEY: I want, I want to put it down so you can understand what I’m talking about, now I don’t mean what somebody might think I mean, I’m talking about my inner self and your inner self has got to be the same. It takes that to reveal it to you and you can’t hypocrite around with it. And so now Moses and these 70 elders, and Moses alone shall come near. Is that what you just read. He didn’t tell Aaron, Nadab and Abihu or anybody else and all to come up there in the top of that mountain. Said Moses by himself. Now you try to make on like you ___ ___. Now how about that? Then when you try to make yourself be there in.., you’re gonna slip up somewhere. You see what I’m talking about? When the High Priest went into the Most Holy Place, he went in there by hisself and alone and Yahweh spoke to him. ___ ___ ___, said, `Moses, you tell your brother.’ ___ ___ ___ ___. Ain’t that right? No one goes in there on the Day of Atonement. You didn’t come in by yourself and not without blood, that’s the reason why he ___ and ___ that ___ before he could go in. Come in there alone. And he by himself, nobody else but him, and saw the vision of the creation of heaven and earth. Now this in the mountain, Mt. Sinai. that she’s reading about. Now when it comes time to take it off, take it off. Now then, get down to the 9th and 10th and the 16th verse.

READER: Then went up Moses

DR. KINLEY: Uh huh.

READER: Aaron, Nadab and Abihu

DR. KINLEY: Uh huh.

READER: And 70 of the elders of Israel

DR. KINLEY: That’s right.

READER: and they saw the Elohim of Israel

DR. KINLEY: and they saw the Elohim of Israel

READER: And there was under His feet

DR. KINLEY: Now this is, now, it was under His feet. You remember I told you He took on shape and a form. Now in the vision in your holy King James Bible. Said, and he saw the God of Israel. Now over here he’s got no man seeing God at any time. Now you’re back in trouble. You see that? Alright,

READER: And there was

DR. KINLEY: And they saw the Elohim of Israel. And, alright, read on fast.

READER: And there was under His feet

DR. KINLEY: Now he’s got feet. Read on, I’m, I’m in a hurry.

READER: As it were a paved work of a sapphire

DR. KINLEY: As it was as a paved work of a sapphire

READER: and as it were the body of heaven in its clearness

DR. KINLEY: and it was a body. Body, body of heaven in its clearness. Alright, read on. Now you see why I told you why He’s taking on shape and form. Alright, read.

READER: And Moses rose up

DR. KINLEY: And Moses rose up. Now watch, watch what you’re doing. Watch what you’re doing and Moses rose up

READER: and his minister Joshua

DR. KINLEY: and his minister. Who?

READER: Joshua

DR. KINLEY: Now watch this one come together. Watch this one come together. Now when He comes in to fulfill, now He did, now here’s what ___ ___ Christendom. They’re saying He’s instituting and He’s saying He’s fulfilling. Now here’s where He instituted the thing, and here’s where, and I’m telling you when He comes in out here He was fulfill.., said Moses and his minister, Joshua. Now here’s Moses, don’t have to look at the 10th chapter of 1st Corinthians, look right here. And He said there’d be some thing that He shall not taste of death until they see a vision of the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. Then that means this, that they had to see it back there and He has to fulfill it so then Moses ___ ___ next to Moses had to go up in that mountain. And Moses had ___ ___ looked after his minister, Moses said and his minister. And what He’s doing is fulfilling not instituting. Are you following? Alright, read on.

READER: and the glory of Yahweh abode upon Mt. Sinai

DR. KINLEY: and the glory of Yahweh abode upon Mt. Sinai

READER: and the cloud covered it 6 days

DR. KINLEY: Now right there, and the cloud covered it 6 days. Now you’re getting back now. I’m timing it. I asked, I asked Dr. Traynham to read the 1st chapter of Genesis. I’m timing it now and I’m putting it down in its proper place, when Moses, when he saw what you read in the first chapter of Genesis. That’s what I’m after now. That cloud covered it 6 days. That’s in Mt. Sinai in Arabia that he saw the vision. And he put the vision over here in the first part of the Book, and he’s saying in the beginning. In the beginning of what? In the beginning of the vision, not the creation. The cloud covered it 6 days. Now when you go over in Genesis, the 1st chapter of Genesis, you don’t see no clouds cause Moses is telling you there in the 1st part of Genesis what he saw in the vision during the 6 days. And he’s got these days numbered right down there in the 1st chapter of Genesis that he saw. And He’s creating by Himself, and He’s transfigured into this tabernacle and that’s why each one of those days has got to be divided up. And each.., every day there’s got to be something to go ___. Every day has got to be something, there about those waters. Every day there’s got to be something. Now listen, listen close now, listen close. Don’t miss this one. The sun and the moon and the stars and all the planets, the earth and all must all be created. Now listen, you got in the evening and the morning was the first day, the evening and the morning was the second day, the even.., and so forth and so on. Now look, this is what’s happening, here’s how we made our error, this is sun, it was already in the sky long before Moses ever was born, was rising and setting, rising and setting. The evening and the morning or the rising and the setting of the sun while Moses is up in this mountain, that is the day. That is day. That is the first day, that is the second day. The first day he was up there and the second day he was up there, the sun rising and setting. Israel down at the foot of the mountain, she sees the cloud turn into a burning pillar of fire, into a pillar of fire, into.., the next day into a cloud, a pillar of a cloud. Now did you follow me there? Now the time, the time that Moses saw in the vision up here, and he alone saw it, and Yahweh showed it to him. Now he say the sun set in the sky on the third day. Now here the invisible things, the visible things is understood by the visible. Now He’s just showing Moses by the rising and setting of the sun, just like ___ sun rising and setting to the ___. 6 days of it, showing this 1490 that he’s up there in this cloud and he is seeing this vision. Did you follow me?


DR. KINLEY: And he didn’t use a day by day account of what he saw during those 6 days, not that Yahweh ___ ___ thing in him but he was, he was in the realm of eternity seeing what was ___ and how Yahweh did it. And it was being timed in eternity by the rising and the setting of the sun. And Israel ___ an account at the bottom of the ___. You see that? Now let me clarify, I’m after some clarification. Now, I told you He transfigured into this tabernacle. Right? And then He created everything by that tabernacle. That’s why you got the divisions and all that. Now listen close, listen close. Now that is the 24th chapter of Exodus as you read it. Now I want to start in the 25th.

READER: And Yahweh spake unto Moses

DR. KINLEY: And Yahweh spake unto Moses. Now you keep your eyes open now. Don’t go to sleep. When you got down there in Genesis where you got them 6 days, now we’re through with the creation. We’re through, cause you read there to build a tabernacle, unless He builds one first. You see what I mean? Now this heavenly and earthly ___ ___ during these 6 days, that is the greater and more perfect tabernacle. And that greater and more perfect tabernacle, it has to have these divisions in it, dividing the light from the darkness and the waters above from the waters beneath, and so forth and so on. And Moses is seeing this in this vision. And He transfigures into this tabernacle, 3 fold, 3 parts. And this creation has got to be that way. Now this creation here is the greater and more perfect tabernacle, so now takes this, He reaches into this substance and creates this, the greater and more perfect tabernacle. Now He’s telling Moses here in the 25th chapter, that stuff that you brought up out of Egypt, tell `em to bring it to me and all that they may build that tabernacle. Now the 25th verse, I mean the 40th, the 40th

READER: And look that thou make them after their pattern

DR. KINLEY: Now, now you know that he makes this tabernacle like the, the pattern I showed you in the mountain. Now if you don’t make it like I made the greater and more perfect tabernacle, you throw everything in the universe out of kilter, Godhead and all.


DR. KINLEY: You’d throw the ___ and everything and the cell and everything. So now that substance that you brought up out of there, just like I told you He was substance and He ___. Now Moses sees Him make that, comes down. Now he didn’t see Adam commit a sin, he didn’t see that because it comes on down here. He gives him that specification, the other 33 days, these 7 here, and the other 33 days He’s building. He’s showing him about this placing the ___ and ___ in this tabernacle, and He reflecting this tabernacle backwards and forwards, don’t you see, and He’s telling him about the dimensions and everything. You understand? Now then Adam leaves, there it is back here in the Garden. Everything was ___. He didn’t see the transgression.


DR. KINLEY: Now he heard Yahweh say, thou shalt not make unto me any graven images in the likeness of anything that’s in the heavens above or in the earth beneath. He said Moses was there with Him when he heard that, and He wrote that down in the script, but when he come back down out of the mountain with them 10, them, them tables of stone knowing that Yahweh told him, told him not to build ___ ___ this and saw that he did, Moses got hot and threw them tables of stone down. Now Yahweh wanted him to put, told him put `em in the, in the ark of the covenant. Well, then ___ didn’t have not tabernacle built. So Yahweh knew that they wasn’t gonna do that, he just got hot and throwed `em down. And he didn’t come to set `em around and save `em and get ___. Then, now there went that 1st covenant. And then he goes back, hewing out a rock, hewing out his own tables of stone and goes back in the ___. And then goes back in the mountain and then he sees this transgression. He understands now what happened and down here what has already happened. And he wasn’t quite that warm when he come down before. ___ listen. He sees Adam and Eve drive out of the Garden of Eden. Now let me put this together for you. I have to do it and do it quickly. Now I’m just gonna tell you about it and put it together. Now where you read, left off in the 1st chapter of Genesis, where you left off, put the 23rd chapter of Exodus in. You see that now? Now Moses wrote the 1st chapter of Genesis ___ in the mountain. And then He created there out of ___ and then Yahweh tells him while he’s up in that mountain to take a ___ from the Children of Israel and make it. You see what I’m talking about? And when he gets back, he’ll understand. While.., He told him that while he was in the mountain. So when he comes down out of the mountain, he’s telling them who did it. So then you put the 25th chapter of Exodus and all this, the 14 chapters in there, before you start in the 2nd chapter of Genesis to come into Yahweh Elohim. You see? That means ___ that everything has to take on a shape and a form and it has to come from that invisible, inscrutable substance.

First into.., that which you see in the vision, then that which you see in the material existence, just like all of ___ ___ up here and this ___ must go down. Now do you all follow me? Now you put that over there where it belongs. Now after we get back in there and how to build this tabernacle and all and Moses goes back up in the mountain, this is the 3rd time, then Yahweh has got to carry him right back and he sees this transgression. Now, he can’t now, listen closely to what I’m saying, so it you don’t you miss it. Then how you could to __ run back up there in that.., into that vision about the creation of heaven and earth, I mean in, in that vision of Adam and Eve in the Garden, just carry him back there. Now you notice Genesis 1:26 and 7, he did not say, Moses did not say what Yahweh made that man out of. He just said that He created the man in His own likeness and in His own image, he did not tell you what he was made of. But in the 2nd chapter of Genesis, where he’s carried right back to where he left off at. Then he commence to tell you about Yahweh Elohim. He’s got to have, taking on shape and form in every respect and its’ dropped in the materialistic sense and everything is ___ in you, Yahweh Elohim. And it is not somebody else’s account, separate account. It is Moses’s own writing and Moses heard His name called at the burning bush, Yahweh. And when he seen the angel and when he seen Yahshua down in Egypt and all then he seen the total concrete of it all.


DR. KINLEY: I’m on time this trip.


DR. KINLEY: Now this, you all understand that. Now I truly think that you understood and that 2nd chapter of Genesis come down… I’m gonna quit, I’m through. I mean the ___ of the thing. Then he, then he begin to write the 2nd, the 2nd and of, of the, he has to go back and tell us Yahweh took the man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul and so forth and so on. Now I wanna get this over to you clear. Now look, all the rest of the whole genealogy of ___ is nothing else but a vision. When Moses is at the burning bush, He said I am the Elohim of your fathers. Abraham, did go back to Abram ___ ___ ___. Now hold this one tight, hold this one tight, don’t let this one go. Now He just told Moses something and He just told him, but now in this vision that he had from the ___ or from the Adam and Eve’s prosperity, Cain, Able, Seth, and all of them, clear on down, he’s seeing all of that in a vision; in other words he looked at Adam, he sees Cain born, seen Seth born, see David born, and he sees the seeds of Abraham, that’s the ___. He had told him about it, but when seen, he sees Noah, Noah building the ark. He sees everything. That’s what he writing down from that whole genesis, even goes back and repeats and then he comes over and shown his own birth and how he was brought to life and so forth and so on. So your whole genesis is a vision and it is not just telling Moses, Moses heard what Yahweh Elohim said to Adam, he heard what He said to Cain, heard what He said to Seth, he heard what He said to Eve, heard what He said to everybody back there. I, I, I mean looking at the ___ in the vision. Now Christendom don’t know nothing about that. What we say is, is was handed down, it couldn’t be handed down, cause even if you take what you got in this Bible and translate it a few times and you won’t know it, translate.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Just errors and mistakes and what not because you don’t understand the Book, you don’t understand what’s going on. And then not only that, I told you man just simply does not become conscious and comprehend the power of Yahweh to do the things ___ ___, given the power to the angels, an angel takes on an eagle, and then takes it off, that’s what the meaning of this intermediate or this vail coming out of it. And that’s why you see here that I had this chart, put that angel on there. Said, `I’m Gabriel’ come through the vail ___, disappear. That’s the reason why I’m telling you I have seen, you don’t have to see no guardian angel ___ or nothing. You, do you follow? Can’t nobody teach me nothing. I can’t even teach my ownself anything. And would you be kind enough to recommend me some school to go to that, you know why I told you. So I couldn’t get it in no school. And I told you this, and you, if you follow me tonight, you ought to be able to perceive whether I’m.., where I have been.



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