Ignorance and Blasphemy

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley on May 6, 1965 in Los Angeles, California.





DR. KINLEY: … in answer to your question that way in a way that you can understand. You have the right to continue to try to investigate further. And I’ll wrestle with you until you do understand it. But I want to tell you one thing I’m not interested in, and I do not want to be bothered with it. I don’t wanna be bothered with somebody that’s asking a whole lotta questions just to be contentious and what not. Now, if it isn’t for your own personal good and benefit and for your edification, and I do mean personal, why then don’t bother me with it, because I don’t wanna be, I don’t want to be bothered, I, I don’t have time to fool with nothing like that.

But, if it’s something that pertains to God and His purpose and your salvation, I’m always ready to, at all times. And remember I said that you were permitted to ask questions, not only in this class but in every class. That’s what the school is for, is for, not for you to just bring up a whole lotta contentions and then not for you to contend that you don’t understand the thing just because you don’t, you, you wanna see it some other way. Now, if you wanna see it some other way other than God has put it, why then that’s all right with me, too; just don’t bother me with it, because we don’t have time to fool with that.

This gospel has got to be preached in all this age or all the world. Now, it’s preached for a witness, and preached to deliver and to save your soul. Now, I’ll tell you what John said… I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to continue to hold you in the services here tonight and all this kinda thing, after 10 o’clock. I don’t like to do that. And I don’t like for somebody to get up and just wasting time either. So now, if you realize the, that it is important.

Now, we want to talk to you about ignorance and blasphemy. Now, blasphemies are committed sometimes through ignorance, not all the time but sometimes through ignorance.

You remember when Jesus was hanging on the cross, He said, ‘Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.’1 Do you recall that? They did not know realize. Now that was prophetic that they would be in that state, frame of mind or to be ignorant about the time of their visitation.2

God had given them eyes of blindness. And Paul in the 12th chapter, I believe it is, or the 11th chapter of Romans, said this: that this blindness in part has already happened unto Israel. And now they blasphemed against Jesus.

And did you recall.., maybe you better open your book and read it. Matthew, about 12:31. And, and just read it. Now, this is Jesus, before He died. Now, I’m gonna try to be particular with this.

READER: Wherefore DR. KINLEY: Wherefore READER: I say unto you, DR. KINLEY: Now, this is Jesus talking. I say unto you, READER: all manner of sin and blasphemy DR. KINLEY: all manner of sin and blasphemy READER: shall be forgiven unto men: DR. KINLEY: shall be forgiven unto men: READER: but the blasphemy DR. KINLEY: but the blasphemy ________________________

1 Luke 23:34 2 Luke 19:44

READER: against the Holy Ghost DR. KINLEY: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost READER: shall not be forgiven unto men.

DR. KINLEY: Now it shall not be forgiven. Now, let me say this. That’s just one of the inaccuracies and ignorance of the people. Now remember, I’m trying pinpoint things. And I don’t want to make no apologies for it, and I want you to accept it just like I tell you, because I’m carefully choosing my words.

That’s one reason why we do not believe in a ____ ____. Now, when I say that,you know and every other Catholic there is on the face of the earth knows that he is taught to go to confession, and to make confession. Then he goes on out of there and does something else, then he has to go back to make another confession to the priest. Now does anybody want to dispute that? Now, that whole entire system is incorrect, just wrong. Now, here’s how and why: Christ was manifest to make an end of sin.3

Peter, do you recall, said to Jesus, said,’Master, if my brother sin against me, how often shall I forgive him, until the seventh time?’4 And Jesus, that’s in a day, and Jesus said,’Seventy times seven.’ Now, that’s 490 times in a day. Now I want you to see what I’m talking about. Now that’s his brother and he. Now this pertains to the Jews. This pertains to the Jews, the twelve tribes. Peter is saying to Him, ‘Now, how often shall I forgive my brother if he sin against me?’ And Jesus said… He said, Peter said,’until the seventh time?’ He said,’Seventy times seven.’ Now, that’s 490 ninety years or 490 times in that one day that his brother sinned against him. You get the point? Now is that clear? Does everybody understand that? Is that the way it reads in the Bible?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now, Jesus told him seventy times seven, that’s 490 times in one day, He said until that time, the four hundred and ninth time. Now, here’s what I want you to see. At the close of that 490 years, from the going forth of the commandment unto Artexerxes, this is what Jesus is telling you about, He didn’t explain it, was 490 years or seventy times seven. And at the close of that He, Himself, would be offered up for sin. His blood would atone for sin. Now, that’s Jesus.

Now John said that He was manifested to make an end of sin, to get it stopped. So now, when He’s offered up out there, there will be no more brother sinning against brother to have to go and confess all the time. That’s why I said the confession business is all wrong, as it is in ____. Now, have I made that clear? A man that has got the Holy Ghost in him or has got Christ in him definitely and _________________________

3 Daniel 9:24 4 Matthew 18:21-22

positively does not sin against his brother; and not only that, he does not commit sin. Well, somebody say,’Well, why don’t he?’ Because His seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin. Now, they’re saying you’re going out there sinning against your brother, and then running and confessing it to the priest out there, and you’re going right back out and doing the same thing all over again. Now, that’s nothing but just open blasphemy. Now, do you see why I said that? It’s open blasphemy. There absolutely is nothing to it whatsoever.

Now James said this, confess your faults one to another that you may be healed.5 Now, all of Israel under the dispensation of the Law, (Are you listening now?) under the dispensation of the Law, and under.., (You see that conjunction?) and under the dispensation of Grace, have not attained to absolute perfection in every polytechnical detail; in other words, they grow in grace, there’s something to learn. Now, that thing he does not know, that that he hasn’t learned, then it’s the ministry’s job to teach, because it is supposed to be Christ in the ministry now, as it was.., I mean in this dispensation, as it was Christ when He was here in the flesh doing the teaching; in other words, it’s not the flesh and not the man that’s doing the teaching; it’s Christ or God that’s teaching through the man.

Now, I want to, to go back and I wanna bear down on it. I wanna bear down on it, because we are all gonna get in trouble here before the night is gone. We’re gonna be in a serious pot of trouble, and I’m talking about the ministry out here. Now, I said serious trouble! Now, I won’t have to repeat that to you no more, will I?

Now, in this school, what we have did… I’m pretty sure that everybody hasn’t caught on to it yet or had it understood yet. I’m gonna say the same.., I want you to read in your Bible. Isaiah 8:20. And you notice right up here on this chart, you’ll find it says Isaiah 8:20 right up here. I want you to read it out of the Bible. Now you all try to be quick cause I got a long way to go and I told you didn’t want keep you here, up here tonight.

READER: To the law DR. KINLEY: Now, it says, to the law READER: and to the testimony: DR. KINLEY: and to the testimony: READER: if they speak DR. KINLEY: if they speak. Read. READER: not according to this word, DR. KINLEY: if they speak not according to this word, ________________________ 5 James 5:16

READER: it is because there is no light in them.

DR. KINLEY: it is because there is no light in them. Now you heard that, didn’t you? Now, that is not just something that makes some good poetical reading. Now, it said to the law and to the testament, testimony, or to the Law and to the prophets, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in ’em. Now, let me see if I can explain that.

Now, the prophets, they prophesied from the beginning of the world on down. Now, is that.., I’m talking about before the flood too. Now, we got that understood? Now, when God gave the Law from Mount Sinai, when God gave the Law from Mount Sinai, I want you to understand it, it’s explicably, profoundly, accurately, without any error, without any doubtful disputations, (How’m I doing?) the Law, when it was given, it stood 0 N L Y, only… I want you to read that too, in the 9th chapter of Hebrews. Now, what I’m, what I’m explaining now, so that you don’t make no errors and no mistakes or misunderstanding, I’m explaining that the Law back here, it stood only in… given from Mt. Sinai to the, to the, to the Jews, to the Jews only, and remember I did not say Gentiles, so don’t, don’t think I said the Gentiles. And, as you heard me say a lotta times, it’s not, not a Bible reading contest. And we haven’t got time trying to teach you something and we stop and listen to a whole lotta stupidity and ignorance. Let’s clear, let’s try to clear up some of it now. Now, read, whoever has it, read out loud and clear.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which stood only in meats and drink, and divers washings,6 DR. KINLEY: Go up further there, Dr. Harris. Now, you listen. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which was a figure for the time then present, DR. KINLEY: If you go on up and pick up the subject and come on down and get the predicate there. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The Holy Ghost this signifying, DR. KINLEY: Now, listen, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost, I said the Holy Ghost this signified. All right, read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that the way into the holiest of all DR. KINLEY: that the way into the holiest of all or into the Most Holy Place, that’s within the second veil… All right, read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: was not yet made manifest,

DR. KINLEY: Now, it wasn’t revealed while the first Tabernacle was yet standing. Now, if it wasn’t revealed at that time, could you expect the people to understand. ___________________________

6 Hebrews 9:10

STUDENT BODY: No. DR. KINLEY: See that now? When it wasn’t revealed, there was no way for ’em to understand it. You get it? All right. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which was a figure for the time then present,

DR. KINLEY: Which was a figure… Now, I want you to get this straight. Which was a figure for the time then present. Now, when I say, Freddy, for the time then present, I don’t mean it is for the present time. It was under the dispensation of the Law, before Jesus Christ was crucified, before the Law was fulfilled. It couldn’t pass, so it was for the time then present. Now, here’s what we have done, we have mixed it all up with this time over here, and confused it. For the time then present… All right. Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, DR. KINLEY: in which was offered both gifts and sacrifices, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that could not make him DR. KINLEY: that could not make him DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that did the service perfect, DR. KINLEY: as pertaining to the conscience. Read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which stood only in meats

DR. KINLEY: Now, I want you to get this straight now. I want you to get this straight, get, get straight once and for all. You understand me now? Let’s don’t let this thing happen no more. Let’s don’t come up ignorant about it. Let’s don’t come up stupid about it. Let’s don’t blaspheme God about it. Am I making it clear? Which stood 0 N L Y, in meats and drinks, and diverse washings, and carnal ordinances. Now you get that, Freddie?


DR. KINLEY: You sure you got it, Freddy?


DR. KINLEY: All right. …in which was offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him perfect as pertaining to the conscience, which stood only in meats and drinks, and diverse washings, and carnal ordinances. Now, that makes me have to explain this to you. Now it forces me up to it, it drives me up to it. I have no other alternative.

Now I have to tell you what are carnal… What’s the word carnal means? And I have to tell you what the word ordinance means. Now I have to tell you that. Apparently, the world out there has not learned it. And the reason.., and, and, and because they have not learned it that means that they are ignorant, and that also means that they’ve blasphemed against God. Why are they ignorant, because they have not learned, I could tell you ____ about that. Now, the word carnal means… What does it mean?

STUDENT BODY: Natural. Worldly. Sensual.

DR. KINLEY: Worldly, the natural, sensual, death, physical… Now, let’s, let’s, let’s clear it up. Now ordinance means… What does that mean?

STUDENT BODY: Ceremonies. Rites. DR. KINLEY: No, that didn’t ____ now. You have to answer me. STUDENT BODY: Law.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Ordinance means a law. Now, somebody said,’Well now, what’s the necessity of all of that?’ Now here’s how the world got in trouble. To show you. Back here in the Garden of Eden where this mess started, the third chapter of Genesis, you will find there that God had given Adam and Eve a law. And He told them that they could eat of all of the fruit of the trees or eat of all of the trees in the Garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And they must not touch it or eat of it. Now, listen to what I wanna tell you. That is a carnal ordinance. That’s a natural, physical body that Adam and Eve had. The fruit of those trees in that Garden, which was to sustain and to nourish that physical body, it was, those were, that was natural. Now, that was natural, that was physical, that was worldly, that was carnal, (Are you following me, now?) ordinance given to a natural man, a natural fruit, a natural man, a carnal ordinance. Now, what did I say that for? I said that to let you know that the carnal ordinances which God gave Israel were just as natural, just as physical. The giving of the Passover, ____ ____ ____ and all of those feasts, and everything that they dealt with, was dealing with that physical body, foot washings, eating of the lamb, the goat, the bullock, the heifer. Now, every bit of it was carnal, carnal ordinance, given to a carnal man. Now, that’s why you have to go back, you have to go back to the Law. Now, we said to the Law and to the Testimony. Now, you have to go back to the Law. You have to go back to that Law that was given to Adam. Have to go back to that Law that was given to Israel. And that law that was given to Adam and Eve stood only… And that Law that was given to Israel stood only… Now, am I getting over to you? Now, God always takes special pains. I said special pains. Now, He told Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of that tree. He didn’t let ’em go and eat of the fruit of the tree, and then tell them,’You ought not to have done that.’ He told them up front, didn’t He? Get it now? So, there must be consequences if you eat of it. Now, here comes along the Devil in the 3rd chapter of Genesis. Read.

READER: Now the serpent DR. KINLEY: Now the serpent READER: was more subtle DR. KINLEY: was more subtle READER: than any beast of the field

DR. KINLEY: or keen, deceptive. Now, let me get this straight so that you can see what I’m talking about. Now the reason… Now, a lotta people haven’t never considered what you just read. They just read,’Now the serpent was more subtle that any beast of the field which the Lord God had created.’ Now, I got to go up and show you in revelation, revelations means revealed. Now, I got to show you where that serpent come from. Now, that serpent was not a serpent. Serpent like a earthly man was, like a earthly beasts that the Lord had created from the earth in other words, the serpent wasn’t made from the earth, as was the man and the beasts of the field. But he was more subtle… And the Lord made him too but he was more subtle in the position which he was created than the man or any of the beasts of the field which the Lord God had made. Now, I want you to know where the serpent come from, and I wanna make sure that we pinpoint it. All right, read, Dr. Harris. Where are you reading?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Twelfth chapter of Revelations. DR. KINLEY: Now, he’s reading in the 12th chapter of Revelations. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: …seventh verse. DR. KINLEY: Now, he’s reading the 7th verse of the 12th chapter of Revelations. All right, read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: There was war in heaven: DR. KINLEY: And there was war in heaven. Now, you see where that is. There was war in heaven: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Michael and his angels fought DR. KINLEY: Michael and his angels fought DR. ROBERT HARRIS: against the dragon; DR. KINLEY: against the dragon; DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and the dragon fought and his angels, DR. KINLEY: and the dragon fought and his angels, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and prevailed not; DR. KINLEY: and prevailed not; DR. ROBERT HARRIS: neither was their place found any more in heaven DR. KINLEY: neither was their place found any more in heaven DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the great dragon was cast out, DR. KINLEY: And the great dragon was cast out of heaven, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that old serpent DR. KINLEY: that old serpent, called what? DR. ROBERT HARRIS: called the Devil, and Satan,

DR. KINLEY: I said the old serpent. Now that’s where I’m at. Serpent! Now the serpent was more subtle than any of the beasts of the field. That old serpent which was created in the realm of heaven, was more subtle than the man or any of the beasts of the field which the Lord God had made. Now, have I got that over?

STUDENT BODY: Yes. DR. KINLEY: Now, you just read that he was cast out of heaven. All right, read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which deceiveth the whole world: DR. KINLEY: Now, which deceiveth the whole world DR. ROBERT HARRIS: he was cast out into the earth, DR. KINLEY: he was cast out into the earth, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and his angels were cast out with him.

DR. KINLEY: and his angels were cast out with him. Now listen, let me tell you, before I get to it. Let me tell you, before I get to it, Freddy. I wanna make it clear. I wanna make it plain. I don’t want no mistakes about it. I don’t want no speculation, no presuming about it. Now, that old serpent was cast out of heaven into the earth. That.., those satanic spirits were cast out of heaven into earth, and it was more subtle, more prudent, more cunning than any of the beasts of the field, which the Lord God had created. Now, follow me close. Follow me close. Now then, now that was the devil you said and his angles (angels?). Now here’s what I want you to see here. Now if he’s cast out into the earth… That’s what you said. But now, I want you to find him down here. I want you to locate him. Now Jude… Wait a minute. Jude 4. Now you all try to be quick cause time is passing rapidly.

READER: And the angels which kept not their first estate,7

DR. KINLEY: And the angels which kept not their first estate; that is, kept not the position in which they were created. Them angels which kept not their first estate, were what?

READER: but left their own habitation, DR. KINLEY: but left their own habitation, READER: he hath reserved in everlasting chains

DR. KINLEY: Now, he hath reserved in everlasting chains of darkness to the great day of judgment. Now, who’s, who’s reading there?

READER: Jude. DR. KINLEY: Now here’s Pete. See what he got to say about it.8 DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For if God spared not DR. KINLEY: For if God spared not the angels DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that sinned, DR. KINLEY: that sinned, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but cast them down to hell, DR. KINLEY: but, wait a minute. But cast them down to hell. Read DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and delivered them into chains of darkness,

DR. KINLEY: and delivered them into chains of darkness. Now, listen, chains of darkness. Chains of, chains of darkness. What did he say that for? Don’t you see that one dispensation and age is linked right with the other? But He delivered ’em into chains of darkness. Look, when Satan went to Eve out here, he’s cast down. There’s gonna be no conversion. You just might as well trying to quit convert the devil and his angels. That is not gonna happen. His final destiny, his doom is already fixed and sealed. Now, he’s cast down to hell and reserved in chains of darkness. Now, you see where he’s cast down to? Do you see that?

STUDENT BODY: Yes! ____________________

7 Jude 6 8 II Peter 2:4

DR. KINLEY: You sure? Apparently the most of us have never seen it and haven’t never understood it. Now I’m gonna prove that to you too. All right, read, where you were in Peter there.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and to be reserved unto judgment;

DR. KINLEY: and to be reserved unto judgment. Now look, listen, you heard where he said he was cast down to. You heard where he said he come from. Now, when Jesus was here on earth, and He sent His disciples out, He sent them to cast out, out, to cast out devils or cast out them demons or them fallen angels. Out of who? Out of man or out of you. Now, you see that? They, if He sent them cast them out of men, can’t you see where hell is?


DR. KINLEY: Now, he was cast down to hell and reserved in chains of darkness, I said darkness or ignorance, and reserved there. But just let me tell you this. Him and all his ignorance is more subtle than ____. Get it now? You see that? All right. And then Jesus sent the disciples out to cast them out. And they went out and cast them out of men, and then they come back with joy.9 And Jesus said,’Now don’t rejoice because of this, but because your names are enrolled in heaven.’ That is to say, before Jesus was born in the world, God had chosen those apostles, and Jesus knew them when He come along, just like He knew those devils, He said, I beheld Satan fall from heaven as lightning, cast him down, when they were cast out. You remember that now? Well, He knew every last one of them devils, for there was a devil in a man. He also knew the spirit that was in Peter and the twelve that were chosen. They were chosen before the foundation of the world. Now, are you up to date so far? You up to date?

Now then, if you’re up to date, now they’re bound in everlasting chains of darkness. Now, let me get the darkness straight insofar as the purpose of God is concerned, which God has kept hid within Himself until it was revealed by the Holy Ghost.

Now we are, let’s see where we are. Let’s see where we are now. Now, we’re coming back here: to the Law and to the prophecy. Now, if, this is what you have to do. Might have to do this. I’m talking about the ministers. I’m talking about the ministers. Now, for the ministry to know whereof they speak as of now, they have to go back here to the Law, and see about these feasts, and these Passovers, and this Law that was given to Israel back there, that carnal ordinance. They have to come back here to this Garden of Eden, which is right here, got to come back here to this Garden of Eden and see about that law that was given to Adam and Eve. Now you have to come back here. Now, listen. Listen. Because that Law and the prophecy had to cor.., one confirmed the other. There wasn’t anything in the Law but what had, necessary for, to be confirmed by the prophets. Now if, when the prophets spoke, (listen now) when the prophets spoke under the dispensation of the Law out of harmony with what was concealed in the Law, he _____________________

9 Luke 10:17-20

was a false prophet. You get the point?

Now let me see if I can show that to you. Now, the Law said, just let me point out some specifics, the Law said, Moses said, Moses said in Deuteronomy, ‘A prophet shall the Lord thy God raise up unto thee, like unto me, him shall ye hear.’10 That’s the Law. Now when Isaiah prophesied, he better prophesy in harmony with them, if he don’t, he’s a liar; therefore he had to say, a virgin shall conceive, and bring forth a son, And thou shall call His name Immanuel.11 So then that means I have to go back to that Law, and I got to go back to that prophesy to know what’s going on. you get it now?

Now, when Adam and Eve sinned back there in the garden, the woman, He who bruised the serpent’s head, signifying a redeemer. Then that’s got to be shown under the Law, got to be shown under the prophets, and I have to go back there. Now, if I follow that course or trend, then I am able to preach Christ without Matthew, without Mark, without Luke, without John, without the Acts of Apostles, without the Pauline epistles, and the Peterine epistles and John’s epistles. I got to be able to prove Him from the Law and from the, and from the prophets. Get the point? Now, now, now do you understand that?

Now if I’m not able to preach Him from the Law and from the prophecy, then I’m not able to preach Him there. But now what we are doing in our present day ministry, they read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and call all that the New Testament, and say, “Well, we’re not under the Law now, but we’re living under grace.’

But you have to go back to the Law, in, in order to find out what’s under grace, folks. Now, that’s why they say… Now, if they speak not according to this word, it’s because there’s no light in ’em.12 And I’m not talking about the present day ministry, I’m talking about them prophets under the Law. If they didn’t, if those prophets didn’t speak in harmony with what God gave in the Law, he was, he was out of harmony, cause you can’t give a Law expecting something, that, that the prophets, the same God in here will have to confirm it. What He’s given ’em is those natural, physical, carnal ordinances. Both of ’em, one has to come together in order to confirm the other one. You get it now? And that’s why you read in Isaiah 56:9-10. Read it! Now, I’ll get so I’ll hurry on here pretty soon, but I’ll have to get it straight first.

READER: All ye beasts of the field,


10 Deuteronomy 18:15

11 Isaiah 7:14

12 Isaiah 8:20

DR. KINLEY: All ye beasts… Now, you see the serpent was more subtle than any of the beasts. I said beasts of the field which the Lord God had created. Now, that’s heavenly creatures, Lucifer and his angels were more subtle than any of the beasts of the field which the Lord God had created. That’s why I said that you’re no match for him. And over there Isaiah prophesied, said the same things that you just read that he was more subtle. Isaiah said that. Now, Isaiah and he had to say that in order to confirm that which, what Moses wrote about. He said, when Lucifer was formed or he was made, God did what? Give him that ____, He made him do it. Put it inside and sewn within. God made him that way. That’s why he was more subtle than any of the beasts of the field. God made him that way. All right. Read on.

READER: All ye beasts of the field, DR. KINLEY: All ye beasts of the field… Hurry up, let me get this over folks, let me get this one point. All right, read on. READER: come to devour, DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: yea, all ye beasts in the forest. His watchmen are blind: DR. KINLEY: Now, his watchmen are blind! What blindfolded ’em? Read on. READER: they are ignorant, DR. KINLEY: Now, they’re ignorant. READER: they are all dumb dogs, DR. KINLEY: they are all dumb dogs, READER: they can not bark; DR. KINLEY: They can’t preach READER: sleeping, DR. KINLEY: They’re sleeping READER: lying down, DR. KINLEY: lying down, READER: loving to slumber. DR. KINLEY: loving to slumber. READER: Yea, they are greedy dogs DR. KINLEY: Yea, they are greedy dogs. READER: which can never have enough,

DR. KINLEY: which can never have enough. Now, what makes him so dumb, what makes him so wise, as Jesus said when He was ____,’If the blind lead the blind, they all fall in the ditch together.’ Now, the man has come along, talking about prophesying, was supposed to be watching for Israel… Now here’s his blindness, he didn’t know what them carnal ordinances reflected. That’s why he couldn’t speak in conjunction and confirmation to it. You get my point now? Couldn’t do it to save a soul. Because it was God that gave the Law, it was God in the prophet. And it is God calling the prophet to prophesy what is reflected in the Law. Therefore you have to go to the Law and you have to go to the prophets.


When Jeremiah said that the Lord said, about the New Covenant: After those days, I’ll make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Now, Freddy, I want, I want you to get this understood. As John said,’my little children, this is the last time.’ Now, get this understood. Jeremiah 31:31, God’s talking, talking through that prophet. After those days, saith the Lord. Now, let’s suppose it says ‘after what days.’ It don’t say that. All right. Now, if you’ll read it over in Hebrews, Paul tells you what days what it does talk of. What, what days Paul is talking about. Said that the first covenant which stood only in meats and drinks, (now listen at me) it stood only in meats and drinks and diverse washings and carnal ordinances (Listen to these words) imposed on them until the time of reformation. Now especially things performed by the Old Covenant. The reformation begun here at Pentecost. Now listen. Are you listening now? That’s why Jesus said,’Don’t think that I come to destroy the Law or the prophets, but I come to fulfill the Law and the prophets. And verily, verily, I say unto you, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass until it is all fulfilled.’ Now, when it’s all fulfilled, listen, let me repeat. Verily, verily, Matthew 5:17, think not that I come to destroy the Law or the prophets. Don’t think that. But I come to fulfill. And verily, verily, I say unto you, one jot and one tittle of it shall in no wise pass, until it is all fulfilled. Now, if, if you want to know, if you want to know what’s in the Law, what’s in the prophets, you’re certainly gonna have to go back there to that there, to find out; in other words, you’re gonna have to go to the Law and the prophets to find out. You have to go there to find out what’s being fulfilled, what’s being moved.

And in the l0th chapter of Hebrews, Paul is saying this… Now remember Hebrews is to the Jews. Said,’Now, sacrifices and burnt offerings thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared for me.’ Now, listen at me. This is actually giving the verse. ‘Then said I,’ you’ll find that in the prophecy,’then said I, lo I come in the volume of the book;’ or in other words, according to the Law and the prophecy, ‘as it is written of Me,’ already written. That was long before Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John was written. ‘Then said I, lo I come in the volume of the book, as Moses and the prophets have written of me, and I’m gonna fulfill every jot and every tittle, of what they have written of me.’

Now you don’t have no way to find out nothing about it unless you go back to the Law and to the prophets. Now you can’t begin at Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It ain’t all written in there. ‘Lo, I come…’ I’ll quote my words back over again, because I wouldn’t, I didn’t have, I didn’t have it called to… Read it. Lo, I come in the volume of the book, as it is written of me, to do Thy will, oh God. Listen, He’s taken away… I said He taketh away the first, that He might establish the second. Well now, you have to go back there and see what was under the Law, in order to see what’s moved out of the way or taken away. And He cannot establish the New Covenant until the Old is completely abolished, all of it, not some of it. Now this is, this is a hard lesson tonight to hear, it’s tough. And, and we been trying to preach it all along.

Suppose I say to you, ‘What are you doing washing feet?’ Well, ‘Yeah, I’m following in the footsteps of Jesus.’ Well if you don’t know what, that He was doing. Don’t you know foot washing was a carnal ordinance under the dispensation of the Law, and He fulfilled that. Every jot and every tittle of it was taken away. Now if you do that, then you’re not aware what was back there in the law where He told you to go. If you’re gonna baptize, you’re not aware of that. Get it? If you’re gonna eat Passovers, Lord Suppers, it’s just the same, you’re not aware of it. Why don’t you go back there and find out what it’s about? It’s a carnal ordinance.

Well now, can’t you see our ignorance and can’t you see our blasphemy? Can’t you see our denial? Can’t you see that you’re denying Christ. Can’t you see that?

Anytime a man comes up here with any carnal ordinance at all, I don’t care which one it is, it does not make any difference, He is denying that the Law is fulfilled that it was under the Law. And that’s what He is doing, fulfilling the Law. And one jot and one tittle of it will not pass until it’s all fulfilled, every bit of it. And it stood only in diverse washings and carnal ordinances, and it was given to Israel, and Jesus had come in and saying that one, saying that one jot or one tittle of it shall in no wise pass until it is all fulfilled. And then He said sacrifices and burnt offerings thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared for me. Then said I, lo, I come in the volume of the book, as it is written in the Law and the prophets it’s written, to do thy will, oh God,13 or in other words to fulfill what’s written in the Law and in the prophets. And then He taketh away the first, takes away all, not some but all of the old carnal ordinances that Israel practiced under the Law. Every last one of ’em: water baptism, foot washing, all of ’em.

Now the man, you heard him say right up here last Sunday, he said that, talking about Matthew and them, and then he said, ‘Now, that’s in the, that’s, that’s the New Testament teaching.’ No, sir, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is not New Testament teaching. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is a biography of Him, of the Messiah or God manifested in a physical body taking away the natural, and I’ll make an end of the Old Covenant and establishing the New Testament in your


13 Hebrews 10:6,7

heart and in your mind. And now, if you’re gonna try to stay with that one, then what you’re doing, you are denying that God removed ’em. You’re denying.

You said that Matthew 28:19, you said that Jesus said, go and baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son; and you said, in the water. Now, it can’t be both. Now, here’s the reason why it cannot be both, because water baptism, I don’t care what you say, but I’m gonna, I don’t care what you say. If water did wash… Water is literal. It’s natural. It’s physical. It’s carnal. Now, Christ couldn’t say that He had fulfilled, one and all, every jot and tittle. He couldn’t say that He had fulfilled, and that He come to do the will of the Father to take away the first and establish the, the new one, not like the old one I gave, in the day that I took ’em by the hand to lead ’em out of the… One is carnal, one is spiritual. One is natural and the other is spiritual.

The Law was a schoolmaster to bring us up to Christ. Christ is a quickening Spirit. 15th chapter of 1st, Paul said, it was written that the first man Adam was of the earth, earthly, but the second man Adam was the Lord from heaven, He was made a quickening spirit.

Now, brethren, my contention to you all along, ever since I have been preaching is, I tell you water baptism is no longer good. I’ll tell you that foot washing, as foot washing literally so, is no good. Lord Suppers or Passovers no good. What they call Lord’s Suppers, no. Offering up bullocks, and turtledoves, and heifers, or anything that was done literally so, or naturally so, was no good. It, it’s no good.

Now then, you say to me then, ‘Well, you’re all out of harmony with all the rest of the churches.’ Well now look, do you want me to be ignorant too, in order to stay in harmony with all them churches?

STUDENT BODY: No! DR. KINLEY: Do you want me to be ignorant and blaspheme against God, because that’s what the world is doing out there. STUDENT BODY: No. DR. KINLEY: Is that what you want me to do? STUDENT BODY: No.

DR. KINLEY: To merit your good favor and your good graces, and to have you speak well of me. Is that what you want me to do?


DR. KINLEY: I can’t do that. You see, Farley? Now, then, here’s another argument they come up with. Says,’ Now, you know that Philip baptized that Ethiopian eunuch down there in the water.’ Commanded the chariot to stand still and to go down there and baptize him, the Ethiopian eunuch, in water, physical, literal, and natural, carnal water. Yes, he did. Now I have never at no time tried to dispute it, and I dare you to try to dispute it, too.

And I don’t say that Peter did not attempt that, in the Acts of the Apostles, did not command the Gentiles in Cornelius’s household to be baptized. I did not dispute that. He did say that. What’s in the book, I don’t want to dispute it. I’m not trying to dispute that.

But I am telling you… Now, I don’t have to read that down there to know whether it’s any good or not. I don’t have to read the story, it’s clear to me. And it don’t make no difference to me whether he did or didn’t baptize. It just ain’t no good. It don’t make no difference if Peter did command him to be baptized in physical water, it’s no good. Anything natural is no good. Now, I don’t have to worry myself to death setting up all night, scrambling around in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and the Pauline epistles, and so forth and so on, to try to find out about it. I don’t have to do that. Try to remember chapters and verses, and what they said and wrote. I don’t have to be bothered with that, and confused with and messing with long ____ ____ ____. Get the point?

Now, let me show you something. Now, everybody that was… Now, you heard, you heard Dr. Yates read, everybody that was back under the Law… Suppose you read that, Leviticus 24:15 in the Bible.

READER: And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, DR. KINLEY: Now, this is God talking, and thou shall speak unto the children of Israel, READER: saying, DR. KINLEY: Moses… All right, what? READER: saying, DR. KINLEY: saying, READER: Whosoever curseth his God DR. KINLEY: Whosoever curseth his God READER: shall bear his sin. DR. KINLEY: shall bear his sin. If he curses God, he must bear his sin. All right. READER: and he that blasphemeth DR. KINLEY: and he that blasphemes READER: the name of the LORD, DR. KINLEY: that blasphemes the name of the LORD, READER: he shall surely be put to death. DR. KINLEY: Now, he shall surely be put to death. Read. READER: And all the congregation shall certainly stone him DR. KINLEY: And all the congregation shall stone him READER: and well as the stranger, DR. KINLEY: and well as the stranger, READER: as he that is born in the land DR. KINLEY: All right, read on. READER: when he blasphemes the name of the LORD, shall he be put to death. DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: And he that killeth any man shall, shall surely be put to death. DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: And he that killeth a beast shall make it good; DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: beast for beast. DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbor; as he hath done, DR. KINLEY: That’s a foul. Read. READER: so shall it be done to him. DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: Breach for breach, DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: eye for eye, DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: tooth for tooth: DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: as he hath caused a blemish in a man, DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: so shall it be done to him again. DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it: DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: and he that killeth a man, shall be put to death. DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: Ye shall… DR. KINLEY: Now, you see where my scriptures at, cause God said that thing. All right, read. READER: Ye shall have one manner of law, DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country: DR. KINLEY: Now, you see that? Read on. READER: for I am the LORD your God. DR. KINLEY: I am the LORD your God. Read! I haven’t… READER: And Moses spake to the children of Israel, DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: that they should bring forth him that had cursed out of the camp, DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: and stone him with stones. DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: And the children of Israel… DR. KINLEY: Now, Numbers 24, where Dr.Yates was out of. READER: 15:22. DR. KINLEY: 15… Numbers… Where are you reading? READER: 15:22 DR. KINLEY: Now, he’s recording. That’s the reason I was specifying that he had a question. Read. READER: And if ye have erred, DR. KINLEY: Now, if you have erred, READER: and not observed all these commands, DR. KINLEY: and not observed all these commands, READER: which the LORD hath spoken unto Moses, DR. KINLEY: which the LORD hath spoken unto Moses, READER: Even all that the LORD hath commanded you DR. KINLEY: Even all that the LORD hath commanded you READER: by the hand of Moses, DR. KINLEY: by the hand of Moses, READER: for the day that the LORD commanded Moses, DR. KINLEY: Yes, read, now. READER: and henceforward among your generations; DR. KINLEY: Uh huh. READER: Then it shall be, if ought be committed by ignorance

DR. KINLEY: Now when, now, if any, if ought be committed by ignorance. Didn’t know any better. You know kids playing around here getting into things. They didn’t know no better. God gave him teachers and instructors. Now if one did come up and he did it ignorantly. If he was; in other words, if he was blaspheming and did it ignorantly, he had a, he has a chance, because he was doing it ignorantly. You see the point?

Now, this, the ministry out here, that’s doing these things, is doing it ignorantly, and he is blaspheming, because he denies that Christ fulfilled all the natural and took it away so that the promise that God had made to Abraham could come of effect. And in that promise, God said, (now listen at me.) He promised to bless you by faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in what? Now if you, listen at me now. Now then, if you take Christ, Paul says in the 2nd chapter of Colossians, says, we are circumcised by Christ’s circumcision, we are buried with Him, buried with Him, and resurrected with Him (are you listening?) through the operation of the Spirit. Now look, let, let me go back over that, ____ ____ ____ all of that, believe in the purpose. You’re circumcised with the circumcision made without hands. Now, if you’re circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, and you’re buried, that’s without hands, and if you’re resurrected with Him, that is without hands.

Without hands. Now how do you get like that? When the gospel is preached that Messiah was born in Bethlehem of Judea, that He went through, fulfilling what was written in the Law and in the prophets. And when He bowed His head in the locks of His shoulders out there and gave up the ghost, died, and was planted in Joseph’s new tomb, and raised from the dead the third day, as Paul said in the 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians, according to the scriptures. Now, if you believe that, then you have got everything! You’ve got circumcised, you’ve got Him crucified, you’ve got Him buried, you’ve got raised, you got resurrected. And you’ve got the whole story! Now that’s the way it read. Ain’t that the way it reads right there in Colossians?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.


DR. KINLEY: If you don’t think… Now, the serp, serpent was more subtle… Let me get to this real quick before you go to sleep, some of you nodding around.

READER: …and a persecutor,14 DR. KINLEY: and a persecutor, READER: and injurious: DR. KINLEY: and an injurious PERSON: Read. READER: but I obtained mercy, DR. KINLEY: Now, he said, I obtained mercy… READER: because I did it ignorantly DR. KINLEY: because I did it ignorantly ________________________

14 I Timothy 1:13

READER: in unbelief.

DR. KINLEY: in unbelief. Now, I want you to see it clear. Now, here’s what I want you to see clearly, that all the, in the 8th chapter, and also in the 7th, Stephen was preaching. Yes, you better wake up, cause it you assume, he’s some where else not even thinking about it. Now, either be, either wake up, or go ahead on deceived, I’m doing my job!

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Whether you pay attention to it or not, I told you ____ ____. And I’m doing everything I know how to do picking out words! I’m trying to lead you step a time. Help you, so that you can comprehend and see what the trouble is, so you can rescue yourself or as Peter said save yourself from the untoward generation. Now, in the eighth chapter of Acts of Apostles, this man Saul of Tarsus, whose name was changed to Paul. Read it!

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And Saul was consenting unto his death. DR. KINLEY: Now, this is Stephen, and Paul was consenting unto his death. Read! DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And at that time there was a great persecution

DR. KINLEY: And at that time there was a great persecution. Didn’t you see that he just got done telling Timothy ____ ____ He was a persecutor? All right, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: against the church which was at Jerusalem; DR. KINLEY: against the church which was at Jerusalem; DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and they were all scattered abroad DR. KINLEY: and they were all scattered abroad DR. ROBERT HARRIS: throughout the regions of Judea DR. KINLEY: throughout the regions DR. ROBERT HARRIS: of Judea DR. KINLEY: of Judea DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and Samaria, DR. KINLEY: and Samaria, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: except the apostles.

DR. KINLEY: except the apostles. Now, the apostles never went nowhere. They stayed right there. Why don’t you see this? Now, Jesus told ’em, the disciples, after He’s resurrected from the dead and left His ____ ____ ____ ____. He told them eleven just before He ascended. He said, now you go back, and then you stay there, until you receive power from on high, and then you shall be witnesses unto Me in Judea, in Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth.15 And that is where they stayed, persecution or no persecution, they stayed there, them deacons, the seven, them deacons. And Paul come along there. And then they were scattered abroad. Philip went on to Samaria. Stephen. He’s scattered and is setting out, out yonder, and he was stoned to death. But now, what I’m saying, what I want you to see, Jesus Christ told, not Philip who baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, not Stephen who was put to death.

And this Apostle Paul that we’re talking about, he was Saul then, and he was a persecutor, he was an instigator of the persecution himself, and caused Philip and the deacons to be scattered, scattered out everything but… And he was a persecutor, and he was a blasphemer but he was doing it through ignorance! Yes, in ignorance…

But the apostles, they never went nowhere. Philip went down to Samaria, preached down there, left Samaria, met the Ethiopian eunuch and baptized him, and nobody in Samaria got the Holy Ghost until Peter and John went down. And the man who baptized, the Ethiopian eunuch, ____ ____ ____ ____. So, don’t you come up here and tell me about Philip going baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch. Don’t you tell me about Stephen, he wasn’t sent; he left there on account of, of persecution. He’s running!

And after Christ had risen from the dead, He hadn’t told Stephen, He hadn’t told none of ’em, some of them just scattered abroad, that John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. He hadn’t told them nothing like that. Told Peter and them that, I mean after He’s resurrected from the grave. He told them that they should be witnesses unto Him in Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth. Told them to go into all the world and preach the gospel.

And Peter and the eleven, they refused to stop preaching up there on the day of Pentecost.16 And they stopped doing their daily ministration, while they were preaching in Jerusalem, they ceased, they were stopped preaching the gospel in order to serve no tables; and therefore, they chose the jews, seven of them. And the reason why there was just seven is because there are seven days in a week. So they would have one for each day to serve tables. But they ain’t gonna quit preaching in order to serve tables; in other words, the people that was up there, they’re being served physical food, cause they done sold their possessions and laid them at the feet of the apostles. And Paul says… Peter says, I’m not gonna stop preaching in order to go around because of the widows and orphans were


15 Luke 24:49 16 Acts 6

neglected in the daily ministration. Look, but you look out ____ for them among them, but we ain’t got no time to be fooling with no carnal ordinances. ____ ____ ____. Get the point? Do you see that now?

That don’t say that Stephen and them didn’t have the Holy Ghost. But this is what, this is what Jesus had told them. When the, when them, I mean them eleven, when you get the Holy Ghost, I read it to you, said, ‘judge.’ You would receive of Him, and He’ll show it to you. That’s why Phil baptized the Ethiopian, cause the Holy Ghost didn’t tell him no different. Then he go and put him in the water. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he hadn’t put some more folks in water, that you don’t read about in the Bible.

But now, when Pete… I want you to see this clear. When Pete went to the Gentiles, seven years after, preached at Cornelius’s household. Peter commanded them to be baptized in the water! 10th chapter of Acts of Apostles. Now here’s what you wanna see. This is what you wanna see. We don’t wanna deny that Peter didn’t say for ’em to be baptized in water, the Gentiles. Now, that’s out of harmony with what’s in the scriptures back there, cause the Gentiles, they get it by faith, and they didn’t have none of them carnal ordinances, and neither did the Jews after Christ was out there and nailed to the cross. Now, now here’s what you wanna see.

Now in Matthew 28:19, Jesus told them, after He’d risen from the dead, go in all the world and preach the gospel (get this folks, get this straight, folks) to every creature. Now, a Gentile is almost a creature. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: Right! DR. KINLEY: You say he is. STUDENT BODY: Right.

DR. KINLEY: Now, that’s what Jesus told them to do, after He had risen from the dead, ‘Go and preach to every creature,’ that means Jew and Gentile. Now, here he is, come up here arguing and chewing the rag about Pete telling ’em to or telling them to be baptized. I said it was Pete’s stupidity. It was Pete’s ignorance. And listen, let me tell you this. It was intended, too. It wasn’t no accident that he makes that blunder. And it was a blunder. And he and all the rest of ’em said so. They admitted it was a blunder. Why can’t you read some other verses once in a while? Now, look here. In the 11th chapter, take the first verse. Now look, folks, Christ told them eleven to go in all the world to preach the gospel to every creature. Didn’t He tell them that? Did you ever read Matthew 28:19? Does that say that in your Bible?

Now the rest of ’em is up at Jerusalem, and Pete’s down there at Caesarea. Peter went from Joppa to Caesarea. Yes, I do, I know, I know everything I’m talk about. And I know it profoundly, too. And when Peter after commanding them to be baptized, you don’t read that the Holy Ghost told him better than that, until after you’ve read this here, this here in the 11th chapter, the first verse, on down and down through there. No sooner than Peter said for them to be baptized, the Holy Ghost, as said, that He’d bring all things to his remembrance just whatsoever He had said to them. And the Holy Ghost brought to his remembrance that John truly baptized, I told you John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.

That’s why it’s not God’s mistake, it’s Pete’s mistake. The Gent.., the Jew was baptized in water not the Holy Ghost. They were baptized before Christ died, in order that they might be baptized into His death! Now you can’t baptize nobody unto His death, because we’re preaching Christ is risen from the dead! That’s why the Jew was baptized before He died.

Then somebody said, ‘Well, look here, go get the 6th chapter of Romans! Know ye not, that so many of us that were baptized…’ Why don’t you look at what you’re reading? As many of ’em that were baptized, were baptized into His death. Says, ‘Well, ain’t I reading in the New Testament?’ No! And who’s he talking about them that was baptized? He’s talking about the Jews that were baptized at the baptism of repentance, before Christ died were baptized into His death, that they might be in the likeness of His resurrection.

Listen, you ain’t got a verse in the almanac, and it is just how ignorant and blasphemous, that’s what it is, because you’re denying. If you deny that Christ fulfilled all the natural and moved it out of the way, and you just done drag it back up in here, denying on the LORD God that brought you out in what you’re practicing.

Then you wanna blame it on Him, saying, ‘He said, go and baptize ’em in the water.’ He didn’t say no such a thing. Can’t say that, and that’s not written in the book. He said baptize them in the name, He didn’t say baptize them in the water. What do you mean? Luke explains it. Said you start right at Jerusalem, and preach that He’s the savior of the world, and, that He was God manifested in a body, that He did come in the name of the Father, that was Him, and they, which they can’t explain out there and there’s no salvation in none other. There wasn’t then and there isn’t now. Ain’t no salvation in nothing or nobody, but Jesus Christ, ____ the Holy Ghost, ____ died up here on the cross.

In Matthew… Now I, here’s the thing I want to show you now., Want you to look right up here at me and watch. Now Paul, when he was blaspheming, when he was ignorant, and how he obtained mercy for persecuting the church, because they wouldn’t dib dabble in them carnal ordinances. They were saying that them apostles was wrong, because they wouldn’t keep the Law of Moses. They dib dabbled, they’d become.., Paul, let me put it this way. Early in the morning on the sixth day of June, that was the Feast of Pentecost. The apostles wouldn’t observe it. From that third age and that day came cause they received the Holy Ghost. And the Feast of Pentecost was the Feast of the First Fruits. And they were the first fruits themselves, and they’re not gonna eat anything out there, the first fruits, that day, and call theirselves keeping the Pentecost. They wouldn’t do it! The jews, they brought accusations against them, because they wouldn’t keep them carnal ordinances. That’s why Paul was out there jailing them and putting them to death, because they wouldn’t keep it. And he was doing it through ignorance and blasphemy, because they wouldn’t do it! And he said he was a blasphemer, said he was before a persecutor, and a blasphemer. Now, do you see that now? Well now, that’s driving you almost way back to this, eleventh chapter, and the first verse. I wanna show that first.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the apostles and brethren,

DR. KINLEY: And the apostles. Now listen, don’t lose the thought. I told you that the apostles, they stayed right at Jerusalem. They would not leave. They wouldn’t let them scatter. Did you read that, Dr. Harris?


DR. KINLEY: Now, Peter, ____ ____ ____ down in Joppa. Then he went from there, from Joppa to Caesarea, and from Caesarea, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____, went on back up to Jerusalem. And after he commanded Cornelius to be baptized. And don’t you forget, don’t overlook this, that Jesus told them to go and preach the gospel to every creature, that’s the Jew and the Gentile. Ain’t that right?

STUDENT BODY: Right. DR. KINLEY: You say that’s almost right? To baptize them in the name. Is that what he told them? STUDENT BODY: Yes! DR. KINLEY: You’re sure? STUDENT BODY: Yes!

DR. KINLEY: All right, now, yes Peter is down here at Cornelius’s house. While he yet spake, standing there preaching, the Holy Ghost fell on the Gentiles, before they got in any water. And then Peter commanded them to be baptized in the water. Whereas the Jew was baptized before, at John’s baptism, before he got the Holy Ghost, three years and one half year later came the day of Pentecost. And Pete says, that the Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles, as it was on us at Pentecost at the first. Isn’t that what the Bible says? And Peter commanded them to be baptized. Now here’s what he’s doing. He was taking them back to the roots. I don’t mean the roots of the Gentiles, either. I don’t mean that, either. I mean that he was taking them back to the roots of the Jews, the baptism of repentance. In that Law, before, before the Law was, God had made this promise to Abraham that in his seed, He would bless all the families, and it’s by faith in Jesus that you are blessed and not baptized. because all hands worshipping, and carrying on with them carnal ordinances, that’s all over with. All this, all this.., for with the heart the man believes unto righteousness, with the heart confession made unto salvation. What saith it? The WORD is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach.17


17 Romans 10:8

Now, here he’s standing here clowning around trying to put on a show there. This is no three-ring circus. Clowning around here. And look. That’s just exactly how the devil fooled sister Eve, eating that fruit there, that tree. Now, here he is, back here, again. Got you dib dabbling around in them natural things, which had been nailed to the cross, and fooling you, deceiving you.

Now, what you got, He commanded to be baptized, and Jesus did say go in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, Jew and Gentile. Now here’s Pete with the gentile. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. And here’s where Peter is gonna put them down in the water. Now remember He said that to all eleven of them. Judas, the reason why I said that, Judas was dead. And Paul hadn’t been called into the ministry yet. And he wasn’t counted in them up there. Now, look. Look, children. Look, you heard me say that you, and you agreed. Matthew 28, Jesus said that, He did say to them, ‘Go and preach to every creature.’ And I told you that Pete forgot. Hogan was just here arguing with me. He said he didn’t forget. Now, not only Pete forgot, the others did too. Now you do, you do agree that He told the eleven of ’em to go. Do you, do you agree to that, or do you want me to read it?

All right, now Peter went down to Cornelius’s house, and then he commanded ’em to be baptized, and right there is where the Holy Ghost brought it to his remembrance, that Jesus, what Jesus said to ’em after He had risen from the dead, before He ascended. John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized. And Jesus told him also go preach to every creature. He told him that? Isn’t that right? I’m asking you!


DR. KINLEY: Now, here’s Pete preaching own there, and when they get, they get the Holy Ghost before they got in the water, Pete’s buffaloed, and he commanded them to be baptized, I told you, I’m not trying to deny that in the water, too. And then, when Pete did that, then the Holy Ghost revealed it to him, cause He had told him that he would reveal it. Right were in the 11th chapter it says, then remembered I the words of the Lord, how that He said that John truly baptized with water. Now that’s where the thing was called to his remembrance.

Now look, here goes Pete, strutting on back up, strutting on back up yonder, him and the boys with him, go on back up in Judea, where the rest of them are. Read, Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the apostles and the brethren DR. KINLEY: And the apostles and brethren DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that were in Judea

DR. KINLEY: Now, Pete’s in Caesarea. Now, he’s gone on back up to Judea now, him and the boys. All right, here’s what happened?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: heard that the Gentiles DR. KINLEY: heard that the Gentiles DR. ROBERT HARRIS: had also received the word of God. DR. KINLEY: that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. Read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, DR. KINLEY: And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: they that were of the circumcision DR. KINLEY: they that were of the circumcision DR. ROBERT HARRIS: contended with him. DR. KINLEY: In other words, they that were of the circumcision contended with him. What about?

Dr. Harris: Saying, thou wentest in to men uncircumcised,

Dr. Kinley: You went into men uncircumcised or you went to the Gentiles. God told him to go. God sent him to go to the gentiles over there. Now here he is back up there with them, and now they’re blaming him not only for baptizing if you want, you want to talk about, they’re just blaming him for going down there in the first place.


Dr. Kinley: Rehearse, hasten here! When you rehearse a thing, you go back to the start of it. Peter rehearsed it. Rehearsed the whole thing! And in rehearsing, he went back, back to Joppa and explained it on down, and he’ll get at going down to Cornelius’s household. And he explained what happened down there. He explained what happened and he rehearsed the whole matter and how he, how had tell ’em to be baptized in water and all. He rehearsed the whole thing. And then he said the Holy Ghost brought it to his remembrance.

Now, what the devil is doing, he’s trying to push this thing off on you by getting you in the water. And I told you it was nailed to the cross out there. Now, when he does that, he’s doing it through ignorance, and in that, he is blaspheming. He’s bringing a type that’s dead and buried. He hasn’t resurrected from the dead. We’re not preaching that kind of a thing. You see it? See how you blaspheme through ignorance? Do you see it now?

Washing feet, ignorance; it was in the Law. Moses washing with Aaron, Nadab and… And not only him, all of the rest of the priests there, all of them ____ ____ ____, in the Law. Now, dead popes, John and all this washing feet, I tell you it’s ignorance. And let me tell you this, I’m not coming up with! that decision on my own. I say that he is, that he is the Devil himself incarnated in a physical, same old Devil that told Eve to eat that natural back that is participating and indulging, and telling you to eat this natural. And it’s through your ignorance, through his ignorance, the deception. And look the church is the bride, the wife. And now what happened to Eve, Adam’s wife back there. The Devil deceived ’em. Then you have to admit that the Satanic part or the Devil was in him telling you to eat that thing, that natural thing with those carnal ordinances. And it’s through ignorance, and it is blasphemy! Now, do you get what I’m talking about?

Student Body: Yes!

Dr. Kinley: Every bit of it is blasphemy, blasphemy through ignorance. And this is in the dispensation of grace and faith, and now no participation in no carnal… God never said anything about any natural, carnal ordinances in this dispensation. And nobody can prove it.

Now, here’s what I wanna show you some more. Now, I want you to look at Revelations 2:9 and 10. And hurry up now,’cause my time is up.

Reader: I know thy works

Dr. Kinley: Says, I know thy works

Reader: and tribulations,

Dr. Kinley: and your tribulations,

Reader: but thou art rich

Dr. Kinley: but thou art rich

Reader: and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews,

Dr. Kinley: I know the blasphemy of them who say they are Jews.

Reader: and are not…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute. Did you see, I told you that Paul was a Jew from a tiny baby, and that he said himself that he persecuted, and he was an injurious person, and he was a blasphemer because he persecuted the church of God. Is that right? Is that what he said?

Student Body: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: And this is the man, this is the man himself that wrote that at all of the carnal ordinances… This is the man himself. Listen folks. Listen, don’t let this slip, these words are important. When Paul was smitten blind with them carnal ordinances that had been blinding people, that formed scales over his eyes. But, when he was smitten blind out there from that great illuminous psychological light, (I want you to listen at this.) said to the Jews and the gentiles, for I am determined not to know any thing at all among you, except Christ and Him crucified,18 unto the Jews a stumbling block, but unto the Greeks foolishness.19

Now, let me explain what he’s talking about. When he blind, he seen Christ. He saw Him in a vision. He said, last of all He saw him, as one born out of due season.20 Now, listen up. Now, that’s all he could see was Christ. Meaning this, the way He was putting them to death for not keeping the Law, circumcising under the Law. He seen that Christ fulfilled all of that, and that Christ was all of that, it all pointed to Him; therefore, he couldn’t see nothing else. Foot washing, he couldn’t see nothing else, but that washing of regeneration by God Himself in that body. He couldn’t see nothing else, he seen Him baptized into Jesus Christ death. He couldn’t see nothing, just couldn’t see nothing else! And he was determined that nothing that was back here, that was in this Bible, all of it pointed to Christ or to the Spirit. And he was determined for the circumcision; and he was determined that water baptism; he was determined that the suppers and all; he was determined that Christ was the end of the Law. And he couldn’t see nothing else! He couldn’t see no special practice, no rules, no regulations, or no foot washings. He was determined to see nothing else but Christ as a quickening spirit. And he just blundered. Yes, he’s blundered. And there’s many that did blunder, while he’s ____ them, and putting ’em to death because they wouldn’t keep them carnal ordinances out there.

And if you go back into history, you’ll find out that the Roman Catholic Church and the old Judaism jews back there, they’re the only ones that ever did in the history of the world, put anybody to death because they didn’t keep the Law, just like Paul put them to death until he was illuminated with the Holy Ghost. And that is what they’re doing out there. And that is what Protestantism is doing. And they’re doing it through ignorance and it’s blasphemy. Now, do you understand? Almost got this thing where you should be trying to catch on. Now they’re denying. I want you to read Jude now. Now, let’s be quick, cause it’s 10 o’clock now. Read. Jude. And I want you to go to Peter, too. And I wanna show that this same man, Pete, God had to bring him up to date and reveal it to him.

In the 2nd chapter, Peter said chiefly, chiefly, them that walk after the flesh in everybody you see, there, dib dabbling in carnal ordinances. And Peter said they’re walking after the flesh. Peter said they’re walking after the flesh, because of them Satanic spirits that’s incarnated in them physical bodies, got you indulging in that, participating in that, because they don’t know the Law and they don’t know the prophets! They don’t what’s done away with, and they’re bringing it on over here in this dispensation. And that’s through their ignorance, and through your ignorance, the blind lead the blind, and all fall in the ditch together. All right there,


18 I Corinthians 2:2

19 I Corinthians 1:23

20 I Corinthians 15:8

Dr. Harris, read.

Dr. Harris: Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ,

Dr. Kinley: Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ,

Dr. Harris: and brother of James,

Dr. Kinley: That is Jude, the brother of the apostle James. All right, read.

Dr. Harris: to them that are sanctified by God

Dr. Kinley: Now, to them that are sanctified, that’s for the Jews. Well all right. Read on.

Dr. Harris: and preserved in Jesus Christ,

Dr. Kinley: and preserved, and preserved, kept in Him, in Jesus Christ!! Won’t be no falling down, going back to confessions, and all that kind of jive and junk. No, he’s preserved, and he’s free and allowed to preach, and he’s sealed with the Holy Ghost until the day of redemption.21 But Satan is bound in everlasting chains of darkness, can’t be loosed unless God loosed him. Preserved in Jesus Christ. All right, read.

Dr. Harris: Mercy unto you,

Dr. Kinley: Mercy unto you,

Dr. Harris: and love, be multiplied.

Dr. Kinley: and more love be multiplied. I want you to see what he’s writing about now. Read.

Dr. Harris: Beloved, when I gave all diligence

Dr. Kinley: Beloved, when I gave all diligence. I was all worked up about it! I was serious about it. I gave all the diligence. All right.

Dr. Harris: to write unto you of the common salvation,

Dr. Kinley: to write unto you of the common salvation. The grace of God, that bringeth salvation, has appeared unto all men, teaching them to deny ungodliness and worldly lust, that they should live righteously and holy in His presence. The grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared unto all men, to the Jew and to the Gentiles or all men, teaching them that they should live godly, and soberly in this present world. All right, read.


21 Ephesians 1:13

Dr. Harris: It was needful for me to write

Dr. Kinley: Now it’s necessary for me to write. Now, look, now when he, he, come up on that idea. It was needful for me to write. Now, I wanna tell you why it’s needful for him to write. Don’t you remember? You’re… I told you in the 15th chapter of the Acts of Apostles. Do you remember that? When all of the apostles and the elders, all of them Pete included, every last one of ’em were on that, and the elders and that would include the elders when you speak about the elders then Stephen, not Stephen but Philip or the, and all the rest of ’em that had received the Holy Ghost back up there first. They were all the elders, the older brethren. They were called together into a conference up at Jerusalem.22 Well, what for? Was because there, some ____ both having ____ to keep the.., teaching them to keep the.., to be circumcised and keep the law. If you don’t believe it, I will read it.

And so now, the apostles and the elders come together up there at Jerusalem to consider that matter. For when Paul had been out there putting ’em to death, because they wouldn’t keep the Law, and they wouldn’t be circumcised, before he got the Holy Ghost. And now, they were quoting Moses of old time saying every day, every body anywhere, somebody standing out there talking about they had to be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses. And for that very thing, then they called together the council that’s up there, and had all the apostles and the elders up there to consider this matter: whether it was necessary for the Gentiles to be circumcised and to keep the Law of Moses. And say, why don’t you read

sometime? Peter and them while they was up there preaching and teaching about and holding a great conference about. They said it wasn’t necessary for them to be circumcised, and it wasn’t necessary for ’em to be circumcised, it wasn’t necessary for ’em to be baptized, it’s not necessary for them to eat no Lord’s Supper, it’s not necessary for them to put, keep anything that was under the dispensation of the Law, this circumcision worship.

They said, ‘Now, the things that are necessary, I’ll tell you about that: abstain from fornication, and abstain from things strangled, and abstain from drinking blood. Not as that lying bastard stands up here claiming to change a host and into, or transubs.., make it into actual blood and body of Christ, and does this: and telling you to drink, that, this is His blood. If it was blood, says here abstaining, don’t drink no blood. Folks, he’s just fooling you with those carnal… Now here they are, all of the apostles and elders together up there to consider the thing whether to be circumcised, circumcised eight days after birth. They gonna try to get you, to get circumcised. Don’t try nothing, go back and give them carnal things, don’t try nothing, don’t try to eat no crackers, don’t try, don’t try to fool with none of it, none of them carnal ordinances at all, until you’re gonna do it all. Don’t try picking out water baptism, picking out Lord’s Supper, picking out foot washing, and say he’s clean. Are the one’s that’s drug over here in this dispen… Don’t do that. See you got get circumcised, then, then if you get circumcised, Paul said to the Gentiles in the 3rd chapter of John verily, I Paul say unto you, if you be circumcised it shall profit you nothing. You don’t need it now. Says you was baptized on into the spirit with the uncircumcision of your flesh. Christ has broken


22 Acts 15

down that middle wall of partition and made us both the jew and the gentile sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. It’s nothing but a lotta stupidity and ignorance out here, and the ministry’s at fault. Alright, read on.

Dr. Harris: and exhort you that you should earnestly contend

Dr. Kinley: Now pay attention, that’s what Peter is warning, Jude said it’s necessary, it’s necessary for me to write unto you about the common salvation and exhort ____ ____ ____, that you should, what are you doing? That you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. ____ ____ ____ The faith which was once… Now he didn’t say once through the law. He said for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints, that you should earnestly contend. He’s writing to the Jews and he said you should earnestly contend for the faith which once delivered unto the saints. Read on.

Dr. Harris: For there are certain men

Dr. Kinley: For there are certain men, them Satanic spirits, they’ll try to tell you how you ought to eat. ____ ____ ____ works crept in unaware. Is that what you got in there? Read it, Dr. Harris.

Dr. Harris: who were before

Dr. Kinley: who were before of old, way back, that was cast out, coming on down incarnated in these physical bodies, posing as all the prophets and priests and apostles and authorities. He said, ‘Look it, they’ve just crept in, crept in, crept in unawares.’ You wasn’t noticing ____ ____. And you was just as caught with that bunch. Circumcision, you just weren’t able to catch them. Water bap…, water baptism, you haven’t been able to catch ’em in that foot washing. It’s cause he crept in unawares. You didn’t understand about it. You didn’t realize that all the carnal ordinances was nailed to the cross, took it out of the way. You didn’t realize that we’re not walking after the flesh, but now we’re after the spiritual side of it. You didn’t realize that Jesus said back there when He was talking to the Jews, listen, ‘God is Spirit and He seeketh such to worship Him in spirit and in truth.’ And now, the time would come when it wouldn’t be necessary for you to go up in a Mount Moriah. Said the true worshippers shall worship in God in spirit and in truth. Ain’t that, didn’t Jesus said it? It was not necessary for you to go up the Mount of Moriah, where the temple set up there on Mount Moriah. You know just as well as I do, and you don’t even need no penny. And it’s not necessary for you to go to Rome. It’s not necessary for you to go to mass. It’s not necessary for you to go to Rome. It ain’t necessary for you, you to go to washing. It ain’t necessary for you no where. Why? Because the true worshippers, they worship God in spirit and in truth, not the Pope and all and something else. Oh, but it’s needful for me to write unto you and exhort that you should earnestly contend, earnestly, dogmatic in the spirit. Exhort he said. That you should contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the… For there’s certain men crept in unawares, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, denying the only Lord God that brought them out of Egypt; that was incarnate in that physical body, when He walked around here on ear the fulfilling the law. You’re denying that He fulfilled it and moved it out of the way, and established the New Covenant. You’re denying. How are you denying? Because you’re practicing the things that was done under the Old… You’re practicing the things of a carnal mind and a carnal ordinance, I told you, work, work together. And you’re denying that only Lord God that’s brought you out or brought you out of ignorance that was incarnated in a physical body. They of old deny that only God that give them the first law back there upon Mount Sinai. You’re denying that He come in a physical body and fulfilled and moved it all out of the way. You’re running around here contending that you should be, that you should be baptized, that you should wash feet. And in that you’re doing through ignorance, because of the natural that’s been nailed to the cross. And we’re worshipping God, not with hands. Not any good, made by hands, sitting around out here on some street corners, but the true worshippers is worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. And brother if you ate anything natural, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. Another foundation can no man lay than that which is already laid. Let him take heed, watch out. Don’t you put nothing natural up on there, because if you do, you shall suffer loss, because the fire shall consume everyone of them laws and natural things that’s put upon it. Just like the priest that put on the offering, offered up here on. A fire shall consume, you’ll suffer loss. Don’t you put nothing natural up there. Don’t you put no water baptisms. Don’t you put no foot washings. Don’t you put none of it up here on this, because if you do, then you’ll suffer loss.

And another foundation can no man lay, than that which is already laid. And we are built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets, and Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone, in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth into a holy tabernacle in the Lord.23 What for? For a habitation of God through the spirit. Don’t you know that your body, that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and don’t you know that these being many are one spirit and one body. Don’t you know that you.., get that junk out of here. And then Paul says there in the Galatians, he that ministers unto you the spirit, does he do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Does he cast the rod on the brink. That’s what Paul is.., does he throw down the.., does he speak in even the natural things… No, No, said but he that ministers to you the spirit does he do it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith. Read on.

Dr. Harris: I will therefore put you in remembrance,

Dr. Kinley: I will, therefore… I want you to remember, to the Jews, to the Jews. All right, read on.

Dr. Harris: though ye once knew this,

Dr. Kinley: though ye once knew this,

Dr. Harris: how that the Lord, having saved the people…

Dr. Kinley: Right there. They once know it.


23 Ephesians 2:20, 21

Dr. Harris: out of the land of Egypt,

Dr. Kinley: That’s right. Read on.

Dr. Harris: afterward destroyed them that believed not.

Dr. Kinley: He destroyed them that believed not. Now you can just believe Him or not, that he did moved this… God incarnate, just believe Him. If you want to, take ____ ____ ____. Believe Him. And everything that you’re doing is in the natural.

But somebody said, ‘Well why did Paul baptize?’ Look, the man that baptized ’em, he didn’t baptize nobody but Jews. The same man said, ‘It’s no good.’ No good to the Jew, no good to the gentile. Don’t you believe he said it? If you don’t believe he said it, right in the 6th chapter of Acts.., of Hebrews, writing right to the jews. He said ‘Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let’s go onto perfection, not laying again the foundation for repentance.’ And John’s telling you there ain’t no ____ for the Lord back there. He said, ‘Well, you’ll have to go ____ ____ to Him whose got the Holy Ghost in there. When Christ is resurrected from the dead, he baptizes in the water over here. If you gonna preach that, then that’s sin. You just make him out a liar, and you’re doing it through ignorance. Because you think that you live in the dispensation of grace. And grace is this: the unmerited gift of God. You didn’t earn a thing. You didn’t get nowhere by washing nobody’s feet, and you know it yourself. Ain’t nobody ever been baptized but what didn’t know it, it didn’t do no good. In order to get as Paul said, ‘Brethren, I fault you, if you be circumcised, Christ hasn’t profited you, if you get wet, Christ hasn’t profited you a thing. And Paul didn’t baptize nobody but the Jews. And listen, ____ ____ ____ ____ ‘ What He baptize for?’ He said it’s lawful. All things are lawful. Then he goes into what is all things are expedient. Now here’s, here’s what I meant. He wouldn’t have stated Paul baptized Stephanas, Gaius and Crispus. Before he baptized ’em, he asked ’em, said.., about them being baptized and they said they were baptized unto John’s baptism. And you know good and well Paul wouldn’t have preached baptizing nobody in no water twice. You know better than that, don’t you?. Here he wasn’t trying to go and do what John done back there.

It’s so sad that the world hasn’t understood. Understand the reason Paul baptized. And that same man that baptized Gaius, Crispus, and Stephanas,24 that same man bap.., circumcised Timothy. And turned right around and said circum.., brethren, I fault, if you be circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. Now what he circumcised Timothy for, is so that Timothy would have influence with the Jews. What he baptized Stephanius (Stephanas?), and Gaius, and Crispus for was because they were up at Corinth. And the Lord told Paul not to leave Corinth, because he had many people there. And here Paul says in the first chapter of Corinthians, says that, here’s some of them saying, ‘Well, I’m of Paul,’ and another says, ‘Well, I’m of Cephas,’ and another says, ‘Well I’m of Christ,’ and Paul said, ‘Is Christ divided? I thank God that I didn’t baptize none of you but the household of Stephanas, Crispus, and Gaius.’ Out of all them people that the Lord told him not


24 I Corinthians 1:14-16

to leave. And he stayed there a year and a half, and he never baptized none of them. Ain’t that what it says there? He had many people there. And Paul ____ ____ ____, he baptized none. Now the reason for it is because, didn’t Christ send him to baptize. Well, if Christ didn’t send him to baptize in water, what do you think about Pete and them. Yet and still he sent them to baptize in water. Now, that don’t make sense, does it, without an explanation.

Preach in the Name, he that believeth on me, as the scriptures hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.25 That’s, that’s, thus spake He of Holy Ghost and all them boys preached the name of Christ by the Holy Ghost, and that was rivers of living water, not polluted and contaminated and stagnated water out here. Christ sent all eleven of ’em to preach that, that in His name, remission of sins should be preached, beginning at Jerusalem. Children, do you see why I labored so hard? And I exposed that stuff. I magnify my office. And I see that you’re surrounded with all this stuff out there, would you read just, just a little bit more for me. 13th chapter, I wanted, I just.., It wouldn’t be fair to send you out here. It would not be fair without pointing out them satanic spirits incarnated in them physical bodies. It wouldn’t be fair. Remember I told you this, cast ’em down to hell, bound in chains of darkness. Remember, I told you where hell was, right in here. Remember I told you you couldn’t convert ’em. They’re gonna… And if it wasn’t so, then here’s Jude saying it’s necessary for me to write unto you and exhort that you earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints, for there are certain men crept in unawares, they’re turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, denying the only Lord God that brought them out,. And Paul went on to show how the Lord brought ’em out of Egypt and afterward destroyed them that believed not, just like He poured out the Holy Ghost there according to his promise on the Day of Pentecost. According to His promise, if he would believe. Some of ’em haven’t believed. But Paul said, ‘What if some don’t believe, does that make the Word of God of none effect?’ All right, read on a little bit further, Dr. Harris, 13th chapter of Revelations. I’m, I’m gonna quit quick when I do quit, but I just wanna show you this.

Dr. Harris: And I stood upon the sand of the sea…

Dr. Kinley: No, I’m talking about Jude.

Dr. Harris: And the angels that kept not their first estate,26

Dr. Kinley: Yes.

Dr. Harris: but left their own habitation,

Dr. Kinley: but left their own habitation,

Dr. Harris: he hath reserved in everlasting chains


25 John 7:38

26 Jude 7

Dr. Kinley: They ain’t, they ain’t gonna, you can.., you can, they ain’t gonna believe, setting up here in the Roman Catholic Church, Protestant church. They’re reserved. They were ordained to carry out that stuff, and to creep in unawares, and take them natural things and deceive you with ’em. You see how it started back there in the apple back there in the Garden of Eden, and bananas, and first one thing and another. You see how it started. You see what Satan told Eve back there; the Lord God knows better than that. Satan told her, ‘If you eat that stuff, you’ll become wise, and be as gods.’ Deceived the woman, fooled the woman with it. Well, the church is the woman, and Satan here is fooling you with all of these natural things. The same thing that was down under the Law. Do you see what I’m talking about? Do you understand?

Student Body: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: Now that is blasphemy. It’s denying that Christ fulfilled all of these natural thing. It’s open blasphemy. And now Paul was doing that, because they wouldn’t keep them, put them in jail, and do anything else. And up before King Agrippa, Felix, and Festus, he said, said, ‘I count myself happy,’ when he was up there, ‘that I’m permitted to speak for myself touching all things that I’m accused of of the Jews. And he was happy to be setting with that ball and chain. And he begin right there with the law, preached the law and the prophets to them. And he preached He fulfilled. Festus said, ‘You’re mad, you’re beside yourself.’ And the king said, ‘You almost persuaded me, you almost convinced me, you almost persuaded me to be a Christian.’ Yes indeed, but Paul didn’t practice none of those things.

And listen, I wanna tell you this, before I set down. I want you to take a look at the Pauline epistles and read them. And you, you, you try to find any place in any of the epistles where Paul ever taught anybody anything about doing anything natural. They are not in his epistles, you cannot read it out of them. And don’t you confuse history with doctrine. Do you see what I’m talking about? Don’t you do that. All right, now, let’s, just a little further and we go home.

Dr. Harris: Even as Sodom and Gomorrah,

Dr. Kinley: Even as Sodom and Gomorrah,

Dr. Harris: and the cities about them

Dr. Kinley: and the cities about them

Dr. Harris: in like manner,

Dr. Kinley: Yes, read on.

Dr. Harris: giving themselves over to fornication,

Dr. Kinley: giving themselves over to fornication,

Dr. Harris: and going after strange flesh,

Dr. Kinley: and going after strange flesh. Now, doc, now I’m fixing to take a shortcut here. And it’s because I want to, I want to get Peter too. And take a shortcut. Now, I want you to see what he’s talking about. You’ll find down there with the Jews, that didn’t have the Holy Ghost, and was doing them carnal ordinances. And what he says about them, ‘Chiefly they which walk after the flesh.’ Did you find it?

Dr. Freddy Allen, Jr.: You want 2nd Peter?

Dr. Kinley: I’m after Jude now first, cause he’s in Jude. Then we’ll get Peter, 2nd Peter. And I wanna show you that that is what they’re talking about, talking about this Devil, got ’em going around here, after the flesh, walking after flesh, I mean keeping carnal ordinances. These are the ones who crept in unawares. Alright now, you got it?

Dr. Harris: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: All right, read.

Dr. Harris: But these speak evil of those things

Dr. Kinley: But these speak evil of those things

Dr. Harris: which they know not:

Dr. Kinley: which they know not. That, that you’d know, they do not know that that Passover down there pointed to Christ, He was our Passover, and that He is a quickening spirit. And they speak evil of it by saying that you take that natural thing. They speak evil of it. And they’re saying that Christ told you to do that. They speak evil. They deny. All right, read on.

Dr. Harris: but what they know naturally,

Dr. Kinley: But now you see that? Didn’t I just get through telling you that? But what they know naturally… I told you he knows natural, I told you carnal. Look, I explained about what they know naturally. You can’t deny it to save your soul. You just can’t do it. You can’t afford to stand up in God’s face and say that that ain’t what they’re doing out there in these churches. Said they know naturally so. Read on.

Dr. Harris: brute beasts.

Dr. Kinley: Now, look. Look. Look at what I’m up to here. Look, I’m calling your attention back to it now. Their sole purpose, which was cast out of the heaven. And just like one that doesn’t have the Holy Ghost at all, what they know naturally so… Jesus fulfilled all the natural things, but they speak evil of things which they know not.

They don’t know that the Law pointed to the spiritual things. They don’t know that the natural pointed to the spiritual, and that the natural physical body was nailed to the cross. And we are, are the spiritual body of Christ. But they speak what they know naturally; just like Satan encouraged Eve to eat of that natural fruit back there, and transgress. But, what they know naturally… Never, the natural man, Paul says, the natural man receiveth not the things of God, because they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.’27 They speak of what they know naturally. All right, read.

Dr. Harris: in those things they corrupt themselves

Dr. Kinley: in those things they corrupt themselves. Read on.

Dr. Harris: Woe unto them!

Dr. Kinley: Woe unto them!!

Dr. Harris: for they are gone in the way of Cain,

Dr. Kinley: they are gone in the way of Cain… They are murderers. They are murderers. Murderers on top of it; just like Paul when he was a blasphemer, murdering Jews. That’s cause he didn’t have no Holy Ghost. Just murderers. Them are murderers standing up there doing that. They have gone the way of Cain, and they… Read.

Dr. Harris: and ran greedily after the error of Balaam

Dr. Kinley: and that you’ve ran greedily after the error of Balaam the prophet, that’s up offering path of stumbling stones in the way of Israel, them stumbling stones. All right, read on.

Dr. Harris: and perished in the gainsaying of Korah.

Dr. Kinley: and perished in the gain.., perished in the gainsaying of Korah. All right, read on.

Dr. Harris: These are spots in your feasts of charity,

Dr. Kinley: Now, these are spots in your feasts of charity. Every last one, they’re spots in your feasts of charity. All right, read.

Dr. Harris: when they feast with you,

Dr. Kinley: when they feast with you,

Dr. Harris: feeding themselves without fear:


27 I Corinthians 2:14

Dr. Kinley: feeding themselves without fear:

Dr. Harris: clouds they are without water

Dr. Kinley: clouds they are… without what?

Dr. Harris: water

Dr. Kinley: No water. No Holy Ghost. You remember that we quoted it here, and we said, to the Law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it’s because there is no light or no Holy Ghost. They are clouds without water, there ain’t no Holy Ghost in them. Now sometimes, they’ll be crying, and carrying on, whooping and hollering: ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ah, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. Said, they are wells and clouds without any water, cause if he was, let him speak according to the Law and the Prophets. You have to see that all the natural things that you indulge in, in the physical, and not be the well without water. You have to know what’s under the Law. Study to know what’s under the Law, know what the prophet says, so that you’ll see what’s past the law and nailed to the cross, the natural man. Don’t be a well without any water, or the cloud without any water. Just ain’t, just ain’t no water. Now, you try to make some there if you want to, but just ain’t none there. All right, read on.

Dr. Harris: carried about of winds;

Dr. Kinley: carried about with every wind… Every time you turn around, ‘How do you like going somewhere?’ ‘Well I’ll go there in that church, I love it, I told her I was invited down, I mean the church right here.’ Carried about by every wind, blowing around here to the Church of Christ. Blowing, run around yonder to the Roman Catholic Church. Blowing around yonder to some of the Protestant churches. They say, ‘We ought to get together.’ Blowing around. Carried around by every wind of doctrines. But say when you understand, as I have told you, the journey’s over. You’ve reached the final destination. You park here for the duration.

Student Body: Yes! That’s right.

Dr. Kinley: No more blowing around out there. All right, read on.

Dr. Harris: trees whose fruit withereth,

Dr. Kinley: trees whose fruit withereth,

Dr. Harris: without fruit,

Dr. Kinley: without fruit. They have no fruit of the Spirit. Now, the trees back there in the Garden of Eden, they symbolized the fruit of the Spirit. But they are trees without any fruit. All right.

Dr. Harris: twice dead,

Dr. Kinley: twice dead… He was dead under the.., just disobedient all the way through, them Satanic spirits. Dead, twice dead. Dead under the Antediluvian, dead under the Postdiluvian, dead under the dispensation of the Law, dead under… twice dead! Pulled up by the roots. Now Jude, he’s laying it in there on them. Twice dead. Plucked up by the roots. Read on.

Dr. Harris: Raging waves of the sea,

Dr. Kinley: Raging waves of the sea… You know how the waves go when the wind blows, they’re as winds of doctrine. Blah, blah, blah. Hurls great big waves up yonder, turbulent and unsafe, because ____ ____ under the force out there of some of ’em out there. And Jesus said, peace be still. Raging waves of the sea. Even the ____ ____ ____ ____ and the waves roar and be coming up, winds blowing and carrying on, great storm and a tempest, all that rain and showers. There ain’t nothing to it. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There ain’t a thing to that, just raging waves. Winds blowing. Read, Doc.

Dr. Harris: foaming out their own shame;

Dr. Kinley: foaming out of their own shame;

Dr. Harris: wandering stars,

Dr. Kinley: wandering stars… Remember this, how his tail drew the third part of the stars. They are wandering stars, and he run ’em right on down. ‘Oh, Jesus said.’ Wandering star.

Dr. Harris: to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.

Dr. Kinley: to whom is reserved the blackness and darkness for ever. You can just say, ‘Don’t you see? Don’t you see? Don’t…’ No, he don’t see. Look like to me that’s as plain as if you oughta see. Don’t you see? No, no. Well he’s reserved for that. He don’t come to the light cause he’s being reserved. He’s bound up there. And you can just preach til your head falls off. All right, read.

Dr. Harris: And Enoch also,

Dr. Kinley: And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these things, saying, Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of angels. I know what’s in that book. You don’t have to read it to me, just to find out what is in it. All right.

Dr. Harris: To execute judgement upon all,

Dr. Kinley: Uh huh,

Dr. Harris: and to convince, and, and to convince all that are ungodly

Dr. Kinley: Now, con, to convince all that are ungodly. Now, I’ve been trying to say around here and tell you all the time that there was ungodly men. ‘Are you telling me, it’s my pastor? I don’t think you got any business, talking about me and my religion. There was such a man, he was one.’ Now ain’t that the way you acted? Ain’t that the way you carried on? And you’d do well to not get punched in the mouth. ‘You mean to tell me, as holy as he is, and all that kinda thing?’ When you address Pope Paul, you must address him as ‘His holiness, the Pope.’ Now is that right?

Student Body: That’s right. Yes!

Dr. Kinley: Now, you wanna know what Isaiah says about our righteousness. Says all of our holiness is as filthy rags.28 You and your holiness. But now look, he must be of that natural. And Satan’s always taught you to bow and stoop to him. That’s his preaching to you and you can not get it out of him. Why? Because he’s reserved there. That reservation is already made; you don’t have to call and make none, they’re already made. All right, just a little further, Doc.

Dr. Harris: and to convince all that are ungodly among them

Dr. Kinley: and to convince all that are ungodly among them

Dr. Harris: of all their ungodly deeds

Dr. Kinley: of all their ungodly deeds to believe in something you’re committed of. All right, read.

Dr. Harris: which they have ungodly committed,

Dr. Kinley: which they have ungodly committed,

Dr. Harris: and of all their hard speeches

Dr. Kinley: and of all their hard speeches

Dr. Harris: which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

Dr. Kinley: which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. Now, you see what I’m talking about? And here I come trying my best to tell you. And here you wanna knock me in the mouth for it. And I told you time and time again, I’ve had my pants kicked for just the same as I’ve preached here to you tonight. Now, in Jude, somewhere there said that he was speaking of chiefly those that walk after the flesh.

Dr. Freddy Allen, Jr.: 2nd Peter, 2nd Peter 2:8.

Dr. Kinley: All right. Peter said practically the same thing. Cutting it short. Peter said practically the same thing that Jude did. Now, remember this is that man that was down there baptizing and… This is the same man.


28 Isaiah 64:6

Dr. Allen, Jr.: But chiefly them that

Dr. Kinley: Read.

Dr. Allen, Jr.: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh

Dr. Kinley: Get up above there a little bit, Freddy. Now, now read fast. I wanna go home.

Dr. LeSalle Williams: The Lord, the Lord knoweth how to deliver the

Dr. Kinley: Now, the Lord knows how to deliver the godly

Dr. Williams: the godly out of temptations

Dr. Kinley: the godly out of temptations. If you just listen at the voice of the Lord and to those whom He has sent, He’ll deliver you right on out of them because the Lord talking. Now listen, the 17th chapter of Revelations says this, the 18th chapter of Revelations. Babylon has become the cage of every foul and unclean spirit, in a cage of every foul and unclean spirit. And the Lord calls, come out of her my people, come on out of Babylon. Come out of confusion my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and receive not of her plagues. I’m trying to keep you from being confused about these natural things being over here. And you know Christendoom out there is confused about it. One says you oughta do it this way, another says you oughta do it that way. And the Papacy and all, they’re doing nothing else but them old natural things. They got two thousand four hundred and fourteen or more laws that they keep natural things that they keep and doing. Even now they’re walking around with a cross on their back and a crown on their head. Celebrating washing feet, and celebrating Passovers, celebrating feast days for Pete, celebrating feast days for Paul, celebrating… It’s just a constant thing. All of the natural things. And God is just, and Protestantism doing the same, and is God calling you out of participating in the works of the Law, cause carnal ordinances are nailed to the cross, and we are worshipping God in spirit and in truth. Understand? Do you all understand?

Student Body: Yes, yes.

Dr. Kinley: and all they’re doing is blaspheming God through their ignorance. Just a little further Freddy, because I want you to read… Do this up fast, because I want to go home myself.

Dr. Allen, Jr.: The Lord knoweth how to deliver the…

Dr. Kinley: Now, the Lord knows how to deliver the ungodly, the godly

Dr. Allen, Jr.: out of temptations,

Dr. Kinley: out of temptations,

Dr. Allen, Jr.: and to reserve the unjust

Dr. Kinley: and just to the what?

Dr. Allen, Jr.: and to reserve the unjust unto the

Dr. Kinley: He’ll do what?

Dr. Allen, Jr.: Reserve

Dr. Kinley: ____ ____ ____ ____. If he was saying preserve, I wasn’t gonna have that. But He knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation. He knows how to deliver you when Satan comes around tempting you with that. Now you wouldn’t get into it, cause you won’t be ignorant. They speak evil that, they who are ignorant, Satan by the works of damnation, you won’t take communion. What you’ve been doing. But, now, the Lord knows how to deliver you out of all that. Saying, ‘Just get out.’ He’ll get you out of it, for He knows how… God said, He’ll deliver you out of temptation. All right, read just a little further, Doc.

Dr. Allen, Jr.: and to reserve the unjust unto the day

Dr. Kinley: and to reserve the unjust until the day of judgment to be punished.

Dr. Allen, Jr.: But chiefly them that walk after

Dr. Kinley: Now, you see that? Didn’t I just get through telling you? Didn’t I just get through telling you that? Chiefly, they’re not doing nothing but just walking after the flesh. Chiefly they’re just walking after the flesh. Now, there’s that man that you talked about commanded Cornelius and them to be baptized. See he’s got his lesson learnt, supposed to be used to them. But chiefly them that walk after the flesh… Read on there, Doc.

Dr. Allen, Jr.: in the lust of uncleanness,

Dr. Kinley: in the lust of uncleanness,

Dr. Allen, Jr.: and despise government.

Dr. Kinley: and despise government… control of the government of the Holy Ghost. Read on.

Dr. Allen, Jr.: Presumptuous are they,

Dr. Kinley: They’re presumptuous! They don’t want me talking about it! I just got through telling you that!

Student Body: That’s right.

Dr. Allen, Jr.: selfwilled (self-willed?),

Dr. Kinley: selfwilled (self-willed?), bull headed, selfish, all of it, going on in it anyhow. ‘I’m going on into the kingdom of God.’ The first tabernacle stood only in meats and drinks and diverse washings, but the kingdom of God, 14th chapters of Romans, the 17th verse, the kingdom of God is not meats and drinks; but it’s righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. ‘But I’m going on in,’


‘I’m gonna eat it anyhow.’ Just stubborn, bullheaded. Ain’t that what you just got through reading?

Dr. Allen. Jr.: selfwilled (self-willed?)

Dr. Kinley: Selfwilled (self-willed?). Read on

Dr. Allen, Jr.: they are not afraid to speak evil

Dr. Kinley: they are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries. They’re not afraid to speak against me that’s preaching to you in the spirit. And on over in Jude they’re saying, they’re not only not afraid, they’ll cut my head off, and throw it at my body, as they have done in the past. You know the Roman Catholic Church has killed millions, and the Protestants, too. And they’re not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries, who that God has sent to preach. They’re not afraid of it!! Butcher you, just the same as you butcher a hog. All right, read on.

Dr. Allen. Jr.: Whereas angels,

Dr. Kinley: Whereas angels… Now you gone right back to them same old Satanic spirits, cause.


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