Gospel: Matthew 24: 1-15

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley on November 16, 1975.




2ND SPEAKER: Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley.

DR. KINLEY: I am ____, most of you know that I’m not able to do much ____ ____ ____ for myself as my illness, but I’ve always said that as long as Yahweh permits me too have sense enough to say anything, it will be in defense of this gospel. And I want you to know, for an assured fact that there’s several things that I think that you should know. And I feel that it’s incumbent upon me and my indispensable duty to tell you about them, and to tell you in such a way that you will not forget to remember. Now one of those things and most important is this: I want you to read Matthew 24:14 and 15. Now I want you to understand why I’m telling you about this. Now these are not my words these are Yahshua the Messiah, and these are His own words. The disciples come to Him and.., when they were aside and apart in the mountain, called His attention to the structures and buildings. And I don’t have time to go into all of that but I just wanna lay the thing down so you can see. And I want to show you what’s going on in the world, if you possible might be able to listen to it. Alright let’s.., read that for me please.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations… DR. KINLEY: Dr. Harris before we get started back up a little please so we can see what.., get the subject and the predicate.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And Yahweh went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple. And Yahshua said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of they (thy?) coming and of the end of the age.

DR. KINLEY: Now do you see that now? Now do you understand what we’re talking about? We’re talking about the sign of the coming of the end of the age. Now that’s what we are talking about. Now this is He talking to His disciples. And so now skip on down now to the 14 and 15 verses.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the gospel, and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations…

DR. KINLEY: Now this is the cardinal point that I want you to see. Not that gospel but This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world. Now just to stand here and say that, many people all over the world would say this, ‘well that’s what they’re preaching down to our church.’ No such of a thing. This Gospel of the Kingdom is not preached in all the world. Now here’s the narrow mindedness of it. This little school, this little insignificant thing are the only ones in the world that is preaching the true Gospel of the Kingdom. Now let me show you why I say that. Lot of ’em first don’t know what the Kingdom is, and consequently they got a carnal mind, just like Billy Graham, I have to come out and tell you so you’ll know and understand. Billy Graham is.., has made many statements that they were going to preach the gospel in all the world, quoting this same passage of scripture. Everywhere you go he’ll quote this same passage of scripture and say that that’s what he’s preaching. Now here’s what the difference is, said, this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world. Number one: they don’t have the true name. It’s not Lord, God and Jesus Christ. That’s not it. Now that’s your first massive error that the people have made. Now His true name is Yahweh, Elohim is a true title and Yahshua is the true name of the Son. Now that’s what it is. Now Billy Graham is not preaching that, Rex Humbard and the rest of the radio and TV preachers is not preaching that at all. So He’s not talking about that gospel that they’re preaching. And so far as you knew anything about.., we, this little group, this little despised group are the only ones that’s preaching the true Gospel of the Kingdom. Now He said it would be preached in all the world to all nations. Now we have been around the world just about twice. Getting ready to go again to preach this Gospel to the people of the world. Now, I’m saying that to let you know that it’s incumbent upon you to do what you can financially and otherwise to preach this Gospel. Now you’re right down to the close and down to the end of this here thing. Now, it says this Gospel of the Kingdom. Now I wanna show you what the Kingdom is so you can decide whether or not that your pastor is preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. Now Jehovah’s Witnesses are saying that God is gonna set up a kingdom on this earth plane, then He’s gonna descend and rule and reign for a thousand years. And you heard me say when a man was here that said that God had sent him to set up the kingdom, I said it wasn’t so. He jumped up and said I was a liar. Right back there.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right

DR. KINLEY: He said that. And now he wanted somebody to be ministers of the housing, minister of distribution of food, and minister of this and that and the other. Now since he come in the latter part of this Age he claims that he’s the man. Herbert Armstrong in Pasadena claims he’s the man. I say I’m the man. So it’s incumbent upon us to prove it. The Apostle Paul said, ‘prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.’ Alright now. Let’s see about the Kingdom. First Colossians. Colossians 1:13, 1:12 and 13. Get the chapter and make it simple. Now while we get that, somebody get the 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians and verse 60. And while they get that, we need.., somebody get Romans 14:17. Now what we’re talking about is this Gospel of the Kingdom. Only thing I can do now is just come right out actively and face to face and just like it is, and what I tell you, that’s the way it is. There’ll be no fixing, no repairs. Alright, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Colossians first chapter, start at the 12th verse. Giving thanks unto the Father DR. KINLEY: Giving thanks unto the Father DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which has made us meet to be partakers DR. KINLEY: Which has made us meet to be partakers DR. ROBERT HARRIS: of the inheritance DR. KINLEY: of the inheritance DR. ROBERT HARRIS: of the sons in light

DR. KINLEY: of the sons. Listen now, enlightened. We’re not talking about someone walking in darkness out there, like the Methodist, the Baptist, Roman.., that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about the sons of Yahweh, we’re not talking about Satan, we’re not talking about priest. Is that clear to you? We’re talking about the sons in light, not Christians. Alright the sons in light. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Who hath delivered us

DR. KINLEY: Now who hath delivered us. Now hath is past tense, means it’s already happened, not something that’s gonna, something that’s already happened. Who hath. That’s past tense. Who hath delivered us. From what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: From the power of darkness

DR. KINLEY: From the power of darkness, superstition, and ignorance. Delivers these sons that have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Am I making the thing clear.


DR. KINLEY: Now while all of them have been enlightened, it’ll all be seeing the same thing, but they’re not all enlightened. Alright.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And hath translated us…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, says, hath been, it says… I told you that’s a past tense. If the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of Yahweh had not already been set up, if hadn’t already happened, there wouldn’t be no way for Him to translate us into. We’d be talking like Jehovah’s Witnesses. That He’s come and set up some.., but He hath already did it. Now we’re reading out of the Bible. You have one in your lap. You’re privileged to have one if you don’t have it. And Doc I say I’m weak and I don’t feel like this at all, but it’s my indispensable duty and my job. Now, that’s one reason why I don’t want you kicking about digging down in your pocket. You very seldom ever hear me say anything about any money. Been going on 45 years you haven’t heard me say nothing about no money, but we want you to dig down in your pockets and for this third peace mission dig deep. If you have to mortgage something, borrow something, if you believe in what we talking about. Why so? Because we’re down to the end of this age and the Gospel of the Kingdom, this Gospel must be preached in all the world. The end can’t come till it is. You follow? And he hath already translated us. Into what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Into the kingdom.

DR. KINLEY: Now do you see that? Now people are talking about the kingdom yet to come. They’re stupid. They haven’t been drawn out from the power of the darkness. They’re walking in ignorance. And listen here, He hath already did that. Now this is what they’re doing. They’re saying out of one corner of their mouth that it has come and out of the other side of their mouth, it hasn’t come. Here’s why. Because you’re blind, it’s all natural… And listen. Wait. I’ll read that. You pay attention to what I’m reading here, He’s already translated us in the Kingdom. Now let me tell you about the translation of Enoch. That’s the first man, the seventh from Adam was translated without seeing death. The next man that was translated without seeing death was Elijah. One was in one age and the other in the other. And now you in another age following that? So He has to translate you in this Present Age into the Kingdom. Now when he said translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son… Hath, already past, that’s a past tense. Now listen here, I don’t want you to think that there’s any flesh and blood or anybody that’s sitting up here, physically so, sitting in the Kingdom of Yahweh. Now that’s not so.


DR. KINLEY: Now if that’s not so, Jehovah’s Witnesses just might as well shut their mouth. 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians and verse 50. Let’s make some sense of it.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Now this I say brethren DR. KINLEY: Now this is Paul talking. Now this I say brethren. He is an apostle. He says now this I say brethren. What? DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That flesh and blood

DR. KINLEY: Now flesh and blood. Now if you want Him to jump down through the sky and set up a kingdom on earth, then flesh and blood would have to inherit. But Paul says now this I say brethren that flesh and blood…

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: shall not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: So it’s stupid and silly to be talking about Him coming setting up a kingdom on earth. Through ____. Is there anybody in here who don’t understand? Now.., so all you understand now? I don’t see no hands, I don’t see nobody standing or nothing. Now then.., say look here. No we wanna know what the Kingdom of Yahweh is? That’s what I want to know now. Romans 14:17.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the kingdom of Yahweh.. DR. KINLEY: Now listen here, for the kingdom of Yahweh DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Is not meats and drinks

DR. KINLEY: Now hold that right there. Get over in Hebrews 9 and about 10, I think it is. This is under the dispensation of the law.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: 9 and 10. I’ll start at the ninth verse. DR. KINLEY: Start at the ninth verse. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was a figure for the time then present..

DR. KINLEY: Now he’s talking about the tabernacle and the services in the tabernacle. That was for the time then present, not now. It’s back there under the dispensation of the law, Post Diluvian Age. For the time then present, not now.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: In which were offered both gifts and sacrifices

DR. KINLEY: Talking about the tabernacle in which was offered both gifts and sacrifices. Now wait just a minute. I wanna say something right there. Now all of these people with their little carnal mind running around baptizing folks, eating Lord Suppers. Now they don’t wanna be circumcised. They think that’s out. Now they skip right over step right… Circumcision was first, that’s eight days after birth, you skip right over that. And then you got into water baptisms. Carnal mind don’t understand the purpose, don’t understand line upon line, precept upon precept. Well now if you’re gonna baptize and do it, you have to do the whole thing. You have to be circumcised and you have to be offered up. All Jehovah Witnesses and all the rest of the world, they oughta be offering up sacrifices, animal sacrifices. Because why? Because they’re doing what was under the law, dispensation of the law, the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian and Unitarians. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: In which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make them that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience.

DR. KINLEY: Now they couldn’t make him perfect as pertaining to the conscience. Ain’t never been no bullocks… God has never or Yahweh has never been satisfied with carnal ordinances, never has, even when they was offering ’em up under the dispensation of the law. And they could not be abolished until Yahshua the Messiah comes in and fulfills them all and then moves ’em out of the way. What’s that all about? So you could walk in the spirit, and that means both the Jew and the Gentile in the one Life in Yahshua the Messiah. Hope I’m making it real good and clear. Alright, read on Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which stood only

DR. KINLEY: Now I want you to get this straight. That tabernacle back there stood only in meats and drinks. It didn’t stand in nothing else but carnal ordinances, wasn’t no spiritual things about, it stood only in meats and drinks and divers washing water baptisms foot washings and offering up of sacrifices, and bullocks, eating Passover suppers, Feast of Pentecost, Feast of Tabernacles, stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings, that means many kinds of washing. Alright read. Now this is to the Jew. Alright read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And carnal ordinances DR. KINLEY: And carnal ordinances DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Imposed on them

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, imposed on the Jew. Every time you see a Gentile doing something like that.., he’s doing something he hasn’t got no scripture for. He ain’t got not scripture in the Bible, there’s nothing in the almanac to say nothing about it. Why? Because Yahweh’s gonna bring it in by faith according to the way He made the promise to Abraham. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: imposed on them DR. KINLEY: imposed on the Jew DR. ROBERT HARRIS: until the time of reformation

DR. KINLEY: Until the time of the reformation. Now listen. The Jews ain’t got no business eating the Passover suppers. It was definitely imposed on him til the time of the reformation or until the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. That’s what we’re point ____. So he ain’t got no business to water baptize. He ain’t got no business eating Passover suppers. Well somebody opens their Bible and said, ‘in the Matthew 26th chapter and 26…’ We know all of that’s in there. He was under the dispensation of the law at that time, and that was the Last Supper physically so that He ever eat with the disciples. It didn’t come but once a year so then He couldn’t ____ before He ascended, He couldn’t eat no more Lord’s Suppers, no more Passover suppers until the next year. And you know that the Book does say that He did ascend from the Mount of Olives. Alright. Now it was imposed on them until the time of the reformation on the Jew. And listen up, listen to me, it stood only in that. It didn’t stand in nothing else. Now here we are. What’s the difference? Here we are, he that.., the third chapter of Galatians. He that ministers unto you the Spirit. Now that’s what we’re doing, we’re ministering unto you the spirit. You are a partaker of the spirit, just like they were a partaker of those carnal ordinances. We’re in another age, another world, another dispensation. Now that’s what we’re doing, ministering unto you the Spirit. Alright, repeat Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which stood only in meats and drinks

DR. KINLEY: Now that one stood only in that. It didn’t stand in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was not collectively poured out, yet and still all the prophets prophesied with the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven. And when that prophesy was over, the Holy Spirit departed from that person. Well now in this dispensation it comes to stay forever and is walking around, hid in the world in a body. And that’s what we wanna preach. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which stood only in meats and drinks

DR. KINLEY: Now do you see that? So, now if you’re gonna do, you’re gonna wash feet, if you’re gonna eat Passover supper, you have to do the whole thing. It stood only in meats and drinks. Now don’t forget now, it stood only in meats and drinks. Now what we’re trying to find out, what is the difference between the Kingdom of God or between the Kingdom of Yahweh and this here that’s been imposed on the Jew. Now that’s what we’re trying to find out. Alright read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them

DR. KINLEY: Imposed on the Jews not the Gentile. That’s the reason why you don’t have no scriptures in the Bible that quoted, or authored by Yahshua or Yahweh for a Gentile to be baptized in physical water, eat no Passover suppers or no Lord’s Suppers, none of that. It’s just simply not in the Bible. Now somebody wants to turn over here, ‘yes it is, it’s right here in the New Testament,’ and wanna read to me about Matthew 26:26. It ain’t no ____ under the Law. They think it’s in the New Testament. And well the New Testament’s not written with pen and ink for your information. And that’s not what the New Testament or New Covenant is. Now it stood only in meats and drinks and divers washing and carnal ordinances imposed on the Jew until the reformation. Now if that’s not what the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Yahweh is, we wanna know now what it is. Since you can’t get flesh and blood in it, we wanna know what it is. We’ve found out now that it already translated to us into the Kingdom. And we could find out when that was set up, by going into Acts of Apostles two. And I’ll quote it to you. On the Day of Pentecost AD 33 about nine o’clock in the morning. That’s when that was, that’s when the dis… Now you watch and see. Romans 14 and 17.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the kingdom of Yahweh DR. KINLEY: Now for the kingdom of Yahweh DR. ROBERT HARRIS: is not meats and drinks

DR. KINLEY: Now do you see that? It’s not the meats and drinks. It’s just simply not that. Well if it’s not that, then what is? Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but righteousness and peace DR. KINLEY: but it is righteousness and peace DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and joy DR. KINLEY: and joy DR. ROBERT HARRIS: in the Holy Spirit

DR. KINLEY: in the Holy Spirit. Now that’s what it is. It’s not you eating Lord’s Suppers, it’s not you getting baptized in physical water. It’s not that at all. Now as I said before, we don’t practice none of that, not in this school. So don’t come up telling me that we’re doing the same.., your church over there is doing the same thing we’re doing over here because they’re not. We don’t, we don’t practice ____. Now when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost. Okay read that Dr. Harris. Acts about 2 and 4. I’ll be done here in just a…

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Now when the day of Pentecost was fully come

DR. KINLEY: Now when the Day of Pentecost was fully come. Now listen here, now this is what I’m gonna say. Now we talked about carnal ordinances being imposed, imposed upon ’em. Now I want you to know, I don’t have time to go into it. I want you to know that the Day of Pentecost, which Pentecost means 50. Every year on that same day, Day of Pentecost they had the Feast of Pentecost. Now you’re so busy eating Passover suppers until you haven’t paid no attention at all to the Feast of Pentecost. See how stupid we are? And then when you get up to the Feast of Tabernacles, or the Feast of the Day of Atonement, you’re so busy eating Passover suppers, lying, so you don’t know anything at all, nothing about no Feast of Pentecost as another feast day. And you still there eating Lord’s Suppers. You don’t have no place for that, where is on that day, the Day of Pentecost that he’s talking about. Now pentecost come every year, now listen close at this one. And every 50 years was the year of Jubilee. Now this year, 1975, is 25 years. And the papacy is celebrating this as the Year of Jubilee, just 25 years off.

Now look folks, I don’t have to go around asking nobody nothing about nothing. I ain’t asking you about no information about nothing. I know what I’m talking about. I don’t have to do that. I don’t have to look in no books either. Yes indeed. The Holy Spirit’s right incarnated in this flesh. No I’m not the teacher, it’s the Holy Spirit in this body.

Now there’s a few more things I wanna call your attention too before I sit down. There’s a good reason for it too. Now this is what I’m trying to show you now. Now you see that the Kingdom is not meats and drinks, so it can’t be that He’s gonna come and set up something that flesh and blood be in, but the Kingdom is the Holy Spirit in you as righteousness, it is peace, and it is joy in the Holy Spirit. Finish what you’re reading there doc.

I want to show you… Now Jehovah Witnesses say the Holy Spirit’s in nobody. Let me show you the mess there. Let me show it to you real quick. Yes, it’s alright. Just to show you how stupid and how ignorant people are. And those of you that know are looking straight at the fools all the time, but don’t recognize that that’s what we teach. Now Yahweh, in Leviticus 16:2, Elohim said He would dwell between the wings of the cheribims in this tabernacle. Now in the 6th chapter of Romans in the 19th, 20th verse says your body, know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. All you have done is just take this and correlate it with that, your body is the temple. Now they made Him out a liar. Said, He’s gonna dwell between the wings of cheribums in the Most Holy Place and this is your Most Holy Place. Looking right straight at it, and haven’t got sense enough to know it. And they say it’s a vital force upon you. I’m just showing you how stupid people are. Read on Dr. Harris

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and when the day of Pentecost was fully come DR. KINLEY: Now when the day of Pentecost was fully come. Read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: while they were all with one accord in one place DR. KINLEY: Now He’s ____ His disciples. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: suddenly there came a sound from heaven

DR. KINLEY: Now let me tell you something else. The reason why I’m trying to tell you, everything Yahweh does, He does it suddenly. When He’s revealed from heaven, it’ll be real quick. You ain’t got no time to fix up nothing, no time to be getting right. It’s instantaneous, it’s suddenly. You see what I’m talking about. So now the smart thing for you to do is find out something about it and find it out now and be quick about it. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: suddenly there came a sound from heaven DR. KINLEY: suddenly there came a sound from heaven DR. ROBERT HARRIS: as a rushing mighty wind

DR. KINLEY: and as a rushing mighty wind. Now hold it right there. Now just stupidity won’t allow you to see this, it just won’t allow. You you see that long chart over there? Somebody that’s back there by that chart, get up from there and point to Adam where He breathes into his nostrils the Breath of Life. Somebody that knows where it is, I can’t see from here. He breathed as a mighty rushing wind. ____ ____ ____ it came from heaven. You see a sound of a mighty rushing wind. And then what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and there, and there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting

DR. KINLEY: Now it filled all the house where they were sitting. Read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and there appeared unto them cloven tongues

DR. KINLEY: Now cloven means divided. Didn’t I tell you ____ ____ they didn’t have it. Cloven means divided. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and it rest upon each of them DR. KINLEY: Now that’s where Jehovah’s Witnesses got it all wrong. They won’t read it all. Read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit

DR. KINLEY: Now do you see that. They were all filled? It would have to be because don’t you see the tabernacle was filled with, with the, with the incense and smoke. And He dwelt between the wings of the cherubim. You have to know how to look at a thing. They haven’t caught on to the correlations of one thing to the other. That’s the reason why.., there ain’t nothing gonna happen, I’m gonna tell you now, ain’t a thing gonna happen, now until these folks go around the world and preach the Gospel. Ain’t nothing happening. So if you, if you were one of them good brethren, you just might as well dig deep in your pockets. And listen you ain’t no long time to do it. You got to raise it and raise it quick. Somebody said, ‘well, I’m getting tired of them running all around, all over the world.’ Well you talk to Yahshua. You ____ talk to me. That’s what He said was gonna happen, said this Gospel of the Kingdom which we’re preaching and telling you now. Now let me say this. In this present age which is right here, and here’s where he’s reading, Pentecost. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. At the close of this age, which we are right down to it now then there will be immortality. Aren’t you tired of you flesh.

STUDENT BODY: Yes. Right. DR. KINLEY: Don’t you want a break from this? STUDENT BODY: Yes.

DR. KINLEY: Yes indeed. And now I could go on into that show you where that is. And there in the 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians where everybody has to be changed. Changed from mortal to immortal in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. So let’s get the job done. We’re taking part of the truth. ____ ____ ____. and dispute with these folks. Billy Graham and Rex Humbard and these others, they’re not gonna accept the Gospel. So it’s incumbent upon you to preach this Gospel of the Kingdom. Now I wanna tell you about the Jews Daniel 9:24. And while he’s finding that. Daniel 9:24. They’re walking around over there. They don’t have what you call the New Testament. They just have the Masoretic Text, from Genesis to Malachi. ____ ____ ____. And they’re looking for Yahshua the Messiah to appear, and get behind ____ ____. And here He done come and fulfilled that Law and Prophets, moved it all out of the way. Now they’re looking for Him to ____. Now they’re looking for Him. Now He was on time when He was supposed to be here on the scene. Now let’s see where time really starts, whether it started or not. Let’s see how they make it. Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: seventy weeks of years are determined DR. KINLEY: Now seventy weeks of years are determined DR. ROBERT HARRIS: upon thy people DR. KINLEY: upon thy people DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and upon the holy city

DR. KINLEY: and upon the holy city. Somebody get on the board and put the figures on the board so you can see what we’re talking about. Whoever it is that knows what we’re talking about. Put 70 weeks. Put 70 down and multiply it by seven, and see what you get. There are seven days in a week, seven days in a week, why then you got 70 times seven. That’s how much, how long is that? 490. Alright now, look up here at… Now that’s in that Masoretic Text. They’re still looking for Him to come and this is in their book. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: seventy weeks of years are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city to restrain transgression

DR. KINLEY: Now, to restrain transgression DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and to make an end of sin offering.

DR. KINLEY: and to make, say look, to make an end of sin. To make an end of sin. Now let me tell you about that. Now he was talking… I want you to get this straight and plain too. I want you to see in too, and understand what I’m talking about. Now He was made.., He was manifested to make an end of sin. That’s, listen, listen to what I’m saying, that’s the only sacrifice that Yahweh has given from the foundation of the world to remove sin. Now you either have to accept Him and His knowledge or you’re gonna be in your sin. ‘Well what did you say that for? And why did you say that? Why are you meddling in my religion?’ Now this is what I’m trying to get you to see. Moses didn’t die for nobody. Moses didn’t die for nobody. None of the prophets, they never died for nobody. Spinoza20 never died for nobody. Spinoza never created nothing. ____ never created nothing. Now you’re around here making an ass out of yourself, worshipping Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama21 which is a man. All messed up in Buddhism and you can’t take nothing no kinda way and prove this Buddha as a figure of Yahshua the Messiah, because He had a time to appear and with the expiration of that 490 years, then you AD 1. 490 years is determined upon the holy city and upon thy people, now listen, to make an end of sin. Now that’s the reason why we’re chewing the rag and fussing about the Roman Catholics going back and forth to confession, denying that He made an end of sin. Now you don’t run in and out of here, you either go out and stay out, or else you come in and stay in. And there will be no more offering for sin because you have to confess Him in the first place. so you just might as well accept Him and sit down and make yourself at home and stay there too. Don’t make no difference how many false prophets and how many false teachers come along, you stay right there cause Yahweh don’t have nothing else to offer for nobody’s sins. He that is born of Yahweh does not commit a sin. That’s in your Bible. If you don’t think it is, I definitely will read it. Alright. 70 weeks is determined to make a end of sins and to what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and to make atonement for Iniquity DR. KINLEY: and to make atonement for iniquity ____________________________________ 20 Baruch R. Benedict de Spinoza (1632-1677) was a dutch rationalist philosopher. 21 Buddha’s real name.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and to bring in everlasting righteousness

DR. KINLEY: Now, to bring in everlasting righteousness. 490 years from the going forth of the commandment unto Artexerxes. Is that what you got there doc.

DOC: Yes.

DR. KINLEY: 490 years just passed. I don’t know how many times.., we could figure it right out, right up there on the board. It’s figured out in the book, and showed it to you. To make an end of sin. Now that’s the only sacrifice. That’s the Kingdom of Yahweh. The Kingdom of Yahweh is the Holy Spirit in you, not upon you, not around you, but in you. It’s typified in the stones, that Holy Spirit dwelleth in that tabernacle and your body is the tabernacle. Now you see that ____ to AD 1. Now we’re 1975. Put 1975 on the board, board and subtract 33 years from it.22 Now this is important. That’s His life.23 He had to die to ____ to fulfill the law and then die to make an end of sin or be sacrificed. Now you got 1942 years, so we are 1,942 years deep in this present dispensation. Now this is a short one, this is a long one, and the one we’re in now has got to be short. So if you expect to be saved you better straighten up and fly right, quick. Now there’s one more thing I want to call your attention to and that’s this. Yahweh said that He was gonna multiply Abraham’s seed as the sand of the sea and as the stars of heaven. Somebody find it and read it. I just wanna point to some.., point to something that you know so that you can see for yourself. This is right where you are. And the Jews, they’re still looking. He come in here and fulfilled the law and moved it out of the way so that we could walk in the Spirit in this present dispensation. Alright. If you found it, read it.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Gen 13:16 is one place. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth so that if a man can number the dust of the earth then shall thy seed also be numbered

DR. KINLEY: he went on to say about the stars of heaven too

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Genesis 15:5. And he brought him forth abroad and said, look now towards heaven and count the stars, if thou be able to number them. He said unto him, so shall thy seed be.

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, look up here and listen to what I’m saying. Now there isn’t but but 15, not quite 15 million since the last war ____ ____. Are you listening? There’s not quite 15 million Jews in the whole entire world, not quit 15 million. I have got the statistics at home. Now what you gonna do, you gonna call Yahweh a liar? 15 million doesn’t have any.., that don’t begin to count the sand of the sea or stars of heaven. Something’s wrong somewhere. Some misunderstanding some where. Now here’s the misunderstanding. 1 Corinthians 12:14, I believe it is. I just want you to see this, I just want you to see this. They’re laboring over

_________________________ 22 1975 – 33 = 1942

23 33 years

there in the, with the wrong impression. 15 million Jews is a long way from the sands of the sea and the stars of Abraham. ____ ____ ____. You can’t call Yahweh a lair. Alright. Read when you find it.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For by one spirit? DR. KINLEY: That’s right. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For by one spirit

DR. KINLEY: For… Now wait a minute. Now listen here folks. Don’t start no argument with me please, I don’t feel like arguing with you. For by one spirit, not water, for by one spirit. The Jews on the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Jews, physical Jews, and he was supposed to go to the Gentiles seven years after and preach to you the untouchable riches of Yahshua the Messiah in Spirit. And while he, Peter, was preaching to Cornelius the Holy Spirit fell upon ’em. Now what’s happening is Yahweh’s bringing ’em in according to the way He made the promise. For by one spirit. Please not water. Alright, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body. DR. KINLEY: By the one spirit, not water, are we all baptized into the one body. Read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Whether we be Jew.

DR. KINLEY: Don’t make no difference, don’t make no difference, just seven years difference anyhow, whether we be Jew or whether we be Gentile. Is that right? Now that’s what makes up that great multitude, not 15 million, but that great multitude which they over looked. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Whether we be bond or free. DR. KINLEY: Whether we be bond or free. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And all are made to drink in that one spirit. DR. KINLEY: And all are made to drink into that one spirit, and that’s not that satanic spirit. Read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the body is not one member but many.

DR. KINLEY: That’s many, you can’t number them. Now I’m gonna ____ ____ away unless somebody preaches to you, but the thoughts and the reason why I got up here is.., now we want to ____ ____. Yahweh sent me in the world. That’s why I’m here is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, not no physical organization at all. In the Kingdom there is both Jew and Gentile, angels and everything else all make up ____ ____ the one body, and it’s all spiritual. Flesh and blood can not inherit, and He’s not taking up no time to set up no kingdom on the earth. He’s not gonna set down on the earth and rule for no 1,000 years. That’s a lie. And no flesh, that’s Jew or Gentile is not in the Kingdom. Yes I say unto you brethren that flesh and blood will not inherit, but it is one body, one Spirit. That’s the reason why I try my best to get you to see it’s the Holy Spirit in you that is speaking of Yahweh. Now if you don’t have the Holy Spirit, there’s no need for you to running around here arguing about what the Bible says. You just don’t have it. Ain’t no need of bucking against it or nothing like that. You just might as well be cool, calm and collected about it. Now Yahweh will give you the Holy Spirit. Open your eyes so you can see and so you understand and just don’t forget that there’s now in these last days this satanic spirit that’s incarnated in physical bodies and preaching all kinds of lies. But right at the time that’s going on, we must be preach ____ ____ at any cost. Now we think, we don’t know for sure, but we think that it cost somewhere around $50,000 for this next trip. We’re gonna try to take it in every place, ____ place where they haven’t been. But this time we’re gonna have a.., try to have a communication with a phone with those heads. And ____ ____ not understand, I not sure about it if it can be done ____ but last as long. So then that means that all of us must put our shoulders to the wheel. But don’t, don’t, don’t look after the ____ and the little thing, don’t, don’t be a snare like that, cause it wasn’t me, it’s not me. And as I told you 44 years of my life have past and gone. And nobody that knows me know I never get up and say nothing about me, but I do beseech you for your own good, and I want you to know that more important than anything else on the earth is to send these few little people abroad. They’re the ones that have to suffer persecution. ____ are exposed and Yahshua the Messiah said some of you are gonna preach, some of you are gonna get killed. And every where you go the people know nothing about the true Gospel of the Kingdom. You got all kinds of fools and adversaries, satanic spirits incarnated in the physical bodies. Now if they’re willing to risk their lives in order to obey Yahshua the Messiah, and see that you’re right down to the end of this age where we shall soon breath immortality and that is not taught in the world. Just preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and see to it that it is going around the world. I invite you to help us to do that at any cost. And I wanna let you know that it won’t be long. It won’t be long. We’re not gonna have to continue to bother with this and be worried with all of these financial problems and what not, and pains and aches and miseries, woes, liars, hypocrites, backbiters and ____. You won’t have to be bothered with that much longer. Now that the truth is there. When this Gospel of the Kingdom is preached in all the world, Yahshua the Messiah definitely will be revealed from heaven, change your vile body, I’m talking about Philippians now, change your vile body into a immortal or a glorified body like unto His. Your pains and your aches, your woes and sorrows and tribulations will all be gone. I hope….


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