Only Name for Salvation is in Yahshua the Messiah

Part I of a lecture given by Dr. Kinley on October 13, 1974.


DR. KINLEY: Thank you very much. I have a special message, and I thought it was my indispensable duty to tell you about it, and to tell you in a way that you could understand. Don’t want any mistakes and errors made about it, and it concerns me myself, and my mission in the world. And I’d like to make it very clear and explicit so that there won’t be any discrepancies about it.

First of all I’d like to say this: If I had come teaching you anything other than what I have already taught, then I wouldn’t be sent of Yahweh. If I had come teaching you the same thing that they are teaching in the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches, then Yahweh didn’t send me. Just in short, if I didn’t teach you something that nobody else in the world taught you (I’m just giving it to you straight and plain, so you be the judge) then Yahweh didn’t send me. So you ought to by all three of those different things, you ought to be able to judge whether Yahweh sent me. Now I’m gonna make known unto you some of those things, that’s why I got up here.

Number 1, we’ve drawn some charts. And it’s been quite a long time until Friday night that anything was said about these charts. Now I just didn’t draw these charts just to be having some decorations up here or something like that, I didn’t do that that way. I had orders from Yahweh to draw these charts. They are infallible. There’s nothing that you can do with them, nobody from nowhere. Now I want that understood too. Now we know that this is not real good art. And we know that a lot of things is not like it ought to be on them, we know that. They’re just illustrations. This is not Yahweh. See they’re just limited and very poor art so far as that part is concerned. And for somebody to come along and try to criticize something up here, we know that they’re subject to criticism when it comes to that, but the thing that they illustrate you can’t fix it. There hasn’t ever been no body able to fix it, and there never will be. Now that’s a pretty big mouth full for me to say, “That if I had not come teaching you something that the others, that Christendom and the rest of the world taught you, that I was wrong if I didn’t teach you something else different than what they know.” Now this is what that does, it stands me out there by myself and alone, and you know I’d be subject to criticism there. Then somebody would say, “Do you think that you’re the only man in the world that’s right?” Well I’m gonna leave it to your discretion for you to be the judge. Now here’s why I said that. Yahshua the Messiah was the only man in the world at the time that He was here that had the real message from the Father, and you either had to hear Him or perish. Now this is what He said. He said that He had come in His Father’s Name. And His Father’s name was Yahweh, no mistakes about it. Now I want you to read Acts of Apostles, the 4th Chapter and I think it’s about the 10th or the 11th or the 12th verse. I want you to get this straighten out this morning. Now the reason why I’m bringing this to you this way is I want you to know that you cannot be saved in the name of Henry Clifford Kinley! I want you to know that you cannot be saved in the so-called honorable Elijah Mohammed. I want you to know that you cannot be saved in the name of John the Baptist! I want you to know that you cannot be saved in the name of Moses! You cannot be saved in the name of Isaiah, Jeremiah or Ezekiel or none of the prophets! You cannot be saved in the name of Peter nor Paul! Now I want you to know that! I want you to know that you are not Methodists, and Baptists, and Presbyterians, and Unitarians, and Roman Catholics. I want you to know that. You can’t be saved in those churches. Now that’s why I got up here this morning. Now the reason why I’m telling you this is because Yahweh told me to tell you. Now you either hear it or else be lost! That’s the way it is. I AM THE MAN THAT YAHWEH SENT IN THE WORLD IN THE END OF THIS AGE TO PREACH AND TO TEACH THE GOSPEL TO YOU. I am no smarter than anybody else. And so far as a man is concerned I’m no better than nobody else. BUT I AM TALKING ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THIS TABERNACLE, now that’s what I’m talking about. AND I’M TALKING ABOUT OUR FATHER IN ME AND YOU. And you know that there’s a whole lot of erroneous doctrines that is taught in the world, it cannot be reconciled. I want you to pay attention to what I say, I want you to understand it, because the time is short. Now we’ve spent nearly 2000 years and we haven’t got reconciled yet. Now we’re right down to the end, and the pressure so far as the purpose is concerned is greater now than it’s ever been in the history of the ages. I want that read in the 24th Chapter of Matthew. I told the secretary where to read. I want it read.

READER: Matthew 24:21… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: For then shall be great tribulation DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)! READER: such as was not since the beginning of the world… DR. KINLEY: Now did, listen, did you hear that? Did you hear that? FREDDY: Yes DR. KINLEY: It’s such as has not been since the beginning of the world… READER: to this time… DR. KINLEY: to that time there READER: no, nor ever shall be…

DR. KINLEY: No, nor it never will be anymore – deception, hypocrisy, tribulations… Everybody, good, bad, and indifferent, is catching hell! In your home you’re having to fight even with yourself, to say nothing about somebody else. The first thing you have to do every morning is kill old self. Now you have to do that! Cause if you don’t do that, then old self will take advantage of you. Now we don’t intend to let Satan get the advantage of us down here.

Now I didn’t say what you just read, that’s according to the purpose of Yahweh, that the pressure is great, the hypocrisy and the deception is great, worse than it’s ever been in the history of the world. And you find, (listen at me), you are finding wars that are being fought. There’s one in the planning and in the offering now, Israel and Egypt. The Egyptians calls themselves Mohammed. Nobody can be saved in no such name as that. You have a mess here in Chicago, talking about the honorable Elijah Mohammed, talking about black power, white power, and white supremacy, and all of that. You never heard tell of nothing like that that bad in the history of the world, in the history of the ages until you got down here now. I’m telling you about what Yahshua the Messiah said when His disciples asked Him, “What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the age?” And He told ‘em; and this is what He told ‘em, what you’re reading there in the 24th Chapter of Matthew. Now somebody will say this: “Well listen, I’ve been in the Baptist Church so many years, and I am not coming out of it. All of my people they died, and they went to heaven out of it.” Now here it was this Friday night, a person come to me and asked me if a certain person could get up and speak. And I said see Dr. Griggs and Dr. Gross there. Then they went and told David that I said to put them on the floor. Now that’s a lie right there. I didn’t say nothing like that. I don’t say anything about who to put upon the floor. But when I wanna speak, (and they better not call on me unless I tell ‘em so) I’ll let you know; I’ll reach up and touch you on the shoulder, I got something to say. And if I don’t do that don’t you call on me. And when I do get up I have a special message to give to you; it is important. Now I wanna go on with the story, Acts of the Apostles…

READER: Acts 4:10… DR. KINLEY: Acts 4:10, now you get this straight! Read. READER: Now be it known unto you all… DR. KINLEY: Now this is Peter talking to Israel, Pentecost. All right, be it known READER: unto you all… DR. KINLEY: I want all of you to know this, all of you Jews – all right read. READER: and to all the people of Israel… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that by the name of Yahshua the Messiah of… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: of Nazareth… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: whom ye crucified… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: whom Yahweh raised from the dead… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: even by Him… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: doth this man stand here… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: before you whole… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) read on. READER: this is the stone… DR. KINLEY: This is, this is the stone READER: which was set at nought…

DR. KINLEY: which was set at nought by you builders. Now then listen here, they been building Methodist, and Baptists, and Roman Catholics, they been building all of this mess! In those days back there it was the Pharisees and the Scribes, the Escenes, the Zealots and whatnots. You had the same thing back there, but it wasn’t near as bad back there as it is up here. All right, read on.

READER: this is the stone that was set at nought of you builders… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: which is become the head of the corner DR. KINLEY: Now it’s become the head of the corner; now the head of the corner, not the feet. All right read. READER: neither is there salvation in any other…

DR. KINLEY: You listen. Now I said ain’t no salvation in the honorable Elijah Mohammed! There is no salvation in Pope Paul! See and there is no salvation in Henry Clifford Kinley! And there’s no salvation in your pastor. Now you get that straight, that’s if you wanna be saved. Now if you don’t wanna be saved just keep right on going like you’re going. NOW I GIVE IT TO YOU STRAIGHT! NOW THAT CANNOT BE FIXED, AND YOU CAN’T BE SAVED! SO LOOK FORWARD TO BEING LOST IF YOU CONTINUE. That’s the way it is Freddy…

FREDDY: That’s all right Doc.

DR. KINLEY: That’s real, that’s hard, see hard to swallow, but there’s no other name given among men whereby that you can be saved, saving the Name of Yahshua the Messiah. HE IS THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD. See you can’t be saved in the name of John the Baptist. You cannot be saved in the name of Isaiah. We’re not trying to take anything away from them men. They were prophets! They were sent of Yahweh. And they prophesied with the Holy Spirit sent down from Heaven, but that’s not the name that they are to be saved in. How’s that?

STUDENTS: That’s all right

DR. KINLEY: Now it comes up, and I wanna get your secular denominations now; I wanna get that straight too, so you’ll know that this mess out yonder is not right, Ephesians the 3rd Chapter and read.

READER: 3:13… DR. KINLEY: Ephesians 3:13 READER: Wherefore… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you…

DR. KINLEY: I desire, Paul is saying, “I desire that you don’t faint because of his tribulation.” Now I’ve been tested, and I don’t want you to faint on the count of it. Everybody says I’m wrong, and I haven’t fainted. And if they didn’t, if the world didn’t say I was wrong, I mean Roman Catholics, Baptists, and Methodists, Presbyterians, if they didn’t say I was wrong, then I would be wrong. Now here every once in a while somebody runs up to me and try to tell me something that some of ‘em said, to try to chastise and correct me by. And here the whole world is saying that I’m wrong. That’s what they said about Messiah, so they gonna say the same thing about me. Noah stood out there and told them folks that the world was gonna be flooded by water. They said, all said he was wrong, but 8 of ‘em or 7 of ‘em… They all said he was wrong. Yahshua the Messiah said He come in His Father’s name; and He proceedeth and come forth in His Father’s Name, and they said He was wrong. And here just here the other day, hasn’t been to long ago since we put these books out that Ambassador College just learned that Yahshua was back here with the Israelites. And Ted Garner preached a long drawn out sermon on it. They just found out He was back there. Say listen folks, Yahweh’s been there all the way through; He ain’t never been absent. All right read on.

READER: for this cause I bow my knees unto the Father…

DR. KINLEY: Now for this cause Paul said he bowed his knees, for this cause he bowed his knees – and you’re gonna have to bow too, believe it or not. Read on.

READER: I bow my knees unto the Father of our Saviour… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Yahshua the Messiah… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named…

DR. KINLEY: I want you to get that straight! Of whom the whole family in heaven and in earth… It’s not by the Roman Catholics! They’re not called Protestants! They’re not called Methodists! They’re not called Baptists! All right read.

READER: that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) read on. READER: to be strengthened with might… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: by His spirit… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: in the inner man… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) read on. READER: that the Messiah may dwell in your hearts…

DR. KINLEY: That the Messiah may dwell; that the Messiah may dwell (listen at this) IN YOUR HEART, WILLIAMS, NOT UP IN THE SKY!

RONALD GRIGGS: (Makes statement under his breadth) Inaudible DR. KINLEY: Say what you just said. READER: that the Messiah… DR. KINLEY: I’m talking to Ronnie Ronald Griggs: It’s a vital force upon you… DR. KINLEY: Just get up here and say that.

RONALD GRIGGS: Oh I just said when you read, that the Messiah may dwell in your heart and in your mind, the Jehovah’s Witnesses say “That He is a vital force upon you, and not in you.”

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? Folks listen, TIME FOR PLAYING IS OUT! We don’t have no time for no fun, no foolishness, and no play, we have to get down to business with you. Now listen here, I want you to know this: We know that the world is lost. And we know that a lot of these things that’s said make you warm in the collar. And not only that, they’ll put you to death for saying things like I do and say. And I don’t think there’s to many of you in here, and around in this school that’s been beat up like I have for saying what I have said and done. I’ve been beat up for saying ‘em, and they haven’t been able to stop my mouth yet.

Now look folks, I wasn’t lying to you, I DID SEE A VISION! I’ve drawn it out here in limitations, and let me tell you, I brought it out so that you could see it, so that you could understand it. I just didn’t do that just because I wanted to have some decorations; I showed you the purpose. I’m gonna get into it too before I’m through, and I’m going to show you what I’m talking about too. And listen, you don’t know nobody, you don’t know nobody that’s ever did anything like that, like what you see setting around here. And as David said last Friday night, “This is what you have to have in order to understand anything.” And I just didn’t put it up here just to be looked at cause we’re trying to draw some beautiful pictures, and first one thing… I didn’t put it up there for that reason. And look here I want you to know this too, there’s some other folks that’s got some charts too. Sun Myon Moon, from Korea, with about 6 or 7 million people following him is got charts. But you’ve never seen none like these, and I wanna show the meaning of ‘em before I stop. Read on.

READER: That the Messiah may dwell in your hearts by faith…

DR. KINLEY: That the Messiah might dwell in your hearts by faith. Now look I told you this before. Messiah, when He was walking around here on the earth, just like I am in a physical body, HE IS NOT IN ANYBODY IN THAT WAY. He’s not in anybody that way. But now, and we’ll have to read it, the 14th Chapter of John, 14th Chapter of John and about the 25th or 26th verse, I want you to see how it is that He does dwell in you since we’re talking about the Messiah in Your heart. Read on David.

READER: These things have I spoken unto you…

DR. KINLEY: Now Yahshua He’s with them in the flesh just like I’m standing here with you. He said, “These things have I spoken unto you.”

READER: being yet present with you… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: but the comforter… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: which is the Holy Spirit…

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s the Comforter. The Comforter is the Holy Spirit. That’s not flesh and blood, Williams. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, read on.

READER: whom the Father will send… DR. KINLEY: Whom the Father will send in the name of the honorable Elijah Mohammed… STUDENTS: No DR. KINLEY: or Farhed Mohammed STUDENTS: No DR. KINLEY: John the Baptist STUDENTS: No DR. KINLEY: Ezekiel STUDENTS: No DR. KINLEY: Jeremiah

STUDENTS: No DR. KINLEY: Moses STUDENTS: No DR. KINLEY: Pope Paul STUDENTS: No DR. KINLEY: Your Pastor STUDENTS: No DR. KINLEY: Henry Clifford Kinley, that’s me. STUDENTS: No

DR. KINLEY: See folks, I wanna lay this thing on the line to you this morning. I WANT THIS FOOLISHNESS STOPPED, and this ignorance! There isn’t anybody that preach the gospel, nobody but Yahshua the Messiah, that’s who it is that’s doing the preaching. They don’t know nothing. And let me tell you this: Yahshua the Messiah said that He only knew the Father! Didn’t nobody else know the Father but Him. And the only other folks that would know anything about the Father was to whom He, Yahshua the Messiah, would reveal Yahweh. That’s what He said. All right read on.

READER: but the comforter, which is the Holy Spirit… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: whom the Father will send in my name… DR. KINLEY: Now you just wait a minute! To whom the Father would send in John the Baptist name! Students: No DR. KINLEY: In the name of Pope Paul! Students: No

DR. KINLEY: Any objections for my continuation in the way I’m talking about these things? I’M PUTTING IT DOWN ON THE LINE JUST LIKE IT IS. And this is the way you have to have it in order to be saved, otherwise you definitely will be lost, or else there is no Yahweh. You just can’t go on your way. You just can’t go on the way we have been taught; it’s wrong. All right, read on.

READER: shall teach you all thing…

DR. KINLEY: Now the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, WHICH THE FATHER WILL SEND IN THE NAME OF YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH – Is that what you just read? Try reading it again.

READER: But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in My Name…

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? HE AIN’T SENDING HIM IN HENRY CLIFFORD’S NAME! He ain’t sending Him in Elijah Mohammed, He ain’t sending Him in the name of John the Baptist. He’s not sending Him in the name of Jeremiah, Ezekiel and none of the rest of ‘em. He’s not sending Him in the name of Moses. And you can’t be (we just read over there in Acts of Apostles) you can’t be saved in no other name! LOOK FORWARD TO BEING LOST in the name of the honorable Elijah Mohammed! Huh?

DR. WILLIAMS: or Jesus Christ

DR. KINLEY: Yes, and Jesus Christ too. That was all right until you found out to know the difference. But when you know the difference… It said, “All manner of sin, and blasphemy would be forgiven unto men, except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.” Now what I’m saying to you is this: when you got up here, John say “There is a sin that’s not unto death, I do not say that you should pray for it.” And in the Law there was a sin that wasn’t unto death. In other words, they were ignorant of whole lot of things; they hadn’t been revealed. And when Yahweh revealed ‘em, right there is where you stop at! You continue on you’ll be lost. That’s what John said, and that’s what Yahshua said. Now it’s hard to say these things to you. But I thought I’d better get up this morning and say ‘em, because somebody possibly won’t be here tonight, so that’s the reason I got up. I asked for 15 minutes, but I’ll take what I want. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now do you see what I’m talking about? Now that’s plain, that’s easy to be understood. Now if anybody come along and tell you anything different than what I have told you, they’re wrong. [Glitch in the Tape]… But I have to tell you things that no other man living, and walking around on the face of the earth today, see I have to tell you. And you’re going to have to hear it or else have to suffer in the Lake for your disobedience. And it don’t make no difference what your reputation is, and how much money you got, and your family pedigrees, and all those kind of things, see it don’t make no difference. I don’t know of anybody in my family that ever amounted to anything, including me, so I don’t have a thing to boast and to brag about. All right read.

READER: but the comforter, which is the Holy Spirit… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: whom the Father will send in my name… DR. KINLEY: Whom the Father will send in His Name, Yahshua. All right, read on. READER: shall teach you…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, I want you to get this straight. See the honorable Elijah Mohammed or Henry C. Kinley we’re not the teacher! Freddy Allen, and Bishop Williams they’re not the teacher. See we got that all messed up too. Somebody say “Well Dr. Kinley he’s the teacher down there; he’s the Founder of the school, and he’s the big-shot down there.” I beg your pardon, uh-uh you got it all twisted up bad, see I’m the little shot. Foot mat, everybody comes along walk on me, and say I’m wrong. [Dr. Kinley demonstrates people walking all over him] If they don’t say that then I would be wrong. And when they commence to saying “Oh he’s right; he’s right,” then look out, there’s something dead up the creek. I give it to you straight folks; that’s the way it is. Read on. Now the Father sent the Comforter in the Name of Yahshua the Messiah. Now listen here, this is what I’m trying to tell you, YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH IS THE TEACHER down here at this Institution. That’s who the Teacher is, The Holy Spirit’s sent in His Name, that’s who the Teacher is. Now how ‘bout that? That was read out the Bible. Now if you wanna argue about it, well argue with the Book – don’t start no argument with me. All right, now that will do for that.

Now Ephesians, I wanna show you, the 3rd Chapter and whatever verse it is there. I want you to get this one straight now; I want you to get this one straight. All right.

READER: of whom the whole family of heaven and earth is named… DR. KINLEY: Read the verse above. READER: Wherefore I desire that you faint not at my tribulation for you…

DR. KINLEY: I, I, Paul is saying he don’t want you to faint because of his tribulation, and the persecution, the afflictions, and all that the beating up and all that he had undergone. And he said this “I reckon that the sufferings of this present time is not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us.” See all of our sufferings and light afflictions that we have undergone, the persecutions and all, the afflictions, the beating up, the stoning, it’s not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in you. It just isn’t worthy of it. Now He don’t want you to be all worked up or troubled about his suffering that he’s undergone. Everybody was saying that Paul was wrong, and he was made a minister of the Gentiles, but everybody said that he was wrong. And he didn’t, listen here, he did not preach to the Gentiles, (I want you to get this one too) the way that he preached it to the Jews. And he said that he was a debtor both to the Jew and to the Gentile. I want you to get this one straight. He did not teach Water Baptism, Circumcision, and Sacrifices, see these Carnal Ordinances, he did not preach them to the Gentiles, and he did not preach them to the Jews; he did not do that. What he told the Gentiles was that they were saved by faith, by the Grace of God through faith, and that not of yourself, listen now, it is the gift, the free gift of Yahweh. Not by works of righteousness, such as water baptism, and circumcision, and eating Lord suppers and things like that. Now, like Dr. David Rosen told you, and he is a Jew, was raised right in the Jewish family, and have some problems now just for even speaking as he speak. But he does know that this school told him something about it now. They don’t have no business dib-dabbling in water baptism, the Jews, circumcision, and sacrifices and things. And look Roger, if you’re gonna baptize then you oughta offer up sacrifices; all of it was back under the law. Now can’t you see why I told you your pastor was wrong? Those things were imposed upon the Jews. Now look here folks, let’s get the thing straight for a change. All of these things that were back here, water baptism, circumcision, ceremonies, Passover suppers, and the sacrifices, and the laws contained in ordinances, all of ‘em. Now listen at what he’s saying now. “The law, so says the Apostle, it is holy, it is just, it is good.” Good for what? It is a schoolmaster to bring you up to the spirit. In other words, all these things pointed to the spirit, and they were given to the Jews only. Now we are in the reality of these things over here. Jews and Gentiles are in the reality of ‘em. Now what it is, it’s a great big mystery the Jews just don’t understand it. But those whom Yahweh has sent they understand it, and everybody says they’re wrong. Say Williams, you’re a pretty well read man, you and Bishop Short, and Bishop Gross, and others, do you know any other denomination under the face, on the face of the earth where you can bring somebody too, (and any of the rest of you), do you know anybody else in this age, (David I’m talking to you too), do you know anybody else in this age that’s preaching that Yahshua the Messiah come into the world, when He come through the loins of the woman, to fulfill the law and the prophecy, and to remove the natural things out of the way.

DR. WILLIAMS: No DR. KINLEY: Do you know of anybody else? DR. WILLIAMS: Nobody in the world. DR. KINLEY: I’m talking about in the world! DR. WILLIAMS: I say no one, nowhere; they’re not out there… DR. KINLEY: Do you? FREDDY: No I don’t.

DR. KINLEY: Does anybody else in here know? If you do stand up, I’d like to see your hand, I’d like to look you in the face. If you know any other man in the world besides me that’s preaching and teaching that these things were given to the Jews. They were imposed on them, and that was for a limited time, until the time of the reformation. And Yahshua the Messiah come and fulfilled and moved all that out of the way. Now I’m asking you, do you know… I asked this whole audience, now do you know any other man in the world that’s preaching and teaching – any organization? Then you’ll have to buy what I said in the first place. Now we have to get this name straightened out, or what this organization should be called. All right, read.

READER: Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory. For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Saviour, Yahshua the Messiah…

DR. KINLEY: Read READER: of whom the family in Heaven and earth is named… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) what? READER: that He would grant you according to the riches of His glory to be strengthen with might… DR. KINLEY: Now I want you to read over what you said. READER: For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Saviour, Yahshua the Messiah…

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? He said I bow my knees to Yahshua the Messiah, or the Father, of whom the whole family… Now you can just, you get rid of your Baptist and Methodists and Roman Catholics and… [INTERRUPTION/Don’t know how much is missing]. . . Revelations, read it there in Revelations, read it, that that name was written in their foreheads. And that was not Roman Catholic, that was not Baptist, that was not Methodist, that was not Mohammedan, that name that was written in there. And that’s the reason why the high priest, a type, had that bonnet on. And that bonnet tied in the back, and it had wrote up right up here on that bonnet, HOLINESS UNTO YAHWEH! You’re blessed this morning to find out something about it.

Now, you’ve found that the whole family in heaven and in earth is called by the same name. And you’ve found out that there is no other name given under heaven whereby man can be saved, saving in the name of Yahshua the Messiah. Now that’s what you found out this morning whether you wanna accept it or not. We’ve found out that the whole family in heaven, and the whole family in earth is called by the same name. Do you have Revelations?

DR. WILLIAMS: 9:4 DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) DR. WILLIAMS: and 7:3 DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) read READER: Revelations 14: And I looked and lo a lamb stood on Mt. Zion… DR. KINLEY: And I looked, and lo a lamb stood on the mountain READER: and with Him a 144000 DR. KINLEY: 144000 READER: having His name and His Father’s name… DR. KINLEY: Having Yahshua’s name, and His Father’s name READER: written in their foreheads…

DR. KINLEY: Not Roman Catholics, Williams! Not Baptists! Not Jesus, not Lord, not God, but His Father’s name, and His Son’s name written in their foreheads. Do you see why I have, uh, do you appreciate that I have told you something this morning? Now you’ve been down here before, you’ve been preached to before, but now this is laying it on the line. It’s putting on there according to what’s in the Book. It’s putting it on there according to the Revelation of Yahshua the Messiah, according to that that’s given unto His people; that’s putting it right down there. And look, what you’re gonna to have to do, you’re gonna have to get up and get on out of that. The 17th & 18th Chapter of Revelations, look Babylon means confusion. That confusion that’s in the Roman Catholic and the Protestant Churches you gonna have to get up and get on out of it, you can’t be saved in it. Now I’m willing to suffer for saying these things, but I’ve been persecuted for saying ‘em, and that’s the truth. And you might as well come on down here and learn yourself some sense; you can’t learn ‘em out there in the Baptist, and Methodist, and Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic Church, you can’t do that. Now I’ve tried my best to talk plain with you this morning so that you wouldn’t have no question. I’ve told you the truth. Now I know people gonna say “Well I’m gonna do this, and I’m gonna do that, I know all of that. I know the world’s gonna be lost you don’t need to tell me about it.”

Now there’s one other thing I wanna show you, and that’s Habakkuk 1:5, and the 2nd Chapter. Now I wanna let you know, uh, David read over there in Paul’s epistle, I believe it’s 2nd Timothy 4:12 where he said about the prophets, now read that first in Timothy there.

READER: The cloak… 2nd Timothy 4:13… DR. KINLEY: Timothy 4:13, the cloak READER: The cloak that I left at Troas… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: with Carpus DR. KINLEY: that’s right READER: when thou comest bring with thee.

DR. KINLEY: bring with you. Now you bring my cloak! He had to get on out of there, and in a hurry he left he left his cloak with Carpus, he left his charts and his cloak in Troas. Read on.

READER: bring with thee, and the books, especially the parchments… DR. KINLEY: Especially the charts. See you didn’t even know that was in there did you? Now in the 10th Chapter of Acts of Apostles when Yahweh let that chart, or let that sheet down to Peter there in Joppa on the house top full of four footed beast and creeping things. He said “Rise Peter slay and eat.” Peter said “Nothing uncommon or unclean has entered in my mouth at any time.” He was sending him to the Gentiles. You see that now? Now you see why we drawed these charts? Now I got something to say about it. Now here’s something else that you don’t know. And if you know any other man in the world now, I wanna learn this morning that they don’t know. Now we’re talking about, listen, I want you to see, I want you to understand, I wanna try to talk so everybody will know what I’m talking about, and that will call for Romans 1:18, 1:19 I believe it is, and 20, and then Isaiah 8:20.

READER: Romans 1:19 DR. KINLEY: uh, 28:19 in Isaiah. Romans 1:19, now listen at what I’m gonna tell you. READER: because that which may be known… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: of Yahweh DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: is manifest in them…

DR. KINLEY: is manifest in them. Now listen, I want you to see this. See what we’re talking about here is a mystery. It was not make known to in other ages. It was there but it wasn’t made known or it wasn’t revealed to ‘em. All right, because that which may be known of Yahweh.

READER: it’s manifested in them… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for Yahweh has showed it unto them… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for the in…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, he’s talking about Yahweh showing it to these people back here at the mountain, talking about the Jews there. For Yahweh hath showed it to them. See that’s the only way you’re going to find out anything. Don’t no, listen folks, (I said this I don’t know how many times) don’t nobody know nothing about Yahweh and His purpose but Yahweh Himself. So then it’s Yahweh that’s gonna have to reveal it, cause don’t nobody know. That’s the reason why every Tom, Dick, and Harry, they can’t come along and just run around through this Bible and gather up scriptures and read this, that, and the other and know something about it. They don’t know. All right, read. Because that which may be known Yahweh is shown it unto them…

READER: for the invisible things…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, Spirit is invisible. Now I heard some of the Mohammedans say this: they said they don’t believe in nothing they can’t see.” Well you can’t see the Spirit; you can’t see air, and you can’t see wind. You don’t believe in it? Look what cyclones do. Look what hurricanes do. All right read on.

READER: for the invisible things of Him… DR. KINLEY: For the invisible, Yahweh is invisible. For the invisible things of Him READER: from the creation… DR. KINLEY: Now I want you to get this one straight. Now listen, I want you… now I’m pinpointing it this time – from where? READER: from the creation of the world…

DR. KINLEY: Now look here, Williams, I want you to get this one straight. Now we’re talking about from the creation of the world. We’re not talking about the gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John we’re not talking about that! That’s not what we’re talking about we’re talking about! We’re talking about from the creation of the world. Clear back there the invisible things of Yahweh is understood by the invisible thing right from the creation. And there isn’t a man nowhere under the sun that can do anything with it but Yahweh, unless Yahweh permits him. He can’t do nothing with it. All right, read.

READER: for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen…

DR. KINLEY: Now do you see this? Creation by the pattern, creation of the world; right from the creation it’s clearly seen. All right, read on.

READER: being understood… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: by the things that are made…

DR. KINLEY: being understood by the things that are made! Never told a man to make but three things, Noah’s Ark, the Tabernacle, and the Temple, and all the rest of it He made Himself right from the creation. Now the invisible things, which are the angels… Are you listening? Are you sure you’re listening? And even His paternal nature, which the world calls (listen now) the Godhead. Do you see I really got myself something there. Even the Godhead, how the Father is; how He is in incorporealization, and how He is in a physical body, right from the creation of the world is clearly seen. Now look Freddy, I don’t care where you come from. You can come from heaven or hell or anywhere else you wanna come from but you can’t do nothing no better than this, and don’t no man know nothing about it. That’s the reason why we don’t want no boasting and blowing around here about how great you are; we don’t care nothing about that. And I’m telling you plain so you can understand. Don’t nobody know Yahweh but Yahweh Himself; you don’t know nothing about His purpose.

I had a man stand right here in this pulpit from the Church of Christ argue with us because we didn’t practice and teach that water baptism was valid in this dispensation. And he said that the reason why you ought to be baptized in water was to wash away your filthy sins. Well listen, now this is just plain down right horse sense; you don’t need no sense, you don’t need no sense for this. Now look, if that what he said was right, if that what he said was right, John the Baptist didn’t baptize nobody but the Jews, he didn’t baptize no Gentiles. And he wouldn’t baptize them unless they confessed their sins. Then if John the Baptist, who come before Yahshua the Messiah died baptizes them, (they confessed their sins), and if John the Baptist baptized them, and if water washed away their filthy sins, this man died in vain. See that was truly stupid of Him to hang out there on the cross to die for somebody’s sin when John the Baptist done baptized ‘em and washed away their sins. Now you don’t get no brains at all for that. 23rd Chapter of Revelations, and whatever verse it is there says He washed us from our sins in His own blood. See ain’t nothing gonna do you no good! THIS MAN DIED, YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH TO REDEEM US; NOTHING IN THE WORLD’S GONNA HELP THIS! Somebody say “Well I went to church all my life, I paid my dues, and I’ve done everything I know, I’ve been baptized, I’ve eat Lord suppers, and I’ve done this…” That ain’t, that ain’t no good. Paul said “Though he give all of his goods, bestow all of his goods to feed the poor, and give his body to burn, and he didn’t have charity or love it wouldn’t profit anything; it don’t mean nothing.” Now I just get provoked. I’m sorry Ronnie I took up all this time, but I have to lay it down…

RONALD GRIGGS: Go right ahead. DR. KINLEY: Read on. READER: Revelations 1:5… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: And from Yahshua the Messiah… DR. KINLEY: Revelation from Yahweh through Yahshua the Messiah READER: who is the faithful witness…

DR. KINLEY: Now He is the faithful witness. He knows the Father! He ——— to the Father! He proceedeth and come forth from the Father! He is the witness that Yahweh does exist. All right read.

READER: and the first begotten of the dead…

DR. KINLEY: And He is the first begotten of the dead or the living. See somebody else resurrected from the dead before Him. He even raised Lazarus from the dead before died. And Elijah raised the Widow’s son, but the problem is they all died. Cause He’s the first one that ever come out of the tomb that lived on forever. He is the first and only one that lives on forever. And I would have you know that He is present here this morning. He’s present in the form of the Holy Spirit, which is called in His Name. Do you understand? All right read on.

READER: and the first begotten of the dead… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and the ruler of the kings of the earth…

DR. KINLEY: And He is… Now look, the Roman Catholics say that the Pope is the ruler of the world, but He’s the ruler of the kings of the kings. In other words He is the King of the kings! He’s the High Priest of the high priest! He’s the Elohim of the elohims! Did you hear? He is the Beginning and He is the end. He is the First and He’s the Last – bye and bye He is the all in all, that’s all. That’s the way it is. Now that’s what we preach down here. And that’s gone be some meat that’s gonna do us some good. All right read on.

READER: and the ruler of the kings of the earth… DR. KINLEY: Now He’s the ruler of the kings of the earth. READER: and to Him that loved us… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and washed us from our sins… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)! READER: in His own blood

DR. KINLEY: In His own blood. There He is shedding His blood out there, done moved all of the sacrifices out. And that’s the only… The blood of bulls, and goats, and heifers, and physical water, none of that it ain’t done nobody no good. He washed us from our sins in His own blood. NOW I GIVE IT TO YOU STRAIGHT. I GIVE IT TO YOU LIKE IT IS. You see that now. He washed us from our sin in His own blood. He died for both Jews and Gentiles. Yahweh so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, Yahshua not Jesus, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. That’s the way that is. Now, when he talks… back over to Habakkuk 1:5.

READER: Behold ye among…

DR. KINLEY: Now look, I want you to see what I told you; I want to call your attention back to that. I told you that if I wrote something that none of the rest of ‘em in the world would teach then I’m wrong. And the whole world says I’m wrong. You remember that?

STUDENTS: Yes DR. KINLEY: All right. Now that was —- —- —–, all right read. READER: Habakkuk 1:5… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: Behold ye among the heathens DR. KINLEY: Now look, you among the heathens – Look! – Behold ye among the heathens… READER: and regard… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and wonder marvelously… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for I will work a work in your day…

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, this is Yahweh here speaking through the prophet saying, “Behold.” In your King James Version it says “Behold ye despisers, wonder and perish, I’ll work a work in your days (listen now) that you will not believe though a man declare it unto you.” Is that right? Is that what’s written there? Read on.

RONALD GRIGGS: That’s what you got in the Book. DR. KINLEY: huh? RONALD GRIGGS: That’s what’s in the Book.

DR. KINLEY: I know that’s what’s in the Book, but I want it read, somebody will say, “Well that man just said it.” I want you to know it’s in the Book.

READER: Behold ye among the heathens, and regard, and wonder marvelously…

DR. KINLEY: and wonder marvelously READER: for I will work a work in your day… DR. KINLEY: Now He said, I will work a work in your day READER: that ye will not believe…

DR. KINLEY: Now see, He done already told you you wasn’t gonna believe it; He told those Jews that. They didn’t believe it! Now here comes Yahshua the Messiah healing the sick and raising the dead, and they said He got a devil or the called Him Beelzebub. They didn’t believe Him. And even right today there’s many of them that don’t believe Him, and for the most part the world just doesn’t believe Him. Behold you despisers… Look at the King James Version and read it out of there, or whoever, he’s looking at the King James Version, read it.

READER: Says, behold ye among the nations…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait I want you to pay attention. Said,“Behold ye, look at this.” Let me take a little shot at this then you could see why that I said what I did. You could see why the Jews didn’t believe in Yahshua the Messiah, and then you can tell then why it is that they ain’t gonna believe in me. It’s all right along the same line. Read.

READER: Behold ye among the heathen and regard… DR. KINLEY: and regard READER: and wonder marvelously…

DR. KINLEY: And wonder marvelously. Look, people just wonder about how can that man get up there and teach against water baptism when Jesus Himself was baptized, and if it’s good enough for Him it’s good enough for me. Well look feller, He was crucified too, now how about that? Is that good enough for you too? If anybody go out there right now and get killed or beat up… The Roman Catholics killed millions, the Protestants too, and it ain’t done a thing, just another dead person, that’s all. It’s just by the blood this one, that Yahweh prepared that sacrifice, even before He created the heavens and the earth for the sacrifice to redeem and restore man, and nothing else won’t do. That’s according to the purpose. All right. Behold ye despisers, wonder and perish, I’ll work a work among you in your days that you will not believe…

READER: though it be told…

DR. KINLEY: Though it be told. Now I just got through telling you, now I just got through telling you. Now it’s questionable as to whether or not you believe it. Yahshua the Messiah told the folks too, and they didn’t believe it. That’s what the Book says, and if you don’t think it says it I’ll read it to you. All right, now I’ll work a work in your day you will not believe though it be told to you. Now read the 2nd Chapter.

READER: You want it read out of the King James? DR. KINLEY: Well now just either one. READER: And the Lord answered me and said…

DR. KINLEY: And the Lord answered, that’s wrong it was Yahweh that said it. First verse.

READER: First verse: I will stand upon my watch… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and will…

DR. KINLEY: Wait a minute I want you to see now. This is a prophet, he’s on his watch, and he’s gonna to see what Yahweh is gonna say to him. See what He’s gonna have to say to him. See I’ll stand upon my watch, and then what?

READER: and set me upon the tower… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and will watch to see what He will say to me…

DR. KINLEY: Now I’m gone to watch to see what He’s gone say. Now he’s watching to see what Yahweh say, not somebody else, but he’s watching to see what Yahweh’s going to say. All right read.

READER: and what I shall answer… DR. KINLEY: and what I’m gonna answer READER: when I am reproved…

DR. KINLEY: When he’s reproved. He said now that’s what he’s waiting on. He’s upon his watch, and he was gonna see what he’s suppose to reply or how he’s gonna answer when he’s reproved, and then what.

READER: and Yahweh answered me and said… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: write the vision… DR. KINLEY: Oh my goodness READER: and make it plain…

DR. KINLEY: Oh hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it right fast! Write the Mishnah!

Students: No! DR. KINLEY: Write the Talmud! Students: No! DR. KINLEY: Write the Holy Koran! Students: No!

DR. KINLEY: That’s what Yahweh said, Write the vision and make it plain. Read.

READER: And Yahweh answered me… DR. KINLEY: Write the vision and make it plain upon what? READER: Write the vision and make it plain upon tables…

DR. KINLEY: See I ain’t gone let you leave that out, cause this is all necessary, cause see I’m talking about these charts! All right make it plain.

READER: upon tables DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that everyone may read it fluently…

DR. KINLEY: See that everybody could read it fluently. Any idiot from anywhere can read it. Make it plain so you can understand it. Write the vision… I told you I had a vision, and I told you I had a revelation. I didn’t understand the vision when I seen it. So it said, “Write the vision and make it plain, (He’s talking to Habakkuk), and make it plain upon tables so in case that somebody read it they can cut out.” Don’t look back either just cut right on out. Revern say “Where you going, what’s, what’s happened to you?” I’ve come out of Babylon that’s all, coming out of that ignorance. See write the vision and make it plain. Now folks I said that to show you this: This is what it is, when you were reading down there in Romans… Said, “Write the vision and make it plain upon tables so that he could read it and then run.”

DR. WILLIAMS: Get out of there.

DR. KINLEY: Get on out of there. Now, all right, now I told you there in Romans – go back to Romans 1:19&20 and read that 20th verse.

READER: for the invisible things of Him…

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, listen here Freddy, for the invisible things of Him

READER: from the creation of the world… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: are clearly seen… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: being understood by the things that are made… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: even His eternal power and supernal nature… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: so that they are without excuse…

DR. KINLEY: Now listen here! Ain’t nobody in here got no excuse. You ain’t got no excuse for your ignorance!

Somebody: (Inaudible)

DR. KINLEY: Yeah I know but excuse for it!… [INTERRUPTION ON TAPE/don’t know how much is missing] . . . God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, just like Williams he’s God the Father, and Freddy he’s God the Son, then Roger he’s God the Holy Ghost. That’s what Christendom preaches it. Ain’t no excuse for that ignorance, Deuteronomy 6:4. I just wanna show you now. I wanna show you what the Boss say! It’s not like that.

READER: Hear O Israel…

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, now you can hear if you want to! Hear O Israel

READER: Yahweh our Elohim… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: is Yahweh… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: a unity… DR. KINLEY: is Yahweh a Union! STUDENTS: No! No.

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, you know confounded well that everything in your body is joined, and you got that one body. Is that right?

STUDENTS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: That’s a unity, that’s not three distinctive persons. Now if it was three distinctive persons then you a… Stand up Williams. This man is complete; he is made in the image and likeness of Yahweh. Now here’s Yahweh in shape and form; that’s Elohim. This is Pure Spirit. Moses sees this in a vision. And then he see Him create a man, Adam. And he said that the man was made in the likeness and image of Yahweh Elohim. Now then listen Williams: Yahweh is the head, the breast or the chest that’s Elohim, and the abdominal cavity that’s Yahshua, cause He’s down in the flesh then. “Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me, or else believe me for my very work sake…Now if I don’t do…” I’m back again to the same thing I told you before. Now if I haven’t done, and if I don’t do the works of Him that sent me, that’s heal the sick, raise the dead, and all these other things, if I don’t do that don’t believe me. That ought to be fair. We got hospital records, and everything else. I can’t raise nobody from the dead, I can’t heal even my own self, and if it’s any healing done it’s simply got to be Yahweh —- —-. Now Isaiah. Now I wanna show you what I’m talking about.

READER: Isaiah…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, now I want you to see it, and I don’t want you to lose the continuity of thought. Said even His eternal nature or the Godhead, now listen folks, right from the creation. That’s why Yahweh made everything like it is so that you won’t have no excuse. And Williams I’m telling you Christendom don’t know this. They cannot do what I’m fixing to do. Your Pastor can’t do this! And the reason why he can’t do it is because he don’t know nothing about it. And the reason why he don’t know nothing about is because Yahweh hasn’t revealed it to him. I’M THE ONLY MAN IN THE WORLD! I know there’s others that said they had visions and revelations, BUT I’M THE ONLY MAN IN THE WORLD, AND I DON’T HAVE A THING TO BOAST ABOUT, but it’s our Father, MY AND YOUR FATHER, not just mine alone but yours too, gave me what I have delivered unto you this morning. I’m zealous about you. And look, the reason why I tell you like I’m telling you is because I love you! Yahweh, the love of Yahweh is shed abroad in my heart. And I’m willing to undergo the persecution, the afflictions, the cursing out, the reviling, and everything from the Roman Catholics and the Protestants, and all like that, and from the hypocrites, the skeptics, the atheists, the agnostics, the infidels, the liars, the hypocrites, the backbiters, the whoremongers, and everything else, I’M WILLING TO UNDERGO IT FOR YOU. I’m giving it to you straight this morning. Yahweh got me on up from there this morning. See I had to call —- —- to give me this morning. Now this is what they can’t do, see just write the vision and make it plain. And it said right from the paternal nature or Godhead. Now this is what… ain’t none of ‘em can do this! Your Baptist preacher can’t do this! Pope Paul can’t do this! Now I wrote the vision, I made it plain, and I wrote it on charts and these tables in obedience to Yahweh’s command, and it goes clear on back to the Godhead. Showing you here this is Pure Spirit, ignore this, just look at this as pure spirit, and it’s taken on shape and form of a man. That’s what you read. Now man was made in the likeness and image. And Yahshua the Messiah in the form of a man, acting like a man, and the Father was in Him. He was in the Father and the Father was in Him, and if not believe me for my very works sake. If I don’t do the thing that nobody else has done don’t you believe me. Now what did you come in the world for? I come in the world to fulfill the law and the prophets and move it out of the way. What’s that for, why that? So that you can walk in the Holy Spirit, or that Comforter when it comes, which is the Holy Spirit, see it will lead you and guide you in all truth and in all righteousness. And then look there’s nobody, listen at what I’m saying Williams. Ain’t nobody, ain’t nobody in this room, ain’t nobody round here in nowhere, nobody in the world can show where Yahweh ever said in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations, just one verse will do,for a Gentile to get baptized in physical water; it’s not in the Book. It ain’t in there. You read it. Here’s one of the big shots out of the Church of Christ, and he challenged me and fought me bitterly – is that right Dr. Williams?

DR. WILLIAMS: Yes, sir

DR. KINLEY: And our agreement was if you could do that, then I would go, and his whole office would go with him. And he fought, he fought like a bull to, but when his eyes come open, and when he did see the truth… That’s been how long ago Dr. Williams?

DR. WILLIAMS: Twelve years ago.

DR. KINLEY: Twelve years ago. He went back over there and tried to tell them about it, they put him in jail. He went over there and they put him in jail, and that’s what they’ll do to you. Now His paternal nature… Now look, now here’s what I’m talking about, look up here now. This is the pattern, this is this tabernacle that’s placed along beside the Godhead here or placed beside of Elohim that’s made in the image of a man, 1st Corinthians 6:19. Now this is your, this is a figure of your body, this tabernacle, that He told Moses to build. Now I want you to follow me carefully. Now get Isaiah.

READER: Isaiah 28:9&10.

DR. KINLEY: Now look, now we’re reading Isaiah 28:19, now I’m fixing to show you something that they can’t do. All right, read.

READER: Whom shall He teach knowledge… DR. KINLEY: Now whom shall Yahweh teach knowledge? READER: and whom shall He make to understand doctrine…

DR. KINLEY: Now whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Do you recall that Yahshua the Messiah said, “My doctrine is not my own but Him that sent me.” Now my doctrine is not my own but Him that sent me. Now who shall He make understand doctrine? Now it’s the doctrine I’m talking about. Whom shall He teach knowledge, and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Now listen at me now. This doctrine, the invisible things, right from the very creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead or paternal nature, so that you don’t have no excuse. Nobody’s got no excuse for no ignorance, Yahweh is abolished that, your excuse. It ain’t gonna do. Say, “Well if my pastor had told me.” That ain’t gonna work. All right read.

READER: whom shall He teach knowledge… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and whom shall He make to understand doctrine… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: them that are weaned from the milk…

DR. KINLEY: Now you have to come on off of the milk. See it was a time when it was all right for you to use a little milk, but you have to get off that bottle. See you’re a babe – see we’re talking about grown up now. All right read.

READER: them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: for precept…

DR. KINLEY: Now look, now here’s where they got at a problem at. Now this is what Pope Paul can’t do. For precept must, what?

READER: must be upon precept… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: precept upon precept… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: line upon line… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: line upon line… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: here a little… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and there a little…

DR. KINLEY: and to the testimony a little. You see, you see that now? Now they can’t do that. Now just to read that without any understanding you wouldn’t know what’s it’s all about. Now here’s what it means [Doc is writing something on blackboard] Now this is line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. Would that be a line upon a line? Now watch the line upon the line. Now this is the bloodline; this is the water line; this is the spirit line. Now then this is the Sanctuary, this is another line, see it’s in the Sanctuary. And then another line, and it’s in the Most Holy Place. Pay ‘tention folks. Now it must be that way all the way from the creation on down, through all the dispensations and ages right down to here where we are now. Now watch what I’m gonna tell you, put the line upon the line. Here’s the blood all the way through, that’s the bloodline. You notice I come all the way back here through Noah, and on up through here, through Moses, through Yahshua the Messiah and down. And I kept it all the way, the bloodline. Now that’s a line – then line must be upon line. Here’s the waterline; here’s the waterline, and then line must be upon line. Now here is the spirit line. Look at that chart over there, look how it’s made. This one is made the same way this one is, the bloodline, the waterline, the spirit line. You see that now? They can’t do it. Now that’s what you have to do in order to prove that Yahweh exist. Do you see? Now then look, that must be all the way through the creation. See the bloodline, see the waterline, see the spirit line, see the Sanctuary, see entering in into the Most Holy Place, and then you see the Holy Place. It’s all by this tabernacle, and this tabernacle is the pattern. Listen folks, I’m not imagining something. See here’s the bloodline; the pattern dictates it. And Yahshua the Messiah… See it is a figure of your body. Now anybody… Now it said “Write the vision and make it plain.” I told you I had a vision, and now I’m trying to make it plain. Now you can take it anyway you want to. Now look here, the Father Yahweh, Elohim, Yahshua, these three are one tabernacle. See, a proton, neutron, and electron, that’s one atom, and then the nucleus, nucleolus, and a cell body, one cell. Now it doesn’t make any difference where you come from, you can’t fix that. Moses had to put these vessels where he was told to put ‘em. Then you go on the inside, you got the golden candlestick, it won’t work over here on this side. The table of shewbread, it won’t work over here on this side. You might go out and decide to move the furniture around, you tired of having it over here, naw you can’t do that, anymore so than you can move your heart from one side to the other. You can’t do that. Now here’s the Altar of Incense, and this is Gabriel who is talking to Zecharias. Just like Gabriel is a messenger, and Zecharias is the high priest who officiated in the Sanctuary, and he’s telling him about the birth of Yahshua the Messiah coming through the loins of the woman. You follow that. This is a figure of your body. Now look, the blood, the water you have in you the kidneys, the bile from the intestines – there’s blood here on the 4 horns of the altar, see correlated with this. See the laver, the kidneys. See they’re turned here and brought together, then comes the foot of this bladder. You see that now? That’s the blood and water. Then the entrance into through the door; Yahshua the Messiah said I am the door. Enter in at the straight gate. See He’s the Door; He’s the Light of the world; He’s that Bread which came down from heaven; He’s our Intercessor and Mediator, or Go-Between. He’s our High Priest, He made that way into the Most Holy Place through a new and living way and went unto the Father. Now you can’t fix that. You see what I mean?

Now what we do down here, everything we do, you have to take it by this pattern. This is a picture of you – Man Made In the Likeness & Image. And we take the pattern and we put it on everything in the creation right from the first chapter of Genesis right on down. Put it on you. Every animate and inanimate object in the Universe is threefold. You’re made up like that. What for, and why? It’s Yahweh making it so simple and so plain that the natural thing point to the spiritual, so that you don’t have no excuse.

Now in Matthew it is said, (I won’t worry with you reading it), but in Matthew it is said (when His fame went out among the Jews) that when He was crucified and laid in Joseph’s new tomb, said the disciples come and stole Him away while those men at the tomb slept. We got the picture up over here on this chart. His disciples come and stole Him away. Now He was the Son, Yahshua was the Son of Yahweh, so He said.. Now I want you to watch folks, watch. Adam, who was also a son, SINNED back there in the Garden, Yahweh waited till the cool of the day, (put that sun in the ethereal heaven, and this Adam, a son. That sun was going down in the cool of the day, and this son was going down into death. These suns, two sons come down together, the one in the sky, and Adam come down together driven out of the Garden. And He placed him there with that flaming sword. Why a flaming sword? Don’t you see it here – the Golden Candlestick? That angel, which is the spirit – same as here, blood, water, spirit. Now look folks, be careful now, be careful… This is why I say “I’M THE ONLY MAN IN THE WORLD TODAY…” Now you never heard me talk like that before. Did you ever hear me talk like that before? I just decided I’d just tell you straight so you won’t make no errors about it. Now look, now this son was going down here, and that angel is there. Now when Yahshua the Messiah died out here on the cross (you can see it more from back more pronounced on this chart) it turned dark over the face of the earth from the 6th to the 9th hour. The blood is He’s going down to death, and darkness was from the 6th to the 9th hour over the face of the earth. The sun went on down at the noonday. Now they’re both coming on down to death together. This one is coming on down to death together. Now then if that be the case then, then they got to resurrect together. See He died out here on the cross, that’s death; so they went down together, see it was dark. Buried in Joseph’s new tomb, and a guard placed at the tomb so that they… They said that that deceiver wouldn’t rise from the dead as He said. And very early in the morning as it begin to dawn…see the sun is coming up. See the sun coming up here, the sun coming up here as it begin to dawn. See they went down together, and now the son is coming up here together. They had to go down together, they had to come up together. See so now as it dawned toward the first day of the week He’s risen from the dead. Now these suns (son) are coming up together. Then He tarried there 40 days on earth. Now this is what you got. Blood, water, 40, blood water 40 – blood, water 40, – blood, water, 40. The tabernacle stood there in the wilderness for 40, blood, water. You even find mathematical count. Who do you know that know these things like this? How long did it rain? Blood, water, 40… How long did it rain? When Yahshua was baptized how long did He stay in the wilderness?

STUDENTS: 40 days DR. KINLEY: What’s He doing, what’s He out there for? STUDENTS: fulfilling

DR. KINLEY: Don’t you see that these people don’t know nothing about what they’re talking about? [Bell rings] See —- —- —-, 15 minutes. But I hope and trust… Now that’s what you have to do. But now here’s what I wanted to tell you: He led ‘em out as far as Bethany to the Mount of Olives, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. The two men stood thereby. Why were the two men there? Because of these two angels, two archangels sitting here on the Ark. The two men stood by, said “Why stand ye gazing up in the heavens? The same Yahshua the Messiah whom you see taken up He shall return and come again in like manner.” This is a vision. Now here’s what I wanted to say. This is what I wanted to tell you, and this is why I mentioned it. See now they say the disciples come and stole Him away. Well now He’s the Son, and He went down with the sun in the ethereal heavens. That’s why Yahweh made everything like He did, it works right together so you and I don’t have no excuse. So when the sun begins to rise He resurrected from the dead. And as the sun in the ethereal heavens, when it rises out there it reaches its zenith; that is to say that it — —- —-, and then it sets. So Yahshua the Messiah He rose from the dead. And listen, didn’t nobody steal that sun away out there in the sky; that one was to hot to handle. And you can tell whether they’re lying or not when you know how to work the pattern. See, cause it was those two suns (son) that went down together, and nobody ever stole the sun away, and the idiot knows that. So then He rose from the dead. And then look, sunset, and He set down at the right hand of the Father in heaven. You got the sunrise, the sun zenith, and the sunset. You see what I’m talking about? And ain’t nobody ever stole that one away. In other word, what I’m trying to tell you is this: Yahweh made everything as it is to abolish your ignorance, and He’s got to send somebody alone that has knowledge of how to explain it to you. In your body you have a liver; now it ain’t you that’s the liver it’s Him. I am the way, the truth, and the life or the liver. You see it ain’t you that lives it’s Him. Do you understand? I hope you got something out of it.


School of the Highest Learning

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