Water Baptism

Lecture given by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley on Easter Sunday, March 29, 1959.

[Beginning statements missing on this tape]

…. What you are blessed with learning at this great date or at this last hour, the truth about it is you should’ve been shouting now about it, and when I say that I don’t mean just jumping up and down over chairs and benches and whooping and hollering and screaming and all, I don’t meant that; I mean that you ought to feel blessed within yourself, not only today but tomorrow and as long as God permits the world to go on as it is, which I will assure you definitely and positively it will not go on as it is, rest assured of that.

Now it’s always been in my, my prayer as you know, just to try to show you some things from a logical point of view. Freddy, would you please… In your bible, Genesis, those of us, some of us don’t even know that, and they haven’t given that much concern about it. You look back here in the Genesis in the 1st chapter and the 1st verse it’ll give you the chronology and see that the Edenic state back there was 4000 years before the birth of Christ. Yes there’s an error there of four years, that’s an admitted error. It says at the top of your book or the bible it’s 4004 but it’s 4000. Now if it’s 4000 (I’m gonna lower this). Now if it was 4000 before the birth, and now we’re living in the year 1959 since the birth, (this is BC and this is AD) see they don’t hardly ever or able to pick up any mistakes. There is no such thing as BC, and for the majority of people that call themselves Christians they haven’t learned that yet, so almost everything that you put your hands on religiously is erroneous. Now when I say that it’s before the birth of Jesus, if you look in your bible, Matthew 1:21, you’ll find it there. Suppose you read it and see whether I’m right about it or not. It’s no such thing as before the birth of Christ. Read Matthew 1:21 and see if it says before the birth of Christ.

Reader: And she shall bring forth a Son…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and thou shalt call His name Jesus…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: for He shall save His people from their sins…

Dr. Kinley: for He shall save His people from their sins. Read Matthew 16:20 since you’re right there.

Reader: Then charged He His disciples that they should tell no man that He was Jesus the Christ…

Dr. Kinley: Then charged He His disciples that they should tell no man that He was Jesus the Christ. Thirty-three long years, thirty-three and half to be more specific, the Jewish nation did not know that Jesus was the Messiah that was to be born in the world according to the scriptures, they did not know it. Now is there any wonder about our stupidity and colossal ignorance and indolence as of now? When He walked around over the Judean hills and over the Palestinian land He performed many miracles. They had the Law of Moses and the prophets and they couldn’t identify that He was the one that Moses and the prophets said would come, and when they asked Him about a lot of questions He’d say search the scriptures, search that which Moses and the prophets said. And so now here God has given Peter a revelation when He asked him, talking with Peter, said who do men say that I am? “Well some of say you’re some of the prophets that has written and so forth and so on.” Well what do you say about it? He said “I say that thou art the Christ the Son of the living God.” And He said tell no man until after He had risen from the dead. Now then after He had risen from the dead and they begin to write, Matthew Mark Luke and John, then they begin to call Him Jesus Christ in their writings. Did you know that? Most of us don’t. They never called Him Jesus Christ until after He was risen from the dead. THEY DID KNOW THAT HE WAS JESUS THE CHRIST; you got it, you just read it. He went up in the mountain and transfigured before them, and they saw Him in the transfiguration before His crucifixion, and His face shown as the sun, above the brightness of the sun. And if you read the 17th chapter of Matthew and read closely it was a vision. And after they came down from the mountain, having saw Moses and Elijah there and heard the conversation, He told them tell the vision to no man till after He’d risen from the dead. SO ALL DURING HIS LIFETIME THEY CALLED HIM JESUS, then after He’d risen from the dead, about 18 years to be more specific, Matthew begins to write and the others begin to write, and then they begin to call Him Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul saw Him on the way going down to Damascus and in his epistles he begins with Jesus Christ.

Now so far as Christ is concerned, or —- —-, He was God manifest in a physical body. Paul said, and we read it quite frequently, without controversy and without any debate or any question or any interrogation or catechizing of any kind, without controversy great is the mystery of God, God was manifested in the flesh, seen of angels, preached on in the world to the gentiles, and received on up into glory. It is a great mystery, God was in that tabernacle, God was in that body – what was He doing – reconciling the world unto Himself. And we haven’t got very much learned about it at this late date. And when I speak that way I’m speaking religiously and universally and collectively.

There has been since we’ve been in this school here right here in this room, some have come here and talked about Buddha, some that have talked about Krishna and others, because we give everybody the freedom and the liberty to speak and to say what they wanted to say and testify as they choose, which in other ecclesiastical reformation and organization unless you were one of the parties belonging to the church why then they won’t let you speak, they’re afraid that you might intrude on some of their religious concepts. Here you can say what you wanna say and think what you wanna think, our job is telling you the truth. You can accept it if you want to it’s up to you, that’s what our job is. That’s what we did all through the state of Ohio for 27 years before we came here, isn’t that right Dr. Gross?

Dr. Gross: That’s right.

Dr. Kinley: And everything that I have during those 27 years God certainly has backed it up. There is no greater (if you’ll allow me to boast in Christ) there is no greater in the world today than this little nucleus right here, believe it or not. Some of the greatest things that’s been done on earth since the days of the apostles has been performed right here in this little school. It truly is great. But we don’t go around boasting and blowing about it – why- because I can’t do nothing if it’s anything done it was God. Do you understand what I mean?

Response: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: I oughta bring this up anyhow, just oughta bring it up just to let you know. I set down one day and told a lady the truth almost with tears in my eyes, she was blind. The doctors had tried everything they knew how, and they give up the job. And when I talked with her I told her now I wasn’t interested in what the doctor said. I said you, irrespective and regardless of what the doctor said you can receive your eyesight, and on top of that if you will take what I tell you about it, you will receive your eyesight, instantaneously you’ll receive your eyesight. And so we went on around here, and it wasn’t long before we came out here to California, and then they begin to talk about me, and say some things about me. So then they, they didn’t think people oughta go way out there in California. It’s always somebody’s gonna have something to say about something. So after we got out here she happened to think about what I’d told her, and she decided she’d better come back to class and get back where she belonged at, and instantaneously she received her eyesight. There sets her father right there, and I’m talking about your mother. Am I lying?

Response: No.

Dr. Kinley: I know what they were saying. I can’t do no more about nothing than you can, and neither is it nobody else on the earth can. Even Jesus said Himself, I can of my own self do nothing, my Father in me He doeth the works. I just told her what He said, and I told her if it was a lie He told it, but in every case it had worked for me. And this morning after having the divine revelation 27 years ago, when I check up, go on back through those 27 years and look and see the impossible things, which some of you here have been with me many years, and see the impossible things that I have told you from time to time, and I haven’t missed any, not the first. And yet the people think that it’s just another one of these little fly by night groups.

The reason why we didn’t call it a church, we called it Divine, The Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research. The reason why we didn’t call it a church was because we don’t want the people to think that Kinley or anybody else can build a church. Christ said upon this rock I’ll build my church and the very gates of hell shall not prevail against it, and Kinley doesn’t see where I’m able to build one and I’ll do well to stay in the one He built. We founded this, charted it under the State of California, and in chartering it under the State of California don’t you realize that you can’t charter the Church of God? The State can’t do that! And that was our reason for calling it what we did, not because we got some kind of erroneous or spurious doctrine or philosophy that we teach aside and apart from the bible. WE DON’T HAVE NOTHING ELSE, NOTHING BUT THE SCRIPTURES, NOTHING BUT THE BIBLE! It’s no need to bring me nothing else; I will not have it, definitely and positively not have it from no man. THIS IS THE GREAT DIVINE REVELATION FROM THE GREAT GOD OF THIS STELLAR UNIVERSE, AND I, AS LONG AS I LIVE I SHALL DEFEND IT. And that’s the only thing that counts with me because I’ve been convinced years ago.

And as I was about to say, when I look back through those 27 years sometimes I tremble in my boots and turn around and walk off and go places off to myself, those of you know that I do, in the lavatory or some place, and I just can’t hold the tears. The doctor has given up, in fact there’s one back there, medical doctor, practicing medical doctor, 14 years of it. Is that right Dr. Harris?

Dr. Harris: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: And he himself gave his patient up to die and the hospital did too. Did he live?

Dr. Harris: Yes, sir.

Dr. Kinley: There sat one right there, if he’d get up and strip his clothes off and let you see how his body is just covered all down the front, and the doctors haven’t seen a human being all through the 2nd World War that was burnt like that and live, and they gave him up, took the screens away from around the hospital, and gave him up to die; said it was impossible for him to live like that. We’ve got others setting right looking me in the face that the doctors have given up with cancer and operations, and they setting and looking me in the face or setting in their seats and looking. It don’t even make sense to think that these people would follow me 2300 miles just to hear me run off at my mouth. Spent $40,000 and only collected since we’ve been here $6 and a quarter or whatever that little was. How much was it?

Response: $6.50

Dr. Kinley: $6000 and 50 cents, that’s all we got out of it. And we haven’t asked nobody for nothing in the State of California, so you know I’m not here preaching for what I can get out of you. And I’m broke, dead broke on purpose and gonna stay that way. You’re not gonna pay me for preaching. I taught 27 years and nobody’s paid me for it. I wanna let you know, those of you that don’t know me, I’m serious about it.

Now as I said, 4000 years before the birth of Christ, we’ll call it the birth of Christ since it’s traditionally the custom, but I thought I owed you that to tell you. Almost everything you pick up is stultifying. Just like what you would wanna talk about the New Testament, what they call the New Testament, that’s not what the New Testament is. Matthew Mark Luke and John is not the New Testament. This is… [HITS THE BOARD] that’s not what it is. See everything you put your hands on is wrong. Well somebody say, “Well who are you to say that it’s wrong? Look at the many millions of people on the face of the earth that recognize Catholics and Protestants, as being the New Testament.” Now when you get right down to studying and doing some investigation that is not true. Jeremiah 31:31 says this, and I certainly did not say it God said it, that I will not make a covenant with the house of Israel according to the one that I made with them when I took them by the hand and led them out of the wilderness, but this shall be the covenant that I will make with them after those days, after what days, after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Then what? Into their hearts will I put my laws and in their hearts will I write them. 2nd epistle of Paul to the Corinthians and the 3rd chapter, “Shall we begin again to commend ourselves as some others or need we, ye are our epistles written in our hearts read and known of all men, not written with pen and ink but in fleshly tables of the heart.” That is the New Testament; that is the New Covenant for your information, and God said He would do that, and to show you more explicitly let’s read Hebrews about the 9th chapter and the 17th verse. See these things the people…just like I’m trying to tell you traditionally today they’re celebrating Easter and a lot of ‘em are just interested in getting out here showing off a new suit or something they call it, traditionally so. Read.

Reader: For a testament is of force after men are dead…

Dr. Kinley: A testament is of force after men are dead. After those days, after the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ into their hearts will I put my laws and in their minds will I write them. A testament is of force after, not before, but after they’re dead, and Matthew Mark Luke and John is a biography of Him fulfilling the law and the prophecy in the days of His flesh, and He wasn’t dead either, but it took affect after He was dead. Otherwise, read.

Reader: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth…

Dr. Kinley: Otherwise it is of no effect at all. Now this BC4000, before Christ… Let’s take it this way first. Look at Peter, 2nd Peter 3rd chapter and the 8th verse. I wanna show you the emergency of this.

Reader: but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing…

Dr. Kinley: Now you see the Apostle Peter is calling attention, beloved be not ignorant of this one thing. Whatever you do don’t be ignorant of this one thing. What about it?

Reader: that one day is with the Lord…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: as a thousand years…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and a thousand years is as one day…

Dr. Kinley: and a thousand years as one day. Now Peter said don’t be ignorant about that. Read on Dr. Harris.

Reader: The Lord is not slack concerning His promise…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) read.

Reader: as some men count slackness…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) but what?

Reader: but is long suffering to usward…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: not willing that any should perish…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: but that all should come to repentance…

Dr. Kinley: but that all should come to repentance. Now I want you to listen. Be not ignorant of this one thing that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day. Psalms, the 90th Division of Psalms and the 4th verse, David, that’s where Peter is getting it from. Now look, if God, look at these 4000 years, if God worked 6 days in His creation of heaven and earth then you see in the 1st chapter of Genesis you have a record of it there, and the 7th day He rested. And if one day with Him is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day, and He worked 6 days or 6000 years and He rested, then it is 4000 years before Jesus was born, and then this 1959 years after He is born, which makes a total of 5959 years A.M, meaning the year of the world. Now if you would subtract the B.C. and the A.D. from the total of that from the 6000 you’d have 41 years, that’s what you’d have.

Now here we are this morning, Easter morning, setting up and the world is unconscious of what it’s really all about. And we have all of the different sects and the different cults and the different creeds and the different ideologies, religious concepts I’m talking about. Nobody much thinks about this. It could have been possible that you just wouldn’t be here this morning or in another state of existence, just could have been lost. But what we’re doing now in 41 years is trying to get to the moon, long range programs. See, you see through what I’m talking about. Time is short. Well somebody say “Well I don’t know if that figure is right or not, the 4000.” Look up here. 1-2-3-4, God in the creation of the heaven and earth put the sun in the sky to illuminate the sky on the 4th day in the creation. The sun illuminated the sky the 4th day. If you count it, 1-2-3-4, 4000, and then on the 4000th year the Son of God stood flat-footed on the face of the earth to die and to illuminate your understanding. See that now. And Now Peter said don’t be ignorant of that because God is not willing, He’s longsuffering not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

Now here you see Peter is speaking of baptism, 1st Peter 3:20, going back to this right here in the beginning of that age. And the most people in the world they haven’t even give it a thought; it hasn’t even crossed their minds that the world has ended twice before. And now while we’re out here and said that, somebody will say, “Well, where did that fool come from? He better go on back to where he come from, he’s supposed to be real smart theologian.” Now before you read 1st Peter 3:21 let me prove that it has ended twice before; it isn’t no whole lot of trouble, 10th chapter of 1st Corinthians.

Reader: Moreover…

Dr. Kinley: Moreover, that’s right.

Reader: Moreover brethren…

Dr. Kinley: Now moreover brethren, see there’s some more on top of that moreover brethren. Read.

Reader: I would not that ye should be ignorant…

Dr. Kinley: Now see, here he comes in talking about he didn’t want ‘em to be ignorant. We just told you what Peter said, “Beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing…” Now Paul he’s got something here he doesn’t want you to be ignorant about. Moreover brethren I would not that ye be ignorant

Reader: how that all our fathers were under the cloud…

Dr. Kinley: how that all of the Jews were under the cloud. Read.

Reader: and all passed through the sea…

Dr. Kinley: and all passed through the sea, right here they’re talking about, the Passover; they went through the Red Sea and was under the cloud. I don’t want you to be ignorant about that. Why? Because it’s a type, it’s a shadow, it’s an example. Alright read.

Reader: and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud…

Dr. Kinley: and they were all baptized unto Moses, every last one of ‘em were, was baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea, all of ‘em. How many was it? Over 600,000 not counting the women and the children and was all baptized in the cloud and in the sea, all of ‘em. Now look, and out of them that come out of Egypt and got into Canaan land just Caleb and Joshua, God killed all the rest of right there in the wilderness, and just the two of them reached Canaan land; they were baptized too in the cloud and in the sea. Now there’s a whole lot of us that have been baptized. You get the gist don’t you? Some of us been baptized back in the pool behind the pulpit. And some of us didn’t want it that way and we had to go and get baptized in running water. See that. Alright read on.

Reader: and did all eat the same spiritual meat…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and did all drink the same spiritual drink…

Dr. Kinley: all drank the same…they even told you about it. Read.

Reader: for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and that rock was Christ…

Dr. Kinley: Oh no, Mary’s His mother. See, you get it. [Sentence inaudible] You got’a do something. We haven’t learned it yet, that’s what the trouble is. Read on. No wonder He said that before Abraham was I am, and they said that He’s not even 50 years old. Can you see the fallacy in talking about before Christ? Which you ordinarily wouldn’t know unless somebody that was capable enough and had enough profound knowledge of God, if you’ll allow me to say so, was careful enough to instruct you in righteousness that you might be awakened to tell you something about it. It’s almost embarrassing for me to stand here and talk about that there’s no such thing as before Christ. Look at all the evidence I got against me. Now here He is standing out here saying before Abraham was I am, and they wouldn’t have it then, and we’re no better off today than it was then. But now here’s Paul talking about Christ being back here, that’s 1491 years before the birth of Jesus. Alright read on.

Reader: but with many of them God was not well pleased…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) read.

Reader: for they were overthrown in the wilderness…

Dr. Kinley: Now I just told you about that while ago they were some overthrown in the wilderness. Read.

Reader: Now these things were our examples…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: to the intent…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute, God overthrew them back there. So you could see when you’re trying to foist these traditions and customs on God, go on and do it your way… Say, “Don’t make no difference to me about it, I been in this thing so long, others have died and went to heaven out of it, I can too, it’s too late for me to change now.” Others said, uh they to me, “I’m a Baptist bred, and I’m a Baptist born, and when I die I’ll just be a Baptist gone.” The harder we try the worse it is; if we try too hard and somebody’s liable to hit you in the mouth. Ain’t that right? All these were them that were overthrown in the wilderness. And I could use a more exact account of it there than what the apostle did there. I told you it wasn’t nothing but two that went into Canaan land and that was Caleb and Joshua. You know why they made it? The two archangels coming through here up, the two archangels Caleb and Joshua; see the rest of it went by the board. Alright read on.

Reader: Now these things were our examples…

Dr. Kinley: Now these things were an example to us that we just ought not to be hardheaded. Ain’t that right?

Response: Right.

Dr. Kinley: Alright read on.

Reader: to the intent we should not lust after evil things…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: as they also lusted…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: neither be ye idolaters…

Dr. Kinley: Neither be ye idolaters. Now look, it’s easy to be an idolater, now let me show you how; hold the thought. Now here’s one church over here and they say that they’re right, here’s another one over here he says that he’s right, and here’s another one and so forth and so on. You know what I’m talking about, just many of ‘em they all say that they’re right, regardless of doctrine and whatnot they’re all right. And the Roman Catholic Church swears by all that is holy that they are right and that they are the mother church and that the Pope of Rome is the head over it, the whole earth, that’s what they swear and they declare at, and that all the Protestants and other different forms of religion must come back (now don’t start no argument with me cause I’ll go and get the book and read, you know I will) must come back to the mother church. And you don’t stand around and sass them over in Spain and around over there they’ll cut your head off, and now you don’t too much of it over here, and that’s the reason I’m looking to get in trouble almost at anytime. See they ain’t wanting you to preach and teach the gospel whatever you do, just anything else other than that. Now those things were written for our examples and for our admonition. And would you read what you just said.

Reader: neither be ye idolaters.

Dr. Kinley: and don’t be idolaters. Now of this can’t be right, there’s no question about it, there’s no argument about it, everybody know that it can’t be. Now what we mean by what you say, when I say that Christ built His church, and you say that He built that one, and you say that He built another one, and you say He so forth and so on, that’s idolatry ignorance and superstition cause Christ never built but one church, just one! And now you’re gonna make Him an adulterer, you’re gonna make Him an idolater, you’re gonna have Him with a whole lot’a wives because the church is His body, it is His wife, it is His bride, and now here you got Him with a whole lot of ‘em. You see what I’m talking about. So don’t you be an idolater. Isn’t that right? And I wanna let you know too, HE IS HEAD OF IT, AND I MEAN HE IS THE GENERAL COUNSELOR, not the Pope, JESUS CHRIST, AND NOT KINLEY. I just got through telling you I founded the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research, but I certainly did not found the Church of Christ, and nobody else. Now we ought to be getting up out of some of this idolatry at this late date, don’t you think so, and some of this ignorance and superstition and traditions and customs and all that foolishness and folly. And the State chartered this they can’t charter the Church of Christ. Alright read on. So don’t be no idolater that’s bad. Read on.

Reader: as were some of them…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: as it is written…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play…

Dr. Kinley: See the people sat down to eat and to drink and then they rose up to play. God gave ‘em manna and fed ‘em from heaven, and they set down there and ate, and they rose up to play. That’s what we’re doing. Every year somebody goes out and charters another church, then all the rest of the churches are wrong but that one. Next year somebody else comes out and charters another one and all the rest of ‘em are wrong but that. They’re getting down to eat, all getting the same thing and all reading the same bible and getting more erroneous doctrines and philosophies than you could shake a stick at every year. There is no other name given under heaven whereby man can be saved, it’s just impossible to be saved by any other name saving the name of Jesus Christ. It cannot be done, you can try it all you want to it just can’t be done. It was He that died and raised from the dead and there is no other name… Buddha won’t do! Krishna won’t do! Zoroaster will not do! Rosicrucian’s won’t do! John the Baptist won’t do. Isaiah will not do! Peter won’t do —-! Paul won’t do! There is no other name given under heaven whereby man can be saved saving the name Jesus Christ. Zoroaster was before Christ, I mean in that day he come before Jesus. Buddha was 600 years before Him. 10th chapter of St. John He says, all that come before me are thieves and robbers, He said that, so won’t none of ‘em do.

Now we’ve had some experience with them, and you saw ‘em stand right here on the floor and talk about Buddha and Krishna. And right today, this same day over there in Tibet they’re having trouble over there with the Dalai Lama’s out of Tibet worshipping Buddhism and all, it’s having trouble, and it’s just vacated there and gone astray, I mean today! India talks about the sacred cow. What about the sacred son of God wouldn’t that do just as well in worshipping Christ instead of a four-footed beast? Wouldn’t it be better to worship God than it would be even to worship Gabriel (course he got a promotion now) I don’t know if you heard about it, some of you did. Pope Pius 12th promoted him the supervisor of telephones, televisions, and radios and to the —-, Pope Pius 12th did that; that was one of the greatest things he did while he was Pope. You didn’t know that? Alright read on.

Reader: neither let us commit fornication…

Dr. Kinley: Neither let us commit fornication. And the thought we’re after is to show you that the world ended before, twice before. Read.

Reader: as some of them committed…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and fell in one day three and twenty thousand…

Dr. Kinley: and fell in one day three and twenty thousand. Now listen doc, you needn’t to jump up here in God’s face and get all riled up and all worked up in all them different kind of things, and tip-toe around and wolf and carry on and think God’s afraid of you. He don’t mind wiping out three or four thousands of ‘em in just one day! You see there, one day, that’s a lot of people ain’t it? That’s not out of the billions on the face of the earth today that’s out of six hundred thousand, see wipe ‘em all out in one day. They were arguing around about this pattern to make the tabernacle, Abiram Dathan and Korah after Moses, God had showed it to him up there in the mount. He showed it to him, and He said now Moses see to it that you make this like the pattern that I showed you, not told you about, but I showed you up there in the mountain. And then Moses come back down, Abiram Dathan and Korah they’re good carpenters and whatnot, they knew all about construction work, said “No Moses, don’t make it like that make it like this.” And Moses didn’t argue around about it, said “Now look here whoever is on the Lord’s side get over here, and all them on Abiram Dathan and Korah’s side get over there.” So them that’s on Abiram Dathan and Korah’s side they got over on the other side and God just opened up the earth and swallowed ‘em up and they went on and built the tabernacle. See that’s the way that happened. Alright read.

Reader: neither let us tempt Christ…

Dr. Kinley: Don’t let us tempt Christ

Reader: as some of them also tempted…

Dr. Kinley: as some of them also did. You don’t push something over on somebody, gone have his way anyhow! That’s what lot of us ministers are trying to do. Alright read on.

Reader: and were destroyed of the serpents…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: neither murmur ye…

Dr. Kinley: Don’t be grumbling. Read.

Reader: as some of them also murmured

Dr. Kinley: as some of them grumbled about

Reader: and were destroyed of the destroyer…

Dr. Kinley: and were destroyed of the serpents. Read on.

Reader: Now all them things happened unto them for examples…

Dr. Kinley: Now that all happened for an example or they were types and shadows to let us know better than to do that. You see what he’s talking about. Alright, read on.

Reader: and they are written for our admonition…

Dr. Kinley: And the reason why they’re written, it’s written for our admonition or our instruction and encouragement and admonishment. Alright read.

Reader: upon whom the end…

Dr. Kinley: There you are. Upon whom the end, E N D S… is that right in your book?

Response: That’s right

Dr. Kinley: You got plural there, E N D S?

Response: Yes, sir.

Dr. Kinley: upon whom has come or gonna come

Reader: are come

Dr. Kinley: You real sure you’re reading out the book? Upon whom the ends, E N D S of the world or of the age have come, not gonna come; I’m not talking about…that’s past, that’s over with, that’s gone. Now look, these people there, or these people here that was back under there, and when Christ died that ended that world; that’s the end of it. Now you just read about them didn’t you? Is that right? Now read about the other, that’s the reason why I went over there, 1st Peter 3:21, here’s another one in there.

Reader: the like figure whereunto even baptism doth…

Dr. Kinley: You better go up a little further than that.

Reader: By which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison

Dr. Kinley: um-hum

Reader: which sometime were disobedient…

Dr. Kinley: alright

Reader: when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah…

Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute let’s get straightened out. When once the long suffering of God… I wanna repeat so you can catch on. And what I wanna repeat, and I wish it was some way that I could just make everybody understand. Peter said don’t be ignorant of this about the long suffering of God, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Now he’s still talking about it, about the days of Noah and the long suffering, how long, 120 years! What happened? He built an ark; see the long suffering of God. Read it, in the days of Noah when the ark was to be prepared. Read on.

Reader: while the ark was a preparing, wherein few 8…

Dr. Kinley: wherein 8, few, to be exact 8, Noah, his sons, 3 sons, Shem, Ham, Japheth and their wives they got saved by water, right? Alright read.

Reader: that is 8 souls were saved by water…

Dr. Kinley: That’s right.

Reader: the like figure…

Dr. Kinley: Now a like, Peter says it’s a like figure, a figure just like this. Now he’s talking about coming over from this. Here’s the antediluvian, now here’s the flood, this is the crucifixion, this is the postdiluvian, that’s the crucifixion of Christ, and this is the present one, and this is the present age. Now this was an end of a world there, [Flood] and this was an end of a world there [Pentecost] and this is the present world we’re living in or the present age we’re living in, the present, often called by theologians the church age. Now Paul was talking about this one, and he’s saying that the Jews here, back under the Jewish law, (here, so you can see up here), that’s all coming to an end, and since before that there was another end. Here’s one end and there’s the other, and Paul said upon whom the ends, plural, has come. And Peter say it’s the like figure wherein baptism does also now save us, not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God who is gone into heaven. Is that what you got there? Read it.

Reader: The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us, not the putting away of the filth of the flesh…

Dr. Kinley: not the putting away the filthiness of the flesh

Reader: but the answer of a good conscience of God…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) Read.

Reader: by the resurrection of Jesus Christ…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: who is gone into heaven…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: and is on the right hand of God…

Dr. Kinley: okay

Reader: angels and authorities and powers…

Dr. Kinley: angels and authorities and powers, except Gabriel and angels, the pope is running that. [LAUGHTER] angels authorities and powers

Reader: being made subject unto Him…

Dr. Kinley: being made subject unto Him. Now you understand? Now all of that might seem to us… Well now I have read that, I have studied that and so forth and so on, and so I got that all straight in my mind. That’s what people think. Is that right?

Now I want you to follow me. You see that the baptism is associated with the resurrection. Now instead of us all hanging out here on the cross like Jesus did when they drove the nails in His hands, when and He died and was buried in a borrowed tomb, Joseph’s new tomb, hewn out in the rocks, and on the 3rd day… Incidentally I’ve never heard a preacher preach the resurrection of Christ and get it straight. I’m 62 years old, I been going to church, and all of you that know me know I’ve got encyclopedias and all kinds of books, been studying for 40 long years of my life and I haven’t seen the first one, since we’re all up here in this resurrection, and in this baptism… Now that sounds bad don’t it? It sounds almost unbelievable doesn’t it? Huh! Don’t it? And if I didn’t go on and tell you what I was talking about you’d say, “Well that man said.” And as many preachers that we’ve heard…

Let me show you something. Jesus said (if you wanna read it I’ll let you read). Jesus said when they went to Him, the Jews, and said “Master show us a sign.” And He said there will be no sign given except the sign which was given unto the prophet Jonah, as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale, so they said there. That’s incorrect, it was not whale, it’s fish. And if you look back over there in Jonah where it is mentioned the second time you won’t find the whale you’ll find the fish. I’ll correct a few of these things as we go along. But there shall be no sign given except that which was given unto the prophet Jonah, as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the fish, even shall the Son of man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth. Is that in there? You want me to read it? Now He was crucified on a Friday, (Good Friday, you just got through with it) laid in Joseph’s new tomb over the Sabbath, that Saturday, and raised from the dead very early in the morning, first day of the week, that was this morning. Now you get 3 days and 3 nights out of it and decide whether you’ve heard any of ‘em preach it or not. Ask Reverend to explain that to you, how can these things be? He can’t do it because he don’t know nothing about it. But yet in still there’s many of ‘em out there right now walking around talking about the resurrection of Christ.

Now look, crucified on a Friday, laid in Joseph’s new tomb. Friday night would only be one night wouldn’t it, and one day and one night. Then Saturday that’s another day, Saturday night is another night, so you got 2 days and 2 nights. And very early in the morning the first day of the week, which is the Sunday morning He rose from the dead. Now how do you get the 3rd night in it? You see that now, how do you get it in, since we’re on the resurrection, and that’s what He said. Now you can go out there and ask any of ‘em that’s out there talking about it in the churches and in the churches around and they wouldn’t be able to tell you. Now I’ll tell you about that. Do you want me to?

Response: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: Is that what you want?

Response: Yeah.

Dr. Kinley: Okay. Now remember that to be baptized at John’s baptism… Now why was that? I’ll have to come up to you so that you can see. Now the reason why He was baptized and He said to John, “Suffer it to be so because it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness. Now what part of righteousness is it that you’re supposed to fulfill? Alright, we just read that they were baptized in the cloud and in the sea. Is that right?

Response: Right.

Dr. Kinley: You say that’s right. Alright now there’s a baptism. You go back here and Peter says it’s the like figure that is wherein baptism does also now save us, not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Christ who’s gone into heaven. And then you go on back, clear on back (Oh Lord it’s coming back on me, and I’m fixing to lose out here and I am trying to stay down where we are). Now when we go clear on back and you find that Christ was immersed into a cloud. And now then on the 3rd day of the creation, (3rd day right here) the waters have covered the face of the earth. Oh I tell you, it really is something. I’m just all carried on up now; I’m trying my best to stay down so you can understand what I’m talking about.

Now the 3rd day in the creation God removed the waters off the face of the earth, rolled the waters away. Now when you think about that you think about that you think about Gabriel in Matthew coming down rolling the stone away, which everybody is talking about today being the resurrection, and that was on the 3rd day… Is that right?

Response: Yes, right.

Dr. Kinley: then this is the 3rd day in the creation, ain’t no man on the face of the earth. The earth is baptized in the water, inundated; I’m talking about the 1st chapter of Genesis so you can see. And God moved the waters off the face of the earth forming rivers and seas, and then He let the dry land appear; that’s the earth’s baptism. Go on back further than that. How much further back are you going? Going on back to the bosom of the Father where He was immersed in the bosom of the Father before He came into the world, John 1:9. This is on the 3rd day, the earth’s water baptism, and the angel rolling the stone away. Do you see through what I’m talking about? On the 3rd day, that’s why God did as He did on the 3rd day. Then He let the vegetable kingdom penetrate the soil on the 3rd day, 2 operations. And that was a testimony or fact that Jesus Christ would be sealed in Joseph’s new tomb, the seed of Abraham just like the seed of vegetation is here. We go by a pattern here. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water, He was buried in Joseph’s new tomb and a stone rolled up to the door. That’s why he had to roll the stone up there because He had to be completely concealed there because the seed of vegetation and everything else is inundated, covered, and baptized in the water. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water, and Christ bowed His head in the lock of His shoulders and give up the ghost and the spirit. And they put Him on in Joseph’s new tomb and sealed up the tomb like she was sealed up here, and on the 3rd day God moved the waters off the face of the earth forming rivers and seas. And on the 3rd day Gabriel come on down to Joseph’s new tomb and rolled the stone away and set upon it; that was the 3rd day after He was crucified. That’s the seed of the vegetation and Christ is the seed of Abraham. See why we associated water baptism with the death burial and resurrection of Christ. And then after the vegetation grew through the soil that was the birth, and then she opened out and she grew on into fruition. And Peter said Jesus Christ is gone on into fruition that is to say He’s gone on into heaven and blossoms there as He goes. See it’s wonderful.

And three days after that God reaches right back down in it, and he was inundated, he was buried here in the water, every fiber, every tissue, ever cell, ever molecule, every atom that constituted his physical body was immersed in it. That’s the first Adam and Jesus Christ is the second Adam; He’s the Lord from heaven, 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians, talking about the origin of the thing now. He, Christ, was immersed in the bosom of the Father; He is the first Adam, REAL FIRST ADAM. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. And this is the first earthly Adam, and HE was the TRUE FIRST ADAM AND LAST. Can you see through that now? And God is showing here by the vegetation growing and penetrating the soil even before He put a man on the face of the earth, and then when He did put him on there, everything that constituted his physical body was baptized in the water, the first Adam, just like He was immersed here in the bosom of the Father. And He breathed in his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul. And that’s why Christ before He ascended walked up and breathed on His disciples and said receive ye the Holy Spirit. That’s why He did it. And on the day of Pentecost there He comes back, the sound of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the house in which they were sitting and they were all baptized with the Holy Spirit. Is that right?

Response: That’s right.

Dr. Kinley: 2nd chapter of Acts of Apostles, see it’s associated with the resurrection. Now we come on up here to the Red Sea… No I ain’t ready for that; I ain’t ready for it. A lot of skeptics walking around here and don’t believe that Jesus Christ was crucified. And here he is God puts him under the influence of the Holy Spirit, right here; right here, immersed under the influence of the Holy Spirit, talking about medicology and ether and gas as an anesthetic. Here’s the first one, see God caused Adam, a deep sleep to fall on him, and he was immersed under the influence of the Holy Spirit. And God reached into his side, you understand, into his side and formed that woman out of it, and she was immersed in Adam. Do you see that? Now here He comes fulfilling, as He said think not that I come to destroy the law and the prophets but to fulfill. And there He is hanging out there on the cross, and a spear reaching into His side, the same thing they did here. He taken the woman out, a when Christ raised from the dead many of the saints which slept in the dust of the earth rose and went on into Jerusalem. See you can’t err if you know what you’re doing if you go by the pattern. I’m talking about this flood and on up to the children of Israel being baptized in the Red Sea. And now here come Jesus, said John (that’s why I had to go back there) when He went to him He said John, suffer it to be so now. Why? Because you see all this back here, fulfill all righteousness, and that’s what I’m fulfilling, and so John baptized Him. But before John baptized Him all of the Jews went out and were baptized, not gentiles, don’t put them in there) the Jews they were baptized; that’s the baptism of repentance. And Jesus said to John suffer it to be so, and so John baptized Him. What’s the purpose of it, since you’re talking about the resurrection? And as I said we haven’t got it learned yet, and I’m gonna get back on these days and prove it to you.

Now they were… 6th chapter of Romans Paul say that they were buried with Him by baptism into His death. 6th chapter of Romans he is telling gentiles or the Romans, that’s what he’s doing, telling them about the Jews being baptized into His death, that is to say that they were baptized before He died. What for? To baptize them into His death that they may be in the likeness of His resurrection who did no sin and neither was guile found in His mouth. Listen close now, listen close. When John baptized Jesus, since you wanna argue around, all us hypocrite preachers, since we wanna argue about Adam, the first man back there came death, and why this second Adam here paid the penalty for it. And you say, (every old hypocrite preacher you ever seen in your life will tell you) that the church is the body of Christ. You never seen one in your life that wouldn’t tell you that, and you never will, that is if he’s gonna read and take what the book says. Stand up. So now when John went to baptize the physical body of Jesus, everything there was under heaven was baptized in water just like everything was baptized in the first Adam. Everything was baptized… Suffer it to be so now because it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness, and they were buried with Him by baptism into His death. In other words they wasn’t all knocked in the head or crucified out there on the cross and then buried somewhere out in the graveyard, and so water baptism was a figure of being baptized into His death. And when you baptized His physical body all flesh is baptized. When death was appointed upon Adam every man died. Somebody stands up and say, “Well I’m an atheist,” he dies and goes on to the dust of the earth too. Says, “I’m an infidel,” right on down he goes. What’s the matter, why you doing that? God said, whether you believe it or not. Now everybody, makes no difference who they are were baptism, water baptism in Jesus Christ. That’s why it ain’t necessary now. And the gentile, and you can’t find it in your book, now don’t start no argument with me because they been trying that for 27 years. Well take this book and beat you to death with it. You can’t find nothing in there where Christ ever give anybody any commission to go out and put nobody in no water, since His resurrection I’m talking about. It is not in the book, and nothing about it. So now we got two things up here we don’t know nothing about. We can’t get them 3 days and them 3 nights, and now we can’t get this straight. You can’t find it, it’s not in there. You know why it ain’t in there; because that’s the reason why right there, the baptism of the repentance, that’s the only water baptism right there and it wasn’t one gentile in it, not the first one. And the Jews he wouldn’t baptize them unless they confessed their sin, had to admit that they broke the law, and the gentile didn’t have no law and no covenant made with them, not that one. That’s right. Can you have a cake and eat it too. Carnal ordinances were nailed to the cross. And if water baptism ain’t a carnal ordinance I don’t know nothing about what I’m talking about. I been talking about it for 27 years, ain’t nobody able to do nothing with it.

I said this one night also 20, almost 27 years ago any preacher from anywhere in the world can take this book and show where Jesus Christ ever said anything in the history of the world or God either… Peter was the only man that ever made a statement like that in the 10th chapter of Acts of Apostles, and he repudiated that in the 11th chapter, took it back when he went down to Cornelius’ house, and the Holy Spirit was poured out on Cornelius’ family while Peter yet spake. And Peter looked and seen that they had the Holy Spirit and he said, can any man forbid water seeing that they have received the Holy Spirit just as we have, talking about them that went with him, and Peter commanded them to be baptized. And if you look in the 11th chapter of Acts of Apostles when he went back up to Jerusalem they jumped on him about going to the gentiles. But nevertheless the great commission said, go ye therefore into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned. Is that right?

Response: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: Well then why don’t you take what you read? He said he that believeth and is (didn’t say gonna believe)… Is is present tense. How do you get is is present tense then? It’s because they were baptized in Jesus Christ back there, all the flesh and everything was baptized in Him back there. Then He told him to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, didn’t He tell ‘em that? Now here sets Peter up there talking about he’s not going down to the gentiles, said nothing common or unclean has entered… [Side 2 few statements missing]

Reader: for the Holy Ghost had not yet been given…

Dr. Kinley: At the time that Jesus made the statement the Holy Ghost wasn’t there, that came in on the day of Pentecost, do you see, which they should receive.

Now look at the purpose of God. Here’s Cornelius, here’s all of the whole entire book, and you can’t take under the dispensation of the law nowhere, in fact from the flood on down to the Pentecost or AD40, you can’t find no place in it nowhere where God ever said anything to the gentiles from the time that the nations begin to multiply on the face of the earth you can’t find nowhere, I said nowhere, where He gave them any carnal ordinances, the gentiles. He made a promise to Abraham that in his seed He would bless all the families of the earth, that one —-, and that’s just exactly what is happened.

Now look, Paul is saying in the 6th chapter of Romans, know ye not that as many of us, us who, the Jews – that were baptized into Jesus Christ was baptized into His death. What shall we say then, how shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid, how can you that are dead to sin live any longer therein, telling the gentiles about it? Then get down to the next verse, 6th chapter.

Reader: Likewise reckon…

Dr. Kinley: Now just like that happened to us, just like that, what?

Reader: Likewise reckon ye also yourselves…

Dr. Kinley: reckon yourselves also. Don’t go and get in the water, but likewise reckon yourselves, to what?

Reader: to be dead indeed unto sin…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: but alive unto God…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Dr. Kinley: through Jesus Christ. You see how it is. Colossians, somebody don’t wanna believe that it’s in the book this way (I say you can’t find nothing else in it) the 2nd chapter. That’s Paul writing, he ain’t gonna argue against himself is he?

Reader: For I would that ye knew…

Dr. Kinley: 2nd chapter of Colossians and about the 9th verse, see if it don’t read that way like it used to read. It oughta read the same way this morning don’t you think so? Alright read.

Reader: For in Him dwelleth…

Dr. Kinley: For in Him, see I just got through telling you, see I tried my best to make it clear, For in Him dwelleth all of the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He was God manifested in a body, He was Jesus (no argument), and when He raised from the dead, the Holy Ghost. Ain’t nothing you can do with that, you might as well forget that. You see through what I’m talking about. Okay then, read on. For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Now watch this baptism.

Reader: and ye are complete in Him…

Dr. Kinley: and ye are complete in Him. Now look, if all of His physical body was baptized, that’s all the flesh, and so now if you’re gonna take Him as a quickening spirit then you’re complete in Him. That’s what the Apostle is saying. Read on if you don’t think it is that way.

Reader: which is the head of all principalities and powers…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: in whom also ye are circumcised…

Dr. Kinley: Now hold everything. Now if you gonna baptize you oughta circumcise, cause see that was first, circumcised 8 days after birth, so if you ain’t gonna circumcise you ain’t got no argument about baptism. See 8 days after birth, in whom also you were circumcised – how?

Reader: with the circumcision made without hands…

Dr. Kinley: with the circumcision made without hands. Now don’t put your hands on him; no, don’t touch him. Now here we are us hypocrite preachers arguing around about circumcision or uncircumcision availeth much. Now why don’t they say the same thing about the other one? One thing won’t help no more than the other one will. And all of you that have been baptized (I ain’t gonna ask you nothing about it), it didn’t do you no good. All of the good that it done you it… Yes, I baptized a lot of people, yes siree. I said, “In obedience to the command of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I baptize this our beloved brother in the name of the Father, God, (particular about it) the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost,” I didn’t know what that was I just said it. Palusha! Down I went. I never overlooked the 28th chapter of Matthew and the 19th verse; I know every passage there is in the book about it, so you could just save yourself some trouble trying to point out something. Okay, read on.

Reader: in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh…

Dr. Kinley: in the putting off the body of the sins of the flesh. Now don’t put your hands on him. Read on.

Reader: by the circumcision of Christ…

Dr. Kinley: by the…Now you see how it was done. Now if you were circumcised by the circumcision of Christ without putting your hands on ‘em… See, see that now. Read on.

Reader: Buried with Him…

Dr. Kinley: Now see buried with Him! Didn’t put your hands on him. Alright read on.

Reader: in baptism…

Dr. Kinley: buried with Him…Huh?

Reader: buried with Him in baptism…

Dr. Kinley: buried with Him in baptism – ain’t touched him.

Reader: wherein also ye are risen…

Dr. Kinley: Right in that same thing, wherein also… Read.

Reader: you are risen with Him through the faith of the operation…

Dr. Kinley: you re risen with Him through the faith, and how?

Reader: of the operation of God.

Dr. Kinley: How did you say that was?

Reader: huh?

Dr. Kinley: How did you say that was?

Reader: You are risen with Him through the faith of the operation…

Dr. Kinley: Now look, you know that just as well as I do and you haven’t got no argument! When I put somebody down there I raised him up, put my hands on him too. Yeah that’s the way it is. Alright read on.

Reader: through the faith of the operation…

Dr. Kinley: That’s how it’s done through the faith in the operation… Now let me show you that. Back there, let me show you here so you can see what you’re looking at, see what you’re talking about. Since we’re talking about baptism, if you noticed I skipped this one cause that one wasn’t water. I don’t know whether you noticed it or not but I skipped…and here’s what I skipped, right here. Here’s God now, showing you what Paul was talking about… You want me to go on and tell you about it?

Response: Yes.

Dr. Kinley: Okay. Now here’s Melchisedec. 430 years before the law, Melchisedec King of Salem… This is Abraham, God, see Melchisedec is setting there and Abraham… [Tape goes blank, don’t know how is missing]… that you and I would count. Is that right? But now Zechariah…that’s the reason why I said we can’t preach Christ unless we preach Him according to the scripture, not according to this, cause this ain’t no good. Alright Zechariah talked about Him, 14th chapter and the 6th verse, alright read.

Reader: and it shall come to pass in that day…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: that the light shall not be clear…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats)

Reader: nor dark…

Dr. Kinley: nor dark. Now wait a minute right there. You go clear on back to the 1st chapter of Genesis, clear on back, and I’ll quote it to you. “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth, and the earth was without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, and God said let there be light, and there was light, and the night, the darkness He called night (I’m cutting it short) and the light He called Day.” That’s with the Lord. Now don’t forget, this is the Lord hanging out here on the cross. And Peter said one day with the Lord… Jesus said you call me Lord and Master, and so I am… Is that right, is that what He said?

Response: That’s right.

Dr. Kinley: And this is the Lord hanging out here on the cross. And now to bring you up to some more date on it, right quick, watch now. Here’s this Passover down here in Egypt, so that you can see what Zechariah is talking about and see how the veil and all fits in here. Zechariah, I mean Moses, God told him when the paschal lamb was slain to put the blood on this side of the door and on this side and up over the lintel of the door. And it was dark down in Egypt, I mean stygian black darkness down in Egypt, and the children of Israel had lights in their dwelling. And that blood over that, or when that angel passed over and saw that blood, and then wherever that blood was when then the first one was not slain in that house, but everywhere else the first born was slain to Pharaoh that sit on the throne.

Now look at this, uh look at this darkness down here, black stygian thick darkness so says the book down in Egypt here, and that paschal lamb which pointed to Jesus Christ, so Christ our Passover is slain. So if you put the blood over the lintel of the door and on this side, that meant that this hand would be nailed to the cross, and this hand would be nailed to the cross, and up over the lintel of the door then they put the crown right up on Him. And so now when Christ is crucified, watch now, see God called the darkness night and the light He called day. It turned dark over the face of the earth from the 6th to the 9th hour, from the 6th to the 9th hour. What part of the day, uh, when does the 6th hour begin?

Response: 9 o’clock…

Dr. Kinley: 9 o’clock in the morning! From 9 o’clock in the morning on that first day He was crucified, Friday, 9 o’clock in the morning… From 9 till 3 in the afternoon, from the 6th to the 9th see it was black dark when Christ the paschal lamb was slain. Now you got light this morning as He comes up, see there. And when He was going before Pilot them it was light (you see what I’m talking about) it was light. And from 9 o’clock in the morning He hung on the cross from 9 o’clock until 3 in the afternoon it’s night, it was dark, and the darkness God called it night. So then from 3 o’clock on Friday it turned light. It was never a day like that before, she turned light, and then she went on back into night. So then you have on Friday when He is crucified from the 6th till… see from the 6th hour or from 9 o’clock till 3 in the afternoon she’s dark, that’s a night. Where she comes in early in the morning there, the first morning, from the… Coming in the 6th down to the 9th she’s light. Coming down from the light to 3 o’clock in the afternoon she’s dark, that’s night. Then coming in from, uh, Friday night that’s another night, so then you got two of them in that one. There’s never been a day and there’s never been a night like that before. Now Zechariah is talking about it. Read where you were in Zechariah.

Reader: that the light should not be clear or dark…

Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) read.

Reader: but it shall be one day, which shall be known to the Lord…

Dr. Kinley: but it shall be one day… “You call me Lord and Master and so I am . . . And don’t be ignorant of this one thing that one day with the Lord is as a 1000 years and a 1000 years as one day . . . . . And the light He called day and the darkness He called night.” You see what I’m talking about. And there He is up there this morning, see it’s light. And from the 9th, I mean from the 6th on down to the 9th she’s dark. So there’s the night with the Lord, not with the man but with the Lord. And then she goes on back through that night, and so there is the night right in that day from the 6th to the 9th hour, and then Friday night there is the second night, and then Saturday she went through that night. And very early in the morning on the 3rd day of the week, He definitely was in that tomb 3 days and 3 nights, and that was a sign. That was the sign that was given to the prophet Jonah Jesus said there that an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, but there shall be no sign given except the sign which was given unto the prophet Jonah, as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the fish, even so shall the Son of Man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.

Now what I’m trying to point out to you is, that day, that night and that day is all in there together. That was a sign! And we haven’t caught up to it yet, because most of us hypocrite preachers we can’t get that 3rd day and that 3rd night in there straight. You see what I’m talking about. But yet we can get out here in our Easter clothes and walk all around showing our clothes off, and everybody talking about I’m preaching the gospel and all them different kind of things, and you check him on that and see whether he can get them 3 days and them 3 nights in there that Jesus Christ did… Why? Because it’s a sign, the Sabbath was given for a sign, and this is a sign. And there He is in there He is in there over the Sabbath day and moving it out the way and the sign is gone it’s fulfilled. You see through what I’m talking about. They don’t understand nothing about it. They can’t figure out how that Christ was crucified on Good Friday, laid in there over Friday and raised the 3rd morning. You see he don’t know nothing about it, because he don’t know nothing about the scriptures; he don’t know nothing about that day with the Lord. Ain’t that right? You see what I’m talking about. Now back to you Dr. Gross.

School of the Highest Learning

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