One Spirit in a Body

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley on October 6, 1974 in Los Angeles, California.






DR. KINLEY: Thank you ever so much. I am sure all of you were benefitted this morning by Dr. Harris when he went into the persecution that Paul and all of them suffered and what they are doing out there in Christendoom. Now he took it down polytechnically. There is no excuse for nobody’s ignorance the way he brought that down this morning. So after I got home there was this person that

DR. KINLEY: brought the person, they told me that the person that they brought didn’t understand what they were talking about. And they said that they had to go to their church tonight because they had to.., they were going there to take communion. Is that right, person? (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now when he told me about that this morning I just reached over and tapped Dr. Harris on the shoulder, and told him to tell Dr. Harris about it. That’s the reason why Dr. Harris preached as he did. Now what we try to do in this class to, to help people; help save their souls. Definitely they have been deceived. And they really don’t know and understand what the Purpose of Yahweh is; and it is incumbent upon us that do know, to get up here and tell you the truth just like it is. It’s tough. It’s hard.

Now I wouldn’t have gotten up here this morning had it not been for that. And before I got out of bed this morning I got a call from New York: Dr. Sandra Giragosian, and she was telling me about some tapes that were made and we try to keep those tapes away from the general public, but Billy Carroll got a hold of ’em in New York. They were sent there, I think she said, she said that my daughter sent them there, Lena. And they made some electrical transcriptions of ’em, and they were played around different places. And so she was very much concerned and worked up about it. And I just told her there hasn’t never been nothing taught in this school that’s so secretive that we had to keep it away from the general public.

But there are many things that are taught in this school that people just pass by as they did this morning. And then they run on out there and get the wrong understanding of it, and go ahead on. And what we intend to do, we speak the wisdom of Yahweh, as you just read in the lesson there: the wisdom of Yahweh in a mystery. And you just don’t come with a carnal mind and just pick it up over night and then run on out the door and never come back no more to study nothing about it.

And when I got through with her call, I hadn’t got out of bed yet, then I got another call and.., from Canada. One of Dr. Channer’s students was talking with me about the subject that I wanna speak on tonight. I wanna talk something about it. I wanna have something to say about it. Then when I get to Sunday School, on the tail end of it, then here’s the same thing was up again, it was talked about in Sunday School. And some time ago, Dr. Burbank Mitchell talked to me about it and asked me about it. And I told him, ‘No, it was not like many people had said it was.’

Now I’m gonna try my best to make this plain. And that is that there is two spirits in a person, the devil or a demoniac spirit and the Spirit of Yahweh. Now that’s not so. Now Yahshua the Messiah when He took His disciples out before He died, He sent ’em out to cast out devils or demons. Is that almost right?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: And when they cast ’em out they walked through dry places seeking rest and finding none. And they went back to the house from whence they were cast out of or the person in whom they were cast out of, and they found the house swept and garnished, but not occupied. And they couldn’t break in. So what they did, was went and got some legions, some more, in order to break in. And then the last state of that person was worse than the first. Now don’t, don’t, don’t misunderstand now, I said that was before He died. Now since that be the case, they cast those devils out, now, those demons out.

And often times they’re called, just called devils but there ain’t but one devil. It’s those demoniac spirits that were cast out of heaven. And let me make this real plain because it’s definitely involved in what we’re talking about. And those demoniac spirits, they were cast out of heaven, and being incarnated in men posing as ministers of righteousness. Now those are the ones that they went to, to get some help to try and break in. Do you understand what I mean by that? Now if you don’t understand, I’m up here to make you understand what I’m talking about. That night the Sanhedrin Council, when the devil was cast out of them, the people, they walked through dry places seeking rest and findeth none, finding none. Then they went back to the house where they were cast out and they couldn’t break in, because they found the house swept and garnished but it wasn’t occupied, but they couldn’t break in then. So then they went to the Pharisees and the Scribes that had them other demoniac spirits in ’em to try to gainsay. I thought I’d tell you who them other de.., that legion was. I thought that would be nice for you, if you knew that. That’s that legion. And the, their, the, the latter state was worse than the first.

Now that was under the Dispensation of the Law and was before Yahshua the Messiah died. Now after He died, on the cross, He died.., now I want you to pay attention to what I’m saying, because we don’t wanna make a failure out of His ministry. We don’t want you to misunderstand. We don’t want you to misconstrue. He died to put an end to sin, and there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin. Read John, ‘Whosoever is born of Yahweh doth not commit sin.’ Now we want that understood. I think it’s the first epistle I’m sure and it’s the second or third chapter, I’m not just sure which it is. I just didn’t take time to look these things up and I ain’t making no notes. If you notice, I.., very seldom do you ever see me with a Bible in my hand. Read it.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Whosoever is born of Yahweh doth not practice sin. Doth not sin. DR. KINLEY: Read it out of the King James version. DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for His sin, for His seed remaineth in him. DR. KINLEY: For his seed remaineth in him DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. And he cannot ____ sin DR. KINLEY: and he cannot sin DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. Because he is born of God.

DR. KINLEY: Because he is born of God. Now what is a sin in the first place? Lotta people don’t know what a sin is. They think chewing tobacco and smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey, say that’s what a sin is. Fred, see if you can’t find what a sin is; and I think you’ll find it’s a transgression of the law. Now I’m having you look these things up. But now what we’re really after is after Yahshua the Messiah is.., had died, wanna make it plain, resurrected from the dead, ascended into heaven, poured out the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, and from there on they were out of the sinning business. And we don’t want you to have the impression that you continue on in sin. That’s what we’re, that’s what we’re talking about. That is that one of these demoniac spirits is setting up in you and the Holy Spirit; there’s not room enough for both of ’em. If you notice on the Day of Pentecost they were filled with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Now if you had a glass and you filled it full of water you couldn’t get no more in it. Why? Because it’s filled. And when you are filled with the Holy Spirit it is that Holy Spirit that moves out, moves the satanic spirit out.

Now after He died and resurrected from the dead and sent them out… He sent them out the last time, told ’em to go back to Jerusalem and tarry there until they received power from on high and then ye shall be witnesses unto me in Judea, and Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth; in other words, ____ He sent ’em on out to cast out demoniac spirits. Now when this, now when the demoniac spirits was cast out of those men, by them having the Holy Spirit, then what happened? They were sealed with the Holy Spirit. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and they were sealed, and with the Promise. How long? Till the Day of Redemption.

Now John says this, and this is also in the Law, ‘There is a sin that is not unto death. I do not say that you should pray for it.’ Now that’s blaspheming. And now a person with the Holy Spirit in them, I want you to see and understand what I’m talking about, person with the Holy Spirit in them, just like Peter down at Cornelius’ house, and we’re taught that water baptism and carnal ordinances and all those things was passed away. Right?


DR. KINLEY: Peter commanded them to be baptized in water which was done under the Dispensation of the Law. That is John baptizing under the Dispensation of the Law. That was wrong. No water baptism in this Age. Carnal Ordinances all been fulfilled and moved out of the way. But now when the Holy Spirit is come He teaches, He teaches you all things. Now these people that have indulged and participated in that, they didn’t know no better. And you never will find out no better out there in the Roman Catholic Church and in the Protestant Churches. Just like it was a grievous, very grievous thing for that person to set here this morning after Dr. Harris had preached as hard as he had preached and then they turn around and say they had to go to their church tonight, the Baptist Church, to take communion. And even now the book says you can’t eat it. And Yahshua told them that was the Last Supper. Now these people just don’t understand things.

Now I wanna go in the seventh chapter of, of Romans, and show you that Paul was speaking to the people that knew the Law. Everybody didn’t know the law. That’s the reason why we refer you to go back to the Law. And at the time he’s saying what he is saying here in the seventh chapter of Romans, he’s trying to tell you that he then was talking to them under the Law and how he was when he was under the Law. Now how is it done after he’s received the Holy Spirit? That’s where you’re making your mistake. Read the last few verses of that there. Find the phrase there ‘I speak to them that know the Law.’

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: First verse. Know ye not brethren, For I speak to them that know the law

DR. KINLEY: Now don’t you see? If you didn’t go back there and look at the Law and if you don’t know nothing about it, then you don’t know what he’s talking about. ‘I speak..,’ well what about it? Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law) how that the law has dominion over a man as long as he liveth? For the woman which hath a husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But if the husband be dead DR. KINLEY: But if the husband be dead DR. ROBERT HARRIS: She is loosed from the law of her husband. DR. KINLEY: She is loosed from the law of her husband. Read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: So then DR. KINLEY: So then DR. ROBERT HARRIS: If while her husband liveth DR. KINLEY: So then, if while her husband liveth DR. ROBERT HARRIS: She be married to another man DR. KINLEY: She be married to another man DR. ROBERT HARRIS: She shall be called an adulteress

DR. KINLEY: Under the Dispensation of the Law. That’s what the Law said. Now you want some verification of that? Matthew. Don’t leave the place there, hold the book on it cause I got to come back there people. We, we want to get some understanding about the thing. Matthew 12:40. I wanna show you what the situation was when He was on the earth walking around. The problem was just about the same then as it is now, and I want you to realize that. Same thing, worse now. Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the fish’s belly DR. KINLEY: No, the verse or two above it, Dr. Harris. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees DR. KINLEY: Then certain of the scribes and Pharisees DR. ROBERT HARRIS: answered DR. KINLEY: answered DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Saying DR. KINLEY: Saying DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Rabbi DR. KINLEY: Rabbi DR. ROBERT HARRIS: We would see a sign from thee DR. KINLEY: Show us a sign. We’d see a sign from thee. Read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But he answered and said unto them DR. KINLEY: and he answered and said unto them DR. ROBERT HARRIS: an evil and adulterous nation

DR. KINLEY: Now I want you to get that thing straight. Now you get that thing straight and straight now, cause you got the same situation prevailing right now. Ye that are a wicked and an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign. Now the reason why I brought that up is on this account. Now there’s been some signs given this year back in Ohio and also down in Birmingham, Alabama, and around. There’s been some signs given. Then somebody comes along and says, ‘Look, if you had a vision, we wanna see a sign.’ Tell me to heal somebody, then go pick out somebody for me to heal. Show ’em a sign. Now them people are wicked.

They are adulterous. It’s always been people that have a condemned conscience. They want somebody to show ’em a sign and then when the sign is shown, they don’t see it.

Now for example, we told you that Tuesday just passed was the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles. And I told you there would always be a reflection of it. Now what was the reflection? I asked you then about, about the Day of Atonement. An earthquake. And I taught you, I tried my best to teach you those things so that you would be mindful of ’em, and watch right along with ____ ____ sign, and the situation and the condition now that’s prevailing, they are signs. Can’t you read the sign of near the end? Not the end of the age, cause that’s already done happened, but the probationary period. You’ve been fourteen years in that.

And I’ve tried even to go so far to tell you that the Roman Catholics, Jehovah’s Witness and the Church of God, and just multiplied millions of people upon the face of the earth, they think that 1975 will be the end or that Jesus is going to drop down through the sky in 1975. They think that. Now here’s some of the signs. Earthquakes in divers places. I told you, I stood in this pulpit and told you, they say that when earthquakes.., they have, the seismologists, they have a instrument setting up there in the mountain, and when the earth quakes or tremors, it registers on the Richter scale. And they say that they don’t know how to tell when one is gonna happen. But now I’ve stood here and told you when it’s gonna happen and the day and hour when it’s supposed to happen. I stood in this pulpit and told you that. And told you not to come back here no more if it didn’t happen like I said it. Am I lying?


DR. KINLEY: Yes. I told you about many things ____ down, right straight on down and tried to show you that what we teach down in this school is right. Then somebody goes with something, some junk that somebody else said, and come bringing it to me and show me where I was making a mistake. Everyone says I’m wrong. I mean the so-called Christian world out here. So ain’t no need in going seeking out something. Everybody says I’m wrong, Roman Catholics and Protestants and other religions, all of ’em say I’m wrong. There ain’t nothing new about that either; they said Yahshua the Messiah was wrong. Said He was possessed of a demoniac spirit or the devil. They said that. So what do you expect them to say of me? Woe unto the men whom the world speaks well of, for they sure haven’t spoken any too well of me. And on top of all that I’ve had my pants kicked. I been beat up. Very few people have been beat up for preaching the gospel.

A wicked and an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign. But there shall be no sign given except the sign which was given unto the Prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, even shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Now they didn’t, they didn’t understand that. Ambassador College will say up there, we have the book at home, they say that He was crucified on a Wednesday. Now what they’re doing, they’re trying to get three days and three nights in, as you know time to be or as you reckon time to be: three days and three nights. Now that’s not so and He wasn’t crucified on no Wednesday. But they had to do that in order to say; Wednesday’s one, Thursday’s two, Friday three. Saturday, which they say is the Sabbath, He rose from the dead, now listen, Sabbath afternoon. We got the book at home, don’t we Dr. Gross. They say He rose from the dead Sabbath afternoon; crucified on Wednesday. That’s wrong. Well what’s wrong with it? Talking about your sign now. Did you ever see ____? I want to know this; now this is what I wanna know cause it’s just like all the rest of them things.

Now take clear on back to Adam. He was driven out of the Garden. Now I want you to understand this, maybe you’d better get the third chapter of Luke, the last verse so that you can see that He’s a Son too. Now, now, now hurry up cause I don’t, I don’t, I don’t ____ ____.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Enoch DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Enoch DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Seth DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Seth DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Adam DR. KINLEY: which was the son of Adam DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which was the son of Elohim.

DR. KINLEY: Now do you understand that? Adam was a son of Elohim or a son of God. I’m trying to put it so that everybody can understand what I’m talking about. The book said so. And when he sinned, Yahweh waited till the cool of the day. Now here’s what I’m talking about, you take the ethereal sun in the ethereal heavens out there in respect to the universe. The sun as you know, the S U N out here and the S O N, Adam. Yahweh waited until the cool of the day to drive that man out; in other words, they were both coming down together. Adam is coming on down to death; in fact, he died right there in his conscience in.., right in the Garden, instantaneously, too, within a twinkling of an eye. No wonder Yahweh said in the 15th chapter of first Corinthians, ‘Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall all be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye,’ cause that’s what.., that’s how it happened, that’s how, that’s how quick he died that day. No sooner than he put his hand on the fruit there, right there is where he died at. Now look, they’re coming down together, them two sons. Yahweh fixed this thing up so you just don’t have no excuse. But the real facts in the case are these, your minister out there doesn’t understand it. And we tell you things down here that you never heard in your life. And listen you ain’t gonna just park here no second or so, and get up and walk out the door down there; and go get a drink of water or something and go out down stairs and smoke a cigarette or something or other and think you got it made. You can’t do, you can’t do that. You can set here and… Dr. Gross sat here for fifteen years and, this is the president I’m talking about, and misunderstood some things. Is that right, Doc? Yes. What you’re dealing with is a great big mystery. Now these two sons.., that’s why Yahweh waited until the cool of the day; in other words, the sun in the ethereal heaven is coming down and Adam is being driven out of the Garden in the cool of the day. Now look, when Yahshua the Messiah is crucified out here on the cross, the sun went on down at noonday; in other words, the blood was running out of His body when He was dying, and the sun it went and dropped on down at noonday. Now this day, listen now, this day was known only to Yahweh. Suppose you read that Dr. Harris. Suppose you read it there, Dr. Allen, that the sun did go down at noonday. I think you’ll find it in Malachi 4:2 or somewhere.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And it shall come to pass DR. KINLEY: Now here’s Zechariah. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Zechariah 14:6, DR. KINLEY: Now here’s Zechariah 14:6 DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and it shall come to pass in that day DR. KINLEY: in that day DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that the light shall not be clear in some places

DR. KINLEY: that the light shall… That’s the reason why we put this up here on top of this chart, right there. It shall come to pass that the light shall not be clear. Now if you notice up here at the top, you can’t see it too well here, it’s light. This was the day coming in. And at 12 noon it turned black dark till three o’clock in the afternoon. Then it was light again. Then it went on back into darkness again, and around to the next morning. Now that day was known only to Yahweh. That’s the reason why I tell you, don’t anybody know nothing about the purpose of Yahweh but Yahweh Himself. Please get that straight. That day was known only to Him.

Now look what you got here. You got in the first chapter of Genesis, you got Moses’ vision, where Yahweh said that the face of the earth, that the darkness was upon the face of the deep. And Yahweh said, ‘Let there be light.’ That’s cosmic light. Don’t have no sun till the fourth day. Yahshua the Messiah was born in the 4000th year or on the fourth day. One day with Yahweh is a thousand years and a thousand years is one day. And that’s the day. That’s the time that’s confused the man. Adam lived 930 years and died 70 years short of one day with Yahweh.

Now look folks, people have, men have went in this Bible and tried to figure it all out. And went around and pose as preachers and robbed people for years of their money and of their souls. And I’m talking about Roman Catholics and Protestants, and the Buddhist and what not, demons.

Get it straight, again, I’ll repeat: don’t nobody know nothing about Yahweh, the purpose of Yahweh Himself. Now look, whoever is in this building that ever seen the sun rise, I mean the sun in the sky, whoever seen it rise in the afternoon of any day, please stand up. You see that now?

Now Ambassador College say that Yahshua the Messiah rose from the dead in a Sabbath afternoon. Now if that was true and the Sabbath means rest, He broke the rest. I haven’t forgot the subject, I’m going back. Yes, sir, I’m going back to them that know the law and prophets, and that’s what Paul is talking about. And how these demoniac spirits incarnated in physical bodies has run all around here and lied to you and told you every kinda tale. There is hardly any kind of a tale that you can think of that they haven’t lied to you about. Done lied to you about water baptism, lied to you about Lord’s Suppers and lied to you about circumcision. ‘What?’ Just lied and lied and lied ____. That’s all they been doing, ain’t telling nothing but lies. Them are demoniac spirits incarnated in physical bodies. Is that clear to you, Roger Jackson? They don’t know nothing about what it’s all about. Now that day was known only to Yahweh, then wouldn’t it take Yahweh to explain it. Is that what the Book says?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But it shall be one day which shall be known to Yahweh.

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s right. It shall be one day known only to Yahweh. And Ambassador College and none of the rest of ’em can’t figure it out. You’ve scored some this afternoon, folks. There’ll be one day that’s known to Yahweh only. That’s the reason why I plead with you people, and I beg you. Now it, there just ain’t no need to end, ‘Well I’m going down there this morning and see what they got to say and then I’m going over to my church tonight.’ You don’t have no church. If I understood Yahshua the Messiah right, He said, ‘Upon this Rock’, meaning Himself, ‘I will build My church,’ not yours. Now who ever heard tell of Yahshua the Messiah leaving heaven to come down and to build a Roman Catholic Church or a Baptist Church or a Methodist church? That, that, that really don’t make sense. Alright, read, Freddy.

FRED ALLEN JR.: Amos 8:9 DR. KINLEY: Amos 8:9

FRED ALLEN JR.: And it shall come to pass in that day, saith Yahweh, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day.

DR. KINLEY: Now Ambassador College, they don’t know nothing about that. Don’t know a thing the first about it. When He was hanging out there on the cross and that… Read Matthew there and see if it didn’t turn dark over the face of the earth from the sixth to the ninth hour.

DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. Matthew 27: DR. KINLEY: Matthew 27: DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. 55 DR. KINLEY: 55 DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the earth, land, unto the ninth hour. DR. KINLEY: Now what is the sixth hour? DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. Sixth hour is 12 o’clock. DR. KINLEY: Well, what’s the ninth hour? Fred Allen, Jr: Three o’clock P.M. DR. KINLEY: 3:00 P.M. Then what?

DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. And about the ninth hour Yahshua cried with a loud voice saying, ‘Eli, Eli lama sabachthani?’ That is to say my El, my El, why hast Thou forsaken me?

DR. KINLEY: Un huh. That’s alright. That’s enough. That’s enough. He bowed His head in the locks of His shoulders and gave up the ghost and then He died. Now you see that son went on down at noon day.

Now here’s what I’m trying to tell you, Dr. Gross. This is a sign. Now you see how well they understood that. Now here comes a wicked and adulterous generation seeking after a sign. They wanna see you perform some kind of a miracle. ‘If you folks down there at that Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research were right, let me see you heal somebody.’ I ain’t never healed nobody in my life and neither has nobody else. Yahshua the Messiah said He hadn’t. That’s what He said. He said, ‘I can of mine own self do nothing, but My Father in Me, He doeth the works.’ Now the reason why I brought that up, Freddy, is that these devils incarnated in these physical bodies have told you all kind of lies about everything. There isn’t a thing that they haven’t told you a lie about. They’re wicked and they’re adulterous, and they are those satanic spirits that were cast out of heaven and incarnated in physical bodies. Second Corinthians 11:14.

LUTHER DANIELS: And no marvel DR. KINLEY: and no marvel LUTHER DANIELS: For Satan transformed himself into an angel of light.

DR. KINLEY: And no marvel; for Satan himself, listen now, he transformed into an angel of light. Now listen, this is the devil, I didn’t say the demon. I said Satan himself is transformed or is changed into an angel of light. Now don’t marvel at this. Now, now don’t marvel. And he’s setting over there in the Vatican and up in man’s conscience, in the body and in Saint Peter’s.

Now Yahshua the Messiah said, ‘Upon,’ that’s Matthew 16:18, ‘upon this Rock,’ meaning Himself, Yahshua said, ‘I will build My church and the very gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ That’s what He said, He said, ‘Upon this rock;’ not upon that rock, which He was talking about Peter. Now listen. Upon that rock, that’s Peter. Upon this Rock, that’s Me. Just like Dr. Harris said this morning and said He took the bread and He broke it. He said, ‘This is My body’, not ‘That is My body’. ‘This is my body.’ He also took the chalice or the cup, and He said ‘This cup is my… This is my blood of… This, this is my blood of,’ not ‘That is my blood’, but ‘This is My blood of the New Covenant.’ You don’t pay no attention to what, what you’re reading.

And then they went on so far as to say that Jesus said, ‘Take eat, this is My body,’ and saying that He said for us to do it. Now that is not in the Bible. He never said for us to do that. That was under the Dispensation of the Law, weren’t nobody there but Jews. Now Dr. Harris made that as plain and clear this morning as it can be. And look folks, it never was ate in the congregation of the assembly. They ate that in their own houses. And this is the original Passover down in Egypt. And And Yahshua the Messiah is our Passover.

Now let’s got back on the line. Now where all of these things come from, they say that the Protestant Churches come out of the Roman Catholic Church. Well, in the Roman Catholic church where did it come from? They say that that’s the Church that Christ built. And He didn’t know no better, had no better sense than to build it on Peter, and said he was a sinner. I mean confessed that. And Yahshua said to him after His resurrected from the dead, ‘Depart from me, O Yahweh, O Elohim for I am a man full of sin,’ or a sinful man. Is that, is that.., if you don’t think that’s in the Book, I’ll read it to you.

[SIDE 2]

Anything I say, I’ll read. And I want you folks to know that I do know what I’m talking about and I don’t have to go around asking nobody no information about nothing. No, sir. When you get it from me, that’s it. That’s right. I saw the vision. Yes indeed, just like Moses and John and the rest of the prophets, I saw, and you can’t do nothing with it. Now all of these errors and these mistakes that are made by people, they don’t understand. You’re dealing with a great mystery. And they want you to tell it to ’em, said, ‘Just tell me all about it, I’m in a hurry. I got to go to the grocer. I got to go and meet my husband.’ They want you to tell ’em all about Yahweh or the birth of Christ and the death of the devil in.., right, right now, ‘Cause I got to go.’ It’s a.., ‘is he or is he ain’t, right now.’ And they want you to answer their question. They have, they even have some concept in their mind, ‘is that right or is that wrong?’ You can’t answer them like that, because you’re dealing with a great big mystery, that’s through the Ages and Dispensation of time. There is two mysteries, folks. One’s the Mystery of Iniquity and the other one’s the Mystery of Yahweh. They’re great mysteries, too. There are other mysteries.

But now look, let’s get back to where we were. Now if you see the sign that was given, you see how they misunderstood the sign. He said there wasn’t gonna be no sign given,


from the bow of that boat or from the side of that boat. Yahweh has prepared that big fish and just all just as quick as you could stop ’em now, it’s turning into darkness, right then. Just that quick. That is to say that the fish swallowed him up instantaneously. ‘Well what’, said, ‘Well what about that?’ Well, this is what about it. If that high priest went into the sanctuary, the Most Holy Place here, just as he was passing through that vail, just that quick, instantaneously, just like Adam was receiving out there, instantaneously. No fooling around about. Now they don’t understand something like that at Ambassador College and around in the world. That man was engulfed in the belly of that fish. It was dark in there; in other words, he was in the grave. You understand what I’m talking about. Anybody don’t understand it raise your hand. Yes, there’s a hand back there. Please stand up. Stand up. I said that Jonah, when he was cast over board, Yahweh had a big fish prepared there, so says the scriptures, not me. And when Simon leaned over the top of that boat that fish had swallowed him up. That means that it was instantaneous that the fish swallowed him up hardly before he could get in the water. Well, that’s what I was talking about.

Now then, somebody else had their hands up. Don’t be ashamed. Hold your hand up. Alright.


DR. KINLEY: Yes, but I ain’t got to that, we’re talking about the man, the fish, being swallowed up. I haven’t got to what you’re talking about yet. I haven’t, I haven’t got, I haven’t, I haven’t finished on that, but I.., what I was trying to show you was this: that a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And they won’t understand the sign, they’re looking right straight at it.

And Yahshua the Messiah went out there healing everybody and then they got nerve enough to walk up to Him and say, ‘Show us a sign.’ Where have they been? Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Seventh chapter of Romans?

DR. KINLEY: Yes, seventh chapter of Romans. No, that was in Matthew that you just read there. A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign. Now that tells me. Don’t ____ just one folk, one person, or a couple of folks. Don’t do that. That whole generation was adulterous. That, that’s what He said, ‘A wicked and an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.’

What? Look, folks, that’s of now that we insist on keeping the Law, Paul says, ‘I speak to them that know the Law, how that man is joined, a woman is joined to her husband as long as he shall live. What if he be dead? Then’s she free?’ Now that’s under the Law. He’s talking to them that know the law. Then she’s free then goes to marry somebody else.

Now there’s another secret, that’ll free you. And I wanna get to that one, too. Paul said this. Matthew 19, and then we’ll come back to Romans. Matthew 19. Go ahead, start at the first verse.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And it came to pass DR. KINLEY: And it came to pass DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That when Yahshua had finished these sayings DR. KINLEY: When he had finished them sayings, or talking to those people DR. ROBERT HARRIS: He departed from Galilee DR. KINLEY: He departed from Galilee DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And came into the coasts of Judea beyond Jordan

DR. KINLEY: And came into the coasts of Judea beyond Jordan. Now look folks, now just to read that you wouldn’t hardly be aware of what’s going on. This is what’s happening there. When He came into the coasts of Judea… Now the tribe of Judah was, they were around the Messiah and the tribe of Levi. That was the tribe of Judah that was around.., that is the kingship tribe. And that’s where the Pharisees and the Scribes were. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And great multitudes followed him

DR. KINLEY: And great multitudes followed him. And you know that just burned ’em up. They just burned up with envy seeing great multitudes following Him. People come down here and they look around over this thing, and then they say, ‘This is a good sized Church. Now if I get in there and preach, I oughta get out of them services about so much and so much, and all I have to do is tell ’em Paul said, and Peter said, and then they shell out and give me a big donation.’ We don’t do that here. So they quit coming. We ain’t bothering with it, we used to be bothered it. Bothered with it bad. And then we put ’em up here to preach. Now look Buster, you have, you’re gonna have to stay till the meeting’s over. And they thought, ‘well I got charge of the service and I’ll just go all the way through. And that’s all my folks is gonna hear.’ Um, um, we gonna get up and grab him right back of the neck and shake his brains out. He ain’t getting away with nothing. He don’t know what.., when he reads the Bible he don’t know what he’s reading about. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And great multitudes followed him DR. KINLEY: Now great.., there some of them multitudes followed Him. Alright. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And He healed them there

DR. KINLEY: Now then, He healed them. Then they got nerve enough to ask Him to show ’em a sign. Go on Dr. Harris and read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The Pharisees also came unto Him DR. KINLEY: Now you see that, I told you.., didn’t I tell you before he got to it? Alright, then the Pharisees they came unto Him DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Tempting Him DR. KINLEY: Tempting Him, tempting Him. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and saying

DR. KINLEY: Now wait now. Now, don’t want you to miss that one. Don’t want you to miss that one. That’s what it is in them people that’s out there in them Roman Catholic Churches and all that kinda thing. Them, them, them tempting to test you. Now Yahshua the Messiah, I wanna make this clear too, while I’m at it, when He was baptized in the River Jordan.., you talking about you, the test.., the devil went to Him. Now if He’s gonna go to Him what do you think about you? Now he didn’t tempt Him. Now that’s the wrong word. And neither does he tempt anybody. They tested Him, not tempted, tested. Alright.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The Pharisees also came unto him tempting Him and saying unto Him, ‘Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?’

DR. KINLEY: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? Alright, read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And he answered and said unto them DR. KINLEY: And he answered, and this is what he said DR. ROBERT HARRIS: have ye not read?

DR. KINLEY: You’re such good readers, haven’t you never read? When we started there a while ago, we said we was talking to them that know the Law, now this was back in the Law, haven’t you never read back down in the Law. Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that he which made them at the beginning DR. KINLEY: that he which made them at the beginning DR. ROBERT HARRIS: made them male and female DR. KINLEY: made them male and female, haven’t you never read that? Alright, read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and said DR. KINLEY: and said DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For this cause

DR. KINLEY: Hold it, hold it, right there. I want you to see who said that. Now it don’t, it don’t talk like that over there in the Law where you were reading at. Go back over there in Genesis. Read, Freddy.

DR. FRED ALLEN, JR.: Genesis 2:23. And Adam said DR. KINLEY: And now you see, he said Adam said. DR. FRED ALLEN, JR.: this is now bone of my bones DR. KINLEY: this is now bone of my bones DR. FRED ALLEN, JR.: flesh of my flesh DR. KINLEY: flesh of my flesh DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. she shall be called ‘woman’ DR. KINLEY: and she shall be called ‘woman’ DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. because she was taken out of man DR. KINLEY: she was taken out of man DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother DR. KINLEY: Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother DR. FRED ALLEN, JR. and shall cleave unto his wife DR. KINLEY: and shall cleave unto his wife DR. FRED ALLEN,JR.: and they shall be one flesh.

DR. KINLEY: and they shall be one flesh. And Adam never knew a thing about it, cause he was the only man, and she was the only woman. And he didn’t know nothing about it; other words, what I’m talking about and pointing out here to you is, you see who said it.


DR. KINLEY: How about that one. Repeat Dr. Harris, who said it?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And he answered and said unto them

DR. KINLEY: And he answered and said unto them

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: have ye not read

DR. KINLEY: have ye not read

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that he which made them

DR. KINLEY: Now we’re talking about Him that made them. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: at the beginning

DR. KINLEY: at the beginning

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: made them male and female

DR. KINLEY: made them male and female


DR. KINLEY: and he that made them male and female, and he said

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: for this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother

DR. KINLEY: For this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And shall cleave to his wife

DR. KINLEY: And shall cleave unto his wife

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And they twain shall be one flesh

DR. KINLEY: And they twain shall be one flesh. Read on.


DR. KINLEY: Wherefore

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: they are no more twain

DR. KINLEY: They ain’t no more two.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but one flesh.

DR. KINLEY: One flesh.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: What, therefore, Yahweh hath joined together

DR. KINLEY: What, therefore, Yahweh has joined together

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Let not man put asunder.

DR. KINLEY: Don’t let man put asunder. Yahweh has joined ’em together, let not man put asunder. Now you wanna know something? What we have been doing.., want to come on up with me?


DR. KINLEY: Eve was not a sinful woman when Yahweh brought him and gave him to her; and Adam was not a sinful man either; but we just been running out there grabbing skirts and pants, just a woman, to satisfy our sexual passions, our lusts and so forth and so on. And when the satisfaction is appeased, then you cast her out and.., you understand what I’m talking about, commence finding fault with one another. Then the next thing is a divorce. And if it’s not a divorce, that’s got out of style too, you just go on and leave him. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) You ain’t, call it grabbing, just grabbing, having no ____ at all, but Yahweh, He sees it. And we just go on and get that one, that one don’t do right then we just get an other one. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) And if that one don’t do right, drop ’em and go get another one. That’s what’s going on. Oh mercy, that’s the truth. And that’s what they call man and wife. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. DR. KINLEY: Um hum.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: What therefore Yahweh has joined together let no man put asunder.

DR. KINLEY: Um hum.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: They say unto him, why did Moses then command

DR. KINLEY: Now they asked Him a question and He’s answering ’em. That’s the way we try to do down here, we try to let, we let the Book answer. Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement,

DR. KINLEY: Um hum.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and to put her away if she were not pleasing in his sight?

DR. KINLEY: Um hum.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: He saith unto them,

DR. KINLEY: Um hum.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Moses because of the hardness of your hearts

DR. KINLEY: Moses because of the hardness of your hearts

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: permitted you to put away your wives

DR. KINLEY: Permitted you. Moses did that, permitted you to put away your wife.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but from the beginning it was not so.

DR. KINLEY: But from, now go right back, in the beginning it was not so. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And I say unto you

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, he’s got something to tell now, and I said unto you

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Whosoever shall divorce his wife

DR. KINLEY: Whosoever shall put away his wife or divorce his wife

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: except it be for fornication

DR. KINLEY: Hold everything, hold everything. Now that’s that other thing. Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and marrieth another. Read Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And I say unto you, Whosoever shall divorce his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery

DR. KINLEY: Um hum.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and whoso marrieth her which is divorced doth also commit adultery.

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s under the Law. Now that’s what it says under the Law. Now we could take time and go back there under the Law and read it, but we don’t wanna do that. Now what I’m trying to talk to you about out here and tried to show you is this: Israel is Yahweh’s wife, and Israel being Yahweh’s wife, He was a good husband but she wasn’t no good; fleshly. Yahweh put her away, that’s right, for three days; and He got married to another, Yahshua the Messiah.

A divorce, divorced from the Law and married to.., in this Dispensation over here, not married to the flesh, but married to the Spirit. Alright. Now you see what he said. Now He put her away for committing fornication. What was the other one?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For adultery.

DR. KINLEY: Adultery. Now you got it straight? Now that’s what the Law said. Now go back to the seventh chapter of Romans.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: So then if, while her husband liveth,

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? He comes right back on it, and he ain’t saying this. Alright read on. So then if, while her husband liveth,

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: She be married to another man

DR. KINLEY: She be married to another man

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: she shall be called an adulteress.

DR. KINLEY: That’s under the Law. That’s why, because he said, ‘I speak to them that know the Law.’ Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But if her husband be dead

DR. KINLEY: But if her husband be dead

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: she is free from that law

DR. KINLEY: she’s free from the law

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: so that she is no adulteress

DR. KINLEY: so that she is no adulteress

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: though she be married to another man

DR. KINLEY: though she be married to another. Now you see what he’s talking about? Read on down Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Wherefore, my brethren,

DR. KINLEY: Wherefore, my brethren,

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: ye also are become dead to the law

DR. KINLEY: Now you have become dead to the Law. That’s the reason why you haven’t got no business running out here just grabbing up a woman or a man, that don’t have the Spirit in him. I’m just, I’m talking plain so you can understand what I’m talking about. Cause they ain’t gonna behave, they ain’t gonna do right, and you ain’t gonna wanna put up with it. And for the most part you ain’t right, (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) You ain’t right. And that’s why you can’t stand to put up with it. Yahweh suffered their manners in the Wilderness back here and put up with it; but now, it ain’t gonna work after the flesh no more. We’re not married to the flesh anymore, it’s the Spirit now ____ ____. And all this ignorance and all this.., that’s the reason why, let me see if I can say it this way. That’s the reason why the Roman Catholic Church has this kind of a sign: when you’re in the Roman Catholic Church, you’re not supposed to marry anybody else but a Roman Catholic, but they will grant you to marry a Protestant, if you make an oath that you will raise your children in the Roman Catholic Church. Now that’s the devil negotiating for your children before they’re born, or even before they’re conceived. Alright read on Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Wherefore, my brethren,

DR. KINLEY: Wherefore, my brethren,

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: ye also are become dead to the law

DR. KINLEY: you’re become dead to the law

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: by the body of the Messiah

DR. KINLEY: by the body of the Messiah

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that ye should be married to another

DR. KINLEY: That you should be. You shouldn’t be married to the flesh. And when you say that, you as Gentiles, you never was in the first place. And the Gentiles, they did by nature better than Jews did. Look how Pharaoh, when Abraham went down there. Abraham went down there and Sarah was a good looking woman. And Abraham told him that she was his sister. She was. His sister, and husband too. And Pharaoh put, took and put her in his harem, and when he found out that she was Abraham’s wife, she was Abraham’s wife, said, ‘Look, you take your wife and get out of here. You come might near making me commit an awful sin.’ That’s a Gentile. Alright read on, Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that ye should be married to another,

DR. KINLEY: Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: even to Him who is raised from the dead

DR. KINLEY: even to Him that is raised from the dead

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that we should bring forth fruit unto Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: that we should bring forth fruit unto Yahweh. Dr. Harris drop on down there in that seventh chapter and the

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: 14th verse.

DR. KINLEY: 14th verse.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For we know that the law is spiritual

DR. KINLEY: Now, now we know that the Law is spiritual.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but I am carnal

DR. KINLEY: But now there’s where your problem is. Now I want you to understand this. Paul is talking about himself in his carnal state under the Dispensation of the Law. He is.., now the reason I brought this up and brought it up this way is because there’s some misunderstanding. And they think that them satanic spirits is incarnated right in a person with the Holy Spirit, and that’s just not so. You ain’t got no two spirits in you like that. No, sir. Alright read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but I am carnal, sold under sin.

DR. KINLEY: Sold under sin.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For that which I do

DR. KINLEY: Therefore, that which I do

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I know not why

DR. KINLEY: I don’t even know why I do it. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) But I’ll tell you, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, just like, let me put it like this: they have built in ’em desires; that is a man doesn’t have control of his body, the woman has the control over his body. And the man has control over the woman’s body. Now he said, ‘as what I do,’ well now there’s a little bit difference in Paul here, because Paul was a eunuch and he didn’t have none of them sexual passions and desires and what not. And so he said, ‘now what I do,’ talking about many other things besides that one thing, said, ‘I don’t know why.’ Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: for what I would

DR. KINLEY: for what I would

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that I do not

DR. KINLEY: He means that’s what he don’t do. That’s in his carnal state under the Dispensation of the Law. And listen he told Timothy he was an injurious person and he was a blasphemer, but he received mercy because he did it through ignorance. He didn’t know that he was to be an apostle until Yahweh appeared or Yahshua appeared to him in the, on the highway going to Damascus, and he’s taking Judas’s place. Alright read on, Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: what I hate, that I do

DR. KINLEY: but what I hate


DR. KINLEY: That I do.

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s just the way some of us are. You wanna do nice and you wanna be a good fellow and all like a that, and you just can’t behave yourself to save your life. Well do you know what your problem is? You’re carnal. Then you commence to hunting around and try to find some justifiable excuse for your, your disobedience. Then you get hot with somebody because they don’t believe you’re right. You’re just as wrong as two left shoes. That’s right. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: If then I do that which I would not

DR. KINLEY: If I do that I would not

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I consent unto the law that it is good

DR. KINLEY: I consent, I have to agree with the law that it, that the law is good Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Now then it is no more I that do it

DR. KINLEY: Now, it’s no more I that do it

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but sin that dwelleth in me

DR. KINLEY: But sin or the demoniac spirit or the devil that’s in you. Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For I know that in me

DR. KINLEY: For I know that in me

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That is, in my flesh

DR. KINLEY: That is, in my flesh

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: dwelleth no good thing

DR. KINLEY: There is no good thing

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: for the will to do good is present with me

DR. KINLEY: For the will to do good is present with me

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but how to perform

DR. KINLEY: Wait a minute, when he was down there killing them people and persecuting ’em, his will was to do good. He thought he was right. He wasn’t.., didn’t mean to do wrong. When he’s killing up them people and all, he thought they was doing wrong because they wouldn’t keep the law. He willed to do good. Alright read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but how to perform that which is good, I do not

DR. KINLEY: But now, now, how to, how to perform. Now all you have to do if you don’t know how to perform is ask the Roman Catholic church and the Protestants and they’ll tell you how to perform. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Keeping the Lord’s Suppers, christening little babies, he’s performing. But Paul didn’t know how to perform cause there ain’t no performance to it. He’s just preaching the gospel and by the foolishness of preaching the gospel will save them that believe. That’s what he sent them out to do to preach the gospel, not to perform like that. Alright read on, Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the good that I would

DR. KINLEY: For the good that I would


DR. KINLEY: I don’t do that.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but the evil which I would not


DR. KINLEY: Now that’s what he was doing. He didn’t have the Holy Spirit. Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Now if I do that I would not

DR. KINLEY: Now if I do that I would not

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: it is no more I that do it

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? It’s no more me that’s doing it.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but sin that dwelleth in me.

DR. KINLEY: but sin that dwelleth in me. Alright read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I find then a law,

DR. KINLEY: I find then a law,

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that, when I would do good,

DR. KINLEY: that, when I would do good.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: evil is present with me.

DR. KINLEY: Evil is present with me.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For I delight in the law of Yahweh after the inward man:

DR. KINLEY: For I delight in the law of Yahweh after the inward man:

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But I see another law in my members,

DR. KINLEY: Oh, oh, I see another law in my members.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: warring against the law of my mind,

DR. KINLEY: The law of the Spirit of Life warring against your carnal mind. You set up here with the Law of the Spirit preaching to you trying to tell you, and then that other Law, that carnal mind, just like you say you keep carnal ordinances as far as your eating and drinking, but that carnal mind in you be raised up just like he did.., just like he’s talking about. That’s that other Law that’s warring against the Law of the Spirit. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And bringing me into captivity

DR. KINLEY: And that’s brought him into captivity.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: to the law of sin which is in my members.

DR. KINLEY: To the law of sin which was in his members.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: O wretched man that I am.

DR. KINLEY: O wretched man that I am.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: who shall deliver me from this body of death?

DR. KINLEY: Who shall deliver him from the flesh, from the body of this flesh, O wretched man. That’s what.., he was a wretched, very wretched man. I’m talking about Saul under the Dispensation of the Law.

Look, I’ve tried my best, I’ve done everything I know to do to try to show you something. This is what I told you, I told you that you have chapter and verse. The chapter is divided. The subject may be up here in this one, and the predicate down here. And when you put the chapter in there and you begin with the chapter and start down just like you might take the sixth chapter, ‘What shall we say then.’ Then the subject is back up here. Now here you got one of them things. Now you’re fixing to find out something now. You’re fixing to find whether this is fact or not that there’s two spirits in a person. Now we’re fixing, now we’re fixing to find out something. Alright now that was seventh chapter.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I got one more verse.

DR. KINLEY: You got one more verse. Oh wretched man

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: O wretched man that I am. Who shall deliver me from this body of death?

DR. KINLEY: That’s right.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Thanks be to Yahweh,

DR. KINLEY: Thanks be to Yahweh,

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I have deliverance

DR. KINLEY: I have deliverance

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: through Yahshua the Messiah our Savior

DR. KINLEY: through Yahshua the.., our Savior, we have deliverance.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: So then with the mind I myself serve the law of Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: That’s right.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: while my flesh is subject to the law of sin.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right my, my flesh is subject to the law of sin. Alright now. Just go right on, just like you been doing.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: There is therefore now

DR. KINLEY: Now, now here’s where I’m going to get straightened out now. Now, now here’s where we’re gonna get straightened out. We’re gonna find out whether there’s two spirits in there or not. Repeat again, Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: There is therefore now

DR. KINLEY: Now, there is therefore now in this present dispensation and age. Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: no condemnation

DR. KINLEY: No there isn’t no condemnation. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: to them which are in Yahshua the Messiah,

DR. KINLEY: To them which are IN Yahshua, there ain’t no condemnation there; to them that are in. Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: who walk not after the flesh,

DR. KINLEY: You won’t walk after this back here, after the flesh. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but after the Spirit.

DR. KINLEY: but after the Spirit. Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the law of the Spirit of life

DR. KINLEY: For the law.., oop, oop, whoop, hold everything now. For the law of the Spirit of Life. Look folks, I want you to get this one understood, if you don’t understand nothing else. You have been under the Law of the Spirit of Life, every thing, and you are gonna never be from under it, cause that’s not the Law contained in the ordinances of the Jews ____ ____, that’s the difference.

Now then we come to the civil law too. Peter said, ‘obey the ordinance of man for Yahweh’s sake.’ You ain’t got no business out there running through the red light and all. Obey the city ordinances. Alright read on Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the law of the Spirit of life

DR. KINLEY: For the law of the Spirit of life

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: in Yahshua the Messiah

DR. KINLEY: I want you to know He was not a sinner. And I want you to know that He had the Law of the Spirit of Life in Him, and the devil was not in Him. But that didn’t keep the devil from testing Him out there in the Wilderness. Yes indeed. And anytime you get in this school, you gonna, you’re gonna have a test. And your fight ain’t gonna always be out yonder somewhere either with your old lady. It’s gonna be right up in here, war going on, warring in ____. Every time you get up in the morning first thing you do is kill old you, and you heard it, and make sure he’s dead too. Don’t, don’t take no chances on it, make sure he’s dead, (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Time to take a little test and see whether he’s breathing or not. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Is he breathing? Fix him up some more. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Don’t leave there until he’s dead. That’s you I’m talking about. That’s right. Now look what he said. Repeat it again.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the law of the Spirit of life in Yahshua the Messiah

DR. KINLEY: Now this is what I want you.., for the law of the Spirit of life, that’s L S D. We ain’t going off on no trip. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

DR. KINLEY: Now look, the Law of the Spirit of Life hath made me free from the law of sin and death. He’s delivered from that. And we are not actually married to the flesh. But now the seventh chapter.., I, I ain’t got time to go into it. But the seventh chapter of Corinthians… Now if you are.., go in.., you went and got a wife before you got in this school and before you had any sense, (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) then you just keep her, if she be pleased to dwell with you. If she ain’t pleased to dwell with you, let her go. Then if she goes, let her remain unmarried. If she takes a notion, she wants to be married, let her go back to her husband. Now how about that? Now look folks, we do know what we’re talking about down here in the school. Ephesians 5:22. And let’s hurry now because I know the time is… Ring the bell on me too.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands,

DR. KINLEY: Wives, submit yourselves to your own husband. That’s what we’re talking about, husbands and wives. Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: as unto the Messiah.

DR. KINLEY: Now we ain’t gonna do that. No, siree. You’ll have a awful hard time trying to find a woman to do that. You know what she’d say to you? (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) ‘Say look Buster, I’m working out here on the job. I’m helping out with the expenses and first one thing and another around here.’ And then Paul said that a man would seek to please his wife. Don’t forget that. And she’s helping to bring in some bread and some meat, so ‘I’ll help make the decisions around here. I ain’t gonna submit to nothing.’ Alright read on. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For the husband is the head of the wife,

DR. KINLEY: For the husband is the hind parts of the wife. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) He’s a pantywaist. Alright read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: even as the Messiah is the head of the assembly:

DR. KINLEY: even as the Messiah is the head of the assembly:

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and He is the Savior of the Body.

DR. KINLEY: And He is the Savior of the Body.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Therefore as the assembly is subject unto the Messiah,

DR. KINLEY: Um hum.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.

DR. KINLEY: Now it says to their own husbands, not to somebody else’s. You heard me you ain’t blind. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Oh, I tell you, this is, this is, what this thing really amounts to and what it really shows up is, is Yahshua and His wife, or Yahweh and His wife back under the Wilderness, in the Wilderness. And you are not justified, you’re just simply not justified. And then these folks running around out here, every time, just like I just got through telling you. They put this one down and go and get another one. Put that.., man and woman. Mickey Rooney been married about seven times. And that’s way they do.

Now look, if you are fortunate enough to have a wife or a husband, and you’re in this school, and you’re married to ’em, and you didn’t know the reality of the thing. Hold what you got. Alright read on, Doc.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Husbands, love your wives,

DR. KINLEY: Now here we are, back again, husbands, love your wives. Now it says wives submit yourselves unto your husbands. Now the husband ain’t gonna give way, ‘I got on the pants, I’m the boss around here, you hear me or else get your rags and get out of here.’ Husbands love your wives

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: even as the Messiah also love the church

DR. KINLEY: ‘I ain’t gonna do it.’ (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) You see that now? Wives submit yourselves unto your husbands as unto the Messiah, or unto Yahweh. ‘I ain’t gonna do it.’ ‘Husbands love your wives even as Yahshua the Messiah also loved the Church and gave Himself for it that He might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of the water by the Word that He might present it unto Himself, a glorious assembly, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy.’ Is that almost..? Now if you thought I had went off somewhere and forgot ____? Skip on down and get the last two verse at the end of it.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: This is a great mystery

DR. KINLEY: Now you see what your problem is? This is a great mystery. You didn’t understand Paul over there. Now look folks, these people down under the Dispensation of the Law.., I’m gonna say this to you real easy. They did not have the Holy Spirit. They could not keep this Law. Now Paul was speaking to them that know the Law. The Law said thou shall not commit adultery. That’s what the Law said. But now that’s what Yahshua the Messiah said, I didn’t, He said, a wicked and adulteress.., that’s what it was. And that’s what it was out here in the Wilderness. That’s what it was all the way through, and that’s what it still is. Now look, suppose I just go ahead on and tell you this. You’re my wife. You’re married to me. Now how do you like that?

STUDENT BODY: That’s alright.

DR. KINLEY: You like that?


DR. KINLEY: ‘You mean to tell me all these folks here is yours?’ Sure. ‘Well, there’s some men in the assembly too. You have them ____ too.’ There’s no difference between a male and a female. Now Yahweh sent me to you, and it is the spirit of Yahshua the Messiah that’s in you that makes me yours and you are mine. You’re my charge and you’re my wife. Now don’t you think I oughta be justified in telling my wife what it’s all about? This is a great mystery.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But I speak concerning the Messiah and the assembly

DR. KINLEY: But I speak concerning the Messiah and the assembly. Now did I get over anything to you? I wanna, I wanna, I’m trying to quit. I tried to show you where Paul when he was talking there about why he, when he would do good and all: that’s him in his carnal state; that’s him in his depraved state; that’s him under the law; that’s him with a demoniac spirit in him; then he couldn’t do that that he would. Now if you bring it on over here. You got people now trying to do there things back there, and they can’t do ’em. It ain’t doing a bit of good. And then they jump up and lie about it, eating.., do what you call eating the Lord’s supper and rub his belly and said, ‘oh, it sure does feel good.’ And as Dr. Harris said this morning a little ole wafer got hung up in maybe a cavity in his tooth, and didn’t even swallow it down in his belly. All this was given.., listen folks. Now listen, we wanna make this real plain, ____ ____ keeping the Sabbath day, circumcision, physical water baptism, ten commandment law, sacrifices and what not. Roger, all of it was given to the Jew, There’s nothing in your Bible that says anything about it being given to you as Gentiles. That was all under, that was in another world, another age. You are in a new world. You are in a Spirit world. Paul said ‘that as many that are led of the Spirit, they are the sons of Yahweh.’ And Yahweh, look here folks, all these.., I want you to see what I’m talking about. I want you to understand what I’m talking about. All of these natural sacrifices and everything, and all this water baptizing, all this circumcision, every bit of it pointed to the Spirit. Now when you got the Spirit, you’ve fulfilled everything of it in Yahshua the Messiah. And these lying bastards and devils out here… And that’s why… ‘Oh, he done cursed now, now I know he’s getting mad now.’



No. Anytime you can’t be chastised by the Scriptures you are a bastard. Yahshua said that. Yahweh chasteneth every son who He receiveth and if you receive not chastisement then you are a, that’s the 12th chapter of Hebrew, it’s in the book. We tell you what the scriptures say and you gotta go on out just the same and pay no attention. You are a bastard. And let me tell you this, you’re good for the lake. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is. Now I hope you got something out of it.

School of the Highest Learning

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