Line Upon Line, Precept Upon Precept

Lecture given by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley in 1975.

Transcriber’s Notes

Also called: Adam 1975

Bakers Union Hall

Los Angeles, CA

Transcribed by Beverly Allen

DR. KINLEY: Thank you ever so much. This morning I thought it was necessary to do what she said, and to exhort you that you just should earnestly contend for the faith, which was once, and if you look at your King James Version of the Bible it says, “Delivered to Saints.” That’s not so, it wasn’t no saints, it wasn’t Christians either. Now a Saint is one that is canonized in the Roman Catholic Church, that’s what a saint is. And now what we are, are the Sons of Yahweh. Now Jude he has said that it was necessary for him to write and exhort the teachers, and those that were responsible for ministering of the word to the people. He told them that they should earnestly contend for the faith and common salvation, which was once delivered. Now it’s, everybody knows now that this Bible isn’t generally understood by the multitudes of people on the face of the earth, it just simply is not understood. And we have all kinds of sects, and cults, and creeds, and religious concepts, and notions, and opinions, and ideas, and what not. Now they’re already prophesied in the Bible that there would be. So everything’s going along fine so far as the fulfillment of the things in the Scriptures.

But now right recently we had a stir in the Middle East . And you noticed that Arafat, the leader of the Arab Liberation of Palestine, spoke at the UN. And he said that he come with a olive branch in one hand and a gun in the other, and he hoped that you didn’t make him lay it down. Now there is a conflict that’s been going on over there every since before, or even with Abraham, about the bondwoman, and the Ishmaelites, and Isaac, and so forth and so on. He was told to cast out the bond woman and her son, and then strife would go out of the camp, well they been squabbling every since. And now the reconciliation of it they don’t understand it. They don’t understand how to go about settling it. Now the Jews, now I told you that there wasn’t no such thing as a Jew, it’s Yehuda that’s the proper, Yehuda. Is that almost right?

STUDENT: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: And it is not Jacob, and it is not Jerusalem . But we don’t have time to go into all them things. I, I just wanted to touch a few particular things, and then I think we should have some knowledge of what’s happening, and how to go about it. Now this is a school of learning and we ought to know something about these things for sure.

Now in the 24th Chapter of Matthew, Yahshua the Messiah told His disciples when they came outside of the Temple , they were looking at how that it was beautifully adorned; they were showing it to Him. And He said, “There shall not be one stone left here upon top of another that shall not be thrown down.” And they asked Him privately, “When shall these things be and what shall be the sign of Thy coming?” And the whole 24th Chapter of Matthew He said to ’em, He, uh, He explained it to ’em. Now everybody’s talking about the coming of Jesus, that’s the song. Well I’m here to tell you Jesus is not coming. Now you can go ‘head on and believe that he is, but he just is not coming! That’s all. That’s not His name to begin with that’s why I said that, that’s not His name. Now we’ve had some problems with that too. Now if you noticed, now there’s some people will say it this way, “Well there’s nothing in the name, see it don’t make no difference about that.” That’s what they say when you tell ’em the true name. Well now look here let me tell you this: If there wasn’t nothing in the name, why did He tell them that many should come in His name saying that they were Him. Why did He say that if it don’t make no difference! And He said they would come in His name and deceive many. Now in your King James Version of the Bible it says His name is Christ. Come in my name, and said “Deceive many.” Well now Christ is not His name, that’s something to think about there, wouldn’t you say? Well then what is His name? Well we’ve been into that, it’s up there on the board, we discuss that all the time. And the Holy Name Bible and the Jerusalem Bible, which is the Roman Catholic Bible, goes into it, but they won’t use the right name of the Messiah. And they say that Yahweh is the name, I mean the Roman Catholics, they say in the Jerusalem Bible that the name of the Father is Yahweh; then why would they be yet using Lord, God, and Jesus Christ? Now folks we just might as well face it! We gone have to do one thing or the other, just face it or be lost. Now that’s why I got up here this morning to try to persuade you to do as Jude said that we should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the Sons. And then he went on to talk about they having the advantage, or admiration of individual personalities, and so forth and so on, and all lika that. And they’re speaking great swelling words, which they allure through the flesh and so forth and so on. Now you got all this in the world, it belongs here, and if it wasn’t here then the Bible would be wrong! But your responsibility and your duty is to find out what is right!

Now about the settlement in the Middle East , the 2nd Chapter of Isaiah and the 4th Chapter of Amos, Micah, I should say. The 2nd Chapter of Isaiah, and I don’t expect to be up here to long, of course you know how usually I mess that all up too. But I think it’s necessary for us to know something about these people. Now you just can’t go on… Now there is gonna be millions of people that hear this truth, they’re gonna go right on just the same, the way they been going, they gonna do that see. Now we won’t be disappointed if they do do it! The Book says they will! All right read Micah, I mean uh Isaiah.

READER: The word that Isaiah the son of Amos saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem

DR. KINLEY: Now the word which Isaiah the son of who?


DR. KINLEY: Amos saw, concerning Judah . All right.

READER: and Jerusalem . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and it shall come to pass. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen now. And it shall come to pass

READER: in the last days. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that the mountain of Yahweh ‘s house. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: shall be established in the top of the mountains

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and shall be exalted above the hills. . .

DR. KINLEY: And shall be exalted or lifted up above the hills

READER: and all nations shall flow into it. . .

DR. KINLEY: Naw! Naw! Naw! We ain’t gone have it like that! Um-um, we’re not gonna have it like that! We Jews, we’re gonna run it! Now He is the Elohim of the Jews only. . .


DR. KINLEY: And we’re gonna run it! So now you see that for yourself. Now where are you reading, Isaiah?

READER: Yes sir.

DR. KINLEY: Read on just a peek further there.

READER: and many people shall go and say. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: come ye and let us go up to the mountain. . .

DR. KINLEY: Come ye, come on, let us go up!

READER: to the mountain of Yahweh . . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: to the house of the Elohim of Jacob. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and He will teach us of His ways. . .

DR. KINLEY: And He will teach us. Yahweh will teach us. He’s gonna do the teaching. We been doing it! Now He’s gonna… It’s gonna be a change in that set up too. And He will teach the people.

READER: and we will walk in His path. . .

DR. KINLEY: And then we will walk in His path

READER: for out of Zion shall go forth the law. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem . . .

DR. KINLEY: And the word of Yahweh, and the word of Yahweh, what?

READER: from Jerusalem . . .

DR. KINLEY: From Jerusalem . Now folks we’ve tried our best to draw and pictorially illustrate just exactly what was going on so that you wouldn’t have no alibi, or no excuse, for colossal ignorance and stupidity relevant to the purpose of Yahweh. Nobody in these 43 years that we have been teaching has been able to refute this teaching. It is correct. Now I, I’ll have to say this: I’M THE MAN THAT SAW THE VISION, and I wrote it down just like Habakkuk was told to: “Write the vision and make it plain so he can read, uh, run that read it.” Now I drawn it out here; I didn’t make the picture, I mean I directed it. Now it’s not the best that could be done so far as artwork is concerned, we are conscious and aware of that. But it is enough, and it’s done well enough to show you what the purpose of Yahweh is and how it works. Now some has said this, “Now every time we come down there at that school you tell us the same things; you repeat it over and over and over and over, now we are tired of that we wanna hear something new.” Now listen here let me tell you something, you got all the new stuff, that’s what you been hearing all the time. As somebody said, “Well give me that old time religion.” Well if that’s what you want, then you oughta take what we’re talking about because it is that old time religion, what you got is the new kind. Now what I mean by that, Freddy, I don’t want no misunderstanding on my part, because the responsibility rest heavenly upon my shoulders to deliver a profound knowledge of this vision and revelation to you. And then not only that now, Yahweh has backed it up. Now I wanna tell you how He backed me up. Now I can’t heal nobody, (now you don’t need no interpretation for that), and if I could, I’d heal my own self. Dr. Harris gives me pills, and you can see I’m getting old; I’m in my 80th year. But now Yahweh through this body has healed people of all kinds of diseases, even raised them from the dead. Hospital records around the country shows it. Now if I told you that I couldn’t do it, and the doctors say they can’t, then something happened somewhere. Yahshua the Messiah said He couldn’t. He said His Father in Him He does the work; I can of my own self can do nothing. Now you be the judge!

Now so far as the repetition is concerned, or repeating the thing over and over… In every dispensation, and age, it is nothing else but a constant repetition, that’s all it is. AND WHEN YOU GET OUT OF LINE WITH THAT THEN YOU’RE WRONG! That’s why the folks are wrong, and there’s no possibility of reconciliation among them. Now what I meant by that, is in the ages here, and dispensations of time, it functions the same way all the time; Yahweh said He doesn’t change. Now Isaiah 28:9-10. Now I want you to pay attention Freddy. All right read.

READER: Whom shall He teach knowledge. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now who is He going to teach knowledge? Now see we’re going up to the mountain of Yahweh , and He’s gonna teach. And He’s gonna teach you some knowledge to know something, not guess and speculate and believe, and all that kind of carrying on. But He’s gone teach us some knowledge; you gonna know something! Know something definite, something positive, something for sure, something real. Do away with imaginations and hallucinations and alibis and so forth and so on, perceived notions, and ideas, which you have conjured up in your carnal mind, it just won’t work. All right read.

READER: and whom shall He make to understand doctrine. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now whom shall He teach knowledge? And whom shall He

READER: make to understand doctrine. . .

DR. KINLEY: Make to understand doctrine. Now I’ll tell you this, now there’s a man in Ohio, Akron Ohio, I’m talking about Rex Humbard, I want you to know who I’m talking about. Now he stands and he persuades his people not to believe in no doctrine. He says anytime you get into a doctrine you’re wrong.” Now this says contrary and different to that, and Yahshua the Messiah said “My doctrine is not my own.” This is not my doctrine either. All right now “Whom shall He teach knowledge and whom shall He make to understand doctrine,” read.

READER: them that are weaned from the milk. . .

DR. KINLEY: Them that are weaned from the milk. Now listen here you have to get up off that milk, and drawn from the breast. Is that what it says? Now those are the only folks that He can teach knowledge to. You can’t teach knowledge to these Roman Catholics and Jehovah Witnesses, Baptist, Methodist, and the Church of Christ , and Protestantism and Judaism, and you can’t teach them nothing, he’s still on a milk bottle. He’s still, he’s still on, you have to nurse him. And every once in a while you have to diaper him a little bit, then throw him over your shoulder and burp him every once in a while. He can’t take it! But now he’s gonna have to get weaned there, weaned from the breast and then what else doc?

READER: for precept must be upon precept. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now here’s where we make our mistake! Now precept — now this is a must! This is a must! Precept must be what?

READER: upon precept. . .

DR. KINLEY: Upon precept

READER: precept upon precept. . .


READER: line upon line. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: line upon line. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats). Read!

READER: here a little. . .

DR. KINLEY: To the Law, Isaiah 8:20 . Here a little! Read!

READER: and there a little. . .

DR. KINLEY: over to the prophecy, and there a little. And if they don’t speak according to that word it’s because there’s no illumination and no light in ’em, and no Holy Spirit in ’em. All right read on.

READER: For with stammering lips. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and another tongue. . .

DR. KINLEY: And another tongue, a heavenly tongue

READER: will He speak to this people. . .

DR. KINLEY: Will He speak to this people. That’s the reason why He spake in parables. All right, proceed.

READER: to whom He said. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: this is the rest where with ye may cause the weary to rest. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now this is the rest where with you may cause the weary to rest. The Sabbath, Sabbath means rest. Now when you get into this, into the Sabbath or into the rest, then you ain’t worried with all this other stuff, you unloaded it, and you ain’t carrying all them heavy burdens around. You just unloaded Protestantism, Judaism, and all that junk and stuff, you unloaded it. How you unload it? Now listen at me, Knowledge! You must have a knowledge of the Purpose of Yahweh right from the very beginning, and on down through all the dispensation and ages, now you’re just gonna have to have that. You can’t get off with nothing else. Now we’re living right down to the close (not of the age), but the probationary period, right down here. Now you can see for yourself, you don’t need no sense, you can just kinda look and see that Roman Catholicism, Judaism, Protestantism, now there’s something wrong somewhere. Now it’s incumbent upon, first, Yahweh to give you somebody, or to come in somebody. This is His body, and that is His body that you have, all of you, I don’t want you to miss nobody. See all these are His bodies, not yours. And so now He get in His body and teach you to put line upon line and precept upon precept. Gives you some knowledge, some understanding about how His purpose works from start to finish, or from beginning to end. See here people, right on down. Now as you see this pattern here, just put it along here so it’s up and down each one of these plates. Now we call these (Yahweh just wouldn’t let me make mistakes), now we call these plates. If you look on that chart over there you can see it, it’s wrote up there above, we call it plates. Each one of these we call it plates. Now you’re suppose to be eating off of those plates. Did you understand what I meant there? I don’t mean chewing up no physical food, I mean spiritual food, and each one of these plates, it is all got to work the same way. Now listen at what I’m saying now. It’s got to be that mathematically, it’s got to be allegorically, it’s got to be that prophetically, can’t never digress or deviate at any time. Let me explain. Now you read line upon line, precept upon precept, I wanna know if that’s right or not!

STUDENTS: That’s right!

DR. KINLEY: Now this is what the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches and Judaism cannot do, they can’t do this! See they can’t put a line… Now this is a bloodline, then the next line up here, that’s a water line. Now it must be that way in all these ages and these dispensations of time, it must be that way; it just must be that way. Now that’s line upon line, that’s precept upon precept. Isaiah 8:20 says “To the Law and to the Testimony,” that’s the Law and the Prophets. Now then when Yahshua the Messiah comes He followed them footsteps. He followed that line upon line, precept upon precept, He couldn’t digress from it at all. He had to do just exactly what it was, what was set up there. What was set up? The Law and the Prophets! Now then listen close now, He said… I want you to read it to, John 3:14, 3:13 -14. Now this hasn’t never been understood by Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, it just has not been understood. And listen here folks, they don’t realize that they’re calling Him a liar! They haven’t even got around to that place where they got sense to see that! And then read right out of the book, finger right on it! All right read.

READER: Then cometh Yahshua from Galilee to Jordan unto John to baptized of him. . .

DR. KINLEY: That’s right!

READER: but John forbade Him saying I have need to be baptized of thee. . .

DR. KINLEY: I have need to be baptized of thee. . .

READER: and comest thou to me. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: And Yahshua answering said unto him. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: permit it to be so now. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: for thus it becometh us. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: to fulfill all righteousness. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute! Now you just wait a minute! If you’re gonna get this purpose from (not from Alpha to Omega either), from Aleph to Tau – that’s Hebrew it’s not Greek. And it’s always somebody wants to go out and run around and argue about, “Well that’s the Greek Translation.” We ain’t concerned about the Greek translation of it, we don’t care a thing about it! Said, “The New Testament was written in Greek!” You think Yahweh is that stupid? It wasn’t. Don’t even know what the New Testament is! You’d be surprised how dumb this world is out here when it comes to a knowledge of Yahweh. You’d be surprised. It would cause you to stand up and just shiver and tremble if you knew how bad, and how serious it was. Then somebody wanna show how smart they are, wanna refute and dispute with Yahweh and Yahshua. Now He said don’t think that I come to destroy the Law and the Prophets, said He come to fulfill. Suffer it to be so now because it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness. Now here comes along somebody, said, “Well, now Jesus was baptized and He come to show us the way, and if it was good enough for Him it was good enough for me! I don’t care a thing about what Kinley said!” And you had a man stand right in this pulpit and say, (and the majority of you heard him say it, from the Church of Christ ), Said, “Water baptism wash away your filthy sin.” Did he say it audience?

AUDIENCE: Yes. Right!

DR. KINLEY: Then if that was so then you don’t need no brains for this. If John, when he baptized ’em before Yahshua died, then three and a half years after that He’s hanging out here on the cross dying for men’s sin. I thought you said that water washed away sin! Do you see that now? And then go right on and earnestly contend, just fussing and chewing the rag with everybody about it. “I’m a Baptist bred and I’m a Baptist born, and when I die I’ll just be a Baptist gone.” You can’t teach him no knowledge. Now that’s wrong. Now look here folks, now what he just read, it said there that Yahshua come to John to be baptized. Where’s He coming from?


DR. KINLEY: Nazareth in Galilee . Question: What happened before He left? They don’t know nothing about it. Huh?

STUDENT: He kept the Passover

DR. KINLEY: with who?

STUDENTS: His family

DR. KINLEY: Why? See you don’t have no answers, just setting round here reading this book like this that ain’t gonna help you, that’ll mess you all up. Now look here, the Israelites ate this Passover down in Egypt – that’s your bloodline. And then they went to the water, that’s the way that was. Now in your pattern you have your blood there on the altar here and then you proceed to the water. This is the pattern that Yahweh gave us to go by. So now it says there that Yahshua, when He comes to John to be baptized, now He can’t be baptized just at any time and at any old place, He couldn’t do that. Now this Passover was eaten on the… It was a lamb that was drawn out of the flock on the 10th and held over to the 14th and then it was slain, and then it’s blood was put on the two sides of the door post and up, (each side of the door), and up over the lintel. Now look here now here comes along Jehovah Witnesses and say “Well now look here, the Romans they hadn’t invented the cross yet. I see you people still,” (that’s what they said to me over there in Hollywood ), said, “I see you people still use the cross.” Well now look, I said to the lady I said “Well look here, you see this altar? There’s four horns on it. What about that? That’s where the beast was slain, and the blood was put on the four horns of the altar; what about that?” Well they contend that He was crucified on a stob like this, with His hands hanging up like this you see on a stob. Well now would you say that this would be a stob if you would put the blood on this side and that side and up over the lintel of the door and I said, would you say that? And He said that He was a door, a door is something you can enter through, you can’t walk through no stob. Now Adam was hung on the tree, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And listen let me tell you this. A tree has some branches, almost. When it’s in fruition it has branches, don’t it, on both sides. Now you see folks what we’re trying to do, and we have to be very very technical about it too, because Yahweh is particular about it. See now when you just have faith, and you have a belief, you have to proceed on and get some knowledge and some understanding, and then when you do that, there won’t be no debates, there won’t be no disputes, there won’t be no arguments. Yahweh has taught you something; it’s infallible, it’s unerring, it’s accurate, it’s profound, it is definite, it’s absolute, it’s infallible. Did I use enough words? If you don’t think I used enough I’ll put some more to it; it’s irrevocable, it’s irrefutable, I’ll stop there. But now look, and see what we’re talking about. Read Dr. Harris where you was just reading.

READER: Then cometh Yahshua from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now this what we’re talking about. Now He could not leave Nazareth of Galilee, just couldn’t leave there. Now if you look at this chart here; I want, I want you, I want you to see it. See here, and it shows the crucifixion, and then you got blood here, and you got water there. Now that looks like it’s wrong, but it is not, that is definitely correct. It looks like you got Him getting down off the cross and then going and getting baptized. But now I have to hold to this bloodline, and this water line. Now let me show you another one where it looks like it’s wrong; here it is here. Here’s the Passover right here. Then He rise up from the table and He begin to wash the disciples feet. This is suppose to be the Passover supper, then He rise up from there and wash the disciples feet. Now this is the day of Pentecost, June 6th. Now April the 14th was when they ate the Passover. Now it looks like this is wrong, but you see, now here it is, there’s the crucifixion here and here’s the burial here, and here’s the resurrection, here’s the blood here, and here’s the water there. Buried in that tomb just like they were buried in that Red Sea . The blood, the water, the spirit; the blood, the water, the spirit; the blood, the water, the spirit; the blood, the water, the spirit. Somebody say “I don’t see no water there where’s that at?” In the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread until you return unto the ground. When Yahshua was out in the Garden of Gethsemane , great drops of sweat rolled off as blood. Now He’s in the Garden of Gethsemane . Now here’s something else people just don’t do, while we’re at it we might as well call your attention to it. See they never get the Garden of Eden fixed up and associated with the Garden of Gethsemane . Now what He just said John, “Suffer it to be so for it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness.” Now I just got through showing you that look like this was wrong. It just looks that way, now don’t it? Answer me!


DR. KINLEY: Sure it looks like that, but that’s not so, it’s right. Now look, He was as a lamb slain back here for the purpose. And when He was slain out there on Golgotha , and hung out there on a tree, that was a manifestation and demonstration of what was back in the Realm of Eternity. Now what He actually done here before He come to John to be baptized, He ate that Passover Supper with Mary and Joseph and His brethren. That’s what He did, He ate that Passover with them, there His own family, in His own house on April the 14th, down in Nazareth of Galilee. You heard me! And just like they ate that Passover down in Egypt and went to the Red Sea and was baptized in the sea. Then in Nazareth He ate it there, (we’re calling it Nazareth now), then He went to the River Jordan. That Paschal lamb that was slain down here, you see in Egypt , and then the water. Now get, and read Revelation 11:8 and see if it don’t say that.

READER: And their dead bodies. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: shall lie in the streets of that great city. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: which spiritually is called. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now whupp hold it now! Hold it! Which spiritually, spiritually, that’s the thing we can’t learn, and we just can’t see. Which spiritually is called what?

READER: Sodom and Egypt . . .

DR. KINLEY: Sodom is up here around the Dead Sea . And in Egypt , that’s down here. To get at that, it would be back here in the Realm of Eternity, and also over here. That’s what it, that’s what it amounts to. That’s what John was looking at in the vision. And their dead bodies shall lie in the streets of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt , listen…

READER: where also our Saviour was crucified. . .

DR. KINLEY: See where also our Saviour… When they crucified that lamb down there in Egypt , that was a figure of the Saviour being crucified. When they ate the Passover in Nazareth of Galilee, just like the picture show, and that was a figure of Him being crucified. And then He goes then from there to John to be baptized. Now it’s a three days journey down to the River Jordan to where John was being baptizing. Well what’s the matter, there was plenty of water, the Sea of Galilee was right there, why don’t you just go on down and jump in there. The Sea of Gennesaret , or Galilee , was right there in Nazareth . It was more water there than it was where John baptized Him at, so why didn’t He get baptized there? Now look folks, these people can’t tell you nothing about these things because they don’t know nothing about it. Well now here’s the reason why He did, and the reason why He had to come from Nazareth of Galilee. And the Jews they said this, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth ?” They didn’t think any good thing could come out of Nazareth . Now look, He come right on down to the River Jordan that flowed out of the Sea of Galilee , and emptied in the Dead Sea . Now listen, now when Joshua carried them that was born in the wilderness, with the exception of CalebEleazar and Phinehas. And somebody said “Well not them all,” cause Joshua wasn’t born in the Wilderness, He wasn’t born down here in Egypt either. Somebody say, ” — — —,” well maybe He didn’t have no mother and father according to what you say.” Yes He did, He didn’t have no physical mother and father. Then somebody run over there with the priest hood that’s after the order of Melchizedek, who didn’t have no father and no mother. Can you see that? Now you’re all messed up, cause Moses is writing the pedigrees and genealogies, he didn’t give no pedigrees of Melchizedek, he didn’t tell you who his father and mother was. Then I wanna tell you that Joshua didn’t have no mother and father, correctly speaking His name is Yah-ho-shua. He didn’t have no physical mother and father but He did have a spiritual.. Who was His mother and father? Here’s His Mother and here’s His Father. Father first (Yah) right there, that’s the Father, and (weh) His mother. Melchizedek had one too but Moses wasn’t permitted to write the genealogies of it. [Side 2] So the book says he was without mother and father, I mean he was without genealogies. You see everybody has a father and truly a mother. Oh I know there’s five of ’em that say, women that say that they didn’t have nothing to do with no man and had some children, or still had a child, and they were female too, but it never was a male child born without a father. But now He… I’m trying to get on with it. I’ll get to what I’m trying to get to here as soon as possible. But now you see He ate that Passover with His family in Nazareth of Galilee, and come on down to this Jordan to the place where Joshua carried those that were born in the wilderness here, and Yahweh multiplied ’em. And as they went through the River Jordan, it divided, the waters divided and it heaped up. And as they went through they took 12 stones out of the River Jordan, and they builded an altar for ’em to mark the place where Joshua carried them across back there to mark, put a marker there. Now the devil in working with Yahshua the Messiah when He was out there in the Wilderness fasting 40 days and 40 night, he said, which I haven’t heard nobody say nothing about, ” If thou be the Son of Yahweh command these stones to be made bread.” Now he has to go ‘head on, he can’t stop and tell you nothing about it cause he don’t know nothing about the stones. You can’t say he didn’t read it out of the Bible. Ha! Ha! Ha! You see what I mean? But that’s what He’s talking about is them stones that they took out of the River Jordan and builded an altar right there. Now He had to come from, away from Galilee and come down [Glitch in Tape] Now, He’s coming… Now you see how He got crucified back there in Sodom and in, in Egypt , He fulfilled it with His parents. That’s His parents, Mary and Joseph up there in Nazareth of Galilee. Then He comes on down, and He stop there to be baptized of John. And He told John to suffer it to be so because it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness. Now look here, that’s the baptism of repentance. When the Jews, nobody but the Jews, now it was to them, because you see if He’s gonna fulfill it, nobody but the Jews was baptized here. The Gentiles, Pharaoh and his host were overthrown in the Red Sea , drowned. Now if you could see real good, you could see what would happen to you pursuing the teaching with somebody that didn’t know. It could happen to you just like it did Pharaoh; I don’t mean just physically so.

Now when He come down to that place, and He told John to suffer it to be so because it behooves us, now get the word fulfill. Now just, now look out here, some of these churches they don’t teach it that He’s fulfilling. Roman Catholics say, Protestants say, the Church of Christ , the Baptist Church and all the rest of the church in Protestantism say that He instituted the Lord Supper.

He did, but not then, He was fulfilling there – here’s where He instituted it at. See it was really instituted back here in Eternity. But now He was fulfilling.., and listen here, now listen at what I’m saying now. All of His whole life time, all of His whole entire life was dedicated… When He come through the (I have to say it this way), when He come through the loins of the woman, all His whole lifetime was fulfilling what was previously instituted. Now here’s where it was instituted in heaven, Yahweh declared the end from the beginning; that’s where the institution of everything took place. Now we have read, “Whom shall He teach knowledge?” See you have to be drawn away from the breast. You have to get off of the milk. You have to learn. I didn’t say that, Yahweh said it! Line upon line and precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. And I told you that the people say they’re tired of repetition, say they hear the same thing all the time. Look here we’re nearly 2000 years deep, and look at all these folks out here all split up and divided up into sects, and cults, and creeds and denominations, and with no possibility of reconciliation. “I’ll go my way and you go yours and we’ll all meet up yonder. All of my people they died in this church,” not realizing that there’s just one church, and that’s the body of Yahshua the Messiah, not Jesus Christ. Now folks you may disagree with these things, you may go on rebellious, that’s up to you, and some people have, but you’re gonna have to face it, and you’re gonna have to go to the Lake for rebellion.

All right now. Now you see why I asked you… He went to John and He told John that He was fulfilling. Now that was a paper into what we call His ministry, and all three and a half years that’s all that He ever done. Now look, He ate that Passover down in Nazareth of Galilee with His people. Now He had ate it with Mary and Joseph many times, and He had went up to Jerusalem and ate the Passover up there with His brethren. Now listen to what I’m saying now. This was the physical Passover, this was the only Passover right here, all the rest of ’em was memorial of this one here. So all through His lifetime He was eating Passover suppers every year, the same time. Now when He get to the disciples in the 26th Chapter of Matthew, and it’s the third time He ate the feast with them, where they say He’s instituting. Well if He’s instituting, why the Passover were eaten before He was born or come through the loins of Mary, Virgin Mary. I’m just trying my best to show you how you can make some sense. Now then that was the last one up there with Mary and Joseph in Nazareth , that’s was the last one that He ate with them. Then He eats this last one with His disciples in the upper room and told them that He would not eat anymore with them, that was the last one. And the 26th Chapter of Matthew, (listen now), I want you to read that, and I’ll, I’ll hurry on, 26th Chapter of Matthew.

READER: And as they were eating. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now look, just for you to read “As they were eating,” that don’t make no sense! As they were eating what?! It didn’t say what. Now what you have to do, you have to go back over to the 12th Chapter of Exodus and find out what they were eating. “As they were eating Yahshua took bread and break and blessed it.” I wanna know now, you, you straighten me up! I’ll be like the Apostle Paul, “This only would I learn of you. Did you receive it by the, the Holy Spirit by the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith?” And you can’t lie to me. All right, and as they were eating what? As they were eating lamb, He took the bread. Now there was bread and lamb and unleavened bread and bitter herbs. And look here we even have the nerve to have fermented wine, and say “Jesus said as often as we…” Read it doc.

READER: And He took the cup and gave it to them saying drink ye all of it. . .

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: for this is My blood of New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sin. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, He didn’t say now that was His blood, He said this is His blood. In other words, Freddy, He didn’t say the bitter herbs that they had in the cup was His blood, He didn’t say that. He said this is my blood of the New Covenant. Now, folks there’s a whole lot in this, there’s a whole lot in it. Now, that’s when He’s up there at that supper and I’ve tried to tell you some things about it. He took the cup, and He said this is my blood of the New Testament or the New Covenant. Now look, here He is out here in the Garden of Gethsemane , and when He was eating with the disciples they were in the upper room. That’s what I was trying to tell you the other night. He told His disciples “Now you tarry here.” They can’t go in and officiate in here in the Sanctuary, or in the Garden. ADAM WAS DRIVEN OUT (they can’t go in there), ANGEL DONE DROVE him OUT. But now He, when He entered into the garden, (but they could tarry here on the outer skirts of that garden). The garden’s prepared just that way too, the Garden of Eden. Now then, when He gets out there in the garden now, talking about the cup now, He said, “Father if it be Thy will let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not My will but Thy will be done.” Did you catch what I meant there? That cup, “It’s not My will but Thy will be done,” that’s what He prayed on.

Now there’s something else about that I want you to know and I want you to understand, about repetition. Every time we come here we have what we call an order of service. And it’s my understanding that there’s some that haven’t done that just like it’s suppose to be done. You have a ritualistic coarse of procedure, and we repeat it every time. This was a daily administration, I’d better get over here, a daily administration every day, no day was missed! Every day in the year that high priest had to offer up that sacrifice, go to that laver, wash it. And then had to go into the holy place every day in the year! And then he’s out here lighting and refueling that lamp, he ate that shew bread, the table of shew bread, and then he offered up and burned incense on the altar here. Now listen, now be careful and listen, I’m showing you something that the world don’t know nothing about. Now while he was doing this in here, they were around the outside of the tabernacle, three tribes on each side, which made up the 12 tribes. While he was in there burning the incense. That incense took the place, (they didn’t have the Holy Spirit), and that incense took the place of the Holy Spirit, which meant that that sweet smelling savor was wafted up symbolizing the Holy Spirit in the incense. Now listen folks, listen now! Now that was done at the hour of prayer. You know to come here at eleven o’clock ! You know to come here. You know what time the service is gone be. They knew what time that priest was gone be in there offering that up. Again at twelve noon , and again at three o’clock in the afternoon burning that incense, and they were on the outside there surrounding that Tabernacle praying. And that incense was taking the place of that Holy Spirit which they did not have. Now we got 9, 12, and 3, of everyday. Now here’s Paul putting it together. Said, “Pray without ceasing,” just don’t stop. Well now if you gonna do that, and somebody say “Well you mean to tell me I done got down here now and I can’t get up.” No, you live in the spirit, and it’s the spirit that makes the intercession for you, and He’s permanently with you. And you are in direct obedience to the Holy Spirit; you’re led and guided by the Holy Spirit, and as many as are led and guided by it, they are the Sons of Yahweh. But I thought I should show you that. Now somebody’s getting tired of that routine. Now this would be line upon line, this would be precept upon precept, this would be a routine, and all this here. Now we got blood, we got water, and now we got the door here. We got the spirit here, the anointing oil there, that symbolized the Holy Spirit, and he’s anointed with the Spirit. Now when Yahshua… Look here how, how when Israel come up out of there they formed a cloud and the cloud overshadowed right there and they were baptized in the cloud and in the sea. Now here’s something else that the average person don’t pay no attention to, you couldn’t… Now when Yahshua was baptized in the River Jordan, the cloud overshadowed! And very seldom you ever hear anybody say anything about the cloud, you’re always raving about water baptism, but no cloud! And a voice come from the cloud and said “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him.” Now did that happen when you got baptized? Now I have something else to tell you there too, I usually repeat things. Now look folks, you can’t find one verse, one chapter in no Bible from Genesis over to Revelations, where Yahweh, Elohim, Yahshua, the Father, the Word or Son, the Holy Spirit — Lord, and God, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, or Allah, or Baal ever said anything, in your Bible, about a Gentile getting baptized in physical water, if you think it’s in there I would request you to read it in the hearing of this audience right now, or tell me where it is so I can read it; I never read it. Anybody! Now that won’t do, not with your water baptism. See and then somebody say “Well look, you’re ignoring the Great Commission, Go ye therefore in all the world and baptize ’em in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I said unto you and lo I’ll be with you alway till the end of the age. ” Now I understand that He said that, but He didn’t say go and baptize in no water, He couldn’t say that. You know why He couldn’t say it? I’m asking you Freddy, you know why He couldn’t say it? He could have just… Now look here, He come and fulfilled all of the carnal ordinances. Now listen at what I’m saying folks, then you can see how bad you’ve been deceive out there! All of the carnal ordinances was given to the Hebrew or the Jew! There’s nothing in your Bible where Yahweh has ever at any time give a Gentile any carnal ordinances, it’s just not there. That was the Old Covenant to the Gentile, I mean to the Jews back here. Now that looks bad don’t it? And as many people as there are in here, in this place, and some of ’em are well read in the Bible too. They, they haven’t been able to find it, and I been teaching for 43 years the same thing, and I been asking them the same thing. You been with me about 42 of them haven’t you?

DR. GROSS: Response Inaudible.

DR. KINLEY: And you’ve seen them challenge me at one time right behind the other for many years. Is that right?

DR. GROSS: Response Inaudible.

DR. KINLEY: You’ve even seen it right here in this place. And then listen, Dr. Williams, you come out of the Church of Christ didn’t you?

DR. WILLIAMS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: And didn’t you jump all over me about water baptism?

DR. WILLIAMS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: How long ago is that been?

DR. WILLIAMS: Twelve years ago.

DR. KINLEY: And you ain’t found it yet have you?


DR. KINLEY: Now he and I had an agreement that if, (he belonged to the church of Christ), if I could show him where what I was teaching was right, then all them over there, which would be the big shots over there, (course I’m —- —- —-), but over there, and then they were to come over here with me. And then if he could show me where it was right that we should be baptized in water, then the whole body agreed to go over there where you were. Now here you are, and where’s the rest of ’em? See there, it’s just not in the Bible. And here’s what it does, these people are sleep, or have what you might call in the 2nd Chapter of 2nd Thessalonians, a strong delusion. And because they won’t accept the truth, Yahweh send them a strong delusion and cause them to believe a lie that they all might perish or be damned. But if you will not accept the truth, that is definitely , (I didn’t say that the Devil would send it), I said Yahweh shall send you a strong delusion and cause you to accept a lie that you might be lost. Now let me go on and pin Him up here and, and pin Him up, and I’ll be down. Now you see, you can see the tents here… This, this isn’t right. There should be three tribes on each side of this tabernacle, three tribes on each side of the tabernacle. When they crossed on over the River Jordan and went on into Palestine 20 years afterward, they set the tabernacle out here on Mount Zion . Now look, so then when the temple was builded by Solomon, why then the tabernacle was dismantled and moved into the temple. Now look here you wouldn’t catch that. See this here, the spirit here forms His body, and then transferred them in there. Now what He’s doing here, now here’s the Father here, and then here is the Son, and this here is the tabernacle or the temple that His physical son. So when He’s tearing down this physical tabernacle, He have to move it back into the Temple . See and after the earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved we have another building not made with hands eternal in the — —. Everything works that way. You follow?

Now let me move on. Now what we’re showing you is, He’s fulfilling, not instituting… can’t institute no Lord Supper or nothing like that, but what He’s doing is fulfilling. Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism, and Judaism teach see that you should. Seventh Day Adventist, they are saying, “Keep the Sabbath Day.” (Christ is the Sabbath day), that’s their doctrine. And they say the whole business is sealed with that. Is that right? Now you can’t show me nowhere in your Bible where Yahweh ever said anything to the Gentile about keeping a Sabbath Day. Now if you gone keep the Sabbath Day, and they do keep it, you oughta do… Now listen here, if you gone do part of the thing, see do it all, or let it all alone. Now folks here’s where the, here’s where the problem is. See all this natural, even the natural sun, moon, and stars and everything physical and natural points to the spirit. But now what’s happened to us we got hung up down here in the physical, and we can’t get no further than that. Now as Dr. Harris said the last time I believe he was on the floor, he said this, “There is no physical man here to baptize, not now.” See when Yahshua the Messiah, when Yahshua the Messiah was hung out there on… Now listen to what I’m telling you! Luther are you listening? Luther’s listening. See when He hung to the cross this is the flesh, that is the end of the generations of the flesh! We don’t walk no more after the flesh! That’s the end of the flesh! We’re out of that!

He’s buried in Joseph’s new tomb and resurrected immortal, never gonna die no more. And He brought to light life and immortality, and henceforth, or from then on, we don’t know no man after the flesh, but after the spirit. I’m showing you now… Now look here get me Romans 8, I want you to see this. Now people will read right what we’re reading right in the Bible and then stand up and make an ass out of themselves right in front of everybody! And the folks can’t see it neither can the preacher see it.

READER: There is therefore now. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: no condemnation. . .

DR. KINLEY: Listen buster, you can preach to me water baptism all you want to! You can tell me that Jesus said that as often as we eat this bread, you can tell me anything! See it don’t have no affect on you. There is no condemnation in that. “There is therefore now no condemnation”. . .

READER: to them that are in Yahshua the Messiah. . .

DR. KINLEY: to them that are IN Yahshua the Messiah. Now I got to find out how you get in! Read that in 1 st Corinthians 12:13. Doc would you kindly read? You may think I’m off the subject but I’m not. All right read.

READER: For by one spirit. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen here buster, he’s reading the Bible, that’s in your Bible too. For by one spirit, not water! Read,

READER: are we all baptized into one body. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats). Read on

READER: whether we be Jews or Greeks. . .

DR. KINLEY: Don’t make no difference whether we be Jew or what?

READER: Greek. . .

DR. KINLEY: Or Greek

READER: whether we be bond or free. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and have been all made to drink into one spirit. . .

DR. KINLEY: And have been all made to drink into one spirit. I know the doctrines that are taught out there are just contrary to that. Now I want you to go back to Romans and read that and then I’ll be through, through here.

READER: There is therefore now. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see how you got in Freddy. You were baptized by one spirit into one body, Jews and Gentiles. All right now that’s how you got in. All right now, there’s no condemnation to them that are in. You see that don’t you? You can just preach and preach and preach until your head falls off or drops dead, it don’t have no affect at all on me. All right read on.

READER: There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Yahshua the Messiah. . .

DR. KINLEY: No condemnation to them that are in Yahshua the Messiah

READER: who walk not after the flesh. . .

DR. KINLEY: Say buster can’t you… Look at what you’re reading there! See you, you’re practicing Lord suppers, and things that was given to the Jews back here at Mount Sinai , yes that’s the flesh! You’re walking after the flesh! Who walk not after the flesh? Read.

READER: but after the spirit. . .

DR. KINLEY: But after the spirit! Now watch and listen, read.

READER: for the Law of the Spirit of Life. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen; now get this straight. For the Law! (not the law contained in the ordinances) but the Law of the Spirit of Life!

READER: in Yahshua the Messiah. . .

DR. KINLEY: In Yahshua the Messiah so says the Apostle!

READER: has made me free

DR. KINLEY: Has freed me from Lord suppers! Water Baptism! Carnal Ordinance in it’s totality! It’s freed me. Do you see that now? We’re not hung up on ’em. All right.

READER: has made me free from the Law of Sin and Death. . .

DR. KINLEY: Has made me from LSD, that’s what it’s done, it’s made me free. It freed me. Paul was a Jew, and it made him free from the law of sin and death. Now what the problem is, these people out here in Roman Catholicism and Protestantism and Judaism, they’re still hung up on the Law of Sin and Death. And Yahweh said none of ’em never did keep it, that’s why He made the New Covenant. Now, in the New Covenant what we have in this Age is the Holy Spirit, and that makes us all one. Arab, (thought I forgot didn’t you), Jew, Gentile and all, and that makes us all one. And it makes us… Look here now listen closely. Now in the court in this temple, this temple was the figure of the body of Yahshua the Messiah . Now listen, in this temple they had the court of the women, and a court of the men, and the court of the Gentiles. Now on that chart down there, that long one, somebody that knows something about it get up there and point to that second plate. That’s the second plate. Now get the first one there. Now that’s the first plate. Now look, then you gone catch on to what I’m talking about. Now that plate that he pointed to, that first one, they were gathered around, (three tribes on each side of the tabernacle, which made up the twelve tribes around the tabernacle here in the wilderness), and three tribes on each side that was around the outside of the tabernacle. Now listen to what I’m saying. Now then they could not go in there. The priest, the high priest and the low priest went in there to offer up the sacrifices. These that were gathered around the tabernacle they couldn’t go in and out of it. Now the Jews they were gathered around it, both the women and the men both were around the tabernacle. Then the outer perimeter of that, the outer court surrounded it. It stretched all over the world to the Gentile; they were all over world. Now the same… That’s why you had the court of the Jews and the court of the Gentile, and the court of the women and men. Now a Gentile is called a proselyte of the Jew, he couldn’t go no further. Now he’s one he’s on the outside. Therefore we showed you on this chart the Holy Spirit’s poured out on the Jew first, and then seven years later, or one week later in prophetic time, it was poured out on Cornelius and his house. So the Gentile they too got in by the Holy Spirit. How did they get in? Got in by the hearing of faith. That’s how they got in, and Paul was exhorting ’em to continue that way. Now here’s what I’m talking about! Now we have come right down to it in this day at this time, in this land, the physical land of Jerusalem or Palestine … Now we read to you out of that Bible where the house or the mountain of the house would be established in the top of the mountain and all nations.. Now when Joshua went into here, listen now pay ‘tention to what I’m saying then you’ll get it straight. When Joshua went into Palestine with those that was born in the wilderness, He drove out how many tribes of the Gentiles?


DR. KINLEY: Four! How many did He… huh?

STUDENTS: Eight! He left eight. Eight! Eight Tribes!

DR. KINLEY: He left eight in there. Are you sure that’s right, eight? That’s right, He left eight, eight tribes. Now here’s what I wanna show you what I’m talking about. Now those were the descendants of Ishmael. Now there was eight tribes that’s been left in there. Now here’s what I’m trying to show you. Now if you would look at the 12th Chapter of Revelation you will find that that old Devil, that Dragon was cast out of heaven and his tail drew the third part of the stars from heaven. Now Abraham was told to count the stars, he couldn’t count ’em. And Yahweh said He would multiply his seed as the sands of the sea and the as the stars of heaven. So now my point is this, when the Dragon was cast out his tail drew the third part (ever how many that was) it was a third part of it that’s drawn out of there, 12th Chapter of Revelations, the Devil. And now what happened is this, the Devil is incarnated, I should say them satanic spirits or demonic spirits, were incarnated in people. If they weren’t out there then Yahshua would have been wrong sending ’em out there to cast them devils out, or them demonic spirits out. And that’s what got us all divided up into sects and cults, doctrine of demons so says the Apostle, and fighting, and cutting one another’s throat arguing around about our religion and first one thing and another. And all the fighting and all that’s been going on over there in Palestine , it’s caused right by him.

Now here’s what I’m talking about. Now the Gentile, they being on the outer perimeter all around the world, all nations, they were gathered around here. Now listen, this is Jerusalem beneath, Mt. Moriah is in Jerusalem . The ancient name of Jerusalem was Salem . And Melchisedec, and the Priesthood of Yahshua the Messiah is after the order of Melchisedec, whom Abraham met returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him. We have it on that long chart down there. And so now in Genesis 49:10, it say the “Scepter shall not depart from Judah nor the law giver from between His feet until Shilo come, and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be.” He is not just the Elohim of the Jews but of the Gentiles also, and it doesn’t make any difference we’re all in that body together. And now listen, let me get this straight now, I have to do this, I just have to do it. See all of the angels that were in heaven, (this is a type of it), all of them were not cast out, it was just only a third of ’em cast out. Then that’s got to reflect itself down in the earth plane. So then all them others, of the Ishmaelites, or the Jeshubites, the Tishubites that had their derivative from Isaac, uh Ishmael, “But in Isaac shall thy seed be called,” the land was given to them. Now then they had some inheritance in there. They, Joshua made a (listen, I wanna use a word too), Yahshua made a league. Remember the league of nations? Yahshua made a league with the Gibeonites and with those that were staying here, [Joshua 9:15 -16] and they couldn’t be dispersed, and couldn’t be driven out of there at no time, because what you have is a type of heaven itself. So you can’t drive ’em all out CAUSE ALL THE ANGELS DIDN’T SIN, AND WASN’T ALL THROWN OUT, ONLY A THIRD. So then only a third of these that’s got to come out, and then the Jews they got to go in and occupy their place. Now then Yahweh dealt with the Jew first and then with the Gentiles, because all the covenants and everything and the doctrines and so forth and so on was given to the Jew, 10th Chapter of Romans I’m talking about, and these, all these natural things that they had pointed to spiritual things. Now then we’re in the spirit of the thing. There is no more such thing as Jew and Gentile so far as this flesh is concerned. But now look, in the New Covenant we are grafted in among the branches, we’re grafted in. How? Not by the works of those carnal ordinances, but by faith we’re grafted in through the Promise that Yahweh made to Abraham that in his seed He would bless all of us, Jews and Gentiles. So it’s by faith that we’re grafted in, not by the works of the law, not by water baptism, not by keeping Lord Suppers, not by those things but it’s by faith that we’re grafted in, into that same body with the Jews, and we’re one with them. And then that means this, what we really are is Is-real-lights, no fooling. Yahshua the Messiah said I am the light of the world. What they were, they were Is-real-lights. It’s real, you heard me. See we don’t get the gist of nothing. Now go back to that chart over there, or that second plate, where that red is around there. Now what that is around there, what that is… What does it say down there in that red?

STUDENTS: Kingdom.

DR. KINLEY: Kingdom, now that is the Kingdom. Now here is the Kingdom, it’s right around, all around the world, the Kingdom, the Gentiles and the Jews; to the Jew first, the Old Covenant; to the Jew first, the New Covenant. He moved all carnal ordinances, and by faith He’s grafted in both the Jew and the Gentile, and removed the physical and natural out. Now where we’re going folks is back into the spirit out of which we come because we’re all, we’re all the offspring of Yahweh. Now in this present dispensation, and I’m done. Listen close at what I’m saying. Cause what I’m trying to do now is to tell you this, I’m trying my best to tell you, that what is going on now in this Age, this present age right here, and this is after the crucifixion and burial and the outpouring of the spirit. Now what’s going on here, is you have the Holy Spirit in your physical body, manifested in there just like it was in Yahshua the Messiah, it makes you a Son like it made Him. You are led by the Spirit – the Holy Spirit. This is a spiritual dispensation and age, no natural in it at all. Now listen close! Then if that be true then when you cross over here, what’s over here? This is immortality. Now we have the Holy Spirit in a physical, and a mortal or corruptible body, as of now, manifested in there. Then seeing that, cause that’s all we need is that Holy Spirit, Yahweh’s Spirit in us. See then that’s in a mortal body, now when we cross over in a moment and in a twinkling of an eye, then we will have an immortal body, that’s in the age yet to come. Now you see what I’m talking about. Do you understand?

Now I have to say this, I have to say it. Now look, we told you line must be upon line. Blood water spirit! Blood water spirit! Blood water spirit! Blood water spirit! Blood water spirit! Blood water spirit! Blood water spirit! Can’t never digress and deviate from that all the way down, can’t do it. That’s line upon line. Here’s the bloodline, here’s the water line, and then here’s the spirit. Now that’s line upon line in every one of them dispensations and ages. Now look, let me, let me count a little different with this now. Blood water spirit 40! Blood water spirit 40! That’s not mathematics now. Blood water spirit 40! The tabernacle set there in the Wilderness for 40 years. Blood! water! How long did it rain?

AUDIENCE: 40 days – 40 days and 40 nights

DR. KINLEY: 40 days and 40 nights one day for a year. How long was Israel in the Wilderness — Blood! water! How long was he in there?

AUDIENCE: 40 years!

DR. KINLEY: See the correlations. Adam: Blood, water. How long was he in the Garden of Eden?

AUDIENCE: 40 days!

DR. KINLEY: 40 days. How did you know, you never heard nobody say. See there? He told him the day that he ate of that fruit of that tree he’d surely die. And he ate of the fruit of the tree that day and he was driven out of the Garden of Eden. And somebody said “Well he didn’t die then cause he live to have Cain and Abel, lived almost, he lived 930 years so he didn’t die that day.” Yeah, but what your problem is, you don’t know the time. One day with Yahweh is a 1000 years, and a 1000 years is as one day. Yeah he died, HE DIED INSTANTANEOUSLY RIGHT THERE. NO SOONER THAN HE PUT HIS HAND ON IT HIS CONSCIENCE WAS CONDEMNED, just like yours was. THAT MEAN HE’S DEAD, like a dead man walking around. Instantaneously, just like when that man laid his hand on the Ark, right there is where he drop dead (on the Ark of the Covenant), He told him not to touch it. So now if you take that 930 years that he lived, he died 70 years short of a day. He did die that day. He died instantaneously that second that he put his hand on it. Now we got into some other things about that I don’t have time to tell you about. ADAM DIDN’T HAVE NO BUSINESS UP IN HERE . What He put him in the Garden for was to dress and to keep it, BUT HE TOLD him TO STAY AWAY FROM THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL , don’t touch it, don’t taste of it! SO he DIDN’T HAVE ANY BUSINESS IN THERE . But the rest of the trees he had to touch them to keep ’em dressed, of course he didn’t get that far with it cause it was in fruition. But now he had to touch them to dress ’em, but, you see, you mustn’t touch this one here in the midst of the Garden. Now that was symbolical of this Ark here in the midst of the Most Holy Place . You can’t touch that, you do you’ll fall dead. But he didn’t have any business in there, JUST LIKE NOBODY BUT THE HIGH PRIEST HAD SOME BUSINESS IN HERE, this Most Holy Place, and that’s in that Garden. But now Miss Eve, she goes out there and there’s the Devil, he meets her out there. And she looks at him and she sees he’s a incorporeal being. And she looked so much better, I mean he looked so much better to her than what Adam did, and he sent her off on a wild goose chase in telling her that Yahweh knew that the day that you ate of the fruit of that tree her eyes would come open and she’d know good and evil, and then she would be as… And so then she desired to do that. Now I’m just telling you about it. That was disobedience. Now Satan, your adversary, your adversary, in you, to make you go wrong with all these old erroneous doctrines that we have been taught… And let me tell you something, you just don’t come up out of it on your own; you just don’t do that. Cause he’s been with you, hanging on you all your life time, and you don’t… Your mind is carnal, it’s an unrighteous spirit in a physical body, and all you know anything about is something to eat . In that case have you ever thought about being a partaker of the Holy Spirit, digesting and the assimilation of that. You don’t know nothing about that, spiritual things.

Now look folks I think I told you enough. I wanted you to see that the Gentiles they had a place in this land up here too. Yahweh promised to give it to Abraham and to his seed. And the Ishmaelites they are the seed of Abraham, and if you please heirs according to the promise. And now here’s what’s necessary. When I showed you about how they were around this tabernacle, and the Gentiles were around that court around about, and the holy place and most holy place, every man in his own order. That’s the way that the spirit reveals, in order… And so then you abide or remain in your order… And now listen Jerusalem beneath, now this is Galatians 4:25 &6 you can read it; Jerusalem beneath is allegorical to Jerusalem above. Now do you see where I got the picture from? I got it from up here and down here, and I brought it back here and showed you where they all, as Paul said, that we were as the seed of Abraham and heir according to the promise that Yahweh had made him. And this is the promise, that in his seed, which is Yahshua the Messiah, He would bless all the families of the earth. That He would gather all into one body in His seed, and one spirit. And I hope you’ve gotten something out of it.

AUDIENCE: Applause.

School of the Highest Learning

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