Renounced Hidden Things of Dishonesty


Lecture given by Dr. Kinley in 1969.


DR. KINLEY: Thank you ever so much. Now I know all of you enjoyed Dr. Hobbs and also Dr. Parker. And as they stand and testified, I thought pretty deeply about it. One thing I would say at this present time that is commendable for everybody present, and that is this: Now there was a time in our lives when we couldn’t get out, most particularly if it looked like rain. You just couldn’t make it. And anybody that would go out in the rain to go to a meeting there was something wrong with them. Well there is something wrong with ’em. When you really get engrossed in this like you properly should be, you see where… Now what about, you talking about it raining down water – what about fire? How would you like to go out in that? Yes it did. Somebody say, “Well I don’t believe it.” That don’t, that didn’t keep it from raining back there in the flood! So, just your presence here, as many of you as are here I tell you the truth I feel indebted to you, and I think I ought to pay my bill. As Paul said “I am a debtor both to the Jew and the Gentile.” I told you that I had a vision and a revelation, and I have put it up here so anybody can see that wants to see, wants to know and wants to understand something. Freddy put the dispensations on there. Now, I want you to listen at me close. What we strive to do down here is make the thing uncomplicated, and make it as simple and as easy and as plain for you to understand as possible, now that’s what we wanna do. Now that makes me, uh, it just come in my mind then, uh the 2nd Corinthians 4th Chapter and begin with the first verse, and I want you to read it down.

READER: Therefore. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see, now this chapter… You can learn this now while we’re on it. Now you noticed the first word she said, “Therefore.” Now therefore is a conjunction. Now a conjunction joins together two complete thoughts (and, but, if and for, therefore, whereas, and whereof, and all that kind of thing). Now what you would have to do in order to know what he is talking about when he was… See the chapter was split, I mean the thought was split by inserting a chapter there. Now if you would, you’ll have to go back up in the 3rd chapter to get the predicate and then read on down and then you would see why he said “Therefore.” But now we’re just going to eliminate that part of it and let you read that when you go home unless Dr. Harris wants to read it now or you want to comment on it? Now I don’t, I’m not taking time to go back up there and find the subject. Now the “Therefore” joins together these two chapters. And let me say this while I’m at it. Now when these letters were written, and not only the Apostolic letters, also Genesis, Exodus and all the books in the Bible, all of ’em when they were originally written they didn’t have chapters and verses. They were not there. Moses didn’t know nothing about no chapters and no verses and nothing like that, but when they invented the idea of dividing the chapters and the verses, why then they divided ’em, and they’re just liable to have the subject in one of ’em and the predicate in another. So you always when you read anything, instead of saying “Therefore” you wanna consider going back up and get the sense out of what the Apostle is talking about. Do you have it?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Yes, Paul is really talking about himself and the other Apostles… DR. KINLEY: He’s talking about himself and the other Apostles

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And he says over here in the 4th verse of the 3rd chapter. “Such confidence have we through Messiah toward Yahweh, and not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything of ourselves, but who also have made us able ministers of the New Testament…”

DR. KINLEY: Of the New Covenant. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: not of the letter, but of the spirit. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) Read on doc. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: for the letter killeth. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but the spirit giveth life DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) DR. ROBERT HARRIS: but if the ministration of death, written… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) DR. ROBERT HARRIS: written and engraven in stones was glorious… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) DR. ROBERT HARRIS: was glorious… DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) DR. ROBERT HARRIS: so that, so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly…

DR. KINLEY: So that the children could not steadfastly look at Moses’ face when he came down out of that mountain the second time. All right.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: which glory was to be done away with…

DR. KINLEY: Now that glory was to be done away with. And if the ministration, this is the ministration of death, well if that was glorious, I’m just condensing it now. All right.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: how shall not the ministration of the spirit…

DR. KINLEY: How much more glorious, as you have in your King James Version, how more glorious is the ministration of life? One was under the dispensation of the Law, and the other this is the present, is under the dispensation of Life. How much more glorious is it now than it was then? That was written in tables of stones, this is written in the fleshly tables of the heart. That was the Old Covenant and this is a New Covenant. It’s so much more glorious! And he’s talking about the Apostles having the ministry. I said the Apostles of Yahshua the Messiah having this ministry… Now he said, “Therefore we, (we who?) we the Apostles!” All right read.

READER: seeing we have this ministry

DR. KINLEY: Seeing we do have, not gonna get it but we have it! It’s already come of affect. Seeing we have this ministry, then what?

READER: as we have received mercy. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: we faint not. . .

DR. KINLEY: Wait just a minute! All of ’em are worthy of death! It was the ministration of death! They all had disobeyed from the high priest on down, and had to offer up a sacrifice for their sins, not only once every year but it was a daily thing. But now, since Messiah has been offered up to abolish and to eradicate, and to redeem or to restore man back to Yahweh through His death, burial, and resurrection, and bringing in the New Covenant or the New Testament, not written in tables of stones but in the fleshly tables of the heart. And seeing we, the Apostles, have this ministry… That’s the reason why he said to the Romans, in Romans 1:16. “I’m not ashamed of the Gospel!” Why aren’t you ashamed? “Because it is the power of Yahweh unto salvation unto everyone that believeth.” Now to the man that don’t believe it, it don’t mean nothing! But I’m still not ashamed of it. Somebody might walk up and say, “Well I don’t believe that stuff!” I still ain’t ashamed! Cause it’s the power of God and it will have an affect on every man that believes, it don’t make no different whether he’s a Jew or Gentile. And you can’t discourage me cause you don’t believe it, because it’s real with me. All right “Therefore seeing we have this ministry…”

READER: as we have received mercy. . . DR. KINLEY: As we have received mercy and atonement READER: we faint not. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now we’re not gonna faint! “Be not weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if you faint not.” [Doc Laughs] Just don’t faint by the wayside. Yes, the persecutions and the trials and the tribulations… You’re better prepared now to stand because you have the Holy Spirit now, whereas they didn’t have it on the other side of the cross. So now you’re prepared to run with patience… As Paul put it again in the Hebrews, “Wherefore seeing we are surrounded or compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses…” What are you talking about? Well all these people are back here that come over on this side, even those that were resurrected from the dead, witnessing His resurrection. “Wherefore seeing we are compassed about with so great…” When the Messiah died, let me make that clear, when Messiah died and went to the grave, and come up out of that grave, many of the saints which slept in the dust of the earth FROM ADAM on down, come up out of there and went on into Jerusalem and appeared to many. “Now seeing we are surrounded or compassed about with so great a cloud (see the cloud bringing ’em out of here), so greater cloud, then let us lay aside every weight and the sin that does so easily beset us, (talking about Satan now), and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking ever (not unto the Pope or the Vatican or the Preacher), looking ever unto Yahshua the Messiah who is the Author and the Finisher of our faith…Therefore seeing we have this ministry we endure with patience…” Read on.

READER: but have renounced. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen, since it don’t mean nothing for you to hang on to some old false idea, some old erroneous doctrine, some hallucination or some imagination that’s being promulgated by Satan’s ministry scattered all over the world… Standing up lying, just telling a barefaced lie, a down right, uh…(STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Standing up there putting a wafer on somebody’s tongue, and then rubbing his belly and says “I feel good! I’m lifted up!” He’s a liar! Cause he’s condemned in his conscience. Therefore seeing we have this ministry, we faint not, and what have you done?

READER: and have renounced. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now I renounce, I deny that there’s any affect in any of those things back there. I renounce the hidden things of dishonesty. I’m not gone lie around and tell you that Yahshua the Messiah said for us to do that! I’ve renounced it, the things of dishonesty, and then what?

READER: not walking in craftiness. . .

DR. KINLEY: Not walking in cunning craftiness, trying to be crafty with the scripture. Take something over here to set up something over there, and then over here knock it down. The purpose is just as clean and as clear as it can be. We know what we’re talking about… renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. Why should you stand up here and lie and say that you got baptized and it washed away your sins? You know better than that, and the Apostles wouldn’t tell nobody nothing like that. We’ve renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, and not dealing in cunning craftiness, devising some way to get you into that satanic body to exploit you, to live on your substance, asking you to embrace and to sustain them. Well, we’ve renounced it the hidden things of dishonesty and cunningly, as Peter put it over there. Said when they was up in the mountain they heard that voice. And he said that not only that, said he’s renounced the hidden things… And it’s not a cunningly devised and a crafty thing, it’s free for everybody. See if you’ve never had no experience of the power of Yahweh working in you before you just simply renounce the hidden things of dishonesty, and come clean. Somebody wants to stand back and say “Look, my mother and my father they all went to heaven out of this, that, and the other.” WE RENOUNCE THAT! They did no such a thing they went to the cemetery! I’m telling you the thing is dishonest, cunningly crafted devised things, to entrap and trick somebody into one of them satanic organizations. All right read.

READER: nor handling the word of Yahweh. . . DR. KINLEY: Nor or we handling the word of Yahweh! READER: deceitfully. . .

DR. KINLEY: Deceitfully! We’re not trying to fool you about it! Now I got something for that too. As Paul says there in the 6th chapter of Hebrews, “Therefore leaving!” Maybe you’d better read it, and don’t leave the place, don’t leave the place there. “Therefore leaving,” all right let’s see what’s happening there. “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Yahshua Messiah!”

READER: let us go on unto. . . DR. KINLEY: let us go on READER: to perfection. . .

DR. KINLEY: unto perfection. Listen, if you don’t start right! See you got to get them first principles – of course He’s talking to the Jews. He says “therefore, to the Jews, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Yahshua the Messiah…” What’s that doctrine? He said, “Now my doctrine is not my own but it’s of my Father that sent me!” Well what did He send you for? All of them is just simple easy to be understood things. He told the Jews, talking about His death, He said “For this cause came I in the world!” That’s what I come for. Well why did you come for that? “Because I was the sacrifice before the foundation of the world, and I was foreordained to come in the world to restore man back to God. Now that’s what I come for.” Oh boy I tell you, it’s worthwhile, and it’s simple, it’s clean. And we know everybody’s been steeped in these erroneous doctrines. That’s the reason why it’s so many questions asked about this, and that, and the other, because they don’t have a clear understanding of it. And that’s the reason why we made these charts. Now first, now look you got to get these first principles. Somebody say, “Well I know what that is.” Said, “What you got to do is get up and confess and give the preacher your hand. Come on up to the mourner’s bench and give the preacher your hand.” And now you’re gone start out on your way. As Paul said, “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go onto perfection.” See you got to get the rudiments, you got to get the roots, got to get baptized. You got’a be put on probation and all them different kind of things. You got to go through a ridged test by another bunch of hypocrites, them preachers I’m talking about. And none of them ain’t living nothing! And he don’t even know nothing about it! And he thinks he’s got to be baptized first, got to be a candidate first. And you got to go and baptize and put up with a whole lot of their foolishness and all them different kind of things. You got to do your part and put some money in the church. Everything! Going around with a long face on. Can’t eat what you wanna eat, and can’t drink what you wanna drink, just with a long sanctimonious face. That’s leaving the, that’s what he imagine is leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ! He ain’t taught nobody nothing like that! And just being good, that won’t get it. Say listen Freddy it ain’t none of your business what I eat! If it don’t make me sick it sure ain’t gone bother you. And if it make me sick I’ll call Dr. Harris! (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) I’m just telling you in case I should happen to get hold of the wrong thing. I did eat some cabbage once, and it was overcooked or something like that, and the doctor said that it was ptomaine poison. I don’t know whether it was, I didn’t pay no ‘tention to it. I know it just like to killed me, but that didn’t, that didn’t bother you none did it Leonard? You didn’t even know nothing about it, did you?


DR. KINLEY: Well I’m telling, now this is what happens there. Now I wanna make this real clear to you. See whenever you do something like that, (now you listen close) you pay the bill, and that debt is paid! You won’t have to go to hell for that, for eating some stale bread or something another. I’m talking about what they call hell. And people got all kinds of ridged things set up. “Don’t eat no pork! Don’t do this!” And when you get through with the do’s and the don’t, you can’t make it. See cause you’re a bad fellow if you do, and you’re a bad fellow if you don’t. You haven’t got a possible chance with the Devil. But what Messiah is talking about, uh, what the Apostle is talking about, “Wherefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ…” What is the doctrine? He came in the world to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, every bit of it, and move all the natural out of the way that you might live and walk in the spirit. Now that’s the doctrine! He said… You don’t, you don’t believe me? I will read! Don’t look at me all funny, I’ll read. Stick up your finger if you don’t believe me. That’s what He come for, to move it out the way, and that had to be done before the new covenant could come of affect, and that’s what He come in the world for. “Therefore leaving the doctrine of Christ,” (or Yahshua the Messiah properly should be), let us go on to perfection,” (Now listen at me! Now you listen!) not laying again the foundation for repentance!” Is that what you got there?

READER: That’s right, from dead works

DR. KINLEY: from dead works. Now let me, let me explain that: You see now when John come along and was baptizing, when He baptized Messiah in the fulfillment of this back here, all the way back! See carry it on back on into heaven cause He’s immersed in the bosom of the Father. I want you to see what I’m talking about; I want you to understand! I don’t want no mistakes about it! And I do think I possess the ability to explain it to anybody – right fresh out of Camarillo can understand if you want to. He had to baptize in order to fulfill this back there. And all His physical body was baptize, and these are all physical ordinances that was back here. Now John had to baptize them, and baptize them before He died! Because water baptism is a figure of them being buried with Him by baptism into His death! What’s that for? that they might be in the likeness of His resurrection. Now listen! This is the foundation! “Therefore leaving the,” what?

READER: principles DR. KINLEY: principles of the doctrine. . . READER: of the Messiah. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: let us go on unto perfection. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now let’s, let’s don’t fool with this! We ain’t got no time to be fooling around here with grape juice and crackers and baptism and foot washing and all that junk, just don’t have time. See when the Messiah was circumcised, so were you. When He was baptized, that got it! Got all of these bodies, all these physical bodies were baptized, and that’s all these is, is physical ordinances back here. And these physical bodies, (listen folks!), every bullock, every turtle, every heifer, every sacrifice, not only in the animal but also in the vegetable kingdom, was fulfilled in Him. And not only that, “If any man…” That’s Paul talking to the Corinthians, I ain’t got time to go into all them things, but I’m just jolting these things together. “Therefore if any man (listen at these words), be in (that’s if he’s in there Bishop), If any man be in Yahshua the Messiah HE IS A NEW CREATURE, old things are passed away…” That means all of these old ordinances back here. These are old things! See they’re all the way back, old things have passed away. Every last one of them feast, everything has passed away. You’ve been circumcised in Him. You’ve been baptized by His baptism. You have been buried with by baptism in your heart and mind. You have been resurrected with Him. All of that old thing with the Jews, and also with the Gentiles have passed away. And then what happens? “Behold all things, everything becomes new.” Why is that? “because ye are Yahweh’s workmanship created anew,” not in the OLD ADAM but in the NEW ADAM. You coming up here with all that old stuff, and a lot of it wasn’t even given to you. Now Paul is telling the Jews about it. This is his epistle unto the Jews, not to the Gentiles. He said, “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Yahshua the Messiah let us, (the Jew!) go on unto perfection, not laying again the foundation,” (going on back to baptism and circumcision, and all them things). See that’s baptism of the repentance. Anytime you put a man in water, I don’t care what you say, it’s a baptism of repentance. It’s another kind of water… “He that believeth on me as the Scriptures has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” But John explained, said “This spake He of the spirit.” That’s what you’re being baptized in here now, IN LIVING WATER! Somebody said, “I don’t see no water flowing out of you.” Naw, that’s what I’m talking about! Then somebody jumped up and said “Don’t tell me nothing about something I can’t see!” Well listen, you ain’t never seen Yahweh, don’t you wanna hear something about Him? All this old stupid talk we’re doing. Yahweh is spirit, and He seeking such to worship Him in spirit and in truth, and you’ll never find Him until you begin to look in the spirit. And then when you do find Him, you’ll find Him right there in your seat with you knocking right on your door, knocking on your carnal consciousness. For it is in Him that you live and you move and you have your being. And He’s never gonna become a reality with you until you just let down all that junk and stuff, carry it on to the dump! As I tell you a lot of times, you see somebody carrying off circumcision one time. And then they got to learn about water baptism; here he goes with that. Then he’s got to learn about Lord suppers and here… see that’s to many trips. That’s right, keep you running backward and forwards all the time; just carry the whole thing, the whole business to the dump, cause you see you’re complete in Him. See there He died and all the —– —–, even pass from life to death in Him. That’s right! “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on unto perfection, not laying again the foundation for repentance.” That’s John’s baptism of water repentance. Talking to the Jews and they’re Hebrews, those that did have the Law and was baptized in the water back there. All right read on.

READER: and not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works. . .

DR. KINLEY: All of it’s dead! It’s dead works! It ain’t no good! It’s no good to the Jew. And if it ain’t no good to the Jew, it ain’t no good to you, the Gentile! That’s dead, dead works. Now somebody say “Well, it just don’t mean what you’re saying it does.” Well all you have to do is just read on. Read on.

READER: and of faith toward Yahweh. . . DR. KINLEY: And of faith toward, and of faith toward Yahweh. All right read. READER: of the doctrine of baptisms. . . DR. KINLEY: Wait a minute there; hold everything. Of the doctrines of… READER: baptisms. . .

DR. KINLEY: Baptisms – now that’s plural, any way you do it is wrong! So that means all kinds of ways, plural. The Devil always telling you, say, “Well what church you come from there?” Said, “I come from the Baptist church.” “Well this is the Church of Christ or the Church of God, you wasn’t baptized right, now you’ll have to be baptized all over again.” But he’s talking about the doctrines of baptisms so he don’t care how it was done. It really don’t make no difference. And whichever way it was done it’s wrong, that is if they’re putting you in some water. Now if the Jew had to leave that, so also don’t you. Now you’re a Gentile, therefore leaving the principle of the doctrine of…

READER: baptisms. . .

DR. KINLEY: Baptisms, let us go on unto perfection. You see when you go and baptism ’em, then you’re planting somebody… You see the point? But now we done left that stage, why, because we were planted right here. John wasn’t baptizing nobody but the Jews, no Gentiles at all. Wasn’t none… Somebody say “Whoa! Whoa!” Naw, ain’t no use in talking about it, ain’t no use in arguing, that’s all that was baptized in here, the Jews. I’ll tell you what happened to the Gentiles, they got drowned there. Now if you wanna call that a baptism then they got one. Now that’s the way it is. Cause see what He’s doing is fulfilling this back here, and see take your choice. Do you see now? Well somebody say, “Well how you get in?” All them questions. “How do you get in your church?” Well I don’t have none for you to get in; I ain’t got none. Now if you wanna ask me about how you get in this hall – there, there the door is back there. You might be able to get in this one here by going round about. Said, “That ain’t what I mean, said how do you matriculate or enroll in your classes?” Come in and take a seat. You come in right in the same way. Now but how do you get in the body of Yahshua the Messiah? Now if that’s what you wanna know, that’s a different story. Now I’ll tell you how that’s done. You want me to tell you how that’s done? 1st Corinthians… That’s where you were reading over there in Corinthians, and remember I told you now don’t leave there, and don’t leave where we are there.

READER: 12:13 DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)! READER: For by one spirit. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)! READER: are we all baptized. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats)! READER: into one body. . . DR. KINLEY: into one body, believe it or not. All right. READER: whether we be Jews DR. KINLEY: It don’t make no difference whether we be Jews or Greeks or Gentiles… READER: whether we be bond or free. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and have been all made to drink into the one spirit. . .

DR. KINLEY: Well somebody… Now don’t forget now, we’re talking about we’ve departed from the hidden things of dishonesty, and we’re surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Don’t forget, surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. And I give you some idea about them witnesses, talking about a numerical number of ’em. Paul said in the 12th chapter of Hebrews, you read right on down where we was just talking about there. Listen, “Seeing we are compassed about with so great cloud of witnesses,” not only them, but the things in heaven is purified with better sacrifices than bullocks and doves and whatnot, but they’re purified by His blood; He redeemed them all back. And now through the spirit we have come to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly. And you have in the King James Version, general assembly and church of the first born. Are you listening?

STUDENTS: Yes. DR. KINLEY: You say you’re listening. And to the innumerable, can’t count ’em, innumerable, what? STUDENTS: Company of Angels

DR. KINLEY: Innumerable company of Angels. They’re risen from the dead. All of ’em are in Yahshua the Messiah; all must be presented back to the Father. And we’re right in there with them, the Jew and Gentile, that’s an innumerable company of angels. And it took better sacrifices than these were back here. Do you see? Do you understand what I’m talking about?

Now the Jew and the Gentile, you wanna argue around about your water baptism, and you say Jesus sent you out to baptize in water, and that ain’t in the book. Now you’ll have to take the 11th chapter of Romans and the 17th verse. Now, I’m gonna show you how you as a Gentile… Now you just seen there by one spirit we were all baptized into the one body, by one spirit, not water! Not that at all! We were all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles. And listen, when Peter went down to Cornelius’ house, he seen that the Holy Spirit was poured out on them just like it was, (Cornelius’ household) just like it was on them on the Day of Pentecost. Peter did command them to be baptized in water but he withdrew. He said, “And seeing they had receive the Holy Spirit just like we did.” Now if the man’s got the spirit, it would be contrary to baptize him after he received the Holy Spirit, because you see these were baptized at John’s water baptism before they got the Holy Spirit. They had to be. Now look, and listen. Now this is Pentecost here, and this is Pentecost seven years later. This is the Jew here, (one, 7 years is one week). See AD40 there, 33 and a half here. Now, I want you to see it now. Them Jews he got it seven years before. Now let’s see if I can get after it like this. See he’s planted here into His death here, and he’s in the likeness of His resurrection here, and he received the Holy Spirit here. Now Paul is saying “Therefore seeing, uh, since we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us go on unto perfection, not laying again this foundation for repentance from dead works, (see that’s what killed them, and it was fulfilled, dead works), and of baptisms,” plural. Somebody said to me “Well I know that the baptism of repentance is over, but I’m talking about Christian baptism.” You just ain’t in it, that’s all. It don’t make no difference what you’re talking about you just ain’t in it. See we’re in the spirit now and not in the natural or in the literal. He’s seeking someone to worship Him in spirit and in truth, not in the works of the Law. And as you receive, so says Paul in the first chapter of Galatians, as you receive Him… How did you receive Him? Even the following here they had the Holy Ghost before Peter recommended them to be baptized, so he didn’t receive Him by the works of the Law. Yahweh just, what’s happened here is Yahweh is bringing them in according to the way He made the Promise to Abraham, that in his seed He would bless all the families of the earth.

Now what we are talking about here now, when we talk about this seven year period through here, and we show you that both Jew and Gentile got in there by the spirit! Seven years from here to there… And I told you… Listen, now listen at me, then you won’t have a whole lot of questions to ask about it. Now then when His physical body was baptized, when His physical body was circumcised, when His physical body hung out on the cross, when His physical body was buried in Joseph’s new tomb, when He was resurrected, and with that innumerable company of angels – you’ve come to the spirit of the thing, and to an innumerable company, and to the spirits, (listen now) spirits, (not bodies), and the spirits of just men… That’s what it says, all them down here that looked for Him and believed in Him, just like Job said to his wife, said, “That I know that my Redeemer liveth and shall stand, (his Redeemer too, and it was showed to him back there), He said “I know that my Redeemer liveth and He shall stand in the earth in the latter day, and he said whom I shall see…” (Now he’s talking about him seeing Him, and here he is all full of puss and corruption), “Whom I’ll shall see for myself and not for another… I know He lives, and He will stand…” And when he went in that grave and come up out of there, Job, according to Ezekiel the 37th chapter, He laid them sinews upon that boy AND BROUGHT HIM ON UP OUT OF THE GRAVE! AND JOB LOOKED HIM SQUARE IN THE FACE! Those sinews was laid upon him, sinews of flesh. With looking at it that way, it look just like it was a natural thing but it was in the spirit.

So now, here’s what I’m trying to show you now! See now what I’m trying to show, 11th Chapter and the 17th verse. Remember it’s seven years from here down to here. If you plant a tree, take a seed, and plant a tree and cover it up with some dirt and go on away from it! Let it alone. A seed, a peach tree seed, or just any kind, apple seed, a tree seed. Go on away! Seven years, if it hasn’t come up after seven years something wrong down in there. But if it grows up in seven years it’ll grow up into fruition. Now then, we gonna have to put this together Doc, and we gone have to put it together so we can see. Now here’s the 15th Chapter of St. John, now I want you to see. All of these Jews, and there was a lot of ’em that rejected John’s baptism and they wouldn’t be baptized, they were cut off. See, I’ll be right back to where we are there Doc; they were cut, they were cut off. They just wouldn’t get baptized. And John looked at it, “Say what did you come out here for, to see the wind blow the weeds around?” You understand them big shots, Scribes and Pharisees, them smart boys, just like we got the preachers of nowadays, they’re carnal minded, intellectual carnal minded giants, talking about, they say “Go and baptize in the name of the Father and in the name of the… I don’t see nothing else for us to baptize in but water.” He’s telling you right, cause he don’t see. But he ain’t, he just didn’t happen to be talking to me he’s talking to Jesus, as he calls Him. Jesus said “Baptize ’em in the Name.” He says “Baptize ’em in the water. Says I don’t see nothing else to baptize in but the water.” Now when you are preaching and teaching that Yahweh, which you’ve learned the name, foreordained, and you come out, you’ve come out by Elohim, and He comes on down here in the flesh, now that’s just the way you’re gonna have to go back in. That’s the reason why your birth, your circumcision, your all in all, complete in Him, and not a thing to be done to you. I mean you’re circumcised by His circumcision, you’re baptized when John baptized Him. Now they say the church is the body of Christ or the body of Yahshua. Well now this is almost His body physically so, that is not His body spiritually so. And if you wanna talk about a body then here you are. That is, isn’t that a physical body He’s got? That’s just what John baptized out there the physical body. Now what’s your gripe? Somebody say “Well that ain’t in the Bible.” Yes it is, don’t tell me it ain’t in there! Everything I say to you I can put my finger on it in the Bible! That’s the reason why the Devil, he ain’t got no chance with me, he ain’t got a Chinaman’s chance. Read.

READER: 17th chapter of, oh 15th chapter of St. John

DR. KINLEY: 15th chapter of St. John. Now look here, now this is what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the Jews they receive the Holy Spirit and they’d grown up. Yes they, they had been planted back there, and buried in His baptism, and they receive the Holy Spirit here, seven years before the Gentiles. See now they’ve grown up. Now there were some, (carrying you back over) there were some that rejected John’s baptism and they wouldn’t be baptized at John’s baptism. Now all of them that wouldn’t accept his baptism, they wouldn’t accept that He was the Messiah, now Yahshua is talking about ’em. What’d He say?

READER: I am the true vine. . . [Side 2] DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and my Father is the husbandman. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: every branch in me. . .

DR. KINLEY: Every branch… Now wait a minute there see! Now you just hold everything, hold everything, hold it; don’t run off, hold it. Suppose you read that again. Some of us is a little hard of hearing.

READER: I am the true vine and my Father. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now did you… His Father, now He’s the husbandman. That’s Israel’s husband. He’s the husbandman. All right read on

READER: every branch in me. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now it didn’t say roots, it didn’t say a thing about ’em. “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection, not laying again the foundation for repentance from dead works, and of baptisms,” (plural). Telling the Jew let’s go on unto perfection! We’ve been planted together with Him, the tree is grown up, it’s seven years from that to the Gentiles. And every one of them branches, not roots, every branch that didn’t bear fruit… Now listen, the tree is grown up, it’s seven years; it’s got to be bearing fruit! Is that what you got there?

READER: Yeah DR. KINLEY: What happens? READER: every branch in me that beareth not fruit He taketh away… DR. KINLEY: His Father takes it away, or he’s cut off by the spirit. READER: and every branch that beareth fruit. . . DR. KINLEY: Now every branch that does bear fruit READER: He purges it. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: that it may bring forth more fruit. . .

DR. KINLEY: That it may bring forth more fruit, why, because you got other sheep that are not of that fold, bring forth more fruit. Now you remember what it said? That every branch in Him that didn’t bear fruit… Now, now get this straight Jimmy, didn’t say roots, said branch! Now there’s a difference between the roots and the branches. Now the reason why I’m drawing this home, cause see I’m fixing to come in with Paul again down here, and this doctrine of baptism and planting. All right, said His Father, His Father took it away. All right, now said “Branches,” now Romans 11:17.

READER: and if some of the branches. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now I told you about… See we know just exactly who it’s talking about all of the time. We’re not confused and mixed up about it at all. Now if some of the branches, all them Rabbinical Pharisees and Scribes that went out there to John’s baptism that refused the counsel of Yahweh, reject his water baptism. It’s to late for him now, cause see you done left the principles of the doctrine of baptism, the baptism of repentance. Somebody say “Well what about Christian baptism?” There ain’t no such animal! You don’t baptize Christians, why, because man’s got the spirit, and it’s the spirit that’s raised him from the dead! See, and it’s planted down here in the roots. Now here’s the trees (the Jews) done grown up and had the Holy Spirit seven years, and he goes to Gentiles. Now them branches they were broken off, now listen, not the roots! Not the roots, the branches. See they didn’t have no business planting no Gentiles. All right read on.

READER: and if some of the branches. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: be broken off, and thou being a wild olive tree. . . DR. KINLEY: and thou being a wild olive tree READER: were grafted in among them. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and with them partakest of the root. . . DR. KINLEY: And you are a partaker of the roots! READER: and the fatness of the olive tree. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: boast not against the branches. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now you see, don’t, boast not against the branches! See folks we’re talking about branches, we’re not talking about roots! Ain’t no branches on this side. Said, “Well did Peter order them to be baptized at Corneilus’ house?” Yes he did! Why don’t you try reading it? See, now you’re reading over in history! See now we’re talking about doctrine. Peter refuted it there in the 2nd Chapter or the 11th Chapter of Acts of Apostles when he commanded Cornelius and them to be baptized, in water too. Yes we know the Ethiopian eunuch was baptized in water! We can read. Now they wanna argue around about that. Now you know good and well that neither… Say are you listening Doc?


DR. KINLEY: Listen at me now! Them deacons they wasn’t sent; they wasn’t, uh, you see, they were not sent and commissioned, as you say, to go into the all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. What were they looking for, or what did they, or what were they doing in there? It was some time after Pentecost before they came in there. It wasn’t on the day of Pentecost that they got in there, the deacons. But the deacons is now walking around with his hand stuck in his pockets, mouth shot out, talking about Revern’ so and so, said, “We planned on getting rid of him and getting a new one.” See he think he’s up there to boss the preacher around. Well, what them deacons were for was to serve tables. I mean to minister physical food. Now that’s what they were there for, physical food. See because they sold their possessions, the people had, and brought and laid the price of ’em at the Apostles feet. And the Apostles wouldn’t quit their preaching the Gospel to go and serve no tables, they just wouldn’t do that, they just preached. They preached the word; they broke the bread, the spiritual bread of life. And the deacons were chosen to see that the widows and orphans wasn’t neglected in the daily administration. And there wasn’t but seven deacons. Well why was that, because it was 7 days in a week, one each day. And the Apostle taught them that that Yahweh Elohim had revealed. Look now, and they went out there, and they raised this question when that great persecution come up against the church. You got it all right there in the history, and they were all scattered except the Apostles. And the deacons they went every which a way, and others too went with them, and preached the word. And listen, somebody say “Well I don’t know whether He showed it to Jew or Gentile.” He said they didn’t preach to nobody but the Jews only. Oh, I tell you, the Devil is got this thing churned up so. Now you just might as well to get rid of them demonic things and come on clean. And then, and not until then will we be of any special benefit. Now this is the thing we’re talking about; repeat Dr. Harris.

READER: Boast not against the branches. . . DR. KINLEY: Now listen don’t boast against the branches. READER: but if thou boast. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now wait a minute! Here somebody say “Well ain’t nobody boast against the branches.” That old bastard sitting over there in Rome is. “You mean to tell me you talk about the most holy father like that? See he’s to holy and to pure for that.” Well, let me ask you; well what is a bastard? Now if you don’t know, the 12th chapter of Hebrews & 6th verse then find out. See now if you can’t be chastised (that’s what I’m doing now) I’M CHASTISING YOU BY THE SCRIPTURES. I’m telling you you’re wrong, you’ve been led wrong all your life! I’m trying to correct and chastise by the Scriptures, and it don’t seem so pleasant. Now somebody’ll walk out, “Well I’ve been a Baptist all of my life. I’m a Baptist bred and a Baptist born, and when I die I’ll just be a Baptist gone.” YOU’RE WITHOUT CHASTISEMENT; YOU’RE A BASTARD! You talking about being a Baptist, you’re a bastard! Somebody said, “Did you hear what that man said? I ain’t going back down there no more.” Yes indeed, now that’s it. If you can’t be corrected by the Scriptures, that’s what, that’s what they… Read it Doc.

READER: But if ye be without chastisement whereof all are partakers…

DR. KINLEY: That’s it, all, well if you be without… God chasteneth every son! He chastise every last one of us! All of us have been out there all mixed up and messed up, and the Devil had us in everything you can think of, but the Kingdom of Yahshua the Messiah. That’s right, all, me, you, and all the rest of ’em. And now when somebody comes along preaching the word, somebody… Just like when the prophets come back there, and Yahshua sat up there in the mountain and looked down on before He died. Seen ’em go to and fro, walking around down there. He looked down on Jerusalem and said “Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stone them that are sent unto thee; how often would I’d hovered you, like a hen covereth her chickens, and you would not.” He walked around there with his Talmud, his interpretation of the Scriptures, and had the nerves to run up in Messiah’s face too. Said, “Look a here, we got some questions to ask you.” Say “Why do your disciples transgress the traditions of the elders; they don’t wash before they eat their meal. Don’t you know they’re liable to catch some kind of contaminated germs or something another? They’re liable to catch the leprosy. Why is it you let ’em go on and eat without washing their hands?” Now here He is, the Saviour of the world, healing all kinds of disease, even raising the dead! And they stand up and ask Him such a fool question as that! Transgressing the traditions of the elders. They got you hog-tied in these sects and cults and creed. The Devil’s just making a fool, or a monkey out of you, and then you’re paying him for it. See you’ll not only lose your money, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR SOUL. That’s right. All right now, catch on to what we’re talking about. See I’m making it plain! And when I get through with it (it’s 9:30 now). Now when I get through with this, if there’s anybody in this house that don’t understand what I’m talking about and what I’m trying to explain, (I’m trying hard to) I want you to raise you hand! And there’s gonna be some interrogations, some questions. We wanna answer ’em! We don’t want you to go home tonight stupid and ignorant, and with a lot of questions in your mind.

Somebody say, “WELL WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?” Believe on Yahshua the Messiah just like I told you; believe that you are circumcised by His circumcision, believe in His, uh, through His Baptism! Believe in His death, burial, and resurrection! Believe in it! Believe that He’s the Redeemer! Believe that Yahweh gave Him to restore and to redeem the world back! AND IT AIN’T ENOUGH DEVILS IN HELL TO KEEP YOU FROM BEING SAVED, ANYBODY! And you don’t have to jump up and join none of these crooked organizations. See you talking about joining… Well, what’s the matter with a new birth? How’d you get in your family, did you just join it, or was you born in it? That’s what’s gonna have to happen to you, you gonna have to be born into the Kingdom. You gonna have to go in there by the spirit, and you can’t damp nor wet nobody into it. And the man that’s standing and preaching to you that kind of doctrine, he’s sound asleep, he don’t know nothing about it.

All right, now you got the branches? “Every branch in me that beareth not fruit He takes it away.” He’s talking about breaking them Jews off that didn’t believe. All right, now you see where the Jews broke off at? Say look boy it’s the branches! You heard me you’re not blind, branches! Every branch, he didn’t say roots, every branch that bear, that bearest not fruit, said He took it away. Said His Father was the husbandman; He said His Father took it away. You say Yahweh is spirit; he’s cut off by the spirit, he didn’t receive the Holy spirit. All right read.

READER: thou will say then. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: the branches were broken off. . . DR. KINLEY: The Gentiles, thou will say then! READER: the branches were . . . DR. KINLEY: The branches were broken off, not the roots, but the branches! All right. READER: that I might be grafted in. . .

DR. KINLEY: That I might be grafted in… Hey look, not planted but grafted! Yes we do know what we’re talking about too. All right read.

READER: well, because DR. KINLEY: Well, one of them long drawn out — Well, what are we breaking off for? READER: because of unbelief. . . DR. KINLEY: because he didn’t believe READER: they were broken off. . .

DR. KINLEY: They, see that’s why they was broken off. All right, now you keep your eyes open. I told you it was to late for him to get in by water baptism, that’s the Jew, to say nothing about the Gentile getting in by water baptism. All right read on.

READER: and thou standeth by faith DR. KINLEY: And listen, you stand by faith, not by the works of the law! All right read. READER: be not high minded. . . DR. KINLEY: Don’t be high minded! READER: but fear. . .

DR. KINLEY: Wait a minute Doc! Ain’t that man setting over there in Vatican high minded, carnal minded, all puffed and all swollen up, and saying, “No man goeth to the Father but by me?” and the treasurer of indulgences. Don’t be high-minded like that; he’s a Gentile. Now where do you find at in that Book where the Jews is broken off and the Gentiles there’re suppose to take over? See now I would give you a deep one, ain’t nobody gonna be saved but the Jews, nobody, no in deed. Somebody said, “Well that leaves me out, I ain’t no Jew.” Now that makes me read some more, 2nd chapter of Romans and the last two verses and you’ll find out whether you are or not. And see the terrible thing about it is he didn’t even know what a Jew is, see it’s bad. All right

READER: For he is not a Jew. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: which is one outwardly. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: neither is that circumcision. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: which is outward in the flesh. . .

DR. KINLEY: which is outward in the… Listen brother, listen, neither is that… You see he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly, and neither is circumcision outward in the flesh, and neither is baptism. How’d I do? And you ain’t eating no feast of the Passover and nothing like that outwardly in the flesh. See the difference between this dispensation and the other? All right, all right read on.

READER: but he is a Jew. . . DR. KINLEY: Now but he is a Jew READER: which is one inwardly. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and circumcision. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: is that of the heart. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: in the spirit. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: and not in the letter. . . DR. KINLEY: And not in the letter. I AM A JEW. DR. Williams: That’s a fact!

DR. KINLEY: Didn’t I tell you nobody but the Jews gonna be saved? I’m a Jew, and I mean a genuine one too, for real, and I’m not ashamed of it. I’m an Israelite indeed – if Yahshua the Messiah’s one, me too. Now did you find out what a Jew is? Now the Devil he’s got you walking around here all tightened up (oh boy, isn’t it, isn’t it a dog?) with his traditions and customs and ignorance and —– —–. In other words, Yahweh did just exactly what He said He was gonna do. He said “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to naught the understanding of the prudence.” Listen folks, when He run through that grave and come out of there, they ain’t seen nothing of Him since. They haven’t got no trail of Him since, and they down there playing with the natural all the time, and we way over here in the spirit now. Oh I tell you, that’s the difference between one dispensation and the other. Everything back under this dispensation or under the Law was natural, and it all was a schoolmaster to bring you up to the, to the spirit.

Now it’s the Law, (listen, listen), we get this messed up too. Oh, there’s so many things. Now listen, when we talking about the Law a lot of times, folks don’t understand what you’re talking about. Now this is the Law, (now listen, get these words straight). This is the Law contained in the ordinances. Now where do you find that spelled out in the Book? You find it in the 2nd Chapter of Ephesians, meaning the Law of Commandments, 2nd Chapter of Ephesians, contained in the ordinances. Now Abraham, Noah, and on back to Adam, they didn’t have this Law, but this is the Law contained in the ordinances. Now this, this is an ordinance here. This is an ordinance here of baptism. These are ordinances here, all these sacrifices, and they’re operating in this sanctuary. Those are ordinances, foot washings and all those things, those are ordinances contained in, in the Law, but now look, here’s the difference! But the Law of the Spirit, that’s what brought the Universe into existence. It’s been in operation all the time, and it will forever be, it has no end. Yahweh or God is Law. But what we’re talking about when we say the Law was fulfilled, we’re talking about the carnal ordinances. Now everything there was back here, just like this ark, it was just physical as this sanctuary. And when you’re telling ’em, Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, and we call that the Law, and it carries you all the way back. But if you wanna discriminate and segregate between the difference, this is the Law of Moses, or the Law contained in the ordinances. Now then, we got the Universal Spirit Law and we got the Law contained in the Ordinances. Now there’s one more Law, and that’s the Civil Law that’s legislated by the politicians and whatnot and the people. Now there’s three Laws I’ve talked about, now I showed you what the difference was. All right read on. Now watch now.

READER: for if Yahweh spared not the natural branches. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now if Yahweh spared not these Jews that wouldn’t believe that He was the Messiah, and accept those ordinances or the principles of the doctrine of Christ like we told you. All right read on.

READER: take heed lest He also spare not thee. . . DR. KINLEY: Take heed; be careful, lest He spare not thee. He’s talking to the Jews there too. All right read. READER: behold therefore the goodness and severity of Yahweh. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now look He told ’em. Now listen, look up here. Now said, now you look at the goodness, and then you look at the severity. See how good it was for them that obeyed and accepted. And you look at the penalty and the severity or the destruction of them that wouldn’t. All right.

READER: on them that fell. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: severity. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: but toward thee. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: goodness. . . DR. KINLEY: Goodness, the Gentiles. Listen, READER: if thou continue in the faith . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now that’s, that’s predicated on this: if you continue in His goodness. There’s always somebody that wants to try and do something for Him, see but you can’t continue on in it. They come down here every Sunday and testify, and all through the week, for maybe a couple of months or something another. Say, “Why don’t you come on down here, really, like you should.” Say, “Oh I know what it’s all about because I —-.” Aren’t you interested in others? All right, read on.

READER: otherwise thou also shall be cut off. . . DR. KINLEY: Now, repeat the same thing over again, doc. READER: but toward thee goodness. . . DR. KINLEY: but toward the Gentile, goodness. READER: if thou continue in His goodness. . . DR. KINLEY: if they continue in His goodness READER: otherwise. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: thou also shall be cut off. . . DR. KINLEY: Otherwise, now you remember they were grafted in. Is that what you just read up there? READER: That’s right, that’s right.

DR. KINLEY: And look, I told you now he wasn’t planted, but he’s grafted in. Grafted in among the branches, not the roots. The tree’s bearing fruit. How long, 7 years. And the Gentile he was grafted in, not baptized, see that’s where Peter made his mistake. Now look, you got to either make one or the other wrong. You oughta say, “Well God oughta waited till Peter got ’em baptized before He give ’em the spirit, on the count of this here where John baptized ’em before they got the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost.” That’s what you ought to do. You ought to make God wrong and Pete right, or else make Pete mistaken about it and God right. But He grafted ’em in after they were grown up. Skipped and missed the circumcision and the baptism and the suppers. Broke off the branches, broke ’em off here, and grafted the Gentile right in where the Jew was broken off. Now we gonna see about, we gonna see how this boy is gone get back in too. Said, “Now behold the goodness and severity; to them that fell, severity; and to them that, uh, uh,”

READER: toward thee goodness, toward the goodness. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) All right, read. READER: and they also if they abide not still. . . DR. KINLEY: Now listen, and they also (the Jews), and they also if they abide not still READER: in unbelief. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: shall be grafted in. . .

DR. KINLEY: Naw doc, um-um, No, sir, No, sir, we’re gonna baptize ’em whether or not. Now anybody can just be as stupid as you please, and you could see that. And if he abide not still in unbelief, though he rejected John’s baptism… See it’s to late now, and he was broken off among the branches too! And the Gentile’s grafted in right where he was broken off at. And now don’t boast, nor be high-minded because if you do, He’ll break you off too. And if they, the Jew, that was broken off out of the branches, if they don’t continue in disbelief or unbelief, God will plant them. . .

STUDENT BODY: Naw, graft ’em in! Graft!

DR. KINLEY: I just wanna know whether you’re catching me doc. See He’ll graft them back in. See He broke them off from the branches, He’s got to graft them back in by the branches. “Therefore leaving the doctrine of baptism let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation from dead works.” It’s just as dead as it can be. Can you see that? Now what we’ve done down here, we’ve renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. I ate many enough crackers and drink enough grape juice. See, and I used to baptize the folks in my church, had charge of it. And now here you are trying to tell me something about it. I baptized women and men, you know, take ’em down in the pool. Some of ’em was particular, they didn’t wanna go in behind the church, they wanted to go down and get baptized in running water. I took ’em down to Mad River. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) And this is what I would say, (get up boy) [Doc is demonstrating with one of the students]. I was a specialist in too. I’d get me a thing, and everything, with a towel all thrown over my shoulders, and I’m standing down there and this is what I’d say. Matthew 28:19-20, “Go ye in all the world and baptize them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of Holy Ghost, and lo I’m with you alway… Now you trying to tell me about that as though I couldn’t read, and here I done baptized a whole lot of folks myself. and this is what I would say. “In obedience to the command, (in obedience to the command now). He didn’t say nothing about baptizing nobody in the water, He said baptize ’em in the Name. And I said as Revern’ taught me to say, “In obedience to the command of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, I baptize this our beloved brother, Luther Daniels,” (oh boy, I’m getting proper, ain’t I?) in the Name of the Father,” (I wanted you to know what His Name was, that’s God), and in the Name of the Son,” (Jesus Christ) and of the Holy Ghost” (and right there is where I didn’t know who that was), Palushi!” I’d baptize him and bring him back up. NEXT! (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now you around here trying to tell me something about it. See but now we’ve renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. Now Paul taught circumcision nor uncircumcision it didn’t mean a thing. And he took and grab Timothy and circumcised him, so that he’d have some part with the Jews. He went and grabbed one and punch somebody in the water too. Just do anything, see that we might save some. Now if nothing else won’t do for you, we’ll do it for you. That’s right! I’ll just do it for you if you’ve just got to be baptized. Some of these brethren here, they, some of you will wet ‘em up won’t you? Yes indeed, and if they won’t wet you up, see me. In other words we gone be satisfied. Now I won’t do that. But I’m not gone teach you it’s essential for salvation. I’m gone teach you it’s a dead work, it ain’t no good. It ain’t no good for you, never was and never will be. And it ain’t nothing in, even in the Almanac, so far as the commandment of God. It ain’t nothing from Genesis to Revelations that ever said anything at anytime about a Gentile being baptized! God ain’t never said nothing like that! How’d I do Bishop? You’re a theologian.


DR. KINLEY: That’s not even in the Almanac. You heard me I said God ain’t said nothing. I ain’t talking about what Peter said! Now it’s ten minutes till ten. Now we were down in the 4th chapter of 2nd Corinthians. Do you remember? “Wherefore, seeing we have this ministry…” See I haven’t forgotten the thought. We have, done what?

READER: as we have received mercy. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: we faint not. . . DR. KINLEY: We don’t faint READER: but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. . .

DR. KINLEY: But have renounced the hidden things…. Now this is some preachers ignorance. He don’t know what it’s all about. He thinks he’s, he commence to putting his finger in his ears, and all that hoop and hollering [Doc Imitates Preachers] “I’m declaring that Jesus said, that He said, baptize ’em in water! The Lord give this commandment, as often as you eat…!” And he ain’t, see that’s like throwing water on a duck’s back. He ain’t, he ain’t said a thing to me. He ain’t got me worked up, see I know the difference. “If I be your Lord and Master and wash your feet, you also ought to wash…!” I know all about it. He ain’t stirred me up at all. He ain’t, he ain’t even touched me. He ain’t confused me, haven’t got me scared or frightened or nothing! But I tell you one thing, (we let ’em all preach too), but I tell you one thing, when he gets through with it, he’s got to take some set-backs, see he’s got to take some set-backs. I’ll stone him to death! I’ve done it I don’t know how many times, and put him right back up there! Ain’t afraid of anybody, just put him right back, make him get up here; that was one of them set-backs. I done it so many times. Is that right folks?


DR. KINLEY: Whip your brains out. See I just happen to know what I’m talking about. See we’ve renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. I’m not gonna stand around and tell you to get baptize in these churches, and it’s salvation. And you go and, oh, standing around trembling and shaking, delusions and all that kind of junk. Eat some cracker and drink some grape juice and it just makes me shiver and fall into fits. All that’s a lie. We’ve done away with that, that’s the hidden things of dishonesty. Read on.

READER: not walking in craftiness. . .

DR. KINLEY: See, we’re not walking in cunning craftiness. We just tell you what was under one dispensation and then the other. Ain’t nothing cunning and crafty about that. All right read on.

READER: nor handling the word of Yahweh. . .

DR. KINLEY: Nor are we handling the word of Yahweh deceitfully. We’re not trying to deceive and fool nobody about it. All right read.

READER: but by manifestation of the truth. . . DR. KINLEY: But by manifestation and declaration of the truth READER: commending ourselves to every mans conscience. . . DR. KINLEY: (Repeats) READER: in the sight of Elohim. . . DR. KINLEY: in the sight of Yahweh, or in the sight of God. READER: but if our gospel be hid. . .

DR. KINLEY: Now but wait a minute! Now you got some question to ask, you don’t understand, you don’t see what I’m talking about. But if our gospel be hid…

READER: it is hid to them that are lost. . . DR. KINLEY: it is hid from them… That’s what your state is you’re lost. Hid from them that are lost. All right read. READER: in whom the spirit of this age. . . DR. KINLEY: In whom the God of this world READER: have blinded the minds of them. . .

DR. KINLEY: Blinded the minds… You see you’ve been taught this junk so long until it’s done blinded your minds, don’t know the difference between one dispensation and the other, just blinded your mind. Got you running around talking about “I’m a this, I’m a that, and I’m of the other; I belong to this, and I belong to that, and I belong to this, I belong to that.” Why good gracious alive, if our gospel, which is the power of God… Now let me tell you this folks; let me tell you this, now you listen at me. Now I’m 37 years old in this thing, and if I don’t blow the trumpet as God spoke to Isaiah, said “Blow ye the trumpets in Zion, sound the alarm in my holy mountain, saith the Lord. For the year of my redeemed is come.” Yahweh speaks through me like He did round there at that mountain, don’t you tell me that you can set there on your seat all hardened and everything. He’ll get you out on the end of your seat and tear your face all up with it, and that powder and paint and all that kind stuff all mixed and messed up on your face just like it does anybody else. And you’re not so hard that you can’t be cracked. And you don’t get away with stuff like that. That’s the reason why Paul said “I’m not ashamed of it, because it’s the power of God unto salvation.” Now when Yahweh is given me permission to speak, cancer, everything is got to go! Yes ma’am and yes sir, it’s got to go! And whenever He tells me to say about an earthquake, or anything that Yahweh says to me, it’s just got to be that way! And don’t you tell me the power of Yahweh won’t shake you up. When Moses and them that come up from the wilderness there, and when they gathered around the mountain there, and when Yahweh spoke from that mountain, oh I tell you, and He introduced Himself, and said “I am Yahweh thy Elohim that brought thee out of the house of bondage and the land of Egypt. Thou shall not have no other Elohim or no other Gods before me.” Moses that brought ’em up stood there and shook, trembled in his boots too. Now here you are all stout hearted. He done dumped Pharaoh in the Red Sea. You understand what I’m talking about? You see it’s tough, it’s tough, it’s terrible. See it’s better for you to get settled down now, denounce these hidden things. You done had all these different baptizing. You done had all these crackers and grape juice. You done tried everything anybody told you and recommended to you, and so now you haven’t gotten nowhere. Now why not just try the real genuine thing a while. Say, “What do you mean by it?” Just set right down on your seat and learn what it’s all about, try to see. And look, if you seek with an open heart, if you seek with an open heart, you will have that experience in your heart and in your mind. And you too can and will be as happy, just as happy as a man can —–, walking around down here in the world among the thieves and robbers, false prophets and false teachers, murderers, and skeptics, and atheists, and agnostics, infidels, liars, backbiters, and hypocrites. But you just have that peace with you all the time, living under the influence of the Holy Spirit. That man and that woman have peace, they have joy, and they have righteousness in the Holy Spirit. But if you don’t see through it, it’s because we’ve been out there in Babylon, and all confused about these things trying to merit salvation. It says it’s by grace, by the grace. It’s not a thing you do. It’s by grace that you’re saved through faith, and that’s not of yourself, it is the free gift, you can’t merit it. One more verse I want you to read in your Bible, Titus 3:5

Reader: For this cause left I three in Crete – is that what you want? Dr. Kinley: Naw, “Not by works.” Reader: Oh, 3:5. Not by works of righteousness. . . Dr. Kinley: 3:5, 3:5. It’s not by works of righteousness Reader: which we have done. . .

Dr. Kinley: See now, wait a minute. Now we going around here abstaining from this, and abstaining from that, and abstaining from the other, and doing this, and doing the other, uh-uh, it’s not by works of righteousness which we have done.

Reader: but according to His mercy Dr. Kinley: But it’s according to His mercy Reader: He saved us Dr. Kinley: According to His mercy He saved us. How’d that happen? Reader: by the washing of regeneration . . . Dr. Kinley: (Repeats) Reader: and renewing of the Holy Spirit. . .

Dr. Kinley: And renewing of the Holy Spirit. You see it’s not by works. It’s not by works of righteousness folks. Faith comes by hearing. Hearing what? Hearing the word of Yahweh.

Now look, is anybody in here that didn’t understand as I went through it, and I explained it, got any questions to ask about it? Now 10:00 o’clock, we’re suppose to be going home. It’s about almost 5 minutes after.

Student: It’s Friday. Dr. Kinley: What’s that? Student: It’s Friday.

Dr. Kinley: I know it’s Friday. But you see, you close down your meeting and dismiss ’em. And if they wanna go, is that the way y’all been having it? It’s 10:00 o’clock, and then if you wanna drink coffee and ask questions and whatnot, why then you can tonight. So now this part of the service is over. Now if you have any interrogation or any questions to ask anybody, why then you can remain, and these charts will remain up.

Audience: Applause

School of the Highest Learning

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