Lecture Given in Pine City, NY

Lecture given by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley in August 1969

Transcriber’s Notes

Transcribed by Beverly Allen

Submitted to the International Public Relations Committee,

March, 22, 2000 to be proofread.

Received back from International Public Relations Committee, 4/15/2000 for minor corrections. Corrected copy resubmitted 4/16/2000. Final letter of approval received May 30, 2000.

1. Pause words have been left out, unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley, such as: (ah, uh, see, you see, listen, listen close, you see what I mean, you follow, is that right, that’s right, you get it now, you get it, you get the point), hereby making it more easier to read with continuity of thought.

2. … indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.

3 —— indicates an inaudible word or syllable

4. [ ] Words in brackets are comments of the transcriber.

 [Opening Statement missing on this Tape]

DR. KINLEY: . . . and how to get into the Book to get some understanding. Now what we’re talking about is from Genesis to Revelations, beginning with the creation of course. Now you know this is 1490. And when we say 1490 we’ll take it like this: one thousand, 4, 9, 0, [Doc is writing on black board] now that’s 1490. Now then you see this is a opening of a millennium coming in from here, and then 490 years in the completion of this migratory or migration. Now migration means to move from one place to the other. Now what we want to do is, (now you might have to turn around there and show it in that book). Now here’s a book, and you’ll notice these arrows are all drawn out here. Now somebody’s gonna have to get Revelations, so you might as well get Revelations in the Bible and these pages here. Now you just kinda let them see what’s happening, or either you’ll just have to go around ’em.

Now this is no good, no parts of the Bible is no good unless it be proven and confirmed. Now it is sealed with seven seals. And if Moses actually saw the vision of the creation in the top of this mountain, Mt. Sinai, now he sees the earth surrounded by water. Now we have to put this chaosis in here on the account of this chaosis in here. Now this is the beginning of the migration, and this is the beginning of Moses’ vision. Now what he has, what he has here is nothing else but an experience that happened down here. Now that’s a practical experience, he was down there in that darkness and chaosis. And then another plague was poured out, we’ll just say for the sake of explanation, Egypt was devastated. She was in a chaotic state of devastation. Well now then that would bring it right back into this chaosis here, darkness. Now there won’t be no argument about this on the account of this down here. Now we have often said, and as John said, “That He was as a lamb slain before, or from the foundation of the earth.” Well now, you see, this is the foundation or the beginning of this migration, or this trip through here. Now the Red Sea formed one veil as you would have it… Well we’ll just use this: Now this is, this is the veil here, and this is another veil, the two veils. This division is like the Red Sea, and this would be like the River Jordan. This would be most holy place, the holy place, and this court here. See I’d better stress that point first there. And we have a sacrifice on that, and we have a sacrifice on this. Now then what we’re going to do to prove this thing is right, we’re just gonna move this right around up here. Now this is an actual experience that you have here in the slaying of that lamb and taking him out upon the 10th day of Nisan or Abib, which is April. Now we’re gonna move it right around up here, and He was as a lamb slain before the foundation of the earth. Now it’s no problem there, none whatsoever. Now then if Moses was in this mountain, and he sees this vision with the earth surrounded by water, as you… Now this is the vision we’re taking about, with darkness upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters. Now when we come to the Red Sea His spirit moved upon the face of the waters. Now if you noticed, you’ve got a little round ring here, black here; it’s light up here. Now a lot of people would wonder about “Now what’s, what’s that all about?” Well it was dark when Pharaoh was in pursuit here. Now it was darkness, that darkness divided between Pharaoh and the Red Sea, and on the other side the cloud was the light. Now somebody would say “Well now look, I don’t believe that; I just don’t believe that.” All right now, if it’s gonna be fulfilled, Yahshua the Messiah, well He’s the light of the world, He’s put in Joseph’s new tomb, and as the sun began to rise, as the sun begin to rise, dividing night and day or darkness and light, and it’s got to correlate with this back here. The tomb is just like being buried in the Red Sea here, and the sun begin to rise. Now look, that whole same thing has got to come right back down with the son, Adam, going down, and course we, we have it in the elementary chart there, and we tried to point it out. Mary you might have to get over here and help this man with, uh, find this stuff in the book. . .

DENNIS: That’s volume 2, page 43.

DR. KINLEY: Now what we’re, what we’re going to get after is this. We want to take the Bible from Genesis to Revelations and open these seals. I’m just gonna do it real quick, because if I do it any other way then you’re gonna be in trouble. And if I, if I just, you know, just kinda crack it open just a piece then you’ll see what it’s all about.

Now John could not die, he just could not die until he was on the Isle of Patmos to confirm what all happened back here, and the writings of Moses, and then the prophecy, the law, the types and the shadows. Now as we have told you, and we showed you in the book and pointed it all out. Now let’s get after this in this way. Now Moses sees Him in the mountain. Now I didn’t start at the burning bush. And the reason why I didn’t start at the burning bush, although it is in the book, you have it here on the chart, and I’m trying to expedite time and show you. Now if this is a mountain, and this mountain comes down and she’s an allegory, it’s just like the mountain in the sea here. Now the island’s surrounded by water, which is surrounded here in the vision of Moses by water. Now an island is surrounded by water, but it’s a mountain in the sea just like this, and it extends on up, (course we can’t show everything), it extended way on up out of the water, which you get the elevated state of Patmos, and it is in the Aegean Sea. And now we have taken and tried to put a chart in this book to show you, Dr. Gross has, I think it’s in the back of the book. I showed it to you a while ago Billy. Now the Aegean Sea will be in the chest cavity, which you’ll have to look at it now on the long chart. . .

MAN: You want the long one?

DR. KINLEY: No now, I’m just saying as it is, just saying how it’s in the book. Now this is what we wanna do. Now you’ll have to read the first chapter of Revelations.

DENNIS DROULARD: Patmos Doc, is 8 miles wide, I mean 8 miles long by 4 miles wide by 800 ft. high.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Now that’s the reason why I had to, I had to make that statement so that you could see that it was an island surrounded by water, and Moses said the earth was surrounded by water. And he’s seeing that vision in this mountain, and this is the mountain in the sea. Now read the first chapter of Revelations. I don’t care who read it just. . .

BILLY CARROL: King James, Holy Name?

DR. KINLEY: I don’t care where you read it, just Revelations! I mean I just want the first chapter of Revelations. We can fix all this here mess you got here, about Jesus and so forth and so on.

READER: The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, this is not the revelation of John. This is the Revelation of Yahshua the Messiah, (and you know how to fix them names) that who? Just repeat what you just said.

READER: the revelation of Yahshua the Messiah. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now this is the revelation of Yahshua the Messiah

READER: which Yahweh gave. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: unto him. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: to show unto His servant . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: things which must shortly come to pass. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and He sent. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and signified it by His angel. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: unto His servant John

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: who bare record of the word of Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: and of the testimony of Yahshua the Messiah

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: and of all things that he saw. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now this is, what he’s reading here is an introduction to tell you what the whole story is about. Now we haven’t got down to getting into the meat of it, but this is the introduction. And anytime you write a book, what you wanna do is to get in, get the story as much condensed as you possibly can do in the thesis, so that you want have to read the whole entire story in order to get some idea about it, what the contents of the book is. All right, read on. Read on.

READER: who bore record of the word of Yahweh, and of the testimony of Yahshua the Messiah. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: and of all things that he saw. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now this is, this is in the realm of eternity where he is going to have to see the vision. And if he’s in the realm of eternity where everything that Moses saw, that’s where Moses was, was in the realm of eternity, which means that the time was always at hand. And it stays at hand, it just don’t never get away from there, because everything is transpiring in the realm of eternity. But now we’ll go to work with our stupidity and colossal ignorance, we think that this is down here on earth, and everything is running down here and off of somewhere up in the sky, or out beyond the sky somewhere there’s a.., then that’s heaven, and that’s God’s throne and that’s where He is, and we’re down here, and He’s out there. Get the idea? A carnal mind is a terrible thing. All right read on.

READER: John to the seven assemblies. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now John to the seven assemblies. Now when you say seven assemblies it is just like saying seven days in the week. Now with them seven assemblies, when they’re all united as one, then that makes up the general assembly. Seven is complete. Now if you would break ’em on down and show how that it was, then you have a record of ’em where those seven assemblies were, Ephesus, and Philadelphia, and Sardis, and Pergamos, and so forth and so on that was in Asia Minor. Read on.

READER: John to the seven assemblies which are in Asia

DR. KINLEY: uh hum

READER: Grace be unto you. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and peace. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: from Him which is . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and which was. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and which is to come. . .

DR. KINLEY: And which is to come. Now let’s translate that right back over into this boy here, not in Moses. Now he is the one which is, and which was, and which is to come. Now this one here, he was even back in the Garden of Eden. Now you just don’t have that on your charts here. Now he was, he was in heaven and was cast out down here into the garden — he was, then he was not. What do you mean by that? When he died, then he was not. Then when that spirit continues on, and yet he is, which you will find it right in book there, Revelations, and yet he is. He was, and was not, and yet is. That’s what, that’s what is meant. Do you understand what I mean?

STUDENTS: Yes sir.

DR. KINLEY: All right. Now we want to get down and see what it’s all about. He told him there in the 2nd chapter what to write, and so forth and so on, but you better read it down and complete that first chapter.

READER: Okay. And from the seven spirits. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: which are before His throne. . .

DR. KINLEY: Which are before His throne. Now just a minute. Now when you speak of seven spirits which are before His throne, then this is what you got. It’s just like you got Ephesus and Pergamos, and Philadelphia and Thyatira, and so forth and so on, they are these seven. Now you got seven churches, you got seven spirits. Now you’ll find the attitude in each one of those seven assemblies digressing and going down, and so forth and so on, or a departure. All right.

READER: And from Yahshua the Messiah. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: who is the faithful witness. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now who is, who is the faithful witness

READER: and the first begotten. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: of the dead. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and the prince of the kings of the earth. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: unto Him that loved us. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and washed us from our sins. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: in His own blood. . .

DR. KINLEY: No, now you must read what’s in the Book — in the flames of purgatory. . .

READER: in – His – own – blood.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right

READER: and have made us kings. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and priests. . .

DR. KINLEY: And priests… Now I want you to watch that word that you just read. Now there were 12 tribes, and when those 12 tribes, each one ’em had a head. Just like you had the 12 apostles, you had the 12 heads with the tribes around here. Now they were not kings. These 12 tribes here, they were not kings, twelve heads. Twelve apostles when they followed Him over the Judean and Palestinian hills, they were not kings. But after He died and washed them from their sins in His own blood, now each one of ’em becomes a king. Now you’ve got 12 kings. Whereas Israel here, when she went in here she had to have a king. And the first king was Saul, the second is David, and the third, Solomon. And then she was split up into Israel and Judah, and then you got the kings of Judah and the kings of Israel. But what I wanna point out here is these twelves Apostles they have become 12 kings. Now here’s what I wanna mention now. Now He is the King of the kings. And He only has immortality dwelling in the light which no man, physical man, can approach. Now He only have immortality dwelling in the light. Now when you have Yahshua the Messiah or the Holy Spirit in you, you have a mortal body but you have an immortal spirit. All right.

READER: and priest. . .

DR. KINLEY: And priest. Now each one of ’em were priests, or just like they did with these tribes, the kings and priest had to be washed from their sins in His blood. All right.

READER: unto Yahweh. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and His father. . .

DR. KINLEY: and His, huh?

DENNIS DROULARD: unto Elohim and His father.

READER: unto Elohim and His father. . .

DR. KINLEY: See if you don’t straighten these things out in this King James Version of the Bible, you just got yourself into a mess. Read on.

READER: to Him be glory. . .

DR. KINLEY: and to Him be glory

READER: and dominion. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: forever and ever. . .

DR. KINLEY: That’s right


DR. KINLEY: Now that’ll do. Now I want you to look at Revelations 10&4.

READER: And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now when the seven thunders… Now we have to go back in Exodus too. See how we’re particular about our punctuations. Now down in that second chapter you have the message that was delivered to each one of the churches. And then he said in there that he knew right where Satan’s seat was, the synagogue of Satan. He knew right where his seat was. Because you see He’s playing this role over here, where it says Ayah Asher Ayah, I will be what I willed to be. Now you got Isaiah, this is his role, (the devil’s role), he said “I will be like the most high.” Now he was the anointed cherub that covered, the Devil or Satan. Now I want you to see just exactly how that is. Now he was up here over these two cherubims of glory that overshadowed the mercy seat. Now he covered both of ’em. Well somebody say “Well why don’t Moses have him up there that way?” Well he had fallen, that’s the reason why you don’t have him up there. You got a figure of the thing in the earth plane. Now look, if Yahweh was to dwell in the cloud between the wings of the cherubims, Leviticus 16:2, and he falls from here, covered as the son here, the son of perdition here, course that’s over here. Now if he falls, he falls right past, and see therefore He said He saw him fall from heaven like lightening. Now he fell right past Him! You see what I mean?

MITCH: Like —- [Doc laughs heartily]

DR. KINLEY: Now you see how that works? Now there in Isaiah, said “he would exalt himself above.., I will be…” And then it showed the exaltation and the fall. Then Paul looking at it in the 2nd chapter of 2nd Thessalonians, he know that this thing is got to happen, repeat, in the end of this age. And he said now Satan is got to be showed up. Now somebody is got to show him up before the end can come. That’s what he’s telling you in 2nd Thessalonians “That day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin, the son of perdition, be revealed.” Now if you noticed Yahshua the Messiah, at that Passover He revealed him, He showed him at the last Passover. Right?

MAN: Right

DR. KINLEY: Well now, how can that be? Well why wait around like that? Well now here you got the same boy, old Pharaoh down here. And he’s revealed down here at this Passover, and his son was killed that night. Do you see that dean?


DR. KINLEY: So then now all, all that you’ve got, and that’s one thing that I want you to forever bear in your mind, all that you have in your Bible from cover to cover, now this is all, and it is nothing else but a constant repetition. It repeats over and over and over and over through the cycles of time, or through the ages and dispensations of time, nothing else but a repetition. Now you understand what I mean by that?

Now you see the Israelites, 70 of ’em come down here, they have to go back. That’s all you got is a coming out and going back. It’s coming out and going back, coming out and going back, that’s all you got, nothing else but that. Now if you know how to put the prophetic intervals to it, then you don’t get in trouble. Now listen here, a millennium means a thousand. Now you have here seven millenniums or seven thousands. And it’s seven days, and one day is as a thousand. Now notice too the evening and the morning that was.., just like you take this evening around through the night, until the next morning, now that’s not a, that’s not a night that’s a day. The evening and the morning was the first day; the evening and the morning was the second day. Now when John looked at it on the Isle of Patmos he said “I didn’t see no night there.” Now Moses is in the realm of eternity here, and so also isn’t John, when he sees the vision. Now repeat what you just read.

READER: and when the seven thunders had uttered their voices I was about to write. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: and. . .

DR. KINLEY: Whoa, I wanna know something about this punctuation, we’re talking about jots and tittles as we go. And now I told you get into the 24th chapter of Exodus, and I think it’s about the 16th . . .

DENNIS: 16th verse, right.

READER: And the glory of Yahweh abode upon Mt. Sinai. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now what you got here, what you got here in Exodus?

READER: And the glory of the Lord abode upon Mt. Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: colon.

DR. KINLEY: Is that something like it? Now what you got in the 24th chapter of Exodus, is that it?

DENNIS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: And now this, you have that same, you should have that same kind of mark in there, in Revelations 10&4. Now this cloud covered it seven days. And Moses… Well now this.., it’s easy to get in trouble here. Now in the original creation He just willed to be and the thing was there. Now there wasn’t no Moses, and there wasn’t no John there. But now you have a rerun here. And so now he is… We’re taking the cloud, Moses —–, and the first chapter of Genesis where you have the 24th chapter of Exodus, and then you have the cloud covered it six days, then you have a colon there. But it did not say in the 24th chapter and the 16th verse what happened. Now you watch what I’m gonna say, and you keep your eyes open. I said when He created, He just willed it to be and it just was. But now that’s not what’s happening now. He’s revealing to Moses, and Moses hears Him say “Let there be light and the evening and the morning and on down to the next day…” In other words, in this cloud, in this cloud when it was on top of the mountain, and He was speaking, there was this thundering and lightning in that cloud, and smoke. No man was to touch that mountain. Now what is happening is He is narrating to Moses by saying “Let there be light; let the waters above divide from the water beneath, and from the waters above,” in the narration. And Moses is seeing the sign follow, or in other words, whatever it was to be there, each one of these days, and then you have a record of it in the first chapter of Genesis. Now if you start in the first chapter of Genesis, then what you have done, you’ve moved out from under the cloud, and you didn’t recognize that this is the vision over here. You follow me there?

MAN: Yes sir.

DR. KINLEY: Do you understand what I’m talking about?

MAN: Yep, yes sir

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s why all the theologians, you won’t find none.., go down to the library and hunt yourself up some good books, and the very smartest, academically trained, philosophical and psychological minded theologians in the world they start, all your commentators start with the first chapter of Genesis. And they’ve started with the vision. They don’t know, they’re totally unaware and unconscious of the fact that they are reading a vision. Now that’s where the first error and mistakes begin. And where he’s reading the vision over here in the first chapter of Genesis, actually, Moses took it right out of that 16th verse and tells you what he saw during those 6 days, and put it over here in the first part of the Book of Genesis. Now what did I say that for? Now this is got to be jot and tittle. Now you remember how I said he heard Him speak, He thundered His voice, and He was within the cloud. Do you remember that? Now John says out here on the Isle of Patmos in 10:4, he said he heard the seven thunders utter their voices. Now Moses didn’t say right there in Exodus what happened, he put it over in Genesis. It made up the first part of the Book of Genesis. Now John he’s just about to write. Isn’t that what you… Now the reason why I had you to read the introduction there, said “Now what you saw and heard you write it in a book and send it to the seven churches which is in Asia.” Now John’s gonna do like he’s told. And so he was just about to write, write what he heard the seven thunders utter their voices. He said “Don’t write that John.” Why? Cause the time is at hand, in other words, Moses already done wrote it. And He thundered His voice from there, seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write. Said “Don’t write it John,” it’s already written. Have you all followed me thus far?

STUDENTS: Yep, yes sir.

DR. KINLEY: Now you’re reading in the 10th chapter and the 4th verse. Now you’re gonna have to have a creation. And if you don’t have a creation you can’t have no lambs, and you can’t have no beasts, and you can’t have no sacrifices. So you’re gonna have to have a creation first here, and you gonna have to have one, you gonna have to, uh, the creation has to be here. This is the creation that you’re looking at around here. Now I want you to take the 11th chapter, (now I’m gonna skip through this real fast), the 11th chapter of Revelations and about the 8th verse, read.

READER: And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt. . .

DR. KINLEY: And their dead bodies shall lie in the streets of the great city which is called, spiritually, called Sodom and Egypt. Now you know where Sodom is? Sodom’s up here round the Dead Sea. And the River Jordan runs between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. Now which is called Sodom and Egypt, spiritually now. That’s the reason why this is a reflection, it’s a shadow, it’s a revelation, that this lamb down here was slain before the foundation, or from the beginning of the migration. And all you do is just pull it right back up here and you got the same thing. You got the beginning of the migration, you got the beginning of the creation. You got Him slain as the lamb for the redemptive purpose even before the man is created and put out there in the garden. The sacrifice was already prepared. Did you follow me there? Finish the verse.

READER: where also our Saviour was crucified. . .

DR. KINLEY: Where also our Saviour was crucified. Now when they offered up that lamb down there in Egypt, spiritually, John is telling you, and he’s looking right down here in both places saying, “Where also our Lord was crucified.” Now this is to let you know. You know that He was crucified just outside of the wall in the place called The Skull on Golgotha, or the city. Now that’s where the actual crucifixion took place. Now John’s he’s seeing this place of the skull which is… Now look here, you’re in Canaan’s land, you’re in typical of heaven, which this is the reflection and a type. I mean this up here is reflected all down through the whole earth plane. Are you following me? Do you understand what I’m talking about?

STUDENT: Yes sir.

DR. KINLEY: Okay, where also our Lord was crucified. Now let me put these two together. Now I had you to read Revelations 10&4, and I showed you the jots and the tittles. I told you that we had to have a creation first. And now John is out here to confirm what Moses is saying. And what we’re doing, we’re just taking Genesis, Revelations, and the whole entire Book, and wrapping it right up with a seal, same seals, and we’re taking one to confirm the other. Now then I told you then that you had to have a creation, and the thundering of his voice there, and Moses had to have a creation of it here. And He was as a lamb slain before the foundation, or the beginning of the creation, in order to redeem this man here. The sacrifice was already prepared. Now this is in the beginning of that, and this is in the beginning of this. Otherwise you just say “Well look, there just isn’t anything to the Bible, and I just can’t understand it, I don’t know what it’s all about! And since I don’t know, and as smart as I am, don’t nobody else know. And this raving maniac, or this stupid and ignorant so-called, that was put out there by the Sanhedrin Council, arrest them.” After he and John led him in there, and that lame man was healed, and he leaped and went in the temple. And they said to ’em “Now this is a mighty miracle, and we just can’t deny it. We been going in out here so long, that man’s been out there and everybody knows him. Now he’s running in out the temple here.” Now they, preaching in that name, took him by the hand and raised him up, Peter and them. And the Sanhedrin Council, the smart boys, said “Well now it’s a great miracle and we can’t deny it. Now what do we do?” And when they put them forward, oh yes, see they found out that they were ignorant and unlearned men. And they were the highest of the league, the ones of authority in the scriptures.. But now these ignorant and unlearned men… Now here’s this old ignorant unlearned man out here on the Isle of Patmos writing, and them smart boys ain’t been able to understand it yet. . . .

[Side 2 (1 of 3)]

. . . They don’t see it’s just a confirmation, and that’s why his life was preserved; that’s why nobody could kill him. And Yahshua said there at that supper that night, and He said “One of you will betray me.” “Lord is it I?” Now what did they say, now why did they say “Lord is it I?” They heard what He said to Peter. They heard what He said to Peter. Peter said “No, nothing like that’s gonna happen to you.” He began to tell him how He was gonna be crucified and all of that, and he said “Um umm, nothing like that’s gonna happen to you.” He said the same thing that serpent said over there in the 3rd chapter of Genesis. I showed you all about it. Do you remember?

STUDENTS: That’s right, that’s right. Yes sir.

DR. KINLEY: All right. Now you got 10:4, you got Genesis, I mean you got Exodus 24:14, and you got your punctuation, your jots and the tittles. Now you’ve got the confirmation of it here, you have the narration, and you hear the seven thunders utter their voices, and you got the same punctuation. Now you got the lamb slain out here outside of the walls, place called the skull, and spiritually is called Sodom. Sodom, I told you where that was, and Egypt, and here He is down here in the beginning of this. Therefore they had to depart out of that land after he was slain; Pharaoh had to be overcomed. Now here we are right back down here now, and I’m telling on the old boy. Now then you just mustn’t, you mustn’t do that. And if you think he won’t get you, you’re wrong about that. He was a murderer right straight from the beginning, but he’d better not try none of them shots at me. See that was his turn. . .

MAN: Now it’s yours.

DR. KINLEY: Now you got me.

MAN: That’s right, that’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now he certainly will love me for talking about him like I do. He’s sneaking around, he thinks I’m an idiot too, sneaking around trying to get a crack at me. He don’t know he’s fixing to blow his own self up. So I’ll take the, the defense and the protection. See I’m trying to protect you, not me, not by any means, I’m not afraid of him. When you ever hear tell of God being afraid of the Devil? Now you explain that one to me. Now we got 10:4, and we got 11:8. Now then let’s go over to the 20th chapter.

READER: And I saw an angel come down from heaven. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: having the key of the bottomless pit. . .

DR. KINLEY: Having the key, not keys, key of the bottomless pit. And then what?

READER: and a great chain in his hand. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and he laid hold on the devil. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute. So now he saw this angel. John said… Now remember now, don’t forget, he was told to write in a book what he saw and heard, not what he imagined and thought. Now that’s just what he’s doing, he’s writing just what he saw and just what heard. You remember he said he heard the seven thunders. He didn’t say he saw it, he said he heard it. Now what you see and what you hear… Now before I move away from there I wanna tell you something else that is important for you to know. And the reason why I’m bringing this out is because Jehovah’s Witnesses. . .

DENNIS: Watch out now Doc. [Students Laughs]

DR. KINLEY: makes such a mess out of it until I think I just ought to . explain it here, about them 144 thousand; I think I should. All right, now find that one in the Book there. I think you’ll find it around there about the 3rd chapter of Revelations. But I think I just ought to bring it out. Now just explain it so that any idiot can understand, just any nut from any where, be as stupid as you please, it’s just no excuse for no such ignorance.

Now look, when the Israelites come up out of Egypt, now they took a bounty, or they took from the Egyptians silver and gold, and whatnot, and then they departed out. Is that right?

MEN: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: That’s almost right. And then they had their kneading boards and their staffs in their hand when they come out. Now we put this tabernacle up here to show you this. If you all can stand for me to digress for a moment, because we gone get right into it again, and we gonna read right out of the Book, right out of Revelations too. Now this material that they brought out of there, with them kneading boards across on their back, wrapped up in their clothes, (what’s that for?), to keep the dust and dirt out, and the staff in their hand. And when they ate that Passover that night they were ready to go, no getting fixed, get that all fixed up before. Now then, you know all about the blood on the lintels of the door; you’ve heard that, all of you have. And you just got through saying “Where our Lord was crucified,” so there ain’t no need in me repeating that no more about the lamb down here and the lamb over here, and the lamb up here. All right, now they brought these things out. Now they did not know… Now here’s where you wanna keep your eyes open, and watch this one. Moses sees this tabernacle in the mountain the 2nd trip. Now he sees this tabernacle in the mountain, he don’t know what to do with this stuff he brought out of there. Now if you open your Book, (Mary and you might have to help here), we’ll show you where the Exodus is before the Genesis. And we just did every kinda conceivable thing we could do. Now you got it there. See here, see how it’s wrote up in there? See how it’s drawn out here. Now they don’t know nothing at all about what to do with this stuff that they brought out of here, and He ain’t said a thing to Moses about it until he got up here in the mountain. It’s the second trip. Now you see Him transfigure into that tabernacle. Now He’s builded the greater and more perfect tabernacle Himself, that is the Universe. And He Himself is the Temple and the Tabernacle. Now you follow. So then up here after Moses see this in the vision, now He tells him, these seven days is complete, He truly left off of creating Himself, so then you put a period there. Now take the 25th chapter of Exodus. Now what we doing, we’re tying Genesis and Revelations right on in, and we’re gonna get right.., the reason why I’m doing this now is because we gonna get right back into the same identical thing, but we want you to recognize what you read here. 25th chapter and the first verse.

READER: And Yahweh spake unto Moses saying. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: speak unto the children of Israel. . .

DR. KINLEY: Speak unto the children of Israel. Now He’s telling him this the second time he’s in the mount. The first time he was in the mount He told him to speak unto the children Israel, and give ’em three days to clean up and gather around the mount, then He spoke and gave them the commandments. And here’s something else you wanna watch too. Somebody thinks.., a lot of people just think, well when he come down out of the mountain with the tables of stone that the children of Israel they didn’t, they didn’t have it, he done busted it up. Uh uh you ain’t got that right. No you missed that altogether clean. Because Moses, when He spoke, if you look in the 24th chapter you’ll find that he wrote down all the words that He spoke from the mountain in a book. And he took the blood of the sacrifice, and he sprinkled the book and the folks, and said “This is the covenant that Yahweh thy Elohim has enjoined unto you.” They said “Everything He said we’re gonna do it. We’re gonna do just like we’re told.” Now Moses ain’t been up in no.., he ain’t got up there to get the tables of stones yet. Now why? Because it’s dedicated and all before he went up. And then He told him said “Now you come up in the mountain and I’ll give you tables of stones.” Now them people just think “Well…” See they heard what He said, and they wrote it down. Then He told him come up in the mountain and I’ll give you tables of stones. Now while he’s up there in the mountain the tables of stones (now I want you to see what I’m talking about). I’ve asked you to look at the 25th chapter, didn’t I? Now while he’s up there he sees the vision of the creation, he sees a tabernacle. Now he don’t know nothing about what to do with this stuff that’s brought up out of the land of Egypt cause he’s just finding out about it up here in the mountain, 25th chapter.

READER: And Yahweh spake unto Moses. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: saying. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: speak unto the children of Israel. . .

DR. KINLEY: See, “Now you, you speak to them,” and do what?

READER: that they may bring me an offering. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: of man that giveth it willingly. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: with his heart ye shall take my offering. . .

DR. KINLEY: With his heart, willing with his heart ye shall take my offering. Is that right?

READER: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now I can’t just keep on keeping on, I’ll just have to go ‘head on and say some things. Now you read the last verse.

READER: And look that thou make them after their pattern which was shewed thee in the mount.

DR. KINLEY: Now here’s what’s happening: He sees this tabernacle, he sees this greater and more perfect tabernacle. And then, now that’s seven days. Then while he’s up there in the mountain, and while he seen this tabernacle, see He’s telling him how to hew out the vessels and everything, but he hasn’t got down here. So the other 33 days he’s seeing the tabernacle, and Yahweh is telling him, them 33 days, how to make this up. And He’s telling him “Now you take an offering from the children…” That was the stuff that they brought out. Now he’s up here after the table of stones, he ain’t got no tabernacle, he’s just learning about it up there. He didn’t know what the stuff was for that they brought out of there. Now, you remember, I’m trying to tell you about this 144000; I’m talking about what you see and hear, now that’s what I’m talking about. Now when he went up there, Moses told the elders to tarry here, stay right here, he said, until we, Joshua and me, return. And Moses went in here into that cloud alone. And while I’m on that I wanna make this good and clear to you. Let me get this one over to you. If I don’t never get nothing else over to you get this one straight! Moses alone and by himself, and none of these, nobody but Moses, went into that cloud and saw that vision. Now when you are trying to follow scientific junk and stuff, you just bear in mind that it wasn’t but that one man, by himself, that put down what he saw in the vision, and every Tom, Dick, and Harry, he can’t do nothing with it. Are you getting that Billy? Now then, he went into this mountain three times, the first time, the second time, and the third time. Now he told these elders to stay here the second time he went up there. Now said “You tarry here until we return again.” Now they didn’t do that. What did they do? They went on back down. Now the reason why I’m drawing this out, see they had their own personal property. So they took off their earrings and their jewelry, not that that they brought out of Egypt. They went ahead and went on back down there with them. And they didn’t stay didn’t, they didn’t stay there where they were suppose to stay. And then they put in, put their jewelry and all in the fire, Aaron did, and it come out a calf or a beast, a golden calf. Now you watch that stuff. That’s the stuff you’ve got to watch. Cause when you started to read down there a while ago in the 20th chapter of Revelations, I stopped you. Now John said it, this is in Revelations, he saw a beast rise up out of the sea, and out of the multitudes. Ain’t no need in you arguing about it, that’s a beast, that’s a calf, a golden calf. In short, it’s not a female it’s a bull. Now don’t you see how the devil mess his own self up? Talking about the Papal bull , shooting the bull. You’ll never fall for that anymore will you Billy?


DR. KINLEY: [Doc Laughs heartily] Now you see what they did, they didn’t do what they were told to do, and they got down here and they got in trouble. They didn’t stay there. Well now that too has to be fulfilled. I’ll cut this one up short. Now when Messiah went out, led ’em out, (and there’s got to be a mountain too, the first chapter of Acts of Apostles, got to be a mountain, got to be a cloud). And folks they don’t pay no ‘tention to no cloud, you know; they don’t actually see this at all. The Israelites come all the way out here in the cloud, and everything is taking place in the cloud. And he done moved out from under the cloud, and he ain’t giving it a good imagination; he ain’t even had a nice decent dream. Now the next thing happens, He tells them now, leading them out to the Mount of Olives, (that’s what you got in your first chapter of Acts of Apostles) and then He ascends, the cloud received Him out of their sight. The cloud brought ’em all the way through here. Now if He’s gonna hope to fulfill it, it’s got to be some cloud somewhere. Now here we are we’re surrounded by a great cloud, that’s the 12th chapter of Peter. “Wherefore seeing we are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses ,” and that’s not Jehovah’s Witnesses either, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking ever unto Yahshua the Messiah who is the author and the finisher of our faith.” And now if you come down here, and see it down in here with Moses, and you would see that Joshua was with him. He’s the author and He’s the finisher of our faith. Now where’s this great cloud of witnesses that you’re talking about? When He resurrected from the dead, all of them on down rose up. That’s Matthew 27:52, it’s within your Bible too. Oh me. And as you go on down there in the 12th chapter, and these witnesses… “Now you’re not come to the mount that might be touched , (18th and 20th verses of the 12th chapter of Hebrews), but ye are come… ” Not going to come after while. Now you watch cause we’re, we’re gonna get on something here. Now I’m gonna tell you what we gonna get on before we get to it, before you read. But you open your Book to the12th chapter. Now I’m just showing you how this ties in, and how this great cloud of witnesses come up out of here. And you remember that Yahshua the Messiah said to the Jews when they were arguing with Him about being the seed of Abraham. He said “Look,” He said they’ll come from the east and the west, and verily I say unto you that Abraham will sit down in the kingdom before you do.” I’m telling you that all of ’em went right straight on out, including Abraham, Job, and all the rest of ’em set right on over there in the kingdom. Now as you go down in the 12th chapter of Hebrews, let’s start around the 18th verse. Now I’m gonna tell you before you get to it. Now John, remember that’s what we said, now I thought we ought to stop here and clarify some things on the account of Jehovah’s Witnesses, “A hundred and forty-four thousand of the earth class going to heaven,” and it’s just as stupid as it can be. And I want you to watch that word, are come . Look at it and read it in your Book.

READER: for ye are not come to the mount. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that might be touched. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and that burned with fire. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: nor unto blackness and darkness. . .

DR. KINLEY: That’s right

READER: and tempest. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now look, he’s talking about this mountain here; it burned with fire. All right, but read on.

READER: and the sound of a trumpet. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and the voice of words. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: which voice they that heard entreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now they’re talking about these here. Well somebody say “Well now that’s New Testament teaching.” [Doc Laughs] I tell you. All right, read on.

READER: for they could not endure that which was commanded. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: and if so much as a beast touch the mountain it shall be stoned or thrust through with a dart. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: and so terrible was the sight that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: but ye are come. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute. Billy do you know the difference between are come or is come, or going to come, or do you know anything about the present, the past, the present and the future? Do you know anything about the… Say Sis, you’re a school teacher, you know a little about language, don’t you? You at least heard of it. Now I’m bringing this up cause I’m gonna bounce back in Revelations. But ye have.., what is it?

READER: but ye are come. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you’ve already arrived. Not a hundred and forty-four thousand of the earth class gonna go, you’ve already arrived. Read.

READER: but ye are come to Mt. Zion. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? They’re talking about gonna, a hundred and forty-four thousand of the earth class is gonna go. Is that the way it reads in that Book? Does are come sounds like it’s gonna be futuritively?

MAN: No.

DR. KINLEY: Are y’all following me now? You following me close? But ye are come to Mt. Zion

READER: and unto the city of the living Yahweh. . .

DR. KINLEY: and unto the city of the living God

READER: the heavenly Jerusalem. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you have come to the heavenly Jerusalem. Which this one here is an allegory of the heavenly. All right read on.

READER: and to an innumerable company of angels. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

DENNIS: No that’s a hundred and forty-four thousand. . .

DR. KINLEY: Oh now Dennis now, you see, and to an innumerable company of angels. And what else?

READER: to the general assembly. . .

DR. KINLEY: You remember I told you about them seven churches, and how the general assembly was when they were all put to gather. And to the general assembly. . .

READER: and congregation of the first born. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: which is written in heaven. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now the word church means congregation or assembly. Now then here you have 144,000. We gonna, we’re gonna get that 144,000 straight, 144000 straight. And I mean we gonna straighten it, no fooling. Now ye are come, we are come to the general assembly and to the church of the first born. All right.

READER: which are written in heaven. . .

DR. KINLEY: You remember we told you back here just how that they saw all the names, in Exodus 32:33. We don’t have time to go into all of that. And John over here on the Isle of Patmos he saw ’em, as it were, blotted out, and heard the name there in the lake, of all them that he blotted out, that the Pope excommunicated Billy. That’s nice, ain’t it? Make sure you stay in there by all means! Said “Whosoever sins against me him.., no, the Pope will blot out.


DR. KINLEY: You see that. Now you’ve come to the general assembly and church of the first born whose names are enrolled in heaven.

READER: and to Yahweh the judge of all. . .

DR. KINLEY: And to Yahweh… Now remember you are come, you are living in the spiritual dispensation fellow! And these people are messing around here with carnal ordinances that was under this one here, they don’t see no parts of none of it! They haven’t had even a good imagination or a dream. “And to an innumerable company.., and you have come to Yahweh…”

READER: the judge of all. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and to the spirits of just men. . .

DR. KINLEY: That’s the reason why Billy, I tell you, say buster, you done got all warm, and “I ain’t, I won’t be back. Them people down there they don’t nothing about what they talking about, I’m gone.” You just didn’t realize where you was. You sitting right in the judgment, right now. And that’s the reason why I told you when you had the Holy Spirit in you, that was that immortal that is embedded within this mortal, and it was that that would transform or change, in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, this mortal body into an immortal. Because you’ve come to all that you come to. You’ve come to Mt. Zion, you’ve come to the general assembly. The 144,000 was there, not going, but they’re already there. Now you’re surrounded, or you’re compassed with a great cloud of witnesses. When Yahshua went out… And look, this is another thing that they don’t understand. They’re gonna fumble around, and they’re gonna expect Him to jump down through the sky some where, and He’s coming back after a church without spot or wrinkle. Well where do you find that at? Said “Right over here in the 5th chapter Ephesians.” Said “Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it that He might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of the water by the word, that He might present it unto Himself, a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.” And all you have to do is just read the last two verses, and then you all messed up again. Paul said “Now this is a great mystery,” you thought he was talking about you and your wife. And what he’s talking about there is the same thing he’s talking about here. This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Oh boy, see how He’s surround with that great cloud of witness, Aziel, and Michael and Gabriel, and all, Raphael, and all the rest of the angels in there, twelve orders of angels, and you’ve already arrived, and all. But you don’t see nothing with these things; you can’t see that. That and a carnal mind, you wouldn’t even had an imagination like that. Now what would you look like up here with this mighty angel… And that angel come down from heaven with the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand, (what would you look like), his countenance even illuminated the earth, and then you done grabbed him up, and you’re gonna baptize him in the church. You see how stupid we are. And Yahshua the Messiah He told ’em, said “Look here, there were seven sons, and they married a woman, and Moses taught that when the first one died that the next one would take his wife and so on down, and all seven of ’em had her, now in the resurrection whose wife is she gonna be? All seven of ’em had her, now who, whose wife is she gonna be?” He said “You just don’t understand.” Say and listen, “You don’t know the scriptures, you don’t know what Moses was talking about! And that’s not all you’re ignorant about, neither do you know the power of God, they’re not given as man and wife, but as angels of heaven.” That’s what He said. Now you see we’re compassed or surrounded with so great a cloud of witness, and what happens folks is, (I wanna show you that before I proceed). When Yahshua the Messiah come up out of that tomb, and as Jesus said verily verily I say unto you Abraham and them back there, all of ’em clear on down, (see he was the first Adam, the first Adam, I’m talking about Adam in the Garden), then from him on down, every last one of ’em, when He resurrected from the grave, Matthew 27:52 says so, the saints that slept in the dust of the earth rose with Him and went on into Jerusalem. Now you taking about dry bones in the valley, He laid sinews upon ’em, and brought ’em up out of their graves, and they went on into Rome . . .


DR. KINLEY: Well you see, now you have to keep me straight. They just might as well went into Rome, cause Pete moved the Holy See from Jerusalem to Antioc, and from Antioc to Rome, and so they’d have to be transferred anyhow.


DR. KINLEY: You see how it works. And this Mt. Zion you’re talking about, where you find that at in Rome, and all these angels? Yes he had a heck of a job on his hand, didn’t he? Pete, he’s gonna move heaven and earth, and all the angles and everything, see he’s gonna move ’em all down into Rome, the eternal city. That boy, say that boy is pretty great, wouldn’t you say so, Pete? You see how stupid it is. All right, now did you finish?

READER: um hum

DR. KINLEY: Now I wanna point out Mt. Zion there, and that they have already come to that, in that when the Holy Spirit was poured out. See these had rose on up, and the Holy Spirit was poured out. Now look, and he said “You have come…” Now you try to follow me, cause if you don’t, if you don’t try to follow me, and give me your attention, you’re just gonna get messed up! Now when the Holy Spirit was poured out, now you have come to the spirits of just men made perfect, not bodies, but the spirits of just men. You hear what I said? Now every just man, everyone from Adam on down, see on down, their bodies, He laid sinews upon them, and they appeared to many. Now here’s where some got in trouble at . . .

DENNIS: The coppersmith. . .

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. And this is what they said.., and they were Paul’s companions too, I mean right along with Paul. And they withstood Paul to the face, and he had to even turn ’em over to the Devil. And they swore because they seen them apparitions, (apparitions I said), and they swore that the resurrection was already passed; it’s all over with. How do you know? Why the silversmith said “We seen it. See they appeared to many, but you’re talking about it’s already over with.” But the truth about it is, it’s going on now. That’s the thing that the folks don’t understand. If you’re not what you ought to be, your inner self is dead! And you will have to be resurrected, and I’m not talking old Billy here either, cause Billy ain’t going no where. Well then just suppose we do did dig a hole in the ground and put you in, that ain’t gonna help you none. Now here’s the reason why: The earth it will have to be renovated by fire, hole in the ground and everything else. And that’s all this is just nothing but dirt, just earthly body. So it ain’t no point in digging you up out there, dig you from here. You got what I meant by that, didn’t you?

DENNIS: um hum, that’s right

DR. KINLEY: Well now that’s the thing that a carnal mind can’t see. But you’ve come to the spirits of those just men, you’ve come to Mt. Zion and all.

Now let me get after the 144000. I have to go back now, retrack. Remember I told you that when he saw this, then the other 33 days He had to tell him about these vessels, and He told him while he was in the mountain before he came down. And they had to take of the children of Israel, 20 years old and on up, an offering. Now listen, how many of ’em was it that come out of Egypt?

DENNIS: 603,550 men. . .

DR. KINLEY: Not counting the women and children. Now that’s how many it was. Now Yahweh had made a promise to Abraham that He would multiply his seed, bring ’em down into Egypt and multiply their seed. Now of that 70 that went down, they multiplied to the number that he just told you. Now wait a minute, I want you to get this straight. Now we’re talking about a number! And I’d have you know this too, not a one of ’em, not even the first one, nobody died until after they’d reached Mt. Sinai and heard that covenant made. Yahshua the Messiah said “There be some standing here that shall not taste of death until they see…” And that was before He died. See they had to see the vision. Did you catch me there? Did you follow me there? In the 16th and 17th chapters of Matthew. . . [TAPE (1 of 3) SIDE 2 ENDS]. . . see this is before He died, He told them, His disciples “There be some standing here that shall not taste of death until they see the Son of man coming kingdom.” Just can’t die! Well what’d He say that for? Them that come up out of Egypt, until they seen… Here we got ’em standing up around the mountain here, and these up here they.., the others down here they didn’t see, but there were some that did.

MAN: Elders, that were ready to die. . .

DR. KINLEY: And they didn’t die either. Well what did you say that for? Didn’t we just get through telling you how many there was? That’s reason why we said that! They just could not die! So then you said there was how many?

DENNIS: 603,550 men. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s how many come up out of Egypt, and this vision had to be seen before ever any of ’em could die, that’s if He’s gonna fulfill the scriptures. Now ain’t that wonderful?

Mitch: Yeah that’s digging.

DR. KINLEY: huh?

Mitch: That’s digging. . .

DR. KINLEY: [Doc Laughs] Yes sir that’s digging. Now I wanna show you why I’m so particular about that. Now that 70 that went down there, you see how many there was that come out. He evidently multiplied ’em a few times. Now it wasn’t but 70 that went down and you see how many.., you said how many it was that come out, didn’t you? Then when Moses came down here and they had builted that golden calf, then Joshua told Moses to tell ’em, said “Now you buckle your swords on their sides when you down there. Get ’em out of there, find out who’s on His side, and every last one of em bump him off,” he died there.

DENNIS: That’s right, about 3000

DR. KINLEY: In one day too. Now see why, see why I said that? Now look, now this is what I’m after: I’m after this Mt. Zion, I’m after the counting, the numbering, where you’re going to, when you arrive, and what John is seeing and hearing, and the fulfillment of this back over here. Now that’s what I’m after. Now they stayed in this wilderness out here for 40 years, one day for a year. Now remember, Yahweh’s still saying He’s gonna multiply ’em. So now of them that was born down here in the wilderness, born down here in the wilderness, He multiplied them, the 12 tribes. Now remember we took the count? You said what the count was didn’t you?

DENNIS: um hum

DR. KINLEY: Now, you’re never suppose to take no count unless they took the shekel of the sanctuary, to bring that offering that they brought out of Egypt. But now look here, when Joshua gets ready to cross over the River Jordan He counts again. Did they bring the shekel of the sanctuary, no. Why? Keep your eye on it now. He counted them that were able bodied to go across the River Jordan and fight their way on up through Ai, Jericho, and on up to Mt. Zion, Joshua. Moses is dead, and Joshua picks ’em up and counts ’em. Say “How many was it?” uh uh, you ain’t gonna tell me how many it was there, right there. You’re not going to tell me because it’s not written down there how many it was that reached, able bodied men that reach Mt. Zion, and this 40 years conquest, and planted that tabernacle out there on Mt. Zion. It just isn’t there. You’ve got the de——-. Well now you got 12 tribes down here; you got 12 tribes. And Joshua counted those able bodied men, but you don’t find over there where he put down how many there was of able bodied men that went through here, and through that 40 years on through there and was counted, you don’t, you don’t have a number. Now John he’s over here in Revelations. Now you got 12 tribes. Now if you have 12 tribes, and if Yahweh multiplied ’em, and they were born in the wilderness, born down here, and gone on up here… We’re after the able bodied men that come up out of here and reached over there. Joshua didn’t say how many it was, but John said.., remember I told you he was suppose to put down what he saw and heard. He said “I heard the number called.” Which means that He had multiplied these 12 tribes 100 fold, 144000. That was them that went across here and reached Mt. Zion, and set that tabernacle out there on Mt. Zion, under Joshua. I mean sure enough folks. Do you see it now? And while it’s no announcement made about them, I mean how many it was, John said “I heard the number called, 144000 of the earth class that’s going to…” [Doc Laughs] Do you see Jehovah’s Witnesses? Do you see that now? Do you see how stupid it is? See here under this, and here when they come into here, they come to the spirits of those just men, already arrived. But you didn’t know how many it was back here. But now he’s in the spirit, and here on the Isle of Patmos he hear the number called how many times that He had multiplied ’em, according to His promise a hundred and forty-four thousands. Now he said I heard that number called. Do you have it?

READER: Yes, Revelations 7:4 And I heard the number of them that were sealed. And there were sealed a hundred and forty and four thousands of all the tribes of the children of Israel. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see there, of all of the tribe. That’s 12 tribes. You got anything else there you wanna say about it?

READER: of the tribe of Judah were sealed 12 thousand. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: of the tribe of Ruben. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now of the tribe of Ruben was sealed 12 thousand. All right.

READER: of the tribe of Ruben was sealed 12 thousand. . .

DR. KINLEY: In other words He just multiplied ’em a hundred fold, just cutting that one up short. We’ve got to hurry up and get through here. He just multiplied ’em a hundred fold. In other words He’s keeping His promise. Well now say fellow, there’s some more Jews, too, that’s gonna be born up here after they arrive. They’re gonna be born up here in Palestine. Now you got 8 nations in there that you can’t drive out of the seed of Abraham. Now are you listening?

MAN: um hum

DR. KINLEY: You sure?

MAN: Yes

DR. KINLEY: Oh boy, now here’s.., watch this catch now. Jehovah’s Witnesses they didn’t see that at all. Now they, they had never left to go down into Egypt. Just like all of the angels they didn’t all sin and were all cast down. They drew a 3 part of the stars of heaven, a third part of what? You got 12 tribes on this side of the cross, and you got 12 on this side over here. 12 and 12 is 24, and 3 x 8 is 24, almost, so it was just only a third part. So then these that were born up here they were seed of Abraham too. And they still squawking about it over there, right now, right over there today. And they are the seed of Abraham, just like Isaac by Sarah, but in Isaac shall thy seed be called. So then if that be the case there, here’s the, here’s the seed. The Gentile he’s blessed by His sacrifice. And you do have here on the chart the seven years that he’s grafted in in Corneilus’ house. Oh I tell you. Now John said and it’s innumerable all —-. Now Jehovah’s Witnesses are saying that it’s a hundred and forty-four thousand of the earth’s class that’s going to heaven, and the rest of the folks they will have to abide on the earth plane and make themselves satisfied with it. Now if that ain’t discrimination.

DENNIS: Segregation. . .

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. [Laughter] Ain’t this a dog? Now if you notice where I had you to read the introduction to Revelations. John said “I was in the spirit…” Is that right? And the spirit was in him; he received that on the day of pentecost. And so the spirit was in him, and he was in the spirit. Now somebody ain’t in the spirit. Somebody’s wrong about the thing. Now they’re going, and you read in your Book they already arrived. Now you couldn’t head one of ’em off for nothing in the world to try to tell him nothing. Put one of them things in there, and flatten his nose on it, say “I’ve got an appointment down the street. I, I’ve got to be going.” Ain’t nobody wants to talk to anybody that knows what it’s all about. And that’s the reason why, Mitch, you’re having such an awful problem. But if you gonna let everybody tell it, say “Well I had a vision and revelation,” say “Me too.”

DENNIS: That’s right, um hum, “I will be like…”

DR. KINLEY: Now, yes that’s right. Now 20th chapter. We got that settled didn’t we? John said he saw there, in the 7th chapter, a number that nobody could number. Is that what you got in your Book? I didn’t have you go on and read it, but it is there! Read it! Maybe you’d better read it.

READER: The 9th verse. And this I beheld. . .

DR. KINLEY: And this I beheld

READER: and lo a great multitude. . .

DR. KINLEY: a great multi. . .

READER: that no man could number. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you can take your adding machines and just do anything you wanna do, but no man could number ’em. Hey wait a minute fellow! Don’t you see here that all these names, and all the spermazoa that’s ever took on shape and form, that’s in that Book? Even the angels, said nobody could number that. You’ve arrived there for sure. And right where we’re on that, Yahweh is not slack concerning His promise, but He’s long suffering to usward… That’s what He’s doing now. He’s just suffering your ignorance, and just suffering your foolishness, as He suffered the manners of the children of Israel back there in the wilderness, just suffering you. And trying every kind of way we know how to do to get you out of the fire, get you out of trouble, just suffering with you. And you up here trying to insult me and tell me say, “Look, you’d better get in Jehovah’s Witnesses, we got the truth!” Over here in the Roman Catholic Church “We got the truth!” You see. I can’t tell you nothing. “You little black, nappy headed, round shouldered, hump-back, snaggle tooth…” Just any hateful or hellish thing we can say about you. “You nor none of your folks don’t amount to nothing! I’m left in the church, and look we’ve got, we’ve got something around us to show for it. And if you was who you ought to be you wouldn’t be no pauper, and God would be blessing you like He is me.” Now what you do with anything like that? He don’t wanna hear nothing you’ve got to say, not a thing. And that’s how you overlook the Boss, and that’s the reason why you can’t tell one from the other. Now you talking about a gift of gab, that boy is got it. You talking about operating, that boy operates. He denies that Yahshua the Messiah died, and abolished the law contained in the ordinances, that He might establish the Law of the Spirit of Life. And he’s around Santa Clausing, wind jamming, with his finery and all those kind of things, and say “Jesus said for us to do this, and Jesus said. And if Jesus done it, if He done it, and I’m following in the footsteps of Jesus, so it’s good enough for me.” Say “Well brother, I know, but Jesus was fulfilling.” “Oh no, no, He was instituting.” Calling Him a liar right in His face. He ain’t gone do right. All you can do is just preach the gospel. Preach it for what? For a witness. And His two witnesses prophesy 1260 years clothed in sackcloth and ashes. See it’s going right on just the same, and John said that too. Now these are the two olives trees. And now I see Mitch is got a couple of ’em over here.

DENNIS: Those are fig trees. . .

DR. KINLEY: That’s Jannes, and Jambres, those are Pharaoh’s magicians. Magicians.., same devil out here performing these stunts. Said “Now you watch me, I’m gonna transubstantiate. I’m gonna create Christ, I’m gonna create Yahshua the Messiah. I’m the creator, I’m gonna create Him! I’ll just pray over this bread and wine.” One of Jannes and Jambres stunts. And said “Now Jesus said as often as you eat this bread and drink of this cup, you show forth my death and suffering until I come.” Is that right? Did you say that was right? Is that what He said?

MAN: um hum

DR. KINLEY: He wasn’t talking to nobody, no Gentile at all. He was in the upper chamber up there, and that is what He told them. Now here’s what you’re saying. He certainly did go back up there where they were at. I mean He resurrected and went back up there where they were. Now if He hadn’t come, hadn’t resurrected from the dead, your faith is vain, you’re yet in your sin, and you’d still be under the law. “Well say, brother, you don’t believe in eating the Lord’s supper?” I’m afraid I do. You got this one in Revelations too, maybe you’d better look at that. And you have this in the 12th chapter of Exodus, where the lamb was offered up. Now watch, you follow me. They went around to one another’s door and knocked on the doors, and there was just… Well now this bring into the most particular here. Everybody who had a family down there didn’t have six or seven or half a dozen of ’em, so there wasn’t enough in this family here to consume that lamb of the first year that was drawn out of the flock (now y’all follow me, cause if you don’t.., see we’re talking about looking and seeing and hearing), then they had to go to one another’s door, knock on the door. And look, Billy I’ll have you know they ate it in the house. Now you heard me you’re not blind. Is that almost right?

BILLY: Yes sir, in the house. . .

DR. KINLEY: In the house. Now here He is again. That lamb had to be consumed. If it wasn’t enough there to consume it you’d go over to the other fellow’s house, knock on the door. That blood had to be over that door, the lintel of that door. And look, you go in, you don’t come out until you’re told. Now you see that’s not up in the congregation. But all over Goshen they were eating that passover at the same time. All up in Jerusalem, and every year… Now I want you to get this straight too, cause you can make a mess out of this, about this passover. There ain’t but one passover, and that was ate down in Egypt. Passover wasn’t eaten no where else but down in Egypt. They didn’t eat it up in Jerusalem; they didn’t eat it out there in the wilderness. Yes, that’s right. Then said somebody “Well I thought they did this.., said every year they, they were suppose to take that lamb out of the flock and all…” Yes, they did every year, but that was a memorial of this one down here. Just that one passover, and just this one passover here. Yahshua the Messiah is our passover. Now He’s resurrected from the dead. You live in a house, you live in a house, you live in a house, but now we’re in the spirit of the thing, and out of the carnal mind of it. Read.

READER: You want 3:20?

DR. KINLEY: That’s right

READER: Behold, I stand at the door. . .

DR. KINLEY: I stand at the door

READER: and knock. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: if any man hear my voice. . .

DR. KINLEY: If any man hear my voice… See you got to hear first, you got to hear. Some people are hard of hearing. Some, they can’t even hear with a hearing aid, but if any man hear my voice

READER: and open the door. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: I will come into him. . .

DR. KINLEY: I will come into him, into your house, and I will sup

READER: with him. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and he with me. . .

DR. KINLEY: And he with me. Now folks, that’s the truth; that’s the supper as of now, that’s it. Every time that minister gets up there and preaches, he’s knocking at your door. And if you will hear his voice… A lot of times you don’t even discern that it is him that’s speaking through that individual, and consequently you don’t hear so well. You thought it was old Billy, you thought it was Mitch, and it’s Him knocking at you door. If you’ll hear, He said “I will come into you, and then I will sup with him, and he with Me.” Now that don’t look like that stuff you fooling around here with, does it? Does it? See, you are a partaker of the Holy Spirit. Yahshua the Messiah now, the Father has sent it back, the Comforter, another Comforter, and He is sent Him in Yahshua’s Name. And He is right, Yahshua is right as a Quickening Spirit knocking at your door. And where two or three assembles (don’t get discouraged Mitch) two or three, He said “I’ll be there.” Isn’t it wonderful? The devil, that old boy, he can’t catch up with nothing like that. He’s talking about transubstantiation, changing back into the actual blood, creating Christ. “This is my body..,” he’s creating the body, and he’s creating the blood, and he tells you to drink it. Said “He said for us to take it and drink it.” And you wasn’t even invited to the party and that was under the dispensation of the law. Do you get it? Now that’s plain as the nose on your face, wouldn’t you all say so? Now that’s in Revelations too, Billy, I’m touching the high points.

Now are you with me thus far? Do you see what I have did? I have taken Genesis, Exodus, and showed you by the three trips he made in the mountain, showed you… [ABOUT 13 SECONDS BLANK SPOT ON TAPE]… you see, and after you get in the church, the Roman Catholic Church. Now look, if you wanna be successful in this life, if just ain’t nothing else gonna do you but to have a home, and money in the bank, and just all the things of this life, I recommend that you go and get into the Roman Catholic Church, and enjoy it while you’re living around here, because you’re as good for hell as a nickel is for a ginger snap. You won’t have this persecution you won’t have to undergo it. You see what I mean? The devil’s gonna take care of his own, and don’t you think he ain’t got the money too! The annual income’s around 6 billion. That’s a false figure, but that’s what they say. He wouldn’t tell the truth about it to save his soul. He just can’t tell the truth, that’s a matter of impossibility. How’s a liar gonna tell the truth? Now 20th chapter and let’s hurry.

READER: And I saw an angel come down from heaven. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: having the key of the bottomless pit. . .

DR. KINLEY: Having the key, not keys

READER: and a great chain in his hand. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and He laid hold on the dragon. . .

DR. KINLEY: Hold it, chain. See how one day is right in behind the other one? An age, one dispensation and an age? And we told you there’s seven, a great chain in his Hand, and the key. You see it now? Saw Him come down from heaven, and what happened?

READER: and he laid hold on the dragon. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that old serpent. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: which is the devil. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and Satan. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and bound him a thousand years

DR. KINLEY: And bound him a thousand years. Now look folks, it’s as easy as falling off a log; ain’t no problem there. That angel come down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit, and the great chain in His hand, and He laid hold on that old serpent (Judas was a figure of that serpent) and bound him a thousand years. Do you see what I mean? In other words, the key and the chain is these dispensations linked together, and these ages linked together, and the key to the bottomless pit, or to the grave. And when Yahshua the Messiah rose from the dead, He said “I have the key.” Key to what? He unlocked all them graves.

DENNIS: That’s a master key

DR. KINLEY: Yes indeed, down through them 4000 years He just unlocked ’em all. And we told you about it a while ago, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, and all the rest of ’em. And old Job he stood back there and he said when his wife told him said “Say, look here, you’re smitten with sore boils all from your head to your feet, don’t you know, man, you can’t make it like that. See and we’re just tired of fooling with you like that too! You ain’t fit to come into the house! You sat out there on the ground with Billydab [Bildad], and your three friends. Better yet, why don’t you just go head curse Him and die!” Said “YOU TALK LIKE A FOOL.” And here’s one the undertaker got into me on. Said “Though after skin worms have devoured this body of mine, yet in my flesh shall I see Him, because, listen wife, I know that my redeemer liveth, and that He will stand in the earth in the latter day, and I’ll see Him for myself.” Now look, see talking like that. Skin worms done devoured his body, they done ate it up, and yet in his flesh he’s gonna see for his own self, not for another, for he know that his redeemer liveth. See He’s coming on down from Adam, on down through, on down out of this, and on down, and He finally make it on down here to this tomb, and come up out of it. And there come old Job, along with Abraham. And He laid sinews of flesh on him, and they looked Him right in the face, along with Abraham and all the rest of ’em. You see what I mean? Ain’t that a, ain’t that a dilly? Yes indeed, we’ve told you about that a couple of times. So He laid hold on that old serpent, the devil, and He dropped him up there, and what?

READER: and cast him into the bottomless pit. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and shut him up. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and set a seal upon him. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that he should deceive the nations no more. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: till the thousand years. . .

DR. KINLEY: Until the thousand years were finished. Now listen, let me, let me put this one down right quick. Now we talked about that which was, and which is, and which is to come, didn’t we? We showed you about Satan was when Judas died, he was not, and yet is. You see the point? Right?

BILLY: Yes sir

DR. KINLEY: We showed you how Joshua come, or Yahshua the Messiah, He come down, He died, He went to the tomb just like Judas did. Judas, he’s hung out there on the tree. Yahshua the Messiah hung out there on a tree. Where’d He get His hanging from? Back here in the garden. Well somebody say “Well that’s a cross!” Yes, but it’s a tree fellow! Oh it’s great. Now then they were both buried. And Judas, a seal was set upon him; he couldn’t make it out there; he’s still laying out there. But that spirit, you remember at the passover, said “The spirit entered into him…” And it’s that spirit that’s in that body, on account of the Sanhedrin Council, and bound him for a thousand years, all that day, one day with Him. And I’d have you to know that this is the Lord that’s crucified out here on the cross. Well, when it was reported that He had resurrected from the dead, Yahshua the Messiah, look, them soldiers down at the tomb went to the Sanhedrin Council and told them about it, said “They, they didn’t want that stuff to get out. Said, “Uh we didn’t see nobody else, ain’t gone be no playing about that, but that angel come down from heaven had the key to bottomless pit, and had the great chain in his hand, and wasn’t nothing we could do about it; wasn’t a thing we could do about it. We’re giving you a true report on it.” Said “Well Look, we don’t want this to get out!” In other words, he’s telling ’em to keep their mouths shut. Bound a thousand years, but after the thousand years was over he’d be loosed out of the Vatican to fly over to Jerusalem. You understand? Out of the Bottomless pit, on up there in the Sanhedrin Council. Oh this Book is right folks. Yes sir. Now we got him, we brought him down through the dispensation and ages. John is writing, and what he’s seeing and hearing that’s all he’s putting down. And it’s just doing very nicely with what Moses and them has said, wouldn’t you say? In the Bible he’s doing pretty nice, wouldn’t you say so? All right, now say “Well now look Billy, I’m not coming down to this school, all you folks are gonna to do is just talk bout that tabernacle. I Am so sick and so tired, why don’t you read something out of the New Testament?” Now that was the 20th chapter. Now you got the resurrection, Satan bound a thousand years, and a thousand years is finished, then he’s got to be loosed out of his prison for a little season. Then what happened?

READER: and I saw thrones. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and they sat upon them. . .

DR. KINLEY: And they that sat upon them

READER: and judgment was given unto them. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded. . .

DR. KINLEY: No, bodies, bodies, bodies, bodies. [Doc Laughs] Now look what we’ve got when you put it up in here by that pattern. You see, now I saw the souls of them, didn’t say the bodies, that what?

READER: that were beheaded. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: for the witness of Yahshua. . .

DR. KINLEY: uh, that’s Jehovah’s Witnesses there.


DR. KINLEY: For the witness of

READER: Yahshua. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and for the word of Yahweh. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and which had. . .

DR. KINLEY: Wait just a minute. Now I want you to look right up at what I’m gonna say to you. See in this tabernacle, in this tabernacle, here, right here, to be real specific and actually point it out. Now if you noticed what she said, she saw the souls of them. Is that right?

READER: um hum, that’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Where were they?

READER: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahshua, and for the word of Yahweh, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his idol. . .

DR. KINLEY: And had not worshipped the beast.

READER: neither his idol. . .

DR. KINLEY: Neither his image or idol

READER: neither had received his mark upon their foreheads. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: or in their hands

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and they. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait, tat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat, no no no no, you read to well or to fast or something. Now Yahweh is not worshipped with your hands, that’s the 17th chapter of Acts of Apostles. And don’t you see that old devil out there with his hands, and he’s bowing down, and he’s getting up, and he’s holding up the chalice and all them kinda things, and you around here talking about birth control. The Revern’ wrote it. Pope Paul wrote about it. Say you mustn’t use no contraception, none of any kind. Right?

MAN: Right

DR. KINLEY: Now you heard what he said. And now here he is giving you the birth control pill on your tongue, can’t be born like that. The Papacy. . .

DENNIS: With his hands. . .

DR. KINLEY: giving it to you, laying it on your tongue, each one of you pass along, birth control pill. You can’t be born like that. You got the wrong thing. We showed you how it was, while ago, when we showed you, “That behold I stand at the door and knock, any man open, hear and open it…” We showed you that what He’s doing is talking about it under the law, and he’s denying that Yahshua the Messiah is risen from the dead. We showed you where it was ate in the houses, and here they are up there in the congregation here holding mass. And some women get down on their knees, crawling, going to mass. When they do that it make you so hot, yes indeed, when you know the truth. But they received the mark in their forehead, and also in their hands, don’t leave that out. And that’s the reason why… Yes, we’ve got it in the Book, 666, and we put it right in his hands. Cause everything he does he does it with his hands. Pope John the 23rd playing a role of washing the disciples’ feet, where he’s breaking down segregation, and showing you how humble he is. And he washed that big black African Negro’s feet, and he’s always gonna go you one better. You don’t find a thing in there where Jesus kissed anybody’s feet! Do you, I wanna know, tell me!

BILLY: No sir, it’s not in there, where He kissed nobody’s feet.

DR. KINLEY: Then he’s always gonna go him one better, cause he’s gonna be one above, and so he kissed his feet. Oh he’s so humble. And when he was dying, them hypocrites had the nerve to say, when he’d go into a coma, and come back out of it, he’d say “I am the resurrection and the life.” Go on back into another coma, and then come back out it, he says “Well he’s showing us how to die.” [Doc & Students Laugh] I’m telling you it’s a bird, and it’s a bird without any feathers too. It’s terrible. No I, yeah that’s a hand Billy, but I wanted to show you the Pope. And you see him riding on the Sedia Gestatoria. Here it is, Now these are actual pictures folks, and —- paid money. We told you where we got this picture from. . .

MAN: It’s documented.

DR. KINLEY: Yes it’s documented. That is Pope Pius the 12th riding on the Sedia Gestatoria. And we tried to tell you that he was nothing else but a copy cat. He said “I will be like!” He’s a copy cat. Now here they run the rings through the alter, and through the Ark of the Covenant, and the priest bore it on their shoulders. And you see ’em going through the River Jordan here with it, the Ark of the Covenant. And here he is sitting up there… Now you mustn’t put your hand on it. Don’t – put – your – hand – on – the -Ark – of- the – Covenant! They threw it up in an ox cart one time. . . [Side 1 (2of2) Ends]. . . they was transporting it along, and the cart hit a rut. The man put his hand on it, with all good intentions too, cause he didn’t wanna see it fall out of that cart, and right there is where you found him dead. And now here he’s a copy cat. See how the priest carried that Ark of the Covenant on his shoulder. Now he didn’t only just…[Doc is demonstrating the Pope not only touching it with his hand, but sitting his rump on it] You, you understand, don’t you? [Laughter] We don’t need no further explanation on that, do we? See he didn’t only put his hand on it… [Doc Laughs] I tell you, I tell you, it makes you, makes you warm. And there he is passing along, you know, waving his hands to everybody down there. “Oh there’s the most holy father.” He ascended the throne in 1939. And a lot of you didn’t know they had to kill him, he didn’t die. Pope Pius the 12th, convulsions after convulsions, all curled up; the doctors couldn’t do a thing with him. They tried to give him medicine to relieve his pain, and they couldn’t do anything with it. According to what he was showing, they had to give him something to kill him. They didn’t want that out like that; they just said that he died a horrible death. And they wouldn’t let no photographer and nobody in to see it. Now what was he showing you? Pope John the 23rd he’s showing you how to die! Then what was Pope Paul, uh, Pope Pius the 12th showing you? Well he ain’t showing nobody nothing, how to live or die. They had to knock him out, and kill him. Now he’s loosed out of his prison for a little season, and then what happens Mary?

READER: and they lived and reigned with the Messiah a thousand years.

Dr. Kinley: And they, these others they lived and reigned… Now I wanted to tell you about this alter, I skipped on over it. See I don’t have time to go into it. But now every day when the high priest would go in here to burn that incense, he’d snuff that candlestick and prepare it at 9 o’clock in the morning, 12 noon, and 3. Why then every day he would burn that incense which is called the hour of prayer. . .

Dennis: Not Mary’s hour?

Dr. Kinley: How’s that, huh?

Dennis: Not Mary’s hour

Dr. Kinley: No, no, that wasn’t quite the way it was. And while he is burning this incense in here, which we don’t have the pictures here, but we showed you how when He was out there in the garden, we showed you on the other charts, (you have it in that book, in that book), that He said that I will pray the Father for you, and He makes the intercession for you. The Holy Spirit, the sweet smelling incense was a figure of the Holy Spirit. And while the priest was in here burning it, they was on the outside, around the outside. They were praying around the outside while he’s going through the performance of that service. And the incense it wafted up through there and went into the most holy place and impregnated that whole tabernacle. They was out there. Now John sees under the golden altar of incense, (in here in the holy place). You stand in the holy place as we read there. Now when you pass out, you’re in the holy place. And he saw under the altar… And you pass through the veil here, and you’re not gonna pass through without me and you. We’ll all pass through at the same time. Without us there couldn’t be no —–. That’s the reason why I told you that in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye everybody has to be changed. We will all be changed from a mortal to an immortal all at the same time, and He would be revealed to all of ’em at the same time. So he’s seeing souls here under the altar, not bodies. See the body could be disintegrated and dissolved, or petrified, or whatever, but he saw the souls. Now that soul will be clothed upon with an immortal body, just like His body, which you have in Philippians. All right, go ‘head on with the rest of the story.

Reader: but the rest of the dead lived not again. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now just a minute, now we got a first and a second resurrection there, somebody said. But the rest of the dead lived not again

Reader: until the thousand years were finished. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: this is the first resurrection. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute Mary, we just got to get two out it somehow another. Now, but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. I told you one day with the Lord, and this is the Lord… And if you don’t think it is then you read Acts of Apostles. Peter said “You with wicked hands, you’ve crucified Him. Repent or you will —–, every last one of you. Said you took Him with wicked hands and you slew Him, and hung Him out there on that tree..” And that boy now has the Holy Spirit, and he’s demanding an apology. [Laughter] He ain’t running around hiding and saying “No, I don’t, I don’t know the man,” he cut that stuff out. Said “Everybody in the house of Israel, all you Jews, you believers and un believers, I want all of you to know about it, I’m trying to reach all of you, reach everybody, I want you all to know that’s what you’ve done!” Said “Well what shall we do then?” Said “You repent and be immersed in His Name, (then somebody cut out to the creek; that isn’t what He said) and you’ll receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Right?

Man: That’s right

Dr. Kinley: And to show you that that is right, and you don’t go to the creek, there was eleven of ’em that stood up there and preached, and the Holy Spirit fell on about, how many that day?

Dennis: 3000

Dr. Kinley: Now you, now what would you look like 3000 folks coming down yonder to Jehovah’s Witness, and Billy Graham and them and find somebody…? Eleven men couldn’t do all that baptizing everybody. . .

Billy: They used the fire hose.

Dr. Kinley: No way. [Doc & Students Laughs] Well, I don’t know about the fire hose, but back here I know the rain come down and somebody got drowned. You suppose you could used the fire hose there? The fountain of the deep was broken up, and it was, it was, and the fire hose…. Now here’s what I want to point out to you there. The rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. Now here’s the rest of the dead. See these that come up out of this grave after His resurrection. He is the first fruits (Matt. 27:52) read it so we can see what we’re talking about.

Reader: and the graves were opened. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and many bodies of the saints. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: which slept arose. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and came out of the graves. . .

Dr. Kinley: And come out of the grave

Reader: after His resurrection. . .

Dr. Kinley: After, after! Not before, Billy, after His resurrection

Reader: and went into the Holy city. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and appeared unto many. . .

Dr. Kinley: And appeared unto many. Now we’ve already told you about that. Now 40 days after He’s resurrected He appeared unto them many times. You know how many? How many times He appear unto ’em?

Dennis: 11

Dr. Kinley: 11. Why 11?

Dennis: Well there were 11 apostles. . .

Dr. Kinley: Well that’s right, and Judas he was dead, He couldn’t appear unto him, he wasn’t in there. See the point? That’s one a piece. Oh I tell you. Now somebody else might say 12 or 13 times. But you see you must always pay attention to what you read. Now He appeared unto them 40 days and nights. Now listen, and then at the conclusion of that 40 days He ascended. Now these that come up out of the graves here, from Adam on down, we told you about that, and those are the spirits of those men that is under that altar. Don’t you see this is the court without, and this is the holy place, and then this is the most holy place. And I told you they were round on the outside praying, and he said he saw, John said “I saw ’em under the altar.” Not this altar here, this one here. Now see here’s where the blood was shed, and He’s shut up in the tomb. And then He resurrects from the dead, and in here. Now listen, that’s going by the pattern. But now the rest of the dead.., what we’re talking about now is these that come all the way down that you’ve just read about in Matthew 27:52, where the Apostles, they had not had the Holy Spirit poured out on ’em yet, and they were dead. They just hadn’t had the Holy Spirit poured out, not yet. Now if He gonna tarry 40 days on earth before He ascended, and it’s gonna be 10 days after He ascend, that’s 50! And the Holy Spirit didn’t come until the day of Pentecost on them, the fiftieth day. And they were the rest of the dead. And right on down through you and me, and all are the rest, are the rest of the dead. You couldn’t live again.., and we’re just beginning to live, they and us just beginning to live from Pentecost on down. Every time the gospel is preached and you hear it, your inner man is resurrected. Now listen, “He that believeth on Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and he that liveth and believeth on Me shall never die. Do you believe Sis?” “Oh yes, we know we’ll see our brother, Lazarus, in the last day.” “I am the resurrections . . .

Men: No! No, it’s one resurrection. . .

Dr. Kinley: and the lives. . .”

Billy: No sir, no it won’t work.

Dr. Kinley: Well you’ve got to have two.

Men: Just one, just one

Dr. Kinley: Ain’t that something? Now when the Holy Spirit is poured out on you, or you receive the Holy Spirit, you’re not gonna die. This thing you got here is already dead, you may might not have found out about it just yet. This is the grave. Somebody read over there in Isaiah, I heard him talking about it, and about mentioning and calling it, now said “Hell or the grave, or the hole in the ground, or sheol, has moved from beneath to meet you at your coming.” It’s moved on up here. And that’s the thing you’re walking around, in the grave. Said “Now I don’t believe that stuff; man you ought to be careful about that.” Here’s Paul out there preaching to Felix, Festus, and Agrippa, that’s the king, the governor, and high priest. And he was permitted to speak for himself. And he stretched forth his hands and he begin to speak in demonstration of the spirit, and with so much authority and power, the old boy got shook up, the high priest. Said “Paul much learning… You went to school and was tutored under the feet of Gamaliel, you’re a brilliant man, much learning makes you mad! You are besides yourself fellow!” Paul said “Now I’m not mad, most noble Felix, but I speak forth the words of eternal life with all soberness and sobriety.” And he said “I’ve continued on since I saw it in good conscience toward Yahweh and toward men, see I’m through with my persecution.” Said “Bust him in the mouth, slap him in the mouth.” And he said “Yahweh shall smite thee you white washed sepulchre or whited wall.” Now you hypocrite priest, they won’t come over from under the dispensation of the law. Out there in the cemetery they believed in white washing the sepulchres and garnishing the tomb. You know how they do on labor, on decoration day, flowers and everything, paradistical garden. Preacher said “Well Jesus stop dying on the cross to save a man.” He said now you gone be with me this day. . .

Dennis: Right out there in the cemetery. . .

Dr. Kinley: right out there in paradise. Paradise is an old Persian word, means beautifully enclosed. That’s what they were, just white washing the tombs, and garnishing the sepulchres. And Paul said to them, said “God shall smite the thy whited wash wall.” And Messiah said to ’em, said “Look, you won’t let ’em go in that was going in. You get in your robe and you can block ’em, and said “you won’t let them that’s going…” Said “You’re full of dead men bones, you hypocrites, you serpents, how are you going to escape the damnation of hell?” That’s your King James Version. They turned it around the other way and tried to clean the Bible up a little bit and said, “How are you gonna escape the destruction of sheol?” Now here’s what we’re saying: See they were suppose to be instructors of the people. And they were responsible for their stupidity and ignorance. They wouldn’t go into the kingdom themself, and they kept the other fellow from going in, and incidentally then they were full of dead men’s bones. They were white washed sepulchres. They were garnished down in their priestly robes, and all lika that. “Look I’m God’s high priest. You revile God’s high priest? Smack him in the mouth!” And Paul realized his responsibility of offering atonements for the other fellow and for himself. Look at all them people that are dead on his account. He won’t go in himself, and then he won’t let nobody else go in. Did you get the white washed sepulchre?

Students: Yes

Dr. Kinley : See the grave moving from up here, and the inner man’s dead, and walking around in it. Get it? Did you all follow me there?

Students: Weak response

Dr. Kinley: So now, the rest of the dead, these from Adam on down, resurrected here. After His resurrection they went on into Jerusalem, Jerusalem beneath, which is allegorical to Jerusalem Above, and they appeared to many after His resurrection. He’s got to be the first fruits. He’s planted first, and He’s got to resurrects first. Get the point? He’s the first fruits of them that slept. Somebody say “Well look, I thought that it was Elijiah raised the widow woman’s son to life before Jesus was born.” And these folks get all tied up in knots. I’m a smart aleck, “Uh say, Enoch, 7th from Adam, he’s translated and he went on into heaven. Elijah himself, he’s translated and ascended in a chariot of fire, and throwed his mantle back on Elijah.” Then when Yahshua the Messiah said, when He was sitting there talking to Nicodemus, said “I ain’t seen a thing of him, not up here.” His words, He was the first to resurrect from the dead that didn’t die anymore. You won’t be planting Him in no Joseph’s new tomb or no where else, He’s alive forever more. that’s what you have there in Revelations. He spoke to John on the Isle of Patmos there in the 2nd chapter, said “I am He that was dead, and behold I’m alive forever more; I’m not gonna die anymore.” So when you receive the Holy Spirit, you’ve been resurrected, you’re not gonna die, just forget about that. Well said “You mean to tell me that you’re teaching these folks here that they ain’t gonna go to the cemetery?” No, I ain’t teaching that. You might be in the cemetery before I get to Springfield. Died, and buried and —-, and everything else, that’s what we call dying, and not just go to sleep. Not die, you’re alive forever more. The physical body it’s gonna deteriorate anyhow; this is not the one. You’re sowing, you don’t sow the body that shall be. Somebody say “I don’t believe that stuff!” Say man look out here, the farmers, they’re planting beans and potatoes and all that kind of stuff here. Say “What’d you say?” If you want them potatoes that you got there, why don’t you just keep ’em why plant ’em? And if you got back that same grain of corn that you planted out there, and that’s all you got, and you didn’t have any increase, you’d cut that stuff out digging up all that sod out there.

Now the rest of the dead, means the apostles, they didn’t live until that thousand years was finished. Until the day of Pentecost they didn’t live. That day which begin, the first day to begin a new age, they were alive; the Holy Spirit was poured out. Then they preached to others and said, “You hath He quickened who were dead in tresspasses and sin.” See He resurrected and He broke down the middle wall of partition between the Jew and the Gentiles, and then made us sit together in heavenly places in Yahshua the Messiah. He’s translated us into the Kingdom of His Dear Son. Do you see? But you with that carnal mind you don’t see that. You don’t see that you’ve come to them that we told you about a while ago. You don’t understand it. You talking about going somewhere, sprouting new wings, and flying on off up to the centuria auroa, or a better name to use, heaven. You’re right in heaven now. You gonna be one place or the other, heaven or hell one. Say “What you talking ’bout fellow? You mean to tell me I’m in hell sitting here?” Yes, I mean to tell you that. Now if you took Peter and Jude, said the angels that sinned God cast them down to hell, and bound them in chains of darkness to be reserved… [There is a rattling sound in the background] (Mitch you might as well quit wasting your time), to be reserved against the day of judgment. Now you can cast them devils out, but you sure can’t convert ’em. Do you all understand what I’m talking about? You can cast him out but you can’t convert him. When the disciples went out to cast him out before He died, and they cast him out, and they come back just rejoicing “Oh ho ho ho, look what I done? Umm mercy, I had, I had a good time; we’ve got ’em on the run, ain’t we boy?” He said, (and they were just rejoicing), He said “Now don’t rejoice about that, but rather because your name is enrolled in heaven.” Now them same spirits that were cast out of them folks, walk through dry places seeking rest, and can’t find none. Said “Well, said we’ll go right back to old Billy, but we’ve got to do a little reinforcing, so we’ll just get a legion, then we’ll crash in.” See that’s before He died. Now the latter state’s worse than it was at first, and here’s where you find yourself: “Crucify Him!” He done healed, done healed all their disease and everything, and you standing round there listening to them old silly priest, and they clamoring “Who is He? Crucify Him!” Then you join the gang, “Yeah crucify Him!” See you’re worse off than you were in the first place. But now since His death, burial, and resurrection, and He resurrects from the dead, He sent ’em out to cast ’em out. When the Holy Spirit comes in, that’s what pushes him out of you, then you’re sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise until the day or redemption. He can’t break in to save his life. There’ll be no crashing the gate then. You’re preserved and kept by the power of Yahweh, ready to be revealed in the last time. He come to abide and to stay with you on down to the end.

Now folks, if you’ve listened, if you catch on to what we’re talking about, and understand it, and see by the Bible and how it goes together, then you can see that all of this, and none of it couldn’t be… THERE MUST BE A SAVIOUR SOMEWHERE! There must be (since you call it God all the time), there must be, JUST GOT TO BE A GOD SOMEWHERE! Just have to be, no way out of it! Why? Because there’s too many repetitions of the same thing. You got too many witnesses. In you yourself, and every animate and inanimate object in the Universe is threefold, the Godhead, you, and everything. There just isn’t anyway… All nature is made up that way, seed time, day and night, summer, winter, it keeps right on a going. Well said “I’m a scientist.” Yeah, you’re a scientist. You looked over there in the first chapter of Isaiah, and about your astrologers, and astronomers, and in the first chapter of Daniel, said “Let them save you from the calamity which is gonna come upon you.” And the first thing you know, the scientist, and the astronomers and the astrologers and everybody else is done run into some kind of a catastrophe, and he pass it on off and say “Yeah I know, but I’m an atheist I don’t believe in the Bible.” Now he don’t believe in the Bible, “I’m an atheist.” No you’re not, you’re just a fool for the want of sense! And you don’t have to believe in God. One of these days you see him out there digging a hole. Said, “Well that man’s got plenty of money.” But one of these days you see him out there digging a hole, there he goes. He said he didn’t believe in GoD, but God said, uh appointed death unto man one time. Say, “Well I, I’m Henry Ford.” Dig six feet for him like you do anybody else. What’s herbs all about? They’re getting smarter all the time. Don’t you think that Yahweh knows everyone of them herbs, and all, out there in that thing out there, the field? Do you think He’s stupid enough to let something grow out there to save you from dying?

Now let me wind this up. Now you see who the rest of the dead, they lived not again till the thousand years were finished. Now you see that? All right. You know who the rest of the dead are. And that is the first resurrection, because it’s just still going on right straight on down through this age. And they’ve got the Holy Spirit, and they’re just preaching to you, and the resurrection is still going right on, the first resurrection. You see it now?

Billy: Yes sir

Dr. Kinley: Okay. Now the 21st chapter.

Reader: And I saw a new heaven and a new earth. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now you remember I told you we was gonna come back to this. “I’m sick and tired, I ain’t going to school tonight, all they gonna talk about is that old tabernacle. Why don’t you sometimes read over here in the New Testament? We are not living under the law now. Look, the Old Testament ain’t no good, that’s, that’s all over, we under the new covenant now .” Is that what they say?

Billy: Yes sir, that’s what they say.

Dr. Kinley: All right. And John said I saw a new heaven and a new earth

Reader: for the first heaven. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now remember the man’s in the spirit. For the first heaven

Reader: and the first earth. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: passed away. . .

Dr. Kinley: were passed away

Reader: and there was no more sea. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now you see you come up out of Egypt, went through the Red Sea, John was looking right at it confirming the thing. For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. That is to say that they’re on this side of the sea. See it?

Man: um hum

Dr. Kinley: Read on.

Reader: and I John saw the holy city. . .

Dr. Kinley: And I John, not Moses, I John. . .

Reader: saw the holy city. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: New Jerusalem. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: coming down from Yahweh out of heaven. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and I heard a great voice. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: out of heaven saying. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: behold. . .

Dr. Kinley: Behold… Look Billy, look Billy, you don’t wanna read back here, and you don’t wanna take this to confirm it with. You wanna read over in the New Testament. Now this is over in the 21st chapter of Revelations. Is that far enough over for you? Is that almost over far enough for you?

Billy: yeah

Dr. Kinley: All right, and he said I heard a voice out of heaven saying behold

Reader: the tabernacle of Yahweh is with men. . .

Dr. Kinley: Is with men. See he done passed through the sea. There was no more sea. And they heard that voice out of heaven saying, and he saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. You see how the children of Israel’s around here, and here’s the tabernacle. And he said “Behold the tabernacle of God is with men.” Is that what you got there?

Reader: That’s right

Dr. Kinley: Is that almost what you got?

Reader: That’s it.

Dr. Kinley: Now here, let me show you something. See this is a tabernacle you got here, and this is a tabernacle you got here, your body. That is the tabernacle of Yahweh that is with you. Look, all of the natural has passed away, every bit of it, all of the carnal passed away. You’re in a new state, of which this one back here was a type and a shadow, and you’ve come to the reality of it now. “Behold the tabernacle of God is with men.” And then what?

Reader: and He will dwell them. . .

Dr. Kinley: And see you build me, Moses, a tabernacle down here where I can dwell with you. “And He’ll dwell with men.” Yahshua the Messiah is with you now, He’s not gonna leave. And your body is the tabernacle or the temple of the Holy Spirit, and He’s with you. Israel passed through the Red Sea, baptized in the sea. You’ve passed from life to death, or from death to life, you’ve passed. Say “How you know I’ve passed Billy?” Well, and then somebody have to come along and tell you, “Say Billy you’re doing well, or you ain’t doing so well.” How do you know if you’ve passed from death to life? You don’t have to say a word, don’t have to ask nobody nothing about it. When you love the brethren, you’ve made the grade. As long as you don’t love the brethren, then you ain’t made the grade, you’re still dead. “Here comes old Billy, I’m so sick and tired of him I don’t know what to do. I wonder why he don’t stay at home sometime. (And where two are three are gathered together in My Name there I’ll be with you.) I’m so sick of that man I don’t know what to do.” Now somebody ain’t one of the brethren. [Laughter] That mean you’ve got… You got the story? Now somebody ain’t one of the brothers, I don’t know whether it’s Billy or you, but there’s something wrong somewhere. And you don’t have to go round and asking nobody about it either, say “How am I doing?” You know. All right, read on.

Reader: and they shall be His people. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and Yahweh Himself shall be with them and be their Elohim. . .

Dr. Kinley: And Yahweh shall be right with you right now walking around in ——. And it is in Him that you live and you move and you have your being. Now I, uh well we’ll just call it a, for use of a better word at this particular time, is this: We want you to know Yahweh as He actually is, and as He actually exist for your very own personal satisfaction and consolation, not as somebody said that He was gonna be. And we want you to know (now listen at me) He is ever present all the time. We want you to discern that. We want you to be ever conscious of that. We want you to know that you can’t get away with nothing! You say “Well now look, I, I don’t want Bill to know about this, he’s too weak, a thing like this might knock him out. See the old boy he’s kinda weak. I’m strong, so I’ll get behind something, drink me a little booze, and smoke me a cigarette, but I don’t want Billy to see that though, he’s too weak.” Say buster, you got Him right there with you. You see you’re kidding and fooling yourself. And then you’re doing them kinds of things… Now of course I’m not saying that smoking cigarettes is a sin, and drinking whiskey is a sin, I’m not saying that. I’m not gonna do like the Holiness folks do. They say “Touch not (2nd chapter of Colossians) taste not, handle not where with all are to perish with the using.” And the very thing he just got through telling you don’t touch, don’t taste, and don’t handle, that’s the very thing that you handle, the Passover, saying “That Jesus said for us…” That thing will kill you quicker than a fifth. Said “I don’t see no —- in that. Said if God intended for you to smoke you’d have a little smoke stack on top of you there.” Well what do you think about this tabernacle?

Dennis: Sure had a little smoke stack on top of it.

Dr. Kinley: It’s filled with smoke. What you think about the temple? It’s filled with smoke. No, I’m not trying to tell you that smoking cigarettes or drinking whiskey, either one, are good for you, it’ll kill you! So won’t water, chloride, or no chloride. But now you ought to have sense enough to know when you have had enough to eat, and when you’ve had enough of anything, you ought to at least have sense enough to know that. And we’re not gonna condemn you for something that you eat. I don’t care for rice. Now I’m gonna condemn everybody in China, (they say it’s around 750 million people down there) cause I don’t like rice. That don’t make sense does it? I heard ’em talking about Limburger cheese here the other day. . .

Dennis: That’ll kill you.

Dr. Kinley: Well what I’m trying to say, I’m trying to impart to you, is the sense of the thing, the sense of it. And it is not what you eat, and what goes in at the mouth, but it’s what comes out through the mouth and out of the brain. Now with the understanding we are conscious. Paul said “The spirit speaketh expressly in the latter days that many shall depart from the faith, giving heeds to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils, commanding to abstain from meats or foods, and forbidding to marry.” And here you are round here on a Friday, come around here saying don’t eat no meat on Friday, eat fish, the celibacy of the priesthood. Now if the priest didn’t marry back here they couldn’t continue a priesthood; they got to have some children. And then here you round talking about “Naw, well, we can’t have that.” But you’re commanding to abstain from meat, or food, fasting. Now here then, fasting, you’ve got it just exactly backwards. Now the thing that you should be fasting from is them carnal ordinances. Say “What are you doing?” Said “I’m fasting.” Said “Jesus said take, eat…” I said “No, I’m fasting.” And then got your plate all piled up and just eating all you can stand, and fasting all at the same time. Say “How in the world man, are you nutty, are you crazy? Is there something wrong with you?” No, not a thing. Now you can eat a little onion too, or if it’s something else that I want to eat, and fasting? Yes sir, just as big, fat, and sassy as I can be, and fasting, on a diet. Now I didn’t — — into that. I could if I wanted to. But the thing I don’t like about it, is you see they don’t, they’re so tight and so stingy with it, they don’t give you enough to do no good. Now if they gonna give me enough to do me some good… And I wouldn’t be eating that with the conscience that I was eating and drinking the blood and body of Christ, I was getting me something to eat to go into my empty belly. But since you don’t know, since you don’t understand, the best thing to do is to quit, so we abstain from eating meats and that stuff that’s offered… All you doing, you ain’t doing but nothing but offering to idols. You understand.

Now we went down now, and we got back to this tabernacle, which the first heaven and the first earth was passed away and there was no more sea. Is that what you said?

Reader: um hum

Dr. Kinley: Now then, you said you heard a voice from heaven saying, behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will be their God and dwell with them. He told Moses to build that tabernacle and He’d dwell in it. This tabernacle is a figure of your body. . .[Side B (2of2) Ends] . . . Know ye not that your body is the tabernacle of the spirit. You have been resurrected from life, I mean resurrected from the dead. You’ve passed through here. All right, read on, and I’ll have this finished in a minute.

Reader: and Yahweh shall wipe away all tears. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and there shall be no more death neither sorrow. . .

Dr. Kinley: And there shall be no more death. Remember I told you, he that liveth, he that believes in Me though he were dead, yet shall he live, and he that liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. There will be no more death, you’re just not gonna die, and I explained that and showed you. I’m not talking about this physical body, but the inner man. You’re clothed upon with an immortal body. When did that happen? And then you’ve got it in Philippians there too, that when He is revealed from heaven He would change our mortal body into a glorious body like unto His. Now when He passed off here at the transfiguration, Moses saw Him up here, and John saw Him on the Isle of Patmos out there with such great bright body even the heavens fled away. And Paul’s seeing Him in a vision, these boys are seeing Him in a vision, and when you see Him you’ll see Him in a vision. And if you’re real sharp, really sharpened up good, “Then they that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation,” that’s Hebrews. If you just kinda look around a little bit you might be able to see Him in Billy, and you might be able to see Him in him, you might be able to see Him… He just might appear to you. Well it wasn’t no —— after all. You get the point? Then when He’s revealed to everybody, business will pick up then. But if you can just go along now, and you’re looking for something, you just might find it in Billy, you just might find it in Mitch. He might appear to you today there, and might appear to you another time. Said “I thought that was old Mitch.” Uh uh no that’s not the fellow, you’re looking at flesh. And that veil is rend, and everybody will just, uh… And look, He isn’t going away, and coming back, and after nobody, them boys were right with Him. When He’s revealed from heaven, well I’ll be right along with Him. Now it would be a matter of impossibility for me to be right along with Him when He’s revealed from heaven, if He’s up yonder and I’m out yonder somewhere else, why how could I be with Him? That’s the 3rd chapter of Colossians what I’m talking about. We’ll be revealed right along with Him.

Now I want you to take the… You had the 21st chapter there didn’t you? Now I got, now look, look folks let me show you about that. Now we’ve talked about that. Now we’ve talked about down here in Egypt, we’ve talked about the Red Sea. Is that what you just said? And you said there was no more sea, the first heaven and the first earth was passed away. A lot of folks don’t even know that it’s one, two, three, first, second and third heaven. They don’t, they don’t even know there was three. What three? Where are they? That’s, uh, here is the atmosphere. Here is the place up here where the sun, moon, and stars is, oh it’s —–. We’re born down here in the stratosphere and earth, that’s one and the other one is two. But this one here, this third one, that’s a heavenly. You don’t look on that on with your…. That’s where I live, that’s my address. That’s where He lives, everywhere, universally so. The planets, the sun, and the moon, and stars, and everything is embodied within Him, and they’re just figures to point Him out, the natural and the spiritual. 21st chapter, 22nd chapter

Reader: and He showed me a pure river of water of life. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: clear as crystal. . .

Dr. Kinley: See, a river… The first heaven and first earth were passed away, no more sea, the tabernacle of God is with men. Joshua picked them up and carried ’em on through the River Jordan. Is that right? He showed me a river of water of life, He showed you this tabernacle. Now right down through this spinal column, inside of this spinal column, it flows out from up here. That spinal fluid is just as clear as a crystal. And here is the heaven here, first and left hemisphere of your brain. Twelve tribes on one side, and 12 ribs on one side, 12 on the other side, 12 & 12 is 24. Thirty-three vertebrae in your spinal column, coming on down. And on either side of the river was the tree of life. Down here you have it, and up there you have it, the tree of life. And what happens?

Reader: proceeding out of the throne of Yahweh. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and of the lamb. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: in the midst of the street of it. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and on either side of the river. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: was there the tree of life. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now I don’t have time to go back in the Garden of Eden and get the river, pick them up there. Either side of the river… Well we’ll just tell you this way: Down here in this earthly pattern, this tabernacle you got on, that’s on this side, on this side up here, on the other side of the river, the temple. You got it so on this side of the river. And it gives off it’s fruit in it’s season, and it’s never out of season. See be instant in season, and out of season. Every time you see me give me some of this fruit stuff, the fruit of the spirit, which was typical there by the fruit in the Garden of Eden. The fruit of the spirit is love. It’s love down here on this side of the river when you’re walking around here in this physical body, and it’s love on the other side of the River. [Doc Laughs] The fruits of the spirit is love, and meekness, and temperance, and all those kinds of things, and it’s on either this side of the river. It doesn’t make any difference whether it’s in this body, or on the other side in an immortal body. Now did we do any good with it?

Now this is what we tried to do; we tried to put this together real quick for you, and to show the cardinal point, and how John was out there.., and he ain’t saying nothing only but confirming what Moses was saying, open the Book and loosed the seals, the seven churches, the seven seals, seven angels, and so forth and so on. That’s all that’s happening folks. There isn’t anything on these charts but what ain’t right up there, including you, not a thing. And say look Bill, nobody can tell me nothing. I’m not seeking information, I’m imparting it. You know why I don’t wanna know nothing about it from you no way? You don’t know nothing to tell me. I don’t know nothing to tell my own silly self. I don’t wanna hear old H. C. preach, I’ve had enough of that. I’d rather hear Yahshua the Messiah preach, through you of course. You get the point? Couldn’t blame nobody for not wanting to hear me preach, I don’t wanna hear myself. And anybody that’s stupid than me… Well, I hope you all have… Is this your? I hope you all have gotten something out of it. Is there any interrogation or any questions? If not, thanks brother Mitchell.

Mitch: Just a couple of remarks before, before we close out. Instead of just going along and shaking hands and saying thanks, there is but one way to show our thanks for those of you from California, and especially H.C. for having driven well over 3000 miles to come with us just for a couple of days. There’s only one way to show that you’re appreciative, and that is for anyone who is of a heart and mind to do so, and that is to just go ahead and just testify to the fact of what this teaching has done for you, and what you got out of it. That’s the only way you could ever show that man any thanks, that’s the only thing he’d ever appreciate. Now your presence from Friday, Saturday, and today, just by your presence has been mute testimony to the fact of them coming all that way and all that distance that there’s another witness involved. We’re in this room, if anyone would be of a mind to do so, now would be the time to really say whatever you have on your heart and mind to say, so the floor is yours.


Lady #1. We talked in our homes as we returned to Syracuse, those of you who came over, when we returned to Syracuse, he said “We continued the convention really armed.” And we’ve truly done that. And just as the convention left us pretty well speechless, and we felt we had so much to chew, so we had to go home, you know, and really work it over, that’s pretty much the way I feel right now. It’s been tremendous, and if we could keep you here we’d keep you here, but just thank you, thank you very much.

Dr. Kinley: All right

Lady #1: Thank you is not sufficient though.

Man: [In a whisper] It’s sufficient, it’s sufficient.

Mitch: All right, let’s go, let’s — —. Well if there is no others that have anything to express. . .

Lady #2: It’s nice to see these faces again that I saw at the convention before. And when I first got into this, you know very slowly I could get a little glimpse of what this is about. And after the convention (and there’s some knocking, look at the door) and after this time I can’t really say what I might have gotten out of it because it’s something that you said that you have to work over, and to talk over, and to mull over until it becomes a reality with you.

Lady #3: — —- —. Words fail me, but I’m going to try to dream up a few. It’s very difficult for me to truly express how much all of this has meant to me. It’s a very precious thing and a very joyful thing. And every day as I walk around I feel that my life as been greatly enriched, and I’m an entirely different type of person. And actually next weekend I’m going to celebrate me anniversary. It was last weekend through a vessel, or another person, that I just sort’a kinda happened accidentally, on purpose, to run into Mitch, and to learn of Yahweh, whom I never knew before, really, and all of the wonderful treasures that Yahweh has to impart to us. And all I can say is that I am deeply and sincerely grateful, and I think all of you people who have come in from L.A. for joining us again, and helping us to continue the convention.

Mitch: Well, if there isn’t anymore to be said then I think that what we might do is call the extenuation of the convention in this area closed. It’s just closed temporarily, because it will continue on. But what little time we do have left, which we went into the mathematics quite deeply last night, and we brought it down quite close. And if there was anyone that is of a mind to have followed, you could see for yourself that you just don’t have that long to be able to gain the knowledge which is so very needed. And that’s why I would encourage all of you, yourselves, to come to class and to overcome these obstacles which all of us are beset with. Your mountain is a mountain to you, it’s not the same as mine. But I’m just as tired when I get over the top of my mountain as you are when you get over the top of yours. Now if I can overcome and struggle it on out, be encouraged by my being able to do it. It’s possible for you to do it, why, is because you do have the overcomer within you, and that’s the true divine spirit. And there isn’t anything else that is worthwhile, sitting home watching the TV, and doing all the other things. There’s isn’t anything, other thing, that’s gonna give you eternal life than for you to come and learn that Yahweh actually has done the job through Yahshua the Messiah. And you gonna have to hear that, and you’re gonna have to live that. And I’m gonna have to teach it, and I’m gonna have to prove it, and I’m gonna have to run the roads. Now if you expect me to do that, and to teach (I’m talking to the ones that are here), if you expect me to be at class to teach, likewise there’s another side to the coin, then I kinda half way expect you to be there. If you, if you expect me, and I won’t get a break, and have a break, and for the little time that we have, I count it a joy to worry around with it. And so to those of you from LA, and those of you that have seen fit to be with us from Canada, just naturally so, we have tried to conduct ourselves, and be your host in such a way as to make you to have a desire to wanna come back and be with us. That’s what… Any of you from LA, and anybody from anywhere, this is your home if you are among us here in New York, this is your home. So this weekend is over with, and class is dismissed.

Dr. Kinley: Mitch I have one more thing I wanna point out, I think it’s important. And I meant to point it out when I was on the floor, [Doc’s speaking pretty low, several words inaudible] . . . since we were going from one thing to the other there.

Now these 70 elders, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, they did not stay there where Moses told ’em when he went up into the mountain in the 16th chapter, I mean the 24th chapter and the 16th verse, they went on back down, and they built this golden calf. And when Moses came down with the tables of stones, he threw ’em down and broke ’em. he was angry with ’em, he was hot with ’em, he was mad. And so also if you read in the 34th chapter of Exodus you’ll find that Yahweh was hot too, and Joshua told him to go and — — —. Now, you see what you have to do now, you have to bring that right over here and see what you’ve got. Now they didn’t do what they were told and stay there. And they went down, took off their earrings, and Aaron put ’em in, and they had the golden calf or the beast there. Now this is material and all that they brought, not to build the tabernacle with, but his own personal property that they made the golden calf out of. Now that’s got to be fulfilled. Now here’s the fulfillment, and here’s why I said what I did. And here’s why I think it’s important that I should show you. Now when Yahshua the Messiah ascended, and you’ll find this in the first chapter of Acts of Apostles, He ascended from the Mt. of Olives. That’s the reason why I got transfiguration on one side and ascension on the other, and He ascended in the cloud too. And He told them before He ascended, said “Now you go back to Jerusalem, (which is about a sabbath’s days journey) and you stay right there until you receive power from on high, and then you shall be witnesses unto me in Judea, Samaria, and the utmost parts of the earth.” Now they went back like He told them to do. But after they got back, if you would take the 24th chapter of Luke, He set down, and He told ’em that all things in the scriptures, that’s in the Law and in the Prophecy, and in the Psalms, must be fulfilled. Said, “This is what I was telling you,” and He opened up their understanding of it. And while, see He’s been gone now, He didn’t say anything about this, they’re written over here. Now they didn’t have the New Testament all written out there, even the Acts of Apostles wasn’t written until afterwards. So they went back and they got to looking around, (since He was telling ’em about the Scriptures being fulfilled), and they stumbled up on this over here in Psalms about His bishopric by who Judas by transgression fell. And He didn’t tell them before He ascended (it wasn’t but 11 of ’em) who was to take Judas’ place who by transgression fell, He didn’t tell ’em. But just like they took off their earrings and things, and went to shooting the bull out here, they said “Well here’s one of them things He didn’t tell us about, who’s suppose to take Judas’ place who by transgression fell.” And so then they set Barnabas and Matthias before ’em. Now they wanna fill Judas’s place to make up the 12th. So they went to casting lots, and the lot fell on Matthias, and they counted him with the 12. That’s all you ever heard about him. Now here’s the man that’s suppose to take his place, Judas’ place who by transgression fell. Now the Apostle Paul or Saul (which is his right name), from Tarsus, he was a eunuch. He could not go into the congregation of the assembly. The 23rd chapter of Deuteronomy and the 56th chapter of Isaiah said that they couldn’t go in there, the congregation of the assembly. Question, why? He doesn’t have any seed in there. Now what business does he have telling anybody else… Get the point? But now when the Holy Spirit is poured out, and you’re not in the flesh as it was back here, then the eunuchs they could come in, and they have a high and exalted place within this wall, the 56th chapter of Isaiah, a special place. Well now Saul or Paul he was the man who was to take Judas’ place who by transgression fell. And he could not be grafted in or put in his place until after they had gotten into the spirit, and where the eunuchs are no more born after the flesh but after the spirit, and so he come in now. Now you get that bad boy too, it was them —–, the high priest, and he was knocking ’em on out. You understand? But when it pleased Yahweh, who separated him from his mother’s womb, to put him in there to take Judas’ place, who by transgression fell. And it would not be by popular vote, but he was born of the spirit, and he was the 12th apostle. That’s why he couldn’t come in under the law or under the flesh. And Judas he was, though representing the satanic part of it, then He had to have him right along with Him. And since He’s opening up their understanding after He’s resurrected from the dead. Then after He ascended, “No He didn’t tell us who was gonna take his place.” So they went to doing like they do over there in the Vatican. Just like these fellows here went to casting lots, and voting ’em in. Now could you imagine somebody voting an apostle in. You see why I wanted to bring it up. Now these things have got to be fulfilled. And since they were fulfilled, and He didn’t tell them who was to take his place… And Paul could not come in because he was a eunuch, until after the spirit was poured out, cause it’s not the flesh now, it’s the Holy Spirit. So then they’re not born of flesh and blood, but born of the spirit. And he was a master too, spoke more tongues and more languages, and was sent to the Gentile. That boy was really educated, not only at the feet of Gamaliel, but he was educated upstairs. Now I thought I’d better just leave that one with you so you could see that it isn’t a matter of electing somebody or selecting somebody, but you just simply have to be… An apostle means eye witness. Now Paul was an eye witness; he really saw it. Matthias and Barnabas, ah uh, I’m sorry. And these cardinals and popes and all, they cast them lots, and the smoke run up out of the Cistine Chapel, that’s the way them boys were doing down there. Just like this bull out here, you even got this bugger here. You see what I mean? See they wanna take his place who by transgression fell. Do you get the idea? And the ring leaders of it, Moses killed everyone of ’em, sent ’em through the camps and killed ’em, about 3000 of ’em in one day. And that’s what’s happening. And I wanted to show you, and I brought that up so that I could show you the fulfillment of it out there. They got this thing all set up, and the college of the cardinals… I know all about it, yes indeed, I know it from start to finish. Then they vote to see who’s gonna take the place of one deceased pope, cast lots just like them back here. And they all in the flesh, ain’t none of ’em in the spirit. And you can’t be praying no —– into nothing. Now he’s gonna sit up here and be the head of the church. That’s your old boy, he’s the son of perdition. So the Apostle Paul took the place of Judas, the son of perdition. You follow me? You see what I’m talking about? And so I just thought I’d better leave that one with you, so you’d know, they didn’t do like they were told there, they’re still not doing like they’re told. But He didn’t tell ’em who it was gonna be, and they stumbling back through there and they found it, and so they gonna get busy and elect somebody, an eye witness, and he ain’t seen a thing. Okay I’m sorry, but I thought I should say these things.

Dennis Droulard: Now I wanna say something, just a word and that’s all. I wanna thank all of you here from New York on behalf of Dr. Kinley and Mary, my brother Richard and myself, for making us feel so much at home, and seeing that we’ve been fed and bedded down, and all of those things which are essential for this body. And we want you to know that we felt like we were at home from the time we were here, and we’re grateful to all of you. And I’m pleased that we can go back to Los Angeles with a different report about New York than we had to go back to Los Angeles with the last time. There are some valuable and precious pearls here in the state of New York, and believe me when we get back they will hear about it too. And we thank you very much for everything. I thought I should say that. And I think also before we leave, I think that if we all stand and ask Dr. Kinley to dismiss us that it would be proper.

Dr. Kinley: I want to say this to you now, this hospitality and the courtesy, and the attention and the fellowship, and all that has been bestowed upon me. And since Dr. Dennis said he was speaking for those of us that were from California, which includes himself, and Sister Mary, and Brother Richard, I’ll just speak for myself, well I’ll speak for them too. Every last one of you, I’ve enjoyed myself immensely. And as Dr. Dennis said, and I certainly will report about these few days — —- that we’ve had since we’ve been here. The Apostle Paul said we must all give an account for the things that we’ve… And too I’m glad and happy that Dr. Billy, and Dr. Roderick is here from Canada. Because I was somewhat puzzled in my mind about just what I was gonna do about that situation. And I thought possibly I’d leave here and go to that, but you’ve saved me a trip by your presence here. And I hope we have gotten together sufficiently, and we’ve benefitted from our study, and contact, and conversation, and imparted what little knowledge that we possess with one another backwards and forwards, and it won’t be necessary now to go to Canada. So I’m happy and glad and thankful to Yahweh, and to your beloved companion, to New York, and I’m sure you’ve enjoyed him, as we have. And to the brothers and sisters here, I’ve never been no place in my life where I’ve been treated any better. And to Mitch and mother them over there, they treated me with all the hospitality and courtesy, in fact they just bent over backwards, and over done it, and I’m grateful. Anyone else got anything else to say?

Billy Carrol: I’d like to say that we’re glad to be here, and I wanna thank all of you also for your hospitality. And we’re glad that we had a chance to come up here instead of having you go to Canada anyway, but we have people back there. Because we have a chance to meet and see all of you again that we saw at the convention, and meet the others that are still here that we had not met, and we hope that time last to come back and visit with you all again.

Lady: [About a minute of testimony inaudible]. . .

Dr. Kinley: I’ll leave this with you, and you may have to read this out of the Book. Now I’m bringing this up since you said what you did. The children departed into a.., uh, 7th chapter of Revelations, or 10th chapter of Revelations and the 7th verse, 10th chapter… Now we’re coming right down to the end. Now we’re not gonna have no long drawn out dissertation on it at all, but I just wanna point it out, we’re down to the end of this age. This is a short age. 1656 the first one, second one 2377, this one is just got to be a short one as we taught last night. Now if it wasn’t, then you see, the Bible would be wrong. And you’re on, what we might call, a long probationary, probationary period, or a short one. I can’t tell you the date, I’m not allowed too. You’ll find in the 24th chapter of Matthew, it says “My Lord is delayed His coming.” And you’ll begin to be slothful, uninterested, and unconcerned, and all these things crop in your head, which is an indication of the last go round. But now here, read.

Reader: But in the days of the voice of the 7th angel. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: when he shall begin to sound. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: the mystery of Yahweh should be finished. . .

Dr. Kinley: The mystery of Yahweh… Now I told you there were two mysteries, the mystery of Yahweh and the mystery of iniquity. Now you cannot put your finger on anything that I have, since I had this vision and revelation, you can’t put your finger on nothing in the Bible that we haven’t explained to you in such a way that you could understand it. And you can’t deny it even if you wanted to! Now if you’re disinterested, and this is the finishing off of it, because we have took that Book from Genesis to Revelations, we took every animate and inanimate object in the Universe, you and everybody else in it’s totality, and brought it on down so that you could see the reality of it, and that you would realize that Yahweh is ever present, and we have come down to the close.

And there’s one other thing I think I should mention right here too, it’s important. Now Judas had to take them 30 pieces of silver back. I told you that last night. Now Pope Paul is the first pope in history, he was 66 years old when he was crowned. I mean Paul the 6th. He’s 66, and that’s the mark of the beast. And he’s the first pope in history that’s ever sent in his resignation, and cast the 30 pieces of silver back. And he has admitted that the Roman Catholic Church was wrong. And he seeks to retire, he hasn’t seen any way to overcome that stupendous error that he’s made in writing that encyclical on birth control. He don’t have a thing to do with that. Yahweh’s sending on in according to the way that their religious.., and no pope, no Judas standing down there, and no pharaoh can obstruct or hinder it, they’re just simply gonna… You understand what I’m talking about? And you have got both the good and the bad, the negative and the positive, the right and the wrong, and we’ve pointed it out to you right in the book. We’ve counted up the 666, Vicarius Felii Dei, Saturnia, and Stur, we’ve pointed that out. They say it belongs on Nero. We took the 666 and put it on Nero, in the 12th chapter of Revelations transferred it right on back over to the boy where he gave him his seat and his and his authority, and his power. Now do you understand? That’s here, you can’t do no fixing up with no Bible, and these things are true, and it must be out there. And so now if you are brain washed and circumscribed in all that kind of stuff, and still looking for something, this is it! This is the end of the line sister and brother. This is it, believe it or not. So I just thought I should point that out to you. Now the 7th angel that I told you, now that’s, that’s, uh that’s me. I’m sounding the mystery that Yahweh is finished. You can’t find nothing, nothing in nature, nothing no where that I ain’t told you about, ironed it out and everything else. Am I through? Everybody’s through?

Now unto Him that’s able to keep you from falling, and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only and all wise Yahweh be dominion and power everlasting both now and forever. Let’s us all say Amen.

Man: Halleluyah!

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