Day of Eternity

Part I of a lecture given by Dr. Kinley on January 22, 1975 in Los Angeles, California.





DR. KINLEY: And we have tried our best to bring it to you just like Yahweh gave it to us. I want you to know that the world does not agree with us. And it’s a pretty hard thing to get up and go against the world. And let me explain this to you. You had better be prepared, cause if you don’t, why then they are going to make a fool out of you. Now I thought tonight we’d get down on some things that you ought to know something about, where you are in the program of Yahweh as to His purpose and plan in the ages. What, what are they?

Now the reason for me talking like that is this. First of all, you don’t hear in Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism, and Judaism, you do not hear about the dispensations and ages. There’s no way under the sun for you to understand the purpose of Yahweh without a profound knowledge of the dispensations and ages. You don’t know anything at all about it.

And there’s another important thing too, that Ambassador College has just right recently learned, after accumulation of many millions of dollars, and deceiving many millions of people all over the world. They did not know, and for the most part Christendoom does not know tonight, this night, that Yahshua the Messiah, was back here with Moses. They don’t know that. Now, before we go any further, we want to stop right now and let you find out about that. We’re not gonna read no whole lot of scriptures about it; or one oughta be sufficient. The 10th chapter of 1st Corinthians, now, that’s where they went to, to let you know that Yahshua, I’m talking about Ambassador College, went to to let you know that Yahshua, the Messiah was back there. Now, they’ve been reading it, all these many years, just like they have all of the rest of the scriptures, and yet and still they had no knowledge of it. All right, read there, the 10th chapter the first, and begin with the 1st verse.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Moreover, brethren

DR. KINLEY: Now, there’s something more on top of this. Moreover… Now, moreover is a conjunction, and that’s something else we need to know something about too. The, this Bible was not originally written in chapters and verses. And oftentimes a subject and a predicate is divided by chapters and a verse, as is the case where you’re reading at here now. Now, you have to probably go back up in the last chapter to find out, what to, what precedes that, that he has adjoined this thought to… Moreover brethren. Moreover, brethren, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I would not that you should be ignorant,

DR. KINLEY: Now, if Paul says I, I don’t want you to be ignorant. Now look, let’s face it. Let’s face it now. He said now, ‘Moreover, brethren, I would not that you should be ignorant. I was sitting in Springfield, Ohio. Dr. Hobbs called me on the phone. I was at one of the brethren’s house there. And he said, ‘Have you got your channel so-and-so on the TV?’ I said, ‘Yes, we’ve got it, and Ted Garner Armstrong is speaking there.’ And this is what he said. He said that his father did not know many things, even his father didn’t know, and neither did he. For example, then he talked about the 15th chapter of I Corinthians, I mean about the 10th chapter of 1st Corinthians, that Yahshua the Messiah, was back there with the Children of Israel, with Moses. Said that they didn’t know that. Now, old man Armstrong, Herbert Armstrong, claims to be the man that Yahweh has sent, or God has sent in the world, in this last day to straighten the people out, to prepare them for the establishment and setting up of the Kingdom of Yahweh on earth. And he didn’t know that. Now, that’s bad, very bad. Now, I don’t want you to think now, that he’s the only one in Christendoom that don’t know, because that would be a bad error, the rest of them don’t know either. Now, read on, Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Moreover, brethren, I would not that you should be ignorant,

DR. KINLEY: Now, he said that he didn’t want them to be ignorant of that. That Yahshua the Messiah, that later come through the loins of the woman, born of the woman, that He was back there with Moses. That’s something to think about. And I’d, I’d like to tell you this, while we’re on that story: He was the one that informed Moses, and the prophets, that he would be through the loins of the woman. He was the one that informed him. That’s where they got their information from. Now, if you insist, I’ll read it. All right, read on, Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Moreover, brethren, I would not that you should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud,

DR. KINLEY: Now, how all of our fathers were under the cloud. All right. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and all passed through the sea: DR. KINLEY: and all passed through the sea: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And were all baptized unto Moses DR. KINLEY: And were all baptized unto Moses DR. ROBERT HARRIS: in the cloud and in the sea. DR. KINLEY: in the cloud and in the sea. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And did all eat the same spiritual food; DR. KINLEY: And did all eat the same spiritual food; DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And did all drink the same spiritual drink: DR. KINLEY: And did all drink the same spiritual drink: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: for they drank of that spiritual Rock DR. KINLEY: for they drank of that spiritual Rock DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that went with them. DR. KINLEY: Now hold it right there, and look at your King James Version. I want it read. READER: And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them.

DR. KINLEY: Now, that’s stupid. Just plumb downright stupid, and what we might say, a direct contradiction. Even from common sense… Now, let me tell you what I’m talking about. Now, when Yahshua the Messiah come along, did He say to His disciples, ‘let Me follow you?’


DR. KINLEY: It says there in the King James Version that Rock that followed them. Now what do you think He’d look like going along behind them? He’s the Savior of the world, and He’s going along following them. Now, if you didn’t know something about what it was all about, you couldn’t pick up them kinda errors and mistranslations in this book. All right, now, so they all ate and drank of that Rock that went with them. Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and that Rock was the Messiah. DR. KINLEY: now, and that Rock was Peter. STUDENT BODY: No!

DR. KINLEY: Now, why did you bring that up? That shows you how you’ve been deceived all your life; someone’s been turning it around. Now, in the 16th chapter of Matthew and the 18th verse…

READER: And I say also unto thee, DR. KINLEY: And I say also unto thee, READER: That thou art Peter, DR. KINLEY: That thou art Peter, READER: and upon this rock DR. KINLEY: and upon this rock READER: I will build my church;

DR. KINLEY: Now the Roman Catholic Church says that He was talking about that He was gonna build His church on Peter. They refer to that right there, just like you reading. They refer… Now He doesn’t say anything about building His church on Peter there. You can read, can’t you? Repeat what you just said; and listen, let’s get some sense out of it and see if it says that.

READER: And I say also unto thee, DR. KINLEY: And I say also unto thee, READER: That thou art Peter, DR. KINLEY: That thou art Peter, READER: and upon this rock

DR. KINLEY: and upon this rock, not that rock! Said upon this rock! What rock? That Rock that went with them back there. Now here’s what I’m talking about. If He was back there, and that’s the congregation or the church back there, He can’t build no church on Peter. How about that? But He can build one on Himself. How’s that?

STUDENT BODY: All right!

DR. KINLEY: And another thing He said there, too, He said upon this rock I’ll build.., He didn’t say that somebody else would build. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now, we got preachers running all around all over the world, talking about building churches. And there’s another thing too, on that score. Let’s look a it from the… as it is now, let’s look at it as it is.

Now, the 17th chapter of Acts of Apostles, says this: that Yahweh does not dwell in temples made by hands. And all of you know that the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant churches.., you know that, as well as I do, they claim to have a building down on the corner somewhere, and it’s called such and such a church, First John, or First John, Church of John, or all the epistles, Episcopal Church, or the Church of Christ, or the Church of God, or the Church of Something. And they run around in this book, and pick up all these names out of the book, and then they put ’em out there, hang a shingle out. And they got the people coming in there and tell them all kinds of lies. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right!

DR. KINLEY: All right, but now Yahweh just simply doesn’t dwell in a building made by hands. Well now, if He doesn’t dwell in a building made by hands… Now, here come Jehovah’s Witnesses, ‘Well, what does He dwell in? “Know ye not that your body…’ 6th chapter of 1st Corinthians, and the 19th verse. Don’t you know that your body is the temple… Read it, David.

DR. ROSEN: What? Know ye not DR. KINLEY: What? Know ye not DR. ROSEN: that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost DR. KINLEY: that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit DR. ROSEN: which is in you,

DR. KINLEY: Now, wait just a minute! Now here’s the Jehovah’s Witnesses running around talking about the Holy Spirit is not in any man. And He’s not in no building; and He’s not in no man. Now where the Hell is He? Now I said that that way so I could attract your attention to this. Yahweh’s in Hell and He’s in Heaven, and He’s in everything! Everywhere! No one escaped from the presence of Yahweh. The whole universe in its totality is embodied in Yahweh and controlled with unerring accuracy and infallibility with universal spirit law. Now how do you like that! Now, that’s the way it is, folks. Now, pretty soon I’ll tell you my reason for choosing it… by writing… by epistle. I’ll tell you my reason for it. All right. Now, did you read that?

DR. ROSEN: I didn’t finish that. DR. KINLEY: All right, finish it. DR. ROSEN: What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost

DR. KINLEY: Now, don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost. Don’t you know that? Paul’s asking you a question. Don’t you know that? Then if you know that, then why did you let somebody tell you that’s in a building down the street there. Now, I’m giving you what’s in the book. All right. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Read on.

DR. ROSEN: which is in you,

DR. KINLEY: which is in you… The Holy Spirit, which is in you. They say it’s not in you. And then you start to read the Bible, and you can’t detect that? That’s something else. And they’re going around and getting together, and thousands upon thousands of people, and they’ll just worry you to death, running in and out, and knocking on your door with a little old piece of paper, ‘Awake,’ and ‘Enlightenment,’ and all those kinds of things. Is that right?

Now, the time is critical, it’s very, very critical. And then as critical as it is, it would pay you to pay attention to what is said. Now, I told you the other night that it was your indispensable duty to come to school; and then, when you come to school, then you sit there and you try to learn.

Now, I’m on your side, I’m not against you. It’s my job to tell you the truth. Now, you might not like my way of presentation. I’ll admit that I am ruthless and rough about it. I don’t lie to you, for your sake. Say listen fella, I do know what I’m talking about. I don’t have to worry around about trying to prove my ministry. Ain’t nobody on earth done any greater things than I done.

STUDENT BODY: That’s right!

DR. KINLEY: And I haven’t done nothing. The Holy Spirit, through this body… Ain’t nobody on earth, living or dead… You’ll get a history here pretty soon. Dr. Gross and Dr. Harris has been writing a little something about it. And we got records to prove it. That’s the reason why I just come right on out and say what I wanna say.

Then people get offended and they go away and say, ‘Well, I’m going, and I ain’t coming back no more.’ But I ain’t going to compromise on your account. I’m gonna say what I want to say. They ain’t nothing you can do about it. And if you

get up and go on away from here and you won’t never come back, don’t you think you’re gone. You ain’t gone. No indeed. I’ll meet you just as square in the judgment; tell you the same thing. 2nd Thessalonians 2:7. And I wanna show you how those men gonna look when He comes in, and what He’s gonna do about it then. Ain’t gonna be like this class we’re holding here tonight. All right.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And to you… 2nd Thessalonians 1:7 DR. KINLEY: 2nd Thessalonians 2:7. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: 1:7 DR. KINLEY: Yes, that’s right. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: 2nd Thessalonians 1st chapter, 7th verse. DR. KINLEY: 2nd Thessalonians 1st chapter and 7th verse. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And to you who are troubled

DR. KINLEY: Now listen! You that’s been having all your problems out here in these churches, don’t know which way to go, and all confused about it. Said, you who are troubled. What?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: rest with us,

DR. KINLEY: Have a seat. Take a seat. Let your temperature go down. That’s what you’ll have, you’ll have a high temperature because of sitting under me. It’s warm in the power of the… just a smoking so as to speak, because I’m gonna say things that’s gonna make you warm. So, you just expect it. And you’re gonna get mad about it, too.

I’ve had a couple of my very best friends, some of them sitting there looking me in the face now, have cussed me out. And I’ve received just as great a blessing as I had cursing from them. And they wouldn’t be here tonight if they hadn’t seen and understood. And they’re grateful for it. But I see, I can’t compromise.

And I’ll tell you something else I wish you would do. And it’ll help if you do it. Get TIME magazine, NEWSWEEK, or LIFE magazine, or READER’S DIGEST, or some of those books, and look at the religious pages. Read it, and you’ll find out what’s going on, something more about what’s going on in the world.

Now, they’re coming around to the name Yahweh, slowly coming around to the name, Yahweh. And, in the meantime, they have gotten embarrassed now; there’s so many sects and cults, and all of ’em are saying that they’re right. And then they are reading in the Bible about all these divisions. So now, what they’re trying to do is to reunite some of them, trying to get some of them united, so it won’t look so bad.

And then this fella Sun Myung (Yung?) Moon is just recently come over here. He says you’re gonna have a second chance. I wouldn’t take no chance on it. I wouldn’t advise you to do that. All right, alright, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And to you who are troubled

DR. KINLEY: Now, you who are troubled… You been having problems down there in your church with your pastor and all different kinda things. You who are troubled, rest with us.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: when Yahshua the Messiah shall be revealed DR. KINLEY: when Yahshua the Messiah shall be revealed from heaven DR. ROBERT HARRIS: with His mighty angels, DR. KINLEY: with His mighty angels, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: in flaming fire

DR. KINLEY: No. Um, um. No, sir. ‘You gonna have a second chance.’ Wonder why people can’t read the Bible, Freddy. With a flaming vengeance… All right, read on, Doc.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: in flaming fire taking vengeance on them DR. KINLEY: taking vengeance on them DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that know not Yahweh, DR. KINLEY: Now, do you see why we have that first aim read in this school? David, would you mind reading the first aim. DR. ROSEN: To help you find and know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.

DR. KINLEY: Now, that’s what our problem is, is to help you find and to know Yahweh as He really is and as He actually exists. Now, there’s some more to that. Now, you just can’t run around and read scriptures around in the Bible and all, and understand the Bible. That’s not the way to go about it. But people are quoting scriptures, and reading the Bibles, and they think that that’s sufficient. And they said, ‘That man surely does has a good knowledge of the scriptures. He sure is a smart man.’ No. No, that ain’t gonna get it.

What you have to do, listen, got to be able to put this purpose together. And Yahweh says, you who are troubled, rest with us. This is, this is the apostle talking. And telling the, back there in the early, as they call it Christian era. That’s wrong. No such thing as Christian era. His name was not Christ, from which the derivative Christian. Now, we learned that. Somebody says, ‘Well, I been doing it so long, I’m just going to keep right on with it.’ Well, you’re just going right on

to the lake. Listen folks, all you folks that are here tonight, this is your last night. If you’re new here, and this is your first time here. Now listen, pay attention to what I am saying. This is your last night that you can be saved in Jesus Christ.

STUDENT BODY: All right.

DR. KINLEY: After tonight, no more salvation. This is your last night. Believe it or not, that’s the way it is. Somebody says, ‘Well, I ain’t gonna buy that, I’m going on anyhow.’ Yes, go on to the lake. That’s right. You’d better do something looking around. You, who are troubled, rest with us. Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: when Yahshua the Messiah shall be revealed from heaven DR. KINLEY: when Yahshua the Messiah shall be revealed from heaven DR. ROBERT HARRIS: with His mighty angels, DR. KINLEY: with His mighty angels, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: in flaming fire DR. KINLEY: in flaming fire DR. ROBERT HARRIS: taking vengeance on them DR. KINLEY: taking vengeance on them DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that know not Yahweh,

DR. KINLEY: on them that know not Yahweh. Did you hear that? Now, it is not going to be no coming in and begging you, and saying, ‘Now, why didn’t you just do this right with me and follow me?’ Going to take flaming vengeance on you. Your pastor and you, too. The blind leading the blind, that’s what, that’s what’s gonna happen. All right.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and they that obey not the glad tidings of our Savior, Yahshua, the Messiah.

DR. KINLEY: and they that obey not the glad tidings, or the gospel of Yahshua the Messiah. Now, you either obey, or else you’ll be lost. Now, that’s all there is to that. Now you should get that learned. You have to obey. Now, there’s some important things here. Now, every time you come, we tell you about these names, Yahweh, Elohim, and Yahshua.

And you should understand. We’ve have made a little change in our aims there, and fixed it up a little better, it hasn’t gone to press yet. It is: To help you find and to know Yahweh, our Elohim… Now, the reason why we changed it that way is because Yahweh, Deuteronomy 6:4, Yahweh, our Elohim, is… Read it here. Deuteronomy 6:4.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Hear, O Israel: DR. KINLEY: Hear, O Israel: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Yahweh

DR. KINLEY: Wait a minute. Hear. Now, you have to hear. Now, somebody, ‘Well I heard, but I don’t believe that stuff. I’m going on just the same, the way I been going. All my people died in that church over there and they all went to heaven.’ I’d advise you to go back to the cemetery and look around and see if… Hmmm.


That’s right. And I’ll assure you that that’s where you’ll find your graveyard. It hasn’t been molested since. There’s nobody broke through there, either. All right, finish Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Hear, 0 Israel DR. KINLEY: Hear, 0 Israel: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Yahweh, our Elohim, DR. KINLEY: Yahweh, our Elohim, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: is Yahweh a unity.

DR. KINLEY: is Yahweh a unity. Now listen now. This is what this means. There’s a Most Holy Place, a Holy Place, and a Court Around About. It’s just simple and plain: one, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. That’s all there is folks.

One’ll come and make the expression say, ‘Now look, I don’t know about that idiot down there talking about one, two, three.’ He’s setting up there looking at me in the face right now. How you feeling, ____?


Yes. Now, he come down to flog me around about water baptism there and all those things. And we found out that… and we had an agreement. I might as well tell you about it with the Church of Christ. And they promised, he promised that if he defeated me, as the Dean of this school, why then we would go and take all our folks and go join the Church of Christ. And if I give him a licking, why he would come over here and bring all of their folks over here. That was the agreement; and we would be over here together. How long ago was that, Dr. Williams?


DR. KINLEY: Twelve years. Well, he’s been over here twelve years. But the rest of them would not. And we had a debate with the others, and we had one here not too long ago. Dr. Harris had it with Lee White, I believe it was, debated about water baptism. And we have told you many times, we’ve said many times, that water baptism was not for the Gentiles as an ordinance from Yahweh. That’s not in your book, not in your Bible. You can’t read it out of there. It’s not in there. I know every passage there is in it. And so, I’m telling you now, you can’t read it out of there. And if anybody in this building thinks they can, get up and read. Don’t want but just one verse. How’s that? Okay.

Now, we had tonight the 5th chapter of 1st Thessalonians read, and we wanna get back in here the 5th chapter, 1st Thessalonians. It speaks about the day of Yahweh coming as a thief in the night. We had a man come in here and he talked about Him coming, oh my Lord, talking about the Day of the Lord coming in the night. The Day of the Lord, coming in the night… Now, wouldn’t that scripture… The Day of the Lord, coming in the night. And he had a couple of brethren with him, and they said that he knew more about the coming of the Day of the Lord than anybody that they’d ever seen.

Now listen, the Day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night. Now, in that, it speaks about when they say, ‘Peace and safety. Then shall come sudden destruction.’ First, I wanna tell you something about what the Day of the Lord is, or the Day of Yahweh is. And there’ve been some awful blunders made about that, the Day of Yahweh.

The Day of Yahweh is a day that doesn’t have no start and no finish, no beginning and no end. It is eternity itself. Now listen, folks, if I was going to dig down into this like I ought to, I couldn’t finish it tonight. I know that I can’t. It’s too long to give you a profound understanding of it, I just couldn’t finish it tonight. But we will work on it some.

As I told you as a thief in the night. And then about when they say, ‘Peace and safety, then comes sudden destruction.’ Now we have campaigns going all over, crusades going all over the world, call themselves preaching the gospel to all the world, the gospel of the kingdom. And then, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the majority of the Christian world… Now pay attention to what I’m telling you now, because what I’m saying is deep in the Spirit and it will almost have to be revealed to you, just words is inadequate and insufficient.

First, get down in Genesis there and get the creation. Now listen, the creation itself did not take place in the realm of time. It took place in the realm of eternity. That day, that day has had no start and it hasn’t had no end. That is the day of Yahweh. That is the day in which He shall judge the world in righteousness by that man which He has ordained. That is the day.

Now, look at Genesis there and, listen, pay attention now. And Moses… I don’t have time to run it all down. And he gives you, from the 1st chapter of Genesis, he gives you the rundown of those six days of the creation. Now, almost all of Christendoom, you can’t find no books, you just can’t find them, that ever could get into the realm of eternity and bring this creation out so that you can understand. Now, that’s where the error takes place. Now, that day has had no beginning; it has had no end. Read about that day, Doc.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The 2nd chapter of Genesis, 1st verse DR. KINLEY: 2nd chapter of Genesis, 1st verse

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: That’s in the Holy Name Bible, and chapter 2 and verse 4, I believe, in the King James Version. These are the origins of the heavens and of the earth when they were created,

DR. KINLEY: Now, listen. These are the origins, this is the origination of the heavens and the earth. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: when they were created, DR. KINLEY: when they were created, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: in the day DR. KINLEY: in the… The is an adjective, and it points to a definite thing. Now look, read it again. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: These are the origins DR. KINLEY: These are the origins DR. ROBERT HARRIS: of the heavens DR. KINLEY: of the heavens DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and of the earth DR. KINLEY: and of he earth DR. ROBERT HARRIS: when they were created, DR. KINLEY: when they were created, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: in the day

DR. KINLEY: Now all of it took place in that day, wasn’t no six days. Now, back there in the 1st chapter of Genesis, you have each day in logical sequence. It tells you what happened on each day as we have it up here. Now, I just got through telling you that the creation did not take place in the realm of time. But it did take place in The Day. And that’s what your book says.

That’s why so many scientists cannot agree with the Mosaic account of the creation. They can’t figure it out. Now, since they can’t figure it out, why then, you’ve got evolution and everything else all encouched in it. But now, this day, or the realm of eternity, which is, means no time spans at all. Eternity is not, is not, is not timed. It’s without time. It’s eternal. It has no beginning. It has no ending. The creation took place within that.

Now, let me explain, let me show you. Now, Moses is up here. You see the Mount Sinai. You see Egypt here; and you see all of this. Now, Moses is up here, now look, Moses is way down and there wasn’t anyone back there with Yahweh, so far as a created creature is concerned. There wasn’t no heaven and there was no earth. 8th chapter of Proverbs and the 22nd verse. There was no heaven and there was no earth back there. There wasn’t… I can’t say a time. But within the realm of eternity, there was no heaven and no earth in it. Now listen, but the substance of which it was made up of was there.

STUDENT BODY: All right. All right, Doc.

DR. KINLEY: Now, what was that? That was spirit. Read.

Now, I wanna let you know what I’m driving at so you won’t get lost. I’m trying to tell you about the Day of Yahweh coming as a thief in the night. Now, that’s what I’m trying… what you call judgment day. Now that’s what… Of course, it ain’t that, it ain’t that way. You’re already in the judgment and that’s been going on for the longest. And if you want me to read that, I will read that to you.

But now you pay attention. You pay attention. This is hard work up here, doing what I’m trying to do. And I wouldn’t know a thing about it if Yahweh hadn’t revealed it to me. There ain’t nobody never had sense enough to figure it out; that carnal mind just don’t penetrate a spiritual realm like that. And this is what makes it so great. All right, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Proverbs 8:22. DR. KINLEY: Proverbs 8:22. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Yahweh possessed me DR. KINLEY: Yahweh possessed me DR. ROBERT HARRIS: in the beginning of His way,

DR. KINLEY: Hold it right there. John 1:1, and then we’ll be right back. Hmm? Yeah, I’m getting ready to go to work Freddy. Yes, indeed.

Now, remember, we wanna find out that Yahweh has appointed a day, that’s the Acts of Apostles, when He shall judge the world by that man whom He hath ordained. And, in the meantime, you read about Him coming as a thief in the night, the Day of the Lord or the Day of Yahweh. Now, we’re trying to tell you something about what that is. And then, when they say peace and safety, here comes sudden destruction. Now, I’m trying to clarify all of that. All right.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: John 1:1 DR. KINLEY: John 1:1 DR. ROBERT HARRIS: In the beginning was the Word, DR. KINLEY: Now, in the beginning was the Word, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and the Word was with Yahweh, DR. KINLEY: and the Word was with Yahweh, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and the Word was Yahweh. DR. KINLEY: and the Word was Yahweh. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: The same was in the beginning with Yahweh. DR. KINLEY: The same was in the beginning with Yahweh. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: All things were made by Him;

DR. KINLEY: Just hold that so I can break that down, just for a second, just for a second. Now, look, do you recall, or have you forgotten, that I told you that Ambassador College didn’t know and they read the 10th chapter of 1st Corinthians. And I also told you that it was Yahshua the Messiah Himself, that told Moses that He was coming through the loins of the woman. Now, I’m telling you that He was back there in the beginning, that was before Moses. You’re in there now. I mean you’re on back in it.


The same was with… in the beginning. What we’re talking about is the Day of Yahweh. And we’re talking about it sneaking up on you as a thief in the night. Now, we’re not talking about the night coming. We’re talking about the Day coming, as a thief in the night. Now, a thief, he doesn’t go around, knock on your door and say, ‘well I’m in here to steal a watch tonight.’ So you can have the police and everybody running around. He ain’t gonna do nothing like that. Well, does he? No, he wouldn’t do that. So, now, the Day of Yahweh will come as a thief in the night. Now, He was in the beginning. Now, in the beginning was what? Was the Word. And the Word was with Yahweh, in the beginning, now. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: Right. DR. KINLEY: Now, skip on down to the 14th verse of the 1st chapter of John. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the Word was made flesh, DR. KINLEY: Now don’t you see, and the Word was made flesh. All right. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and dwelt among us, DR. KINLEY: and dwelt among us, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and we beheld His glory, DR. KINLEY: and we beheld His glory, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: the glory of the only begotten of the Father, DR. KINLEY: the glory of the only begotten of the Father, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: full of grace and truth.

DR. KINLEY: full of grace and truth. He said, I proceeded and come forth from the Father, and I am going back to the Father. He didn’t say if the Devil didn’t hinder Him. Now, I could, I don’t have the time, but I could, Dr. Harris, we wanna tie this up. Tie it up real good. Are you all with me thus far?

STUDENT BODY: Yes. DR. KINLEY: Now, read that. I wanna tell you what we got.


We got this one, they call Him Jesus Christ, who is Yahshua, and Elohim, too, and Yahweh, all back there together in the realm of eternity as one as as unity. That’s it. Now, that’s what we got.

Well, the average person thinks they see Jesus as coming, born to virgin Mary, and that’s who, where they think He started in at. That’s wrong. That’s just as wrong as it can be.

Now, Colossians 1:15, 14, 15. Now look, folks, pay attention. Pay attention. I said many times on this floor there is no such thing as before Christ. Course I’m conscious of the fact that the people who are calling Jesus Christ… His real name is Yahshua. But there is no such thing as B.C. The Jews, they don’t use no B.C. They use A.M. No, that doesn’t mean in the morning; it means in the year of the world. And that with them is about 5736 or 37. Right, David?

DR. ROSEN: Right.

DR. KINLEY: Are we done with that up there on the board? Dr. Harris, you might have to take a chair and try to figure a little bit over there.

Now then, we’re really into something tonight. And what we’re talking about is the Day of Yahweh coming as a thief in the night. And we’re talking about Him judging the world by that man whom He hath ordained. Now, you have already learned from 1st Thessalonians there, that He’s not gonna come back and beg these folks to repent, but He, when He shows up, He’s gonna take flaming vengeance on them that don’t know Yahweh. Now, that means this Freddy, that if your pastor don’t know, you gotta move. Start to hunting, try to find something

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Right. DR. KINLEY: All right. Now, read. READER: (COLOSSIANS) 1:15. Who is the image

DR. KINLEY: Now, what he’s talking about here, which, it’s the 13th verse… is that where the subject began? What we’re talking about here is Yahshua.

READER: Colossians 1:14. DR. KINLEY: Just take the 14th verse. READER: In whom we have redemption, through His blood.

DR. KINLEY: Now in whom we have redemption, through His blood, that’s Yahshua the Messiah. We have redemption through His blood. All right.

READER: even the forgiveness of sins,

DR. KINLEY: even the forgiveness of sins… Now, listen, now here’s what we’re talking about now. We are telling you now that there’s no such thing as before Him. Now that’s what we’re telling you now. All right, read on.

READER: Who is the image of the invisible El,

DR. KINLEY: Who is the image… Now, just a minute. Now, we’ll have to do something here. Gonna have to go back and read that verse up above.

READER: 14th verse? DR. KINLEY: Yeah. READER: In whom we have redemption, through His blood.

DR. KINLEY: Now, that’s the flesh. The, the, the, the blood is in the flesh. In whom we have redemption in His blood. That means in His flesh, that the blood was in there, and that means that here we offered up these sacrifices, in His blood Yahshua the Messiah. We have redemption, or restoration in His blood. Now, that gets Him in a physical body. That’s what I’m talking about. All right, read on.

READER: Who is the image of the invisible El,

DR. KINLEY: Now, He is the image of the invisible El. Now we’ve got Him in the spirit. He’s the image. In the flesh He’s the image of the invisible El. Meaning this, on the invisible. Read on.

READER: the first cause of all creation:

DR. KINLEY: Now, that’s the first cause of all creation. Now, if He’s the first cause of all creation, then you cannot go beyond Him, therefore, you cannot have no such thing as before Him. How about that? Yes indeed. ____ ____ up there in the day of eternity. And we want to show you. We want you to see, we want you to understand what we are talking about. We don’t want you in the dark at all. I’ll have to hasten on.

He’s the first cause of all creation. Now listen, somebody said this, ‘Well, He never made the Devil.’ Said He the first cause of all creation. Now, the Devil didn’t create himself. How bout (about?) that? All right, let’s find out about it. Read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: For by Him were all things created, DR. KINLEY: For by Him were all things created, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that are in heaven, DR. KINLEY: that are in heaven… Now listen, the Devil was once in heaven. And he was cast out. All right, read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and that are in earth,

DR. KINLEY: and that are in earth, so it don’t make no difference whether you’re in heaven or in earth, everything that exists, it was created by Him. Now you’re really on back there now. That’s right. All right, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: visible and invisible,

DR. KINLEY: Now, visible and invisible. Yahweh is invisible, visible and invisible. The angels are invisible. We just told you that He that was manifested in the flesh, that was Yahweh that was manifested in that physical body. That was Yahweh Elohim that was manifested in that physical form; in other words, we wouldn’t know Elohim without Him. How about that?

Somebody say, ‘Oh, my goodness, you know that wasn’t back there like that.’

Well, ____ is an invisible spirit creature, without any descriptive, listen folks, without any descriptive shape and form, being the essence and the substance, the limits and the bounds… Means you can’t get outside, can’t go around, and can’t go under Him. He’s the limits and the bounds. He’s the source and the substance, the limits and the bounds. We’re really going on in there now. You tell me, so I can go to school, if you know any preacher or anybody on earth that’s preaching any better than what we’re talking about here tonight. I want to go to that church.

STUDENT BODY: No way. No, sir. DR. KINLEY: I want to join up with them. All right, read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: visible and invisible, DR. KINLEY: visible and invisible, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: whether they be thrones, DR. KINLEY: don’t make no difference whether they be thrones, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: or dominions, DR. KINLEY: or dominions, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: or principalities,

DR. KINLEY: Now, they got dominions. And then in heaven they have a dominion there. Don’t make no difference whether they be thrones or dominions. All right, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: or powers.

DR. KINLEY: or powers. Don’t make no difference. There is no power above Him, above Yahweh, none whatsoever. All right, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: all things were created by Him.

DR. KINLEY: All things, all things… But in your King James Version you’ve got Jesus Christ. There’s no such thing as anything before Him. Don’t everybody say that? I told you… Listen here, folks, I told you… Oh, I hate to say that, but I will say it though. I told you so many things that nobody else in the world has told you.

STUDENT BODY: Right. That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: You might as well face it. That’s no lie. If you think… Do you… If you look in your book, in your King James Version of the book, if it’s a good reference Bible. Look at the top of the page, and you’ll find B.C. 4004. Ain’t no such thing, there ain’t no such thing as that. Now how about that? Before Him… It just said there was nothing before Him, didn’t it? Now somebody… You have a habit of going out, running out of here and saying, ‘That man said,’ No. That’s the book that says that. No such thing as before Him. All things were created by Him and for Him, and without Him there wasn’t nothing made that was made. Is that almost right? Is that what you got there? All right, go back to Proverbs 8:22.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Yahweh possessed me

DR. KINLEY: Now, Yahweh possessed me. Now listen, folks, you ____ ____. Yahweh possessed Him, He was in the bosom of the Father, immersed in the bosom of the Father. Yahweh possessed Me. Yahweh is plural, and yet He is one. That right? Is that, is that right?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Now I mean this, this is what I meant by that. This is the masculine part, and this is the feminine part of Him; in other words, this is the father and the mother, or the masculine and the feminine.

Somebody said, ‘Now, you know, I don’t believe that stuff.’ Another thing… Listen here, you can’t get that out of this. You can’t get that out of this, either. There never has been, and never will be any natural figure on this earth plane without a mother and a father. ‘Oh! Oh.’ you say, ‘You forgot about Melchizedek.’ No, I didn’t. He had a mother and a father. Well somebody said, ‘Who was his mother and his father?’ I could just stand here and say old man Melchizedek.


____ ____ what I’m talking about. How about that. (THEY CONTINUE TO LAUGH) No, but Moses didn’t write the pedigrees and the genealogies. Why? Because Yahshua, Yahweh, and Elohim was without them. All right, now, are you with me thus far? We’re talking about the Day. All right, read on, Dr. Harris. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Yahweh possessed me in the beginning of His way, DR. KINLEY: Yahweh possessed me in the beginning of His way, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: before His works of old. DR. KINLEY: Now, before His works of old. All right. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I was set up from everlasting, DR. KINLEY: I was set up from everlasting, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: from the beginning, DR. KINLEY: from the very beginning, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: or ever the earth was. DR. KINLEY: Now, that was before the earth was. Say, I’m reading out of the Bible. Am I not? All right, read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: When there were no depths,

DR. KINLEY: When there were no such thing as a depth… Now, you’re back in the realm of eternity. That’s what I’m, that’s what my aim is now, we’re going back here. All right, read on.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: When there were no depths, I was brought forth;

DR. KINLEY: When there was no depths, I was brought forth. What do you mean when there was no depths, I was brought forth? Now listen folks, pay attention now, pay attention, just pay attention. Get this. Yahweh is the Father. Now Yahweh, being the Father, which is symbolized by this cloud, as spirit. The cloud is symbolical of the Father, and Yahweh is spirit. Now listen. Now then, Yahweh possessed Him in the beginning of His purpose. I kind of let that word… in the beginning of His way, in the beginning of His purpose. How about that? Is that all right? All right, alright now, now what else?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: when there were no fountains abounding with water. DR. KINLEY: Well, now, when there were no fountains abounding with water. All right. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Before the mountains were settled, DR. KINLEY: I want before He was brought forth. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: When there were no depths, I was brought forth;

DR. KINLEY: I was brought forth. Now, look, that’s where we get this thing at when we say you. Pay attention now. He’s taken on a shape and form. Now that’s where we get it from. Now, when that took place, it didn’t, it didn’t take all the cloud here to make up just this. It didn’t take all of that to make it up. Before there was any creation, or anything, brought forth… When there was no depths, and when there wasn’t anything, Yahweh possessed Him in the beginning of His purpose. And then He took on a shape and a form, or an image. Now listen, we tell you right there Yahweh went out of business. And it was by vision, this is Yahweh in shape and form: that’s Elohim, is the pattern for Him in shape and form. And then He begins to create. Now look, we’re in the realm of eternity now, not in time. You don’t have no sun, no moon. You don’t have no earth. You don’t have none of that. Oh, my goodness. That’s on back in there. Wasn’t no angels either. There wasn’t no nothing, just Yahweh all by Himself. How about that?

STUDENT BODY: All right.

DR. KINLEY: Oh, my goodness. Just Yahweh Himself that took on a shape and form. That’s Yahweh in shape and form. That’s incorporeal. Then He steps on down and He takes on the concrete, ____ ____ ____ a body.


Did you hear me? Somebody said, ‘I don’t believe it.’ Winds and waves, be still. Roll the stone away. Lazarus, come on out of there. Come forth. How ’bout (about?) that? Oh, I tell you. I tell you. You in there now.

Then what you just read over there in Colossians that all things were created by Him. As He takes on the shape and the form, so that’s Yahweh Elohim in shape and form. Then He creates… Now listen. He creates everything in the realm of eternity. Now listen, pay attention, because this is hard.

Now, the sun and the moon and the stars, they were placed in there as Yahweh’s official timekeepers. So, then back here it was before the beginning of time. Then you have to be in the realm of eternity.

Then somebody comes up with this, and it should be explained, but the average preacher can’t explain it. Now, I just got through telling you that Yahweh created, not in the realm of time, wasn’t no day in it, just one day. I asked Dr. Harris to read it. Is that right?

STUDENT BODY: That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Then somebody turn over to the 20th chapter of Exodus, and it says, remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy, for in six days God created the heavens and the earth. Now, what do you say about that Mr. Smartaleck? Now, how about that? God created it in one day or in the realm of eternity.

And listen here folks, let me get this over to you. You still yet abide in that Day, and you’re never going to be out of it, never been out of it. Now, that’s the day of Yahweh. All right. Now, we have to see these things, but before we do, we’ll finish that up, Dr. Harris.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Before the mountains were settled,1

DR. KINLEY: Before the mountains, now, now, He’s telling you before the mountains, you see Mt. Sinai here, before the mountains were settled,

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: before the hills was I brought forth: DR. KINLEY: before the hills was, He was brought forth: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: While as yet He had not made the earth, DR. KINLEY: While as yet He had not made the earth, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: nor the fields, DR. KINLEY: nor the fields, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: nor the highest part of the dust of the world. DR. KINLEY: nor the highest part of the dust of the earth. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: When He prepared the heavens, DR. KINLEY: When He prepared the heavens, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I was there: DR. KINLEY: I was there: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: When He set a compass upon the face of the depth:

_________________ 1 Proverbs 8:25

DR. KINLEY: When He set a compass upon the face of the depth: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: When He established the clouds above: DR. KINLEY: When He established the clouds above: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: when He strengthened the fountains of the deep: DR. KINLEY: when He strengthened, or established, the fountains of the deep: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: When He gave to the sea His decree, DR. KINLEY: When He gave to the sea His decree, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: that the waters should not pass His commandment: DR. KINLEY: that the waters should not go no further, or pass His commandment: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: when He appointed the foundations of the earth: DR. KINLEY: when He appointed the foundations of the earth:

DR. KINLEY: As one… took on that image… as one brought up with Him. How about that? All the same substance, the same incorporeal spirit. As one brought up with Him or with the Father. How about that? Oh, boy. Folks, there’s something to this. All right.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and I was daily His delight, DR. KINLEY: and I was daily His delight… Read on. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: rejoicing always before Him;

DR. KINLEY: That’s enough now. Now look, the 20th chapter of Exodus… Now, we said we wanna say something about that. Now, Moses… I need to go get first, and come in to this. Now this is from Adam or the creation of Adam, as shown on the chart, and then down to the Flood. Then, this is the end of the world, this is the beginning of an age, this is the end of one. Now, I should tell you this. Now, I should tell you this. Now, the end of it, that’s why He’s talking about it. Now, we read all about it. He created everything, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or whatnot. They was taken created in the realm of eternity. Now this is showing you here the beginning. This is showing you the realm of eternity.

Now listen, the angels had this back in here. That span, intermidical span, and you can’t tell a thing about it because it’s in the realm of eternity. Now then when He created the heavens and the earth, and then put the man in the Garden of Eden. And from there down to this, that was notating the creating, the physical creation had already taken place. Now then, over here in this age, this is after Noah’s Flood and Adam was driven out of the Garden of Eden. This is after the Flood, now then you’re over into another age. Now listen. This is under the dispensation of the Law, where He spoke to the Jews, and called them up in the mountain. This is up here. Abraham, Abraham and Moses, or the Mosaic Law and the Melchizedek Abrahamic Promise. Then you come on down to the crucifixion. And then that brings us up to where the Messiah was crucified. That was the end of that age. In other words, each one of these is the end of a world or the end of an age. Now then, over here is where we are now.

But now, what I wanna talk about for a minute or two, is this. I wanna get in here, in this right here, and take you back up here, and show you these six days of this creation that Moses showed us and talked about. Remember the Sabbath Day, in the 20th chapter of Exodus… Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. For in six days, Yahweh Elohim created the heavens and the earth. Is that right? Is that what you got there?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Exodus 20:11. DR. KINLEY: Exodus 20:11, for in six days DR. ROBERT HARRIS: Yahweh made heaven and the earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day.

DR. KINLEY: and rested the seventh day. Now, you understand me now. Turn your Bibles to the 24th chapter of Exodus and the 16th verse. Now, I’m showing you how your Bible is put together. I oughta cut out here somewhere, and let you ask questions, but I should finish this, too, but I just bit off more than I can chew. I told you that I wasn’t gonna be able to finish. All right, read.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the glory of Yahweh abode upon Mt. Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days:

DR. KINLEY: Now, Dr. Harris, you got to hold. Now Freddy, you have to go back you folks that are.., now into the 1st chapter of Genesis. And the cloud covered it six days: and on the seventh day He called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. Now, is that what you got there? Not in Genesis. Repeat that Doc. Somebody, whoever’s got the Bible. Anybody.

READER: And the glory of Yahweh abode upon Mt. Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: DR. KINLEY: Read on. READER: and the seventh day He called…

DR. KINLEY: Now hold. Now, I want the seventh day. That’s what I want you to pay attention to. The seventh day He called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. Is that right?

READER: Right. DR. KINLEY: Now go back to Genesis and get that seventh day. DR. FRED ALLEN JR.: Genesis 1:33, Genesis 1:33. DR. KINLEY: Genesis… You say it’s 1:33. Doc, what are you reading out of, a Holy Name Bible? DR. FRED ALLEN JR.: A Holy Name Bible… In a King James, it’s 2:2. DR. KINLEY: In a King James it’s 2:2. DR. FRED ALLEN JR.: And on the seventh day Elohim ended His work

DR. KINLEY: And on the seventh day, He ended His work. Now look, coming on down to the 1st chapter of Genesis, ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. The evening and the morning were the first day.’ And then He goes on down into the second day, the third day, and the fourth day, as we have it illustrated up here. Is that right? Now, what we are talking about… We are talking about the creation taking place in the realm of eternity. Now, that’s what we’re talking about. And we’re talking about Moses being up there in Mt. Sinai in the Postdiluvian Age, right here, and then up in Mt. Sinai, and having a vision, and Yahweh is showing him the creation of the heaven and earth. And He’s taking six days to show it to him: that is, the sun rose and set six days. And He said, He said there, remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy, that’s in Exodus, for in six days He created the heavens and the earth.

Now listen, remember the Sabbath. Now here’s the Seventh Day Adventists. The Seventh Day Adventists said they knew way back as far as Genesis and Adam. Adam knew nothing about no seventh day. He didn’t know a thing about it. He didn’t say nothing to him about it. Why not? Because, when He put him in the Garden, He told him what to do. He told him to keep the trees clean, to dress the Garden. And He didn’t tell him nothing about no resting on no seventh day. Did He?


DR. KINLEY: Never said a thing about it. Now, listen now, the Garden was in fruition. There wasn’t no dead limbs nor nothing. He didn’t need to do no dressing. He told him to just sit down and rest. He didn’t have nothing to do. He was in the rest, that’s what I am trying to talk to you about, or he was in the Sabbath. Oh, my goodness.

And Paul, just told you, in what you just read here a while ago, ‘You who are troubled, rest with us.’ What are you saying that for, Paul? Because Yahshua the Messiah, said ‘I will work a work in your day…’2 He’s done all the work, and now you sit down and rest.!

STUDENT BODY: All right. All right. That’s right.

DR. KINLEY: Oh, my goodness. I tell you, you who are troubled… What was His work? Fulfilling the Law, moving it out of the way. And it was only given to the Jews, not the Gentiles.. And He says there in Habakkuk ‘I will work a work in your day that you shall not believe though a man declare it unto you.’ Ain’t that right. Oh, I’m telling you. And they got you all upset or troubled about washings, sacrifices, and eating Lord’s Suppers and drinking grape juice, and fooling around here in the water, going in the swim, and a lot of foolishness. It’s stupidity and ignorance. Is that right? And if you notice this; Yahweh told that man not to touch the fruit of that tree. The Devil come along and say, ‘Sit and eat and drink’ You’re not supposed to touch them sacrifices. You’re not supposed to keep no Lord’s Suppers. Said ‘Taste not, handle not, wherewith all are to perish.’3 You wasn’t invited to the first party, and never was asked to neither one. Talking about Lord’s Suppers. I just told you, already done told you this. Maybe you’ve forgotten it, but I will repeat it. You read me one verse out of the Bible where Yahweh, Lord or God, or Jesus Christ ever said anything in the history of the world, and from back to back in the Bible, about a Gentile getting baptized in physical water, and I’ll eat your book. I mean right now. I had a pretty good supper too, but I’ll eat it up. It just ain’t in there. He doesn’t give you no ordinance like that.

All right, now, this six days. Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy, and the seventh day He called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud, on the seventh day He called. Now, that seventh day is what I’m telling you now, that seventh day that you’re reading over here in Genesis. Read.

DR. FRED ALLEN JR.: And on the seventh day Yah-Elohim ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day

DR. KINLEY: He rested on the seventh day. That’s in Genesis. DR. FRED ALLEN JR.: That’s right.

_______________ 2 Habakkuk 1:5 3 Colossians 2:21

DR. KINLEY: Now, this is the same seventh day right here that He called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. And this colon here means this, that there’s something left out of here. Now the vision that Moses had during these six days, solar days… The vision that he had while he’s up there in the mount, way after the creation had taken place, he’s in the realm of eternity. And Yahweh had given him a rerun or a repeat or he’s seeing it in a vision.

Let me say this while I’m at it. Now, Yahweh narrated this. When He talked to Moses, he’s seeing it there. He said, ‘Let there be light. Let the waters beneath divide from the waters above and let the dry land appear.’ Let thus and so… He’s narrating each one of them days. But when the real creation took place, He didn’t say nothing. ‘What are you talking about now, Mr. Dummy?’ I’m just gonna be what I will to be. Now that’s plain. Alright. How about that. How about that. But in order for Moses to understand what he’s seen during the vision, and He’s narrating it.

Now, the Seventh Day Adventists think that because that’s back there, written back there, they think that Adam knew about the seventh day, the Sabbath Day, but now that’s the only place you find it back there, in Genesis. But now, what has taken place, remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Now, here’s where the Sabbath Day comes in there. When Israel come up out of… through the Red Sea and went out into the wilderness… Now, listen now. This is the first Sabbath I’m talking about. Adam knew nothing about it. Not a thing was known about it right down in this age. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, they knew nothing about it. The first time it was mentioned, or any hint of it, it was right here. This is a hint. When Noah was in the Ark, said yet seven days, but He didn’t say anything about no Sabbath. He just said seven days. Is that fight? Now then, that’s a hint.

But now, here’s where the Sabbath comes up. He tells them about the Sabbath, is the gathering of manna, after their food supply was diminished, and they were out there in the wilderness. And Yahweh gave them manna from heaven. And He said, ‘Now, you can gather six days, but on the seventh day, which is the Sabbath, you won’t gather.’ Back there. And that was the Sabbath. And He told Moses to tell Israel to remember. That’s what He said, remember, about that Sabbath back here. That’s the first mention of a Sabbath. That’s the reason why I said, this was before the giving of the commandment. This is before He spoke from Mt. Sinai, and they, they had the manna. Then when He speaks from the top of the mountain, He says, ‘Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.’ You follow?

Now, Revelations 10:4. Now, this wouldn’t be no good without.., you got to nail the whole thing together.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices,

DR. KINLEY: Now listen. Now listen. Yahweh said, ‘Let there be light.’ in Genesis. And Moses was within the cloud. And you know lightning and thundering is in the cloud. How ’bout that? Of course, I know you know all about that. ____ ____ (PERSON COUGHS) uttered their voice. Then what?

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: I was about to write:

DR. KINLEY: John said, I was about to write. Well, why was that? Was because there’s a first part of Revelations, He told him, said, ‘what you see and hear write in a book, and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia.’ And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, said I was about to write. Thin the Spirit told him not to. ____.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me,

DR. KINLEY: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me… You know, I can’t stand that. I get all worked up. When I come to Los Angeles, I preached ‘I heard a voice from heaven’ for the longest time. I’m telling you. And now listen folks, I really heard it, too. I ain’t lying to you. I heard that.

STUDENT BODY: Yes. Yes. DR. KINLEY: All right, I heard a voice from heaven saying, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, DR. KINLEY: seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, DR. ROBERT HARRIS: and write them not. DR. KINLEY: and write them not. Now, why not? Read. DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the angel which I saw stand upon…

DR. KINLEY: Because it’s already written. Write them not. You just read about it. Go back, Doc, to the 10th chapter and the 4th verse. What I’m after now… We’re always talking about every jot and every tittle. Now, we wanna get the jot and the tittle.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write:

DR. KINLEY: When the seven thunders, colon, I was about to write. Now, if he didn’t write here what took place here, he put over in the first part of the Genesis… Moses wrote it over there. Now look, folks, that’s the reason why… Now pay attention. I wouldn’t miss this one for nothing. I wouldn’t miss this one for nothing.

Doc, you’re gonna have to do this. You’re gonna have to go back to the 24th chapter of Exodus, and the 16th verse, and I want you to pay attention to what I’m gonna say and then go to the 1st chapter of Genesis. Do it quick, please.

DR. ROBERT HARRIS: And the glory of Yahweh abode upon Mt. Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: DR. KINLEY: And the cloud covered it six days: DR. ROBERT HARRIS: In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth.

DR. KINLEY: In the beginning… Now, this is what I wanna show you. This is why you just… People say things, just say that, ‘I’m gonna take the Bible, and study it from Genesis on to Revelations.’ You can’t do that. Get no understanding out of it. Now here’s the reason why.

Over here in Exodus where you was talking about it, the cloud covered it six days. And you’ve got the vision here. And you’ve got it wrote down over here in the 1st part of Genesis. But, now, when you start in the 1st part of Genesis, you ain’t got no cloud at all. Ain’t got no cloud covering it; ain’t got no cloud there at all. So, you see why you can’t start over there. You got to have a head. There’s your cloud up here. If you ain’t got no head, you can see you ain’t got nothing. You can’t see, neither can you exist. In the formation of a child in the mother’s womb, the head is formed first, from whence the rest of the body emanates, or grows out from it. IIs that right?


DR. KINLEY: But this cloud is eternity because it represents Yahweh. And since it represents Yahweh, now, when you go back over here, you have got Yahweh then took on a shape and form, and said, ‘in the beginning, God, or Elohim…’ And you don’t have no cloud at all, there at all, so you can’t do nothing with it.

Now, if you understand, that that seventh day that’s in Genesis, the 2nd chapter there, I think it is in the King James Version of Genesis, where it says that seventh day is the same seventh day that’s in the 26th chapter of Exodus here.., 24th chapter, the 16th verse of Exodus here. That’s the same seventh day. Now look folks, and listen. Now, if you didn’t know what I have been talking to you about, you couldn’t prove that Moses ever did exist. You couldn’t prove the divine authenticity. There’s just nothing you can do with it. And you can’t get up into the realm of eternity like that. And you can’t create that, heavens and the earth. You don’t know nothing about no Sabbath Day.

Now, then, let’s get in the 17th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, and get that Day that he was appointed.


DR. KINLEY: The bell. I told you I wasn’t gonna be able to finish the thing.

Yahweh has appointed the day where He shall judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained. What is it, 17:31?


DR. KINLEY: Acts 17:31.

READER: Because He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given proof unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead.

DR. KINLEY: That’s right. Now, look folks, in conclusion, you’ve heard that… Now, we been talking about in the lesson, what Dr. Raymond, Dr. Clark read to you about… When they say peace and safety, then comes sudden destruction. The Day of Yahweh will come as a thief in the night. Now, that’s what we have been talking about.

And I tried to show you now where you have been in the realm of eternity all along, and yet, when it comes to official timekeepers, the sun and the moon rising and setting, that brings forth the seasons, years and so forth and so on, and the days, and the months, and the years, but they were created in the realm of eternity. And while Moses was up there in the cloud after the Flood, that’s way down. And then he is seeing this vision and seeing how that Yahweh created. John on the Isle of Patmos out here, he’s looking back and showing you that He was in the realm of eternity. John said he didn’t see no night back there, and if you go down to the 1st chapter of Genesis, this is what you find. You find that this day, that day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and so forth and so on… It just continues to go on that way. You don’t have no end til you get down to the other, showing you that it was in the realm of eternity, and not in the realm of time.

Now, I hope and trust that you have gotten something out of it, out of this lecture. It was pretty deep. But now, it will come as a thief in the night, and when you think everything is all right, peace and safety… Now, the reason why I brought that up is on account of Israel, and the threat of war that’s going on over there now. And I wanna tell you this. Judgment Day, judge has actually started back here. Here’s where that come up, back here, on the Day of Pentecost, right here I should say, Day of Pentecost. But now, they set still; they tried to come up in Jerusalem and destroy the Temple and the city, and not to receive them.

Now, He told them in the 24th chapter of Matthew, I couldn’t miss this, to pray that your flight be not in the winter or upon the Sabbath Day, because He knew that those Jews, when they didn’t accept the Messiah as the real Messiah, and then they would just sit still. And then they would be killed. And then He also told that women (woman?) to pray that they be not with child at that time, because of the hardships and all, and they would be murdered and so forth and so on. Now, because He knew that they were gonna set still, call themselves keeping the Sabbath Day, not seeing that Yahshua the Messiah had moved it out, and they were gonna ____ ____ and that’s just exactly what happened. Here we are, back up in the same thing right now.

And here, over here now, Sadat has given Israel 90 days to get out of the Sinai Peninsula and also the Golan Heights. And if they didn’t, why then, there would be all-out war. Now I’ll say this, now, if Yahweh didn’t intervene, there’s only not quite 15 million Jews in all the earth now. We got the statistics at home. And I’ll let ’em read them up there. There’s now over about 300 thousand in Israel now. There was about 3 million there, but since this last war, there’s been so many of them killed, and so now there’s more Arabs. Do you remember how many Arabs there was these to have the United Arab Republic? It was up in the millions. Now, they have atomic bombs and whatnot, all ready to pounce down on poor little Israel there, which means, now, that Yahweh is just about to intervene.

Now, Kissinger has been over there, and they’re trying to negotiate some permanent peace treaty, and Israel is willing now to give him the Sinai Peninsula, and so now, they’re working with it, he’s giving them 90 days to, from the time back there which will come up to… I wouldn’t miss this one for nothing, which will come up to the Passover this year, April the 15th, the 14th which is the Passover, and come up to that. Now, every time on the Sabbath Day, that’s what he told ’em, Messiah called… now every time, the six-day war broke out or right at the time that Israel wouldn’t move, heads setting down there and wouldn’t do nothing. So that’s what’s happened. Every time, they wait now, they got wise enough to wait, and they know Israel is not gonna try to defend themselves. At least, that’s what they think, because of those holy days, they won’t do anything. So they may try to set it for that particular time and pounce down on ’em. But Israel did in this last time, she jumped on them before they could get off the ground, and she left ’em stranded in the six-day war of June the 6th, 1967.

Now, another thing, too. Now, the last war, we were over there and we told them that they wasn’t gonna win, neither one of them. Israel wasn’t gonna win; neither was the Egyptians gonna win. But now, they’re bent and bound to go against and run Israel into the sea, and Yahweh said that will never happen, or to annihilate Israel.

Now there’s something else about that Israel business that I ought to tell you. Don’t think it’s them people over yonder… That’s the wrong folk. There’s 14, nearly 15 million Jews in the world. There’s far more. I’m a Jew myself and everybody that has the Holy Spirit in them he’s not a Jew outwardly but he’s a Jew inwardly. Look. They are as the sands of the sea and as the stars of heaven. And so, there ain’t no way in the world for you to annihilate them. Do you understand what I am talking about?

So I hope you got something out of it. I could carry it on deeper and further, but I don’t have the time; the bell has rung and I know you wanna go home. We don’t wanna wear your patience out.

School of the Highest Learning

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