Precept Upon Precept: Hebrews 6

A lecture given by Dr. Kinley on March 19, 1975.


DR. KINLEY: Thank you ever so much. As heretofore stated many times, I’m always glad and happy to [Glitch in the Tape] the existence of Yahweh and His eternal purpose. I always realized that there are quite a few new people from time to time in this class, and what we teach here is kind of hard to get over to them, for the simple reason why, is because they haven’t never been taught the truth Now somebody would wanna dispute that and say, “Oh yes we have.” Naw you haven’t. I don’t know whether you noticed it, I think it was night before last, they had a crusade 5 hours on channel 5 for Christ to evangelize the world. They had a little paper or whatever you wanna call it, a pamphlet that they were circulating and other means of communication to the whole entire world. And they were asking people all over the world to contribute to it, and to pick up the telephone and call one another, uh, their attention, so that those who were responsible for the broadcast and the message to the world, they would hear what they had to say and communicate with ‘em. Now again, there was another speaker on the TV. As I tell you all the time to watch the news, see we’re right down in the close of the age and you could learn a lot if you just keep your eyes open. And now since that crusade was to evangelize the world for Christ, the Lord, and God, you can see how valuable this teaching is here.

Now this other one that testified of, or taught the TV or the News Cast, he was talking about how Ireland and England, the Roman Catholic and the Protestants have been fighting for a long time over there, in England, killing up one another. There’s no possibility of reconciling under no circumstances or conditions, and therefore the commentary said this, said, “Christianity was a failure.” That’s what he said. Now that’s what we said in our books, Christianity is a failure. Now it’s a failure! Now you may not think that it is, but it is a failure; it’s already done failed. It’s nothing more than plain down right idolatry. That’s right, that might be hard to say, but nevertheless it is true.

Now let me give you some of the background of our thinking. First, to begin with, we don’t never have a class at not time, but what we don’t have the MC to get up and tell you what the true names of our Heavenly Father is, we just don’t have no classes without it. Then we tell you what our purpose and objective is. And then on top of all of that we take the Scriptures, and we don’t twist ‘em up, we tell you just as the Scriptures has said.

Now me, myself, I’d like to say this if it’s permissible. I had a vision and a revelation in the year nineteen hundred and thirty-one (1931). I don’t have to ask nobody no information about nothing; I DO KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. And when I tell you something that’s just the way it is; it’s been that way for 43 years. And I don’t think it’s another person on earth living, that can stand up and say that they have made predictions, if you wanna call it predictions, for 43 years about world events and they come to pass just like we said. I don’t think you know anybody like that. I told you when celebrities and potentates would die. I told you when earthquakes, and so forth and so on, would be. And there’s many people in this school that has been healed of all kind of diseases. And it’s nothing strange for something to be strung on the hospitals now, such as curing of cancer and other disease. Now I’m not mealy mouth about it all, I just get right up here and tell you plain, straight, flatfooted, I can’t heal nobody. Now if I can’t heal nobody and something is happening to these folks, then you’ve got to contribute it either to Yahweh or the Devil, you’ve just simply got to do that. And there’s no faking about this thing.

Now let me tell you something else. I use to be an Insurance man, and each week I had an account to balance. And if you made any errors or any mistakes then that account wouldn’t balance. And now we had a lot of college people to work in the insurance business, and I’d see ‘em work two and three days not able to find the mistakes that they made, and just give up, and then they’d have to take ‘em to the manager or somebody to try to help them find ‘em, and oftentimes he couldn’t find them. So by and by they put me on the road. I was Chief Inspector and Accounting Auditor for the Mammoth Life & Accident Insurance Company. And I would go on districts, 22 of ‘em to be more specific, in 7 States, and I would tell those people, “Now what I come here for was to straighten up your accounts, and in the mean time to rezone this whole entire district,” so that the agents wouldn’t be crisscrossing; one running over there for two or three cases, and then burn up a lot of gas running over here. If you had anything in your area that belong to a agent in some other area, and the both of you, why then we’d transfer you, and that’s so you wouldn’t have to run all over the place. I said, “Now you just might as well straight up your accounts! Now there’s no mistake that you can make that I can’t find, and I’m telling you in advance, we’re gone find all of ‘em.” What they said, “We’ve heard the wind blow before.” That’s right. And it was a lady in Columbus, she said that she’d been on the district for 8 years, and she’d seen many officials come from the home office, and they were just as inefficient in finding these errors, and whatnot, as was the manager, so forth and so on. Well, after I told ‘em that… Now I want you to know what I’m talking about, and why I told ‘em that, and why I brought that up. SEE THESE DISPENSATIONS AND AGES THEY MUST BALANCE. You must find all the errors and the mistakes. And that thing you got setting up behind your name, Revern, or Doctor, or something another like that, or Priest, that don’t mean nothing, just like them folks they sent up from the home office to inspect, and to audit these districts. Okay, then we got started, and so the first account… Now I didn’t have to go out on the field, that wasn’t my job, but I did. I went right out and worked right with the agent. And the Company was opposed to me doing that because they said, “I lowered the dignity of my office.” Said, “I should send the managers and the superintendents out there to do that.” Well none of them wasn’t able to do it nowhere in the city. And I’d never seen an Insurance Company, Industrial Insurance Company among the black folks that could do it, so I just went on ahead on and done it. And to make a long story real short, and to save some time, I just went on out there and worked with them. Then when it comes down to finding mistakes, I take the book and start with page one and start to count right in here. Said, “Did you put that down there? Does 2 and 2 make 5?” Said, “Naw, 2 and 2 don’t make 5.” I said, “Who put that down there?” Said, “Well I did that; don’t you know I overlooked that.” Now you think about how people over look things in the Bible. See I’m trying to show you something. So then we go on through… Maybe the account is 50 or 45 cents, or 97 or 79 cents, or something like that, off. Well when you correct that, if it was 50 cents, you have 45 more cents to find, so then some more errors in there somewhere. And when you got through with the thing it might be a dollar and a half, or 2 or 3 dollars off, then you have to straighten up the whole thing. In other words, you got to put it down exact and unerringly in order to find it. You understand what I’m talking about? Now that’s what I got paid for. That is what I earned my living for. The Mammoth Life & Accident Insurance Company, the Domestic Insurance Company, would bet you all they could rake, scrape, borrow, and steal, that you couldn’t fool me for one penny. You couldn’t do it. I knew my job, I knew how to go about it, and I did it, and I did it for years. Now when I come to Los Angeles, I had been out of the Insurance business since 1955, well it wasn’t really 1955, it was 57, but I had been off that job, and I went clear back down to ground zero. I always believed in working for a living, so that’s what I did. But I quit that top notched job in 1955, November 11th, that was Armistice Day. So Dr. Gross and them made me quit the Insurance business exactly in 1957, and I’ve worked 4 days since then, that is on the payroll. But now what I’m trying to tell you now is, now you had a company there with millions of dollars. And sometimes a quarter, fifty cents, and a dollar, and a dollar and a half, and two dollars in the family, and like that and all, and you had to take maybe a three hundred dollar account made up of just that chicken feed, so as to speak, and then you had to find all the errors and all the mistakes that person made. And you go through that book and you find some mistakes and errors, and the man is done overlooked ‘em, and overlooked ‘em, and overlooked ‘em until he just done got sick and tired. And sometimes they would think, “Well, this set up isn’t right.” That’s what they would think. Say, “The way that they take this account off there’s something wrong it; and always we have to run our hands in our pockets and put in some money to make this thing balance right.” But if you did it right, and like it ought to be, you wouldn’t have to do that. You don’t have no business giving nothing, nor taking nothing from it, put it down like it is.

Now I said that to show you how the Bible was, and how each and every last one of these dispensations and ages must balance, they must be exact. Look at Isaiah 28:9&10 to begin with, and also look at Isaiah 8&20, and remember this is not Isaiah talking. Whoever has it, read, let’s get in a hurry.

READER: Isaiah 28: 9&10. Whom shall He teach knowledge?

DR. KINLEY: Now look, whom shall Yahweh teach knowledge? See can’t nobody tell us nothing, we’re already smarten up, see we’ve got our own doctrine… Paul said this: “Why is it when you come together, the Corinthians, everyone of you has his own doctrine.” Yahshua the Messiah said, “My doctrine is no my own but Him that sent me.” And now whom shall He teach doctrine? Who will Yahweh teach doctrine? Now folks, all of you that’s setting under the sound of my voice know that all the church and religious world out there they are separated and they are divided on this basis. Now you know that, there’s no need of no argument and no debate about that. Is that right?

STUDENTS: That’s right

DR. KINLEY: All right, now here’s Yahweh talking, saying, “Whom shall He teach knowledge?” Now why you got that, just hold that for a minute and run over there to Timothy, I think it’s 1st Timothy 3:16; and we’ll be right back, I’m after that word knowledge, and doctrine, that’s what I’m after.

READER: 2nd Timothy 3:16

DR. KINLEY: 2nd Timothy instead of the first, 2nd Timothy 3:16. Would you mind reading it?

READER: All the Scripture that is given…

DR. KINLEY: Now look, read it out of the King James Version, and then we’ll come back to this.

READER: All scripture…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: is given by inspiration of God…

DR. KINLEY: That’s wrong! All Scripture is not given by the inspiration of God. Now all of the Scripture that is given by the inspiration of God… Now you see the difference in the reading. Now read.

READER: All the scripture that is given by inspiration of Yahweh…

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: it is profitable for doctrine. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, it’s profitable for doctrine. Now Freddy that means this: THAT YOUR DOCTRINE AND DR. JACKSON’S DOCTRINE SHOULD BE THE SAME. You don’t have no business with a Roman Catholic doctrine, and a Protestant doctrine, and a Baptist doctrine and a Methodist doctrine. Why? Because all of the scripture THAT IS GIVEN BY THE INSPIRATION OF YAHWEH, it is profitable for doctrine. All right read.

READER: for reproof. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see, now that’ll almost makes me bring up something else. That’ll almost make me have to tell you what a bastard is. “For reproof…” All right, read, uh, well finish the verse there and read a little further.

READER: for correction. . .


READER: for instruction in righteousness. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now it’s given for instruction in righteousness. All right, read on.

READER: that the man of Yahweh. . .

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: may be perfect. . .

DR. KINLEY: That the man of Yahweh may be perfect, wanting nothing! All right read on.

READER: thoroughly furnished unto all good works. . .

DR. KINLEY: Thoroughly, thoroughly furnished with all good works. Read on.

READER: That’s it.

DR. KINLEY: That’s it? Now go back. See it’s profitable for correction, for instruction, for doctrine… All right, now then, whom shall He teach that? Shall He teach the Roman Catholic, or shall He teach the Protestants one thing, and another saying another thing, and the Baptist they saying something different than the Methodists? What you’re really doing is denying the existence of Yahweh when you do that. All right, read.

READER: and whom shall He make to understand doctrine. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now who is He gone make to understand doctrine? Now who’s He, who is Yahweh gonna make to understand doctrine? See you’re so hard headed that Yahweh can’t tell you nothing, therefore you can’t understand nothing! YOU’VE GOT YOUR OWN CARNAL CONCEPTS ABOUT IT, AND THERE’S WHERE THE DIVISIONS AMONG YOU COME. All right, read.

READER: them that are weaned from the milk…

DR. KINLEY: Now you see you have to get off the milk bottle, and you have to get off of the breast; them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breast, read.

READER: for precept must be upon precept…

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute, just a minute, that’s why I told you about balancing these accounts, because these ages and dispensations of time, they have to balance. And the only way you can get them to balance is PRECEPT MUST BE UPON PRECEPT! AND LINE MUST BE UPON LINE! Now a lot of folks may not know what I’m talking about, because as I said before, see you haven’t been taught nothing. And just reading that don’t mean a thing; it don’t mean you understand. Now here’s precept upon precept, to show you what I mean by that. Freddy, get up there on that chart there, start back, and scratch from back there in that age. Right there. Now that’s the creation, we starting right here with this one. Now we could go on back into the angelic host, but we’re gonna take it from here, from Adam and Eve in the garden down to the flood. Is that what you got there?

FREDDY: That’s right. That’s the first age.

DR. KINLEY: That’s the first age. Then from the flood down to the crucifixion of Yahshua the Messiah, and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, that’s another age. Is that right?

FREDDY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Then from where we are now, and go on down to the next age which we’re living in, and the next age must open there, now what’s that?

FREDDY: That’s the third age, or the present age.

DR. KINLEY: What is that? What’s in it?

FREDDY: Oh, the Law of the Spirit, and the Age of Grace, and the Age of the Holy Spirit…

DR. KINLEY: Oh, I see, that’s where we are now.

FREDDY: That’s where we are now, right; that’s from Pentecost down to the present day.

DR. KINLEY: Now then what’s gone happen, what’s after that?

FREDDY: After that is the Age of Immortality.

DR. KINLEY: of Immortality


DR. KINLEY: Now you look at me over here now, and you stay right there. Each one of these ages… You read it Dr. Harris where line must be upon line.

READER: for precept must be upon precept…

DR. KINLEY: That’s right

READER: precept upon precept

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: line upon line…

DR. KINLEY: Line… You see this line here? That’s a blood line, that’s a blood line. And let’s move it on to the next one; that’s a water line. Where’d you get that idea and concept? The pattern dictates it; it’s off of here, the tabernacle that Yahweh gave instructions to Moses to build in the wilderness. So then, now then, your blood is out there in the… You go in the gate, and on the altar that’s blood. What’s the next one up?

FREDDY: the laver

DR. KINLEY: That’s what?

FREDDY: water

DR. KINLEY: That’s right, what’s the next?

FREDDY: The next one is the holy anointing oil, and that’s spirit.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Now go back over yonder. Now you see what he just said there, see that’s got to come from there on down to where he stopped at. And it’s just got to be line upon line. The bloodline is got to be like this. The water line is got to be like that. And then what’s the next line Freddy?

FREDDY: Spirit line

DR. KINLEY: Spirit line, that’s got, that’s got to be… Now listen folks, this is what we’re talking about, we are talking about how your Bible is written. We’re talking about how Yahweh’s purpose works. It never at no time digresses or deviates; it always balances. All them figures have got to be in the right place. Now I’m using figures 1-2-3; 1-2-3; 1-2-3; 1-2-3; 1-2-3; 1-2-3. Now it just must be like that, from where?

FREDDY: from beginning to end

DR. KINLEY: from the creation of the heavens and the earth. Now you know just as well as I do, if the world understood that and knew it, we would have a much better world to live in. It wouldn’t be no such things as Protestants and Roman Catholics fighting and carrying on, and the inability to reconcile with one another. Now what has to happen here, read Isaiah 28:9&10 again.

FREDDY: Whom shall He teach knowledge?

DR. KINLEY: Listen, we’re talking about Yahweh teaching knowledge, not you going down here to some college some place, or you following some pastor some place, that’s not what we’re talking about. Not following some Pope, not following some Cardinal, or not following just somebody who claims to be a good teacher, or a righteous person like that; that isn’t what we’re talking about. It’s whom shall Yahweh teach knowledge! Now then listen close, now whom, or when’s He gone teach that? It says, “Them that are weaned from the breast, [milk] and drawn from the breast.” Now hold that right there and get the 6th Chapter of Hebrews then we’ll get straighten out. Thank you Freddy I don’t wanna keep you to stand there. Now we gonna come back to this, this line upon line.

READER: Therefore leaving the principles…

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute, you have to get the principles first! You have to get the basic principles of it first. Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine… Now look Dr. Harris, since you right there, now go up there in the 5th Chapter and get that milk, since you’re there.

READER: 12th verse. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers…

DR. KINLEY: Now remember… Where are you reading at?

READER: Hebrews 5:12

DR. KINLEY: Now those are Jews! Those are Hebrews! Now listen Freddy, it wasn’t given to the Gentiles it was given to the Jews. So the Jews were the ones that had it. So now it said, “When the time come that they ought to be capable and qualified to be teaching somebody else, they themselves need the bottles.” Read it Dr. Harris.

READER: For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of Yahweh…

DR. KINLEY: See there, which be the first principles… See you have need that somebody teach you which be the first principles. Now you see where we are? Now if we could get together, all us religious folks could get together if we understood the first principles, and Yahweh had taught us… Now the Devil’s done taught us something, and it went to our head; that’s the way it is. See you have to put perfection in Yahweh. Now His purpose He does not change it. He’s not wishy-washy around about it. He doesn’t trust it in anybody else’s hands; He takes care of it Himself. Now, let’s get some of these principles. Go down there to the 6th chapter and the first verse.

READER: Therefore leaving the principles…

DR. KINLEY: Now therefore, after you have gotten them and received them, and you don’t have no need of nobody to teach you the first principles, and the baby principles, fundamentals, then you leave there. Now let’s see what the principles are. Read.

READER: Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of the Messiah let us go on unto perfection…

DR. KINLEY: See let’s leave the principles of the doctrine of the Messiah. He said His doctrine was not His own, says, but let us go on to perfection. Read

READER: not laying again…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait, now just a minute now, “Not laying again.” All right read on doc.

READER: not laying again the foundation of repentance…

DR. KINLEY: Not laying again the foundation of repentance. Now what’s that? You heard about John the Baptist out here baptizing, that’s the foundation of the principle. Another one is circumcised 8 days after He’s born; those are the first principles to the Hebrews. But naw, you go back and you lay again, lay again too… You get baptized out here in some of these denominations, then you decide to quit that and go to another one, and they say, “Well you wasn’t baptized right.” Dr. Gross he’s been baptized 4 times he said. Is that right doc?

DR. GROSS: That’s right

DR. KINLEY: and never got nowhere either time. Just being honest about it. See now you just can’t come up lying to us. Baptism of repentance, first principles, circumcised 8 days after He’s born. Now we got you from 8 days after birth. And then now there’s the Roman Catholic Church baptizing infants, Jesus was baptized at 30, and they say they’re following the footsteps of Jesus. ‘How bout that? Now that’s stupid. Now let’s get that baptism, infant baptism, that’s what we’re after now. In the womb, and he’s inundated there in that water there in the womb, and that’s his baptism. Now there isn’t anybody in here that hasn’t been baptized like that. How ‘bout that? Now that’s baptism of infants.

FREDDY: And Yahweh did it.

DR. KINLEY: Yes, Yahweh did that. Then Yahweh baptized Adam in the creation of the world; he was inundated. And the world, earth was covered by water – every fiber, every tissue, and every cell, and sinew was baptized in that water. Then if that be the case, then Yahshua the Messiah He’s got to come along and be baptized. Israel was baptized in the Red Sea. Now you got the blood and the water, and then you’ve got the spirit. That child is inundated in water, and when it’s born it’s gone be some water break, and then it’s gone be some blood. You wanna argue about that?


DR. KINLEY: So there’s your blood, the blood and your water, and spirit; the blood water and spirit, the blood, water, spirit, the blood water, spirit. It’s the same all way through, that line upon line and precept upon precept. Is that the way your preacher told you?

STUDENTS: No! He don’t know

DR. KINLEY: You can’t digress from it, Yahweh didn’t if He did this thing wouldn’t work like this. And He worked it… Listen now! Are you listening now?


DR. KINLEY: He worked it all the way from the creation of the world, right on down to the present, haven’t been no change. He does not digress from that purpose. Now what your problem is, you haven’t had nobody to teach you. Now go back, naw, we better finish this up, the 6th chapter of Hebrews up, finish that up.

READER: Therefore leaving the beginnings or the principles of the doctrine of Yahshua the Messiah, let us go on unto perfection…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, now listen. Last night we talked, we had a little class at my house, and so we talked about these dispensations and ages. We talked about from the Garden of Eden to the Flood. And we talked about from the Flood down to the crucifixion and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. And then we talked about from here on over to here: this is the revelation of Yahshua the Messiah from Heaven, or the Age of Immortality coming over here, on across this line. Then we come on through here on over in here, and we finally got back home from where we started last night. In other words, this is where you are now. What’s in the Age to come? What is in the Age to come? Now the reason why I’m bringing this up is he’s gone read about it. What is in the Age to come? Then after that what’s gone be? Don’t you see where you are cornered? See you can’t do nothing with this back here, to say nothing about what’s in… Now listen here folks, there’s 7 ages, 7 days in a week, 7 weeks in a weekly cycle, 7 months in a cycle of months, 7 years in a cycle of years, 7 millenniums in a cycle (that’s a thousand), 7 millenniums in a cycle, and 7 ages in a cycle of ages. So now you have got to keep that same thing through all of these 7 dispensations and ages, now that’s the doctrine of Yahweh. You’ll have to leave those principles. And when you get that, those principles, then you have the profound knowledge of Yahweh, and no Devil incarnated in a physical body standing up in pulpit is gonna be able to fool you. The fooling you is over. All right, read on Dr. Harris.

READER: Therefore leaving the beginning of the principles…

DR. KINLEY: Now we want you to see what some of the principles are, read on.

READER: Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of the Messiah let us go on unto perfection…

DR. KINLEY: Let us go on to perfection.

READER: not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works…

DR. KINLEY: Now laying again the foundation for repentance from… Listen, listen, listen Freddy, from dead works. What is a dead work? Now Yahshua the Messiah, they haven’t got that straight yet. It’s pitiful. Maybe you’d better stop there doc., hold that right there. Don’t forget now we talking about dead works. Now we wanna see what Messiah is doing to cause these works to be dead, Matthew 3:14.

READER: Then cometh Yahshua the Messiah from Galilee to Jordan unto be baptized of him…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: but John forbade Him saying…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: I have need to be baptized of you…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and comest thou to me…

DR. KINLEY: And comest thou to me. Now before we move, I want you to understand that there wasn’t nobody but the Jews there, there wasn’t a Gentile in the whole business. So you beloved Baptists now realize that John didn’t baptize no Gentiles. There wasn’t no Gentiles baptized in the Red Sea back here. So if there wasn’t none baptized here, there can’t be none baptized here. Why not? because Yahshua is fulfilling. Now what we’re talking about Williams, we’re talking about the principles, the basic and the fundamental things as pertaining to the Doctrine, the Doctrine of Yahweh! Whom shall He, Yahweh, teach knowledge! Whom will He make to understand Doctrine, them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breast. All right, read.

READER: And Yahshua answering said unto him…

DR. KINLEY: Now repeat doc, somebody’s done lost the thought.

READER: Then cometh Yahshua the Messiah from Galilee to Jordan unto be baptized of him…

DR. KINLEY: Now let me show you that. Now you see on this picture right here, it looks like it’s out of place because it’s lined up with this blood, crucifixion down in Egypt. See they rose up in Egypt after the Passover… See that makes me have to tell you something else that you been fooling with. There wasn’t nobody but the Jews down there ate the Passover. Now look at the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches. Then when the Messiah come in fulfilling He couldn’t have nobody at that supper but the Jews, was not no other Gentile there at all. Now look folks, we’re not down here to debate and argue. You don’t have no argument about that, so you just might as well shut your mouth and be silent. It wasn’t given to them in the first place, therefore Roman Catholics had no business fooling with it in the first place, they weren’t even invited to the party! Now we’re talking about the principles of the doctrine. See that now? See how you been fooled; see how you been duped. All right then, listen. Now here’s why I come to this. Now you see they rose up at that Passover, and it was dark down there that night when they ate that Passover. They slew that lamb on the 14th, and ate it on the 14th. They drew him out of the flock on the 10th and kept him up till the 14th. Now you pay ‘tention this time, because this would be hard to understand if you didn’t pay ‘tention to what I’m gone say here. You’d be looking up here the rest of your life and you wouldn’t understand this.

Now in the 12th Chapter of Exodus He told them to take a lamb out of the flock on the 10th and keep it over to the 14th, and eat it on the 14th at night. At night, you heard me I said night! Now haven’t they been eating Lord Supper and all, in the daytime, Mass in the daytime? Answer me!

STUDENTS: Yes! Yes, sir.

DR. KINLEY: All right now then, they got up, and they ate it in haste. They got up from there and they went 3 days journey to the Red Sea, from Rameses to the Red Sea, and they were baptized in the cloud and in the sea. Now what Dr. Harris is reading here, Yahshua is fulfilling this. Now listen at this, each one of ‘em had to eat their own houses. If you want me to I’ll read it to you, I’ll read something in the 12th Chapter Exodus, read it to you, if you don’t think I’m telling it straight.

GLEN KINLEY: It’s straight.

DR. KINLEY: David, you look like you got it there, you got it? All right then, Dr. Harris has it. I want you to see how it was done. Roman Catholics nor Protestants neither one never have done it right. And the reason for it is because Yahweh ain’t had no contact and communication with them. They haven’t followed the scriptures. Okay read.

READER: And Yahweh spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying…

DR. KINLEY: And this is what He said.

READER: this month shall be unto you the beginning of months…

DR. KINLEY: Now this is the first of the year, the beginning of months. All right read.

READER: it shall be the first month of the year to you…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel…

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute, now doc, listen here, you’ve got to read what’s in the Book. Try reading that again.

READER: speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel…

DR. KINLEY: Did you hear that? He said to the congregation of Israel. He didn’t say nothing about the Arabs, or the Egyptians, or the Gentiles, did He? If He did you missed the boat doc. This is Yahweh talking too. All right, and say what to ‘em?

READER: saying in the 10th day of this month…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: they shall take to them every man a lamb…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: according to the house of their fathers…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: a lamb or an house…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: And if the household be to little for the lamb, let him and his house take it according to the number of souls.

DR. KINLEY: um hum

READER: Every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year, you shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats…

[SIDE 2]

DR. KINLEY: Then give me some medicine then, the way this thing seems to be reading; you’d be a dead bird, did you know that? [DOC CHUCKLES] All right, now it said according to their eating in their house, not up in the congregation of the assembly, you heard me you’re not blind! Nobody but the Jews, and they’re eating it at home in a house, not in the church. And sometimes you know, and I try to be a nice fellow. Sometime when I see how the Devil is deceiving the people, and I’ve labored so hard with ‘em so many years, and I’m getting old I’m going on 80 years old. And here we are setting up reading a Bible, and somebody reading between the lines and putting all kind of junk in it. Now that’s ate it in their own homes or in their own houses. Now what the Roman Catholics call that, the Eucharist or the Mass, and they up their clowning and carrying on. And then on top of all that the thing that makes it so much worse is he is saying he’s praying over that grape juice or wine, if you wanna call it that, and transubstantiating or changing from the wine to the actual blood and body, and the bread too, of Yahshua the Messiah. In other words, what he’s doing, he’s creating Christ. Now look how many millions of people believe that lie. Now you seen He said to eat it in the house. Well now somebody says, “Listen, that’s over in the Old Testament, I want the New Testament,” all right then, take 11th Chapter of 1st Corinthians, verse twenty, and we’ll get over in what you call… course that’s not the New Testament. Read

READER: When you come together therefore into one place…

DR. KINLEY: When you come together into one place… Now wait just a minute. Now Freddy has a class he teaches on Tuesday night, and David has a class that he teaches somewhere, and others have classes that they teach somewhere, I mean in Los Angeles, of course Leonard Snellbaker down in Pomona, and then Benny is down in Banning. But when you come together into one place here in Los Angeles, that’s what we have done, we have come together in one place in Los Angeles. This is the whole Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research assembled here in Los Angeles, not Pomona. Now all right read, when you come together into one place, then what?

READER: Wherefore when you come together therefore into one place this is not to eat the Lord’s supper…

DR. KINLEY: How in the world could anybody read such thing as that, and they just go on blundering over it, how could you do that? And it’s telling you Bishop, “When you come together into one place this is not to eat the Lord’s supper, or the Passover,” this is not to do that! Well we gone do it anyhow! Read.

READER: for in eating everyone taketh before the other…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: his own supper…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and one is hungry…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: and another is drunken…

DR. KINLEY: And another one is intoxicated. Now look Buster, I’m reading this out the Bible! I know you been doing this all these many years, and I know it’s been taught for hundreds of years, but it’s wrong! One is hungry and the other is drunken, read on.


DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: have ye no houses to eat and to drink in…

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute, you didn’t wanna buy that over in the Old Testament, about in the houses. Don’t you have a house to eat in, what you coming up here in the Congregation of the Assembly for? See you can’t fix that. See what you have to do you have to learn the basics. What you’re dealing with is a mystery. Now somebody wants to argue, but you see you haven’t got no argument. All right now look, now if we would go to the 26th chapter of Matthew, and verse 27,we’ll find there that He didn’t have nobody but His own disciples, and they were all Jews, and no Gentiles among them. He never said nothing, Yahweh ain’t never said nothing, (wait a minute) in the history of the world, about a Gentile eating no Lord supper or no Passover; it’s not in the Bible! I’ll tell you something ain’t in there too, He never said a thing about a Gentile getting baptized in physical water, from Genesis to Revelations! You can’t read no…there ain’t one verse in there about it. How you like that Freddy?

FREDDY: That’s fine, that’s true.

DR. KINLEY: If you think it is you can have it, here’s the pulpit, you can have it. If you don’t feel like walking up here and you wanna sit where you are, hold up your hand we’ll let you read. Do I see any hands? Help me look around here. Get up and look around over this audience.

MAN: Not a one.

DR. KINLEY: Ain’t got no takers at all. Now brethren, that’s what the matter with the world. That’s why they cannot be reconciled. All right, now have you lost the thought? Then, now what we were talking about was the Passover. And we went on back in Exodus to show you (I’ll put it together for you), went on back into Exodus to show you it wasn’t nobody but the Jews, and they ate it in their own houses, and it wasn’t no Gentiles invited. And when Yahshua the Messiah come along He didn’t invite no Gentiles to eat no Lord supper. And there wasn’t nobody but the Jews was baptized at John’s baptism. And the reason for that was because they were all baptized in the cloud and in the sea, and wasn’t any Gentiles in it. How ‘bout that Freddy?

FREDDY: That’s fine

DR. KINLEY: Now whom shall He teach knowledge? Somebody that will listen at the truth. You see what I’m talking about? And drawn from the breast… I know what I’m talking about! See I been doing this for 43 years, soon will be 44, whipped everybody in sight, including the Pope.

I taught one night in Hollywood, and there were some Roman Catholic spies setting in the back. And when the class was over, they went on home and they wrote me a card, it said, “God endorsed Pope John the 23rd and he just tolerated me.” You got the card. Don’t you have the card? Didn’t he say that?

DR. GROSS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Okay, if that be the case, on 32 & 3, in our first edition of the book, (I don’t know what page it’s on in this copy, but it’s in the other book too), I said the Pope John would pass before June the 6th 1963, he would be in hell, heaven, or purgatory. Now that’s God tolerating me and endorsing him. And that man died on June the 3rd, and I said he wouldn’t make it to the 6th. Now I said that in 61, and he died June 3rd 1963, I said it before the man went out, the man that God tolerates, the man that God endorses he went on out.

And I told you what great big lie that Pope Pius the 12th would say before the man even said it. Now you know that’s getting on down to the fine art of it. I told you that he was gonna say that he had seen a vision of Christ there in the Vatican, he didn’t want nobody to say anything about it. It was so great, and he was so great until he just didn’t wanna make no outcry about it and all. He just lied that’s all. I told you before it… How long was it Dr. Gross? Do you remember how long it was before I told you that he was gonna say that? Do you remember?


DR. KINLEY: Well it was an awful long time before …

FREDDY: 6 months

DR. KINLEY: Six months. Cardinal Stritch, I was standing in the pulpit just like I am here, and I told you when the last breath left his body, and I didn’t get a chance to go out side or nothing. And in the back there they went out and turned they radios on in the car, and they said, the announcement just came over the radio, he just had died. I know what’s going on. Can’t nobody fool me, you’d be surprised; you sure would be surprised.

All right, now we were talking about this Passover Supper, which they call it Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church, and they call it The Lord Supper in the Protestants Churches, and then in Hebrew they call it the Passover. Now I’m going back to where I was. Now John, uh, Matthew here said that Yahshua the Messiah, in Matthew 3:14, came from Galilee, Nazareth of Galilee to Jordan to be baptized of John, and John forbade Him. Read.

READER: and John forbade Him saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? And Yahshua answering said unto him, permit it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness

DR. KINLEY: Now hold it right there. Now, I said if you look at this picture right here, it look like that if you gone take blood, and then water, and then spirit, the blood and water and spirit, the blood water and spirit, the blood, water and spirit, it just look like this is wrong. But now look this is what happens… Read it again Dr. Harris

READER: Then cometh Yahshua from Galilee to Jordan unto John to baptized of him…

DR. KINLEY: Now Galilee, He come from Nazareth in Galilee. He sat down with His family, I’m talking about with Mary and Joseph and His brethren, IN THEIR OWN HOUSE NOW! That’s why I went back in Exodus to show you that they ate it in their own house. Now He’s fulfilling this prophecy with His parents in His own house in Nazareth of Galilee! Just like they ate that Passover supper, and then they went to the water and was baptized. Well then He had to eat this Passover in Nazareth of Galilee with His family, and then go from there a 3 days journey, just like it was a 3 days journey from here to there, and then be baptized of John! Everybody understand me?


DR. KINLEY: See they had to put that in the right place, don’t he, almost. Now you can’t read upon nothing like that. See that was a fulfillment. He ate it there and then went on to the water. So He ate it down in Nazareth of Galilee, (that’s what this picture looks like), and then He goes to John to be baptized, just like they went there. And He ate it with His own family in their house, with Mary His mother, and Joseph His father. Course you know that Mary or Joseph, neither one, was the parents. Now do you see that? Now you see what I have to do, I have to put it line upon line. If I’m gone follow this pattern every time I come to that I’ve got to put that blood there. I cannot move it. When I come to make the next move to the laver, I can’t move it, I got to go to the water cause that’s the pattern that Yahweh showed Moses in the mountain, and how to build it. And he was to set the brazen alter here, and the brazen laver there, and you must have the door here. This is the gate – do you recall that Yahshua the Messiah said, “Enter in at the straight gate?”


DR. KINLEY: Now that’s a pattern, that’s a ——. Now suppose we would say this: What’s in Heaven? What’s there? Say, “I don’t know, but we’re gonna go on and see what the ends gone be.” That’s what they would say. Well now you see, if you asked me a question like that, then what I’m gone do, I’m gone look at the pattern. Well why you gonna look at the pattern? Because it’s a figure of Heavenly things. See your pastor just conveniently can’t learn nothing! Then you see these cherubims all along the veils, angelic figures all on the inside, all the interior of the Holy Place and Most Holy Place. See the Cherubims of Glory overshadowed the Mercy Seat. And now Yahshua He has taken off the flesh and He ascended on in heaven. Now that’s what’s in Heaven. NOW WHEN YOU TAKE OFF THE FLESH YOU’LL BE AS THE ANGELS; now that’s over in this age over here Age of Immortality.

All right, now John said, now you pay ‘tention, pay attention now. Here’s where we gone get messed up. Now remember Williams we’re gone use these doctrine or the principles of the doctrine. So we have to get the principles now and see what we’re leaving. See what I’m talking about. But now we got to get these principles. Now here He comes to John to be baptized, and read on from there.

READER: Then cometh Yahshua from Galilee to Jordan unto John to baptized of him, and John forbade Him saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? And Yahshua answering said unto him, permit it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness…

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, now you pay ‘tention. Look up at me, look up here at me. Repeat what you just said. You look in your Bible, if you got one, and see if it don’t read like this.

READER: And Yahshua answering said unto him, permit it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness…

DR. KINLEY: Now you see, that’s what’s wrong folks. They’re saying that He instituted. They’re saying that He instituted the Lord’s supper, and you’ll find it back here in Exodus. They say that He instituted water baptism, and you’ll find that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt and was baptized in the cloud and in the sea. Wasn’t nobody but Jews, and here He comes now to John in fulfillment of that. Is that what He said? Now He’s the teacher. Listen folks, Yahshua the Messiah, whom the world calls Jesus Christ never instituted a thing. When He come through the loins of the woman He never instituted nothing; that’s if you gone take His word for it! Of course now that’s what Christendom is saying out there, that’s what Roman Catholics and Protestants are saying. Now He said He was fulfilling. Told John to suffer it to be so because it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness, so then John permitted Him. Now that’s one place, that’s one man He’s talking to. Now get Matthew 5.

READER: 5th Chapter of Matthew…

DR. KINLEY: Now here he goes, and I want you to watch the word, fulfill. Now the reason for this is because now see we got to get these principles first; we got to get these principles. And then when we get the principles then we can leave there, but we can’t leave until we get the principles. All right read.

READER: And seeing the multitudes…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: He went up into a mountain…

DR. KINLEY: He went up into a mountain. Now wait just a minute, now in your Bible in the top of the pages there, they say this is the “Beattitudes.” They don’t know no more about it than a hog does about dentistry or gold teeth. That’s right, your pastor, and popes, and cardinals, and whatnot, they don’t have no idea what it’s all about. Seeing the multitudes follow He went up into a high mountain. Is that what you read? Now here’s where that comes from. When they come up out of the land of Egypt there was a multitude following, 605350 souls, not counting women and children, that’s almost a multitude. Then they come on through the Red Sea, and they journeyed on up through the Wilderness of Sin, and finally they come on up to Mt. Sinai, and the cloud led them on up through there. And the cloud settled on top of Mt. Sinai, and Yahweh spoke to them from the mountain. Now what He’s doing, He’s fulfilling. He’s fulfilling this water baptism. Then the cloud carries Him on, and so now seeing the multitudes follow Him He went on up into the high mountain. And when He was set, then what?

READER: and when He was set His disciples came unto Him

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Read on

READER: and He opened His mouth saying…

DR. KINLEY: And He opened His mouth saying… Now wait a minute, hold it, I want you to see that He’s got to be on the same subject. Now if He was off this subject He wouldn’t be fulfilling. Is that what He said? All right, read just a little bit of it there.

READER: Blessed are the poor in spirit for they theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are they that that mourn because of sin for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see Yahweh.

DR. KINLEY: Okay, wait just a minute, what’d you say? What did you just say.

READER: Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see Yahweh.

DR. KINLEY: Trying reading over there, back over there where they saw Yahweh.

READER: Exodus 24:9&10. Then went up Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, and they saw the Elohim of Israel…

DR. KINLEY: Now do you see that? Go on back to Matthew where you was. And when He was set, a multitude come to Him, and He opened His mouth and He begin to speak; all right, skip on down now. Now this is what we’re tying to find out. We’re trying to find out Bud whether He was fulfilling or instituting. Now if He was instituting this is what would happen, see He’d be instituting mountain climbing. Oh me, that’s right. Okay, well read on.

READER: think not I am…

DR. KINLEY: Now this is what He said, said, “Now don’t think this.” And that’s what the Roman Catholics and Protestants are teaching. They’re saying “Think it,” and He says, “Don’t think it.” They’re saying think that He instituted the Lord’s Supper. They say think that He instituted Christian water baptism. He said don’t think that. Oh me, do you see now? Said, “Think not; don’t think that.” Don’t think what doc?

READER: don’t think that I am come to destroy the law and the prophets…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: I didn’t come to destroy…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: but to fulfill

DR. KINLEY: but to fulfill. Now He told John that tale out there that He come to fulfill. Now here He’s got a whole multitude, He’s telling them, “Don’t think that I come to destroy but to fulfill.” See you’ve got to get these basic principles of the doctrine, that’s what I’m talking about. All right, read.

READER: for verily I say unto you…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: till heaven and earth pass…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: on yod…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: or the smallest part of the letter…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: shall in no wise pass from the law…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: till all be fulfilled…

DR. KINLEY: Until it all is fulfilled, John 19:30

READER: When Yahshua therefore received the vinegar…

DR. KINLEY: When Yahshua there received the vinegar, out on the cross, what about it doc?

READER: He said it is finished.

DR. KINLEY: He said it is finished. He’s finished fulfilling that, all that He was suppose to do in the flesh, He said it’s finished. What’s finished? I’ve finished fulfilling the law and the prophets. Now listen, since He finished fulfilling it, and He said, “That one jot or one tittle should in no wise pass until it was all fulfilled.” Now what we wanna find out now is whether it passed or not. Now if it passed we ain’t got no business practicing it. 10th chapter of Hebrews, “Sacrifices and burnt offerings…” Now this is what we’re trying to find out, we’re trying to find out whether He finished it, and whether we should continue on with it, being mindful that it wasn’t given to the Gentiles, it was all given to the Jews. See you didn’t have no business with it in the first place. All right, let’s go fast.

READER: Hebrews 10:5

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: King James Version. Wherefore when He cometh into the world…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: He saith…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute Freddy, wait just a minute! When He comes in the world, now that’s starting back at scratch, that’s where He done it at, wherefore…

READER: when He cometh into the world…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: He saith…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute, did you say, “He saith?”

READER: He saith…

DR. KINLEY: Well now you know what they say, this is what He said. All right, read on.

READER: Sacrifice and burnt offerings Thou wouldest not…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: but a body hast Thou prepared Me…

DR. KINLEY: But a body hast Thou prepared for Me. That’s a prepared sacrificial body out there, it took the place of all the lambs, and bullocks, and the turtle doves and all. That’s a sacrifice, a sacrificial body, all right, read.

READER: 7th verse. Then said I, lo I come…

DR. KINLEY: Then said I, wait a minute Freddy, then said I, lo I come… Now pay ‘tention Freddy. Are you listening?

Freddy: Yes

DR. KINLEY: you sure?

Freddy: Yes

DR. KINLEY: Okay, all right. Then said I, lo I come…

READER: in the volume of the Book it is written of me…

DR. KINLEY: In the volume of the Book as it’s written according to the Law and the Prophets, according to Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, Joshua and on over in the books of the prophets, I’m coming in the volume of the Book as they said I was gonna come. And I’m gonna fulfill what they said I was gonna do; that’s what I come for. How ‘bout that? When I come in the world too, starting back at scratch, all right read.

READER: Lo I come in the volume of the Book, it is written of me, to do thy will, O Yahweh…

DR. KINLEY: Now wait, look folks, now get this one straight! He’s coming to do the will of Yahweh! Did you hear me Roger? I said He come to do the will of Yahweh. You heard me too didn’t you Freddy?


DR. KINLEY: Can y’all hear me in the back?


DR. KINLEY: What we’re trying to find out now, whether or not it’s the will of Yahweh for you to keep on baptizing and doing those things, that’s what we’re trying to find out. Read.

READER: He taketh away the first…

DR. KINLEY: Uh-oh, you in trouble now, ahh, you in trouble. He took away all them Lord suppers, and sacrifices, and foot washings, and water baptism, took away all of it. See there, that’s what the Book said. What’d He do that for?

READER: that He may establish the second…

DR. KINLEY: That He may establish the second. He took it away. Now I haven’t forgot, now go back to the 6th chapter of Hebrews. Now we got what the principles were, all these carnal ordinances, circumcision, baptism, Lord suppers, all, took away every bit of it; all those natural things that were given to the Jews and not to the Gentiles, and they had no business with it in the first place. Read.

READER: Now therefore leaving the principles…

DR. KINLEY: Now therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Yahshua the Messiah

READER: let us go on unto perfection…

DR. KINLEY: Let us go on to the Spirit, and not what?

READER: not laying again the foundation of repentance…

DR. KINLEY: See don’t fool around, don’t go fooling around with the baptism of repentance, or water baptism. All right, read.

READER: not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works…

DR. KINLEY: Now see it’s dead. How did it die? I told you He fulfilled it, and said “One jot and one tittle wouldn’t pass from the law until it’s all fulfilled.” Now when He died out there it’s finished, it’s fulfilled, it’s done with! It’s dead works. Somebody said, “Well didn’t Jesus, in Matthew 29:19, send ‘em out to baptize in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Name of the Holy Spirit?” Yes He did, He said baptize in the Name, He didn’t say a thing about the water. If He did, you read it. Now folks, this is what we’re trying to get you to see now. You have to get these basic principles, and you have to put it line upon line, and all of it has been fulfilled, and now you’re in the spirit of the thing. All of this natural back here, everything, even from the creation of the world, the sun, the moon, and stars, every thing natural and everything physical pointed to the spiritual. Now He moved all this stuff, and Yahweh said… You’re gonna have to read it now, Jeremiah 31:31. I’m showing you that He said that He was not going to make a new covenant with the house of Israel, not to say nothing about the —–, like the one He made back here. Now brethren it’s plain to see, it’s plain to see. This Bible is plain, the people just haven’t got no understanding about it, Jeremiah 31:31.

READER: Behold the days come saith Yahweh…

DR. KINLEY: Now who said it?


DR. KINLEY: Not me, says Yahweh. Read.

READER: that I will make a New Covenant…

DR. KINLEY: Now this is the Old Covenant back here with the Jews. All right, read on.

READER: with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah…

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, pay ‘tention to it.

READER: not according to the covenant…

DR. KINLEY: Now He ain’t gone have no offering up no Passovers here, and ain’t gone have no washing or no baptizing there, ain’t gone have no sacrifices offerings, ain’t gone have no running in and out the sanctuary or the tabernacle here, or the temple up here, just ain’t gone do it. He’s gone make a new covenant, and it’s not gone be like this one. Ain’t gone be nobody getting baptized in no water. Ain’t gone be nobody getting their feet washed, ain’t gone be no Lord suppers. Now I didn’t say that, you reading it, read it again Dr. Harris.

READER: Behold the days come, saith Yahweh, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers…

DR. KINLEY: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers…

READER: in the day that I took them by the hand…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: to bring them out of the land of Egypt…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: which my covenant they break…

DR. KINLEY: Now Yahweh would have been stupid to make another one just like the one He just made when they done broke that one. Now don’t you see that? See how that’s stupid. All right, read on.

READER: although I was a husband to them saith Yahweh…

DR. KINLEY: Now He was a good husband to ‘em, Yahweh was

READER: but this shall be the covenant…

DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)

READER: that I will make with the house of Israel…


READER: after those days…

DR. KINLEY: after the death, burial, and resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah, after those day, then what?

READER: I will put my law in their inward part…

DR. KINLEY: Jehovah’s Witnesses is saying He ain’t gonna do it. And there was a great long piece in the paper about them saying 1975 was gonna be the end of the world, and Jesus was gone come jumping down. The Roman Catholics say the same thing; the Church of God say the same thing, and now they done drew back on it. Whenever I tell you something gone happen, it’s gone happen.

FREDDY: You said it wouldn’t.

DR. KINLEY: Yeah I, sure I said it! Read.

READER: after those days, saith Yahweh, I will put my law in their inward part…

DR. KINLEY: Now he said He’s gone put it in their inward part. They say that God ain’t putting His law in no man, but it’s a vital force upon him. David try Ezekiel 34:25&26. I tell you, brethren we know what we’re talking about, and I’m sorry I have to say this to you. This is an unction from the Holy Spirit to say this to you. You come down here and learn what it’s all about. Now you may not see fit to obey that. Now if you don’t… Listen, I could have it read to you that Yahshua the Messiah said it, and back here at this mountain Yahweh told ‘em to gather up here around that mountain, and it’s just like me telling you to come to school. And that scripture says there in Hebrews, “Forsake not to assemble yourselves together for such as the manner of some is.” And those of you that hasn’t done it he’s talking about you, some is, “And much more as you see the day approaching.” You see the fulfillment of everything; you see earthquakes in divers places; you see all kinds of false and erroneous doctrines being taught; you see wars and rumors of wars, you see earthquakes and everything. And yet in still you just go along “I don’t think I’ll go down there.” And Yahweh said you go down there, and much more as you see the day approaching. AND IF YOU DON’T DO IT YOU’LL JUST LOSE YOUR SOUL, THAT’S ALL. Somebody jump up and say, “Well I been in this thing to long to get up and get out of it now.” Well eternity is longer than you’ve been in a church. Let me tell you something else, there isn’t anybody can tell you what the purpose of Yahweh is but Yahweh Himself, and the reason for that is because don’t nobody know what it is but Him. And look, I wanna let you know this, it was hid from ages and dispensations, if you don’t think it was I’ll read it. Now folks, finish what you got there doc.

READER: I’ll put it in their inner parts and write it in their hearts…

DR. KINLEY: Now he said He said He’s gonna write it in their hearts, that’s what He said He’s gonna do. Now we could go to the 3rd Chapter of 2nd Corinthians and begin with the first verse, says, “Do we begin again to commend ourselves, or need we as some others.” Now David I want you to read there where Ezekiel confirms it. And I could have Joel 28:19&20 read, where he confirmed that Yahweh said that He was gonna put His spirit in you. Now listen folks, listen at what I’m gone say now. That is what is in this age! It’s nothing else but the Holy Spirit in you in this age! No water baptism, that’s all that’s in this age. In other words you have an mortal body with an immortal spirit in it, or a eternal Spirit in it, in this present age. No carnal ordinances at all, none of no kind! Is that clear to you? That’s what all the ordinances pointed to. Now you have the reality of what they pointed to in you now. Are you listening? You have it in an immortal body. [mortal] Then what’s in the next age? Then you have an immortal body and an immortal spirit. “Behold, I should you a mystery, the Apostle said, we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, for this mortal must put on immortality, and this corruption must put on incorruption.” So that’s what’s in the age to come. Now you can fool around here and let these lying hypocrite preachers cause you to lose your soul if you want to. They don’t know what it’s all about. Read the verse David.

READER: Ezekiel 36:26. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you…

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that, Yahweh said He’s gone put it in you, and here the Jehovah’s Witness saying, “The Holy Spirit ain’t in no man,” calling Yahweh a liar. Try Joel 2:28. See I could just stand here and preach there’s no end to it. I could be here until this time tomorrow evening. I know the purpose and plan. When I tell you something’s gone happen it’s gone happen, believe it or not. Now listen here, these people been following around behind me for 43 years. Now Freddy you’d be pretty stupid if you can’t catch me in a lie in 43 years. I’d say you need some mental help. If you’ve been around here for 43 years, or less time, and you see these things read right out of the Book, I can’t change ‘em, it’s gone stay that way. So then my point is this, see you’ll have to obey Yahweh. Babylon is fallen. [Sentence Inaudible] Now read those, read right quick cause the time is just about expired,

READER: And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh…

DR. KINLEY: Now they say it’s a vital force upon you. All right, read.

READER: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your old men shall dream dreams, and you’re your young men shall see visions.

DR. KINLEY: I told you I had one, and you can inveinvestigate it for yourself and arrive at your own conclusions. Okay.

READER: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit…

DR. KINLEY: Now Peter spoke in Acts 2:4, “This is that that was spoken by the prophet Joel that in the last days…” See folk, you’d better go somewhere where you can learn. Now here’s what we need to know, now this is what you need to know. Now I ain’t got time to fool with it, run in no 12th Chapter of Revelations, run it down, I ain’t got time to fool with that. But them Satanic spirits are innumerable, and a third part of the stars of heaven is cast down to earth, and they’re incarnated in ministers, so-called ministers. And they’re standing in the pulpits lying to you, and they’re not telling you according to the scriptures. They are just lying like dogs. He’s telling you that the Bible says you ought to be baptized, Gentiles. They’re saying that the Holy Spirit is not in anybody. They’re saying everything. And then here not to long ago Ambassador College said that they didn’t know that Jesus Christ was back here with Moses, He was. See they said they didn’t know it. Is that right Dr. Hobbs?

DR. HOBBS: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: You heard him on the TV; you heard it right there with the rest of us. Now get that verse

READER: Joel 2:28. It shall come to pass in the last days, saith Yahweh, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out in those days of my Spirit, and they shall prophesy…

DR. KINLEY: The 4th verse. [Acts 2:4]

READER: And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and begin to speak with other tongues…

DR. KINLEY: Naw, ain’t nobody got it. And they were all filled with the…

[Tape Ends]

School of the Highest Learning

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