Man Born of a Woman

By Dr. H.C. Kinley


Transcriber’s Notes: Transcribed by Beverly Allen

1. Pause words have been left out, unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley , such as: (ah, see, you see, you see what I mean, you follow, is that right, that’s right, you get it now), thereby making it more easier to read with continuity of thought.

2. … indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.

3 —— indicates an inaudible words or syllable

4. [ ] Words in brackets are comments of the transcriber.

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[Lecture already in progress on this tape]

Dr. Kinley: . . . Now he was talking ’bout a man born of a woman. See the difference between being born of a woman and being born of God. The facts in the case are these: The man that’s born of a woman, which is the physical man, he doesn’t have but a few days. And he comes forth just like a flower of the grass. . .

Student: and full of trouble.

Dr. Kinley: That’s right, and he’s full of trouble them few days that he is here. But the man born of God has eternal life abiding within him. Do you understand the difference between the man born of a woman and the man born of God? The man born of a woman he can’t see the kingdom of God , but the man born of God he can see the kingdom of God . Jesus said to him “Marvel not..” The difference was so great Jesus said to him, “Marvel not but I say unto you, you must be born again.” And it’s wonderful to be born again. Of course there’s a lot of people that want to say because that they have been born again, (as Dr. Gross well said), and then they practice their so-called new birth, the things that were under the dispensation of the law that was given to the man that was born of a woman. And they’re so particular about it until they would deceive the very elect if it was possible. But it is not possible to deceive the elect, and therefore we know everyone of ’em. And then in as much so as that man that’s born of a woman, and God said back in the garden “Because thou hast done this,” (talking to that man, then, the earthly physical Adam), “It was once appointed unto man to die, but after this the judgment.” Now lot of people they think about that like this! The man born of the woman thinks of it like this: He thinks that all doing now, you ought’a behave yourself and be real nice folks, morally. And when it comes to manners and all those different kinds of things and rules, and regulations and, (you understand me), I’m just trying to show you how that people think that just being good and going to church — the man born of a woman that’s what he thinks. Going on tending to his own business, and just being good or being nice, socially and morally so. Pays his dues to the church to get your name on the church book — the man born of a woman thinks that. The man that thinks that about “It’s once appointed to a man once to die but after this the judgment.” He looks at it as way down yonder somewhere, if you’ve been that good moral fellow, and that good social fellow, and you’ve been good and paid your dues in the church and all lik’a that, and when the roll is called up yonder why then he expects to be there. And at that time, way down yonder, then he’ll be in the judgment. Because he’s reading his Bible now, and it says over there in Hebrews about 9:27 , said “As it’s once appointed unto man to die but after this the judgment.” And Everybody is talking about, “Well, it ain’t but one thing I have to do and that’s to die and go to the judgment.” Ain’t you heard that?

Student: Certainly.

Dr. Kinley: You get to pinching him with some things, you know, like telling him about he’s got to pay his bills and first one thing and the other, (which a lot of you don’t wanna do no how). You see, and they tell you (get smart with you), says “There ain’t but one thing I got to do and that’s die and go to the judgment.” Now he’s unconscious of the fact that it was appointed unto man to die and then after death comes judgement! NOW WE’RE LIVING AFTER DEATH, and consequently we’re in the judgement as of now! But the man born of the woman don’t see that, but the man born of God see it, and he realizes that he is in the judgment now. For example: “God has appointed a day wherein he shall judge the world in righteousness. ” And not that day waaay down yonder somewhere, but that is it here. That day of judgment began at Pentecost, that is the day that He appointed. And the Jew said, or Peter said to the Jew in his epistle, “And if judgment first begin at us,” (or with the Jewish people), “What shall be the end of them that obey not the Gospel?” Now the judgment has.. DEATH WAS ABOLISHED WHEN CHRIST RAISED FROM THE DEAD and brought life and immortality to light. Now in as much so as death has been abolished and life and immortality has been brought to light, through the resurrection of Christ, then if you put the two verses together, “As it’s been appointed unto man once to die, (not twice, but just once), but after that, after death then the judgment.” Then it ought not to be hard for you to see that you’re sitting in the judgment right now. And as one of the writers said, “If you judge yourself you wouldn’t be judged. By your words shall you be justified and by your words shall you be condemned.” Paul spoke to the Corinthians, he said this: “I speak to them that know the law.” Everybody that he was speaking to there didn’t know the law. So therefore he had to speak to them that did know the law, and he said to ’em “Judge what I say.” They were sitting in judgment, judging what he said. He knew that them that didn’t know the law, and realize that the law was spiritual, they wouldn’t know what he was talking about. Nevertheless those that did, they realized that they were sitting in the judgment right then. And he said also in the 6th chapter of 1Corinthians,

“Dare any of you having a matter against another be taken before the law of the unjust and not before the saints. Why don’t you know that the saints shall judge the world? Because He shall judge the world. How ? “By that man that He has ordained.” All of you put together constitutes that man whom He has ordained, which is Christ. The world is being judged. Now if you were unable to judge the world now at this time, then you wouldn’t know if you were saved or lost! You wouldn’t know right from wrong! The individual that isn’t able to judge the world, that man is lost! Now the Jews were to preach the gospel to the Gentile or to the world. Now the Gentiles they were worshipping idols, and God had manifested Himself to Moses and the prophets. The covenants and all were given to them. And they had much advantage because God chose them as a nation to reveal and to manifest the secrets of the Kingdom of God , and He endowed them with the Holy Spirit. And Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Now if that be true, then judgment first began at them, and if they were to go and preach the gospel of the kingdom in all the world, and then shall the end come, which means that all of that age, and there can’t be anything in the end of this age to judge the world that isn’t in the beginning of it . Can’t be a thing there that isn’t here now. What do you mean? Since some people are so hard of understanding, let me explain. He told them when they went to preach, “Don’t take no script, don’t take anything. You just go on down there and I will speak through you.” It’s not necessary to write out no sermon. “You just go on down there and I will speak through you.” And the one that was talking about speaking through them was Christ. Now if Christ is gonna speak through them and they were going to go on wherever they were to go in the world, and they were going to preach the gospel in all that age, don’t you see it would be Christ that’s speaking through ’em to begin with, and it’s Christ that speaks through ’em to end with! Do you see through that? But we in our little carnal concept, we think that we’ve got to write out a lot of sermons, and that we’ve got to go some place. We got to depend on Paul and Peter and, (which would be a denial of the fact that Christ is in you). And you have to read over there what Paul said to the Corinthians and what Peter said to the Jews. He didn’t say go and read the epistles to ’em. Ain’t that right?

Student: That’s what they’re doing.

Dr. Kinley: Yeah, that’s what they’re doing, going and reading Peter and Paul and them to the people. Now you could read the Bible at home. And they got the books up here, “The Gospel.” Just look at, look at this. Now listen right at what I’m saying. He said, “Go in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” He was talking and —– His apostles. Now you got your book, it is saying the gospel according to St. Mark. Then you turn over to the next one, you got the gospel according to St. who?

Students: Luke

Dr. Kinley: Luke. You got the gospel according to St. Mark. You got the gospel according to St. John . Is that right? I just wanna know whether that’s straight or not. Now are you listening? Let this go on home with you. This is one of them things you can’t dodge. Luke was not an apostle and neither was Mark. There wasn’t but two of ’em that wrote. And so Luke and Mark that wrote, He didn’t say unto them, go in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And Luke expressed himself by saying the reason why he wrote was because he had a perfect knowledge of it. And the reason why Mark wrote was because he was converted under St. Peter, and heard Peter preach the gospel. He wasn’t there when the things that he was writing about, he wasn’t with them at that time. I mean the twelve, I mean he wasn’t one of the twelve that followed Him around over the hills, and neither was Luke. Luke was carrying his medicine kit, so to speak; he was the doctor. But now the people are reading the Book with no understanding, and calling themselves preaching the gospel, which is nothing but Satan himself transformed into an angel of light or a doctor of divinity, deceiving and fooling the people. Fooling the man born of the woman, but he’s not fooling the man that’s born of God. And quite frequently they got their finger on the verses, reading in the Bible, and don’t believe the thing that he just read. In the first place he don’t understand it to say nothing about not believing it. And Peter said of him, said “Paul had written many epistles.” And it was many things in ’em, in his epistles , and when you take that in his epistles that you know something about, such as the Ephesians, the Corinthians, and the Colossians and the Galatians, said “When they read those, says there’s many things in ’em hard to be understood by them that are unlearned which they wrest to their own destruction.” Which means they don’t know nothing about what Paul’s talking about in his epistles even after you’ve read it so carefully. And he said, “They wrest Paul’s epistles to their own destruction, just like they do all the rest of hte scripture.” Which means from Genesis on over to Malachi, meaning that they don’t know nothing about what they’re talking about. And in that with a carnal mind, the man born of the woman speaks evil (so Peter says) of dignity and things they know anything about, those that God has sent to actually preach the gospel to you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. And all they know much about is dollars and cents, and something you can put in your mouth and eat, something you can put on your back and wear, the outer or physical man. They don’t know nothing about the inner man, which is Christ. He’s the man that’s born of God. Jesus wasn’t here . . . [Interruption on tape, some of the lecture missing but can’t tell how much]. . .

Dr. Kinley: . . . but that same God that showed it unto them back there incarnated in a physical body by the miracles which he performed. That’s the reason why I said to you, it’s without any debate or without any controversy great is the mystery, God was manifested in that body. He just spoke to the wind and the waves and they obeyed. Everything obeyed, and it was a great mystery. Walked on the water! Spirit balanced that body up. “Sacrifices and burnt offerings,” God never has been pleased with it as He gave the law to Israel back there and, they offered up the sacrifices. “Sacrifices and burnt offerings thou wouldest not but a body has thou prepared for me.” That was the Messiah that was born in the world, that pressed the loins of the virgin Mary and come on down into the world. How did He come? Sixty-three generations from Adam, forty-two from Abraham. And I tell you it is wonderful.

Now here Paul is talking to the Hebrews or to the Jews, telling them “For verily,” or truthfully, “there was a tabernacle made.” It was made and established in the wilderness of Sinai, truthfully it was. He’s talking to somebody that knew something about it! The Gentiles didn’t have no tabernacle back there! So now there was a tabernacle made. Repeat.

Reader: There was a tabernacle made, the first wherein was the..

Dr. Kinley: Now he’s talking about a tabernacle made. This is the same picture. This, this through here is the same as this on this chart, it’s no different. So now, he’s saying that there was a tabernacle made. The first part into that tabernacle, this is the interior of it. You go in the door, you go in the door of this tabernacle, and there was the golden candlestick, the table of shewbread and altar of incense. Now that’s what he’s saying, the first part of it was this as I have showed it to you here. And that’s what . . . [Glitch in Tape]. . .

Reader: which is called the sanctuary. . .

Dr. Kinley: Which is called the sanctuary, read.

Reader: and after the second veil. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now here is a vail or a partition that hung between the holy place and the most holy place which is a veil. It come down, see you couldn’t see within the most holy place because that veil or that curtain came down. And now he said, “Which the second veil,” then what?

Reader: the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all. . .

Dr. Kinley: For the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all. This is the most holy place. All right read.

Reader: which had the golden censor. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and the ark of the covenant. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: overlaid around about with gold. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: wherein was the golden pot. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that had manna

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and Aaron’s rod. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that budded. . .

Dr. Kinley: “That budded.” Now that’s what was inside of the Ark !

Reader: and the tables of the covenant. . .

Dr. Kinley: “And the tables of the covenant.” Right there I want you to stop! For a minute pause with me, and see how and why I am so dogmatic and polytechnical, not just plain technical, but polytechnical. Now you have the tables of the covenant laid in the Ark of the Covenant. What do you mean? Clarify it! That was the tables of stone that God had written the Commandments in and gave to Moses when he was in Mt. Sinai , and told him to take them tables of stone down and lay ’em in the Ark of the Covenant. That contained the Law of God. I didn’t say the law of Moses, I SAID THE LAW OF GOD! I didn’t say Einstein, I said the Law of God! Get that straight! I don’t want nothing else confused with it no kind’a way! It’s not the ritual of some church! It’s not Kinley’s Law, it was the Law of God. What God? Not the gods down in Egypt , not the gods scattered around throughout the world, but it was the God who created this universe in it’s totality. It contained the Law of God. It was in the Ark of the Covenant. Now the Ark of the Covenant is symbolical, (in the most holy place) is symbolical to the throne of God. And by the Ten Commandments being laid in the Ark of the Covenant.. I’m trying to put it so you can see, so you can understand. That was a physical sanctuary. It was called the Pattern! It was a figure! Figure of what? Heavenly things . What do you mean by heavenly thing? I mean spiritual things! What do you mean by that? I mean the Godhead! It was three-fold. It had the court around about; it had the holy place; it had the most holy place – the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit. Now that’s what I’m talking about. Your body is the tabernacle of God! And God told Moses to put that Law in the Ark of the Covenant, and it was overshadowed by the the Cherubims of glory overshadowing the Mercy seat. Is that what you just read? If you haven’t read it!

Reader: and over the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy seat of which we cannot now speak particularly. ..

Dr. Kinley: All right, read.

Reader: Now when these things were thus ordained. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now when, when those things were thus ordained, then what?

Reader: the priest went always into the first tabernacle accomplishing the. . .

Dr. Kinley: The priest went first always into the first part of it — in here every day in the year. And only once every year he penetrated this vail and went into the most holy place to appear in the presence of God. And when he went in there he took blood and sprinkled it toward the mercy seat seven times, first for his own errors and then for the errors of the people, which showed the imperfection in the priesthood. That is to say the high priest on down committed sin, and before he could offer up anything for anyone else, he had to first offer up for his own errors and then for the errors of the people. Why did he sprinkle it seven times? Seven is perfection. Now we talked about the tabernacle, your body being the tabernacle. Now look upon this. Here is the wings of the cherubims overshadowing the mercy seat and God abode between the wings of the cherubims there or on the mercy seat. Now do you see that? Now I would say to you that’s the reason why we have put this chart here. Jesus said, and the Apostles taught, and the New Covenant is, “After those days,” after the death, burial and the resurrection, instead of laying His Law in the Ark of the Covenant, He said He’s gonna put it in your heart and in your mind and cause you to walk… And then speaking of this physical body, Paul said “Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? And after this tabernacle be dissolved we have another building not made with hands eternal in the heavens.” That is to say you have to penetrate the River Jordan, or you had to penetrate the veil, or else you had to come out of the flesh to get into it. Do you understand? And now to take the same identical thing and to bring it up into your body and show it to you. Look at the the cherubims of glory overshadowing the mercy seat and the law laid in that Ark of the Covenant. Now that was with Israel , and it was laid there in the Ark of the Covenant. And they broke every precept and concept of the Law, and that’s why the high priest had to offer… And so now said “After those days,” after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, into their hearts will I put my Law. And it was laid in the Ark of the Covenant to show the Law of God being in your heart and in your mind. It’s a spiritual Law! You wouldn’t lay no tables of stone up in nobody’s head, would you? No, it’s a spiritual Law. And God said in Jeremiah 31:31, “After those days,” after the death, burial, and resurrection, “Into their hearts will I put my Law,” (not laws either) ” will I put my Law and in their minds will I write it.” Now then you have to see the same identical thing so you just come over here. I just told you that your body was the tabernacle of God. But before I go there I’d like to show you this. The children of Israel came out of the land of Egypt under a cloud, and the cloud stood above the tabernacle. And we often talk about them clouds. And somebody writing, call themself trying to deny and to pick fault with this pattern. Which this is the earthly or the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not that one that he just read about which is this one. But I’m talking about the greater and more perfect tabernacle which is the universe in it’s totality. And if you notice the Red Sea divided here, which Egypt is like the court around about. And then the holy place, it goes through this door and in here, and so the holy place in this is the wilderness of Sinai. Therefore God told Moses before He could send him back to Egypt to take off his shoes from his feet because the ground upon which he stood was holy ground. And so he brought them on back out of Egypt and constructed the tabernacle there on that holy ground! So the Red Sea is the door to enter into the wilderness or into the holy place in the greater and more perfect tabernacle which God Himself made, not the man! Then the River Jordan it had to part. Why? Because the veil.., he only went in there once a year and he had to pass through that veil, and so he had to pass through the River Jordan and go into Caanan’s land, into ———. Now that’s God talking, not you! And these are the things God showed me. Electron, proton, and the neutron. See there, anyway you go, you’ll find it there that way, and that’s why God performed all those miracles. Now listen, coming back after it now. I read book where it says that they didn’t see any evidence around Mt. Sinai , (I’m sorry I don’t have the books with me), where there’d ever been any volcanic eruption or any remote particles of lava there at the mount. There was no indication in their research that they could find around it that Mt. Sinai had ever been into eruption, and so therefore they doubt the thing. And they think that it is a myth or it is a parable or something like that, or it’s a fable to convey a idea. I say it was not! Now they brought ’em, watch the thought now because I’ll have to, I’m trying to go back here cause I’m gone get over there in your physical body. Now here is the cloud that brought them out of the land of Egypt . They were under that cloud and the cloud bringing them out. I just got through telling you now, this is the greater and more perfect tabernacle. This is the one that was made by Moses and I showed you how it was three-fold. Right? I showed you the cherubims of glory overshadowing the mercy seat, and Moses laid the ten commandments in the Ark of the Covenant, which is symbolized by laying, (after those days), putting His Laws in your heart and in your mind. Putting His Law, L A W in the heart and in the mind. And somebody as I just got through saying, “Well I don’t believe it.” Some Ph.d wrote about it! Now look at the difference. See the cherubims of glory overshadowing the mercy seat and God dwelling between the wings of the cherubims. See Him putting it in your heart and in your mind. Now this Dr. Harris, our beloved physician from Cincinnati here is with me in the ——–. And he’s showing you here how the brain is constructed. And he’s showing you that the left and right hemisphere of the physical brain in the physical body, we are walking around every day under it. Even the man that wrote and said that he didn’t see how that it could be possible for the children of Israel to come out of Egypt under a cloud — it wasn’t so. And here he is walking around with the left and right hemisphere of his brain, which is the same thing as these two cherubims of glory overshadowing the mercy seat, and here the ten commandments laid in the Ark of the Covenant. And if you know anything about the pituitary glad in your body, your nerves and everything comes right direct from there. Am I right about that? And you could sat yourself down here, put your finger on it down there and it’s telegraphed to your mind or to your brain. The physical body is made up like that, and God has put His Law in our hearts. And this is the symbol of the throne of God and the wings of the cherubims of glory overshadowed the mercy seat, your conscience . And God said after those days into the heart and in the mind will I write it. And here we are walking around every day under that cloud and under that brain unconscious of His presence. Do you see through what I’m talking about? Said man was made in the image and likeness of Him. Now you go down the spinal column and you got, uh there in the spinal column you’ll find thirty-three vertebrates that comes right on down the spinal column. Ask me why? Christ lived thirty-three years and was crucified. And His spinal column held Him erect for thirty-three years. The temple was a figure of His body, the temple up here in Jerusalem . It was constructed and seven years in the building, and Shishak went up from Egypt and tore it down, and it had stood there 33 years. Now when you catch on to the pattern, and catch on to God’s purpose, and catch on to His plan, it won’t be so hard for you to understand what it is all about, and neither will it be so hard for you to be uh, it’ll be harder for you to be deceived, that’s what I’m talking about. Now that temple was a figure of His body, it stood there for 33 years. You say, “I don’t believe this,” and all you have to do is to count down your spinal column and you see how long the temple stood, and you can tell how long He was in the earth plane by counting the vertebrates in the spinal column. And now there was twelve sons of Israel or Jacob, and there were those twelve tribes. That was under the dispensation, (not this dispensation), but under the dispensation of the Law, there were twelve tribes. All you have to do is just start and count your ribs and you’ll find twelve on this side. Then Jesus come and chose the twelve disciples, and under this dispensation there were twelve apostles. And then all you have to do is count ’em on the other side. If twelve and twelve makes twenty-four, then we’ll go over here in Revelations and see it reveal the twenty-four elders around the throne of God. No trouble at all when you know and understand what it’s all about. And when the Law of God is in your heart… And you’re not gonna behave yourself, you ain’t gone do right, ain’t no use in fooling with it until you get the Law of the Spirit of Life which is in Christ Jesus, (not the rituals and so forth and so on) but the Law of the Spirit of Life which was in Christ Jesus, in your heart and in your mind.

Now I wanna you show you this. There were many sundry laws regarding everything, many of ’em back there, and all of ’em put together constituted the Moral Law. Do you understand? Many of ’em… Now listen close, and I want you to find this in your book, Isaiah 8:20. Now you want me to put it down so you can understand what you’re talking about. Now I’m going into every ultra microscopic particle of matter. I’m gonna show you, if you’ll let me, what Spirit Law really is. Get it, Isaiah the 8th chapter and the 20th verse.

Reader: To the law. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now listen! Not to the laws , not that, to the law … What do you mean by that? Go to the, (let me nickname it) go to the Mosaic Law, the first five books of the Pentateuch written by Moses. Now listen close at what I’m going to say. Now Moses saw.. Will you please keep it quiet in here. Sometimes I just have to stop because I don’t want the continuity of thought broken, and both of us can’t talk at the same time. Now to the Law and to the Testimony… Don’t tell me about Laws! Just to that one Law, the first five books of the Pentateuch is called the Law of Moses. Now we call it, (I said I’m nicknaming it), we call it the Law of Moses. It is not the law of Moses, it’s the law of God. Now but when you speak to me and call it the law of Moses, I understand what you’re talking about, but in reality it is not the Law of Moses, it’s the law of God that was given to Israel. It’s a Moral Law, not a… It was given to them to obey. And then it had many practices, in other words, it had many ordinances in it or by-laws, if you wanna call it that, in it, but it all constitutes and made up that one Law. So now Isaiah said this: “To the Law,” then what?

Reader: and to the testimony. . .

Dr. Kinley: And to the prophecy, then what?

Reader: if they speak not according to this word

Dr. Kinley: It don’t make no difference who it is, Kinley or anybody else, any preacher on earth! Please get that straight! If they speak not according to this word

Reader: it’s because. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: there’s no light in ’em. . .

Dr. Kinley: It’s because there’s no light in ’em. Now you can do anything you want to do, wash feet, baptize, smile, follow any ritualistic ceremony you want to, but if they speak not according to this word (what’s his troubles?) no light in him. Haven’t got the Holy Spirit, don’t have it written in his heart and in his mind. That’s what his troubles is. Why? Because the Law that was given to Moses is a type and a shadow of the Spirit Law that’s generated everything into existence. Just in short, God is substance, God is Law, (not laws), but Law! Do you understand? [Side 1 Ends, some statements lost. . . ]

Dr. Kinley: . . . take it on back here, so then you’ll find that He was crucified. He had to come on out here in outer darkness and then He was buried in Joseph’s new tomb. And so then very early in the morning as it begins to dawn towards the first day of the week… See the sun going back up in the sky and the Son of God raising from the dead there. See, taking Him on back in. Everything has got to work just that way. And now, uh, to show you uh this, because, in other words, what I’m trying to show you is this. The planets, and everything, everything, it doesn’t make any difference what it is, operating by that Spirit Law, will come in right in under the ——, and it never fails, it’ll never fails at no time. And that is the same law of which if you watch this creation here, and then you will see it. Now watch this, watch this thought. Watch what I’m going to say to here now. I just spoke about the letter and the ——-, the moon and the sun. Now you watch, watch closely, and catch on to what I’m going to say to you.

When God brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt through the Red Sea and into the Wilderness of Sinai, thereafter He told them to clean up and to gather around Mt. Sinai . Listen close now, and follow me step at a time. And then they did that, and God spoke from Mt. Sinai and gave them the commandments . Now do you see that? He spoke from Mt. Sinai and gave them the commandments. And after He spoke and gave them the commandments, after that, then He called Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu up into the mountain, the follow through, so you don’t miss it. He gave them the Moral Law from Mt. Sinai , the Law of divers washings and carnal ordinances, the ceremonial, the sacrificial, from Mt. Sinai , spoke from there and gave them the law. And now Moses was up in the mountain for 40 days all total, 40 days. And when He come down out of the mountain, God had given him the tables of stone that I just told you about. And God had spoken the Law and said you, that they shouldn’t have anything, worship anything in the likeness of anything that is in the heavens above or the earth beneath, or that is in the waters under the earth. And neither shall they make any graven images unto Him. Don’t make none of Joseph and Mary or no body, don’t make no difference who it is. Don’t make no graven images in the likeness of anything. So then they made the golden calf in the wilderness. And when Moses got in sight of the camp, he saw that Aaron had, had come back out of there while he was up there in the mountain with God, and they had made the golden calf. And Aaron, I mean Moses, having these tables of stones, he threw ’em down and broke the tables of stones in anger, because they knew better than to do that. That is to say they disobeyed God, and He was wroth about it. And now He called him back up into the mountain and gave him other tables of stones. But the breaking of this table, and the going back and getting another one, it took that under the law to indicate the New Covenant, or some new tables of stones which symbolize the New Covenant that He was going to put in his heart and in his mind. Now he didn’t make it to the Ark of the Covenant with those tables, but he had to get the second tables before ever he made it to the Ark of the Covenant, which symbolized , after those days, a new covenant, ( not according to the old one), will I put in your heart and into your mind. Now that’s the new one that we’re talking about.

Now, follow me again closely, I wanted to bring that. And I wanna bring this carnal point down so that you can see I’m after Spirit Law. So it is not this sacrificial and ceremonial, but God spoke from Mt. Sinai . And then He called ’em up and gave them the Law from Mt. Sinai , dedicated with blood and everything. And then He called Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and ’em up in the mountain. Now watch this one, watch this one closely, and showed Moses the creation of the heaven and earth. Why did He do that? It was to show that the creation took place under the Law! And you took the moral which He had spoke and given to them, to show the greater and more Perfect Law which created everything. So then the vision of the creation of heaven and earth, which means that that same Spiritual Law t hat He put in the Ark of the Covenant created every physical, and everything, by that Law that governs, e verything that was made, even the atomic structure and the cosmographic. . . [Glitch in Tape few Statements Lost] … the natural being there. And the Law being in there SYMBOLIZED the Law of the Spirit which brought everything into existence. Brought it into existence from what?…from universal substance. It’s shaped and formed from a substance that you couldn’t visualize, that you couldn’t see. Without any shape and without any form, and so it took on shape and form. So then now, if the invisible is understood by the visible, (watch this one closely now!), so then matter had to come into existence in it’s unshapen, as you see in Genesis 1:1&2. It said “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth and it was without form, (without shape and form) and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said let there be light, and there was light.” Then if you’d look when the high priest went into the Most Holy Place , throwed that blood toward the Mercy Seat, and he performed the services of God on the Day of Atonement — there was a light that reflected between the wings of the Cherubims there , and it shows it right back here. When Israel sinned it’s just as dark and black as it could be. It’s shown here by this phenomenal darkness that Moses saw in that vision. And when Gods said “And let there be light,” it was in the Most Holy Place and it abolished the darkness. How’s that done? By that Spirit Law that’s in… And when that Law of the Spirit of Life which is in Christ Jesus gets into you, then it’ll abolish superstition and ignorance, and all them traditions and customs and so forth and so on, and then it’ll control you! That’s the New Covenant! And then you will walk in the His statutes and you live , because you become God personified in a physical body. And ain’t nothing doing until you do get Him in there. Ain’t that right? Now you can stand up and tell me to put my clothes on this way, to eat this and to do that and to do the other, and all them different kind’a things. And when you get through with your ritualistic ceremonies and all them kind of things, I ain’t gonna, I ain’t gonna do it! Cause if I was the man that put it into existence, I ——- myself, just like Aaron did. And so now ain’t nothing gonna happen until I get the Law of the Spirit of Life which is in Christ Jesus. Same Law that brought and shaped and formed every animate and inanimate object — until I get it into me I ain’t gone behave myself in the light and in the dark. Anywhere I go I’m walking under the influence of the Holy Spirit. And somebody says, “Look here Doc, says I want you to pray for me that I might get right and that I might do this and I might do that.” First thing for you to do is to recognize ain’t no need of me praying for you. Ain’t no need of me praying for nobody until you recognize the blood of Jesus Christ that died out there on Calvary . Why? Because the first Law was dedicated by blood and it didn’t come of effect nor force until it was dedicated. And you ain’t gone get no where out here. I can pray with my head until it falls off, but until you see that Paschal Lamb you’ll never leave out of Egypt , you’ll still be in there under the bondage of Pharaoh. Until that blood, you’ll never be released. And I’m to wise by the true Holy Spirit being in my heart and mind to be bumping around down here on earth. Says “I’ll do that that I might make up my mind!” No sir! It ain’t like that! Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes by the Word of God. Now if you wanna get straightened out and you wanna get right, why then, you begin to hear the word of God and the words of the Lord as they’re being preached to you. And faith comes by hearing and that by the word of God. Now how shall he preach except he be sent?” And if you don’t know what it’s all about, all you can do is resort to whole lot of ritualistic and ceremonial foolishness that was down under the dispensation of the Law. And God has abolished everyone of ’em, fulfilled all of ’em, so that we can get into the Law of the Spirit of Life which is in Christ Jesus. That’s Spirit Law! Ain’t that right? And we don’t need, and I want you to read it for me too. I have to hurry. I want you to see that when you get, really get right, and then get the true Law that I’m talking about, you don’t need all this ceremonial mess that these people is talking about, and the preacher getting up and telling you to do this and to do that and do the other and all them different kind of things. Listen at me! If God almighty spoke from Mt. Sinai , and His voice was so great until He shook both heaven and earth!! … and not a one of the children of Israel did what He said! Not a one of ’em!! Even from Aaron, 40 days before he had this golden calf down there.. And then here I am standing ’round telling you, “You got to obey this, and you got to do that or some ordinance or some law that we got up here to rule some church with.” You see what I’m talking about? Says, “Look here brother, are you willing to abide by the rules and regulations of this church?” No sir! I’m telling you to begin with, I ain’t abiding by nothing! And so don’t ask me nothing about it! Why you say that? Because, if you stand up here and tell a man to do this and to do that.. Just like when God told Israel what to do, she broke every law and every precept! Everything that God said do, she broke it from the high priest on down. Now I’m to smart for that now, (if you understand what I’m talking about), to go and put up a whole lot of rules and regulations, and ask you if you’ll obey ’em, when I want do it myself. Unless the spirit of Christ is in my heart, I won’t obey nothing! Won’t behave myself! AND FROM ADAM ON DOWN, till Jesus Christ, EVERY LAST ONE OF ‘EM FELL! And nobody from the King on the throne all the way down.. And so ain’t nobody gonna behave until they get the spirit of Christ in ’em or the real Law in ’em. Do you see and understand what I’m talking about? Read.

Reader: Psalms 19: 19

Dr. Kinley: Yes 19.

Reader: The heavens declare the glory of God. . .

Dr. Kinley: The heavens, they declare the glory of God. Just stand out here in the evening, (if you don’t understand nothing that’s wrote in this Book, if you can’t read it), just stand out there and look. You don’t need Dr. Kinley, (you don’t need me), just take me to mean the whole world. You understand? Just say anybody you want to! “The heavens declare the Glory of God.” Read.

Reader: and the firmament showeth His handy work. . .

Dr. Kinley: The firmament showeth His handy work. Can’t no man come along and argue about that, and say it’s interpolated and it’s mistranslations in it. We don’t argue about no version of that, cause ain’t no man’s never messed up with that. You see what I’m talking about? All right read on. That’s God’s Bible.

Reader: day unto day uttereth speech. . .

Dr. Kinley: day unto day showeth forth what?

Reader: day unto day uttereth speech. . .

Dr. Kinley: uttereth speech

Reader: and night unto night showeth forth knowledge

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: there is no speech or language where there voice is not heard…

Dr. Kinley: Look! Look! There ain’t no speech, and there ain’t no language where their voice is not heard. You can look and see some of the created things… Now that’s what Paul was talking about. ” For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse. ” “And the heavens, they declare the glory of God and firmament showeth forth His handy work, day unto day show forth knowledge.” Said, ” There’s no voice at all, there is no sound, there is nothing where their voice is not heard.” That is to say, the sun, moon, and stars they all preaching a great sermon. Cause God took the invisible things, uh, took the visible things to show the invisible. And all these prophets, (Moses and the prophets) and all the rest of ’em is done, have been about Him, the great God of this universe. All right read on.

Reader: their lines have gone through all the earth. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and their words to the end of the world. . .

Dr. Kinley: And their words to the end of the world. Isn’t that wonderful? Read on.

Reader: In them hath He sat a tabernacle for the sun…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) Read.

Reader: which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber. . .

Dr. Kinley: Read.

Reader: and rejoice as a strong man to run a race. . .

Dr. Kinley: And rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. All right, read on.

Reader: His going forth is from the end of the heaven. . .

Dr. Kinley: See, His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and His circuit.. All right read on

Reader: and His circuit from the end of it. . .

Dr. Kinley: You see and His circuit. See how the sun rises and sets? Just look at that. If you get all confused about what’s written in the Book and what I’m saying, and my rules and regulations, just look at that — greatest preachers there ever was! And then His circuit unto the end. Read on, and then I’ll hurry and close out.

Reader: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof

Dr. Kinley: There is nothing hid from the heat of His purpose.

Reader: The Law of the Lord is perfect. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now, just hold tight now, that’s what we was trying to get down to, The Law of the Lord, or the Law of God… God is Spirit, the Law of the Spirit — it is infallible, it is perfect. It controls everything. It is perfect! Not the laws, repeat!

Reader: The Law of the Lord is perfect. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: converting the soul. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now look, that’s the thing that will convert the soul. All right.

Reader: and the Testimony of the Lord is sure making wise. . .

Dr. Kinley: The testimony of the Lord is sure. It’s a sure shot. It’s doing what?

Reader: making wise the simple. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now if you…

Students: Laughs

Dr. Kinley: You got it? You got it all right. Did you get that one? “Making wise the simple.” Now if you’re simple, plum simple… Get that, get that one in there. Not something that somebody has hatched up, me or anyone else, but if the boss is in there, it’s a sure thing; it makes wise the simple. Now, it’s ignorance not to pay ‘tention to that. But it’ll make a simple man or a simple woman wise! That’s what the Law of the Lord will do . “It controls, as David said, “the heavens and show forth of His purpose.” It shows that Spirit Law, not the moral law , but the Spirit. Okay now, read.

Reader: The statutes of the Lord are right. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now, now ain’t no need in trying to fix up nothing ’bout it. Ain’t no need of trying to doctor it, it’s just right. Yes indeed. And we don’t need no general counsel to fix it, it’s already right. We don’t need to call no conclave, it’s already right. Right just like it is. Ain’t that right. Read.

Reader: The commandments of the Lord is pure enlightening the eye. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now they’re pure, they’re already pure. Done what?

Reader: enlightening the eye. . .

Dr. Kinley: And it will illuminate your understanding. Now follow down on what I’m trying to say here. Give me about 2 or 3 minutes. And now I want you to read fast, Jeremiah 31:31 and then you’ll see what I’m talking about, and then I’m through. Now, but as I go down, you be careful, and make sure that you get it. Now hurry up and find it, Jeremiah 31:31.

Reader: Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah . . .

Dr. Kinley: Now, behold the days come saith the Lord that I will make a new testament or new covenant with the house of Israel . Look, give me one of these Bibles — Galatians 4:4, somebody find it quick. Now you look up here at me because I’m trying to show you, I’m trying to help you. I’m trying to help you. And I’m trying to tell you these things how people have been deceived.

Reader: But when the fullness of time was come. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now God is making a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah . And now, I told you about the commandment going forth under Artaxerxes and that Jesus had come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. Now when the fullness of time had come.. Now please try to follow this down! This will help you! It will get you out of some of the confusion if you’d just only listen! Now when the fullness of time had come, then what?

Reader: God sent forth His Son. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: made of a woman. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: made under the law

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: to redeem them that were. . .

Dr. Kinley: Made under the law! You heard me, I said made under the law!! To redeem then that are under the law. Do you understand that now? See what this says up here, this says New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Now that’s what all of us have been taught a life time is the new testament, that is not what it is. Now I, I’ll have to prove it to you as I go down through here. Read, Jeremiah.. Now remember, that God sent forth His Son, He was born under the law. Look, when you read Matthew, it says down here, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is under the law! Every last bit of it was under the law. It is definitely and positively not the New Testament! It is the biography of Christ in the days of His flesh. What is He doing? Fulfilling the law and the prophecy. Here it is, you can read down there through that, any of it that you want to, and it’ll stay there. Look at it when you get home. Now, see those satanic spirits… And look I want you to understand thoroughly, I don’t have nothing to throw off on nobody cause I have done the same identical thing that I’m telling you now. God, until He opened my eyes, I did the same identical thing, so I don’t have nothing to boost or boast about! No glorying to do! And I don’t want you to think that because I speak as I do that I mean to be boasting. I just want you to see so bad, and I’m in earnest. And those that know me will tell you I don’t even sleep normal like a man and haven’t since nineteen hundred and thirty-two [1932]. Don’t eat like the average person. Is that right Dr. Gross, you been knowing me for 27 years? Just worrying too, just troubled all day long and all through the night trying to help someone see the things that God has shown me. Now, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If Jesus was under the law, (He was born of a woman born under the law to redeem them that were under the law). And now look, you can see it from here. Now the first covenant had to be dedicated with blood, then it means that the new covenant had to be dedicated with blood. So then until He died, a testament is not of force until after men are dead. And you know good and well He’s not dead and walking around over the Judean and Palestinian hills. Is that right?

Dr. Gross: That’s right!

Dr. Kinley: So then a new covenant could not come of effect. And this is a biography of Him in the days of His flesh fulfilling the law and the prophecy as He said himself. And He said “Think not that I come to fulfill.., uh think not that I come to destroy the law of the prophets, and verily, verily (Matthew 5:17 ) , not one jot or one tittle of it shall pass until it’s all fulfilled.” And when He went up to Jerusalem … He took the boys up to Jerusalem and said, “Behold it’s up to me to fulfill all that’s written in the law and in the prophets.” And after He was dead and buried, and raised from the dead, He took, (Luke 24:44) He said, “Now it behooved me to fulfill, and begin to open up their understanding. We need to learn what the purpose of God is and understand it! And then God said, just before He breathed His last breath, He said “It is finished.” What’s finished? I’ve finished fulfilling all that’s written in the Law and all that’s in the prophets where I told you to go to, to the law and to the prophets. It’s finished, I’ve finished fulfilling. Watch now! As He died on the cross, I tried to tell you about the sun and moon and the stars and so forth and so on. There is the sun, the moon passed right between, the sun passed right between the moon and the earth. It was dark over the face of the earth from the 6th to 9th… and He brought in this dispensation of light or the new, new day. All of it works together with accuracy and absolute infallibility. And unless we as ministers understand it, we don’t have nothing to tell you but a lot of who shot John and something we’ve hatched up in carnal concept. See with the Spirit Law we can have some understanding. Now then, read. Now you watch, watch the difference between, look, watch the difference between God telling them to do something (as we always trying to tell somebody how to live right). Say, “What are you going to church for?” Said, “I’m going to try to learn how to live right.” All right, read on.

Reader: Behold the days come saith the Lord. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that I will make a new covenant with the. . .

Dr. Kinley: that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel

Reader: and with the house of Judah . . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers…

Dr. Kinley: Now I’m not gonna make one like that!

Reader: in the day that I took them by the hand. . .

Dr. Kinley: read on fast

Reader: to bring them out of the land of Egypt , which my covenant they break. . .

Dr. Kinley: My covenant they break

Reader: although I was a husband unto them saith the Lord. . .

Dr. Kinley: Although I was a good husband to ’em. I gave ’em manna, and quail on toast, yes sir, I took care of ’em. You talking about the progress of science — shoes and nothing didn’t wear out back there in the wilderness. Now, we done even got to the place where we can make a sheet or something another like that, or a garment to last 40 years. All right, read on.

Reader: but this shall be the covenant. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now look! If we could just see this. If we could just, if we could just believe God for a change. And God said this shall be the covenant; this is it! If you wanna know what the New Testament is, God said this is it. All right, read.

Reader: that I will make with the house of Israel . . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: after those days. . .

Dr. Kinley: After those days. Now after what days? Hebrew 9:16 , pick it up quick. And after those days. Then I wanna go out’a here cause I’m late, it’s five minutes past —— three there, so hurry.

Reader: For where a testament is. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now where a testament is.. Now God said He’s gonna.., this, this, this is gonna be it! So, then where one is, or a new testament is, or any covenant that God made had to be dedicated with blood. So where a testament is, ” After those days,” what days you talking about? Read!

Reader: there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now there must also of an necessity by the death of the testator. That is to say, that after those days, after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ! That’s what I’m talking about those days. That’s reason why I ask you to go over there! It necessitate the death! And don’t you see Him walking around here in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Oh I wish you’d open, we’d open our eyes and look and see what it’s all about, don’t you? Those are the days that God said, “That after those days, after those days,” what?

Reader: saith the Lord. . .

Dr. Kinley: Saith the Lord — well, now God said it, not me. All right.

Reader: I will put my law in their inward part. . .

Dr. Kinley: I ain’t gone put that Moral law in their at all. I ain’t gone make nare nother one like that! But I’m gone put that Spirit law that controls the sun, moon and stars, the trees, sho-nuff, which is just in short, I’m gone get in you myself. I’ll just walk around in you myself, and then I know you’ll behave yourself. And then you won’t need a whole lot of us hypocrite preachers trying to tell you how to live right. Read on, you’ll fine it down there.

Reader: and write it in their hearts. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and will be their God. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and they shall be my people. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor. . .

Dr. Kinley: Now don’t you see that? They shall not teach every man his neighbor. . .

Reader: and every. . .

Dr. Kinley: No sir! Don’t you, don’t you leave there! Don’t you leave there! Cause we got to go by the rituals, and we got to be guided by something. Well, you go ‘head on and be guided by that. Know where you going? You’re headed for the Lake ! That’s right! I can’t teach, I can’t preach, and nobody else, it’s got to be God in you! He is the instructor! He is the teacher! And that’s why we don’t teach every man saying, “You know the Lord?” See, he’s got this, not the law I’m talking about, (not the Law of Moses) , I’m talking about the Law of the spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. All right read on.

Reader: saying know the Lord. . .

Dr. Kinley: You don’t have to do that. Say , “Brother, know the Lord.” We’re always quoting that to somebody trying to show them some of our carnal concepts, and how to behave themself and how to conduct them self. Now if we could just get busy for a change and just simply preach and teach the real truth, by the Holy Ghost, then somebody would see. It wouldn’t be me teaching, it wouldn’t be you teaching, you understand, cause I don’t know nothing no how. You see the point? Now what?

Reader: for they shall all know me. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: from the least of them. . .

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: unto the greatest. . .

Dr. Kinley: to the greatest

Reader: Saith the Lord. . .

Dr. Kinley: From the humble little subjects in the kingdom on up the tower to the king. From the priest on, they shall all know me, from the least to the greatest. And that’s that Law of the Spirit of Life that controls everything. And it’s the True Spirit, or the True God, the True Law, (not the shadow), but the real thing .

I hope and trust you have gotten something out of these words. I have tried hard to show you.

Now, I wanna make this announcement. If you go back here and see the law, the tabernacle, just as you see it divided up in parts. You look and you see the days… God dividing the light from the darkness, dividing the waters from above and the waters beneath. He divided this and that, and you go on down and He divided the sexes, is because He’s creating by this law, or by that spirit law, of which that moral law was a type and a shadow. And since the sanctuary is three-fold, then that’s why you see the dividing and all. And that law being laid in there, it shows the Law of the Spirit that controls every animate and inanimate object, everything.. And that’s reason why I showed you that when He created it, why then He give him the Law first, and then brought him up here and then showed him so that the creation would take place under the Law. It showed the spirit Law controlling every animate and inanimate object in the universe. And David’s talking about the sun, and them invisible things that Paul was talking about, “Being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that we are without excuse.” God bless you.

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