Yahshua Sends His Disciples Forth

Lecture given by Dr. Kinley on October 14, 1972 in Los Angeles, California.



CATALOG #: 72.1014








DR. KINLEY: I thought it was time for me to talk with you about these things that I think is important for you to learn and to know something about. And that is the reason why we requested Dr. Farley to read the tenth chapter of Matthew. Now, as the one who reads, stands before you to read the scripture lesson, I think it would do well if you would pay strict attention while he’s reading that. Now we would have never selected such if there wasn’t something in it that we expected and hope for you to learn. Now, if you don’t pay no attention, course you will not learn anything about it. But now, I’ll tell you what it is. Yahshua has chosen His disciples. And He sent them out to heal the sick and to raise the dead. Now, this is the fundamental thing that I wanna tell you about that. He told them what to say; where to go; and where not to go. Now they didn’t have the Holy Spirit now. I want you to get that understood. He told them what to say when they went. Now it would be nice if we could learn that. Now do you know the reason why He told them what to say when they went? Suppose you read what He told ’em to say, there in the tenth chapter.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: 11th verse. And as you go preach saying, repent ye. Repent ye, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

DR. KINLEY: Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons, freely ye have received, freely give, provide neither gold nor silver nor brass in your purse, nor script for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves, for the workman is worthy of his food. And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter enquire who is in it, who is in it that is worthy, and there abide until ye go hence. And when you come into a house say, peace be unto this house. And if the house be worthy

DR. KINLEY: Now, He’s telling them what to say to that house.


DR. KINLEY: Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it. But, if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. And whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your word, when ye depart out of their house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. Verily, I say unto you it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for that city. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men for they will deliver you up to the council and they will scourge you in their synagogues. Ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the nations. When they have given you up have no anxiety concerning how or what you shall speak. For it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak, for it is not ye that speaketh but the spirit of your Father that speaketh in you.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Now, there’s some place He told them not to go. Want to read about that.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: 5th verse. These twelve Yahshua sent forth and commanded them saying, go not in the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans, enter ye not.

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that now? Now, now just reading the Bible you wouldn’t realize what that’s already all about. And make references all the time to a lotta things that really don’t mean what you think it does. So I thought it would be necessary for us to tell you something about it. Now, if you notice, He said go not into the cities of the Gentiles, nor into the city of Samaria, or any of the cities of Samaria. Now, you know why He told them not to go over there? Now there we are. Don’t realize what it’s all about. Well, I’ll tell you so you’ll know. Do you remember when after Solomon’s decease? First, it was Israel, all twelve tribes were called the House of Israel, when they come up out of the land of Egypt. All twelve tribes were called the House of Israel. And after the decease of Solomon, then it was called the House Israel and the House of Judah. Now Israel had their headquarters, that was the ten tribes, at Samaria. Now that was ruling all of the ten tribes. They had their own independent kingdom. Now He told them, now don’t you go down in there no where, because there was Gentiles in there and as they came back from Babylon, I’ll tell you this one, a lotta people don’t know this.

And you’ll find this over there in Ezra, where that when they come, now I said Babylon, why then, they had went down into Babylon, they were being punished the seven times that Moses told ’em that they would be if they did not keep the commandments of Yahweh in the land wither they were going. So then, now they did that. They violated them, and so they were carried away captive to Babylon. And now, when they returned back from Babylon. Down there seventy years. Now, the ten tribes, or the Samaritans, or the Israelites, of the House of Israel that was divided, why then they were carried away captive to Mesopotamia and other cities of Assyria. And then they were scattered out everywhere. That’s why a lotta people get the ten lost tribes. They ain’t never been lost, not as far as Yahweh is concerned. But now, what they had done during the time that they was scattered, they made marriages with the Gentiles, the Hebrews or the Israelites, they made marriage with ’em and during those years that they were captive… Now I didn’t say Babylon now, I said Mesopotamia and the cities around about, which had the Israelites, the ten tribes, not the two, but the ten. Now, their headquarters was in Samaria. Now Yahshua the Messiah, told ’em, don’t go on down in there because the Gentiles all mixed up down in there, just don’t go there. So then they had the two tribes of Judah and also for Levi. Now they were, what we might describe as the leaders and the teachers of Israel. So He told ’em, now don’t you go down there. Now they come around to the place where when it comes time to go down there in Samaria, why He went Himself with them. And you remember how He met the Samaritan woman out at the well, drawing the water, but He was with them. But He told ’em, don’t you go down there by yourself. Don’t, don’t enter into none of them cities at all of them ten tribes. A lotta folks didn’t know that. Now here’s what else He told them. Now don’t take no script and don’t take no gold or no silver, and don’t do this and don’t do that. You read it. Right?


DR. KINLEY: Now get this straight. I want you to get this straight. He told them what to say. They didn’t just go out there and say any and everything. He told ’em what to say. Read it again.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And as ye go preach saying, repent ye.

DR. KINLEY: Now He’s telling ’em what to say, to repent. Do you remember that John the Baptist, he was saying the same thing. Repent. Is that right?


DR. KINLEY: Now this is before the crucifixion. So now, John was telling ’em the same thing, that these twelve are saying repent. Now here’s what I’m trying to get over to you. He’s telling ’em what to say. Well, why did He tell them what to say? I’ll tell you people, they don’t realize what they’re talking about. Now I’ll tell you why He told ’em what to say. Reason why He told ’em what to say is because they didn’t know. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now to prove that to you that they did not know what to say. Do you recall that after He resurrected from the dead He opened up their understanding in the scriptures?


DR. KINLEY: Now if they didn’t have no understanding in the scriptures that means they didn’t know what to say. How about that? Oh, me. Had you ever thought about that? Oh, mercy. Now that’s something to think about. Now that same thing is going on right now. It’s the Holy Spirit that’s telling us what to say. We don’t know what to say. We don’t know how to preach. We don’t know how to pray. We don’t.., let’s come clean with the thing. We don’t know nothing. All of the wisdom, every good and perfect gift comes from Yahweh. And you don’t go out here to some seminary or some college to learn something about it. That’s not the way it comes. It’s revealed from Heaven. And it’s revealed by the Holy Spirit and taught by the Holy Spirit. If you could just, if we could just learn that, we’d be doing well tonight. Now them boys went out there and here’s what He told ’em to do. And they stayed away from where He told ’em not to go, but now after He resurrected from the dead and He opened up their understanding in the scriptures, that’s the reason why we tell you now to go to the Law and to the Testimony, so that you can understand something about what’s in the scriptures that was revealed by the Holy Spirit. And it is the Holy Spirit in us now that does the teaching and the preaching. Now I wanna read that. I think it’s John 14 and 26.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But the Comforter

DR. KINLEY: But the Comforter

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Which is the Holy Spirit

DR. KINLEY: Now Doc let’s get up a little further there and get that straightened out.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: These things have I spoken unto you being yet present with you

DR. KINLEY: these things have I spoken unto you being yet present with you.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit

DR. KINLEY: But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Whom the Father will send in my name

DR. KINLEY: Now right there. Whom the Father will send in My name. There’s another mess. What is the name of the Comforter or the Holy Spirit? What is His name?


DR. KINLEY: He said that the Father, Yahweh, would send Him, the Comforter, in His name. How about that? Alright. Now He had told them about Him going away but the Father would send another comforter but He would send it in His name. Now what about that?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: He shall teach you all things

DR. KINLEY: Now it’s the Holy Spirit, not the academies, and the colleges and all them different kinda thing. It’s not, really not that. They don’t know no more about it than the disciples did, the scriptures, than the disciples did before He resurrected from the dead and opened up their understanding in the scriptures. And then after He opened up their understanding in the scriptures, do you know what that is ____? Caused ’em to blunder again. I mean really made a blunder. Now I’ll tell you what that is. I think you should know these things. Now He told them, led ’em out as far as the Mount of Olives. Now a lotta people don’t even know why the Mount of Olives, and still arguing around and chewing the rag and all that kinda thing. They don’t know nothing about them things. The reason why He carried them out to the Mount of Olives, back here in the Garden… And look here, here’s the ascension here. We put it down there, the ascension. This is the Mount of Olives, about a Sabbath day’s journey from Jerusalem. Why it’s called the Mount of Olives, here in this mountain or in the Garden was the two olive trees. And the Olive tree or the olives which had the oil, the olive oil. O live oil. That’s an elevated state. So He took them to the Mount of Olives. And those two men stood by. And you take that and look at your pattern and you’d see this. And then you would see Moses and John the Baptist, and you would also see Michael and Gabriel. That’s called the Mount of Olives, an elevated state after His resurrection. Now then He told them, now you go back to Jerusalem. Now He done opened up their understanding in the scriptures, before He had ascended. And you read that in Luke and you read it all the time. And so then when He opened up their understanding in the scriptures that all these things had to happen unto Him as it was taught in the scriptures or it says in the Law and the Prophecy. Then there was one thing He didn’t tell ’em. He told them to go back there and tarry there. And people are still tarrying. I don’t know what it’s for. He’s waiting on you. Yea, that’s right. But He told them, now you listen now, you tarry there until you receive power from on high. Now, here, here you go now. Samaria, now. Then you shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, right where you are, Judea. And what else?


DR. KINLEY: And Samaria. You don’t go to Samaria without the Holy Spirit. Don’t go down in there in that mess. You can’t do that. Them ten tribes that revolted there. Don’t go there at all, whatever you do. I’ll go with you done (down?) there. And there He was setting on a well. And lotta folks hadn’t realized why He’s setting on the well. They don’t know nothing. Do you remember when Moses went out there in the Wilderness, the land of Midian. And he set out there on the well. And Ruel’s daughter come out there to draw water to… Now, what He’s doing, He’s fulfilling. That’s what He’s doing setting on the well. And the Samaritan… We don’t realize nothing. Don’t know no more about the Bible than a hog does about gold teeth or dentistry. Well now, He told ’em now after He opened up their understanding. Now this is one thing He didn’t tell ’em about. He didn’t tell them about who was supposed to take Judas’ place who by transgression fell. And since He told ’em to go back there and tarry. Didn’t say, go back there and start an election or casting lost (lots?). Said, you just go back there and tarry until you receive power from on high. Now since He had put ’em wise to all things in the scriptures had to be fulfilled, then they happened to blunder upon this one: about Judas fallen and another taken his bishoprick. So then they decided now, there ain’t but eleven of us, and so then I expect you’d better get somebody straightened out here. And so then they cast lots and the lot’s on Mathias (Matthias?). That’s Barsabas and Mathias (Matthias?). Well then they told Mathias… And that’s all you hear about him. Now why is that? Because, Yahweh Elohim, Paul or Saul was to take Judas’s place who by transgression fell. But now they thought they had it made. He didn’t tell ’em who was gonna take that place so we just decided ourselves, and we gonna elect somebody. They’d pull a straw. If you could just learn just a few of these things you wouldn’t be caught up in so much confusion. And it would be a better understanding on our part.

Now then they said some more ____ ____. And they are not. That’s the reason why James said, any sick among you, let ’em call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil, in the name. Now, on the other side of the cross or before He died, it was just oil. On this side of the cross, the oil is the Holy Spirit, and anoint you and keep you well and healthy. How about that? ____ ____ Oh, I tell you it’s wonderful when you really begin to understand the purpose. It ain’t the way some of them have got it and you see them on TV. Rex Humbard is one of them. He went by this place and they got some oil and rubbed it on folks. Then he said, is any sick among you, let him pray for the elders, call for the elders of the Church. And that’s backwards. The way they’ve got it. And so called elders of the Church, they call for the sick. How about that? Everything we do, we do it backwards. He said, if any sick among you, let them call for the elders of the Church. But now, the elders of the Church, they’re calling for the sick. Now that’s just as backwards as it can be. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) And let them pray over him, anoint him with oil in the name of Yahshua. Now listen now, you get this straight. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick. Now I, now I want you to what kind of trap and mess we’re getting in. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick. And what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And Yahweh shall save the sick

DR. KINLEY: And Yahweh shall. Now wait a minute, now it didn’t say maybe. No, sir, don’t get that twisted. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick. And Yahweh shall raise him up. Suppose you read that over there.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: If any sick among you let him call for the elders of the Church

DR. KINLEY: Now, we’ve got that just exactly backwards. Now what he is really talking about is the elders, or the Israelites there. And if you go back and look over there in beginning of the epistle you’ll find who James is writing to. Suppose you read the caption there of the epistle. We don’t pay no ____ ____.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: James, the servant to Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: James, the servant of Yahweh

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And of the Savior, Yahshua the Messiah

DR. KINLEY: And of the Savior, Yahshua the Messiah

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greetings.

DR. KINLEY: Now how about that? Now how about that? Now you see who he addressed the epistle to. He wasn’t writing to the Gentiles. We have made one awful mess out of this Bible. And we think it’s just sufficient to study the scriptures and learn how to quote chapters and verses and we got it made. And we call ourselves preaching the Word of God. That’s what you think, but you got that thing just as balled up and as twisted up as it can be. Alright.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: James 5:14. If any sick among you let him call for the elders of the assembly.

DR. KINLEY: Now I wanna show you what can happen.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of Yahweh, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick.

DR. KINLEY: Now it just might?


DR. KINLEY: Now listen, listen. If it don’t, if it don’t raise ’em , then we blame it on you. Say, you just didn’t have the faith. How about that? Saying you didn’t have the faith. You wasn’t supposed to have it. You got that backwards too. It said the prayer of faith shall, not maybe, or not might. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: shall, the prayer of faith shall save the sick and Yahweh shall raise him up

DR. KINLEY: And Yahweh might raise him up?

STUDENT BODY: No. No. Shall.

DR. KINLEY: Shall raise him up. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And if he has committed sin

DR. KINLEY: And if he has committed sin

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: It shall be forgiven him

DR. KINLEY: And they shall be forgiven. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Confess you faults, one to another

DR. KINLEY: No, you ain’t suppose to do that. Go and tell ’em to the priest. Confess your faults one to another. Say look, if I do something to Bud, now what good is it gonna do me, go and tell you about it. Come back and apologize to him. Confess, ‘well, Bud, I’m sorry, I was wrong there. Would you excuse me. I confess, I admit that I’m wrong.’ Confess your faults one to another, didn’t say the priest. Now when Israel or when sacrifices was offered here, the priest was standing out there at the altar where the sacrifices was offered, offered up. And Yahshua the Messiah said, ‘When you come to bring your gift, offering and you remember that your brother has ought against you, leave your gift, then go…’ Where?

STUDENT BODY: Back to your brother.

DR. KINLEY: Back to your brother. And then you apologize or you confess to him that, ‘look. I done you wrong there Buddy, I’m sorry, I didn’t know that was a transgression or I didn’t know I was not supposed to do that.’ And incidently, while we’re on that score, there was a provision made in the Law for the ignorance. John said, there is a sin that is not unto death, I do not say that you should pray for it. Alright. Now, if there is any sick among you let him, let him call to the elders of the Church, not the elders of the Church call for him. Now this sick man, you want to keep a eye on that sick man, and, and some dead ones too. Sick and dead, Now remember he’s writing to the 12 tribes of Israel scattered abroad. Oh, my goodness. And let them call for the elders of the congregation of the assembly, for the sick, as it ____ now, and let them pray over him. Now Dr. Harris is a medical doctor. Now what good is it gonna do you to call for Dr. Roger Jackson. And Roger Jackson is a candy maker and Dr. Harris a medical doctor. (DR. KINLEY AND STUDENT BODY LAUGH) Now that’s stupid ain’t it? But everybody’s an elder. All the preachers, they’re elders. And they’re down there calling ’em up to the mourners bench. Any sick among you? Now this is what they mean. Does anybody got the heart troubles or cancer or any kind of affliction or a disease? Now, if it is gonna be like that then all of us oughta go, cause there’s something wrong with everybody. Well, what’s wrong? You got a mortal body, fella. Now you keep your eye open. Read on Doc.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick

DR. KINLEY: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And Yahweh shall raise him up

DR. KINLEY: And Yahweh shall raise him up

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: If he has committed sin it shall be forgiven

DR. KINLEY: And if he has committed sin they shall be forgiven

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Confess your faults one to another

DR. KINLEY: Confess your faults one to another

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And pray one for another

DR. KINLEY: And pray one for another

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That you may be healed

DR. KINLEY: That you may be healed

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man

DR. KINLEY: The effectual. It’s effective too. The effectual

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Fervent prayer

DR. KINLEY: Fervent or ernest (earnest?) prayer. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: And now a prayer. Don’t mess that up, whatever you do. People think that yak, yak, yak and yak, yak, yak. ____ ____ on. ____ ____ all that confessing, ‘forgive brother so-and-so and so-and-so.’ And here is the disease, that old mother leaves him or his wife leaves him and he’s got so many kids and all that kinda thing. He’s off of his job. Would you please heal him. Now that’s what, now that’s what they think it is, that’s what they think a prayer is, but that is not what it is. A prayer is an intercession made by the Holy Spirit. You want some Book on that? We got it. And listen. We do know what we’re talking about down here. Alright. Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

DR. KINLEY: It helps out a whole lot.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Elijah was a man subject to

DR. KINLEY: Now Elijah was a prophet, and he was subject to like passions, as were David; in other words, when the Holy Spirit was upon, fell upon Elijah, he prophesied by the Holy Spirit, and I do mean sent down from heaven. And after, that prophecy was fulfilled or requested. I’ll tell you one of the things he prayed for.

[TAPE 1, SIDE 2]

DR. KINLEY: Prayed for it not to rain. And it didn’t rain for three and one half years. Then he went back and prayed again and it rained. Well now why did it? Why, what’s happening here? It didn’t rain for three and a half years that Yahshua the Messiah was preaching; in other words, the Holy Spirit was not poured out. It just didn’t rain. That’s all. Then it was transferred again and it rained. The Day of Pentecost, it just rained. Now that’s. Now that’s a prayer or an intercession that’s made by the Holy Spirit. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain. And it rained not on the earth for the space of three years and six months.

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s during His ministry, Yahshua the Messiah.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And he prayed again

DR. KINLEY: And he prayed again

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the heavens gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruits. Brethren,

DR. KINLEY: Brethren,

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: If any of you do err from the truth

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, that’s where the problem is. You’re erring from the truth. Now that’s the sick man.

STUDENT BODY: Alright Doc.

DR. KINLEY: That man is sick. And he’s got a terrible case here, that the doctor don’t have a thing in his briefcase to cure. But Yahweh will raise him up, straighten him out. And some of this twisted up stuff that we got going around here preaching. We got a whole lot of sick folks. Don’t know the truth, from the pulpit on back. And all of the congregation of the assembly, they don’t understand the revelation.

Now he said you get the elders of.., now he’s writing to the 12 tribes now and those that had received the Holy Spirit, those were the ones that James is talking about. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth

DR. KINLEY: Err from the truth

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And one convert him

DR. KINLEY: And one convert him

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his ways

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that, ____. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Shall save a soul from death.

DR. KINLEY: Shall save a soul from death.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And shall hide a multitude of sins

DR. KINLEY: And shall hid a multitude of sins. Is that it?


DR. KINLEY: Is that the end of it?


DR. KINLEY: Now here’s what I’m trying to tell you. Now look Roger if you’re around here trying to eat the Passovers. And you’re around here trying to keep the Law, and then somebody comes along and shows you that all the natural is out, and you around here doing as they do out here, and then somebody shows you, then what you have did is hid a multitude of sins, and you have saved a soul, the sick man from dying. And I want you to see this: it never fails, never does fail. Now what we’re preaching and teaching you down here, it just never fails. Now if you’re sick, you take a dose of what we’re talking about. And I will assure you and guarantee you a cure. It didn’t say maybe Yahweh would raise him from the dead, but he said He would. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick and hide a multitude, just a whole… You’re just doing all this to hide, all this Passover business, and you hide all this, foot washing, and you hide all this, diving up and down in the creek, and all that kinda stuff. Hide and cover yourself up ____ ____ ____. Say he setting down, somebody calling hisself keeping the Sabbath and just all that stuff. And that’s how you hide a multitude of sin. Oh, me. Have you gotten anything out of anything so far? Now He told them what to say before He died. Now, when it come around time for Him to die. You remember what happened? Peter took Him in the group, said, ‘there ain’t nothing like that gonna happen to you.’ And when He resurrected from the dead, said, ‘now you remember I told you about these things, that all things in the scripture had to be fulfilled.’ And now they’re talking about instituting, as Dr. Harris and Dr. Dennis talked about this morning. Now you see what the difference is? Now what these folks are really doing.

You want me to tell you the facts? They’re doing the same thing that the Devil done. The Devil, every time Yahshua, every time Yahweh Elohim said anything, the Devil said, ‘that ain’t right.’ And that’s what they’re doing. Now they’re calling Yahshua the Messiah a liar. They’re saying that He didn’t fulfill the Law and the Prophets and take it out of the way. They say… Are you all listening? Are you really sure? They say that Jesus said, in the 28th chapter of Matthew and the 19th and 20th verse. Try reading it.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Go ye therefore and teach all nations

DR. KINLEY: Now is this after He resurrected from the dead. And teach all nations.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: immersing them

DR. KINLEY: Now wait just a minute Roger. He didn’t say teach some nations, said all nations. Don’t make no difference. But now they couldn’t go to the Gentiles til a week later, I’m talking about prophetic week, seven years before they could go down in Samaria and around. Oh, my goodness. Now they had to cover Judah, and in bonds, and then they had to, after they covered that, then they were to go on back around where the 10 tribes were, and then they were to branch on out and go in all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Is that almost right? But He told ’em to make sure that you stay there in Jerusalem and don’t go no where, preach nothing to nobody until you receive the Holy Spirit or the promise of the Father. Now here they are out here, Jehovah’s Witnesses is talking about, and they just setting down reading the Bible like you are, and just like they did the Mishnah, and the Talmud. You know what the Mishnah and the Talmud is? Oh, me. David, what is the Mishnah and the Talmud?

DAVID ROSEN: The Jewish writings of the Law and interpretations.

DR. KINLEY: Jewish interpretations of the Law, the Mishnah and the Talmud. And when they got through interpreting and fixing, it was a mess. One time they run up to Yahshua the Messiah and they said this to Him, said ‘why did your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders by eating before they wash their hands. Don’t you know’ or now I’m saying this, ‘don’t you know that you might catch some of these germs and make you sick? So wash your hands before you eat.’ That’s right. How about that Victor? And here He is He healed all kinds of disease. ____ ____ and they talking about washing your hands. Then they asked Him, said, ‘why did He says now to them — your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders by eating without washing their hands,’ might catch a ____ or almost anything ____ ____. And He said He’s got a question to ask him, ‘why does your elders transgress, now not the traditions, the commandments of Yahweh by their traditions? Now you answer me that one.’ Well we better let that alone. Now, look brother, I’ve almost said enough of what I was, have been talking about. The point I’m trying to get over to you is this: they didn’t have the Holy Spirit when He sent them out. He told them what to say, there wasn’t no need of him taking a Bible, he didn’t know nothing about it.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right. Right.

DR. KINLEY: And had the commandments all bound around here and there and ____ around the neck and all them kind of things and didn’t know a thing about it, just like the preachers as of today. Then after He resurrected from the dead He opened up their understanding, showed them how it went ____ ____, but He didn’t say anything about who was gonna take Judas’ place. Wasn’t but eleven of them then. So then, now after that they had some idea about how it works, then they went to pulling straws and electing somebody for that office, just like they do down in the Vatican, smoke chasers. That’s right. Never elected a Pope and one dies and another takes his place. Then, Judas, he was dead, and so they had to elect somebody to take his place. Now He never said a thing to them about it. Didn’t intend to, but he had a man ready for that. And the man that took his place… I’m gonna tell you a little something about him, Saul of Tarsus. Now he was a eunuch. Somebody, I heard a man on TV, he said that he was a homosexual. I did. And he ____ just as ____, just as bold and just as sure footed as he could be that Paul was a homosexual. No that’s not it, but he was a eunuch. Now look, the eunuchs, they could… Are you all listening?


DR. KINLEY: Read the 22nd chapter or the 23rd chapter of Deuteronomy and the first verse and the 53rd chapter of Isaiah. I wanna show you how this thing works.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: 23rd chapter of Deuteronomy. He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of Yahweh.

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? Why not? Why can’t he go in? Now look, you ain’t got no business in there if you ain’t got some seed. You stay out of there. ____ some children in that ____. So you stay out of there. And you, I’ll say this, in the Outer Court.., or not the Outer Court but the Court.., the Gentiles Court. Now Paul, he couldn’t go in. That’s why he was brought up at the foot of Gamaliel cause he couldn’t enter into the congregation of the assembly. Why not? Because he was eunuch, he don’t have no seed in there. Alright. Now.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Isaiah 56:3

DR. KINLEY: Isaiah 56:3

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Neither let the son of the stranger that has joined himself to Yahweh speak saying, Yahweh has utterly separated me from his people, neither let the eunuch say, behold, I am a dry tree.

DR. KINLEY: Don’t let the eunuch say that no more that I am a dry tree. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For thus sayeth Yahweh.

DR. KINLEY: For thus sayeth Yahweh. I’m telling you how Paul got in. Now that’s what I am talking about. Okay.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For thus sayeth Yahweh unto the eunuchs that keep my Sabbath and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant even unto them will I give in mine house.

DR. KINLEY: Now will I give in mine house

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And within my walls

DR. KINLEY: And within my walls


DR. KINLEY: A place


DR. KINLEY: And a name

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Better than of sons and of daughters.

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that? I tell you, the Apostle Paul, being a eunuch, was the chief of all of the apostles.

STUDENT BODY: Right. That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: That’s him. Somebody said, ‘well, I thought Peter was.’ Yes, Peter was, of the circumcision. But Paul was very humble about the thing; he said, he wasn’t a whit behind. He didn’t wanna go and say, ‘well I’m smarter then all of ’em.’ But I tell you one thing he did say, said some of the idiots that call theirselves master theologians saying the New Testament was written in Greek. That was Rex Humbard wrote ____. Said, if he was in Israel he’d use the name Yahshua but since he’s not in Israel and he is over here, he used the name Jesus Christ. And not only ____ he said the New Testament was written in Greek. Now that’s a lie. Now here’s why I brought that up. Now the apostles, eleven of them, they were Hebrews and Yahshua spoke. Somebody said He spoke the Aramaic language. They just tell all kinds of tales. And you remember, when they was out there in that Outer Court, they said, ‘look here, was you one of them?’ They kinda.., them that was up around Nazareth and Galilee up there. They kinda had a accent; in other words, they didn’t speak any language too plain. Now here’s what I’m getting at now. What the Apostle Paul wasn’t allowed to go in the congregation of the assembly until after the Holy Spirit was poured out. He said, ‘I speak with more tongues then all of them.’ That’s the reason why he went to the Gentiles. Now what would Peter look like down in Rome? Now he said, I didn’t, he said he spake with more tongues then all of ’em. You want that read? Want to read it out of the Bible? If you do say so. And we’ll read it. It’s in there. Now what’s happening, he was made an apostle of the uncircumcised, just like Peter was of.., the apostle of the circumcised. And then Paul, he went here and there and every which way around, and he spoke the Greek language, spoke the Hebrew, just spoke any language. What’s really happening is this, Yahweh qualifying the man before He sent him. And so therefore after the death, burial and resurrection and He told His disciples, then He gave the eunuch that didn’t have no physical seed in there, He gave him an exalted position in His house, put him on up above the rest of them, because now it’s not the flesh now, it’s in the spirit, so then… Now here’s Paul in the spirit, comes in after Pentecost. And they’re down there voting. What a mess they made. Now listen here. Now if Paul was a eunuch and he didn’t have no seed, would you please tell me why he called Timothy his son in the faith? Do you think he did that? Yes, indeed. Alright, ____ ____ ____ in the faith. And somebody said, ‘Well he must have had some children.’ ____ ____ Now I wanna tell you something else about too. Yahshua the Messiah was married too. They sent somebody down to spy on Him, to find out whether he had a crush on Martha or Mary. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) ____ ____ ____ So they went on back, ‘no, nothing happening ____ ____.’ He’s already married.

VOICE: Well, I didn’t know that.

DR. KINLEY: You be quiet. (Dr. KINLEY LAUGHS) Ain’t that something? Did you all know that He was married.


DR. KINLEY: Yes, indeed. Married a long time. He wasn’t looking for no wife, already had one. Now, you wanna find out something about that?


DR. KINLEY: Ephesians. Now you all got enough of this?


DR. KINLEY: Alright. The fifth chapter and just start reading.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Be ye therefore followers of Yahweh as dear children. And walk in love as Messiah has also loved us and given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to Yahweh for sweet smelling savor. You want to go down to the 26th verse.


DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Husbands love your wives.

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute. Now we’re gonna get all messed up here. Husbands love your wives. Now how?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Even as the Messiah also loved the assembly.

DR. KINLEY: Even as Yahshua the Messiah also loved the assembly.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And gave himself for it.

DR. KINLEY: And gave Himself for it. Now wait just a minute, just a minute. Before you go any further. That’s just precisely what happened back here, in Adam and Eve here. Now, we’re gonna prove that. Alright. Husbands love your wives even as Messiah also loved the assembly or the Church and He gave Himself for it. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That He might sanctify and cleanse it

DR. KINLEY: That He might sanctify

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And cleanse it

DR. KINLEY: And cleanse it

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: With the washing of water by the Word.

DR. KINLEY: Water. Water. Water. Heh. Water. Water. Water, Roger. Now that establishes water baptism. Now look here. Wasn’t He fulfilling this Law here, when Moses washed their.., Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and those priests in the laver. That’s what the washing in ____ ____. They washed the sacrifice there. And also they went through here, the River.., the Red Sea. And when they got up here to the mount, there’d to be some washing there. No, they didn’t get wet when they went through there. Now that’s a like figure. That’s a like figure. Children, are you all listening?


DR. KINLEY: They went through there on dry ground. Now there’s always somebody wanna run over there in Peter and say, ‘the like figure,’ talking about Noah. The like figure, whereas baptism, water baptism does also now save us. Not the putting away the filthiness of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward Yahweh. Water. Water. Water. And here you got water here. Now when Yahshua the Messiah washed the disciples feet there in John, He told ’em they didn’t know what He was doing. And to prove it to you that they did know that He was washing their feet, Peter said, ‘you ain’t never gonna wash mine.’ ‘If I don’t wash ’em you won’t have no part with Me.’ Now listen, in the beginning was the Word, the Word was made flesh, and He had to come along and fulfill that Law, jot and tittle, which means that He has to wash them. That’s the Word washing them. Now what is that? That is the washing of Regeneration. Now here you are down here, you’re all stupid and hollering about water. Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. Alright now we’re gonna go on a little further and we’ll find out about it. Alright.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That He might present it to Himself a glorious assembly

DR. KINLEY: That He might present. Now He done the washing. And now the Church of Christ folks, they said that Christ baptized when He walked, this right here, right where we are now. Now since you got that look in the fourth chapter, and see what. Now remember now, this is the same epistle. Ephesians 4:4 and 5.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: There is one body

DR. KINLEY: There is one body.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And one Spirit

DR. KINLEY: And one Spirit.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Even as ye are called in one hope of your calling

DR. KINLEY: Even as you are called in one hope of your calling


DR. KINLEY: Now one Elohim


DR. KINLEY: One Faith

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: One immersion

DR. KINLEY: And one immersion or baptism. Just one. Now look, if you’re gonna say that’s water, what you have denied, you have denied the baptism of the Holy Spirit.


DR. KINLEY: Now Hogan said, you set right there and you are from come down there. Ain’t that right, Dr. Williams?


DR. KINLEY: And now you set there too Brother ____. And Hogan said when you read this here where you were just reading over here in the fourth chapter, all you got to do is turn over to the next chapter. And where you was reading at ____ ____ ____ ____ the Messiah also loved the church and gave Himself for it that He might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of the water by the Word. Water. Water. Water. Ain’t that right?


DR. KINLEY: Say, we saved a recording of it, that He might present it unto Himself, a what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: A glorious assembly not having spot or wrinkle

DR. KINLEY: Not having spot or wrinkle

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Or any such thing

DR. KINLEY: Or any such thing

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That it should be Holy and without blame

DR. KINLEY: And that it should be Holy and without blame

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: So ought men to love their wives as their own body

DR. KINLEY: So ought men to love their wives as their own body

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: He that loveth his wife loveth himself

DR. KINLEY: He that loveth his wife loveth himself

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For no man ever yet hateth his own flesh

DR. KINLEY: For no man has yet hated his own flesh. Now listen. You remember when Yahweh took that woman out of the man and said, ‘now she’s flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone.’ Do you remember that?


DR. KINLEY: That’s the way she’s made. That’s his body, Eve. And Adam gave His life for her. Now that’s got to be fulfilled and so here comes along Yahshua, and He gives His life for His wife or His bride. Is that almost right?

STUDENT BODY: That’s it.

DR. KINLEY: When they were back there in the Wilderness, Yahweh said in the 31st chapter of Jeremiah, He said they transgressed although He was a good husband; in other words, can’t be a husband unless you’re married. And you can’t be a wife and not have a husband. How about that? Oh, I tell you it would be nice, it would be so nice if we could just understand this Bible. Well, maybe it was written in Greek. (DR. KINLEY AND STUDENT BODY LAUGH) I’ll say it ____ with the Holy Spirit. Alright, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For no man ever yet hated is (his?) own flesh, but nourishes it and cherishes it, even as Yahshua does the assembly. For we are members of His body.

DR. KINLEY: Now we are members of His body. We are members. Now a body has many members. The toe, the feet, and the ribs and what not and other members. Now look. The hand can’t say to the foot, ‘I don’t need you.’ And none of the rest of the members because it takes all that to make up the body. And ye being many are one bread and one body. Dr. Harris told you this morning that you was a Messianic body on earth in the flesh having the Holy Spirit. That’s a fact. You can’t get around that. Alright. Read on. Doctor Harris just to keep from wasting any more time, just skip on down to the last two verses. Let’s find out what the man is talking about now.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: This is a great mystery.

DR. KINLEY: Now it ain’t no little bitty one. This ain’t no little bitty one solved by a carnal mind. Husbands love your wives even as He loved the church and gave Himself for it that He might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of the water by the Word, that He might present it unto Himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that in truth be Holy. And look, He said too, ‘wives make your own selves unto your husbands as unto Yahweh.’ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. Now He runs the ____ ____ ____ ____. I’m the boss of this joint. I wear the britches. We just don’t know what it is all about. Alright, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: This is a great mystery

DR. KINLEY: This is a great mystery. Here’s one of them big ones. Great big ones. Now they just thought that Saul was talking about you and your so-called wife. Well, he was, but he was using it in a metaphorical or a parabolical sense to explain Yahshua and the Church. So now he said, ‘this is a great mystery.’

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But I speak concerning the Messiah and the Assembly.

DR. KINLEY: Now you see that, see what he’s talking about? And you running around here talking about a lotta foolishness. That’s a great mystery. Now look, that mystery worked all the way down. Adam gave his life for his wife. That’s the first Adam. And here He was, He gave His life for us. What is a sin anyway? Transgression of the Law. Now Adam disobeyed. He was told not to eat. He did eat. Well what did he eat it for? He sinned or he disobeyed. Right? Now here comes along Yahshua the Messiah, now He was made to be sin for us. Question: why? That we might be the righteousness of Yahweh in Him. Oh, the purpose of Yahweh is wonderful when we’re able to see through it. Now I just thought. I don’t wanna hog the whole show here, but I just thought that it was necessary for us to say something about those things, because people have got the wrong understanding about it. And even coming from John the Baptist. John the Baptist, that was a baptism of repentance. John would not baptize nobody but the Jews. He didn’t baptize no… Then somebody talking about Christian water baptism. There ain’t no such thing as that. He baptized no Christians. Well now, this is something to think about. Some of these Christians do need something. They need something. A so-called Christian. Now let me explain to you what I’m talking about. I wanna make this real good and clear to you too. There is no such thing as Christian water baptism. There’s never nothing like that happened in the world. A Christian, I’m faking it now and using it as though the Jews were of Yahshua. You know, you know the name Krishna, Christ is not right. But I’m just using that instead of using the word Yahshua, as Yahshua is correct. I don’t want you to think I don’t know and just flying by with it, but you don’t baptize nobody that’s got the Holy Spirit. You’re late. Now listen Doc. Now to fulfill this thing, there wasn’t anybody but the Jews that was baptized in the Red Sea. John wasn’t baptizing anybody but the Jews. No Gentiles. And where there is no Law sin is not imputed. Ain’t that right?


DR. KINLEY: And I wanna say something else to you about that too. This is overlooked ____ ____ Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, all of them, sinned. Somebody say, ‘what did you say?’ I said.., you heard me, you ain’t blind. Yes, sir. What’d he say about that?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: None righteous, no not one.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. And not only that, not only that, He said He would visit the iniquity of the fathers, which means Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Upon what?

STUDENT BODY: Third and fourth generation.

DR. KINLEY: The third and the fourth generation. ____ ____ So their sins was not imputed but it was the visitation upon the third and fourth generation. Are you listening? Now death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression. Now Moses came on down here to this here. Somebody just thought it was down to here. No, I beg your pardon. That ain’t right. The law stood until it was fulfilled. It couldn’t be moved. Now, did you get that straightened out?


DR. KINLEY: Yahshua died. And now they came along and they tried to do Him like they tried to do some of us. Massage Him down. Pharisees and Sadducees. And I used to get hot. Oh, boy, don’t you tell me I didn’t preach back there in the Church of God. I’m wringing wet with sweat, and sometimes, sometimes I’m sweating ____ ____ ____ ____ had the ____ ____ ____ and I was preaching, just shouting everywhere. Don’t you tell me I wasn’t no preacher. If you did, I done got hot with you. Oh, yes, just as tightened up as I could be. I declare. Oh, me. You wanted to know anything, ask me. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now that’s what I was, carnal minded as I could be. And here one day Yahweh woke me up. Come to find out, I didn’t pick up a Bible ____ ____. Oh my goodness, how’d I miss that one? I know another fella setting in here too done the same thing. You know who I’m talking about. Lesalle (Lasalle?) Williams. Go over there and sit ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

Now we was talking about water baptism and we were telling you that Moses, that John the Baptist preached the baptism of repentance, and baptized the people, none but the Jews. Are you listening now? Suppose you take a look at the 15th chapter of Saint John. Now this is Yahshua the Messiah talking.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I am the true vine

DR. KINLEY: Now He said, now ‘I am the true vine.’

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And my Father is the husbandman

DR. KINLEY: Now He’s saying He’s the true vine, and His Father is the husbandman. Would you read on please.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Every branch in me

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute Doc, now you can read. Every root.

STUDENT BODY: Branch. No. Branch.

DR. KINLEY: Are you sure that it says branch?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

DR. KINLEY: Every branch. Alright, read.



DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That beareth not fruit

DR. KINLEY: That don’t bear fruit.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: He taketh away.

DR. KINLEY: His Father took it away.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And every branch that beareth fruit.

DR. KINLEY: And every branch that bears fruit

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: He purges it

DR. KINLEY: He purges it

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That it may bring forth more fruit.

DR. KINLEY: He keeps the garden trimmed. He purges. That’s what Adam was put in the garden for. He purges it. Adam’s running all over every place, purging. Cut off the dead limbs, and first one thing and another. ____ ____. Purges. But every branch that don’t bring forth fruit, He purges. Said His Father took it away. Is that almost right? Every branch in me. Now this is what He’s talking about. He’s talking about the Jews. Said, I am the true vine, you are the roots. Is that what it said?

STUDENT BODY: No. Branches.

DR. KINLEY: Oh, you are the branches. Do you know the different between roots and branches? Alright. Now what we’re talking about, now we’re talking about water baptism. That’s what we’re talking about. And we’re telling you that John didn’t baptize no body but the Jews. And we’re telling you he didn’t baptize anyone else. The Jews the one that had the Law. They broke it. But Yahweh said ____ ____. The Gentiles, they didn’t have it. There wasn’t no baptism of repentance to them. Whew. ____. It’s awfully warm in here. But, now this is what you need. You need simple, plain, down to earth, understandable teaching that is taught by the Holy Spirit. Now that’s what you just have to have. Now if you don’t have some nutritional food there, then you have the rickets, and you’re sick, you’re unhealthy and subject to death. Now how about that? Alright. Read on Doc.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Now ye are clean through the words which I have spoken unto you.

DR. KINLEY: Now listen. ‘No, that ain’t right Doc. Now that there, now he made a mistake there.’ When He washed the disciples feet, He’s baptizing, so the Church of Christ said. Am I lying about it, Dr. Williams?

LASALLE WILLIAMS: No. You’re correct. That’s what they say. ____ ____ ____

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Oh me. Now we told you over here in Paul’s epistle, the fourth chapter of Ephesians, 4:4 and 5, we told you there is one Elohim and one Spirit. By the one Spirit you was all baptized into the one body. Are you all listening?


DR. KINLEY: Alright. Now if Yahshua said, ‘now I’m the true vine.’ Now if you are the roots.


DR. KINLEY: Branches.


DR. KINLEY: Now every branch, not roots, that don’t bear some fruit in Him, He said His Father takes it away.

[TAPE 2, SIDE 1]

DR. KINLEY: Is that right? I wanna know whether that’s right or not?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now His Father takes it away. Now I want you to turn to the 11th chapter of Romans. Now the 17th verse.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And if some of the branches be-

DR. KINLEY: Now just a minute, you… Just a minute. Now how about that? Now, now if some of the roots.

STUDENT BODY: No. Branches.

DR. KINLEY: I just wanna, I always wanna make sure I’m right about it. You don’t plant Gentiles. Them Jews was the ones that was planted. Now, if you went over in the sixth chapter of Romans you would find that they were planted. Now you don’t have to get out of the same epistle. And just show you what a mess they make out of the epistles as written by the apostles, not understanding. Paul says there in the sixth chapter, Know ye not, as many of us as was baptized into Yahshua the Messiah, was what?

STUDENT BODY: was baptized into His death.

DR. KINLEY: was baptized into His death. Say, not a resurrection, but into His death. Now He is not dead if my understanding of the scriptures is right. I understood that He rose from the dead. And, I understood that John the Baptist baptized the Jews, and also baptized Him. That’s my understanding. And it’s my understanding that the, the, this is, His body is the Church and we are the members of it. I’m not gonna say John didn’t baptize ’em out there cause he said, ‘suffer it to be so now;’ in other words, he planted. Well, what did he do that for? Adam died and he was planted. The Jew, he thinks that he was planted or buried with him by baptism into His death. What’s that for? Read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That you may be in the likeness of His resurrection.

DR. KINLEY: That you might be in the likeness of His resurrection. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: ____ ____

DR. KINLEY: No, right where you are there.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For if we have been planted together

DR. KINLEY: If we, if we have been planted, talking about the Jews, if we have been planted. How?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Together, in the likeness of His death

DR. KINLEY: Together, with Him, in the likeness of His death

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: We shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection

DR. KINLEY: Now we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection. Is that, is that how, I wanna know is that what it says. Doc, are you reading the Bible? Now look on down to the 11th verse.


DR. KINLEY: likewise. Now he’s talking about the Gentiles. Likewise, what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Reckon ye also

DR. KINLEY: No, go and get baptized, be a candidate for baptism. Says likewise, reckon ye yourselves also. Talking to the Gentiles. To what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: To be dead indeed unto sin.

DR. KINLEY: Dead indeed unto sin.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But alive unto Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: But alive unto Yahweh

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Through Yahshua the Messiah, our Savior.

DR. KINLEY: Through Yahshua the Messiah. Now you’re reading in Romans there now. Now go on back over there in the eleventh chapter.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And if some of the branches be broken off

DR. KINLEY: Now he said, if some of the branches, some of the Jews, they were subject to John’s water baptism, baptism of repentance, so they were broken off. When did he get broke off? ____ ____ ____ over to it. Broken off. Right? Alright read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And thou being a wild olive tree.

DR. KINLEY: No, a apple.

STUDENT BODY: No. No. Olive tree.

DR. KINLEY: Here’s the Adam’s apple. That was lodged in Adam’s throat. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) But you being a wild olive tree

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Were grafted in among the branches.

DR. KINLEY: No. Now Doc, now let’s don’t get that started. Now, you’re a candidate for baptism. And were grafted in among them. Grafted in among them. Alright, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And with them are partakers of the root.

DR. KINLEY: And with them you are partakers of the root

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the fatness of the olive tree.

DR. KINLEY: And the fatness of the olive tree. Alright read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Boast not against the branches.

DR. KINLEY: Now, say, don’t go around here boasting against the branches. Don’t ____ going up against the Jews. Don’t boast against them. And the Pope, the head of the Church. Don’t do that kinda stuff, don’t boast against them, and don’t go around killing six million because they don’t join the Roman Catholic Church. Don’t do no boasting like that. No blowing up like that, Bishop. Alright.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For if thou boasteth

DR. KINLEY: For if you boasteth

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Thou barest not the root but the root thee

DR. KINLEY: Now you don’t bear the root but the root bears you. Alright, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Thou will say then.

DR. KINLEY: Thou will say then.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The branches were broken off that I

DR. KINLEY: Now, the Jew’s broken off. For what reason?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That I might be grafted in

DR. KINLEY: That I might be grafted in. Where? In the root?


DR. KINLEY: In the branches. Alright on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Well, because of unbelief they were broken off.

DR. KINLEY: Well, because of unbelief they were broken off.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And thou standest by faith.

DR. KINLEY: And you stand by faith, and not by the works of the Law. Alright, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Don’t be high minded.

DR. KINLEY: Don’t be high minded. Don’t be all puffed up, and high minded. Alright. Then what Doc?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For if Yahweh spared not the natural branches

DR. KINLEY: For if Yahweh spared not the natural branches, if He didn’t spare the Jews, or the natural branches. What?


DR. KINLEY: Now you watch out.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that He also spare not thee.

DR. KINLEY: There Mr. Gentile, He won’t spare you. Alright now, read on Doc.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Behold, therefore the goodness and the severity of Yahweh.

DR. KINLEY: Now you look at the goodness and the severity of Yahweh

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: On them which fell

DR. KINLEY: On them which fell. Severity.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: But toward thee, goodness.

DR. KINLEY: But toward you goodness.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: If thou continue in His goodness.

DR. KINLEY: If you continue in His goodness.


DR. KINLEY: Otherwise

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Thou shall be cut off.

DR. KINLEY: You’d be cut off. Read on,

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And they, also, if they abide not still in unbelief.

DR. KINLEY: Now hold up. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Doc. Hold it. Please, hold it. Now you hold that thing. Now them that rejected the counsel of John, rejected baptism, water baptism, baptism of repentance. Now what the Church of Christ and a whole lot of ’em, Jehovah’s Witness and them are telling us… Then there’s the Roman Catholics, they’re saying that they have to be baptized all over. And they said when Peter was preaching up there, and the eleven of ’em was preaching up there on the Day of Pentecost, and wherein that day about 3,000 were saved. It wasn’t too far from there to the river Jordan. (THE BELL RINGS) And they was baptized there in the River Jordan. I say it ain’t so. The living water was flowing up there in the House of David. And they were baptized with the Holy Spirit. I heard the bell. Read on before we go Doc.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And they also

DR. KINLEY: And they also,

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: If they abide not still in unbelief

DR. KINLEY: Now if they don’t abide still in unbelief. Now you listen to what we’re reading here now. You get this thing straight. Alright read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Thou be grafted in

DR. KINLEY: No. Planted doc.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: grafted in.

DR. KINLEY: No, you got to be baptized. Now don’t you understand nothing? Yahweh said to graft ’em in. They were broken off out of the branches and you have to be grafted back in the branch, if you continue not in unbelief. Now here you wanna go plant the Gentile, and you wanna plant the Jews in. It don’t even make sense. You graft ’em in again where he was broken off at. Now, I want you to read one more scripture. Now, that’s if ye abide not still in unbelief, you’d be grafted in among the branches. Now, see about this one. 1 Corinthians 12:13. Now same manes writing.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For by one Spirit

DR. KINLEY: No, sir, water. For by one Lord, and one Faith, and one Baptism and that’s water. For by one Spirit, not water. You understand that Roger? Alright.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: By one Spirit are we all immersed into one body.

DR. KINLEY: By one Spirit, not water, are we all immersed into the one body. Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Whether we be Jew or greek

DR. KINLEY: Now, it don’t make no difference, Roger. It don’t make no difference whether be Jew or


DR. KINLEY: or greek

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Whether we be bond or free.

DR. KINLEY: Whether we be bond or free.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And have been all made to drink into one spirit.

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s it. There ain’t no way to put no body up in this thing. And he’s not dead laying out there, if you be baptized into His death, cause He’s not dead. Then.., the Jew was broken off out of the branches, and the Gentiles grafted where the Jews were. And now the Jew was planted, and he grew up into a tree, into fruition on the Day of Pentecost, them that received the Holy Spirit. And then they went to the Gentiles ____ ____. That’s what he’s talking about. And he was grafted in by faith, and that by the Holy Spirit. Is that, is that almost right?


DR. KINLEY: Thank you and good night.


School of the Highest Learning

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