Mediator, Prayer, Book of Life and Immortality

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley in 1974 in Los Angeles, California.


DR. KINLEY: . . . I haven’t withheld anything, I haven’t drawn back, and whenever I thought there was something right or wrong I always say so. Because first of all, it’s just hard for people to conceive in their minds that Yahweh is real. This is not a play thing. And we’re all going to have to appear, in the judgment. That is really where you are now, but it doesn’t appear, but that is where you are.

Now there is a whole lot of erroneous doctrines that are being taught everywhere in the world. And it ‘s hard to make people to see and understand the truth, and for brethren to dwell together in unity and in harmony, and for all of you to speak the same thing, understand the same way what the purpose of Yahweh really is.

Now, any of you that was absent this morning, you missed a treat, because Dr. Harris really went into that. And hot as it was, I really felt sorry for him to tell you the truth, but nevertheless, we’re gonna sweat it out and try our best to tell you the truth about things, and tell you in such a way that you can understand them.

Now, it’s one thing to read the Bible and it’s another thing to understand it. And that’s what we wanna do at all times, to make you understand the Purpose of Yahweh as it really is, and to realize that them satanic spirits that have been cast out of heaven are down here in the earth plane embodied in men, which Yahshua the Messiah sent His disciples out and told them to go out and cast those devils out before He was crucified. And when they were cast out they walked through dry places seeking rest and found none. So they decided that they would go back to the house where they were cast out. And when they got back they found out that they couldn’t get in, so then they went and got legions, some more devils, or demons, satanic spirits, and then they broke in. Now listen! The last state of those persons were worse than the first. Now, a lot of people wouldn’t know how to apply that, see. They just read but they don’t pay no attention to it; they don’t realize; they don’t understand what it’s all about. But I’ll say this next, that after the death, burial and resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah, He sent them out to cast those demoniac spirits out of men. And when they were cast out they returned back to the place where they were cast out and they find it.., they found it sealed, the door was closed, the house was occupied — that means that they had the Holy Spirit and they couldn’t break in there at all. Now your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and when you.., you must be possessed with the Holy Spirit to understand all of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Yahshua the Messiah. Now you just simply cannot take your carnal mind and understand it. And because that can’t be done, that’s the thing that’s responsible for so many sects and cults and creeds denominations and all in the earth plane.

Now, if somebody would come along and tell you that there’s an innumerable company of satanic spirits cast out into the earth and was incarnated in physical bodies, wouldn’t it just seem to you like that you ought’a look around and see if you can’t locate something? Cause you just may be mixed up in something that you ought not to be mixed up in; you just may be deceived. Right? One says, if you… Paul spoke of it here in the first chapter of 1Corinthians, said “Wherefore, one of you say that I’m of Paul, and the other say he’s of Cephas, and another he says I’m not, I’m of Yahshua the Messiah. Now is He divided? — No. Are you not yet carnal and speak or talk as men?” Now to be carnal minded is death or to be natural minded is death.

Now look folks! Now I wanna advise you of something right now before I go any further. It’s not gonna do you no good to try to hunt up some justifiable excuse to present to Yahweh (I’m speaking as though I’m speaking in the judgment), He’s not gonna buy that. There is no justifiable excuse for you to offer Yahweh for ignorance and stupidity, there isn’t any, there just isn’t any way. Now, when somebody comes along that Yahweh has sent to tell you the truth and you oppose it and reject it, now you’re just simply lost. Now somebody will say, “That’s what you said!” um um, that ain’t like that, it’s just not like that — that’s what Yahweh said. Said “He was the way the truth and the life, and no man goeth unto the Father but by Me.” You can find that in the 14th chapter of John. Now anytime you can find anything that’s written like that, it’s always gonna be an opposite. Now the Pope says “No, that’s not right. He has power to forgive sins and to put you into heaven. And whosoever he bounds on earth is bound in heaven, and whosoever he bounds in the earth, why, he’s bounds in heaven,” vice versa. Now the real facts in the case, that’s not in the Bible, nothing like that in the Bible. But, you see, you’ll all the time mess up. Then we have always thought like this, until Yahweh corrected us: We thought that the pastors, (well let’s say one that’s sent if you would), was the mediator or the go-between you and Yahweh — now that’s just not so. We thought that different ones holding different positions of authority was to be looked up to — not so, that’s not it. Then they try to scale the heights and be promoted on up with people of authority, set in Moses’ seat and so forth and so on. And even went so far as to try to occupy the seat of Yahshua the Messiah, to say nothing about Peter. Now you see, those things are just simply not so; they’re not in the Bible.

Now, this is our 43rd year of preaching and teaching the Vision and Revelation that Yahweh has given me. There was a time when I knew nothin’, but thanks be to Yahweh I do know. Yahweh’s revealed it to me. Now, you just simply can’t gainsay Yahweh and He’s gone have the thing His way. See, you may think “Well, I’ll go ‘head on anyhow,” (Yes you can do that), “to see what the ends gonna be.” Well, I can tell you right now, it’s is gonna be the Lake, going your way. And it’s bad, the situation is universal and it’s bad. It’s worse than you might think that it is. See, you couldn’t have started no church, as you call it, and then expect to have a congregation of righteous people — that ain’t gone never happen, um um, it ain’t gone be like that. Somebody say, “Well do you belong to that church?” More than likely the most of you do, for the simple reason why, because the whole thing is wrong. Maybe you didn’t understand what I meant when I said that. See, any church that some man set up or built, it’s wrong. And as I told you the other night about St. Peter’s Basilica… I know it’s warm sitting in the chair, just have a little patience while I try to get out a few things that I think is important and necessary. And show you how slick the Devil is and how he deceives the people about many things, almost anything you wanna think of, as pertaining to the Purpose of Yahweh.

Now, if you look at 1Timothy (I believe it is) 2&5 about this mediator business, and about this Pope putting somebody in heaven, and about this Pastor and the Dean going between you and Yahweh. There’s a whole lot in that thing Dr. Harris, and that just needs to be brought out, such as intercessor and all them kind of things — intercessors and mediators and all that kind of thing too. Men are walking around, (them satanic spirits incarnated in physical bodies), and they got you thinking that they’re mediators and intercessor and all that kind of thing. There isn’t but one Mediator or Go-between. Read.

READER: For one is Yahweh. . . DR. KINLEY: Now listen here. Yahweh is one. Now while you got that right there Doc, somebody pick up Deuteronomy 6:4. READER: Hear O Israel. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Yahweh our. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute! Hear! Somebody say “Well I ain’t gonna hear,” (idiot or fool I’m talking about), “just ain’t gonna hear it.” All right “Hear O Israel”

READER: Yahweh our Elohim DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: is Yahweh a unity DR. KINLEY: is Yahweh a trinity AUDIENCE: No.

DR. KINLEY: Now if you’re going to buy that, if you’re going to accept that, then you can’t accept the other, that anybody’s a mediator or go-between, you can’t accept that. Now let me show you what I’m talking about. All this body is a unity, it is joined together and it’s one body. All this, it’s a unity. Now you can’t take a unity here, and then put some divisions in it, and make a intercessor over here and a mediator over somewhere else, cause you see that’d be more than one. Now you just read Yahweh is one, well you see, not three. Now that almost necessitates me going to the board and doing something about this, cause I wanna show you. [Writing on board] Now you see that? Now here’s the way that Roman Catholics teach that it is. Now they’ll have to teach this in order to get in there themself!. Now then, they’ll say this is the Father, this is the Son, and this is the Holy Ghost. Now that’s what they think it is! Well, I’ll have you to know that this is all formed in every one of these too. Now that’s what they say, now they think, they make a distinction in this, and that, and the other. Now Yahshua the Messiah said this in the 17th chapter of John, (I believe it was) He said, He and His Father were two.

STUDENTS: one DR. KINLEY: Were one. “Hear O Israel, Yahweh our Elohim is Yahweh a unity.” Yahweh is one! Read. READER: and one mediator between Him and men. . . DR. KINLEY: And listen, just one mediator between Him and the rest of the world. Read on READER: the man Yahshua the Messiah. . .

DR. KINLEY: Naw, not the woman now! And the reason why I said not the woman — NOT MARY!! “Holy Mary mother of God pray for us!” See, it’s nothing like that, see. Why can’t Mary pray for you that way? Because she’s not the mediator! She’s not the intercessor! Now she can pray for you, or you can pray one for another, but you have the same mediator and intercessor right in you. Do you understand? Now that’s an ecclesiastical authority conjured up by a carnal mind, satanic spirit. That’s right. Now the first, the first place is this, (now listen at what I’m gonna say), now here’s your prayer: “Oh Yahweh, I have lost my job and I’m just about to lose my automobile, and you know I need transportation to go to my job. I need a new car, my car is broke down, and you know my family need some place to live. And incidentally, we don’t have no bread in the house.” Now that’s the way we, that’s the way we think. That’s the reason why you don’t do no good with that intercessor we got there. That’s the reason why you don’t receive nothing and don’t get nothing cause, you see, you got the wrong intercessor. Then there’s, something else wrong with that too, and I’ll tell you what that is. Now you heard what I said about them things that you pray for. Now the facts in the case (now pay ‘tention now) you don’t know what to pray for no how. Well, why is it that you don’t know what to pray for? Now somebody might say, “Well now, yes I do.” Now I want you to read that. I’m gonna prove to you that you don’t know what to pray for. Now listen folks! Now here’s the reason why you don’t know what to pray for, because you don’t know what the Purpose is! See, you follow? If you understood all about the Purpose then you would have something to argue about what to pray for, and you wouldn’t be putting up all these old so called foolish prayers (you understand) and they’re not going any further than your head! Romans 11: 8.

READER: 8:25. But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. . . DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Now if we hope for that which we don’t see, then have a little patience to wait for it. Read on. READER: Likewise. . . DR. KINLEY: Now just like that! All right read on. READER: the spirit also helpeth our infirmity . . .

DR. KINLEY: See, the spirit, (not the pastor), the spirit helps our infirmities. And as long as you are in the flesh you will have an infirmity. The doctor don’t have no pill to help that infirmity. And everybody has it too, it’s without any escape. Somebody say, “Well the doctor give me a clean bill of health.” I don’t care if he did, you still have an infirmity, all of us has that. “Well how do you know?” Cause you got a physical body. All right read on.

READER: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought. . .

DR. KINLEY: “For we know not what we should pray for as we ought.” See that now? I just got through telling you you didn’t know what to pray for, therefore you need an intercessor so you’ll know what to pray for, cause you don’t know! You following me? All right read on.

READER: but the spirit itself. . .

DR. KINLEY: I just happened to think of something, see I don’t know whether you know anything about it or not, but I’m gonna tell you about it. One time here, seven years ago, there was a man that come down to the school with a chip on his shoulders, he was called Dr. Robert Lloyd. And he wanted me and the rest of us that were authorities in this school to join up with them. We didn’t do that. So it was a great big band with him, he had several millionaires (about five of ’em) and they wouldn’t operate like he wanted them to operate unless he could get us into it, Dr. Gross and Dr. Harris, and a few others that formed the executive body, and they said so. And he wanted to build a university over here on Crenshaw. Well I told him I didn’t operate like that, by myself, I had somebody with me to help me with the work, and I’ve always seen to it, and I’d let him know later. Well I didn’t get around to it soon enough, so he wanted to come down and have something to say. And he come down with a chip on his shoulder. Now he said his mother wanted him to be a medical doctor but he had decided he would build a church. And that stuff he put out, I mean it was poisoned straight on in (laughs) he’s building the church. So he said this, he said “Now I come down here with a chip on my shoulder, and I found out that you people are not like I thought you were, and I apologize.” Do you remember that Dr. Harris and Dr. Gross? Said, “You’re very sweet people and I apologize. And now I’m going to give you the concession in the sale of prayers, you can have one for 25 cents tonight.” Do you remember that?…do you remember? Offered us prayers wrote out on a piece of paper, he’s gonna sell ’em to us for 25 cents apiece. Bargain! Making a concession. Now that’s laughable isn’t it? Well you see, the Roman Catholic Church does the same thing, and Judaism does the same thing with the prayer books. Now you sit up here and laugh at it, and to them it mean so much. Archbishop and Bishop so and so wrote up these prayers and all, see and you learn how to recite them — and one for Monday, and one for Tuesday and so on. Now what you have here is a different story. Said we know not how to pray as we ought, but the Bishop!

Students: No!

DR. KINLEY: writes out one for you, cause he knows how you ought and he ought to pray. And he’s got it all fix up and for sale, and it’s cheap! All right read on.

READER: but the spirit itself. . . DR. KINLEY: Now listen, here comes Jehovah’s Witnesses now. “But the spirit itself,” or the Holy Spirit in you — does what? READER: maketh intercession for us. . .

DR. KINLEY: That’s what makes the intercession for you! Now if the Holy Spirit wasn’t in you, then you see, you wouldn’t have no intercessor. Now they say that the Holy Spirit, (Jehovah Witness) “The Holy Spirit is not in anybody!” Then that means that nobody has an intercessor. All right read on.

READER: but the spirit itself maketh intercession. . . DR. KINLEY: “But the spirit itself makes intercession for us” READER: with groaning which cannot be uttered. . .

DR. KINLEY: “With groaning that cannot be uttered!” Now the spirit makes that intercession for you. So now you move everything else, I don’t care what position of authority they call it, just move it. Because we only have one mediator and one intercessor and we found out who that was, it was Yahshua the Messiah. And that’s the reason why He told His disciples I will pray the Father for you! He knew what the Purpose was, in fact He was Yahweh incarnated in a body. All right read on.

READER: and He that searcheth the hearts. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: knoweth what is the mind of the spirit. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: because He maketh intercession for the sons DR. KINLEY: “Because He maketh intercession for the sons..” Now watch this one. READER: according to the will of Yahweh. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s one you have to watch, according to the will of Yahweh. Now don’t you see, if you don’t know.., (Yahweh declared the end from the beginning), so if you don’t know how that works.., and the only way for you to know how it works is to have the Holy Spirit in you to make intercession for you according to the way He declared the end from the beginning. How bout that? Now do you understand? And there’s no confusion in that either. And He makes it according to the Purpose. Read on.

READER: and we know that all things work together for good. . . DR. KINLEY: Now listen, now we know this! Now we know this, that all things works together for good. READER: to them that love Yahweh. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: to them who are the called according to His Purpose. . .

DR. KINLEY: Naw, naw, called to join my church and do as we say. You follow? My church and your church and so forth and so on. And we’ll do, we’ll do it like we wanna do it with the help of the deacons and whatnot, and the other officials and authorities, in the church. It’s terrible. Read on Doc.

READER: for whom he did foreknow. . .

DR. KINLEY: “For whom…” Now just, now listen here, just hold everything, just hold everything. “For whom He did foreknow…” Now Yahweh knows everybody. He foreknew everybody that’s gonna ever be in this world, Jew and Gentile. And look, I would have you to know this; I would have you to know this: that Yahweh Himself wrote your name down. I didn’t say Moses, I said Yahweh wrote your name down in the book that He wrote — Moses didn’t have a thing to do with it and none, none of the prophets. Now that brings me up to talk about this: excommunication for violating the rules and regulations of the church. Now Yahweh has said, I want you to read it to, Exodus 30:32&32. Let’s take 31,32, &33. Yahweh has wrote everybody’s name. Folks, isn’t it a wonderful thing for you to learn tonight, that you didn’t know before, that your name as Freddie Allen, Roger Jackson, Lasalle Williams, and Bishop Short… I, I mean your name, your earthly name wrote down in a book. You heard me you ain’t blind. And Yahweh wrote it down. Then listen here, He didn’t write it down when you was born. No, He didn’t wait till you was born to write your name down. No, sir,He had everybody’s name in that Book at the beginning of His eternal purpose, everybody that would ever live, had it down in the book. Now that’s the difference between your church register and Yahweh’s book. Read.

READER: and Moses returned unto Yahweh and said. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Oh, this people have sinned a great sin. . .

DR. KINLEY: “Oh, this people have sinned a great sin.” Now that was with the golden calf down there. And Moses threw down the two tables of stone and broke ’em and he said “These people have sinned a great sin,” in that they had builded this golden calf out there and was worshipping the golden calf — and that’s what he’s talking about. Now you up to date on that. Read on

READER: and have made idols of gold. . .

DR. KINLEY: “And have made idols of gold.” Now Yahweh said don’t make anything in the likeness of in heaven above or in the earth beneath. Is that right? Don’t make nothing like that. All right, but you see they did just that. All right read on.

READER: yet now. . . DR. KINLEY: “Yet now” Moses said. READER: if thou wilt, forgive their sin DR. KINLEY: Now look, if you will, forgive their sin READER: and if not. . .

DR. KINLEY: If you won’t forgive their sin, talking bout the sins of Israel for worshipping this golden calf and making it out here in the wilderness — I want you to understand what I’m talking about, see. Now if you won’t forgive them (they’ve sinned a great sin) now if you won’t forgive them, then what?

READER: blot me I pray thee. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: out of Thy Book

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s Moses, he saw his name in that Book!! When he was up there in the mountain in that cloud, he saw his name in the book! He saw everybody’s name up there! See, somebody say, “Me?” Yes, yours__ __ __. Now I didn’t say he saw personalities, I said he saw the names! But later he saw the personalities on the next trip. Are y’all getting anything out of what I’m telling you?


DR. KINLEY: For example, everybody, everybody, every person that was to be in the earth plane was in this Book, and Moses saw his name in it. And because Israel had sinned against Him in building the golden calf, he’s saying to Yahweh, “Now look! If you won’t forgive them (they’ve sinned a great sin) now if you won’t forgive them for the sin that they’ve committed, then blot me I pray thee out of thy Book” which Moses wrote.

AUDIENCE: No! No! DR. KINLEY: Well read it. READER: which thou hast written. . .

DR. KINLEY: Which Yah.., see, Yahweh writ., uh fixed that one up! See what I’m talkin’ about. Oh my goodness, now that’s a whole lot difference between that and somebody got you on an official register. Isn’t that right? And now you gonna get excommunicated if you don’t live according to the rules of this church. Now you follow what I’m talking about? All right then what did Yahweh say, and what did Yahweh say?

READER: and Yahweh said unto Moses. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: whosoever hath sinned against me. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute, there’s something I want, want you to notice there. See Moses is putting up a Prayer, and said so! Now see, you wouldn’t have never known that that was what he was doing before we was talking about it. See now he’s calling your attention to it. How bout that? Read that Doc again.

READER: Yet now if thou wilt forgive their sin, and if not, blot me I pray thee. . .

DR. KINLEY: See, I pray thee! See I told you you didn’t know what it was all about. You see that now? Now here’s Yahweh answering him! Read on.

READER: and Yahweh said unto Moses. .. DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: whosoever has sinned against me. . .

DR. KINLEY: “Now whosoever has sinned against me…” Don’t make no difference who it is! “Whosoever has sinned against me!”

READER: him will I blot. . . DR. KINLEY: No, the Pope! AUDIENCE: No! DR. KINLEY: Your Pastor! … he’ll excommunicate you. AUDIENCE: No! DR. KINLEY: He’ll do what? READER: him will I blot out of My Book. . .

DR. KINLEY: “Him will I blot out of My Book!” See, you see that now? Now let’s get some of this blotting out business straight, Revelations 20&12. See, these prayers, I tell you, is a dangerous thing to the carnal mind. All right, read on.

READER: And I saw the dead. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now here’s John, and he said “And I saw the dead…” Now what we’re after is blotting out! We got Yahweh, He wrote down everybody’s name in the Book which He had written, not Moses, (you follow now), not the church register, and not your matriculation or enrollment in any church organization. You see what I’m talking about, he ain’t trusting nobody with that. All right read on.

READER: and I saw the dead DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: small and great. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now let’s get this small and great together. From the high priest on down to the most humble person, or to the stranger that is within thy gates. To the most so-called insignificant, to the seat warmer, TO EVERYBODY, from the least to the greatest. From the high priest on down, to the low priest and on down. Listen! From the King on down to his subjects, and on down to the peasants, “I saw the small and the great,” John said I saw it, “stand before Yahweh.” Read.

READER: stand before Yahweh. . . DR. KINLEY: um hum READER: and the books were opened. . .

DR. KINLEY: “And the books were opened!” Now look here folks! You know something, it makes me almost wanna.., I done, I done left a couple of places already that I wasn’t ready to leave in order to get to these cardinal points over here. “And the books was opened…” Say Freddie, you gonna help him. Just hold it there Doc, and you go ‘head Freddie and get it, the 2nd Epistle of Paul’s to Timothy and the 3rd chapter

READER: Do we begin again to commend ourselves. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: or need we DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: as some others. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: epistles of commendation to you. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: or letter of commendation from you. . . DR. KINLEY: or letters or recommendations from you READER: Ye are our epistle. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, each one of you are an epistle, see. If you get the five books that Moses wrote, each one of them is an epistle. And if you get the books of the Prophets, each one of them is a book. They are epistles. “Now ye are our epistles!”

READER: written in our hearts. . .

DR. KINLEY: The books, I’m talking about! You are our book! “You are our epistle written in our heart.” Now listen, be careful!

READER: known and read of all men. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for as much as ye are. . .

DR. KINLEY: Whupps! Hold it! See when you get up here and speak, somebody’s reading you! The one that’s got the Holy Spirit in him, he’s reading you. And when you jumped off into carnality, you see what I’m talking about, he’s got you covered. Just like some have went out and said this, and said that, we don’t teach that down here! You are our epistle, read…! The folks don’t know nothing about what’s in the Bible, they’re looking at you. “Ye are our epistles, read and known of all men.” Is that what you got there? Read of the Roman Catholics and the Protestants, the Jews and everybody else, reading you! Looking to see how you’re gonna do, how you’re gonna behave, and how you’re gonna conduct yourself, and what you’re gonna say. See, you follow? You are our epistles, and I’m ashamed of you, (oh, well I’ll go on, uh, go ‘head on),

STUDENTS: Go ‘head Doc. Yeah, go on.

DR. KINLEY: They call themselves our epistle, and from of their conduct and deportment and character, and somebody’s reading ’em, see. “Is that the kind of stuff y’all are doing?… swapping wives?” Well I’d better go ‘head on hadn’t I? You suppose I just go ‘head on. Well, I’ll go ‘head on. “Ye are our epistle”

READER: written in our hearts. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: known and read of all men. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for as much as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of. . . DR. KINLEY: “For as much as ye are manifestedly declared to be the epistles of Yahshua the Messiah,” Read READER: ministered by us. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: written not with ink. . . DR. KINLEY: Now see, “Written not with ink” READER: but with the spirit of the Living Elohim. . .

DR. KINLEY: But written with the spirit of the Living Elohim. Now these folks is putting your names down on paper with pen and ink or a pencil or something another. And that way you get so many folks in there that ain’t what they ought’a be. How ’bout that? Is that all right? Okay I’ll go ‘head. All right read on.

READER: For as much as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Yahshua the Messiah, ministered by us. . . DR. KINLEY: “Ministered by us” READER: written not with ink. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: but with the spirit of the Living Elohim. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now see, if the Holy Spirit is not in you and writing in you, and Jehovah Witnesses say that He is not, (see, the Holy Spirit’s not in you). You see how stupid it is? Now look here. See it’s.., look up here. These.., they are commandments graven in tables of stones, laid in the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place — that’s typical of in your most holy place, in your brain, and they say it ain’t there. See, they don’t know how to even use the type and the shadow! And look, if it was a vital force upon you, now look, let me see if I can find the tabernacle here, see it would just be laying something upon top of this thing, upon top of the tabernacle there, or laying something upon… They say “It’s a vital force upon you.” Your body is a tabernacle or temple of the Holy Spirit, and they’re saying it’s a vital force upon you. All right read on.

READER: Forasmuch then. . . DR. KINLEY: “Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Yahshua the Messiah” READER: ministered by us. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: written not with ink. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: but with the spirit of the Living Elohim. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: not in tables of stone DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: but in the fleshy tables of the heart. . .

DR. KINLEY: “But in the fleshy tables of the heart.” Now how ’bout that? See that now? Now that’s in the Book! In other words, that’s what the New Covenant is. That’s what you just read, see that’s what it was. And you are an epistle… Now then we got the epistles, we got all these epistles… See, you follow? “And you are our epistles written in our hearts, read and known of all men. Then as much so as you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Yahshua the Messiah, ministered by us,” (in your conduct) read and known of all men out there.” And your conduct, it’s got to be right, cause see the people don’t know, they don’t understand the Bible, they looking at you because you are the epistle. And look, we just said.., (That’ll do Freddie). We just said, I wanna bring you up to date in what I’m talking about. We just said “I saw the dead small and great stand be…” (Revelations 20:12) “stand before Yahweh, and the books..” You are open. You’re an epistle, you’re open, wide open! And read and known of all men. You see, you follow? Now you got the book? The books was opened, see. You’re not hid! You’re open, everybody’s looking at you. See, all right read on.


READER: and another book was open. . .

DR. KINLEY: uh-oh! uh-oh! uh-oh! Now you see, now there’s another Book, that’s the one we read about over there in Exodus that Yahweh wrote. This is the Book of Life, that’s the one that Yahweh wrote. “And another Book” Read on.

READER: which is the Book of Life DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) All right read on. READER: and the dead was judged out. . . DR. KINLEY: “And the dead was judged out of those books,” uh READER: out of those things which were written in the Book. . . DR. KINLEY: were judged out of those things which were written in the Book READER: according to their works. . .

DR. KINLEY: “According to their works.” Now look here! “If any man sin against me, him will I blot out of My Book which I have written!” You see? And now he sees the judgment there, and he sees everybody there, everybody’s there, small and great, little and few. Then he sees the books were opened, and another Book which Yahweh had written — that’s open. Then what?

READER: and the sea gave up the dead that were in it

DR. KINLEY: “And the sea gave up the dead that were in it.” Being buried at sea is no problem for Yahweh. You ain’t gone. That’s the reason why I said some of ’em get up and storm out “I ain’t going back down there to that place! Them people down there they don’t know what they talking about! I’m gone, I won’t be back!” You don’t understand what it’s all about either. See, read on.

READER: and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. . . DR. KINLEY: “And death..,” uh, what? READER: and death and hell delivered up the dead. . .

DR. KINLEY: “And death and hell…” See, now this is what the Papacy say, “When you die you’ll go to purgatory. But if you happen to miss purgatory and go to hell, there ain’t nothing they can do for you.” But they can pray you out of purgatory, but they can’t do nothing with you if you go to hell. But Yahweh seems to be getting them out of hell! All right read on.

READER: And death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. . . DR. KINLEY: That’s right READER: and they were judged every man. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: according to their works

DR. KINLEY: “According to their works!” See, now if you worship the wrong thing and all lik’a that, and you don’t pay no attention to them that Yahweh has sent to preach to you or teach you, by the Holy Spirit in them, then you are judged according to your own works. That’s the reason why the angel flew through the midst of heaven saying “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, come out of her My people.” Well, what’s that for? “That you be not partaker of her sins and receive of her plagues.” You see what I’m talking about? In other words, Babylon is confusion! Here you got all this Orthodox Judaism, and you got Roman Catholicism, you’ve got Protestantism, you got Buddhism, and you got isms and ologies. And you trying to preach and teach somebody something that’s out of harmony with the Purpose of Yahweh. And they got you following along with that, and it don’t make no kind of sense. Well, all right, “The books were opened.”

READER: and death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. . .

DR. KINLEY: “And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire.” Now look, Now I wanna, I wanna tell you what we’re after down here so you’ll know it when you come to it. Do you remember reading over there that Yahweh told Moses that whosoever sinned against Him, He would, He would blot ’em out of The Book! You remember that? Now if you, if you’ve forgotten, we’ll go back and read it. All right read.

READER: Last verse. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and whosoever that was not found written in the Book of Life. . . DR. KINLEY: Now you see, whosoever that was not found written on the register of some church. AUDIENCE: No.

DR. KINLEY: Or that hadn’t been excommunicated, or that had been excommunicated, see. “And whosoever was not found written in the Book…” And the reason why he’s not found written in the Book, is cause Yahweh done blotted him out! It’s not the Pope excommunicating you; it’s not the Pastor put you out, cause you see the Pastor didn’t build no church to put you in in the first place. Yahshua the Messiah said “Upon THIS ROCK” (not upon that rock or on Peter) “but upon THIS ROCK I’ll build my church, and the very gates of hell (which you see it right there) shall not prevail against it.” And He had the power to bring ’em up out of the graves, translated hell. And whosoever Yahweh done blotted out of that Book, then what about it?

READER: And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire. . .

DR. KINLEY: “Was cast into the Lake of Fire.” Now you see what happens? Now go back to Romans and read about the intercessor and mediator. Now do you all understand now, that this playing church business that the Devil’s got you doing, and your name on the official register, and your exalted position in the church, and everybody reading you, and you getting up here talking like a fool, they’re reading you. They don’t know nothing about what’s in the Bible, they don’t understand a thing about it. Do you all, y’all following what I’m talking about?

Now this is the Gospel of Kingdom that has to be preached in all the world to all nations. See, we had to tell on them Devils incarnated in the physical bodies, playing church — and matriculating or enrolling you in the church and making you something, promoting you from one thing to the other. Now look, I didn’t write that down there! Of course if I wanted to speak in The Name, I’d tell you I wrote it. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) All right go back and read.

READER: but if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. . . DR. KINLEY: Now, we’re talking about this intercessor, and you see what’s going on now. READER: likewise, the spirit also helpeth our infirmity. . . DR. KINLEY: It helpeth our infirmities. READER: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought. . .

DR. KINLEY: You see, if you don’t have the intercessor in you, or you don’t have the Holy Spirit to pray for you… Now look now! Now look up here! Look up here folks! If you could stop arguing about the traditions and all in your church, water baptism, Passover supper, foot washing and all that foolishness that you carry on down to your church, it’s not according to the Purpose. Yahweh gave it to Israel back here. Now I said, Dr. Gross I said Israel, I didn’t say a thing about the Gentile! See we can’t, we can’t hear good, see and we just follow any Devil off.

Revern Ike, he’s got now, “If you want to eat your pie in the sky, you come to the man.” He wants some dollars and cents. And so many thousands of dollars or hundreds of dollars they give him each week to buy him suits, and to buy him cars, so he can ride around. Mama and the baby at home they half naked, and you’re a big enough fool out there giving somebody your money. See, paying somebody to rob you of your soul and your money too. Don’t know straight up, talking about “Positive Thinking.” (Laughs) Now wouldn’t that buckle you over, that ought’a knock you for a loop, positive thinking. What do you mean positive thinking? It ought’a be selfish Thinking, getting something for yourself!… milking the people out of something. Now that’s what you call positive thinking. You can’t think positive when you’re negative. [Student body laughs, miss couple of words through laughter] . . . and you ain’t got nothing up in there to think positive with. That’s stupid! Ain’t that right? They come up with all these modern phrases and they deceive the hearts of the simple, just parasites sucking your blood. All right, read on Doc.

READER: but the spirit itself maketh the intercession for us. . .

DR. KINLEY: But the spirit itself makes the prayer or the intercession. Now wait a minute Doc. See then that’s in the spirit, not the Pope! Not your Pastor! I want that understood, see. Not your Preacher! Not your Rabbi! And then them prayers ain’t for sale either, that’s your carnal mind. All right read on.

READER: but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) Read on. READER: and He that searcheth the hearts. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: knoweth what is the mind of the spirit. . .

DR. KINLEY: “Knoweth what..” Now He that.., He that searcheth the hearts.., does your Pastor search your heart? “And He that searches the heart knows what is the mind of the spirit.” Is that right? Read on.

READER: because He maketh intercession . . .

DR. KINLEY: Because… Now listen! Now here’s the reason He knows it, “Because He maketh intercession,” listen at this next one now.

READER: for the sons DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: according to the will of Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: “According to the will of Yahweh!” You see that now? You know, that’s that’s gone have to make me digress again Dr. Harris. It won’t be a digression but it’ll just be a positive thinking if you wanna call it that. Now, said He’d make it according to the Will or the Purpose of God. Is that almost right? Now let’s find out what that is! 10th chapter of Hebrews. I want you to see that we do know what we’re talking about David! “Now He makes intercession for us according to the Will or Purpose of Yahweh.” All right read.

READER: Hebrews 10:5. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Wherefore when He cometh into the world. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: He saith, sacrifices and burnt offering. . .

DR. KINLEY: “He said sacrifices..,” listen folks pay ‘tention now cause we’re after something! We’re after wanting to find out what the Will of Yahweh is! That’s what we’re after now. “Wherefore He says when He comes into the world…” When Yahshua presses the loins of the virgin and comes into the world. “Wherefore He said when He comes into the world, sacrifices and burnt offerings”. . .

READER: Thou wouldest not. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: but a body. . . DR. KINLEY: BUT A BODY!! READER: has Thou. . .

DR. KINLEY: Hold it! Hold it right there. Now that body was Yahshua the Messiah! That is a prepared body! Prepared for what?…for Yahweh to manifest Himself in the world in! That’s what it was prepared for, and not only that, it was prepared for a sacrificial body to take the place of all them animals and everything that was offered under the Law. Read on.

READER: In burnt offering and sacrifices. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for sin DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Thou hast had no pleasure. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see, when they were doing that, Yahweh didn’t have no pleasure in it! Hold it! Why not? Because He was as a Lamb prepared before the foundation of the world and He didn’t have no pleasure in this! It’s nothing else but a type and a shadow. It’s nothing else but a type and shadow. All right, read on.

READER: then said I.. . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: lo I come . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute there you take your time! You watch your step! “Then said I…” Get this one straight, see we tell you, to the Law and to the Testimony. “Then said I,” what?

READER: lo I come. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: in the volume of the book. . .

DR. KINLEY: I’m coming just like the book said! See what I mean? Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is a autobiography of Him in the days of His flesh, coming just like Moses and the Prophets said that He would come! Had to be born where they said He would. Had to be conceived where they said He was gonna be conceived! Oh, I tell you, see down here we check ’em on out sho-nuf don’t we Freddie?

FREDDIE: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Yes indeed. Yes we check ’em out. This is the Gospel of the Kingdom. “And lo I come in the volume of the book as it’s gonna be written of me. . .”

STUDENTS: No, it’s already written. DR. KINLEY: Now it’s already written. READER: as it is written of me. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: to do Thy will. . .

DR. KINLEY: “To do Thy..,” whupp! I told you that is what we were after was the will of Yahweh! “To do Thy will O Yahweh.” Now if anybody ask you what Yahshua the Messiah come in the world for, tell ’em He came in to do the will of Yahweh!…explain that to ’em. Then what happened?

READER: He taketh away the first. . . DR. KINLEY: He’s not instituting! STUDENTS: No! DR. KINLEY: Christian water baptism, see. See, what you just said? READER: 9th verse. He taketh away the first. . .

DR. KINLEY: “He take…” Now wait just a minute Doc, you evidently must not be reading right. You want my glasses? “He taketh away the first…” Taken the first what?… the old first covenant with Israel. “Sacrifices and burnt offerings Thou wouldest not.” He takes away offering up paschal lambs! He takes away water baptism! He takes away foot washing! Listen folks, that’s the will of Yahweh that He’s doing it, taking it away! Taking it away for what? Read!

READER: that He may establish the second. . .

DR. KINLEY: That He may establish the New Covenant, see pouring out and putting the Holy Spirit in you. So your cracker and grapejuice dranking… And if you’re gonna do that, if you wanna drink some crackers and grapejuice, you ought’a be offering up some sacrifices. Cause if you gone keep part of ’em and don’t keep all of ’em, why then you’re messed up. Now how ’bout that? Now He maketh intercession for us according to the will. Now we got the will, and we found out what that was. “He takes away the first that He might establish the second.” Is that right? Now that’s what He come in the world to do! Was to fulfill the thing and then take it away! You heard me Luther you’re not blind! And I am getting it out of the Book, and I know what, I know what the purpose is, and I know what the will is. And then some ignoramus talking about God sent him, talking about water baptism washing away sin. If that was the case that man died in vain out there on the cross! You see that? Somebody had the nerve and, said “I’m a Baptist bred, and I’m a Baptist born and when I die I’ll be a Baptist gone.” Yes, but where? Said, “I been in this church too long now to come out of it. All my folks died and went to heaven out of it.” Hobbs where did you carry all them folks to that you embalmed?

HOBBS: Paradise cemetery.

DR. KINLEY: You real sure you didn’t carry ’em to purgatory? Do you see now it’s just as stupid as it can be. Everything you thought is just wrong. Somebody say, “What’s he talking about?” I said everything you thought was wrong! “You say that what you mean?” No, Yahweh said that. He said, “Your thoughts are not my thoughts and neither is your way my way.” Somebody say, “Well you go on your way and I’ll go mine, we’ll all meet up yonder.” No, you won’t meet up yonder, it’s down yonder. “Down yonder where?” The Lake! You see, it, it’s bad to say that. Now look folks, now the Devil don’t care what’s in the Bible, he ain’t interested in that. Everything that Yahweh say, the Devil say I’m going to go Him one better. Yahshua the Messiah said “I’m the way the truth and the life,” and the Devil say “Me too. Said, “I believe I’ll go up, ascend on up above the cloud” Now Yahshua, Yahweh said “He’s gone dwell in the cloud.” The Devil said “I’m going on up above that.” If you don’t think that’s in the Book hold up your hand and I’ll read it to you! I tell you it’s terrible, it’s bad.

Now you got who he gave the testament to, and you got what it testified and pointed to there. And now you got the Purpose of Yahweh, and you found out what that was, or the Will. And we found out that Yahshua the Messiah come into the world to do the will of Yahweh and —– —- —– and the old covenant and that New one might come of effect. Is that almost right? Read on Dr. Harris.

READER: and we know that all things works together for good to them that love Yahweh. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: to them who called according to His purpose. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that now? “To them that are called according to His Purpose.” Now Yahweh’s Purpose embraces two factions — one of ’em is the right way, the other is the wrong way.

DR. WILLIAMS: All right Doc, thank you.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right, it embraces the negative and the positive. And He got a place prepared… that don’t mean He’s gonna fix it up after awhile, see or go on off somewhere and fix it, it was fixed before He came into the world. Now somebody wouldn’t wanna believe that. “Didn’t Jesus say, I’m going to prepare a place for you, and if I go I’ll come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there will you be also — in heaven?” Then you turn right over there in Matthew, Matthew 25:35 I believe it is.

READER: 25:34 DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) Read. READER: Then shall the King say to them on His right hand. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now it said, he said He’s sattin’ upon the throne where you read over there in Revelations, the King sattin’ upon the throne, see. He’s saying to them on the right hand and on the left… Read.

READER: come ye blessed of My Father. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: inherit the Kingdom. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: prepared for you from the foundation of the world. . .

DR. KINLEY: Oh no! Doc, you can’t read or something? He’s going off to prepare the place for you, see and He ain’t got back yet either to come and escourt us to our own apartments. See, a carnal mind is a dangerous thing. (Laughs) See, now Yahweh prepared… Say listen here, where do you think them angels were in? That was the Kingdom fellow! That was prepared before the foundation of the world, before ever anything ever is created in this world. Now here you got Him walking around down here telling you about He’s going off to prepare something, fix up something, and then He’s gone come back and take you and escourt you to heaven to the place that He’s prepared for you. No, here’s the place he prepared for you, where He was when He said that. Well, where was He when He said it? He was a Son of Yahweh, manifesting Yahweh in the flesh. Now, listen at what I’m saying to you, see. In other words He was the Holy Spirit incarnated in a physical body, back under the dispensation of the Law, walking around on the face of the earth. Now when He died, went to the grave, resurrected from the grave, ascended into heaven, poured out the Holy Spirit on you, then you are in the place where He was when He was walking around in the flesh. Now that’s the place He prepared for you. Now do you understand what it is I’m talking about? He was the Son of Yahweh and His Father was in Him, and when He left out of that flesh then that was the place that was already prepared for you. He said “That where I am there will you be also.” Do you see that now? But the Devil ain’t got there, he said “He’s gone on off yonder above the sun, moon, and stars to prepare a place for us, and if He goes He’s gonna come again and escourt us to that place out there on above the sun, moon and stars.” Then you turn around and look in your Bible.., ——-, we’re going to the Father here, see. We’re the offspring, we come out from the Father, we’re going back to Him. See now, He’s gonna carry to a place up above the sun, moon, and stars that He prepared for you. Now you listening Roger? You real sure? Then if that be the case then, He gone carry you all up above the sun, moon and stars to a place that He’s fixed up there for you, the Book read that Yahweh is everywhere. And David said, “If I took the wings of the morning and fly to the utmost parts of the heavens, He’s there. If I make my bed in hell, He’s there — whither shall I go from the presence of Yahweh?” Now here you’re talking about going up there where His Father is and He’s everywhere. He’s in the Lake and the Lake’s in Him. Now where is this place you going to? Hell is in Him and Heaven too, now where’re you going? I’m just giving it to you straight! Then you talking about… A carnal mind is a dangerous thing. There isn’t anywhere where Yahweh isn’t, and you can have the Holy Spirit right now. Yes indeed. Read on Dr. Harris.

READER: and he, uh… DR. KINLEY: The 8th chapter of Romans READER: for whom He did foreknow. . .

DR. KINLEY: “For whom He did foreknow…” Now you see, I told you about that foreknow, see He knew everybody that He’s gonna ever bring into the world, see He did predestinate. Is that right?

READER: He also did predestinate. . . DR. KINLEY: That’s, that’s right. READER: to be conformed to the image of His Son. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that now? “For whom He foreknew…” Looketh now! He did foreordain or predestinated to be the image of His Son. Now His Son was made up like as man is, like I am. I am a Son of Yahweh, (not a Christian, not a Saint). I am a son of Yahweh just like He was, do you understand, and I hope you all are too. “Whom He foreknew He also predestinated…” Now look, Yahweh foreknew in Eternity.., that’s getting back in the Book now. See, He also predestinated that everything come out by His Son, (incorporealization), come on out by His Son and come on down in the flesh. Now you pay ‘tention to me! Cause He foreknew and predestinated you to conform to the image of His Son. Now a body is in an image! That fan there is an image. A image means something that’s erected or constructed or built up or made. All right read on.

READER: for whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate. . . DR. KINLEY: That’s right READER: to be conformed to the image of His Son. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see what He did? He foreordained you to be, and predestined you to become conformed to the image of His Son. Now listen, there’s another son in business too, the son of perdition. He’s in business, uh, that son of perdition, but anyway I ain’t got time to fool with him. See, if we can get this straight then we already know what the other one is. All right read on Dr. Harris.

READER: that He might be the first born among many brethren. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats). Read on. READER: moreover. . . DR. KINLEY: Now on top of all of that READER: whom He did predestinate. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: them He also called. . .

DR. KINLEY: “Them He also called…” Just a minute there, (I’ll tell you about that), just a minute. You know how come you’re down here at this class, see. You know how you’re.., well somebody say “Well I just made up my mind I just wanna come tonight.” Naw, naw, fellow it ain’t like that. Somebody say, “Well I just love them folks!” And then somebody say, “Well I just stumbled in to it.” No, that’s not the way it is. “No man goeth to the Father except He draw him.” And you can go to many another place and do many other things, but you don’t go to the Father except you be drawn. And Yahshua the Messiah said, “No man goeth to the Father but by Me.” Now you following me? All right read on.

READER: Moreover, whom He did predestinate, them He also called… DR. KINLEY: “Them He also called” READER: and whom He called. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: them He also justified. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and whom He justified, them He also glorified…

DR. KINLEY: “Them He also glorified.” Now how ’bout that? Now look folks and all up here on this chart, here’s the vail. I wanna tell you, and you listen at what I tell you. See, now here’s where you are and now we’re trying to get over here in immortal glorification, immortality, inherit Eternal Life, see. Now that’s what the Apostle is talking about, is you getting over here. [Pointing to Ages & Dispensations chart ] This is immortality, this line here; this is in the Age to Come, see. Now, over in this one here, you got the Holy Spirit in a physical body. Now then, this Holy Spirit in this physical body, then that is what causes you to be immortal over here on the other side, or in the next age yet to come.

Now, we wrestle hard, we struggle hard to get you to see what Yahweh’s purpose and plan is, and to keep you from being deceived by the Devil. We, we wrestle hard to do that!

Now look! I don’t have to ask nobody about this, I do not have to ask. Yahweh revealed His purpose and Plan to me, I don’t have a thing to do no boasting and blowing and bragging about, not a thing. I would have been just like any other man if Yahweh had not showed me, I wouldn’t have known any better at all. Well now since Yahweh showed me, what I’m trying to do is show you and tell you.

Now, the thing that you would do or think that is right, is just as wrong as it could be. Now let me show you what I’m talking about. Now you see ’em come back here to foot washings and water baptisms and the natural things, Lord suppers and things. And you see ’em come back over in it.., go clear on pass and go on back to these things and go on back into the old covenant which none of ’em kept. Now that’s what’s going on in Roman Catholicism, and also in Judaism, and also in Protestantism. When.., now listen carefully. When the Holy Spirit’s in you, (over here, see, this is the New Covenant), the Holy Spirit’s in you, see and then that carries you on into the age to come that I just told you about. Then Paul says in the 15th Chapter of First Corinthians (pay attention now) “Behold I show you a mystery, we shall not all sleep,” (see, there will be people walking here on the face of the earth). “We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed.” And then when you go right down to the day and the hour, everybody has to be changed! This mortal has to put on immortality! This natural body is got to become a spiritual embodiment. Now that what’s we’re striving for! And we’re trying our best to help you save your soul!… and show you how it is according to the Purpose of Yahweh that He’s working out through the dispensation and ages. Do you understand what I’m talking about? Now the Devil got you out there trying to do the things that’s back here which is been removed according to the Will and Purpose of Yahweh. See, and that’s what they’re doing in these churches. See, you follow? What time is it?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Thirteen minutes till nine. DR. KINLEY: Thirteen minutes till nine. I gonna see if I can’t give Dr. Harris a minute. AUDIENCE: (Applause)

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